"Changes" & A Spiritual Response - Oct 2008
"Changes" & A Spiritual Response - Oct 2008
"Changes" & A Spiritual Response - Oct 2008
Commentary and Guidance for Enlightened Change During Rapidly Changing Times
~ Special article reprint ~
October 2008
by Alex Kochkin
These essays are presented for their value to anyone who cares about the future as
humanity prepares to make the greatest shift in consciousness and existence ever.
We cover a wide range of topics including social-values research, future-views,
the world situation, and advanced spiritual perspectives.
GLOBAL AWAKENING means individuals and
communities becoming aware of and embracing their
true nature one of interconnectedness, service, and
spirituality, as we express extraordinary dimensions of
our larger being.
Global Awakening News October Update
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Global Awakening Press PO Box 969 Stevensville, MT 59870 USA E-mail: info@pfcn.net
Dear Friends and Readers
These days have been one of holding ones breath as well as upset for so many. As
readers of GA News, these events have been predicted. Those who have followed
postings at the NES forums, know that this is only the beginning of the end of the ways
things have been in the world that is most linked to the Anglo-US economic system.
We wish to be very clear that it does not matter whether this or that legislation is passed
or not, the economic crisis has been anticipated for a long time and is presently being
engineered to rapidly concentrate the greatest amount of global wealth in all forms into
the hands of a global elite in the shortest period of time possible. This is not the first such
engineered financial crash, but it is likely the last.
We are anticipating serious global repercussions to the arrogant and foolhardy military
campaigns and other short term military acts.
Add to this some significant earth change events from the latter part of this year, through
2009 and further on.
The cumulative effect of all this will be to limit oppressive internal policies in various
countries, limit the projection of military power, and further hasten the decline of the old
social and economic order.
We are about to see a major re-shuffling and further concentration of power and wealth.
This will come at the immediate and near-term expense of people all over the world,
especially those most closely tied to the Anglo-USA-Euro power groups. When all is done,
the secret of ownership behind the world wealth will be a more apparent to many more
than at present, and yet at the same time the deeper truths will be more obscured.
What will be obscured will be the truth of the powers that be who are the very top of the
global elite. The top echelon are not the heads of the major corporations, for richly
compensated as they are, these people are generally not the true powers-that-be. Most of
those individuals are not publicly known and rarely make their presence known outside
of their immediate upper tier circles. Remember that nations never truly had national
sovereignty and that presidents, monarchs and parliaments really do not call the
shots. They never have.
From time to time, evidence may surface indicating factions among the global elite. At
times this may appear as one national position versus another or one multi-trillion
corporation dickering with another over control of other large corporations. There is no
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Global Awakening Press PO Box 969 Stevensville, MT 59870 USA E-mail: info@pfcn.net
The graph above is from Time Wave Zero and covers the period
from present through 2012. The first shaded area represent a
period of dramatic change from early October 2008 through Early
December 2008. This and related work will be discussed in greater
depth in the fall issue of Global Awakening News.
reason to cheer for any of them.
The merging of corporate and state instruments of control is one of the hallmarks of
fascism as a form of social control.
As mentioned, this is likely the last such economic crisis. Engineered as it may be, it also
marks the unraveling of traditionally what has been the matrix control system.
More importantly it is coming at a time when the powers that be are preparing for levels
of change in existence that they can barely fathom, even with all their power and
technology. These involve changes to the planetary and space environment that have
little or nothing to do with human carbon emissions, etc. These changes also involve the
vibrational state of reality.
As we look ahead to the end of
the rule by the identifiable
global elite, there is still the
serious matter of the memes
and energetics of their system
as well as the deeper
influences of the non-
corporeal dark forces. These
influences have had a
cumulative effect, causing
profound damage to humans,
to humanity, and have mostly
been to socially and spiritually
subjugate everyone under its
This latter concern will quickly
become an issue of
discernment as humans seek
new ways to be with one
another and this planet.
Will humans reify the old ways
of the power of capital and private property? Or will humans find new modes of
cooperation with one another and their planet? To what extent will humans reach in to
their deeper nature as spiritual beings connected to original Source?
