Party RX: Jerkface Cheaters
Party RX: Jerkface Cheaters
Party RX: Jerkface Cheaters
What to do When
your friends honey
is unfaithful
page 5
two dRugs
in onE
alcohol and caffeine
in the same can
page 11
A gARdEn
from barren lot
to garden and
back again
page 13
Party rx
The dangers of using
prescripTion pills To have fun
page 8
January 25, 2007
and Jayplays Frank Tankard Tells his sTory abouT going To college and leaving his liTTle sisTer behind. page 15
JAYPLAY 01.25.2007 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 16
Dave Ruigh
Becka Cremer
Michael Peterson
Katherine Loeck
Bryan Marvin
Amanda Sellers
Anna Faltermier
Erika Bentson
Rikki Kite
Rachel Parker
Katherine Loeck
Frank Tankard
Carissa Pedigo
Caleb Regan
Jacky Carter
Bart Vandever
Lisa Anderson
Megan Heffey
Carol Holstead
The University Daily Kansan
111 Stauffer-Flint Hall
1435 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
What Dave Ruigh and
I learned during our frst
week as Jayplay editors...
The emergency room
can be a dangerous place
(page 4).
There are always more
events we could put on the
calendar if we cut the
photos (page 3).
We each have a 2.08
percent chance of being di-
agnosed with non-Hodgkins
lymphoma (page 7).
Two gallons of water
without going Wii is
too much (page 6).
Theywont let you take
peanut butter on an airplane.
One can of Sparks costs
$1.68 at Neighborhood
Liquors, 1906 Massachusetts
St. (page 11).
Snow/ice storms are
perfect reasons to meet
your neighbors (especially if
theyre guys with ice scrapers).
B-A-N-A-N-A-S (page 14).
The writer of Bitch+moan
sometimes needs a break.
Dont worry, Niloofar will be
back next week.
Lisa Anderson
Have a
with Space-
balls and
other spoof
Name: Annette Nettie
Hometown and year: Phoenix
Major: English
Interests/hobbies: A lot of
reading and cooking. Fierros
plays softball and can often be
found at the Phoggy Dog, 2228
Iowa St.
What she looks for in a guy:
Sense of humor, sincerity,
personality. Fierros prefers
someone with original
thought, sarcasm and some
raunchy humor. Motivation,
ambition someone who
works hard, she says.
Best date ever: She and her
date traveled north to Flagstaff,
Ariz. and had a picnic by a
Favorite band: Im in love with
The Format, she says. Theyre
from Phoenix and are just
amazing.She is also in love with
Chris Carrabba of Dashboard
Confessional and his lyrics.
Someday: She has always
wanted to travel to Italy.I love it
the food,the culture,the land,
the scenery, the wine. Basically
the wine,she says.
Plans for the future:
Graduating and eventually
moving back to Arizona where
she will hopefully get a public
relations job with a professional
sports team.
Funny fact: As a ffth grader,
Fierros went to the emergency
room with her mom and had
the unfortunate experience
of seeing a homeless woman
wander in and masturbate in
front of everyone present.
What her friends say: Shes
really in-your-face honest, says
Destiny Frankenstein, Broken
Arrow,Okla.,senior.Shes a really
great friend with a positive and
caring attitude. Frankenstein
lived with and played softball
with Fierros. Shes defnitely
one of those friends you know
youll have for life.
Lisa Anderson
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by Megan Heffey
01.25.2007 JAYPLAY 05
Layla Habibi, Wichita senior,
still remembers the sting she
felt in her chest when she found
out. She was sitting in her dorm
room freshman year and her
boyfriend was again talking
about his friend from work. In
the middle of the conversation,
their mutual friend shouted
Oh! That girl? Isnt she the
other girlfriend youre talking
to? Layla recalls the way it felt
when her stomach hit the cold
tiled foor and how she stormed
out of the concrete room. The
chill of humiliation she felt that
day eventually melted away, but
in the end, she says, shes glad
her friend fessed up.
Knowing that your friends
boyfriend or girlfriend is
knockin boots with someone
else shoves you between a
boulder and a hard place. There
is a way to deal, but you may
want to start off by putting out
your flames of rage and taking
a step back. By maintaining
composure and putting
your friends eternal, or even
temporary, happiness first, you
can find a way to put a cushion
between you and that rock.
What to say
To start off, only cold, hard
facts are going to get you
anywhere with your friend.
Someone told me that isnt
going to hold enough water to
put out the fames when the
drama explodes in your face.You
should never confront this type
of situation with hearsay and
with things you didnt observe
with your own eyes, says Jeff
King, a licensed marriage and
family therapist with Shane M.
Jones and Associates. Let them
be in charge of how it goes
down, he says.
To do this, King says to start
off by saying something like,
I want to tell you something
that will be hard and painful to
hear. How would you like me
to tell you? Your friend might
feel a numbing blanket of panic
cover every inch of his body, but
it will let your friend know that
you genuinely care about his
A good support system
Stick around after telling your
friend that his boo is cheating,
but dont get too involved. You
should maintain a subjective
and neutral stance and give
some space so that your friend
and the cheating partner
can work things out on their
own, King says. David Scoppa,
Fayetteville, Ark., senior, says he
was lucky to have a good friend
when his ex-girlfriend cheated
on him. I played it cool to the
guy that told me, and then I
found roundabout ways to fnd
out from her, Scoppa says.
Call em out
Another approach is to go to
the cheater and tell him what
you know about his extra-
curricular activities. Liz Russell,
Overland Park senior, believes
this is the best way to intervene.
If I knew both of them, I would
go to the cheater and say Either
you tell them today or I will tell
them today, Russell says. Shes
had frst-hand experience in
having to tell a friend about a
loose lover. It was absolutely
awful because you know it will
break their heart, Russell says.
By confronting infdelity,you put
the situation fully in the couples
hands and prevent the risk of
being the evil messenger.
If the deceitful sack of crap
wont admit to cheating on
your friend, it is your duty to
step in. Before you jump into
the fre, think about what to say.
