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Here Comes HR
In what ways does the value of providing some of the nonfinancial perks like those discussed in this article provide a greater boost to employee morale relative to the cash equivalent on the perk that might instead be given as a raise in pay? Employees see and judge management from many perspectives but focusing on the materials from this article, employees see the management based on how or if there are nonfinancial perks offered or provided to them. Wages and getting paid is simply seen as a return for service rendered but nonfinancial perks are seen as what does the employer think about us or how much does the employer care about us.

Nonfinancial perks are benefits given to employees for good performance or loyalty. They are not to be confused with incentives, which encourage good performance and loyalty by way of retention. Most employers recognize that employees need to be managed holistically to ensure they are productive, motivated and loyal. This involves ensuring their work is appropriate and satisfying, recognizing exceptional performance or hard work, motivating employees to work productively, encouraging loyalty and fostering a positive culture in the workplace.


Most employers recognize that paying at or above market-levels are not sufficient to encourage and motivate staff. Moreover, focusing solely on pay and remuneration may encourage disaffection in the workplace as employees feel they are made to work harder in a less happy environment. Employers may also find that the initial beneficial effects of giving a pay rise or a cash bonus are lost fairly quickly.

While no one can discount the importance of financial rewards, keep in mind that today's job candidates are more concerned with corporate environment and quality-of-life issues than ever before. In an executive survey conducted by Robert Half International, corporate culture rivalled employee benefits in importance for candidates during job interviews. Many small businesses use this trend as a competitive advantage, offering such nonfinancial perks as flexible work schedules, casual dress days, additional vacation time and telecommuting opportunities. The costs of this approach are minimal, particularly when compared to the value-added benefits of improved recruitment, productivity and retention.

So here, it is safe to say that employees see the value of eating right and eating healthy as provided by the organization something the is equivalent or more in comparison to just a pay raise. They also see an employer who is caring and thoughtful enough to go the distance for their benefits.


Question 2
How do concerns regarding employee wellness change the way one views various nonfinancial perks like those discussed in the article? With the average Malaysian working between 44 to 48 hours in an average work week, as opposed to the 40 hour week established in the 70s, a wellness program is more important now than ever before.

What is a wellness program? Wellness programs are based on the belief that unhealthy lifestyles can be changed with the right support structure. Whether the issues involve smoking cessation, stress management, obesity and depression; targeted programs based on the latest advances in behavioral health research and technology are providing employers with increasingly effective and affordable methods for improving workforce health and productivity.

The wellness program that is talked about in this article is related to obesity and weight management. The changing of types of food served, low calories diet and promotion of a healthy lifestyle is all part of a designed wellness program.

This kind of wellness program is designed to either meet the needs of each employee individually or executed on an organizational level, while promoting a healthful cohesive work

unit in each business. Three of the most presenting health problems facing individuals in the workforce today are obesity, tobacco use and stress. With the support and encouragement from a health promotion program these issues can easily be addressed.

Obesity is so prevalent and relates to so many other diseases. The workplace cafeteria is a great place to offer heart healthful, low-fat meals. In addition to diet, exercising on a regular basis will improve health and energy levels.

Workplace wellness programs have also been shown to be an effective tool in slowing the growth of health care costs. Selecting healthier options may reduce a worker's chances of suffering from illness. Less illness means businesses can lower health plan utilization, thereby lowering health benefit costs, and consequently increasing earnings. While health cost savings from workplace wellness programs may be less evident than productivity gains, research shows that medically high-risk workers are medically high-cost workers as they use additional health care and generate higher claims.


Workplace wellness programs are an investment in an organizations most important resource, workers. Studies have shown that workers are more likely to be on the job and performing well when they are feeling well both physically and mentally. Workers are also more likely to be attracted to, remain with, and appreciate an employer that values them. Workplace wellness initiatives improve company productivity by: Attracting superior quality staff; Reducing the rate of absenteeism and time lost; Enhancing on-the-job time utilization and decision making; and Improving worker morale, which in turn lowers turnover.