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Global Awakening Press PO Box 969 Stevensville, MT 59870 USA E-mail: info@pfcn.net
A Spiritual Response
By Alex Kochkin
Please bear in mind my bias favors spiritual growth and spiritual evolution and that
implies vibrational changes to existence, not following doctrines or gurus. Each has their
own path, and some coincide eventually with that of others. Humans are spiritual beings
and it is from connection to higher self and original Source that humans can be informed
as to how to be and how to learn to evolve as spiritual beings first and foremost.
It is my sense that those who can move on in their spiritual growth and evolution must do so.
If you choose this, there is nothing and no one to wait for, and one cannot look back. To look
back is to become frozen in place. The ripple effect of the forward movement will be of great
service as it will free many more who will take flight and enter new states of spiritual
awareness that can also inform ones day-to-day existence. The multiplying effects of the
awakening of some, then more, will have a powerful influence upon even more. It is what
could be called approaching escape velocity. This is the awakening.
My primary concern is not with humans learning to live in peace, not polluting their
environment, and cooperating instead of conflicting, etc. Of course this is possible once
the human powers-that-be have lost their collective control over humanity. It is more than
possible for this to occur within one generation following a period of ongoing hardships
and conflicts. Yet what would have changed? Humanity would still be imprisoned - like a
global version of Denmark or some new age version of an equally Orwellian or
Huxleyian future. The imprisonment I refer to has to do with imbedded memes. In the
Matrix movies, all that was accomplished was that the Matrix was corrected and put on a
new and happier visage. Nothing changed otherwise. In most all the futuristic movie
stories, humans are just like they are now and few behave with some ethical rules of
conduct that they seem to usually need to be reminded of.
From my perspective, one core problem is that humanity will do what humanity will do
(and has been programmed to do by the dark at many levels). At its current level of
awareness, humans are not accessing higher spiritual energies. Until enough of the old
ways and attachments are let go of, this cannot happen. Thus there is some responsibility
on the part of humanity and that humans must acknowledge what is wrong and learn
Given the current state of humanity, there are no ordinary earthly human solutions that
can solve the profound problems that humanity is faced with. In some ways one could
say this is a cosmic fail-safe designed to catalyze a portion of humanity to make a great
leap a state-change.
The impetus and the means for transformational change are extra-dimensional and extra-
planetary. By this I am not referring to an ET rescue, rather to the cumulative effects of
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Global Awakening Press PO Box 969 Stevensville, MT 59870 USA E-mail: info@pfcn.net
incoming powerful energies for a transformation of existence. This will in turn trigger a
resonance response with those most prepared. The human vehicle is basically sound. But
it needs a new operating system this would apply to the energy bodies as well as the
In response to growing crises of many forms, some humans will form cooperative modes,
some will continue to throw their lot in with the dominant elite, some will fight the
system, and others will focus on their own survival over the greater good. And some will
focus on spiritual evolution as they continue to detach from the old.
Without spiritual awakening, and given the state of damage to humanity, there will be
some short term responses to the growing crises that will help some people through this
difficult period, and so it is possible that humanity can continue on through the near term
From a compassionate perspective, it is understandable but nevertheless unfortunate that
so many people remain fixated by the pronouncements and thought control of the
powers-that-be. This is evident by the amount of energy that people waste on such things
as the presidential circus, over the recent financial legislation, perpetual war, and of
course myriad other issues and distractions such as illusions of social advancement
within the matrix system.
From a compassionate perspective, it is understandable but nevertheless unfortunate that
so many people, who probably regard themselves as aware and knowledgeable, can be
fooled into believing fanciful stories of economic rescue, claims that there will be no
depression, that peace and prosperity are imminent, and a host of other nonsense,
including that "ET's" will come to humanity's rescue.
Given the state of global meme-control too many people still believe the falsehood that
presidents and parliaments make the big decisions and that there really are nations
with national interests. The only level at which humans can initiate change is at a local
level, depending on locale and population size. Local community is going to be the
primary social collective unit.
During a period of roughly one decade from the early 1990s through the early 2000s
there were many opportunities for potential leaders to come forward in cooperation in
aid of humanitys transition. However, these individuals for the most part preferred to
serve their own selfish interests. Many of these are the very people who continue to
promote themselves as wise elders in self serving new age/new thought videos and
conferences and television appearances. In actuality, these people are creating a new
faade for the powers-that-be and the dark forces, whether they are deliberate in this or
just heedless to their perfidy.
