Fill My Mind With Data: The Hand That Holds Sand Holds No Weapon!
Fill My Mind With Data: The Hand That Holds Sand Holds No Weapon!
Fill My Mind With Data: The Hand That Holds Sand Holds No Weapon!
institutions that create an arena which attracts ego-laden human powerseekers and their ever present nearsighted prejudices! Consider, has not religion laid claim to and secured a patent on creation in this religion will fight tooth and nail in any attempt to push aside any dispute to their patent in whatever form. When we glance about we realize that the supreme test of man isnt what you or I think well do, but what is actually taking place and by all accounts it is not pretty at this moment. Some also reflect on the equally old mantra that power attract psychotics, now whether you buy into that really makes nonever-mind, but if by happenstance a level-headed individual manages to slip through the screen and position themselves on a seat of power, rest assured that the ones in power will do everything they can to rip that position out from under them in other words anyone securing a clear vision on the future must not be allowed to upset the chaos caused by other psychotic power hungry individuals, balance is not the banner that some really want running about on Earth. A wise individual once utter; Governments may rise and fall for reasons which appear insignificant just like it maybe a mistake to ignore an argument between two women, or which the way wind blows a certain day maybe a sneeze, a cough, the length of a garment or the collision of a leaders eye with a fleck of dust. In other words it is not some edict by an important minister of State or a self-important governor of a distant state, or even the pontification of some robed figure from the bully pulpit any of or each of them will certainly change to course of history. A society bordering on the edges of chaos employees three rules are applied by those in power; consider that a population held in check by a small but powerful assembly is quite a common situation in our Universe, whereas we understand the major stipulations or otherwise situation out of the ordinary the populace may turn for a solution from their keepers therefore; it is also important to remember that our ingrained emotions reveal that Homo sapiens live best when each has their place to stand, when each knows where they belong in the scheme of life and what they may achieve disturb or destroy that place and you rip the life out of that person draw a comparison between the horrible loss of gainful employment, and then tell me that this isnt true
couple this loss with the actions of the few who deny or ignore the conditions they have hoisted on the population today chaos at its best. 1: When this populace finds a leader who revolts against the powerful, they become the most volatile threat to the powerful, whereas the powerful must work to control or remove that leader. 2: When the populace recognized its chains, the powerful have failed in their charge to keep the mob blind and unquestioning. 3: Although the populace perceives a hope of escape from bondage, they must never see or realize that escape is possible this is the leading rule of any prisoner within any War stockade. All of us down to the homeless have within us an ancient force that takes and an ancient force that gives, albeit a man finds little difficulty facing that internal force when the taking force rears up, but it is almost impossible for the same person to look into the giving force without a change within the person consider the test of man in his words versus his actions. Todays general attitude carries a strong suspicion of any government action or of someone higher up the ladder than a great percentage of the population, especially anyone in politics along with this we find the morphing over into the religious community is causing a rippling effect that flows across many parts of our society. The class with this suspicion has history on its side whereas governments, if they endure, always tend to increasingly toward aristocratic forms NO government in history has been known to evade this pattern, and as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class, whether that class be hereditary royalty, the big bosses of the financial industry, or entrenched bureaucracy in other words its HISTORY! It becomes apparent that the victory of Obama really upset the force of those who use words and promises as so much smoke from a campfire, they stumbled and for the last few years have developed a strategy to regain the power they had it is the status of any major socializing force that use the underlying movement of fancy words to gain and maintain this hold on our society. For one day in November the voters shook loose for 12-hours this conditioning, if you noticed a large block of the younger generation who had yet to be exposed to the conditioning hoisted onto the public, went to the polls
and voted what the ruling elites did not expect. It is not witchcraft but yet certain symbols (like lower taxes, keep the price of oil level, etc., etc.,) that in some instances remain just far enough out of the understanding of the populace that the ruling elite base their power hold on, they confuse some and turn and twist their opponents common requests (Mitts Tax Returns) as a direct attack on their candidate as an attack on common decency, while they yell out bold face lies and platitudes about the opponent voting base complaining about the bashing the man who pulled them into two major conflicts that basically boiled down to a power crab of oil. They run training sessions late into the night coaching their mouthpieces, spending hour upon hour on what to look for that just might tear down their powerbase and when they notice a sniped of descent here or their sent in the shock troops to deflect the obvious into the hilarious, they are masters of deception and have stooped to even assassination in their dark past. Outside or inside this bubble of mistrust is the fact that all nations are vulnerable to