Ga 11 - 30

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Atlas Copco

Oil-injected Rotary Screw Compressors

GA 11+-30/GA 18-30 VSD

11-30 kW/15-40 hp

Total capability, total responsibility

Right at the heart of your business, Atlas Copco delivers quality compressed air for superior operational capacity. From compressed air generation to point of use, you can choose from our wide range of products to create a complete compressed air system tailored to your specific needs. All Atlas Copco products are engineered to integrate seamlessly, ensuring the highest level of reliability and energy efficiency. As a result, Atlas Copco can take full responsibility for your compressed air infrastructure with a guarantee of best-in-class quality. With a global presence in over 150 countries, we can provide an unrivalled service to maintain and continually improve your compressed air system performance. Backed by 100 years at the forefront of compressed air, Atlas Copco products offer the finest quality and efficiency. Our goal is to be First in MindFirst in Choice. That is why Atlas Copcos pursuit of innovation never ceases, driven by the dedication to meet and exceed your demands. Always working with you, we are committed to providing the customized air solution that is the driving force behind your business.

Atlas Copco: Customized Quality Air Solutions through Innovation, Interaction and Commitment.

First in MindFirst in Choice

Built to last
Integrated onto the production floor, Atlas Copcos GA WorkPlace Air System provides a dependable flow of compressed air directly to the point of use. No need for a separate compressor room or an elaborate and costly piping system. Built to perform in harsh environments with the highest efficiency, the GA keeps your production running smoothly and reliably.

Atlas Copcos GA compressors are engineered, manufactured and tested in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 1217 , Ed. 3, Annex C. Even in extreme working conditions, the GA takes reliability to a new level. While ambient temperatures may reach up to 50C/122F the GA meets the same top durability standards. ,


Atlas Copco is committed to developing the most efficient screw element for each GA generation. Developed from extensive R&D by dedicated Atlas Copco engineers, the latest version of the patented oil-injected rotary screw element provides unrivalled efficiency. The production of Atlas Copco screw elements is controlled by six sigma quality standards. On top of that, every single compressor is tested and qualified before it leaves the factory, guaranteeing absolute peace of mind.


The most efficient screw elements are driven by a time-proven direct drive system and powered by totally enclosed, high efficiency motors. For many years GAs have been equipped with efficiency 1 EPACT motors giving our customers the advantage of low power consumption.

Providing a total solution for any application

Set to meet your specific requirements and tackle your daily challenges, Atlas Copco offers you the best of both worlds. The GA+ answers your advanced needs and provides industryleading performance and total reliability.

GA 11+ - GA 15+ - GA 18+ - GA 22+ - GA 30

InDUSTRY - LEADIng PERfoRmAncE The best air delivery capacity in the industry thanks to an innovative compressor element and efficient package design. An agreeable and pleasant work environment with extremely low noise levels achieved via a unique low noise, high performing radial fan. Exact tuning capabilities to the application and versatile control over your compressed air system with the state - of - the - art Elektronikon II regulator. All-in-one integration of sophisticated solutions for condensate treatment, energy recovery and protection in extreme conditions.

8 1 7 4

1 2 3

Compressor Element Radial Fan Coolers

4 5 6

Oil Separator Elektronikon II Air Inlet Filter

7 8

Motor Oil Filter

The GA is by far the most reliable tank-mounted workshop solution, immediately ready to supply high quality air. Whether you opt for the cutting edge industrial GA+ or the high performance tank-mounted workshop solution GA, the possibilities are endless with these powerful machines!

GA 15 - GA 18 - GA 22
RELIABLE WoRkShoP SoLUTIon High performance beating any workshop solution. Complete solution mounted on a tank and ready to supply high quality air immediately after delivery. Controls tailored to the needs of any workshop: the Elektronikon I regulator is easy to comprehend and operate by anyone in the workshop using simple universal pictograms.

6 1 2 7

4 8

1 2 3

Compressor Element Axial Fan Coolers

4 5 6

Oil Separator Elektronikon I Air Inlet Filter

7 8

Motor Oil Filter

Protecting your production

Untreated compressed air contains moisture, aerosols and dirt particles that can damage your air system and contaminate your end product. Resulting maintenance costs can far exceed air treatment costs. We believe in effective prevention.