Trust your best judgment and
be prepared that your friend
wont want to hear what you
have to say, says Dr. John Wade,
a psychologist at Counseling
and Psychological Services
in Watkins Memorial Health
Center. Feedback is a useful tool
as well.
Discuss it hypothetically, you
dont have to say who it is, with
a friend or two,Wade says.This
way you can see if your logic
makes sense to other people.
Say youll be there
In the event that your friend
gets pissed at you, there are
a few important things to
remember. Realize that the
anger isnt meant toward
you even though you may be
in its path, Wade says. Keep
yourself calm even if you want
to punch out a few teeth. The
anger will soon be swallowed
by pain, and your friend will
need a shoulder to catch snot
and tears.
When things like this
happen in life, we need our
friends,Wade says.
Be supportive of your friends
decision even if you dont agree
with it. If they stick with the
relationship, remind yourself
that at least youre not the one
dating the village bicycle.
Kiss and
My Friend
your Friend is just
doing wHat tHey tHinK is
best For you. tHats wHy
you Have Friends. tHey
Keep you in cHecK.
liz russell,
overland parK senior
Telling a friend her signifcant
other is cheating on her
can be diffcult. Make sure
you have the facts and are
ready to accept your friends
reaction to the news.
what to say when
your friend dates
a cheater
try to apply your own
theories to the situation.
make judgments about the
cheater to your friend.
get sucked into a
communication triangle
with both of them.
feel guilty for telling.
tell your friend in order to
fulfll your own agenda.
say you saw the warning
tell them before a big test
or other stressful event.
Sources: Jeff King, marriage
and family therapist
with Shane M. Jones and
Associates,and Dr.John Wade,
psychologist at Counseling
and Psychological Services in
Watkins Health Center
JAYPLAY 01.25.2007
Courtesy of SNL: We all
know that Vick is a running
QB, but if there was ever
a time to heed a coachs
advice: Just throw it away!
KAnsAs senAtor sAm
BrownBAcK Announces
He is running for
President in 2008.
nfL stAr micHAeL VicK
is cAugHt in A miAmi
AirPort witH A wAter
BottLe witH A Hidden
mAriJuAnA residue.
THInK yOu HAve A beTTer jOKe? e-mAIl me AT
Chris Raine
Sen. Brownback was the frst candidate
to name his vice presidential running
mate. Election pundits are already
speculating that the Brownback/
Christ ticket will be diffcult to beat.
A mAle pAndA in A ThAilAnd zoo is
puT on A dieT AfTer veTerinAriAns
deTermine ThAT The pAndA is Too fAT
for sex.
Coincidentally, Hawk Topics writer Chris Raine was shot down at a
bar this weekend for the same reason.
A new sTudy
shows ThAT mAle
drivers Are 77
percenT more likely
To die in A cAr
AccidenT ThAn
femAle drivers.
The most frequent cause of death for male
drivers? You guessed it: female drivers.
tHe Ku mens BAsKetBALL
teAm sees tHeir 10-gAme
win streAK end witH A
Loss to texAs tecH.
Despite the loss, the Jayhawks left Lubbock
feeling like winners, because unlike the Red
Raiders, they dont have to live in Lubbock, Texas.
dies AT
Age 115.
In other news, Hillary
Clinton, the worlds
coldest woman, recently
announced that she will
run for president in 2008.
However, the producers of Greys Anatomy
have yet to apologize for creating the
worst show in the history of American
Greys Anatomy star Isaiah
Washington apologizes
for using homosexual
slurs against fellow cast
member T.R. Knight.
Darwin just added another notch to his belt.
A womAn AccidenTAlly kills herself
during A rAdio show conTesT By
drinking AlmosT Two gAllons of
wATer wiThouT urinATing during An
ill-fATed ATTempT To win A ninTendo wii.
The house of
voTes To cuT
inTeresT rATes on
sTudenT loAns in
In related news, local pot dealer Twigs Nickel-
Bag Murphy reports that area students
interest rate in his products recently doubled.
LindsAY LoHAn cHecKs
into reHAB.
Lohan was reportedly outraged
when she was informed that
Rehab was not the name of a
hot new nightclub.
by Bart Vandever
01.25.2007 JAYPLAY 07
how Jay Warring,
paola junior,
overcame non-
hodgkins lymphoma
Attheageof13, justaseighth
grade was scheduled to begin
and most kids were worrying
about how baggy their pants
buy, JayWarring, Paolajunior, was
The doctors had told him he
had non-Hodgkins lymphoma
(NHL), apotentiallydeadlydisease.
The new beginning
NHL is more likely to be life-
threatening if the patient is
young and can lead to death
within a year, says Ronald L.
Stephens, medicaldirectorofthe
Oncology Center at Lawrence
Memorial Hospital. Luckily,
Warrings lymphoma had not
advanced severely, and he was
diagnosed as a stage-two level
The doctors at Childrens
Mercy Hospital in Kansas City,
Mo., informed Warrings family
of survival. He immediately
began chemotherapy by way of
When the therapy began,
fever, night sweats and weight
loss followed, and Warring was
in and out of the hospital on a
regular basis. But someone was
always by his side Warrings
mother, Catherine, spent every
What was important before
important anymore. Everything
then focused on that within our
family. We spent all our energy
While his treatment was
still in full swing, Warring was
given a much-needed reason
to smile when a social worker
for the hospital told him he had
been accepted into actor Paul
Newmans Hole in theWall Gang
Camp, aretreatinConnecticutfor
terminally ill children. Soon after,
he was on a fight to to enroll in
A full staff of volunteers and
nurses awaited Warring as he
entered the arched gates of the
camp. Located off of main roads
and nestled in the serene forests
of the countryside, the camp was
dotting the landscape. There,
Warring spent much of his time
I think seeing and meeting
all those people was more
traumatizing than actually
being sick. A lot of them didnt
make it too much longer. Some
One incident in particular has
remained in Warrings mind. A
young camper with AIDS, who
in a wheelchair, decided to scale
wall with no hesitation and no
help. He never let his physical
state stop him. Its just one of
those moments that really sticks
Warring returned from
the camp newly charged and
disease. Andeventuallyhedid.
