JHA Plumber
JHA Plumber
JHA Plumber
Trades Date Conducted: 3/26/2010 Supervisor: Ron Hunt Reviewed By: Ed Cassady
Sequence of Basic Job Steps -Hot Work (Welding or soldering copper and other metal pipes) -Eye -Burn
Potential Hazards
Safe Job Procedures -Appropriate PPE according to 29 CFR 1910.132 eye protection (goggles with safety lenses and screens on side protection or face masks and shields), gloves, and clothing -Ensure combustable of flammable material is at a safe distance or removed before work begins -Ensure Fire Dept is notified and hot work permit is issued before work begins -Ensure proper ventilation, atmospheric monitoring, if necessary, fit test for proper respirator type and use -Ensure Fire Dept is notified before work begins -If permit required confined space, complete confined space entry checklist according to DepO 5100.16F and turn in to Confined Space Program Manager at Force Preservation Office -Ensure cylinders are in good repair and sevicable before work begins -Handle according NFPA 55 and MCO10330.2D - Ensure combustable of flammable material is at a safe distance or removed before work begins
-Compressed Gas
-Explosion -Fire
-Contact FMD for structures with potential or suspect Asbestos Containing Material (ACM). If positive notify Depot NREAO, Naval Hospital Industrial Hygeinist for sampling and steps on removal of ACM -Wear appropriate PPE for specific work in structures containing ACM -Ensure stability of structure -Ensure tools and equipment are in good repair and used only for the purpose for which designed -Wear appropriate ppe for pinch point and cut hazards -Ensure, if necessary, have a qualified electrician inspect for potential electrical hazards and warn personnel of potential hazards -Ensure barriers, if necessary, are in place to prevent unauthorized entry or contact with live parts -De-energize electrical components, if feasible -If unable to de-energize, wear appropriate level PPE IAW NFPA, implement lockout/tagout procedures -Use appropriate respirator or ensure proper ventilation befor work begins -Use appropriate gloves and clothing to prevent contact with skin -Operated in a manner that will not endanger personnel or property, at safe operating speeds and loads -Ensure sloping and shoring to prevent cave in and a means of egress
Notes: 1. 2. 3. PPE standards are contained in 29 CFR 1910.132, 1910.146 and 1910.1001. Trenching and excavation standards are contained in 1926.650. Safe handling and use of compressed gas cylinders are contained in the NFPA 55 and MCO 10330.2D.
4. DepO 5100.16F contains depot level guidance and orders for confined space entry, control of hazardous energy, lockout/tagout procedures.