Al Wird Al Latif

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AlWird AlLaf

of Imm Abd Allh b. Alaw aladdd g (d. 1132/1721)

m9$# uq9$# !$# 0

Srat alIkhl (Purity of Faith)

Qul Huwa Allhu aad. Allhu al-amad. Lam yalid wa lam s9u s9 s9u $#t s9 y9$# !$# ymr& !$# u %

ylad. Wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan aad. (3x)



Say, He is God the One, God the eternal. He begot no one nor was

 7ymr& # 2 &! 3t

He begotten. No one is comparable to Him.

m9$# uq9$# !$# 0

Srat alFalaq (Daybreak)

Qul adhu bi rabb il-falaq. 2Min sharri m khalaq. 3Wa min sharri #s) ,
@ %y h u t,n=y{ $t h ,n=x 9$# b>t/ r&
ghsiqin idh waqab. 4Wa min sharri il-naffathti fil uqad. 5Wa min
> %tn hx u
s)9$# MsV 9$# hx u |=%s u
sharri sidin idh asad. (3x)

Say [Prophet], I seek refuge with the Lord of daybreak against the


harm in what He has created, the harm in the night when darkness


gathers, the harm in witches when they blow on knots, the harm in the
envier when he envies.
m9$# uq9$# !$# 0

Srat alNs (People)


Qul adhu bi rabb il-ns. 2Malik il-ns. 3Ilh il-ns. Min sharri al-

wasws al-khanns. 4Al-ladh yuwaswisu f udr al-ns. 5Min aljinnati wa al-ns. (3x)

Say, I seek refuge with the Lord of people, the Controller of people,

$9$# s9)

$9$# 7=t

$9$# b>t/ r& %

Z$9$# u %!$# $s:$# #uu9$# hx


the God of people, against the harm of the slinking whisperer who

 $9$#u f9$# z

whispers into the hearts of people whether they be jinn or people.


Rabb audhu bika min al-hamzat al-shayani

Rabb an yadurn. (3x)


wa audhu bika r& b>u / r&u


Lord, I take refuge with You from the goadings of the evil ones;


u9$# Ntyy y7/ r& b>



seek refuge with You, Lord, so that they may not come near me.

Afaasibtum annam khalaqnkum abathan wa annakum ilayn n?ytGs


l turjan.


Fa tal Allh ul-Malik ul-aqq, l ilha ill Huwa

Rabb ul-Arsh il-Karm.


Wa man yadu ma Allhi ilhan khara

ty_? $us9) 3r&u $ZWt7t 3o)n=yz $yr& F7yssr&

t tu x69$# y9$# &>u u ) ts9) I ( ,ys9$# 7=y9$# !$#

l burhna lahu bihi, fainnam isbuhu inda Rabbih, innahu l

) 4 n/u y /$|m $y*s / s9 zy/ tyz#u $s9) !$# yt
yufli ul-krn. 118Wa qul Rabb ighfir waram wa anta khayr ul tq9$# 6yz |Mr&u ym$#u  $# b> %u t s39$# x=

Did you think We had created you in vain, and that you would not be

brought back to Us?


Exalted be God, the true King, there is no god

but Him, the Lord of the Glorious Throne!


Whoever prays to another

god alongside Hima god for whose existence he has no evidencewill

face his reckoning with his Lord. Those who reject the truth will not


Say [Prophet], Lord, forgive and have mercy: You are the

most merciful of all.

Wa lahu ul- ys9$# &s!u ts6? tnu ? tm !$# zys6s

amdu fi al-samwti wa al-ari wa ashyyan wa na tuhirn.
z y9$# l t? tnu $|tu F{$#u Vuy9$#
Yukhrij ul-ayya min al-mayyiti wa yukhrij ul-mayyita min al-ayyi

Fasubn Allhi na tumsna wa na tubin.


wa yuy il-ara bada mawtih, wa kathlika tukhrajn.