The radiation was deemed
a success, but in its wake the
disease left Warring exhausted
and often sick. He slept around
18 hours a night and, as his
freshman year of high school
wentalong, boutsofmonotook
their toll. As Warring missed
more school, the pressure
to catch up dug at him each
day until he made the hard
choice to drop out during his
He had just missed so
much of the high school
things like prom. At that point
he just couldnt relate to his
The battle continues
After dropping out, Warring
concentrated on eating well
and working out. In time,
he completed his GED and
enrolled in classes at Johnson
County Community College.
There, he found that getting
back into the school routine
For a while I had no idea
howtostudy, nordidIhaveany
to go about doing it, he says.
Then, turning to the strength
he had built up over the years,
Warring worked hard, passed
his classes and decided to
enroll at KU as a nursing major,
a decision inspired by the help
in classes at the University.
He switched his major as
he developed an interest
in anthropology and he is
conducting research on
undocumented workers
under Bartholomew C.
Dean, associate professor of
It can keep you sane through
fnals, through family tragedy,
your mind is the most
resilient thing in the
World. it can keep you
sane through finals,
through family, tragedy,
through anything.
Jay Warring,
paola Junior
The rate of NHL
diagnoses has skyrocketed
in the last 40 years and
is now being called an
epidemic. As of 2001, the
lifetime risk for being
diagnosed with the disease
was 2.08 percent.
Source: Vincent T. DeVita,
author of Cancer: Principles
Jay Warring, Paola junior,
with two of his friends from
The Hole in the Wall Gang
Camp in Connecticut. War-
ring reclines on a hammock
with a camp counselor.
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Of those surveyedfor 2005
National Survey onDrugUse and
Health, 59.8percent of those who
say they got themfroma friend.
Its 1:30 p.m. and Sarah has
slept through her 9 a.m. class for
the second time this week. Maybe
her cell phone died, and the alarm
she set on it never went off. She
snatches the phone fromunder her
pillow and fips it open. Its on. She
doesnt remember falling asleep
last night and feels exhausted. She
wishes she didnt have to get out of
bed at all.
The Wichita senior frantically
stuffs the mass of papers scattered
across her bedroom foor into
her backpack and rushes out the
door wearing the same hooded
sweatshirt she passed out in the
night before. Her head pounds as
she makes the 30-minute trek to
campus, hoping she will make it to
her 2:30 class on time.
two 5-milligram Percocet tablets
last night. Percocet is commonly
prescribed to relieve moderate to
severe pain. She got it froma friend
to calmher nerves while studying,.
The pills dont usually knock her
out for that long, she says. I was
too stressed out. I was worrying my
ass off,she says.
Most people who take
prescription medications use them
properly, but others use painkillers
and depressants recreationally
as party drugs or to relax. The
2005 National Household Survey
on Drug Abuse revealed that 6.9
million young adults aged 18 to
25 had abused prescription drugs
at least once. Using these drugs
without a prescription might lead
to jail time and can lead to physical
dependence, liver damage and
possibly death.
Pill-poppin partying
Partying with a cocktail of
alcohol and prescription painkillers
or sedatives seems to be a growing
Sarah last popped a pill at a
weekend house party to loosen
up. She felt really happy, she says,
but after a few vodka drinks she
couldnt get off the couch. She
thought the pill was Vicodin
it was round, light-blue and
inscribed Roche 10. It feels good,
really good, especially with alcohol,
she says. It made me forget about
everything else.
According to the pill
identifcation Web site,
Sarahs Vicodin was actually a
10-milligram dose of Valium, a
sedative, or central nervous system
(CNS) depressant commonly
prescribed to reduce anxiety. Sarah
trusts her friends who dispense
the prescription pills to her, so it
doesnt bother her that she doesnt
knowexactly what shes taking.
Relief fromthestresses of school,
family and everyday life are Sarah's
reasons for using prescription
painkillers and sedatives. It makes
her feel more relaxed and carefree
than using alcohol alone, and she
can drink less to get her desired
effects, she says.
Fatal attraction
Hydrocodone (Lortab, Vicodin)
is listed as one of the U.S. Drug
of concern. It is themost commonly
prescribed painkiller, with more
than 124 million prescriptions
dispensed last year. It is generally
abused for its narcotic effects of
euphoria and relaxation, and is
often combined with alcohol. In
2005, hydrocodone caused 42,491
emergency room visits, more than
any other pharmaceutical narcotic,
according to the DEA.
When used properly, painkillers
to the brain or by interfering with
the brain's interpretation of the
signals. So if someone punched
you, it isnt going to hurt, says
Cathy Thrasher, head of pharmacy
at Watkins Memorial Health Center.
The negative side effects of
painkillers are exacerbated when
alcohol is added to the mix. The
pills cause drowsiness, deaden
responses and slow actions. The
most lethal consequence is an
increased chance of respiratory
depression, says Thrasher. When
that happens, the body loses its
ability to breathe, which can lead
to death.
Thrasher says a problem bigger
than the drugs physical effects
is the amount of acetaminophen
it contains. A typical painkiller
contains 500 milligrams of
acetaminophen, and the liver can
only handle 4,000 milligrams of
acetaminophen per day. So if, for
example, eight painkillers are taken
in one day, combined with alcohol
that is also metabolized in the liver,
there is a high chance for liver
damage, Thrasher says.
The addiction debate
Painkillers can effectively
mitigate chronic pain, but they can
believe the pills can be taken safely
for years with minimal risk of
addiction, while others recognize
the risk of severe dependency.
These commonly prescribed
drugs can cause individuals bodies
to start feeling that they need
the drugs in order to feel normal.
Some users experience feelings of
withdrawal even when using their
prescription as directed.
Rebcca, Topeka senior, had a
prescription for Lortab after she
had knee surgery a few months
ago. She took her medication as
prescribed, and when the pain in
her kneewent away,shequit taking
the medication. I began to feel
really nervous and uncomfortable.
Then I would take another Lortab,
and feel normal again,she says.
