UPDATED: PWOC Keynote, May 2012

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Protestant Women of the Chapel

Volume 1, Issue 10


May 2012

Keys to Connect
Play Group: Summer play dates are May 17 (Chievres Lodge playground or Chievres gym; weather-dependent), May 31, June 14 and 28, July 12 and 26, Aug. 9 and 23. Locations TBD. Contact Melanie at melanietaylor18@gmail.com.

Focus on Ministry: Revelation in Brugge

By Mitzi Roberts The PWOC Revelation class took advantage of the opportunity to visit one of the most impressive and renowned paintings in the world depicting the events of the book of Revelation. Several of the women from the class, plus a few other guests, met Friday, April 27, to carpool to Brugge to visit the Sint-Janshospitaal Memling Museum. After our museum visit, we had fun shopping, lunching and strolling the cobblestone streets. St. Johns Hospital is one of the oldest preserved hospital buildings in Europe. The museum gives a glimpse into medieval medicine, displaying surgical instruments, documents and paintings as you work your way through to the Hans Memling masterpieces. Memlings art exemplifies the Brugge Flemish Primitive style. Some 500 years ago, part of the church was lined with sick and dying patients. Nuns cared for them so they could die with dignity. The bedridden patients could gaze upon the colorful, peaceful St. Johns Altarpiece and be reminded of their heavenly hope the focal point of our trip. As we studied Johns vision of the apocalypse, we St. John's Altarpiece by Hans Memling identified many parts of the book we have been studying. Memling portrays John as peacefully transfixed though he sees wars, fires and plagues. The Four Horsemen bring
(Continued on page 2)

Book Club: Meets May 16, 7-9 p.m. at Lynda Hornes house. Read War Horse by Michael Morpurgo. The next meeting will be June 20. Read The Glass Castle by Jeanette Wells. For more information, contact Christine at christine.horsley@googlemail.com.

Craft Club: Meets May 25, 2 p.m. at Trisha Raynohas for Scribble Art. For supply list or other information, contact her at kujhawk97@yahoo.com.

Chaplains Corner: Perpetuate Easter

By Ronald Beltz There is something extremely exciting to me about Easter Sunday! Maybe its the Easter eggs, jelly beans and chocolate? Or how about all of the beautiful flowers - tulips, lilies and daffodils? Dont forget all the very cute Easter outfits that the children wear or all the wonderful food for Easter dinner! Of course, the real reason for our celebration of Easter is the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As I write this, Easter Sunday was over two weeks ago; my Easter ham is gone, the kids Easter baskets have been put away until next year and the black jelly beans, which nobody in my family likes, sit in a bowl on the kitchen counter. So is that it until next year? Next Easter? The black jelly beans will probably still be in a bowl somewhere in my house! Maybe we should celebrate Easter every day but how? Philippians 3:1 says we ought to rejoice in the Lord always. Why? Because we have a Savior that delivers us from our sins and promises us eternal life. Thats a Savior worth talking about and sharing to the world! It is through prayer, Bible study and the Lords Supper that we as Christians are empowered to go into our world and share the Gospel Good News of Jesus Christ. So go forth and do great things in the name of Christ and you will be celebrating Easter every day!

Prayer: Meets Tuesdays 12 12:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. in the West Chapel. The last meeting is May 10. Contact Shirley Houin at shirleyhouin@hotmail.com.

PWOC Fit: Meets M/W/F at 9 a.m. at the SHAPE gym parking lot for support, encouragement and group exercise like walking and running. June 1 will be the last meeting. Contact Dana at mrsmaks@gmail.com to join the mailing list.

Meet the 2012-2013 Board

Melanie Taylor - President
Hometown: State College, PA Church: Shape Protestant Chapel Just when you think you have enough on your plate, God shows you something He has in store. His blessings abound for us when we sit back and let Him do the work. This next year will inevitably be a busy one with the arrival of our third child, but serving PWOC as the new president is something I am honored to do. PWOC has been such a source of light for me and if I can give back even a fraction of its blessings I will feel worthy of leading such amazing ladies.

Looking Ahead
By Melanie Taylor I am honored to be serving as your incoming president. While I am trying to fill some amazing shoes after Karlena and Sarah's lead, I know God will equip me and give me grace and direction over the next year. My goal for PWOC is for us to provide a place of encouragement for women in our community; a place they can come to find genuine, supportive friendships and be lifted up when dealing with the challenges of being wives, mothers, service members and friends - all while living in a foreign country. As Christians, our love of Christ can and should be manifested into a love for one another and PWOC has definitely done that for me here at SHAPE. I hope to help cultivate that even more and I am excited for all God has in store for us here.

Christine Horsley - Vice President, Spiritual Life

Hometown: Holbrook, Suffolk, England Church: IBC Jurbise Out of thankfulness and blessing, I feel called to serve on the Board using what skills and experience I have but also as God has equipped and continues to equip me to help others. PWOC ministry has been a central part of my life here in Belgium and I believe God wants me to continue to serve in this and to contribute back as I have been blessed. Having served on the board this past year I can also give some continuity to the ministry.