IncREASE YoUR PRoDUcTIon RELIABILITY Low quality air heightens the risk of corrosion in your system, which can lower the life span of your air tools and production equipment. The GAs filtration process produces clean air that enhances your systems reliability, avoiding costly downtime and production delays.

SAfEgUARD YoUR PRoDUcT qUALITY Compressed air coming into contact with your final products should not affect their quality. The GA provides the clean, dry air that will protect your products reputation in the marketplace.

REDUcE YoUR EnERgY coSTS Clean, treated air reduces the risk of corrosion and leaks in your compressed air system. A 3 mm leak could easily add up to 1800 to your energy bill annually.

PRoTEcT ThE EnVIRonmEnT With leaks and energy waste minimized and the unsafe disposal of untreated condensate eliminated, you can safeguard the environment and comply with stringent international regulations.

InTEgRATED PURITY The filters and integrated refrigerant-type air dryer (IFD) efficiently remove moisture, aerosols and dirt particles to protect your investment. This quality air expands the life of equipment, increasing efficiency and ensuring quality in your final product.





oIL concEnTRATIon

GA WorkPlace


3 microns

3 ppm

GA WorkPlace FF with IFD


3 microns

+3C, 37F

3 ppm

2.4.2 GA WorkPlace FF with IFD & Class 2 integrated filter

1 micron

+3C, 37F

0.1 ppm

1.4.1 GA WorkPlace FF with IFD & Class 1 integrated filters

0.01 microns

+3C, 37F

0.01 ppm

* The table values are maximum limits according to the respective ISO quality class.

WorkPlace: complete versatility, total capability

With its compact footprint, low noise operation and integration of air and condensate treatment equipment, the GA+ offers complete versatility for your production.The GA+s integrated design allows the compressor to be placed on the production floor, reducing external piping costs and minimizing pressure drop across the system. This increased efficiency can create strong energy savings for your business.

LoWERED InSTALLATIon coSTS The GA+ can operate close to the point of use eliminating the need for a dedicated compressor room. The GA+ is delivered ready for use minimizing production downtime and reducing installation costs. With filtration equipment integrated, the GA+ reduces the need for costly external piping and minimizes pressure drop.

A conventional compressor, with external filtration equipment and high noise operation, has to be placed away from the production area. This lack of integration can raise installation costs.

The GA+ WorkPlace, with its low noise operation and integrated condensate and air treatment equipment, can be placed directly at your point of use. This integration saves space and reduces piping costs.

REDUcED EnERgY AnD mAInTEnAncE coSTS With less external piping, the GA+ minimizes pressure drop across the system which can reduce energy costs. The filtration system produces clean air to prevent network corrosion minimizing energy, repair and maintenance costs. The GA+ operates at the lowest possible system pressure to reduce energy costs thanks to the Elektronikon advanced monitoring system.



Placed away from the production area, external piping is increased which can create higher pressure drop across the system.

The GA+s integration reduces external pipework. This minimizes pressure drop from the compressor to the production area and reduces energy costs.

Driving down energy costs

Energy can represent over 70% of a compressors lifecycle costs (LCC). Generating compressed air can account for more than 40% of a plants total electricity bill. Most production environments have a fluctuating air demand depending on the time of day, week, or even months per year. With Atlas Copcos VSD technology mirroring compressed air requirements, fluctuating demand no longer equals high energy costs.

The hIGh PrICe Of fLuCTuATInG demAnd


Air DemAnD


Air DemAnD


Air demand Standard Costs


Air demand VSd Costs


Traditional compressors working with a full load, no load control operate between two set pressure points. When maximum pressure is reached the compressor goes off load. During periods of medium to low air demand, the no load power consumption can be excessive wasting large amounts of energy.

Because there is no unnecessary power generated, the GA VSD can reduce energy costs by 35% or more. Lifecycle costs (LCC) of the compressor can be reduced by an average of 22%. In general, the extra cost of a VSD compressor compared to a fixed speed one can be earned back after just one to two years.


energy Consumption Investment maintenance Installation


energy Consumption Investment maintenance Installation Average 35% energy Savings

VSD: Variable volume, controlled costs

VSD (Variable Speed Drive) technology mirrors air usage automatically adjusting the motor speed depending on demand. Lowered system pressure minimizes energy use across the production to reduce energy costs. With VSD technology, Atlas Copco has made major energy cost savings a reality.

