"Job Evaluation"
"Job Evaluation"
"Job Evaluation"
Submitted by
(Ht.No: 098-06-146) Submitted to
I hereby declare that this Project Report titled JOB EVALUATION submitted by me to the Department of Business Management, O.U., Hyderabad, is a bonafide work undertaken by me and it is not submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any degree diploma / certificate or published any time before.
At the outset, I wish to thank the management of CAPITAL IQ for their kind gesture of allowing me to undertake this project and its various employees who lent their helping hand towards the completion of the study. I am practically indebted to Mr.G.V.K GURUNATH ,HR DIRECTOR,CAPITAL IQ for allowing me to carry out my project work in the origination and Mr.ANAND SONI HRM, faculty member for apprising me of the situation with necessary guidance & help me to complete this project. . I would like to thank Mrs. INDIRA , Principal of St.Pauls P.G. College, who have given her co-operation and encouragement during the course of the project work.
Place: Date:
Table of contents Chapter: 1 Introduction Objectives Limitations and Scope Chapter: 2 Review of literature Introduction to HRM Job Evolution Selection of Job Evolution method Chapter: 3 The Company
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Chapter - 1
For the purpose of current study data were collected from software programmers working in Nayersoft. In all 91 questionnaires were administered to the software programmers working in day shift. Of the 91 sample respondents 60 respondents returned filled in questionnaires. Male respondents represent 67% of the sample and female respondents represent 33% of the sample. Graduate respondents represent 60.2% and a post graduates respondent represents 39.8%. Employees who aged below 20 years represents7.5%,employees whos age is in between 20-25 years represents 37.6%, employees whos age is in between 25-30 years represents 40.8%, employees who aged above 30 years represents 13.9%. Employees who are experienced below 1 year represents 32.25%, Employees who are experienced in between 1-3 years represents 40.8%, employees who are experienced in between 3-5 years represents 17.25% and
employees who are experienced above 3 year represents 9.7%. Employees who earns salary less than RS.10,000/- per month represents 56.98%, employees who earns salary of RS.10,000/- to RS.15,000/- per month represents 24.73%, employees who earns salary of RS.15,000/- to RS.20,000/- per month represents 9.67% and employees who earns salary of above RS.20,000/- represents 8.6% .
Data Collection
For the purpose of the study data were collected from two sources. One is the primary source by administering questionnaire to the respondents and the second is through company brochures, booklets, CIQbsites and other secondary sources.
There are nearly 150 employees in the IT company of which, I have done my project work on JOB EVALUATION.I have taken only 60 as sample size and have analyzed but not the total employees working in this branch. The questionnaire is distributed to the employees and analyzed beyond it is true or not. The options chosen by the employees may be honest or dishonest.
The scope of the study is to find out reasons for JOB EVALUATION and suggesting the retention of employee, hiring of employee etc.
Chapter 2
Review of literature
This excerpt from Human Resource Management in a Business Context introduces the concept of human resource management. It outlines HRM as a philosophy of people management and provides a framework for its role within the business context. People management - Human resource management has not 'come out of nowhere' HRM has absorbed ideas and techniques from a number of areas. In effect, it is a synthesis of themes and concepts drawn from over a century of management theory and social science research. There is a long history of attempts to achieve an understanding of human behavior in the workplace. Throughout the twentieth century, practitioners and academics have searched for theories and tools to explain and influence human behavior at work. Managers in different industries encounter similar experiences: businesses expand or fail; they innovate or stagnate; they may be exciting or unhappy organizations in which to work; finance has to be obtained and workers have to be recruited; new equipment is purchased, eliminating old procedures and introducing new methods; staff must be reorganized, retrained or dismissed. Over and over again, managers must deal with events, which are clearly similar but also different enough to require fresh thinking. We can imagine that, one-day, there will be a science of management in which these problems and their solutions are catalogued, classified, standardized and made predictable. Sociologists, psychologists and management theorists have attempted to build such a science, producing a constant stream of new and reworked ideas. They
offer theoretical insights and practical assistance in areas of people management such as recruitment and selection, performance measurement, team composition and organizational design. Many of their concepts have been integrated into broader approaches, which have contributed to management thinking in various periods and ultimately the development of HRM.
Job Evaluation
Learning Objectives: 1. To know basic approach to Job Evaluation. 2. to importance of Job Evaluation and its effectiveness. 3. To know the important methods of Job Evaluation.
Now friends CIQ will discuss about how jobs used to be evaluated in an organization; if somebody having any idea about it pleases start explaining it; this can be explained in the following way. Job evaluation is the process of analyzing and assessing the various jobs systematically to ascertain their relative worth in an organization. Job is evaluated on the basis of their content and is placed in the order of their importance. It should be noted that in a job evaluation programme, the jobs are ranked and not the jobholders. Jobholders are rated through performance appraisal. Job evaluation is a process of finding out the relative worth of a job as compared to other jobs Now, who is going to explain the objectives of job evaluation? The following objectives are derived from the analysis of the above-mentioned definitions: - 1) To gather data and information relating to job description, job specification and employee specifications for various jobs in an organization. 2) To compare the duties, responsibilities and demands of a job with that of other jobs. 3) To determine the hierarchy and place of various jobs in an organization. 4) To determine the ranks or grades of various jobs. 5) To ensure fair and equitable wages on the basis of relative worth or value of jobs. In other words equal wages are fixed to the jobs of equal worth or value. 6) To minimize wage discrimination based on sex, age, caste, region, religion etc. How many of you know the principles of job evaluation programme? Job evaluation programme should be implemented carefully. The following principles help in successful implementation of the programme:
1. Rate the job but not the employee. Rate the elements on the basis of the job demands. 2. The elements selected for rating should be easily understood. 3. The elements should be defined clearly and properly selected. 4. Employees concerned and the supervisors should be educated and convinced about the programme. 5. Supervisors should be encouraged to participate in rating the jobs. 6. Secure employee cooperation by encouraging them to participate in the rating programme. 7. Discuss with the supervisors and employees about rating but not about assigning money values to the points. 8. Do not establish too many occupational wages. For, better understanding let us look at the flowchart given below: Job Evaluation Process Employee Classification Wage Survey Job Evaluation ProgrammeJob Specification Job Description Job Analysis Objectives of Job Evaluation Job Evaluation Process:
The job-evaluation process starts defining objectives of evaluation and ends with establishing wage and salary differentials. The main objective of job evaluation, as was stated earlier, is to establish satisfactory wage and salary differentials. Job analysis should precede the actual program of evaluation.
Job analysis, as was discussed earlier, provides job-related data, which would be useful in drafting job description and job specification. A job-evaluation program involves answering several questions: The major ones are: Which jobs are to be evaluated?
Who should evaluate the jobs? What training do the evaluation need? How much time is involved? What should be the criteria for evaluation? What methods of evaluation are to be employed? Which jobs are to be evaluated in any exercise, where there are more than 30 or 40 jobs to be evaluated, it is necessary to identify and select a sample of benchmark jobs, which can be used for comparisons inside and outside the organs.
The benchmark jobs should be so selected to achieve representative sample of each of the main levels of jobs in each of the principal occupations. The size of the sample depends on the number of different jobs to be covered. It is likely to be less than about five percent of the total number of employees in the organization and it would be difficult to produce a balanced sample unless at least 25 percent of the distinct jobs at each level of the organization were included.
Staffing the Evaluation exercise: A committee, which consists of Head of several of departments, as was pointed out earlier, does representatives of employee unions and specialist drawn from the National Productivity council Job evaluation. HR specialists will be normally the chairmen of the committee. Responsibility for the overall coordination of the job-evaluation programme should be in the hands of a senior executive who can then report its progress to the board, and advise it on ensuring wage and salary development. Training for the Committee:
Members of the job-evaluation committee should be trained in its procedure so as to make the program successful. Time Factor: Job evaluation should not be conducted in haste. Any rushing through will lead to appeals against the grading of jobs. Eight jobs
in a day can be the ideal pace. After this, the quality of evaluation tends to drop, and more time has to spend later in checking and assessing the validity of the grading.