Jennifer Frey - Vice President, Programs

Hometown: Lexington, SC Church: Shape Protestant Chapel I am so excited about this new opportunity to serve SHAPE and our awesome ladies. I arrived at SHAPE in July 2011, and nervously attended my first PWOC meeting that September. Instantly, I felt welcomed, inspired, filled and at home. I have been praying for God to use me in ways I couldn't see for myself. This chance to serve on the PWOC Board is certainly nothing I planned for myself, but I feel led and supported to be part of this great group of gals and, with your help, plan some great programs!


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Amy Cates - Administrative Coordinator

Hometown: Monticello, Arkansas Church: Shape Protestant Chapel God called me through scripture: 1 John 4:4, "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." He also called me through the affirmation of my husband and my fellow PWOC ladies. I am here to serve God - to let him be great in me because he has called me to serve Him.

calamity, while the fearful earth dwellers hide in the rocks. The dragon (Satan) at the top of the painting is thrown down. Although the judgment of the world has come, John is confidently mesmerized by the vision of God upon His throne surrounded by a rainbow above, elders below and the Lamb beside. We were all impressed by the incredible details Memling captured. Memling reminds us that we, like John the Revelator, can face the trials and tribulations all around us with confident peace when we keep our focus on our Sovereign God and the Lamb.

Dana Maksimowicz - Financial Liaison

Hometown: Little Rock, Arkansas Church: Shape Protestant Chapel I held the position of financial liaison this past year and felt God's call on me to continue in the same roll. I truly am blessed by all the women in PWOC and consider it a privilege to be on the board.

Sint-Janshospitaal, or St. Johns Hospital, in Brugge was originally built to house pilgrims, passers-by and traveling salesmen. It also housed the sick, so long as they were not contagious. It was an active hospital until 1978. It is now a museum and Congress center.

Devotion: Keep Trying

In Discipleship Journal Paul Thigpen writes: I remember coming home one afternoon to discover that the kitchen I had worked so hard to clean only a few hours before, was now a terrible wreck. My young daughter had obviously been busy cooking and the ingredients were scattered, along with dirty bowls and utensils, across the counters and floor. I was not happy with the situation. Then, as I looked a little more closely at the mess I spied a tiny note on the table, clumsily written and smeared with chocolaty fingerprints. The message was short Im makin somethin 4 you, dad and it was signed, your angel. In the midst of that disarray, and despite my irritation, joy suddenly sprang up in my heart, sweet and pure. My attention had been redirected from the problem to the little girl I loved. As I encountered her in that brief note, I delighted in her. With her simple goodness in focus, I could take pleasure in seeing her hand at work in the situation that seemed otherwise Well done, good disastrous. In the parable of the taland faithful servant. ents, Jesus pointed out that the two servants who Matthew 25:23 NKJV invested and multiplied what had been entrusted to them received the Masters highest commendation: Well done, good and faithful servant. On the other hand, the servant who buried his gifts rather than risk and lose, received the Masters harshest condemnation: You wicked and lazy servant (v. 26 NKJV). Commendation or condemnation: which will you receive? God doesnt say, If you cant do it right, dont do it at all. No, Hes pleased when you try, make mistakes, learn from them and grow. So keep trying! Editors Note: This devotion was found at http://www.tct.tv/ daily.php and was shared with the PWOC Board during our last meeting. We thought it would be a great devotion to share with our sisters. Finally, from the editor to the board: Well done, good and faithful servants of Christ!

Point of order
By Sarah Becking Psalm 90 A prayer of Moses the man of God "Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations." This verse means so much to me because I dont like to move. Since my wedding 15 years ago, I have lived in 8 different places. It will be 9 by our 16th anniversary. I yearn for the comfort and stability of staying in the same place, as when I was growing up. I long for a permanent home. I believe many of us feel the same way. But Psalm 90 reminds me that Gods people have always longed for a home in which we cannot now live. Gods call to Abraham, father of the Jewish people, was to leave his people, his country, and his father and go where God would show him. (Gen 12:1) Moses was born outside of his homeland, his lifes work was to lead his people to the Promised Land, but he himself never made it over the border. Moses claimed God Himself as his dwelling place, his home. And not just for himself, but for his community: the Lord is our dwelling place. The Israelites wandered for 40 years before entering the Promised Land. Israel experienced exile to Babylon before a return to the Promised Land. Decades after Jesus death and resurrection, most Jews and Christians were forced out of Jerusalem by the Romans, and the Christians shared the gospel wherever they found a place to live. This is us, isnt it, sisters? But God is our dwelling place. He has been for all the generations of believers whove gone before us, and will be for those yet to come. It has been a blessing for me to dwell with you here in Belgium for these 2 years. May you and yours continue to make God your dwelling place until Your Kingdom Come. Much love,

For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Forever, Amen.
Matthew 6:13g (NASB)

