Tahajjud Recitations For Recording
Tahajjud Recitations For Recording
Tahajjud Recitations For Recording
4. It is also recommended to recite:
Du before beginning Tahajjud prayer
After performing your wudh and applying perfume, sit facing the Qiblah and recite the
following Du which Imm ~Al Zaynul ~bidn used to recite in the wee hours of
the night:
Then, the Imm would cling his cheek to the clay and say:
Du before Nfilah of Night and Dus in Qunt
Recite the following supplication before each of the four Nfilah prayers. If you do not
have enough time, then you may recite it before any one of the four prayers:
you may say one, more or all of the following supplications in the Qunt.
Supplication No. 1
Supplication No. 2
Supplication No. 3
It is recommended to lengthen the Qunt in the 8 rakat of Nfilah of Night, whenever
possible. This Du for Qunt is by Imm Ja~far al-diq .
Aml after every 2 rakat of Nfilah of Night
The following aml (i.e. acts of devotions) are recommended after each of the four
Nfilah of Night prayers. You may repeat it after every prayer, or after any one or more of
these prayers.
a) Recite the following Du:
( . . .)
b) Now glorify Allh through performing Tasbh al-Zahr ( peace be upon her). Say 34 x
Allhu akbar, 33 x Alhamdu lillh and 33 x Subhnallh. Recite any supplication you
wish after this.
c) Perform two sajdahs (prostrations) of shukr, expressing your gratitude to the
Almighty Allh for having been granted the opportunity of communicating intimately
with Him at this time.
Du after 8 rakat of Nfilah of Night
) 10 ( After completing the eighth (& the last) rakh of Nfilah of Night say Y Allh
times followed by:
Du after alt of Shaf~a
Qunt of alt of Witr
The Qunt of altul Witr should be recited slowly and with a lot of sadness due to
ones sins. Put every effort to shed some tears when pleading for forgiveness and pardon
from Allah, and when reciting the profound supplications that have moved some
servants to lament like the one who is bitten by a snake, or like a mother who has lost a
young son. The Holy Prophet said in his farewell sermon, one who sheds tears fearing
Allah will get the reward equal to the weight of the mountain of Uhud in his scale.
a) The following is a part of Du recited by Imm al-Bqir at the beginning of this
c) According to Shaykh al-Sadq, the Holy Prophet used to recite the following in
the Qunt of his Witr:
d) Recite istighfr 70 times, i.e. plead for forgiveness:
This is the state of one who seeks refuge in You from the fire.
g) Imm Zaynul ~bidn would say 300 times:
al-afwa (O Pardoner)
and then say:
i) Du at the end of Qunt of altul Witr
Du after rising from ruk` of altul Witr
Glorified and Holy is the Lord and Cherisher of the angels and the Spirit
)e) Rise from the sajdah and recite yatul Kurs (Quranic verses 2:255 257
f) Go to sajdah again recite 5 times: