Rec LTR III Interntnl Ovsr-Green
Rec LTR III Interntnl Ovsr-Green
Rec LTR III Interntnl Ovsr-Green
Form II (International)
International Overseer (Church of God) University Professor (non-Church of God)
General Qualifications Ability To express oneself in writing To express oneself orally To do independent study Creativity and imagination Motivation and energy Emotional maturity Perseverance Sensitivity to others Religious commitment Life conduct Past performance as a leader Potential as a leader Financial responsibility Fulfillment of responsibility If Married, family responsibility
No Basis To Judge
How long have you known the applicant? _________________________________ In what capacity? ______________________________________________________________
Continued on back Rev. 9/1//09
No _____
If yes, with whom__________________________________________________ Ministerial number and rank _________________________________ Does this person have ministerial experience? Yes_____ No_____ No _____
Please list: _______________________________________________________ If no, is the applicant a member of the local church? Yes _____ Name of the church that he/she is a member of: Is this a Church of God congregation? Yes _____ To your knowledge, is the applicant Saved? Yes _____ No _____ Sanctified? Yes ______ No _____ Baptized in the Holy Spirit? Yes _____ No _____ No _____ No _____
If yes, in what way? ________________________________________________ Is the applicant involved in a Christian witness? Yes _____ No _____
If English is not the first language of this person, does he or she use it well enough to do studies? Yes _____ No _____ Not Applicable _____ Do you recommend this person for ministry? Yes _____ No _____
Explain why or why not you recommend this person for studies at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary?__________________________________________________
Are you willing to help place this person in ministry after graduation? Yes ____ No____ What kind of ministry do you envision for this person and where?
Christian ministry requires scholastic achievement and professional competence as well as a consecrated, Christian life. In the space below, please comment on the applicants qualifications and potential in these areas, mentioning his / her weaknesses as well as strengths. (Add a sheet of paper if you need more space.)
___________ Date
________________________________________________ Address