So celebrate Gods glory in the evening, in the morning praise is due

y79xx.u 4 $pEt yt/ uF{$# vu cy9$# z |Mhy9$# lu Mhy9$#


to Him in the heavens and the earthin the late afternoon, and at


He brings the living out of the dead and the dead out of the

living. He gives life to the earth after death, and you will be brought out
in the same way.


Adhu billhi al-Sam al-Alm min al-shayn al-rajm. (3x)

I seek refuge in Allah, the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing, from the
rejected Devil.

Lo anzaln hdh al-Qurna al jabalin laraytahu khshian uyz i %Yd|tF $Yyz tFr&t9 9t6y_ 4n?t t#u)9$# #xy $u9tr& s9


mutaaddian min khashyat Illh, wa tilk al-amthlu naribuh lilnsi laalahum yatafakkarn. 22Huwa Allhu alladh l ilha ill Hu,

!$# u

3x tGt =ys9 $=9 $p5t sVF{$# =?u 4 !$#

lim ul-ghaybi wa al-shahdati Huwa al-Ramn ul-Ram. 23Huwa m9$# oq9$# u ( yy9$#u =t9$# =t ( u ) ts9) I %!$#
Allhu alladh l ilha ill Huwa al-Malik ul-Qudds ul-Salm ul9$# n=9$# )9$# 7=y9$# u ) ts9)
I %!$# !$# u
Mumin ul-Muhaymin ul-Azz ul-Jabbr ul-Mutakabbir, subn

Huwa Allh ul-Khliq ul-Bri ul-

2 $t !$# zys6 4 i9x6tG9$# $6yf9$# y9$# y9$#

Muawwir, lahu ul-asm ul-usn, yusabbiu lahu ma f il-samwti
xm7| 4 4o_s9$# !$yF{$# &s! ( h|9$# $t79$# ,=y9$# !$# u
wa al-ari wa Huwa al-Azz ul-akm.
Allhi amm yushrikn.



If We had sent this Quran down to a mountain, you [Prophet] would

have seen it humbled and split apart in its awe of God: We offer people
such illustrations so that they may reflect.

3pt:$# y9$# uu ( F{$#u Nuy9$# $t s9


He is God: there is no god

other than Him. It is He who knows what is hidden as well as what is in

the open, He is the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.


He is God:

there is no god other than Him, the Controller, the Holy One, Source of
Peace, Granter of Security, Guardian over all, the Almighty, the
Compeller, the Truly Great; God is far above anything they consider to be
His partner.


He is God: the Creator, the Originator, the Shaper. The

best names belong to Him. Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies
Him: He is the Almighty, the Wise.


Salmun al Nin fi al-lamn.


Inn kadhalika najzi al-


musinn. Innahu min ibdina al-muminn.


Peace be upon Noah among all the nations!



This is how We reward

those who do good: he was truly one of Our faithful servants.

ts9$# gw y79xx. $)

ts>y9$# 8y 4n?t n=y

t9$# $t$t7 )

Adhu bikalimt Illhi al-tmmti min sharri m khalaq. (3x)

I seek refuge in the complete words of Allah from the evil in what He has

()           ! 


Bismillh alladh l yauru ma ismihi shayyun fi al-ari wa l f alsami wa Huwa al-Sam ul-Alm. (3x)
In the Name of Allah, with whose Name nothing on earth or in heaven

" #$ %&' " () *+  ,- # ./  

()   0$ ( 

can harm, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

Allhumma inn abatu minka f nimatin wa fiyatin wa sitr,

faatmim nimataka alayya wa fiyataka wa sitraka fi al-duny wa
al-khrah. (3x)

<=>>?  @$ BA ? $ BA C " 12 3456 78 9 ;: 

() DE $ CF " G @$ 1 ? $ )9  1 C

O Allah! As morning comes upon me, I dwell in your favor, well-being,

and protection; so complete Your favor upon me, Your well-being, and
Your protection, in this world and the next.