Rebecca believes she was
experiencing withdrawal from
her extended use of painkillers,
but after her prescription ran
out, she was forced to quit taking
them cold turkey, she says. I
was really worried I had become
addicted, but the uncomfortable
feeling eventually went away.
The uncomfortable feeling was
nervousness and an inability
to fall asleep. These symptoms
appeared on days she didnt take
her prescription and lasted for
several weeks.
Addiction usually occurs
because some people who use
the prescription drugs experience
a euphoric effect, says Andrew
Barclay, a doctor at Preferred
Medical Associates in Andover.
About 5 percent of patients
prescribedthese drugs experience
withdrawal symptoms, which
are commonly sweating, nausea
and abdominal pain. The longer
a person has a prescription, the
more likely addiction will occur,
Barclay says.
Using the drugs without a
prescription doesnt necessarily
mean a person is more at risk for
addiction or the negative side
effects than if they are using them
as prescribed. A drug is a drug is a
drug, to anyone,Barclay says.
Although Sarah now frequently
misuses prescription pills, she was
frst prescribed painkillers after
she had her wisdom teeth taken
out when she was 14 years old.
The pain was unbearable and
the Lortabs helped. Then I realized
they not only relieved my pain but
improved my mood,she says.
A few days after the procedure
the pain was gone, but three
Lortabs remained in Sarahs
medicine cabinet. I took them all
at once and felt great all day, she
says. Sarah didnt think she was
addicted to Lortab, but if she could
have reflled her prescription she
would have, she says.
Getting the hook-up
It never crossed Sarahs mind
to use the drugs recreationally
before her friends told her about
it and gave her a few pills. Now
she always obtains the drugs from
friends, she says.
She got her latest batch of
unidentifed painkillers from a
friend who cleans the house of an
elderly woman who has hundreds
of the happy pills lining her
medicine cabinet. The friend takes
small quantities at a time, hoping
the woman will never notice.
Because the friend knocked off the
pills for free, Sarah doesnt have to
pay for themeither, she says.
Obtaining prescription pills
through friends is common.
According to the 2005 National
Survey on Drug Use and Health,
59.8 percent of those surveyed who
misused prescription painkillers
reportedthat the source of the drug
was a friendor relative. Another 16.8
percent reported they they got
the drug from one doctor. Only 4.3
percent got the pain relievers from
a drug dealer or other stranger and
0.8 percent reported buying the
drug on the Internet.
According to a 2005 report
by the National Institute of Drug
Abuse, narcotics providers should
notice any increases in the amount
of the drug the patient needs, as
well as frequent requests for reflls
before the prescription is set to
expire. Doctors should also be
aware that abusers may engage
in doctor shopping by visiting
several doctors or pharmacies to
obtain multiple prescriptions.
Dr. Barclay says he can usually
tell when patients are attempting
to obtain a prescription when they
dont need one.I have a number of
patients who try to get them over
the phone on the weekends and
say my partner prescribed them,
he says. However, this method
typically doesnt work because the
rules of his practice prohibit him
from flling these prescriptions
without seeing the patient himself.
Watkins pharmacy also notices
when patients try to fll multiple
prescriptions before they should
have run out.We are used to what
their prescriptionpatterns are, then
that raises a red fag,says Thrasher,
the head of pharmacy.
Risky business
In addition to the health risks,
misusing prescription drugs is
illegal. Painkillers containing
hydrocodone (Lortab, Vicodin,
Percocet) and oxycodone
(OxyContin) are considered
Schedule II controlled substances
under the Controlled Substance
Act of 1970 (CSA). They are listed
among other highly-abused drugs
such as methamphetamine and
cocaine. Sedatives (Valium, Xanax)
are considered Schedule IV.
Federal law prohibits buying
controlled substances without a
valid prescription from a doctor.
This means there must be anactual
relationship with the doctor, and
most state laws require a physical
by Carissa Pedigo
The highs and lows of prescription
painkillers and sedatives
The negaTive side effeCTs of Painkillers are
exaCerbaTed when alCohol is added To The mix.
The Pills Cause drowsiness, deaden resPonses
and slow aCTions.
08 JAYPLAY 01.25.2007 01.25.2007 JAYPLAY 09
sTreeT Terms for
Commonly abused
PresCriPTion Pills
Tabs/ L-tabs
Tab 10s (refers to 10
milligram tablets)
Poor mans heroin
Happy Pills
Sedatives/CNS depressants
Bars/ Four-bars/
Totem poles
or for
JAYPLAY 01.25.2007
examination before a
prescription can be written.
The CSA mandates that
the rst offense of simple
possession carry a sentence
of up to one year in jail, a
ne of $1,000 or both. The
consequences increase with
multiple offenses.
Prescription drugs that
come from foreign countries
can also be ordered from
Web sites. Some of these sites
provide prescriptions written
by cyber doctors through
online questionnaires. These
are not considered valid
prescriptions and trying to
ll one may be punishable by
imprisonment under federal
law. It is also a felony to import
drugs into the United States
and ship them somewhere
not approved by the DEA.
The American Medical
Association and state boards
of medicine and pharmacy
have all condemned the
practice of online pharmacies
because applicants run the
risk of receiving the wrong
drugs, tainted or expired
drugs or the wrong dosage
strength. Often, these
prescriptions have no dosage
directions or warnings.
Sarah uses painkillers or
sedatives every few weeks
and purchases an average of
15 pills each month without
a prescription. The pills cost
anywhere from $1 to $5 each
depending on their strength
and availability, she says.
Sarah doesnt have a
problem taking painkillers,
although its written directly
on the bottle, CAUTION:
Federal law prohibits transfer
of this drug to any person
other than the patient for
whom prescribed.
I just do it because my
body feels really loose and
happy, Sarah says. Whats
the big deal about that?
Usage increase
Over time, it is common
for individuals taking
prescription medications
to grow tolerant of
the effects of their
prescribed dose.
Change in personality
Changes in a person's
normal behavior can be
a sign of dependency.
Shifts in energy, mood and
concentration may occur
as everyday responsibilities
become secondary to relief
the prescription provides.
Social withdrawal
A person experiencing
a dependency problem
may withdraw from
family, friends and other
social interaction.