Based on this evidence, any concerns over the employee wellness can be put to rest knowing that the employers are looking after their employees and each are gaining mutual benefits.


Question 3
In what way does the negative value of taking away an existing nonfinancial perk like those discussed in the article detract from morale more than then the positive boost obtained by providing that same perk in the first place? Humans are by their very nature, creatures of habit. We are used to sets of organized patterns and become uncomfortable when these patterns are disturbed. When something new occurs, humans become cautious and resistant but eventually will begin to adapt and eventually the new occurrence will be part of their pattern.

The very same can be described about the wellness program. In the beginning the employees will grumble, debate, disapprove and generally show their dissatisfaction to the management. But given enough time and education, they will begin to adopt the new environment and finally assimilating it into their daily routine.

The plus point in all this is as they eat and life a healthy life, they become more industrious, productive and experience an ill-free life style while the company becomes more effective and profitable. This will indirectly attract more talent who would like to enjoy the perks provided to existing employees.


Removing nonfinancial perks does not come without a cost. The impact of the cost depends on the importance of the perks to the employees and the severity of removing it. The impact varies from individual employees who the very least will be unsatisfied or resigning at the most extreme.

The impact will be much more severe compared to before the perk was introduced. Employees will be left feeling very dissatisfied and their morale and performance will take a huge hit. They will still continue to perform their duties but simply because it is their job. Their sense of loyalty and commitment to the organization will erode. They will not strive for excellence but simply reach for the estimated quota or goal for the day.

Any new plans the employer wish to introduce will be met with lukewarm reception and any perks to be introduced in the future will be received with suspicious eyes. Employees will see it as a kind of betrayal for taking away something that is part of the work life.

Be very wary if we want to take away perks once they are given. Just because employees understand why it was taken away does not mean they agree or are happy about it.


Question 4
How much responsibility should managers assume for the eating habits of their employees, and how should HR professionals balance the need to make people happy with the need to make people do whats good for them even if it makes them unhappy! Approval from senior management is critical to the success of any workplace wellness program. Management has to understand the benefits of the program for both the staff and the organisation and be willing to fund its development, implementation and evaluation. Managers who "practice what they preach" and actively participate in the initiative will go a long way to encouraging others to participate as well.

HR professionals need to get the employees involved with the program. There should be seminars and workshops highlighting the importance of eating right and living healthy. The worksite organizational culture and environment are powerful influences on behaviour and these needs to be put to use as a means of assisting employees to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Benefits of worksite wellness programs for employees include: Weight reduction Improved physical fitness Increased stamina Lower levels of stress Increased well-being, self-image and self-esteem


These benefits need to be constantly highlighted and to keep motivating employees. The next step HR professional should do is stabling a committee.

Why create a committee? Heres why employee involvement is vital to the success of any wellness program. As a result it only makes sense to involve employees in the wellness program planning process. Therefore, a wellness committee should be formed as early in the process as possible.

The wellness committee should include potential wellness program participants; individuals who may have a role in program implementation or evaluation Very small businesses may not need a wellness committee but will need someone to champion the activities.

The wellness committee serves several functions. First, an employee-driven advisory board encourages buy-in from both management and potential program participants. Second, a representative planning committee will help assure that the program is responsive to the needs of all potential participants. And third, the committee can be responsible for carrying out or overseeing the rest of the steps in the planning process.


Finally, since wellness programs are for employees, its a good idea to find out from them what approaches have the greatest chance of success. A simple survey made up of 10 or 12 questions can provide valuable information. For example: Discover how employees want to receive program information (e.g. electronically, strategically-placed bulletin boards, memos, etc.). What health components (nutrition, physical activity, tobacco) are they most interested in addressing and how? What types of groups might employees be most inclined to join (e.g. walking, yoga, cooking, biking, weight-loss, dance, martial arts, nutrition, etc.)? Which employees have expertise that may be useful to the program?

It can be assured that not all will jump into the band wagon. HR professional will need to work with the employees to close the gap between those who are interested and those who are not. Success is when the gap narrows down so much that those who are interested are interested to participate simply because they do not want to miss out on the benefits so many employees are enjoying.

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