Operating at lowest possible energy use, the GA VSd helps to protect the environment for future generations.

ThE gA VSD REDUcES EnERgY coSTS BY: Eliminating the inefficient transition period from full to no load power. Avoiding excessive off load power consumption. Maintaining the net pressure band to within 0.10 bar, 1.5 psi. Reducing overall average working pressure.

Minimizing system leakage due to a lower system pressure. Increasing flexibility with soft starting gradual motor ramp-up to avoid electricity surges. Offering flexible pressure selection from 4 to 13 bar with electronic gearing to ensure lowered electricity costs.

hoW mUch cAn YoU SAVE? Using innovative analysis technology, Atlas Copco engineers can map the fluctuations in demand of your current compressed air system and simulate the energy savings a VSD compressor could bring to your production process. Ask your Atlas Copco representative for more information.

Total control, assured efficiency

The Elektronikon operating system provides control and monitoring to increase your compressors efficiency and reliability. Easily expandable with extra sensors, digital inputs and internet communication functions, the Elektronikon can be adapted to your specific needs - offering simple, central monitoring and control of up to four compressors (Energon). For optimal ease of use, the display can be set to 27 different languages. To maximize energy efficiency, the Elektronikon controls the main drive motor and regulates system pressure within a predefined and narrow pressure band. With a simple push of a button, you can remote start and stop, load and unload the compressor.

EnERgon The Elektronikons Multiple Compressor Control (Energon) centrally controls up to four compressors simultaneously. The result is a substantial reduction in system pressure and energy consumption, in addition to minimal compressed air leakage and a more stable pressure across the network.

The elektronikon continuously monitors critical parameters. monitoring features include service and warning indications, error detection, compressor shut-down and maintenance scheduling.

2 3

DUAL PRESSURE SET PoInT The production process creates fluctuating levels of demand which can create energy waste in low use periods. The Elektronikon can manually or automatically

create two different system pressure bands to optimize energy use and reduce costs at low use times.

DELAYED SEconD SToP The sophisticated Delayed Second Stop (DSS) runs the drive motor only when needed. Because the Elektronikon maintains the desired system

pressure while minimizing the drive energy consumption is kept at a minimum.






Loaded unloaded

Loaded unloaded Stopped

Time Saved energy


Peace of mind
With the GA, Atlas Copco does not just offer the most reliable and efficient compressors. From filter kits to a complete piping installation, Atlas Copco can take responsibility of your entire compressed air system to provide you with best-in-class air. Choose from a wide range of Atlas Copco after sales products and services that will have your GA performing at its best for years to come. Qualified Atlas Copco support is available in over 150 countries.

Providing easy access to all components, the GA is built to facilitate maintenance.

gEnUInE PARTS & LUBRIcAnTS Dont compromise your investment in quality by buying parts that are not manufactured according to Atlas Copcos standards of excellence. Only Atlas Copco genuine parts can deliver our well-known quality, durability, and low energy and oil consumption. Atlas Copco lubricants ensure that your GA continues to run smoothly. SERVIcEPLAn Choose a Total Responsibility, Preventative Maintenance or Inspection Plan to get the scheduled maintenance to keep your compressor operating trouble free. Rest assured that Atlas Copco can offer its 24/7 backup to keep your production running.

AIRmonIToR Monitor the performance of your GA at any time from your desk, or let your local Atlas Copco center do it for you. With AIRmonitor, you check your compressed air system online, immediately receiving warning indications and even remotely taking preventive action to avoid downtime.

AIRnET Expect the highest efficiency from your GA, and the piping built around it. AIRnet safely delivers high-quality compressed air from point of generation to point of use. Separate workplaces are effortlessly connected. Fixed to walls or ceilings, AIRnets range of fittings lets you custom-build a compressed air system specific to your production needs.

