Copyright ASSURE Model Lesson Plan
Copyright ASSURE Model Lesson Plan
Copyright ASSURE Model Lesson Plan
Analyze Learners
State Standards and Objectives
Given an introductory lesson in copyright and pathfinders to websites, eighth-grade reading students (divided into groups) will be able to create a PowerPoint presentation which will 1. demonstrate prior knowledge on copyright rules by including what they already know about copyright and text, images, and music; 2. discuss in groups and consider what they still need to learn; 3. use websites for research to expand their knowledge of copyright rules; 4. create and share a final PowerPoint presentation showing appropriate use and citation of images, music, and text.
Select Strategies, Technology, Media & Materials
Select Strategies
Teacher-Centered Strategies Presentation will be used to guide students in understanding copyright rules. The teacher will present a PowerPoint presentation which includes an introductory video about copyright, video links for students to use for research of copyright rules, and assignment information. Presentation slides will be shown as needed for the lesson and to provide discussion between student activities. Student-Centered Strategies Strategies include discussion, cooperative learning, and problem solving. After discussing an opening question in the teacher PowerPoint presentation, the class will be divided into small groups of 3 to 4 students. Using a PowerPoint template provided by the teacher, students will collaboratively generate slides reflecting their current assumptions regarding copyright. After a short debriefing to fill in knowledge gaps, students will work cooperatively to create slides listing what they want to learn about copyright. Then, after an introductory video, a basic presentation by the teacher on copyright, and a directive to explore teacher-provided links in order to research the topic, students will generate slides that reflect their learning, thereby determining if their assumptions about copyright were correct or incorrect. The final slides, reflective of each group's acquired knowledge of copyright, will be presented to the class.
Utilize Technology, Media & Materials
Prepare the Environment: Arrange seating so all students can see and hear
the presentation as well as work in small groups after portions of the lesson. Ensure all the classroom laptops are working, have an active connection to the class webpage, and access to PowerPoint and the server where students will save their PowerPoint presentations. Ensure the teacher laptop is working, properly connected to the projector and speakers, and has the presentation loaded, working, and showing on the screen. Have a flash drive loaded with the presentation in case of laptop failure. Ensure the lighting is such that all students can easily see the teacher presentation projected on the screen. Open a browser window to the class webpage to demonstrate the location of needed research links and the teacher PowerPoint presentation. Rubric is copied and ready for distribution.
2. Students are directed to add information to all the What We Know and Questions We Have slides. Communicate that additional slides may be inserted on an as-needed basis in order to accommodate information. 3. Once students have all their information entered on the PowerPoint, the teacher stops the class and asks the students to talk to each other and decide which two questions are most important to them and why. Discuss student answers together. 4. Teacher shows copyright video. Afterward, students discuss whether any of their Questions We Have questions were answered. Teacher directs students to add some answers to their PowerPoint on the last four PowerPoint slides. The teacher indicates that more information will be found in the subsequent part of the lesson if some questions werent answered and that more information will also be added to the last four slides. 5. The teacher then directs the students to visit the links provided on the class website to find and provide key information about each of the slide topics. Communicate that the final goal is the creation of a presentation that teaches other students in the class about the specified topics. 6. After students have added new information about the topics based on the links provided, the teacher indicates that their next task is to add a properly cited example to each of their final slides. To facilitate this, the teacher will show the students some copyright friendly sites where they may safely gather images and music. A tour of the sites and an explanation of basic principles of use and citation will be given along with a link to at least one site that gives citation guidelines in order to ensure proper understanding. Students should then add any additional information to their slides or correct any information they had wrong and create their examples. 7. Once the slides that make up the PowerPoint are complete, each group makes a presentation to the class using only the slides that show their learning (not the What We Know and Questions We Have slides). The students submit their final PowerPoint to the teachers dropbox. 8. Teacher leads a wrap-up/debriefing discussion. 9. During the learning process, the teacher and librarian circulate to support and guide students.
Require Learner Participation
Small-Group Activities: After a class discussion about what it would feel like if
something was stolen from them, the students in the 8th grade class are introduced to copyright infringement. In groups of 3 or 4, students use laptops and prepare a PowerPoint from a template. Students complete a cover sheet and slides about What We Know and Questions We Have. After viewing a copyright video and discussing slide questions with the teacher, students answer their questions on the final PowerPoint slides. Using the internet, students search preapproved links for additional information to add to their slides, as well as providing examples of appropriate citations. Student groups prepare and present a copyright presentation using the last four slides (What We Learned) of their PowerPoint. The students submit the final project to the teachers dropbox.
Group 1, Project 1: Copyright Lesson-Chambers October 6, 2012 Feedback: The teacher provides continuous feedback as students participate in
their discussion about copyright and guides them in decisions on the best way to complete the PowerPoint slides. In small groups students are encouraged by the teacher to provide feedback to other group members about the content of the slides. Students use the rubric handout to guide the progress of their final product.
Evaluate & Revise
Evaluation of Strategies, Technology, and Media: During the wrapup/debriefing discussion, Mrs. Smith and the librarian asked students to evaluate how well they felt the technology worked, including internet links, laptop computers, and the teacher made PPT presentation.
Revision: Mrs. Smith and the librarian used their own informal observations of the
project as well as student responses from the wrap-up discussion to consider possible changes for future use of this lesson.