Elastic Stability of Plates (Plate Buckling Analysis) : Workshop

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Elastic Stability of Plates (Plate Buckling Analysis)

100 psi

100 psi 8 in

20 in

s Create a geometric representation of a plate. s Apply a compression load to two opposite sides of the plate. s Run a buckling analysis of the plate.

MSC/NASTRAN for Windows 101 Exercise Workbook



MSC/NASTRAN for Windows 101 Exercise Workbook


Elastic Stability of Plates

Model Description:
Below is a nite element representation of a rectangular plate under equal, uniform compression on two opposite edges. Assume that all edges are simply supported.

Figure 13.1 - Load Conditions


100 psi

8 in

20 in

Table 13.1 - Material Properties Elastic Modulus: Poisson Ratio Plate Thickness: 29E6 psi 0.3 0.01 in

MSC/NASTRAN for Windows 101 Exercise Workbook


Exercise Procedure:
1. Start up MSC/NASTRAN for Windows V3.0 and begin to create a new model.

Double click on the icon labeled MSC/NASTRAN for Windows V3.0. On the Open Model File form, select New Model. Open Model File: 2. New Model

Create a material called mat_1.

From the pulldown menu, select Model/Material. Model/Material... Title: Youngs Modulus: Poissons Ratio: OK Cancel 3. Create a property called prop_1 to apply to the members of the plate itself. mat_1 29e6 0.3

From the pulldown menu, select Model/Property. Model/Property... Title: prop_1

To select the material, click on the list icon next to the databox and select mat_1. Material: Thickness, Tavg or T1: OK Cancel 1..mat_1 0.01


MSC/NASTRAN for Windows 101 Exercise Workbook


Elastic Stability of Plates

4. Create the NASTRAN geometry for the plate.

Geometry/Surface/Corners... X: Corner 1 OK Repeat this process for the other 3 corners. X: 20 20 0 Cancel To t the display onto the screen, use the Autoscale feature. View/Autoscale 5. Place mesh seeds on the newly created surface. Y: 0 8 8 Z: 0 0 0 OK OK OK 0 Y: 0 Z: 0

Mesh/Mesh Control/Mapped Divisions on Surface... Select All OK s Number of Elements: Bias: Cancel 10 1. t 4 1. OK

MSC/NASTRAN for Windows 101 Exercise Workbook



Create the appropriate elements on the surface of the plate.

Mesh/Geometry/Surface... Select All OK Property: OK 7. Create the constraints for the model. 1..prop_1

Before creating the appropriate constraints, a constraint set needs to be created. Do so by performing the following: Model/Constraint/Set... Title: OK Now dene the relevant constraint for the model. Model/Constraint/Nodal... Select all 5 nodes on the left edge, Nodes 1, 25, 26, 27 & 28. (Hint - you may want to use the rectangular pick to box in the desired nodes - shift & left mouse button) OK On the DOF box, select all translations. TX OK Now select all 5 nodes on the right edge, Nodes 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15. OK On the DOF box, select the following translations. TY OK
13-6 MSC/NASTRAN for Windows 101 Exercise Workbook






Elastic Stability of Plates

Finally, select Nodes 2 through 10 & 16 through 24 on the top and bottom edges. These nodes do not include the four corners.

OK On the DOF box, select the following translation. TZ OK Cancel 8. Create the appropriate model loading.

Like the constraints, a load set must rst be created before creating the appropriate model loading. Model/Load/Set... Title: OK Next, convert the edge pressure of 100 psi to appropriate nodal force. Total edge force will be (100 psi) x (0.01 in) x (8 in) = 8 lb. Thus, 2 lb each will be used for the 3 middle nodes and 1 lb each will be used for the 2 corner nodes. Model/Load/Nodal... Select Nodes 12, 13, & 14 (the middle 3 nodes of right edge): OK Highlight Force. Force FX OK -2 load_1

MSC/NASTRAN for Windows 101 Exercise Workbook


Now select Nodes 11 & 15 (the top and bottom nodes of right edge): OK Highlight Force. Force FX OK Cancel This will put a total of 8 lb along the right edge. 9. Create the input le and run the analysis. -1

File/Export/Analysis Model... Analysis Format/Type: OK Change the directory to C:\temp. File Name: Write Run Analysis Advanced... Modal Solution Method: Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors/ Number Desired: OK Problem ID: OK OK OK Plate Buckling Sample Problem q Lanczos 1 plbuck 7..Buckling


MSC/NASTRAN for Windows 101 Exercise Workbook


Elastic Stability of Plates

When asked if you wish to save the model, respond Yes.

Yes File Name: Save When the MSC/NASTRAN manager is through running, MSC/ NASTRAN will be restored on your screen, and the Message Review form will appear. To read the messages, you could select Show Details. Since the analysis ran smoothly, we will not bother with the details this time. Continue 10. Look at the results to nd the rst eigenvalue. plbuck

Answer the following question: What is the rst eigenvalue? Eigenvalue 1 = _______

Since the applied pressure = 8/(8)(.01) = 100 psi,

11. Theory.

= 1.722(100) = 172.2 psi

From: Formulas for Stress & Strain, Roark & Young, McGraw-Hill

t 2 E cr = K -------------- -- - 2 b 1 Here K depends on ratio a/b. When a/b = 20/8 = 2.5, K = 3.373

MSC/NASTRAN for Windows 101 Exercise Workbook


Thus, 29e6 .01 2 cr = 3.373 -------------------- ------ 1 ( .3 ) 2 8 = 167.96 psi This concludes the exercise.


MSC/NASTRAN for Windows 101 Exercise Workbook

Eigenvalue 1


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