The final review of all the time should be allowed for re-evaluation, if necessary. Isolating Job-evaluation criteria: The heart of job evaluation is the determination of the criteria for evaluation. Most job evaluations use responsibility, skill, effort and working conditions as major criteria. Other criteria used are difficulty, time-span of discretion, size of subordinate staff, and degree of creativity needed.
It needs no emphasis that job evaluation criteria vary across jobs. So friends you must have got a fair idea what is job evaluation; now CIQ will discuss what are the methods involved in job evaluation, Methods of Job Evaluation: Job-evaluation methods are of two categories-Analytical and Non Analytical Job Evaluation Analytical Non Analytical Point Factor Comparison Ranking Job-grading Banding Method Analytical:
The system starts with the selection of job factors, construction of degrees for each factor, and assignment of points to each degree. Different factors are selected for different jobs, with accompanying differences in degrees and points. Let us discuss the different factors with an example: The National Electrical Manufacturing Association (NEMA), USA has suggested the factors, degrees and point for hourly rated and salaried jobs. The job factors taken into consideration by NEMA for hourly rated jobs are: Skill Education Experience Initiative & ingenuity Effort Physical demand Mental
and / or visual demand Responsibility for equipment or process Responsibility for materials or product Responsibility for safety of others Responsibility Job Conditions Working conditions >Hazards NEMA Manual for salaried jobs Factors: - Education Experience Complexity of duties Monetary responsibility Working Condition Contacts Types of Supervision
Extent of Supervision Factor-Comparison Method: The factor-comparison method is yet another approach for job evaluation in the analytical group. Under this method, one begins with the selection of factors; usually five of them- is assumed to be constant for all the jobs. Each factor is ranked individually with other jobs. For example, all the jobs may be compared first by the factor mental requirements. the skills factor, physical requirements, responsibility, and working conditions are ranked. The total points are then assigned to each factor.
The worth of a job is then obtained by adding together all the point values. NonAnalytical:1. Ranking Method 2. Banding Method 3. Job-Grading Method Nonanalytical methods: Ranking and job classification methods come under this category because they make no use of detailed job factors. Each job is treated as a whole in determining its relative ranking. Ranking method: this is the simplest, the most inexpensive and the most expedient method of evaluation. The evaluation committee assesses the worth of each job on the basis of its title or on its contents, if the latter is available.
But the job is not broken down into elements or factors. Each job is compared with others and its place is determined. The method has several drawbacks. Job evaluation may be subjective, as the jobs are not broken into factors. It is hard to measure whole jobs. Ranking is the most straightforward method of work evaluation. Jobs, people, or even teams can be ranked from the ones adding most value to least value to the organization.
Criteria for the ranking are not made explicit. Jobs rather than people are easier to rank when there are a large number of people in jobs. Teams can be ranked in a team-based environment as a substitute for or addition to the ranking of jobs and people. When a larger number of jobs, people, or teams are to be ranked, the method of paired comparisons can be used. With this approach each entity is compared to every other entity in terms of value to the organization. Overall value of the entity is determined by the number of times that the entity is evaluated as being of greater value then the entity being compared against. If an extremely large number of comparisons need to be made, statistical formulas are available to reduce the number of comparisons required using sampling theory. Advantages: 1. Simple to use if there is a small number of a job, people, or teams to evaluate 2. Requires little time 3. Minimal administration required Disadvantages: 1. Criteria for ranking not understood 2. Increases possibility of evaluator bias 3. Very difficult to use if there is a large number of jobs, people, or teams to evaluate
4. Rankings by different evaluators are not comparable 5. Distance between each rank is not necessarily equal 6. May invite perceptions of inequity banding
A banding procedure takes place when jobs are grouped together by common characteristics. Characteristics used to group jobs follow: exempt versus nonexempt, professional versus non professional, union versus non union, key contributor versus non-key contributor, line versus staff, technical versus non-technical, value-added versus non-value-added, and classified versus non-classified. Often these groups are then rank ordered and each group is then placed in a pay band.
