Room 204 Update - September 22, 2013 Spring Street School Mrs. Liporto's Class

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Room 204 Update September 22, 2013 Spring Street School Mrs.

Liportos class

General Information We are settling into a routine in room 204. It is nice to be able to really jump into the curriculum and really get to know each other as learners. One of the things I am learning about the class this year is that they have a lot to say! We are working on being patience, trying not to talk over each other, and not talking at times when it is inappropriate. Student council speeches are due from all students on Wednesday. They should be either neatly written on whitelined paper or can by typed by the student. Those students that will be giving their speeches in order to have their names on the ballot should be prepared to do so for Friday. That day the students will vote for one boy and one girl to represent our class in this important role. The students that are the runners-up in the vote will be invited to be our Greeter Leaders for the year and will help to facilitate and run the front door greeting for our class. IMPORTANT DATES *Spirit of Spring Street School DinnerFriday, Sept. 27, 6:00-8:00PM * Columbus Day Monday, October 14, No School

* Parent Conferences No school, Tuesday November 5 * Veterans Day Monday, Nov. 11 No School *MCAS Long Composition Tuesday, Mar. 18 *MCAS English Language Arts Wednesday, Mar. 26- Thursday, Mar. 27 *MCAS Math Tuesday, May 13Wednesday, May 14 Homework I will so happy to see that the students did so much reading this past week. Their reading logs were filled with lots of genres and more importantly, lots of minutes! It was great to see that over half of the class read over 100 minutes between Monday and Thursday! Overall, the class is doing very well returning homework on time. To help with anyone that might need extra reminders, I have attached a file to this e-mail with a Homework Checklist. Some families have found this helpful in the past to keep up on the refrigerator or where backpacks are kept as a visual reminder of what is due each day. Language Arts This week we will formally begin our guided reading groups. We will begin with talking about what we like about reading and what we dont like about reading. We

will also talk about genres, authors purpose, monitoring comprehension and connections. Our grammar focus for the week is adjectives. Writing This week we will continue to work on opinion writing. Students will be working in groups to write an opinion piece on whether or not a monkey would make a good pet. Then on Friday we will listen to the student council speeches and take notes on what each person says to make an informed decision when voting. Math This week we will focus on various types of graphs and charts and analyzing data. Well learn about terms such as maximum, minimum, mode, etc. I found a site online with some good videos for explaining data collection and analysis that would be helpful for students and families to visit. vol11.html There is also another video on You Tube that has a catchy song to help the students learn the different terms. We will look at it in class this week, but here is the link: omPbM&feature=related Math Club will now be on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays. This week we will be reviewing landmark data (mode, median, range, etc.) and subtraction, especially with zeros. EVERYDAY MATH FAMILY LETTERS online address: th-grade/view-family-letters/

If you cannot access them, please let me know. Social Studies Scales? Not on a fish! Keys? Not to open the door(Students, the secret numnber this week is 7, the number of continents)! These words are important parts of mapping which allow us learn more about our world. We will use both as we continue our mapping unit. Science Using our mock rocks, we were able to explain the difference between a rock and mineral. Minerals are the ingredients that make up a rock. A rock is made up of two or more minerals. If you break down a rock you will get different minerals. If you break down a mineral you just get more of that mineral. We are in the process of breaking our mock rocks into their minerals. So far we have evidence to show that they are made up of gravel, shells, flour and sand, and this week we will continue to break them down to try to figure out what other minerals are inside. We will also begin to practice scratch testing with some minerals later in the week. Happy Birthday!!! Dante Davolio 9/9 Ethan Kurtz 9/15 Caitlin Bird 9/21.

MUSIC: Tuesday 10:45-11:25 AM ART: Wednesday, 11:25-12:05 PM Health: Thursday 9:15-9:55 AM

CHORUS: Friday 10:45-11:25 AM PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Friday 2L25-3:05 PM MEDIA: Every Other Wednesday, 2:45-3:00 PM

As always, your questions/comments are welcome. Please send me an email or a note to school. Kristen Liporto

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