attack from each other, and as witnessed the other day a fatal attack by a lone individual from inside, the immediate reaction is retaliation/revenge, and outside attack usually involving national armys, inside a whip-saw affect that will involve an immediate push to change the nations laws or regulations. As a major super-power the USA has at the push of a button (or two) the capability to activate an awesome nuclear war, and in a lesser form a non-atomic reaction supported by defense mechanisms the nation feels are sufficient yet in the back of our thinking we know they have their limits. In addition we have invented and put-in-place technical devices to protect us against migrant traffic, which under the rules of denying access our technology is placed at most international gateways in this we see an enforcement of the age old tradition of tribalism, where once more we see the barrier of feudalism re-emerge a condition our ancestors struggled to eliminate. Our society is in constant battle with bureaucracy, whereas a bureaucracy cant help but destroy initiative in that there is nothing more than a bureaucrat hates more than innovation, this especially true when it appears that the new idea will allow better results that eliminates the old routines. Keep in mind improvements always make those at the top inept, hence the
willy-nilly knee jerk action to make any improvement made to appear it flows from the top down to get it accepted by the ruler or rulers. Naturally the inept holders of power in their struggle to maintain their grip suppress unrestricted research, the more off-the-wall the stronger resistance. They dislike the majority of the subjects seeking knowledge unhampered, knowing full well that once their subjects educate themselves of the world around them the leaders capacity to pull the wool over the subjects diminishes. You see from time-totime individuals within governments attempting to restrict or divide the unrestricted access to the Internet, under various banners mostly under the banner of protecting the minds of children from pornography and other distasteful subjects, yet it is these same individuals who once the child pops out of the birth canal are set adrift in their society with regard to their survival. The conservative power-elite are learning that an informed and intelligent society with grievances is not only dangerous but a Universe they dont want to experience unfortunately the advent of the growing social media is reaching the point where it doesnt matter if they want it or not, it is here to stay no longer does the news from around the world take days to be printed, giving the conservatives time to edit its content to minimize its impact on the readers news, especially missteps by this leader are now rips across the digital domain at 81% the speed of light, bare facts couple with video that show the power-elites stumbling across the world, demonstrating their ignorance of the world around them. This is what most conservative leaders or wannabe leaders do, wrapped in their cocoon of power they shun or reject the real world living off the elements inside their little world that deflects change or even the promise of change they hate it. Our minds are quick to accept the fact that the Universe is essentially a changing one, and that it exists as a well tuned instrument playing a tune we have yet not recognized, yet as mortal Homo sapiens we find it difficult to accept the simple fact that we exist on a planet that is also changing. We shun this fact, we run from the change we experience, most hiding behind the thought that change can only be done over millions of years, in this we not only run but refuse to accept that change is not locked into our concept of time hoping that we are part of a million year cycle. The only way we can really look at the Universe is that it is just there, otherwise our senses go tilt,
whereas sooner or later most of us realize that it doesnt threaten us nor does it promise anything it is just there. Although in this thinking, were locked into traditions forced on us by rote conditioning and rules and borders established by our humanity. Our society clings to the ways of the past, yet all around us we see an organism that has its own natural behavior, one that defies our reluctance to move forward effectively ignoring our ancient reactive impulses, those that demand permanence, which display with widescreen clarity our fear, anger, and despair in front of us. But through the grace of our own reluctant actions we somehow survive. The mind of Homo sapiens are in some manner a resonator, where it responds to the resonance in the environment yet there are some who have learned to extend this capability across and around parallel strings of thoughts, and to walk down each line to peel back the hidden thereby glancing at each individual set of consequences. The Republican party in the United States has slipped into the gravity well of power, power driven by a fuel tank topped off on a daily basis with currency, or the promise of currency in this slip sideways they have neglected the concept of good government, whereas a solid government never depends upon its laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern. Those who study history (however dark it may be at times) see that the machinery of government is subordinate to the will of those who guide that machinery in this the actions of the GOP during the last few years shows a motion to stop that machinery, albeit they mask their goal in various ways, they remain the one entity in our government that is limiting the affairs of state to achieve they own seat in our Executive Branch they still have not accepted the fact that the land of the free can be governed by someone such as President Obama or the consequences of not governing, a fact that has damaged their status as a productive part of our society. A competent leader of any society must be able to accept the moment as it is, knowing that sometime in the future that their acceptance might be wrong, but yet they will address that when the time comes in this we find a person who is a generalist and not a specialist who ponders their decision based on their past looking inward to find a solution and not taking in the big picture of the moment, in other words looking outward and not spending