Change in daily habits
and appearance
Dependency may result
in poor hygiene or a
change in sleeping and
eating habits.
Time spent obtaining
A dependant person will
spend large amounts
of time driving great
distances and visiting
multiple doctors to
obtain the drugs. Watch
for signs that he or she
seems preoccupied with
a quest for medication,
demonstrating that the
drug has become their
top priority.
Ongoing use
Continued use after a
medical condition has
improved will result
in the person needing
prescription extensions.
The person might talk of
how they need just a little
longer on the medication
in order to get well. He or
she might also complain
frequently about doctors
who refused to write the
prescription for one reason
or another.
Increased sensitivity
Normal sights, sounds and
emotions might become
overly stimulating to the
person. Hallucinations are
also possible.
Blackouts and
forgetfulness Another
clear indication of
dependence is when the
person regularly forgets
whats happened and
suffers blackouts.
Abusers can become very
defensive if they feel their
secret is being discovered.
They might even react
to simple requests or
questions by lashing out.
Neglects responsibilities
A dependent person may
call in sick to work more
often, or neglect school
and bills.
Source: Clifford Bernstein
M.D., of The Waismann
Sarah,Wichita senior, gets
prescription pills illegally
from a friend who takes
them from an elderly
womans medicine cabinet.
01.25.2007 JAYPLAY 11
After a week spending hours
staring at a computer screen,
Krista Suter, Shawnee junior,
stumbles around like a zombie
with bloodshot eyes and a
throbbing headache. Suter, an
illustration major, has been
working on projects all week.
Shes tried to keep stress at bay
and cant believe she fnally
made it to Friday.
Suter really wants to go out
and give her liver a workout, but
she needs something to keep
her from passing out. Luckily, she
can drink a beverage that will
wake her up and get her drunk.
Without caffeine and alcohol,
the lifestyle of a college student
wouldnt be the same. So mixing
the two was inevitable. There
have been Red Bull-and-vodka
concoctions and Jger bombs
for years, but now companies like
Miller and Anheuser-Busch have
released malt beverages with the
caffeine already mixed in. These
beverages, like Bud Extra and
Sparks, are what Chris McKinney,
assistant manager at Mass
Beverage, 3131 Neider Road, calls
hybrid drinks, blending alcohol,
caffeine, ginseng and taurine.
Anheuser-Busch introduced
Bud Extra in Feb. 2006, second
to its cousins, Tilt and Tilt Green,
which were introduced in 2005.
The market is booming, says
Mike Bourneuf, team leader at
OMalley Beverage, 2050 Packer
Ct. Sales from last year have risen
70 percent.
The drinks are intended for
a younger crowd, especially
those who want to party all
day, Bourneuf says. Its a good
alternative when youre going
to be drinking for a long time,
like on St. Patricks Day and
during Mardi Gras, and you
need something to break the
monotonous cycle of beer after
beer, he says.
In case you were worried that
mixing alcohol, a depressant, and
caffeine, a stimulant, will create
opposite effects on your body,
relax. Unless you have a serious
medical condition, drinking
these things shouldnt hurt you,
says Terry Riordan, a physician
at Pediatric and Adolescent
Medicine, 346 Maine St. He
added that some may think that,
by drinking caffeine along with
alcohol, they will be able to stay
alert and do things they wouldnt
normally do when drinking, like
drive.The alcohol will still dull your
brain,even along with the caffeine,
Riordan says.
The next time youre feeling
sluggish and need something
to help you to the bar, try a drink
that has the best of both worlds.
And if youre working to slim
down, Sparks and Tilt come in
reduced calorie formulas. But as
always, never drink and drive.
Where to
get these creative
630 W. Ninth St.
Cork and Barrel
901 Mississippi St.
2000 W. 23rd St.
Mass Beverage
3131 Nieder Road
drunk and
reciPe oF the Week
Chocolate peanut butter no-bake oatmeal cookies
2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 stick butter
1/2 cup milk
1 cup peanut butter
1 tablespoon vanilla
3 cups oatmeal
Waxed paper
In a heavy saucepan, bring the sugar,
cocoa, butter and milk to a boil. Let boil for
one minute. Add peanut butter, vanilla and
oatmeal. On a sheet of waxed paper, drop
mixture by the teaspoonful and let harden.
Rikki Kite
Vinegar is good on salad, but great on
hair and skin
health tip
Vinegar is a versatile beauty product that fts a college students budget. Its
a great aftershave for men just splash a little on your face after shaving. A
mixture of half apple cider vinegar and half warm water can help control oily
skin.Vinegar also works in hair just add about a tablespoon as you are rinsing
for extra conditioning, or massage vinegar into your scalp before shampooing
to help control dandruff.
Rikki Kite
Krista Suter, Shawnee
junior, drinks from a can of
Sparks Light after fnishing
her homework.
by erika Bentson
alcohol and caffeine in the same can
Each year students
make the legendary
walk through the
Campanile, down
The Hill and into the
real world.
Were here to check
in on them.
Loni Hosking
Year: 1989
Degree: Sculpture
Hometown: Wichita
Listener: Lauren
Poell, Overland Park
Tune: How To Save A
Life by The Fray
While pumpin the jams
Lauren was: Studying
for a Speech-Language-
Hearing test in Anschutz
She says: Since its a
Greys Anatomy night, Im
listening to How To Save
A Life by The Fray. Its sort
of upbeat, and I was up
late so it wont make you
fall asleep. If you listen to
the beat of it, it kind of
gets into a rhythm and so
does your studying.
Listener: Jason Hafich,
Kansas City, Kan.,
Tune: Lets Infate by
the Hot IQs
While pumpin the
jams Jason was: Playing
Nintendo in Strong Hall
He says: I guess theyd
be classifed as indie
pop. Its just more on an
intellectual level than
anything. [Its] almost
getting straight to the
point but remaining
playful about it.
Whether youre singin along, groovin by yourself or
just studying in the library, well catch you with the
Listener: John Ko,
Hutchinson senior
Tune: New Candles by
Death Cab For Cutie
While pumpin the jams
John was: Taking a nap
in Malott Hall
He says: I just put it on
shuffe. I need music to
listen to.