Humanity has been so contaminated and programmed by false memes of contrived
religions, of the right of capital and private property, and of twisted notions of right and
wrong, good and evil. It is no wonder there is such confusion and upset. These memes at
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Global Awakening Press PO Box 969 Stevensville, MT 59870 USA E-mail: info@pfcn.net
overt and subtle levels are significant systemic poisons that over time can give rise to
variations of elite rule over others. And so how might it be possible for humanity to grow,
to evolve, if not spiritually? That has always been an ever-present option, albeit
suppressed. So as the present order of society breaks down, humans will be forced to try
new ways.
It will be through that process and perhaps the span of one or two generations, that it
might be possible for humanity to find its way to its next stage fo evolution as spiritual
Yes, there are many who consciously or unconsciously are requesting the old ways to
break down, for various types of catastrophes to occur. Some are doing this for twisted
reasons, some are calling this in because it is the only way for humans to learn by
dramatic contrast that the old paradigm ways of being are no good and cannot serve any
It is my sense that some will proceed ahead of the evolutionary curve. It is already
happening. As the possibilities exist to guide and inspire others, then more will take the
path of spiritual evolution. The more this occurs over time, the humans will be exposed
to higher vibrational states of existence and a corresponding ways of being that implies.
Eventually more will rediscover an innate freewill that was long suppressed and their own
higher spiritual nature will eventually inform their beingness and actions. This is the most
positive outcome I can anticipate at this point that is also the least catastrophic.
People must leave their old ways behind. The more they replicate the old patterns, the
more difficult the transformational process will be for them.
It is so understandable that so many will be in a state of conflict with themselves, the
recent past, with one another, and so much more. So many people will be finding life too
surrealistic, the purpose to their lives that they have been taught will be seen as a lie, and
there will be much shock and upset. These are all attachments that do not serve our
So I end this letter to you all, as it started.
It is my sense that those who can move on in their spiritual growth and evolution must do so.
If you choose this, there is nothing and no one to wait for, and one cannot look back. To look
back is to become frozen in place. The ripple effect of the forward movement will be of great
service as it will free many more who will take flight and enter new states of spiritual
awareness that can also inform ones day-to-day existence. The multiplying effects of the
awakening of some, then more, will have a powerful influence upon even more. It is what
could be called approaching escape velocity. This is the awakening.
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Global Awakening Press PO Box 969 Stevensville, MT 59870 USA E-mail: info@pfcn.net
In preparing for a major natural disaster, try to avoid the epicenter as much as possible,
have enough necessities on hand for at least one month, and do not expect the
government to be of any help.
Local community preparedness is most important and a community of individual
households who are well prepared is best. The same applies to a financial depression.
A large wave of bank failings is imminent, the FDIC has no money to cover their
depositors. Best to have a month or more of cash readily at hand and do not keep a total
of more than $50,000 in any one bank for an entire household. The paper markets will
never recover. A few clever individuals will manage to fleece a large number of less clever
individuals. So why put yourself in further jeopardy by hoping what is unfolding is not
really happening?
For those who have limited financial resources, it is important to consider all options.
Cooperative undertakings among local community is the only workable option. There are
resources which local communities can avail themselves of. In many cases it will require
one locale to form cooperative ties with other locales. The sooner people pay attention to
this and begin a new process, the sooner people will find new ways to be with each other
and the planet.
Our article on awakened community was prepared roughly one year ago to provide
guiding principles for all levels of community in anticipation of this period we are now
See link:
(http://www.pfcn.net/Bulletins/Awakened%20Community-%20Nov%2007.pdf ).
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Global Awakening Press PO Box 969 Stevensville, MT 59870 USA E-mail: info@pfcn.net
Global Awakening News
Published online at http://www.pfcn.net/napsum-bul1.html and available via e-mail
service to opt-in subscribers at no charge.
The Global Interchange, Positive Future Consulting, Fund For Global Awakening, and
Global Awakening Press are not affiliated with any religious, political, or economic
tendency; and certainly not aligned with any gurus or groups.
To contact us by E-mail: info@pfcn.net; to contact us by postal mail: PO Box 969;
Stevensville, MT 59870 USA
The Global Interchange, Positive Future Consulting, Fund For Global Awakening, and
Global Awakening Press are not affiliated with any religious, political, or economic
tendency; and certainly not aligned with any gurus or groups.
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