precious time nit picking the placement of a comma a generalist should bring into their decision-making process a strong common sense factor, and by all means not isolate themselves from the broader view of the situation they must commit to a decision even if sometime in the future their solution no longer applies, not to worry; they then shift their decision in another direction and march on. In the action of a generalist one sees that they understand that principles change and that this is the primary characteristic of change, as we all know there is NO rule book or index that defines change it just happens. Today we read and see many complaining about the control of our lives by the corporations, but we must remember, other than in some past corporations or business empires in Japan, that we do not see concrete loyalties in commerce or when was the last time you saw a clerk give his or her life to preserve the company, this along with the fact that you believe that you can order a person to think and cooperate. Yet, hold that mans or womens precious objects (such as a member of their family, or a fortune) hostage and they will absolutely (to a fashion) do your bidding. Down through history we see this assumption causing the failure throughout religions, armys and other general staffs even to the fact that these general staff have caused the destruction of nations. Homo sapiens naturally do things based on their innermost drives, in this we realize that it is people, not commercial organizations or chains of command, are what make great civilizations work in other words it is the quality of the individuals within the nation that allows the nation to survive. We also understand that if the leadership imposes strict rules of organization, heavy laws, or suppresses their drive to advance the society falls from within. Today we are experiencing an awakening of the majority of society the majority that has rested on their heels relaxed leaving the leadership to others! Let George (not GWB, but George in general) do it today we see this society up-on-step with the way they been led, in this they are rising up, and once more achieving greatness and beauty, there can be no other way for them to survive. Makes you wonder if this is what is meant by the meek will rule, our base population gave the rich and powerful their chance, but theyve blown it and now the public speaks. The new social rebels will not give nor allow any quarter in their being heard, nor should they, after all it is their
planet just as much, or even more so than the rich and powerful. There are some who understand and accept the system of interlocking communities, interdependence, and the working together with a goal of common design all concepts that a dictator (lack of a better definition) cannot abide to the ones in control now, like to label this communism, while it is not under the strictest definition it is a form of a socialistic society (under the minimal definition) in order to survive this infinite voyage through the cosmos Homo sapiens must live, work , and play together it is that simple. Yet down through the young history of the United States we find members of our founding fathers who leaned a bit more to the rich and powerful as the guiding light of the new democracy, having little trust in the masses even though they pretended to embrace them. It wasnt always the male of species that led humanity, where under the law of natural selection the female began and led the sense of sharing, this sense brought about by the growing life within her for 9-months and the sharing of her body to sustain that life, as the child grew she shared the child with other members of her species in the gathering and preparation of food, sharing their joys, love and sorrows. As a matter of fact funeral lamentations originated with the female, just as religion was once a female monopoly that is until its social impact became too great and the male ripped it from them to use religion as a tool of war strictly a male invention. Consider also that it was the female who were the first medical researchers, and for the matter ruled the clan as astute practitioners of medicine remember they and they alone were responsible for their children survival. When the male finally made war the rule of society womens hold diminished greatly, until that time the balance of our society swung towards the female today a position that the male fights to maintain by hook or crook. It is the mandate of an autocratic rule to have an unending war attitude, whereas the societies involved are in an ever ready state of alertness to ward off attacks, the populace screams for leaders to take control while new economic areas are created, new devices are invented, and anybody and everybody is suspect. A heavy feudalism takes hold and the rulers advertised the atrocities of the supposed enemies of the state, in this they establish new rules and regulations that step outside of the rules of the Republic the