Listener: Geoff Gleason,
Lenexa junior
Tune: Pendulous
Threads by Incubus
While pumpin the
jams Geoff was: Doing
geography make-up
work in Lindley Hall
He says: Its their new
CD. I have all their CDs.
Katherine Loeck
JAYPLAY 01.25.2007
Back in the day: Because of her
rebel streak, Hosking dropped out
of high school during her senior
year and moved to Lawrence to
earn a GED and start early at KU.
She began as a theatre design
major, but it was too regimented
for her style. Id go into the Art
and Design Building and it just felt
so great, she says. To me, college
was all about freedom and fun.
When I frst started going to KU, I
liked art and called myself creative,
but by the time I graduated I called
myself an artist.
Today: Hosking has designed
clothes for three years,but decided
a long time ago that she was going
to make art that did more than
collect dust. She learned business
skills by managing WaxMan
Candles, 609 Massachusetts St.,
and opened her own boutique
last March. Eco Boutiquo, 918
Massachusetts St., is developed
around recycled fashions from
Hoskings clothing line, Eco
Couture, and her designer name,
Loni Bo Bonny.
If you stain your favorite T-shirt
with red wine, dont even think
about that trash can. Hosking can
take the sleeves, combine them
with three stupid shirts, and voila,
you have a new favorite dress. It
puts it on a one-of-a-kind level,
Hosking says.I cater to the unique
Approximately 30 local artists
sell their work on consignment
at Eco Boutiquo. Hosking also
imports things like incense and
pop-can tab purses to compliment
the local work.
Recycling is sexy: Hosking has
been a thrift shopper for 23 years
and says that if you go in with an
open mind,you can see many other
uses for things. At her boutique
one can fnd skirts made from
fve different recycled garments,
neckties with odd additions and
green underwear with white lace
and a patch that reads,Love your
Wetlands. Its re-thinking it for re-
use and squeezing every bit of life
out of something, Hosking says.
We live such a throwaway kind
of life. Its just taking this trash and
making it this treasure.
The average price of a
garment is $25. Purses range
from $10 to $200.
Why her job is kick-ass: Her goal
is to recycle and have a cool job.
Being able to grow up and have
your own store that will sell your
art, thats what you want to do
when you graduate college as an
artist, she says.
If you would like to sell your
work at Eco Boutiquo,Hosking is all
for it.Contact her at (785) 856-8905.
Check out her Web sites, too, at:
Katherine Loeck
\! \
\T US!!!
2228 IO\A :T
by Frank Tankard
01.25.2007 JAYPLAY 13
back To seed
a story about a forgotten space,
and one students dedication to it
Pardon me if this story isnt
about anything that you will
care about if all its about is an
empty space that maybe nobody
except one guy ever cared about.
A year and a half ago, I wrote a
story for The Kansan about Aaron
Olsen. He was starting a garden
on campus, on a piece of land
that had been abandoned fve
years earlier and had become
somewhat of an eyesore the
type of eyesore people might
have complained about if it was
in a more prominent place.
As it was, this piece of land sat
in a forgotten corner of campus.
Even describing where it is proves
diffcult: Its on the east side of
campus, near the scholarship
halls, behind the University
Relations building, which is
behind Smith Hall (the building
in front of the Kansas Union with
the Moses statue in front of it).
Just know this: It was a weed
patch, and when I heard about
Olsens design to turn it into a
garden, I fgured it would make an
easy story.What I didnt fgure was
how Olsens effort would stick in
my mind, or how sorry Id be to see
the garden in its current state.
What Olsen,then a sophomore,
set out to do was turn the weed
patch, which hed walked through
every day on his way to campus
from K.K. Amini Scholarship Hall,
into a nice, vegetable-producing
This simple act may not
sound like much to you, but to
me the story one students
effort to turn a weed patch into a
garden held all sorts of higher,
parable-like implications: man vs.
nature, growth vs. decay, caring
vs. neglect, action vs. idleness.
Think of every time youve
stepped around a broken bottle
on the sidewalk, driven past a
weedy parking lot, or walked by a
spray-painted wall. Think of every
time youve thought, Somebody
ought to do something about
But moving from desire to
action is no small task. It takes
time, effort, planning, dedication,
blah blah blah. Not fun stuff. And
thats where Olsen was able to
turn the corner he continued
to care when the work got dull.
He told me a year and a half
ago, soon after hed frst sunk his
shovel into the soil, that it would
take at least a year before the plot
of land really started to resemble
a garden.
The way I think about it, it
would maybe be more effcient
to have a fundraising event and
take the money to Costco or
Sams Club and buy some cans
of beans or something, he said
then. The gardens not really
whats most effcient. What
supports the community most,
what drives volunteering and
gets students involved is really
more important.
Over the course of the fall and
spring semesters, with shovels,
hammers and hands, Olsen and
the small group of volunteers
he enlisted slowly nurtured the
weed patch into something that
started to resemble a garden. The
work was slow and tedious.
First, with help from Facilities
Operations, they tore down
the abandoned playground
equipment that had sat rusting in
the fve years since Hilltop Child
Development Center moved
away. They broke down the
dilapidated deck. They shoveled
out the gravel that covered the
soil. They started to build garden
beds, using boards from the deck
and the playground equipment,
and used some of the gravel to fll
paths between the beds.
Olsen worked tirelessly
shoveling, driving nails into
boards, weeding, planting. This
patch of land was his baby.
In the spring, Olsen and his
volunteers flled the beds with
topsoil and started planting.
Soon enough, up sprouted
tomatoes, peas, rosemary, basil,
carrots. It wasnt yet what Olsen
had envisioned there wasnt
enough produce to make a
substantial donation to a soup
kitchen but from a weed patch,
food had started growing.
This is why the state of the
garden today is so dispiriting.
Pass through it and you see only
sparse signs of the months of
labor: a hose buried in weeds, a
group of tree stumps arranged
as seats, some boards nailed
together. Just a neglected piece
of land, one of several you walk
past every day.