Advantages: 1. Quick and easy procedure 2. Has initial face validity to employees 3. Allows for organizational flexibility 4. Minimal administration required Disadvantages: 1. Subtle, but important, differences between groups ignored 2. Subtle, but important, differences within groups ignored 3. May invite inequity perceptions Classification: Classification systems define the value of jobs, people, or teams with written standards for a hierarchy of classification level. Each classification level may be defined by a number of factors that need to be present for a job, person, or team to be slotted into a particular classification level.
These factors are usually blended together resulting in one standard for each classification level. Advantages 1. Jobs, people, and teams can be quickly slotted into the structure 2. Classification levels have face validity for employees 3. Standards to establish value are made explicit Disadvantages 1. Many jobs, people, or teams do not fit neatly into a classification level 2. Extensive judgment is required because standards used to define each factor are blended together 3. Differences between classification levels may not be equal 4. Creates status hierarchies within organizations 5. Extensive administration required Job-grading Method: As in the ranking method, the job-grading method (or job-classification method) does not call for a detailed or quantitative analysis of job factors. It is based on the job as a whole. The difference between the two is that in the ranking method, there is no yardstick for evaluation, while in the classification method; there is such a yardstick in the form of job classes or grades. Under the classification method, the number of grades is first decided upon, and the factors corresponding to these grades are then determined.
The advantages of the method are; I) job grade descriptions are vague and are not quantified; ii) difficulty in convincing employees about the inclusion of a job in a particular grade because of vagueness of grade descriptions; and iii) more job classification schedules need to be prepared because the same schedule cannot be used for all types of jobs. Let us now discuss the few important measures to improve Job
Evaluation. HOW TO IMPROVE JOB EVALUATION: - Following measures and steps for improving the work of evaluation programmers; A job evaluation scheme should be chosen cautiously. It should be devised and administered on the basis of employment market, demand for labour, bargaining power of the parties & job conditions. The details of the scheme should be drawn up in such a way that they do not conflict with other provision of a collective agreement. The scheme should be sold to all concerned and suggestions sought. Give major importance that the number of job titles and classification be kept to a minimum. Any anticipated changes in methods should be carried out before a scheme is installed and all modifications in it should be resisted until it becomes fully established. In preparing job descriptions it is a sound practice to emphasis in them the things which makes one job different from another rather than to find a comprehensive statement of all the duties of the job. The better the state of industrial relations the easier it is to introduce a job evaluation scheme. Essentials for the success of a Job Evaluation Programme Following are the essential for the success of Job Evaluation: 1. Compensable factors should represent all of the major aspects of job content. Compensable factors selected should: 2. 3. 4. 5. Avoid excessive overlapping or duplication, Be definable and measurable, Be easily understood by employees and administrators, Not cause excessive installation or admin cost and
Be selected with legal considerations in mind. Operating managers should be convinced about the techniques and programme of evaluation.
They should also be trained in fixing and revising the wages based on job evaluation All the employees should be provided with complete information about job Evaluation techniques and programme.
All groups and grades of employees should be covered by the job evaluation The results of job evaluation must be fair and rational and unbiased to the individuals being affects Summary: A job evaluation scheme should be chosen cautiously. It should be devised and administered on the basis of employment market, demand for labour, bargaining power of the parties & job conditions.
Job Evaluation In a preceding section CIQ have seen that internal equity in pay is one of the requisites of a sound primary compensation structure. Managements method to achieve equity in pay is jab evaluation. It is the cornerstone of formal wage and salary programme. The central purpose of job evaluation is to determine the relative worth of jobs of an enterprise. It thereby helps in establishing fair pay differentials among jobs. Accordding to Knowles and Thompson2evaluation is useful in eliminating the following discrepancies of a wage paymentsystem:Paying high wages and salaries to persons who hold jobs and positions not requiring great skill, effort andresponsibility;Paying beginners, less than they are entitled to receive interims of what is required of them;Giving a raise to persons whose performance does not justify the raise;
Deciding rates of pay on the basis of seniority rather thanability;LESSON 25:PERFORMANCE COUNSELING AND JOB EVALUATION 12811.672.1 Copy Right: Rai University HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Paying widely varied wages for the same or closely related jobs and positions; and Paying unequal wages and salaries on the basis of race, sex,religion or political differences. Advantages of Job Evaluation According to an LL.D. publication3, job evaluation enjoys the following advantages (a) It is an objective and logical method of rankil1g jobs and of removing unjust differentials in the existing wage structure. (b) It helps in fining new jobs at their appropriate places in the existing wage structure. (c) It improves labor-management relations by reducing grievances concerning relative wages in the long run. (d) It establishes an objective and clear basis for wage bargaining. (e) It simplifies wage administration by making wage rates more uniform. (f) It reveals the possibilities of more efficient use of the plants labor force by pointing out jobs which need less or more skilled workers than those who are manning these jobs at present. Major Steps in Job Evaluation Major procedural steps to be followed in a job evaluationprogramme are as under: I.
