Field Quality Plan of EHV Power Cables
Field Quality Plan of EHV Power Cables
Field Quality Plan of EHV Power Cables
Thermal Resistivity
On Laboratory test
one time
Test Report
2.1 10 KV DC Test for 1 minute on Outer Sheath 3 Before and after installation of joints and Termination 3.1 10 KV DC Test for 1 minute on Outer Sheath before and after joints and terminations 3.2 Cable Continuity Test/Low resistance measurement test 3.3 Absence of Cross Phasings 3.4 Insulation resistance test of both sections of the cable to be jointed 4 Test Before Commissioning 4.1 10 KV dc test for 1 minutes on outer sheath of completed phase 4.2 Coonductor Resistance test of each completed circuit 4.3 Capacitance Test 4.4 Cross bondings/single point bondings/both end bonding 4.5 4.6 Tan delta test of each completed phase
IEC 62067
IEC 62067
on completed circuit on site Loss Measurement on site repeated one time one time one time one time
IEC 62067,Clause(10.10 )
IEC 62067
Ensuring with clients for minimum settings of their To ensure proper working of ckt in faulty condition on site proctections relays 4.7 Earth resistance test of each earth pit equipment To protect all earth pit equipment for lightening or faulton site 5 Final Commissioning Test The installation shall be tested with AC voltage To check the healthiness of the circuit to be 5.1 on site at power frequency voltage equals to 1.7Uo for commissioned
1 hour between each conductor and metallic sheath or AC system voltage Uo for 24 hours to keep the cable on idle charge with minimum protection settings to protect the cable in 24 hours OR AC system voltage Uo for 24 hours to keep the cable on idle charge with minimum protection setting to protect the cable in 24 hours.
Checking of performance of LAs at following nominal discharge currents: a) 100 Amps with 8/20 micro sec wave shape. b) 10KA with 8/20 micro sec wave shape. Ensuring with clients for normal required settings of their protection relays
on site
one time
on each Las
one time To ensure proper working of ckt in faulty condition on site on completed circuit
5.4 Checks of temporary reinstatements of roadways for settlement and after the subsidence has ceased, permanent reinstatement be completed. 6 In addition to the above, we have to prepare for the following additional performance test which are being demanded by the clients 6.1 The desired performance test shall comprise To check the healthiness of the complete cable system. keeping the commissioned cable system energized for at least for 7 consecutive days on continuous basis with the loads available at the time of carrying out the test. In case of failure, after due rectification, it shall be re-started for 7 seven continuous days. Still if it fails, the cable system is declared not suitable for any operation and shall be declared dead. In addition to the above, we have to prepare OURSLVES for the following additional tests which are likely to be demanded by the clients 7.1 If the facility at our works is available, it is ok. If not, we To Check the scc carrying capacity of metallic may have to equip ourselves to carry out the short circuit sheath as per specifications on metal sheath of cable to ensure that metal sheath withstands the specified short circuit current against each contract. 7.2 We need to evolve suitable procedure or test methodology for testing joint bays and manholes for withstanding live loads of 30T. 7.3 We need to evolve suitable procedure or test methodology for Joint Bay earthing for it`s effectiveness to discharge the fault currents. 7.4 Measurement of MOISTURE CONTENT in extruded insulation and screens: 7
on site
on site
as per requirement
on site
on site
on site
The moisture content of the insulation and screens shall be measured using the Karl Fischer Titration method. Three measurements shall be taken from each of the two screens and insulation. < 150ppm of moisture should be detected in the extruded insulation. < 500ppm of moisture shall be detected in the screens.
The outer screen of the cable core shall be removed from a 0.5m sample length. The sample shall be rendered transparent by immersion in a suitable heated fluid. The screen shall be examined for the presence of screen defects. Measurement of cross-linking by product concentration in XLPE insulation:
Excessive by-product concentration adversely affects the electrical performance of the cable and could diffuse out of the cable core and pressurize external cable protection/accessories. The test is to be conducted using TGA (ThermoGravimetric Analyser) apparatus. A 20mg insulation sample is required. The test is to be conducted for 30 minutes at 150C. The % loss of weight of the sample is to be recorded. Five samples are to be taken, the result being the average of five tests.
Excessive by-product concentration adversely affects the electrical performance of the cable and could diffuse out of the cable core and pressurize external cable protection/accessories. The test is to be conducted using TGA (ThermoGravimetric Analyser) apparatus. A 20mg insulation sample is required. The test is to be conducted for 30 minutes at 150C. The % loss of weight of the sample is to be recorded. Five samples are to be taken, the result being the average of five tests.
The total weight changes if the test sample after a period of 30 minutes is less than 1.25% of the original sample weight. 7.7 XLPE Material Characterization:
All insulating and semi-conducting XLPE materials used to manufacture all cables to be supplied, shall be identical to those used to manufacture the Type Test Cable. In order to demonstrate compliance, the contractor shall finger print samples from the Type Test Cable and all cables manufacture under the contract. The characterization shall include the following methods: 1. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to characterize the insulation polymer. 2. Differential scanning Calorimetry to characterize the material processing. 3. Thermo gravimetric Analysis (TGA) on the incoming semiconducting material to characterize the carbon black content. 4. Cleanliness measurement on the incoming insulation material 5. Thermo gravimetric Analysis (TGA) on the incoming semiconducting material to characterize the carbon black content. Test 1 and 2 will be conducted on both ends of every dispatch drum. Tests 3,4,and 5 will be conducted on every batch of incoming material.
7.8 One-Piece Premoulded Joints and Three Piece Prefabricated Joints: The insulation and screening material used for all onepiece premouled joints and elastomeric stress cone components of three piece prefabricated joints shall be identical to those used to manufacture the Type Test accessories. The characterization of the insulation and screening material shall include :
1. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) to characterize the insulating polymer. 2. Cleanliness measurement on the incoming insulation material 3. DLA measurement of insulation at 90C. 4. Thermo gravimetric Analysis (TGA) on the incoming semiconducting material to characterize the carbon black content. The above tests will be carried out one joint in every ten manufactured for the contract. The following, additional tests, will be conducted on every one piece joint or elastomeric stress cone: 1. HV withstand test at 2Uo for 30 minutes, 2. Partial Discharge measurement at 2Uo. Discharge to be <10pC with background noise level of 2pC 7.9 CORRECT preparation of AS-BUILT drawings which have a greater influence of functional guarantees extended by us in terms of retention amounts, bank guarantees etc
All routes shall be defined precisely, and shown in drawings at a scale of 1:500. The stable structures shall be indicated clearly as well as distances. The crossings with roads and underground installation shall be shown. Joint locations shall be identified clearly and sufficient sections views shall be provided where necessary. The dates of installation of cable joints, cable drum serial numbers, name of jointers, shall be included in the ASBUILT drawings. Cable section lengths shall also be given.
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