Allhumma inn abatu ushhiduk, wa ushhidu amalata arshik wa

malikata wa jama khalqik, annaka anta Allhu l ilha ill anta
wadaka l sharka lak, wa anna Sayyidan Muammadan abduka
wa rasluk. (4x)
O Allah! As morning comes upon me, I bear witness before You, the
Bearers of Your Throne, Your angels, and all Your creationthat You are

1 BH F;$ GF; 3456 78 9 ;: 

3C #8 *8 #  3C 1I>C 1J K$ 1L> !MN$
1@&$ GF5 PFQ CF@
I $ 1 1- # GFO$

Allah, there is no god but You, alone with no partners, and that our
master Muhammad is Your slave and messenger.

Al-amdu lillhi Rabb il-lamn, amdan yuwf niamahu wa

yukfiu mazdah. (3x)
Praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the Worldspraise that is adequate to

VF-W X? !-$ *: C " - PFH RS  T&  FU


His favors and equal to His increase.

mantu billh il-Am, wa kafartu bil jibti wa al-ght, wastamsaktu

bil urwat il-wuthq, lanfima lah wa Allhu Samun Alm. (3x)
I believe in Allah the Almighty, and I denounce all idols and false gods,
and I grasp the firmest handhold that never breaks, and Allah is All-

Y  $ 35Z  [\$ ]   32^

 +  $ _ ` a[C # bJc D$  3! @ $

Hearing, All-Knowing.

Ratu billhi Rabba, wa bil Islmi dn, wa bi Sayyidin

Muammadin all Allhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallama nabyyan wa
rasl. (3x)
I am content with Allah as Lord, with Islam as religion, and with our
master Muhammad (Allahs peace and mercy be upon him) as Prophet
and Messenger.

 b6 FA Q CF$ P2-d `N@e $ P>

f &   3g&
() #P @&$ P>5C @$ *^$ *

asb Allhu l ilha ill Huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rabb

ul-arsh il-am. (7x)
Allah is enough for me: there is no god but Him; I put my trust in
Him; He is Lord of the Mighty Throne. (Qurn 9.129)

Allhumma alli al Sayyidin Muammadin wa lihi wa abihi

wa sallim. (10x)
O Allah! Bestow mercy upon our master Muhammad, his Family and

&>u uu ( M=2us? n=t ( u ) ts9) I !$# _<ym

( )  y9$# y9$#

@$ *546$ *^$ FA Q CF@ b ih 6 9 ;: 

Companions, and give them peace.

Allhumma inn asaluka min fujat il-khayr, wa adhu bika min

fujat il-sharr.
O Allah! I ask You for sudden good and seek Your protection from

 1 $ jk Dl (L L>mn>?  1=@ 78 9 ;: 

  Dl (L L>mn>?

sudden evil.

Allhumma anta Rabb l ilha ill ant, khalaqtan wa an abduk,

wa an al ahdika wa wadika ma astaat, adhu bika min sharri
m anat, abu laka bi nimatika alayya wa abu bi dhanb,
faghfir l, fainnahu l yaghfir ul-dhunba ill ant.
O Allah! You are my Lord, there is no god but You, You created me
and I am Your slave. I uphold Your pledge and promise as well as I can;

b C$ GF5 C$ qp J 3C #8 *8 # o& 3C 9 ;: 

q326     1  q3 @  GF$$ GF;
# *I>Cr>? s [Y ? tC/ ($ ) 1 2 1 (
3C #8 TC/ [u-

I seek Your protection against the evil that I have done; I acknowledge
Your favors upon me and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for none
forgives sin except You.

Allhumma anta Rabb l ilha ill ant, alayka tawakkaltu wa anta

Rabb ul-arsh il-am.
O Allah! You are my Lord, there is no god but You. Upon You I rely,

v & 3C$ 3\w 1 3C #8 *8 # o& 3C 9 ;: 
] x

and You are the Lord of the Glorious Throne.