Optimize your system

The GA can be tailored to your needs. From an integrated dryer and filter to rain protection, all optional parts are available to further optimize the GAs performance, or to simply tailor it to your specific production environment.

gA 11+ - gA 15+ G gA 18+ - gA 22+ - gA 30

gA 15 - gA 18 - gA 22 G

gA 18 VSD - gA 22 VSD gA 30 VSD

Integrated filter kit class 1* AIR TREATmEnT Integrated filter kit class 2* Dryer bypass* Integrated oil/water separator (OSD) Electronic water drain (EWD) on coolers Air receiver drain (EWD or timer drain) Oil retaining frame Motor space heater Motor space heater + thermistors PRoTEcTIon Phase sequence relay Tropical thermostat Freeze protection Heavy duty air inlet filter Compressor inlet prefilters Rain protection PUBLIc WoRkS Main power isolator switch Lifting device Relays for ES 100 sequence selector commUnIcATIon AIRmonitor High-resolution graphical display for Elektronikon** Food grade oil Roto - Xtend duty oil Energy recovery Special canopy color Russian GOST stamp Modulating control gEnERAL oPTIonS Marine approvals High ambient temperature versions (HAV 50C, 122F) IT ancillaries SQL air receiver
* ff units only - ** required for Chinese, Korean and Japanese characters

N/A Standard


N/A Standard N/A N/A






Technical specifications GA 18 - 22 - 30 VSD

comPRESSoR TYPE operating pressure WorkPlace bar(e) psig capacity fAD* min-max l/s m3/min cfm Installed motor power kW hp noise level** (50/60 hz) dB(A) Weight (kg/lbs) WorkPlace WorkPlace full feature

50/60 hz VERSIon GA 18 VSD 4 7 10 13 4 7 10 13 4 7 10 13 58 102 145 188 58 102 145 188 58 102 145 188 19-56 19-54 18-47 16-38 19-65 19-64 18-55 19-47 19-76 19-75 18-69 16-61 1.2-3.4 1.1-3.2 1.1-2.8 1.0-2.3 1.2-3.9 1.1-3.8 1.1-3.3 1.0-2.82 1.2-4.6 1.1-4.5 1.1-4.1 1.0-3.7 42-119 40-114 38-100 34-81 42-138 40-135 38-117 34-100 42-161 40-159 38-146 34-129 18 18 18 18 22 22 22 22 30 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 67/67 67/67 67/67 67/67 68/68 68/68 68/68 68/68 70/70 70/70 70/70 70/70 509/1122 509/1122 509/1122 509/1122 519/1144 519/1144 519/1144 519/1144 519/1144 519/1144 519/1144 519/1144 574/1265 574/1265 574/1265 574/1265 584/1287 584/1287 584/1287 584/1287 584/1287 584/1287 584/1287 584/1287



* Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Ed. 3, Annex C-1996.

GA 18 VSd - GA 22 VSd - GA 30 VSd

reference conditions: Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (14.5 psi) Intake air temperature 20C, 68F
** Mean noise level measured according to ISO 2151/Pneuro/Cagi PN8NTC2 test code; tolerance 2 dB(A). Pressure dew point of integrated refrigerant dryer at reference conditions: 2C to 3C, 36F to 37F . Maximum working pressure for VSD machines: 13 bar(e) (188 psig).
1400 mm 55"

1680 mm 66"

650 mm 26"

fLoW chART
6 2 3 1 15 4 5

full feature version (ff)

10 8 20 16


13 11




19 18

Intake air Air/oil mixture Oil Compressed air without free water Wet compressed air dry compressed air Water refrigerant gas/liquid mixture high pressure, hot refrigerant gas Low pressure, cool refrigerant gas high pressure refrigerant liquid Low pressure refrigerant liquid AIR fLoW 1. Air intake filter 2. Air intake valve 3. Compression element 4. Non return valve 5. Air/oil separator vessel 6. Minimum pressure valve 7. After-cooler 8. Air-air heat exchanger 9. Water separator with drain 10. DD/PD filters (optional) oIL fLoW 11. Oil 12. Oil cooler 13. Thermostatic bypass valve 14. Oil filter 15. Oil stop valve REfRIgERAnT fLoW 16. Refrigerant compressor 17. Condenser 18. Liquid refrigerant dryer/filter 19. Thermostatic expansion valve 20. Evaporator 21. Hot gas bypass valve 22. Accumulator

