DirectorsGuide Web CompanionLevel

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Companion & Trail Companion

LeveL RequIReMeNTs
serving Others
1. In consultation with your leader, plan ways and find opportunities to spend at least two hours helping an elderly person. 2. spend at least four hours participating in projects that benefit the church or school. Advanced for Serving Others 1. Complete Companion requirements. 2. Participate in an outreach activity, and bring a non-club member to participate with you. Advanced for Health and Fitness 1. Complete Companion requirements. 2. Participate in a lifestyle fitness program for your age such as: Presidents Challenge Active Lifestyle Program, Live Healthy Bermuda Kids, or similar program

Personal Growth
1. Be in Grade 6 or its equivalent. 2. a. Develop your devotional life by studying the Weekly Devotional Guide (weeks 14 26) and the book of Genesis utilizing printed or electronic resources. b. Journal your thoughts by asking these questions: What did I learn about God? What did I learn about Myself? How can I apply this to my life today? You may journal through writing,drawing or electronic process. 3. a. Memorize the Pathfinder Pledge & Law. b. Learn the meaning of the Pathfinder Pledge & Law. 4. a. Learn or review the Pathfinder Song. b. Illustrate its meaning.

Nature study
1. a. Read pages 1-13 from the booklet a 6 Day Creation Week? b. Keep a 7-day outdoor log of your personal observations from nature in which each day focuses on those things that were created on that day. 2. Animal Tracking Make plaster casts of three different animal tracks. Advanced for Nature study 1. Complete Companion requirements. 2. Trees, shrubs & Cacti Collect and identify the leaves of 15 different trees and seven shrubs OR Photograph and observe at least five different types of cacti 3. complete a nature honor not previously earned. (Skill level 1)

Making Friends
1. Discuss how the media strengthens or weakens our relationship with others. 2. Fulfill requirements #1, #2, and #3 of the Cultural Diversity Appreciation Honor. Advanced for Making Friends 1. Complete Companion requirements. 2. complete the cultural Diversity Appreciation Honor, if not previously earned.

spiritual Discovery
1. a. Memorize in order the names of the Old Testament books of the Bible and the five groups into which they are grouped. b. Demonstrate your ability to find any Old Testament book 2. Memorize a Bible (not previously learned) text for the following subjects: Prayer Doctrine Behavior salvation relationships Promises/Praise Great Passages 3. Participate in a skit on one of the following Old Testament Characters: Joseph Jonah esther ruth 4. research two early Adventist Pioneers (1844 to 1900) and present what you have learned. Advanced for spiritual Discovery 1. Complete Companion requirements. 2. Learn about Ellen Whites first vision and discuss how God uses prophets to present His message to the church.

Health and Fitness

1. Learn the value of temperance, by: a. Memorize and sign the Temperance Pledge. b. Memorize two of the following Bible texts: Romans 12:1, 2; 1 Cor. 10:31; Prov. 20:1; 3 John 2. c. Discuss all the following situations and role-play one: Your best friend asks you to try a cigarette; An older relative offers you a drink of beer; The smoke from a strangers cigarette is bothering you. (a fulfills requirement 1, b & c fulfill parts of requirements 2 & 7 of the Temperance Honor) 2. Earn the Basic First Aid Honor. 3. complete the Basic Water safety OR Beginner Swimming Honor, if not previously earned.

Outdoor Living
1. Tie and know the practical use of 20 knots. 2. Earn the Camping Skills II Honor, if not previously earned.

Honor enrichment
1. Complete one honor at your skill level, not previously earned, in the area of Arts & Crafts or Household Arts. (Skill level 1) 2. Complete one honor at your skill level, not previously earned in the area of Recreational, Vocational, or Outdoor Industries. (Skill level 1)

Directors GuiDe

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