M sh Allhu kn, wa m lam yasha lam yakun, wa l awla wa

l quwwata ill billh il-Alyy il-m.
Whatever Allah wills is, and what He does not will is not; and there is

#8 Dy #$ zO #$ !- { = - { $

\  (  
] )  

no power or ability except by Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.

Alamu anna Allhu al kulli shayyin qadr wa anna Allha qad

aa bi kulli shayyin ilm.
I know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses
all things in His knowledge.

i! | O Fy 
$ -Fy () ih \ b 
P ()

Allhumma inn adhu bika min sharri nafs, wa min sharri kulli
dbbatin anta khidhun bi-nyatiha, inna Rabb al irin

BA >
f  d ih \   $ )[C    1  78 9 ;: 
J  |
A 6 b o&
I 8 ; 6 2 /^ 3C

O Allah! I seek Your protection from the evil of my own self and from
the evil of every creature on earth You have taken by the forelock; my
Lord is on a straight path.

Y ayyu y Qayym, bi-ramatika astaghth, wa min adhbika

astajr, ali l shan kullah, wa l takiln il nafs wa l il aadan
min khalqika arfata ayn.
O Ever-Living, O Sustainer! I call upon Your mercy for and I seek

qjm @ 1 / $ q}u @ 1 H `~>y - )v O FA O 8 #$ )[C 8 p!w #$ q:*I\ 7= s 6
R B? 1J 

refuge from Your punishment. Rectify all my affairs and do not

entrusts me to myself or to any of Your creation for even the blink of
an eye.

Allhumma inn adhu bika min al-hammi wa al-azan, wa

adhu bika min al-ajzi wa al-kasal, wa adhu bika min al-jubni
wa al-bukhl, wa adhu bika min ghalabat il-dayni wa qahr il-rijl.
O Allah! I seek refuge in You from sorrow and grief, from incapacity

Wm  1 $
WU $  _  1  78 9 ;: 
 1 $ qi5 $ Z
 1 $ qi! $
z  ;y$ -F B5Y

and sloth, from cowardice and miserliness, and I seek Your protection
from overwhelming debt and the tyranny of men.

Allhumma inn asaluk al-fiyah f al-duny wa al-khrah.

DE $ CF " B?  1=@ 78 9 ;: 

O Allah! I ask You for well-being in this world and the hereafter.

Allhumma inn asaluk al-af wa al-fiyah wa al-muft aldimah f dn wa dunyya wa ahl wa ml.
O Allah! I ask You for pardoning, well-being, and constant safety in

p-d " BM F D ? S $ B?  $ [ 1=@ 78 9 ;: 

s $ )0$ . Cd$

my religion, worldly life, family, and possessions.

Allhumma ustur awrt wa min rawt.

$& ^$ &  @ 9 ;: 

O Allah! Cover my shame and calm my fears.

Allhumma afan min bayna yadayya wa min khalf, wa an

yamn wa an shiml wa min fawq, wa adhu bi-aamatika an
ughtla min tat.
O Allah! Protect me from [the evil] in front of me and behind me, on
my right and my left, and from above meand I take refuge in Your
Greatness from the unexpected harm from below me.

$ p $ )[ $ .

9 F- R  p][O 9 ;: 
 z Y
 1 ] $ q)y? $ s

Allhumma anta khalaqtan wa anta tahdn wa anta tuimun wa

anta tasqn wa anta tumtun wa anta tuyn, wa anta al kulli
shayyin qadr.
O Allah! You created me and You guide me, and You feed me and

3C$ p w 3C$ p-F 3C$ p J 3C 9 ;: 

() i\ b 3C$ p 3C$ p < 3C$ pJw

provide me with drink, and You cause me to die and You give me life,
and You have power over all things.