populations breaths once again as their freedoms are stripped from them for their own safety the old send the young to do battle on the line, whereas they sit behind the shield and order the death of many. The economy prospers and all is once again good. Historical humanity is stuffed full of disagreements, actions and events that due to the failure of words led us through horrific wars, wars that claimed many of the combatants along with innocent lives dont weep that is the nature of conflict which is as old as man. When our functioning grey matter collapses under the strain of available information we revert to the ways of our ancestors, pick up our club and walk amongst our fellow humans and swat those we can to relieve the pressures of a decision we cannot make. In other words, war is the nature of man, just as his inborn makeup to search for food or wealth on another mans territory, it is how we constructed seems the grass is always greener! Unfortunately or fortunately in our multi-nation world we find major binding forces that interact with many forms of complexity, despite the fact that our attempts to reduce them to their simplistic of labels we sometimes fail to achieve a solution. Because of our failure to do so it is important that we employ reliable military commanders, their worth equal to the treasuries of some countries. Strong constitutional governments, religions and any memory of subsequent tyrannies must always figure into any negotiations, but at the end of they day it is an economic force coupled with the threat of the clout of a strong military enforced by intelligent military commanders they most always become the last coin in the cash box that fulfills the negotiation. No matter how loud we deny this aspect of our civilization as long as our world spins around the axis of trade we sooner or later will have to fall back on our military strength like I said unfortunately it is the way of our world. One aspect of any kind of warfare is the survival of the front line fighters, mostly in the fact that a great many of them lose some of or most of their moral decency, we then take these survivors and dump them back into an innocent society that is incapable of imagining the level of violence they have experienced or to what level they participated in that violence, now couple this simple fact with the returning veterans who have suffered unimagined harm to their soul and their bodies lock them away and
pretend they dont exist dont laugh we do it everyday and not think twice about it. Our society with its wealth of new ideas and new technical creations is trying to limit this mixture of the new, some to partially eliminate the danger of the weapons that some bandy about in their violent moods or actions to believe that as a body we can control their actions by removing their weapons is a myth as much or more so than removing a club from one of our ancestors on the savannah. The key today as it was yesterday is to limit the desire for violence, again an almost mythical desire mainly because it is hopeless to believe we can reason with the person that knows they are right! It is said that scratch a conservative and you will find some one who prefers the past over any future, conversely scratch a liberal and you will find a closet aristocrat. In this we see that liberal governments always turn into aristocracies, where the bureaucracies betray the true intent of people who form such governments we all see that right from the first, the little people who formed the government which promised to equalize the social burdens find themselves suddenly in the hands of the same bureaucratic aristocracies they promised to avoid at the end-of-the-day all governments fall into this historical pattern yet still promote the hypocrisy under a communal banner until they fall. Homo sapiens still have not solved the riddle of their existence, while some maintain that ever lasting peace is their goal, there are others realize that peace can be the posture of the defeated, where it is said without an enemy one must be created in this we find that peaceful coexistence is frightfully boring. As a civilization we demand chaos to function and it just so happens that war is the most readily available form of chaos we need goals to build on our internal mechanism to explore, remove our desire to explore and war fills the need, what is strange is that the more advanced a particular part of our society advances technically and socially the more aggressive it becomes explain that! What we are seeing is that it is the male of the species is susceptible to class fixations, whereas they create layered societies which are the ultimate invitation to violence, where it should be noted that the layers do not peel apart gently absent of that slow peeling process the society eventually will
explode. A female dominated society does not suffer the same affliction, in truth the female makes common cause based on their sex, a cause that transcends class and caste this because of their respect for life as being the life givers of the society. Our society visions wealth as the road to freedom yet isnt wealth the ultimate maker of slavery, created by the need for more and more wealth and the physical trappings it brings. A person who achieves a certain amount of wealth will find it very difficult to step back into a previous life where they existed with less so much so that one of our base religions had one prophet who said, passing through the eye of the needle as an unachievable condition to accept his vision of heaven. In our worship of wealth we have put it on an impossible level now bowing to its demands unlike any other God that has gone before. Wealth demands obedience and defies anyone to not accept its worship why even the Greeks were more reasonable about their acceptance of their Gods. In this new religion some of us are pushing aside the age old belief that within every ending there is a beginning, for this reason as part of our past we value a newborn as a wonderful march towards a new beginning one reason we weep so much at the death of a young life we have lost a small part of a chance at a new beginning, one life ripped from the fabric of time that over their life period would have assisted our society in its long march to the future. Back we step into the conservatives belief that everything must last forever, our Universe just isnt built that way change is our friend as well as our enemy as we march toward the infinite. Occupiers and protestors have one thing in common, the claim that their rebellions are invulnerable to the surrounding economy, because in more than a sense they have no economy. Today we see the conservatives worried that our society is becoming parasitic, in this they feel that the occupy mobs and social guerrillas are a parasite on our economy, they scream that unemployment, social security, welfare, and some outside of the mainstream organized religions will bring our society crashing down. Within this feeling of what they perceive as a drag on their way of life, they are hanging with a deep fear that these dependents have been too long dragging on the state, a believable fear by all means, but put in context with the present economic
