Senses: Ansha Publication
Senses: Ansha Publication
Senses: Ansha Publication
The Science of Feelings
Ansha Jione
I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the see-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. Sir Isaac Newton
1. Mystery of Living
Q. Why is there something rather than nothing? Why do we exist? Why this particular set of laws and not some other?
2. Law of Nature
Q. 1. What is the origin of the laws? 2. Are there any exceptions to the laws, i.e. miracles? 3. Is there only one set of possible laws?
3. What is Reality!
One! Space Energy Time!
Universe of Universes Has a basic System Trinity of Space Energy & Time SET! Three makes Whole We may take Whole as One The whole Universe of universes= 1!
Unique Law of Creation says that There exist a Unique law of Existence Into of all entities of SET equals One! Space. Energy. Time = 1!
S.E.T = 1
First principle of the Unique Law of Creation Law of Existence! One! One! Whole has Three Basic dimensions
Space, Energy & Time! Whole space may have three or ten dimensions Whole energy has two dimensions Rather poles Positive & Negative! Whole Time has only one dimension Running at a continuous scale Uprising! One! One! Each system is a collection of some or many basic systems of Nature Exits at a time-scale continuous and uprising Creating a News The experiment! Systems make Universes We cant find empty space Cause in a system of SET All comes into existence simultaneously! What exist before existence SET- the Eternal! One! One! It is Senses that define existence! What is Sense Is a critical state of existence Of a particular system of SET Defining factor is Energy! If anything has Sense Everything has Sense
Nothing is Senseless! One! One! System has Sense In form of charge Positive & Negative System is Stable If it is neutral! There are two types of stability Local & Global! One! One! At the initial level When a system may be taken as particle Comes into existence Space and Time associated with that are so small as negligible! And the characteristic feature Of scale is energy That may have either charge In order to be globally stable! The least stable particle Quanta Is made up of the entities of SET! One! One! A quanta in order to be locally stable Must contain two equal poles of Energy Positive & Negative Attraction between the two binds them!
And the Unique Law of Creation says that There exist a Unique Law of Accountability And that it is charges of the energy must pacify In order to attain existence! However Magnitude is Multiplied! E+. E- = E02 II
This is second principle of the Unique Law of Creation The Law of Accountability! One! One! Quanta has two types of particle Force & Field Energy is the Force Space-Time is the Field! How this quanta is created Quanta appears at the speed of light Trinity of SET at the speed of light Gave birth to quanta! Third principle of the unique law of creation Law of Appearance! One! One! Unique Law of Creation Has a trinity of unique principles! Law of Existence Law of Accountability Law of Appearance! Trinity! One!
4. Appearance of Light
One! Law of Appearance Is that the entities of SET come into existence at the speed of Light with Accountability! Speed of Light Is the maximum possible Space with respect to Time Constant!
The material phenomenon of the whole Comes into existence When a fixed amount of energy Is attached with maximum possible space with respect to Time! The appearance of Matter!
One! One! As soon as a matter particle comes into existence In order to be locally stable it creates an anti-matter particle Rather a matter particle and anti-matter particle created simultaneously!
At the wave scale There internal love Attraction between the matter particle and anti-matter particle Is due to the energy associated with them charged oppositively! System of light Particle appears at the points of origin Get polarized into the constituent positive and negative energy poles Again due to the speed of light it reappears at next point Get polarised and so on!
The positive and negative poles receive maximum attraction When they are farthest apart Interval of appearance and reappearance Is the unit space-time!
6. M-Theory
One! Reason of Attraction The ultimate cause Movement! Movement is the cause of Attraction The creation of quanta is possible Cause of the movement of the force and field particles In order to be in existence a particle gains momentum! In order to become globally stable a quanta got Momentum! Its momentum depends upon the neighbouring Systems Its position in the Whole And in an observer independent reality We cant know exactly both at the same Time! However by Imagination We can observe the exact momentum and position of a quanta Both at the same time! What is a Matter Matter is Energy More than a critical point with constituent Space and Time! Matter is the maximum possible Energy With respect to maximum possible space with respect to Time It comes into existence at the speed of Light! M = E/C.C=E/C2 III1
This is the Law of Matter First rule of the Law of Appearance! Matter is the maximum possible energy With respect to speed of Light at the speed of Light! One!
7. Movement of Existence
Its form able to change in between You have to between the intervals of appearances Energy of a quanta fluxtuates between Positive & Negative Attraction between charges is responsible for local stability! However at the level of Whole These points attain momentum and position in order to make itself Existent!
Attraction between the quanta and rest Is responsible for its velocity Once the Position is fixed Position once the velocity is fixed! Movement cause Momentum Energy with respect to velocity! What is Velocity Velocity is the maximum possible Space with respect to Time! In order to become globally stable Quanta in Movement cause Force & Field In an observer independent reality both quanta and rest feels Influences Causes Efforts to make Living! Force, the magnitude of Attraction and Influences & Efforts Is the rate of change of momentum with Time The respective field is the operative Space of Force with Time! Thus, Force = rate of change of momentum Force(F) = {energy(E)/velocity(V)}.Time(T) F = E/V.T E = F.V.T E = F.D II {where, Field (D) = Velocity (V). Time (T)} This is the Law of Attraction Second rule of the Law of Appearance!
Energy equals the product of Force & Field Attraction is Energy with respect to Field! Now, if we take the momentum (P) as the product of mass (M) and velocity (V) Force F = M.V/T = E/V.T E = M.V2 Equation of the total energy of Matter! E = F. V.T = M. V2 F = M.V/T Equation of the Force!
In observer independent reality Force equal to the product of Mass and velocity Of the matter with respect to Time!
Law of simultaneous Creation Third rule of the Law of Appearance Once the Energy is fixed, Space Equals the Time Space and Time created simultaneously with a fixed Energy!
9. Idea
Once! Senses are evolved with System Historically M-version of the Max Idea! One!