Aban al firat il-Islm wa al kalimat il-ikhl wa al dni

nabyyin Muammadin all Allhu alayhi wa lihi wa sallim, wa
al millati abn Ibrhma anfan musliman wa m kna min almushrikn.

b$ Ne B\ b$ `N@e D ? b 2456

2 BI b$ @$ *^$ *  b6 FA Q 25C -d
R\ S 
\ $ P P[2O 0 8

We have risen this morning on the original pattern of Islam, upon the
Word of Sincerity, on the religion of our Prophet Muhammad (Allahs
mercy and peace be upon him and his family), and upon the
confession of Ibrhm, who was upright, a Muslim, and not an

Allhumma bika aban wa bika amsayn wa bika nay wa bika

namt wa alayka natawakkal wa ilayk al-nushr.
O Allah! By You we live to morning, and by You we live to evening,

 1$  1$ 2 1$ 2456 1 9 ;: 

& 2 18$ i\ C 1$

and by You we live and by You we die, and upon You we rely, and to
You is the Resurrection.

Aban wa aba al-mulku lillh, wa al-amdu lillhi Rabb il-

 &  FU $  1S 56$ 2456

Morning has risen upon us and all sovereignty is Allahs, and all praise
belongs to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

Allhumma inn asaluka khayra hdh al-youm, fatahu wa

narahu wa nrahu wa barakatahu wa hudh.
O Allah! I ask You for the good of this day, its openings, victories,

V&C$ VaC$ *4 ? ` /0 j 1=@ 78 9 ;: 

V F0$ * \$

lights, blessings, and right-guidance.

Allhumma inn asaluka khayra hdh al-youmi wa khayra m

fh, wa khayra m qablahu wa khayra m badah, wa adhu bika
min sharri hdh al-youmi wa sharri m fh, wa sharri m qablahu
wa sharri m badah.
O Allah! I ask You for the good of this day and the best of what is in
it, and the best of what came before it and the best of what comes
after it; and I seek refuge in You from the evil of this day and the
worst of what is in it, and the worst of what came before it and the
worst of what comes after it.

*5y  j$ *?  j$ ` /0 j 1=@ 78 9 ;: 

*?   $ ` /0    1 $ VF  j$
VF  $ *5y  $

Allhumma m abaa b min nimatin aw bi-aadin min

khalqik, fa minka wadaka l sharka lak, falaka al-amdu wa
laka al-shukru al dhlik.

12? 1J  FA O= $ BA C  o 56  9 ;: 

1 b !  1$ FU 1? 1 1- # GFO$

O Allah! Whatever favors I, or any of Your creatures, received this

morning, they come only from You; You have no partners, so to You
belongs all praise and to You belongs all thanks.

Subn Allhi wa bi-amdihi adada khalqihi wa rid nafsihi wa

zinata arshihi wa midda kalimtih. (3x)
Transcendent is Allah and praise belongs to Himequal to the

* BC$ *[C ( g&$ *J dF VF$ 

() *w \ d F$

number of His creation, the degree of His good pleasure, the weight
of His Throne, and the number of His words.

Subn Allhi al-Ami wa bi-amdihi adada khalqihi wa rid

nafsihi wa zinata arshihi wa midda kalimtih. (3x)
Transcendent is Allah the Almighty, and praise belongs to Him

BC$ *[C ( g&$ *J dF VF$ ] 

() *w \ d F$ *

equal to the number of His creation, the degree of His good

pleasure, the weight of His Throne, and the number of His words.

Subn Allhi adada m khalaqa fl-sam, subn Allhi adad

m khalaqa fil-ar, subn Allhi adad m bayna dhlik, subn
Allhi adada m Huwa khliq.
Transcendent is Allah equal to what He created in the heavens;

45@ q(  "   dF 

45@ q1 R  dF 

45@ q%&' " 
  0  dF 

transcendent is Allah equal to what He created on earth;

transcendent is Allah equal to what is between them both;
transcendent is Allah equal to whatever He creates.

