Check Your Understanding

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Check Your Understanding

Express your understanding of the impulse-momentum change theorem by answering the following questions. Click the button to view the answers. 1. A 0.50-kg cart (#1) is pulled with a 1.0-N force for 1 second; another 0.50 kg cart (#2) is pulled with a 2.0 N-force for 0.50 seconds. Which cart (#1 or #2) has the greatest acceleration? Explain.

Which cart (#1 or #2) has the greatest impulse? Explain.

Which cart (#1 or #2) has the greatest change in momentum? Explain.

2. In a physics demonstration, two identical balloons (A and B) are propelled across the room on horizontal guide wires. The motion diagrams (depicting the relative position of the balloons at time intervals of 0.05 seconds) for these two balloons are shown below.

Which balloon (A or B) has the greatest acceleration? Explain.

Which balloon (A or B) has the greatest final velocity? Explain.

Which balloon (A or B) has the greatest momentum change? Explain.

Which balloon (A or B) experiences the greatest impulse? Explain.

3. Two cars of equal mass are traveling down Lake Avenue with equal velocities. They both come to a stop over different lengths of time. The ticker tape patterns for each car are shown on the diagram below.

At what approximate location on the diagram (in terms of dots) does each car begin to experience the impulse?

Which car (A or B) experiences the greatest acceleration? Explain.

Which car (A or B) experiences the greatest change in momentum? Explain.

Which car (A or B) experiences the greatest impulse? Explain.

4. The diagram to the right depicts the before- and after-collision speeds of a car that undergoes a head-on-collision with a wall. In Case A, the car bounces off the wall. In Case B, the car crumples up and sticks to the wall.

a. In which case (A or B) is the change in velocity the greatest? Explain.

b. In which case (A or B) is the change in momentum the greatest? Explain.

c. In which case (A or B) is the impulse the greatest? Explain.

d. In which case (A or B) is the force that acts upon the car the greatest (assume contact times are the same in both cases)? Explain.

5. Jennifer, who has a mass of 50.0 kg, is riding at 35.0 m/s in her red sports car when she must suddenly slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a deer crossing the road. She strikes the air bag, that brings her body to a stop in 0.500 s. What average force does the seat belt exert on her?

If Jennifer had not been wearing her seat belt and not had an air bag, then the windshield would have stopped her head in 0.002 s. What average force would the windshield have exerted on her?

6. A hockey player applies an average force of 80.0 N to a 0.25 kg hockey puck for a time of 0.10 seconds. Determine the impulse experienced by the hockey puck.

7. If a 5-kg object experiences a 10-N force for a duration of 0.10-second, then what is the momentum change of the object?

Next Section: Real-World Applications

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