Formal and Informal Communication
Formal and Informal Communication
Formal and Informal Communication
Source of information:
Communication is a source of information to the organizational members for decision-making process as it helps identifying and assessing alternative course of actions.
Helps in socializing:
Communication also helps in socializing. In todays life the only presence of another individual fosters communication. It is also said that one cannot survive without communication.
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Assists in controlling process: Communication also assists in controlling process. It helps controlling organizational members
behaviour in various ways. Communication helps in controlling function of management.
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In case of formal communication information transmitted through official chain of command. In the words of Thill and Bovee, In case of formal communication information may travel down, up, and across an organizations formal hierarchy." S.P. Robbins said, Formal communication are typically vertical, follow the authority chain, and are limited to task related communication. Thus it can be said that communication by using the formal official channel can be termed as formal communication.
3. Used for task related communication 4. Major media for routine communication 5. It may be oral or written.
As information is transmitted by following organization hierarchy, discipline is strictly maintained.
As discipline is maintained, accuracy of information can be insured. Chance of mistakes can be minimized.
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Clarity of the message is another considerable advantage of formal communication. As formal channel is used chance of ambiguity decreases.
Formal communication is not suitable for the motivation of employees. In the way of communication messages can be distorted. Thus chance of distortion increases in formal communication.
In case of formal communication lower level employees cannot exchange their views freely with the executives by breaking the chain of command. As a result sometimes it creates mental distance.
More time and more formality increases the overall cost of the communication.
Due to strict formalities and lack of flexibility artificiality developed among the employees of the organization.
Lack of creativity:
Another drawback of formal communication is lack of creativity observed among the employees. Lower level employees become more interested to comply with the instructions of the authority. Creative thinking not encouraged.
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Flow of communication
Vertical communication
The official communication that takes place between superiors and subordinates are known as vertical communication. This is the most common form of communication of an organization. It can be downward or upward. Vertical communication can be depicted by the following diagram:
As it follows the formal media it has documentary evidence which can be used in future .
Provide direction:
Instructions or directions for proper implementation of official functions can be transmitted through vertical communication.
Both downward and upward communications are allowed in vertical communication which ensures proper feedback.
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Vertical communication is one of the recognized media of internal communication.
Both wary communications under vertical system ensures coordination among the employees.
Information transmitted through vertical communication are authentic and dependable.
Lack of flexibility:
Vertical communication is not flexible, thus failed to cope up with the changed situation. In vertical communication employees become mechanized and want to go by books. As a result they become less creative.
Lack of creativity:
Horizontal communication
When an employee of same level communicates each other than it can be labelled as horizontal communication. It helps employees to perform the task efficiently. In the words of R. Pal and Korlahalli, Communication between department or people on the same level in the managerial hierarchy of an organization may be termed as horizontal or lateral communication. Thus it can be stated that exchange of information between same level employees of different departments in horizontal communication.
Better Understanding:
Direct communication by breaking the vertical channel strengthens the bondage between employees of different departments which helps to boost up co-ordination. Horizontal communication minimizes the problems of understanding among various departments as a result, productivity increased.
Increase Productivity:
Decisions are made by top management but they are executed by the lower levelemployees. When lower level employees allowed communicating each other through horizontal communication, it
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Horizontal communication not only increases the level of coordination but also facilitates the task of motivation. Due to the free flow of information cordiality among the employees increases considerably.
Better understanding and cordial environment also boost-up the morale of the employees. In any organization for some specific purposes teamwork is essential. Horizontal communication is a prerequisite for successful teamwork.
Another major advantage of horizontal communication is, it increases job satisfaction of the employees. By ensuring cordial atmosphere and lifting the morale of employees horizontal communication plays a vital role in increasing the job satisfaction.
Job Satisfaction:
Sometimes too much horizontal communication creates problem for the management and controlling may become difficult as the horizontal communication increases. By passing the vertical channel horizontal communication allows the employees to communicate freely but sometimes it leads to personal conflict.
Lack of control:
Time consuming:
Lack of discipline:
As strict rules are not followed organizational discipline also can be hampered in horizontal communication.
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Formal channels are not only media of communication. In an organization a considerable portion of communication are completed through informal channels. Communication without using formal channel is known as informal communications. In the words of Thill and Bovee, informal communication travels along the organizations unofficial lines of activity and power. S.P. Robbins said, Informal communication if free to move of any direction, skip authority levels and is as likely to satisfy group members, social needs.
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Rapid communication:
In case of informal communication messages can be transmitted to the ultimate recipient faster than formal communication.
In modern days many communication experts advocated that informal communication is more appropriate for motivating employees.
Through informal communication employees can share their views on any problem. As a result mental distances are reduced.
Increase enthusiasm:
Due to the very nature of informal communication it allows lower level employees to communicate freely with the top management. Accordingly problems of lower employees can be minimized and their enthusiasm increased.
Evaluation of employees:
Sometimes it is necessary for the management to evaluate the attitudes of the employees. Through informal communication management can come closer to the operational level employees and judge their attitudes clearly.
Informal communication is not just a separate system of exchanging information; it is also supportive to the formal communication. Meaning of formal communication can be clarified by the informal communication.
Co-operation among the employees increased by informal communication. One of the major advantages of informal communication is flexibility. Infect it is popular among the employees for its flexibility. It can adopt with the demand of the situation.
By removing mental distance informal communication also enhance the mutual trust between the management and employees.
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Another major limitation of informal communication is, there is a chance of distortion of messages as it passes from top to bottom.
By taking the opportunity of informal communication rumour can take place. If rumour is not properly controlled it can be detrimental to the organization.
Not reliable:
Another demerit of informal communication is it has no documentary evidence. A major loophole of the informal communication is secrecy of the information is not maintained. Thus sometimes interest of the organization may be hampered.
Due to lack of control information may be distorted, which may lead to internal conflict among the employees.
Chance of error:
As official chain and procedures are not followed, chance of error increase. Fraudulent activities also can take place.
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The most common informal communication network in an organization is grapevine. According to Prof. J. W. Newstrom and Others, Grapevine has three main characteristics: 1. It is not controlled by management. 2. It is perceived by the most employees as being more believable and reliable. 3. 3. It is largely used to serve the self-interest of those people within it.
Lack of control:
It is faster than other formal or informal channels. There is no documentary evidence of grapevine that can be produced as future reference.
Grapevine is very much popular media among the employees. It is more believable and reliable than formal communication.
One of the major characteristics of grapevine is message are distorted as it passes from man to man.
Grapevine is spontaneous, it passes automatically from top to bottom of the organization, no one needs to be urged to deliver.
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Bibliography Pdf by R jayasree Book by KK Sinha Pdf by J. David Johnson, William A. Donohue, Charles K. Atkin, Michigan State University, Sally Johnson, Lansing Community College. Some sites by using google search engine.