You are cordially invited to a Kings Feast

May 15, 2012 9:30 am-12:00 pm SHAPE International Chapel Fellowship Hall

Focus on Ministry: Spiritual Nourishment

By Mitzi Roberts Spiritual growth, personal relationships and authentic community intersect at Protestant Women of the Chapel International Conferences around the world. Some of my best friends and favorite memories were cultivated through the relationships I made through PWOC. Because my life has been so shaped by PWOC, I want to encourage you to take advantage of all PWOC has to offer you in the future. You may not know that PWOCI is a worldwide ministry spanning ten regions of the globe. We are part of something much bigger than SHAPE! PWOCI offers two types of conferences. First, training conferences provide valuable skills, encouragement and equipping to leaders so that they can more effectively serve local chaplains and the women of their chapel communities. Women Intent on Leadership Development, or W.I.L.D., Training Conferences provide spiritual development and ministry skill- building to newly selected board members. This training is delivered to the regions so that women across the region can network for ideas and support. Our newly Selected Board members will join approximately 120 other women from across the Europe Region in Garmisch, Germany, for W.I.L.D. Training May 17-20 at the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort. Join me in praying for our new board as they prepare and plan for the next ministry year. Enrichment conferences are delivered in two ways regionally and internationally. Regional enrichment conferences are typically held during the odd-numbered years. However, the Europe Region is the only region to host an annual conference for the women it serves. PWOC Europe has a rich history and has set the standard for excellence. Europes first conference was in October 1955 in Berchtesgaden, Germany. Since then, the annual Worship and Study Conference has become a hallmark of spiritual growth and deep Christian fellowship for literally thousands of women through the years. This years Worship and Study Conference will be held Oct. 25-28 (the location has not yet been set). Save just $12 per week or $50 per month toward the conference and you will experience unprecedented growth and enjoy priceless memories. PWOCIs International Conference takes place every even-numbered year. This years International Conference will take place at the Opryland Resort in Nashville, Tennessee, Nov. 1-4. Mary Kassian is the keynote speaker and Laura Story is the Lead Worshiper. Save $17 per week starting right now and you will have enough put away for this amazing adventure! See PWOC.org for further details. I passed on the first opportunity to attend a Worship and Study because I was too intimidated. It scared me to be among women who I perceived to be super spiritual. I just knew I wouldnt fit in and couldnt keep up. But when I finally overcame my fears, I discovered the speakers and workshop leaders offered a bounty of options from which I could choose. I learned that we are all journeying together and I grew from the encouragement and acceptance of leaders. I suggest you plan now for childcare and register at the first opportunity!

Protestant Women of the Chapel

Summer Study
The Remarkable Women of the Bible
10 stand-alone studies

June 4 - Aug. 14, 2012 Mondays 6:30 - 8 p.m. or Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. SHAPE Chapel
It will not be necessary to purchase the study book. Free watch care is provided for children 6 mo - 11 yrs.

Dates to Remember

1 Off-site to Pairi Daiza 3 National Day of Prayer 3 Final Board Reports Due 7 Last Monday Night Study 8 Last Tuesday Morning Study 8 Food for Foyer Home Bethleem 10 Final/Joint Board Meeting 11-12 Make-A-Wish 13 Mothers Day 15 Closing Program 17-20 W.I.L.D. Training

Play Dates!
We are in need of someone who can organize and plan summer play dates. You will get to pick the places and lead the fun! Please contact Melanie Taylor if youre interested in leading.

Happy May Birthday!

9 Susan Bryan 12 Heidi Custer 15 Kristin Cottrill 20 Corrol Havens 23 Breonna Claude

Breaking Chains Needs You!

Do you have bookkeeping or Web site experience and a couple of hours a week to help? Breaking Chains/Cherut is in need of somebody to help out with the accounting and their Web site. All work can be done from your home. If you or someone you know is able to help, or you'd like more details, please contact Lynda Horne at 065346914 or lyndajshorne@aol.com. This really is a mission worthy of your consideration. Thank you.

National Day of Prayer May 3 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. Daumerie Chapel BBQ to follow provided by Chapel
Join us at Pairi Daiza May 1, 11:30 a.m. indoor playground

Birth Announcement
James Aaron Admiraal - April 16 (Nate and Mary)

May 11-12

Tasty Treats
May 8: Fearless

Please inform Jodi Miller if you are leaving SHAPE during this semester or this summer. Thank you!

Contact Jamie Huffman to sign up for a timeslot!


This newsletter is published under direction and authority of the SHAPE Chaplain exclusively for the SHAPE Protestant Women of President: Sarah Becking Participation: Jodi Miller the Chapel program. The views provided VP Spiritual Life: Sarah Becking Watch Care Liaison: Mary Admiraal herein do not necessarily reflect those of the VP Programs: Terri Taylor Praise & Worship: Danielle Yeager SHAPE Chapel and are meant for informaAdministrative Coordinator: Laura Glover Outreach/Inreach: Cindy Weir tional and entertainment purposes only. If Financial Liaison: Dana Maksimowicz Titus II: Mitzi Roberts you have questions, concerns or would like Hospitality: Laura Glover Leadership Selection: Mia Basilici to contribute to this publication, please conPrayer: Christine Horsley Publicity: Trisha Raynoha tact the Newsletter staff. Contributions are due no later than two weeks prior to the first Contact any member of the board via e-mail: pwoc.shape@gmail.com. You may also find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/pwocshape. We look forward to serving you! Monday of the publication month.


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