Planning Acceptance of the Job EvaluationProgramme: Since the personnel department is a staff department it cannot itself enforce a job evaluation programmed. It must win co-operation and acceptance for the programme from top line executives, employees, labor unions and first line supervisors. This can be done in two ways: by soliciting participation and by communicating information. Participation leads to identifications
with the plan and greater acceptance of it by persons active in its formulation. Communication regarding the purposes of job evaluation, the process by which it is carried out, and the results currently attained is also vitally important. To the extent this information is provided voluntarily to all concerned it creates a feeling of trust and stimulates interest. A variety of methods may be adopted to organize and communicate information to different categories of persons. Conferences may be planned for top line executives to explain to them their obligations under the programme.For example, job evaluation necessarily presupposes self-discipline by management and its willingness to abide by job evaluation findings rather than to allow judgment or favoritisms influence salary decisions.
Similarly, training programme maybe instituted to acquaint supervisors with the plan to be used, role that they will be expected to play and the day-to-day problems which they may face in administering and explaining the programme to their subordinates. One of the most effective and widely used media Jar introducing job evaluations to workers is a letter addressed to the employees signed by the personnel officer. It brings out two important points in which employees are interested: namely, it stresses managements support and it assures the employee that his wages will not be reduced as a result of a programme.Effective results have also been attained through the publication and distribution of booklets, which explain in some detail the general principles of job evaluation.2. Selection of Jobs to Be Evaluated Due to difficulties of time and money all jobs and positions within an enterprise are not evaluated at one time. Most companies in the beginning evaluate only shop jobs and office work. Executive, professional, and technical jobs are usually excluded. But later on when conditions permit these jobs are also brought into the plan. Sometimes a pilot plan is installed to
evaluate a group of jobs within a single department or in single plant of a multi-plant company. If the plan works well, its extended to other units in the organization.3. Preparing job descriptions and job specifications Before any job can be evaluated it is necessary to know what the duties of the job are. A job description is required, therefore, indicating in considerable detail the duties and responsibilities of each job or position in the enterprise. From these job descriptions, individual job specifications are prepared.
On the basis of the information contained in these job specifications individuals in the enterprise are evaluated. Before employing any job specification for evaluation purposes, its accuracy and acceptance should be thoroughly checked. It should be made certain that there are no omissions and-duplication of responsibilities in it and that it has been harmoniously accepted by the employee concerned. Once all job specifications covering jobs selected for evaluation have been thus checked and agreed upon CIQ have the foundation for determining the relative worth of each job through one of several methods of job evaluation described below.4.
Appointment of A Committee to Perform JobEvaluation:Job evaluation may be carried out either by the employees or by outside consultants or by employees and outside consultant)jointly. In the first case, a committee consisting of senior, experienced and respected representatives of management and workers is constituted. Employees participation in job evaluation work reduces their doubts and suspicions about deprogrammed. But the committee lacks objectivity and speed because its members have to carry out job evaluation work in addition to their normal duties.
These disadvantages are removed when job evaluation is performed by outside experts who generally work on a full time basis. Employees. However, resent appointment of outside experts and view them with suspicion and doubt. These experts may also lack intimate knowledge about the problems of the enterprise. As such the best course is to ask both employee representatives and consultants to perform job evaluation jointly. The joint venture makes it possible to combine the intimate knowledge of the company possessed by the employees with the necessary expertise of the consultants.