picture they neglect to recall that it has been the leaders with their wide control over industry and the banking industry and by association the governments of the world that had caused the economy of the world to stutter on the brink of collapse. Battling the economic collapse they have created, the conservatives dump their worries on the highest court in the land in their search for support of their agenda. They hope that the law of the land, which is one of our founding principles will convince the masses of their directionin their resorting to the law they expect the populace to accept at face value their hoped for decisions, if they goes against their wish, well like any major corporation submit their previous claim with a twist and hope again, or in some cases do everything within legal parameter to go against the Supreme Court decision. Justice as we know and understand is a fickle mistress always subject to the whims and prejudices of those who administer the law, in this view law is not always the answer, it is fairness whereas the people upon whom judgment is passed must feel the fairness of it when you consider the letter of the law must be observed, keep in mind who is interpreting the letter, another Homo sapien. Thinking, are we evolving into a non-thinking society? Have our digital toys stripped away our ability to think for ourselves, do they reduce our grey matter to small pocket of intelligence dedicated to responding to the demands displayed across our digital toys. Have you stood in front of your bathroom mirror and wondered if there would ever come a day when you would truly experience full awareness of your life, in other words established a firm grip on your existence and the process of thinking? You as an individual must wonder from time-to-time your exact purpose in the overall scheme of things, you and your free will have a purpose, that is other than punching a clock everyday, what that purpose is only known to you, not your mate, not your children or your neighbors it might not be some high-ending purpose, but it is yours. We Homo sapiens chase freedom like a moth to light, once we achieve what we perceive as freedom we rebel; admittedly we are a strange lot, as we run off into the unknown with a set of new parameters in our quest for freedom. Democracy and freedom seem to run parallel paths, yet neither are smooth, both resembling a turbulent river after a spring rain, flushed with winters
melted snow it pounds and roars with a urgency that slams into any obstruction it finds, this is the nature of democracy at its best and there is a part of society that fights against change while the other side embraces change like a small child racing across a mountain meadow blooming with wild flowers. Once in the grasp of those that chase, they encounter the many layers of freedom coupled with democracy confusing, you bet, like walking down a carnival midway with ten cents in your pocket wrapping your mind around what game youre going to select while some settle for cotton candy there are others choose the most difficult, loosing, they wish they had picked another or the cotton candy. It is called free will and unfortunately being human we sometime do not make the right decision, in other words, life is full of cotton candy and yet there are some that choose to advance and forego illusion of the cotton candy. In my opinion, some of our bully-pulpit thumpers who we label as God guided reformers have created more misery on our culture than any other fellow human, they scream on their televised programs that surely we must all see that our present course of leadership is really causing a rift in God plan for the Caucasian race come on be truthful to yourself it is this of which most ascribe to a man of color leading our Superpower get real. The word is that these reformers are more than in step with vicious intentions they mask with Gods words. Words they pluck from various sections of the Holy Book with great care while ignoring other words in the same Holy Book that speak to the wonders of a multi-colored audience with the same vigor our understanding hypocrites one and all. There are some lofty individuals who have written that a great many civilizations are based on cowardice where they maintain it is easy to civilize by teaching fear against any or all actions that go against the mainstream, seeking a trickle of a creek to cross beyond the standards that require bravery to address. Ripped from the human mind we find that the majority embraces a fence surrounding our picture of life, the faraway horizon becomes a deep seated dream as laws are created that address every action or even inaction of our lives we run screaming from any perception of chaos, hiding behind alleyway dumpsters stuffed with garbage left over from those before us, like I said were a strange lot is no longer a question but a condition. It is said and written in big bold letters, Never disturb tradition, some of us live and walk