Olsen has been studying in
Spain since September. Last
spring, he held a meeting with
the idea of fnding people to tend
to the garden while he was gone.
Few showed up.
In July,Olsen will return.He says
he will work to restore the space.
Below the weeds, the structure
for a garden is there. For now,
this neglected corner of campus
where beauty once started to
grow waits for him.
The gardens noT really
whaTs mosT eFFicienT.
whaT supporTs The
communiTy mosT, whaT
drives volunTeering and
geTs sTudenTs involved is
really more imporTanT.
aaron olsen,
overland park junior
Aaron Olsen, Overland Park
junior, and Greg Hill, Brent-
wood, Tenn., junior, work in
the plot of land Olsen turned
into a garden. Olsen tried to
recruit a larger group to help
wtih the garden, but was
JAYPLAY 01.25.2007
To stay warm in style without
battling the bulk of a jacket, try
a cardigan sweater. Opting for
a basic color like tan, black, gray
or red ensures the sweater can
match multiple outts in your
closet. This style of sweater can
provide diverse options, says
Fiza Mahmood, sales associate
at Gap, 643 Massachusetts St..
She says you dont have to wear
it with jeans. Pair it with a long
sleeved shirt with leggings and
top it off with a scarf for a belt.
Styles that hit mid-thigh also
offer more warmth. Mahmood
says you can also dress the look
up or down; layer the sweater
over a camisole or a button
down shirt for different looks.
Gap offers a car-coat sweater
for $58 and a wrap cardigan
for $88 online at
com. American Eagle, 619
Massachusetts St., has a cozy
zip-collared jacket for $69.50.
Jacky Carter
food fact
Thirty-three pounds of bananas are eaten,
on average, per person each year. This means
a person eats about one banana every
three days. Although Jim Horner, Overland
Park senior, likes bananas, he thinks their
shelf-life is ridiculous. I dont go grocery
shopping enough to keep a fresh supply
of bananas, he says.
Rachel Parker
TONIGHT! Logan Peck & Friends
$2.25 Bud Lights
Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament
The Schwag
...A tribute to the Grateful Dead
Friday January 26th @ 9PM, 18+
DJ SKUs Block Party Every Saturday
2 for 1 Triple Wells $2 Domestic Draws
Ladies No Cover til 11PM 9PM 18+
February 1st
Ten Hour Drive with Havok on Polaris & Akanes
February 7th
Matt Wertz with
The Alternate Routes
with Bleu Edmonson
February 9th
February 20th
Of Montreal with/ Elekibass
Tickets available now
at our box office or
1020 Mass
with Aqualung
February 26th
by Frank Tankard
In spite of the age
difference, the bond
between me and my
little sister is timeless
01.25.2007 JAYPLAY 15
I said goodbye to my little
sister, Kitty, on a hot mid-August
afternoon. Wed all driven up to
college together Mom, Dad,
Kitty and me. The car ride was sad
and quiet. Kitty was seven years
old and had cried when I told her I
was moving away. I wished I could
bring her. Maybe she could live
with me and my three roommates
in the scholarship hall, I thought.
The day Kitty was born was the
longest, boringest day of my life.
There was no school, so I spent
the day at my aunt and uncles
house while my parents were
at the hospital. My aunt tried to
keep me entertained by dealing
out game after game of War
in front of the TV. Do you ever
watch soap operas? No, I said.
We watched one after another,
and the clock moved like it was
Early that evening, my dad
called and my aunt took me to the
hospital.I was 11 and in fth grade
an only child. My family had
recently bought a 1987 Chrysler
New Yorker and a piano, sold our
house and my dads motorcycle
and moved from Farmington,
N.M., to Overland Park and family.
Before we moved, our shaggy old
sheep dog, Henry, my lifelong
companion, had grown so sick
that all he could do was lie in the
same place in our back yard with
ies buzzing all over him. The vet
was no place for this dog to die,
so my dad took him to the desert
and shot him.
And now I was riding to the
hospital, a boy with no dog, few
friends, parents bugging him to
take piano lessons,
glad to get away
from Days of Our
Lives and anxious
about meeting his
little sister.
When I got
there my mom was
sitting on a bed
and my dad was
holding my sister
in the corner of the
room.Do you want
to hold her? he
asked. He put her
about halfway into my arms, but
that was enough for me. I didnt
want to drop her, so I stood back
and just looked. She was little and
crying and had red skin and a
little head full of dark hair. A nurse
said she looked like a peanut.
My dad and I drove home that
night and my mom and Kitty
stayed at the hospital. It snowed
a little on the way home and I
looked out the window. Suddenly,
the new school and the piano and
the dead dog and the new house
and everything else fell away. I
was too old to be ambivalent
about my new sister. I knew a
line had been drawn down the
middle of my childhood: pre-Kitty
and post-Kitty.
Seven years later, in the
summer after my senior year of
high school, we lived in the same
house, with a 1994 Oldsmobile
Cutlass instead of the New Yorker
and a two-year-old maltese dog
named Molly. I had taken piano
lessons for a few years and now it
was Kittys turn.
She had long curly brown hair
and some missing teeth. She
went to Catholic
school and my dad
coached her soccer
team.She was smart
and liked drawing
and writing. She
liked staying up late
and sleeping in and
the rst thing she
said every school
day was I hate this
day.She was funny.
In the winter she
loved sledding and
never complained
about being cold. In the summer
she loved swimming and never
complained about being hot.
In high school, I was busy with
school and friends and track, and
I wasnt home a lot, but we always
got along well. I would tickle her
and throw her around on the
couch and take her with me on
errands and we would play Rock
Paper Scissors the kind where
you lick your nger and slap the
loser on the arm. We had inside
jokes that no one else thought
were funny.
One day that summer we were
squabbling about something and
I told her, Well, in a month Ill be
moving out and you wont have
to worry about me anymore.
She stopped talking and her
eyes welled up. I realized then
that, though she knew I was
going to college, she hadnt fully
understood what that meant. The
rest of the summer she was nice
to me and a little sad and I could
tell she didnt want me to leave.