Technical specifications 50 Hz versions

max. working pressure comPRESSoR TYPE 50 hz VERSIon GA 11+ 7.5 8 10 13 GA 15 7.5 8 10 13 GA 15+ 7.5 8 10 13 GA 18 7.5 8 10 13 GA 18+ 7.5 8 10 13 GA 22 7.5 8 10 13 GA 22+ 7.5 8 10 13 GA 30 7.5 8 10 13 7.5 8.5 10 13 7.5 8.5 10 13 7.5 8.5 10 13 7.5 8.5 10 13 7.5 8.5 10 13 7.5 8.5 10 13 7.5 8.5 10 13 7.5 8.5 10 13 109 116 145 189 109 116 145 189 109 116 145 189 109 116 145 189 109 116 145 189 109 116 145 189 109 116 145 189 109 116 145 189 7.3 8.3 9.8 12.8 7.3 8.3 9.8 12.8 7.3 8.3 9.8 12.8 7.3 8.3 9.8 12.8 7.3 8.3 9.8 12.8 7.3 8.3 9.8 12.8 7.3 8.3 9.8 12.8 7.3 8.3 9.8 12.8 105 120 141 185 105 120 141 185 105 120 141 185 105 120 141 185 105 120 141 185 105 120 141 185 105 120 141 185 105 120 141 185 33.5 31.4 26 20.4 43 39.4 36.3 30.1 44.9 41.2 37.8 31.6 52.5 50.2 43.5 37.2 54.8 52.7 45.3 39.1 60.2 58.3 51.7 45 63.1 61.1 54.2 47.3 76.7 75.7 71 61.3 120.6 113 93.6 73.4 154.8 141.8 130.7 108.4 161.6 148.3 136.1 113.8 189 180.7 156.6 133.9 197.3 189.7 163.1 140.8 216.7 209.9 186.1 162 226.8 220 195.1 170.3 276.1 272.5 255.6 221.4 71 66.5 55.1 43.2 91.1 83.5 76.9 63.8 95.1 87.3 80.1 67 111.2 106.4 92.2 78.8 116.1 111.7 96 82.8 127.6 123.5 109.5 95.3 133.5 129.5 114.8 100.2 162.5 160.4 150.4 130.3 11 11 11 11 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 30 30 30 30 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 63 63 63 63 72 72 72 72 64 64 64 64 73 73 73 73 66 66 66 66 74 74 74 74 67 67 67 67 69 69 69 69 410 410 410 410 375 375 375 375 410 410 410 410 395 395 395 395 430 430 430 430 410 410 410 410 435 435 435 435 495 495 495 495 475 475 475 475 440 440 440 440 475 475 475 475 470 470 470 470 495 495 495 495 485 485 485 485 500 500 500 500 560 560 560 560 WorkPlace bar(e) psig WorkPlace ff bar(e) psig l/s m3/h cfm kW hp dB(A) capacity fAD* Installed motor power noise Level** Weight (kg) WorkPlace WorkPlace full feature

GA 15 - GA 18 - GA 22 full feature
1770 mm, 70"

932 mm* 37"* 1558 mm 61"

1853 mm 73"

680 mm 27"

GA 15 - GA 18 - GA 22 Pack
1285 mm, 51"

932 mm* 37"* 1558 mm 61"

1853 mm 73"

680 mm 27"

Intake air Air/oil mixture Oil Wet compressed air

Condensate dry air Gaseous coolant Liquid coolant Standard

* for floor-mounted versions.

full feature version (ff)

