CV MuhammadFirmansyahKasim 120917
CV MuhammadFirmansyahKasim 120917
CV MuhammadFirmansyahKasim 120917
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Jl. Ganeca no. 10, Bandung 11470, Indonesia Mobile Phone: +6281355024433 | Email: Research Web Development, Cloud Computing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Wireless Sensor Interest Network Education Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Majoring Electrical Engineering, specialized in Computer Engineering GPA: 3.63/4.00 (6th semester) Research Wireless Communication Research Group Experiences Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Position : Research Assistant (Intern) Supervisor : Dr. A. K. M. Muzahidul Islam ( The group consists of graduate students from various nationalities. Bandung, Indonesia Aug 2009 present Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Jun 2012 Aug 2012
Construction and Maintenance of Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Network Jun 2012 Aug 2012 Objective: Design efficient topology for communication of wireless sensor network and also design the construction and maintenance algorithm for various cases. Role: Create simulation using OMNeT++ to confirm result of the algorithm for construction and maintenance with CD-disabled model. Create Python simulation to confirm result of ZKP algorithm for network's security. Design new algorithm for network construction with CD-enabled model. A paper is written as output of the internship and now being reviewed for a conference. Project Google App Engine (GAE) Boilerplate May 2012 present Experiences Project Leader: Rodrigo Augusto C. Objective: Create a website to help other projects off the ground quickly using GAE platform Role: Develop some basic features for user registration in the website and also add email confirmation features of the website. Working with 6 other developers around the world using Github. The project can be seen on Electronic Medical Record for Clinics Jun 2011 present Client: Klinik Sehat (Family Clinic) Objective: Create a complete IT system for electronic medical record system for medical clinics. The website has user registration and user log-in features for 3 different roles: admin, doctor, and nurse. Each role has its own job that can appear on user's page in real-time using AJAX. Role: Develop whole web using PHP, HTML, CSS, JS and now migrate it to Python GAE framework. Demo video of the website can be seen on LinkBox Mar 2009 Nov 2009 Objective: Create a free widget for bloggers to exchange links with other bloggers without logging-in to any website. Also create the website for users who want to get the widget. Also implement some additional features for premium users. Role: Develop the whole website using PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, AJAX. The website has no longer been developed. It was on, and there are some reviews (in Bahasa Indonesia) on and and from Google Search Results with keywords linkbox (without quotes). Teaching Cerdas Sehat Consultant of Education Bandung, Indonesia Experiences Teaching Staff Dec 2009 present Currently teaching physics for 7 senior high school students each week to prepare for physics olympiad. One of them was selected become a participant in national physics olympiad. Last update: September 17th 2012
2nd Winner Jakarta, Indonesia OSN-PTI Pertamina Dec 2009 OSN-PTI Pertamina is a science competition open for all undergraduate students in Indonesia held by a company in Indonesia: Pertamina. Gold Medal Isfahan, Iran 38th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) Jul 2007 IPhO is an international physics competition for high school students around the world. It consists of physics theoretical problem and experimental problems. Gold medals were given for top 37 participants.
Gold Medal Jogjakarta, Indonesia 2nd International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) Dec 2005 IJSO is a science competition for junior high school students around the world. Skills Programming languages: PHP, Python, Java, C/C++, JavaScript, LISP, Pascal Programming libraries: Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib (Python), OpenGL (C++) Web-descriptive languages: HMTL, CSS Web frameworks and libraries: webapp2, jinja2 (GAE), JQuery, JQueryUI Hardware descriptive languages: VHDL