Move-in day came
unceremoniously in August.
Everything was bustling at
Battenfeld Scholarship Hall with
talk of carpet and trips to Target,
and I met my roommates and the
guys across the hall. I kept looking
out of the corner of my eye at the
little girl standing quietly next to
her mom. We walked back to the
car and I shook my dads hand
and hugged my mom. Kitty stood
quietly, not crying but with teary
eyes. I picked her up, hugged her
and set her down. Then I went
back inside to all these new
people and college.
These days my parents live
in the same house and drive a
1998 Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight
(I drive the 1994 Cutlass). Kitty is
in fth grade, the same grade I
was in when she was born, and
she is done taking piano lessons.
Her hair isnt as curly as it used to
be and she likes animals. Since
I started college shes had three
chickens, two rabbits, a hamster, a
sh, a cat, two mice and the dog,
Molly, of course.
She has my cell number
memorized. I have her picture in
my wallet and on my desk in my
apartment. When I come home
I still tickle her and we still have
jokes. She and my mom are in the
process of boxing up all of my
things at home and she is going
to move into my room, which is
about two inches bigger than
hers. Ill be graduating in May and
I wont be moving back home.
But thats OK. Kitty and I know
that no matter where we are in
our lives, we have a connection
that is timeless.
Freedom Writers
All of a Sudden I
Miss Everyone
All rAtings Are out of A possible five stArs.
by Explosions in the Sky
Freedom Writers tries to be the literary
version of Stand and Deliver, but dont
dismiss it just because it doesnt match the
emotion or capture the inner-city life as
poignantly as that 1988 Oscar-nominated
flm. Though it lacks the singular student
presence that Lou Diamond Phillips
brought to Jaime Escalantes calculus
class, Writers still delivers, on the shoulders
of two-time Oscar winner Hilary Swank.
Inspired by real events, Writers depicts
a mid-90s Long Beach, Calif. (yes, Snoops
turf ) tarnished by the violence of the
Rodney King riots. Enter Erin Gruwell
(Swank), a bright-eyed, Starbucks-sipping
frst-time teacher from the burbs (at
one point she tells a student to stop
tribbin), prepared to hand out copies of
Homers Odyssey to her students, most of
whom hover around a ffth grade reading
level. Like the other teacher-inspires-
students ficks, Miss G comes to realize
that earning the respect of her students
requires more than a passing on of comma
usage rules, and through the adaptation
of her methods to match her streetwise
freshmen, Room 203 slowly but surely
becomes a safe haven from the outside
maelstrom of gang violence, dilapidated
neighborhoods and disenchanted faculty
Swank pulls off the teacher look
by trading in her Million Dollar Baby
boxing gloves for chalk and conservative
skirts, and shes able to channel the raw
energy she brought with a right hook
into the more refned (but only slightly)
Hindering Swanks performance is an
average screenplay more insistent on
verbally force-feeding the urban plight
than visually developing it, rendering the
incessant you dont know what its like
out thererants clichd.
Trevan McGee
JAYPLAY 01.25.2007
$2 Almost Anything
$2.50 16oz.
Domestic Bottles
$3 Double Captain
$3 32oz. Big Beers
$3 Vodka & Energy
$4 Game Day
Domestic Pitchers
$3 Bloody Marys
$5 Any Pitcher
$2 Domestic Pints
$2 Wells
$2 Domestic
$2 UV Vodka
$3 Domestic
$3 Malibu Drinks
$1.50 PBR Draws $3.75 Makers Mark $2 Hi Life bottles $2 wells $2 Shiner Bock &
PBR draws
$2 Hi Life bottles $3 Skyy & Bulleit
2 for 1 Martinis at
the Jayhawker and
TEN Restaurant
EVERY Thursday!
701 Massachusetts
2 for 1 Martinis at
the Jayhawker and
TEN Restaurant
EVERY Thursday!
701 Massachusetts
2 for 1 Martinis at
the Jayhawker and
TEN Restaurant
EVERY Thursday!
701 Massachusetts
2 for 1 Martinis at
the Jayhawker and
TEN Restaurant
EVERY Thursday!
701 Massachusetts
2 for 1 Martinis at
the Jayhawker and
TEN Restaurant
EVERY Thursday!
701 Massachusetts
2 for 1 Martinis at
the Jayhawker and
TEN Restaurant
EVERY Thursday!
701 Massachusetts
2 for 1 Martinis at
the Jayhawker and
TEN Restaurant
EVERY Thursday!
701 Massachusetts
$.99 Draws
Boulevard Wheat)
1/2 price Margaritas
$3 Amaretto Sours $4 24oz. Long
Island Ice Teas
$2.99 Bloody
$1 Bud & Bud Light
$1.50 Coronas $.99 MUGaritas
Ashley Ray LIVE
$15 gen. admission
$10 w/ student ID
2 for 1 wells
$2 Coors Light Bottles
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Tournament Chance
to win trip to LAS
VEGAS & $50,000
$2 JagerBombs
Bacardi B-Live event
Mixmaster Mike
Invite Only
Check Abe & Jakes
website for upcoming
Check Abe & Jakes
website for upcoming
Check Abe & Jakes
website for upcoming
Check Abe & Jakes
website for upcoming
Celito Lindo
815 New Hampshire
60 oz. Lime
Margarita Pitchers
$2 Imports
$3.50 32oz. Imports
DJ Jalapeo
$1 off all bottles
$1 off Lime
$1 off all bottles
60 oz. Lime
Margarita Pitchers
Kids Meals $1.99
12 oz. Margaritas
$1.50 Domestic
$3 32oz. domestic
60 oz. Lime
Margarita pitchers
$1 off all bottles
$2 Wells
$3 Double Wells
$4 Jumbo Lime
Logan & Peck &
$2.25 Bud Lights
*Rock, paper, scissors
The Schwag...Tribute
to the Grateful Dead
2 for 1 Triple Wells
$2 O-Bombs
*Females free until
for sweet up and
coming events
for sweet up and
coming events
for sweet up and
coming events
Matt Wertz with the
Alternate Routes
Tickets still available