Al-amdu lillhi adada m khalaqa fil-sam, al-amdu lillhi

adada m khalaqa fil-ar, al-amdu lillhi adada m bayna
dhlik, al-amdu lillhi adada m Huwa khliq.
All praise belongs to Allah equal to what He created in the

  dF  FU q(  "   dF  FU

 dF  FU q1 R  dF  FU q%&' "

heavens; all praise belongs to Allah equal to what He created on

earth; all praise belongs to Allah equal to what is between them
both; all praise belongs to Allah equal to whatever He creates.

L ilha ill Allh adada m khalaqa fil-sam, l ilha ill Allh

adada m khalaqa fil-ar, l ilha ill Allh adada m bayna
dhlik, l ilha ill Allh adada m Huwa khliq.
There is no god except Allah equal to what He created in the
heavens; there is no god except Allah equal to what He created on
earth; there is no god except Allah equal to what is between them
both; there is no god except Allah equal to whatever He creates.

dF  #8 *8 # q(  "   dF  #8 *8 #

*8 # q1 R  dF  #8 *8 # q%&' "  
  0  dF  #8

Allhu akbar adada m khalaqa fil-sam, Allhu akbar adada

m khalaqa fil-ar, Allhu akbar adada m bayna dhlik, Allhu
akbar adada m Huwa khliq.
Allah is Greater equal to what He created in the heavens; Allah is
Greater equal to what He created on earth; Allah is Greater equal

  dF \  q(  "   dF \ 

 dF \  q1 R  dF \  q%&' "

to what is between them both; Allah is Greater equal to whatever

He creates.

L awla wa l quwwata ill billh il-Alyy il-Am adada m

khalaqa fil-sam, l awla wa l quwwata ill billh il-Alyy ilAm adada m khalaqa fil-ar, l awla wa l quwwata ill
billh il-Alyy il-Am adada m bayna dhlik, l awla wa l
quwwata ill billh il-Alyy il-Am adada m Huwa khliq.
There is no power or ability except by Allah, the Most High, the
Almighty equal to what He created in the heavens; There is no
power or ability except by Allah, the Most High, the Almighty

"   dF ] )   #8 Dy #$ zO #

 dF ] )   #8 Dy #$ zO # q( 
] )   #8 Dy #$ zO # q%&' " 
] )   #8 Dy #$ zO # q1 R  dF
  0  dF

equal to what He created on earth; There is no power or ability

except by Allah, the Most High, the Almighty equal to what is
between them both; There is no power or ability except by Allah,
the Most High, the Almighty equal to whatever He creates.

L ilha ill Allhu wadahu l sharka lah, lahu ul-mulku wa

lahu ul-amdu, yuy wa yumt wa Huwa al kulli shayyin
qadr, adada kulli dharratin alfa marrah. (3x)
There is no god except Allah, One without partner, all control and
praise belong to Him, He gives life and death, and He has power over

FU *$ 1S * q* 1- # VFO$  #8 *8 #

 DA &9  ih \ dF -Fy () ih \ b 0$ 3$ )
() D

all thingsequal to every atom one thousand times over.

Allhumma alli wa sallim al Sayyidin Muammadin mifti

bb ramat Illh, adada m f ilm Illh, altan wa salman
diymayni bi dawmi mulk Illh, wa al lihi wa abihi adada
kulli dharratin alfa marrah. (3x)
O Allah! Bestow mercy and peace upon our master Muhammad, the
key to Allahs Gates of Mercyequal to that which is in Allahs
knowledgea mercy and peace that last as eternally as Allahs
sovereignty, and upon his family and companionsequal to every
atom one thousand times over.

 BH& T  [ FA Q CF@ b @$ ih 6 ;

 1 ` $F RM d PN@$ DP N6   "  dF
() D  DA &  ih \ dF *546$ *^ b$

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