this path with diligence and fear, yet resting restfully within us is a desire to change things. What is the greatest fear of the leaders who shun a true democracy? That part of a society who has stood for too long at the edge of freedom, and who finally from a spark from a distance woke to the fact that it is time, time to assemble and demand their freedom, time to assemble and demand their rights of their democracy. Not a truck-load of platitudes hoisted on them by some fancy-pants person decked-out to the 9s with an agenda of fear preaching control that will rip the guts out of our freedom while lining their pockets and those of their immediate friends or confederates. As the vision of those misled for years emerges and nurses the true meaning of freedom as it blooms, but only if the visionaries carry responsibility with their creation will it survive, unfortunately history has proven time and time again this freedom will once again sink into the hands of a few unfortunately! I speak of history as if Im a historian, yet I know that I am not a fledgling student yes, tripping my way through this record and that one at times wishing that I had the time and wherewithal to gain entry into some of our most secret historical records. I do realize that understanding history one has to comprehend its flowing, its currents, and the methods that leaders use to walk among its forces whereas a leader tries to perpetuate situations and conditions which demand their leadership. You disagree, consider the effects of 9-11 an event that is believed to be caused by an outsider, and how our leader at the time flowed within the event and how he capitalized on the actions of a few non-Islamic persons, as we now condemn an entire religion. We ran pell-mell across a country side inflicting what we now label collateral damage on too many to count innocent people in the bondage of a cruel and truly evil man, this instead of isolating the man and eliminating his rule. Which as a society and a country we were perfectly capable of doing, why did we exercise our power in killing and destroying a culture we did not understand? Fear is the short answer, but unknown to many, it was actually the control of the population and the Wests ambition to control the flow of black gold from beneath the soil. If for some oddball reason you happen to be a student of the infinite, and take a walk through some of its distances in the Universe (which are vast)
youll read and learn that there is no human law of nature that can effectively define it we admit that it presents only a changing face, some short lived, such as a super-nova, or one of an infinite as any one can imagine. We also see that compared to our own existence it is beyond comprehension, in this we push aside our wonder grasping onto the fact that no matter how you perceive the Universe that we are just temporary it does no good to fear our scratch on the life within the Universe, it will only drive you up the wall increasing you dependence on artificial stimulants in order to survive the confusion within you. This fear causes most of humanity to believe that any voyage into the future will be in vain if we dont drag along some parts of what we perceive as a idealized past, were funny that way. When present events surround us and create a ripple in our immediate life we manage to survive, yet as the clock ticks we look back at our life and fondly remember the good times, like the cost of a gallon of gasoline, the $10 purchase of food you couldnt carry in two arms, or your first love in grade school consciously you know you cant return to those days, but yet you cling to the memories of an age gone by remembering what this or that leader did in a particular situation stepping aside their mistakes and laying out the one thing they did that effected your life in a good way. You clamp onto it and pound your chest if some other future leader reignites your memory that puts a dent in your good memory, like I said were funny that way! Remember only fools prefer the past! Another author once wrote, Only liberals really think. Only liberal are intellectual. Only liberals understand the needs of their fellows! Stopping short by not continuing with, Conservatives do not need the trappings of any thought, intellect or a brief understanding of the need of those around them to be themselves is enough, thank you very much! Dont mistake their comfort within their own process, sooner or later they will convince you and yours that their past was golden, and youre a fool for not embracing the good old days. As a child all of us spoke the one question that caused a pause in most of those who were in the teaching mode or expounding on the world around them, Why?, once you loose that childhood inexperience and stop once in a while and ask Why?, you have become part of the crowd that flows with the
political process always ask Why? when someone either does a strange thing or steps up on their soap box and makes an attempt to define their existence. For instance ask Why do you think shipping our jobs elsewhere is good for the country? As a nation of Laws the United States of America hangs its hat on its laws, yet one must realize that Law always (I repeat always) chooses sides based on the ability of the side with the ability to enforce the law granted morality and the noted legal niceties are important, but when the Law is peeled back they translate into little importance when it comes to who has the clout, in this case the wealth of the nation all bundled up and controlled by a few . A great many of the US population might recognize the preceding but they just observe and just let it happen, they walk through their daily existence with blind folders firmly in place, while others resist with anger and resentment fighting with a persistence using any tool within their grasp to battle against the laws or regulations that flow downstream from the power-brokers. It is these people that are labeled rebels or an uncontrollable mob intent on bringing down the power-base established by the elite. In more situations to count the internal rebellion might have enough clout to have a law or mandate placed on a ballot only to find copious amounts of currency (cash or dark secrets) thrown against their measure if the issue is passed by the voters, the ruling elite pass it up through the court system where it is either deemed unconstitutional or bits and pieces of the new law chewed apart by the ruling elite creating a deadfall in the halls of Congress (state or federal) where the actions of the new law fail to receive funding for its implementation. When you push your way out a dream laden sleep, you might ask yourself (after a necessary trip to the loo) on whether or not youre a believer, I really dont care what you believe in, if it is a certain ideology that leans toward one political belief or another, religion, what type of auto you drive or what type of coffee you drink to shake the sleep from your body, remember that the mind of a believer stagnates loosing its ability to leap outward into the unknown in this the steadfast believer fails to examine all options for the day, their walls of belief eliminating the world around them. We all chase and hunger after something more than immediate joy or something we label happiness in this our subconscious works overtime in shaping a design with this goal in front
