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SERVE/SHAPE MINISTRY PROFILE How has God shaped me to serve?

Name:____________________________ Address/City/State/Zip:____________________________
Telephone: ________________________ Email: _____________________ Date of Birth:__________

Spiritual Gifts
Please complete a “Spiritual Gift Test” from “Member Resources” on church website.
Circle 1 to 3 gifts below that most describe you. Keep the inventory for your own use.
Return SERVE/SHAPE Profile to the church. You will be contacted ASAP. Gifts List:
Prophecy Service/Helps Teaching Exhortation Giving
Leadership Administration Mercy Apostle Faith
Evangelism Pastor/Shepherd Knowledge Discernment

Enthusiasm What do you like to do? What are you good at or enjoy doing? List 1 to 3 items.

Relational Style What is your personality style? Circle TWO numbers below that most describe you.
(1) Directing/In Charge/Sees Big Picture (2) Interacting/Lighthearted/Fun loving
(3) Supporting/Loyal/Dependable (4) Conscientious/Detailed/Accuracy

What kind of person do you tend to be? Circle ONE of the four letters below (A, B, C or D)
People Person Task Person
likes to be around people likes working with things
Likes work not requiring (A) People/Unstructured (B) Task/Unstructured
a lot of organization
Likes very organized work (C) People/Structured (D) Task/Structured
& good at organizing

Vocational Skills
1. My current vocation is:

2. Other jobs or skills I have experience in:

3. I feel I have these specialized abilities:

4. I have taught a class or a seminar on:

5. I feel my most valuable personal asset is:

6. Other skills:

Experiences of Life (Complete in SHAPE PROFILE below.)

Spiritual Gifts Already completed above!

1. What I have a heart for, what motivates me most? I love to…

2. Who I love to work with most (age and type of people):

3. Church issues, ministries, or needs that excite or concern me most:

4. If I knew I couldn’t fail, this is what I would attempt to do for God with my life:

Abilities Already completed in “Vocational Skills” above!

Personality This is how I see myself (circle one number for each line)
< Strongly Average Strongly >
Introverted 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 Extroverted
Thinker 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 Feeler
Self-Controlled 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 Self-Expressive
Routine 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 Variety
Cooperative 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 Competitive

Spiritual Experiences
This is how and when I became a Christian and what Jesus has meant to me since then.

Painful Experiences
These are the kinds of trials or problems I could relate to and encourage a fellow Christian
that is going through tough times.

Educational Experiences
Where I attended school, and my favorite subjects:

Seminars or training that has been meaningful to me:

Ministry Experiences

Where I have served in the past:

Potential Places of Ministry (Inreach) and Mission (Outreach) @ HPBC
In what areas listed below would you prayerfully consider serving if asked? Please check all that apply.
*All workers in our children and youth ministry must complete an application form and undergo a yearly
background check.


___ Property ___ Clean Team ___ Hospitality/Greeter

___ Children ___ Youth ___ College & Career
___ JOY Seniors ___ Office/Admin ___ Inreach/Ministry
___ Outreach/Missions ___ Family Groups ___ DGroups Participant
___ DGroups Leader ___ Worship


___ Administration ___ History ___ Plumbing

___ Any area of need ___ Homebound/Shut Ins ___ Prayer Ministry
___ Audio/Visual/Sound ___ Hospital Ministry ___ Prayer
___ Auto Repair ___ Inreach Ministry ___ Prayerwalking
___ Benevolence Ministry ___ Instrumental Music ___ Preschool
___ Building & Grounds Instrument(s): ___ Prison Ministry
___ Carpentry ___ Prospect Visitation
___ Children ___ Landscaping ___ Recreation
___ Church Directory ___ Leadership Development ___ Security
___ Church Sign ___ Library ___ Senior Adult Ministry
___ College & Career ___ Masonry ___ Singing
___ Computer/Internet/Web ___ Median Adult ___ Social Media
___ Deacon Ministry ___ Member Reclamation ___ Teaching
___ Decision Counselor ___ Men’s Ministry ___ Transportation/Bus/Van
___ Decorating ___ Ministry Team ___ Tutoring
___ Disaster Relief Team(s) of Interest: ___ Usher
___ Divorce Recovery ___ Vacation Bible School
___ Electrical ___ Missions Projects ___ Visitation Teams
___ Evangelism ___ Newcomers ___ Webpage
___ Family Ministry ___ New Member Orientation ___ Widow(ers)
___ Finance/Stewardship ___ Nursery ___ Women’s Ministry
___ Flowers ___ Nursing Home ___ Worship
___ Food Service/Preparation ___ Other:______________ ___ Young Marrieds
___ Greeter/Hospitality ___ Outreach Teams ___ Youth (Grades 7-12)
___ Grief Recovery ___ Personnel
___ New Ministry Idea(s):

Once you have completed your spiritual gift test and your Serve/Shape Profile,
please return to the church
by mail at 1895 Dave Ward Drive, Conway, AR, 72034,
by email at
or to pastor.

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