Technical specifications 60 Hz versions

max. working pressure comPRESSoR TYPE 60 hz VERSIon GA 11+ 100 125 150 175 GA 15 100 125 150 175 GA 15+ 100 125 150 175 GA 18 100 125 150 175 GA 18+ 100 125 150 175 GA 22 100 125 150 175 GA 22+ 100 125 150 175 GA 30 100 125 150 175 7.4 9.1 10.8 12.5 7.4 9.1 10.8 12.5 7.4 9.1 10.8 12.5 7.4 9.1 10.8 12.5 7.4 9.1 10.8 12.5 7.4 9.1 10.8 12.5 7.4 9.1 10.8 12.5 7.4 9.1 10.8 12.5 107 132 157 181 107 132 157 181 107 132 157 181 107 132 157 181 107 132 157 181 107 132 157 181 107 132 157 181 107 132 157 181 7.2 8.9 10.3 12.3 7.2 8.9 10.3 12.3 7.2 8.9 10.3 12.3 7.2 8.9 10.3 12.3 7.2 8.9 10.3 12.3 7.2 8.9 10.3 12.3 7.2 8.9 10.3 12.3 7.2 8.9 10.3 12.3 104 128 149 178 104 128 149 178 104 128 149 178 104 128 149 178 104 128 149 178 104 128 149 178 104 128 149 178 104 128 149 178 32.4 30.2 26 20.7 42.5 39.6 35.8 29.3 44.6 41.6 37.6 30.8 51.3 47.7 43.3 37.8 53.9 49.8 45.1 39.7 60.6 56 50.7 46.5 63.6 58.8 53.2 48.8 77.8 72.3 69.3 63.9 116.6 108.7 93.6 74.5 153 142.6 128.9 105.5 160.6 149.8 135.4 110.9 184.7 171.7 155.9 136.1 194 179.3 162.4 142.9 218.2 201.6 182.5 167.4 229 211.7 191.5 175.7 280.1 260.3 249.5 230 68.7 64 55.1 43.9 90.1 83.9 75.9 62.1 94.5 88.1 79.7 65.3 108.7 101.1 91.7 80.1 114.2 105.5 95.6 84.1 128.4 118.7 107.4 98.5 134.8 124.6 112.7 103.4 164.8 153.2 146.8 135.4 11 11 11 11 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 30 30 30 30 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 63 63 63 63 72 72 72 72 64 64 64 64 73 73 73 73 66 66 66 66 74 74 74 74 67 67 67 67 69 69 69 69 410 410 410 410 375 375 375 375 410 410 410 410 395 395 395 395 430 430 430 430 410 410 410 410 435 435 435 435 495 495 495 495 475 475 475 475 440 440 440 440 475 475 475 475 470 470 470 470 495 495 495 495 485 485 485 485 500 500 500 500 560 560 560 560 WorkPlace bar(e) psig WorkPlace ff bar(e) psig l/s m3/h cfm kW hp dB(A) capacity fAD* Installed motor power noise Level** Weight (kg) WorkPlace WorkPlace full feature

* Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Ed. 3, Annex C-1996.

** Mean noise level measured according to ISO 2151/Pneuro/Cagi PN8NTC2 test code; tolerance 2 dB(A). Pressure dew point of integrated refrigerant dryer of GA 11+ - GA 15+ - GA 18+ - GA 22+ - GA 30 at reference conditions 2C to 3C, 36F to 37F and GA 15 - GA 18 - GA 22 at reference conditions 5C, 37F . Air receiver size of GA 15-22 tank-mounted variants: 500 L. Added weight: 125 kg. Maximum working pressure for VSD machines: 13 bar(e) (188 psig).

reference conditions: Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (14.5 psi) Intake air temperature 20C, 68F fAd is measured at the following working pressures: 7.5 bar versions at 7 bar 10 bar versions at 9.5 bar 13 bar versions at 12.5 bar

GA 11+ - GA 15+ - GA 18+ - GA 22+ - GA 30 Pack & full feature

1400 mm 55"

Intake air
1225 mm 48" 650 mm 26"

Condensate dry air Gaseous coolant Liquid coolant

Air/oil mixture Oil Wet compressed air

Please refer to the VSd flow chart on page 13 for the component descriptions.

In order to be First in MindFirst in Choice for all your compressed air needs, Atlas Copco delivers the products and services that help increase your business efficiency and profitability. Atlas Copcos pursuit of innovation never ceases, driven by your need for reliability and efficiency. Always working with you, we are committed to providing you the customized quality air solution that is the driving force behind your business.

never use compressed air as breathing air without prior purification in accordance with local legislation and standards.

2935 0849 43 Printed in Belgium Subject to alteration without prior notice.

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