of us although it is difficult at times to consciously define our quest for happiness as we find ourselves redefining it on a daily if not an hourly basis. As we rush through life many of us do not know or ignore our need for this elusive goal not recognizing the hidden forces riding in the shadows of our mind at various times it plunges into our consciousness and we make an attempt at reaching for the end-of-the-rainbow. In other words it is good to loose your focus once in a while. Take the conservatives, their strong belief in a single existence causes their position to remain in a steady state, where nothing can be allowed to change within their existence it may shift a bit from side to side, rumble and shake from time-to-time but the square they have placed themselves within remains the same size while humanity moves ahead the conservative will reset their anchor fighting change with their last breath. Their beliefs are perfectly set, with some very minor shifts according to their previous choices and how the environment appears as a previous snapshot of their life change is an experiment they shutter and run from like deer in front of a massive wildfire. On the other side of the platform we find the liberal, who not unlike the conservative has the same memories albeit not as selective as their counterparts where they poke and shake their grey matter looking at the entire snapshot. Their expectations are varied and diverse, where they have no set conclusion as their goal, only the simple fact is their acceptance of change working within the new situation to continue their growth in humanity some have to force their mind set to discard or modify their expectations a difficult task at times, one they eventually accept and move on. It is without a doubt that their imagination can and does drive a blue-blood conservative bananas. Some fail to believe that nothing surpasses the complexity of the human mind this is especially perplexing to one who is schooled in rote understanding and on a path they find hard to deviate. Some believe were at the tipping point to where our social structure is shifting, both in the mental and physical arena this needed change is being fought tooth and nail with all the resources at hand by the power-brokers. They have maintained control over the majority for too long to walk quietly into the sunset, their storehouse of control is loaded with manpower and hardware expressly used for such a battle and they will use it with no thought of the
consequences the storehouse will bring to humanity, after all they feel that they can be the only saviors of the human race guiding those in the trenches like cattle to the slaughter house. They weep and pound their chests at the social interaction occurring below them as the beginning of a new dictator or tyrant taking over the control of those they have chained for so long they cannot afford to loose what they feel they own. At the end-of-the-day it is they themselves who are failing to see how the random movement is reacting with the new social media and all that it presents, a dissatisfied lower class struggling for their release from their handlers yet even as the 1% swims gallantly up-stream against the change there are those that pray for their victory not realizing that they are in the same position as those who fight against the power-brokers. Free Will gave birth to humanities concept of Liberty and Freedom, although both are a mixture of complexity both are necessary for humanities survival. They are not in tune with any concept of monarchy in this I mean the hidden monarchy of the subliminal control of a societys industry, deliberate manipulation of its currency or the individual rights of either the female or the male of the species will bring about the first steps of the Nations demise. When any or all lay their heavy hand on the population a revolution is in the making, in the United States for instance a revolutionary event happened in Nov-2008 with the election of a half-breed white and black man the ruling elite mashed their teeth together and for the last 3.5 years have moved mountain and mole hill to cause his failure, masking their attempts behind the transparent rule of law and their war of words that have led to a 4-year lame duck Congress. Based on the flowery words of the Tea Party, the voters elected their candidates in hopes that they would turn the sagging economy around, they didnt but they again they too blamed that on our 44th President. Freedom and Liberty come with a stiff price that has to be paid by the populace and its leaders working together, once the contract between the two entities is shattered they slip behind the curtain to await the next contract of cooperation. Freedom and Liberty cannot and will not function with one part of the society influencing the ruling body of the nation these ideals owe their existence to past examples of oppression, and if not destroyed will crush a nations government leaving a brief moment of success to the ones pushing the
control, but sooner than they expect the society will rush towards anarchy with the resultant solution being chaos. When the day is oddly quiet, And the breeze seems not to blow, One would think the sand was resting, But youll find this is not so, It is whispering, softly whispering, As it slowly moves along, And for those who stop and listen, It will sing this mournful son. VC Gilbert - 1950