As a student will read in the following section there are in use today four basic methods of job evaluation. While the basic approaches of all these methods are somewhat similar, they differ in their detailed procedures. Some methods are designed specifically for evaluating clerical and administrative jobs; others work best when applied only to
operative jobs. Sometimes it may be decided to evaluate the same jobs by two t different methods. The greater the amount of agreement between the two results, the greater would be their reliability..6. Periodic Review periodic review, usually every one or two years, of all job descriptions must be done. Many job evaluation programmehave failed because management failed to recognize this fact.
A periodic review of all job descriptions is important for tworeasons:One, it softens the feelings of those who believe that their work was not properly described or evaluated last time and that they will get a fair deal at the time of review. Two, it enables management to keep itself abreast of changes taking place in the nature of a job. As the nature of a job changes factors which form the basis of job evaluation also change. Thus automation of job reduces physical effort and increases responsibility. The need for daily application of a skill is also reduced but the need for potential skill in emergencies increases. New factors, aches machinery utilization and isolation from fellow workers become important.
Methods of Job Evaluation Determining the relative worth of all jobs in the enterprise is difficult. Different jobs make varying demands on workers. One job, for example, might demand a prescribed level of education; require a certain physical ability, or exact specific responsibilities from an employee, whereas another job may be very lax in these aspects. A job, therefore, differ with repeat to thedemands made on the employee as well as in value to theenterprise.Job evaluation compares all demands made on each workerand, by means of this comparison, establishes the relative worth of each job in an enterprise.
The comparison undervaluation may be made on a non-quantitative basis by simply ranking or classifying the jobs from lowest to highest, or on a quantitative basis where points value are assigned to the various demands of a job, and its relative worth determined by the sum of such point values. Job evaluation programme should be implemented carefully. The following principles help in successful implementation of the programme: 1. Rate the job but not the employee. Rate the elements on the basis of the job demands. 2. The elements selected for rating should be easily understood. 3. The elements should be defined clearly and properlyselected. 4. Employees concerned and the supervisors should be educated and convinced about the programme. 5. Supervisors should be encouraged to participate in rating the jobs. 6. Secure employee cooperation by encouraging them to participate in the rating programme. 7. Discuss with the supervisors and employees about rating but not about assigning money values to the points. 8. Do not establish too many occupational wages. For, better understanding let us look at the flowchart givenbelow:Job evaluation process The job-evaluation process starts defining objectives overvaluation and ends with establishing wage and salary differentials.The main objective of job evaluation, as was stated earlier, is to establish satisfactory wage and salary differentials.
Job analysis should precede the actual program of evaluation. Job analysis, as was discussed earlier, provides job-related data, which would-be useful in drafting job
description and job specifications job-evaluation program involves answering several questions: The major ones are: I) II) III) IV) V) VI) whom jobs are to be evaluated. Who should evaluate the jobs? What training do the evaluations need? How much time is involved? What should be the criteria for evaluation? What methods of evaluation are to be employed?
Which jobs are to be evaluated in any exercise, where there are more than 30 or 40 jobs to be evaluated, it is necessary to identify and select a sample of benchmark jobs, which can bused for comparisons inside and outside the organs.
The Objectives of Job Evaluation Job Analysis Job Description Job Specification jobs should be so selected to achieve representative sample of each of the main levels of jobs in each of the principal occupations.
The size of the sample depends on the number of different jobs to be covered. It is likely to be less than about five percent of the total number of employees in the organization and it would be difficult to produce a balanced sample unless at least25 percent of the distinct jobs at each level of the organization were included. Staffing the Evaluation Exercise A committee, which consists of Head of several of departments, as was pointed out earlier, does representatives of employee unions and specialist drawn from the National Productivity council Job evaluation.
HR specialists will be normally the chairmen of the committee. Responsibility for the overall coordination of the job-evaluation programme should be in the hands of a senior executive who can then report its progress to the board, and advise it on ensuring wage and salary development. Training for the Committee Members of the job-evaluation committee should be trained units procedure so as to make the program successful. Time Factor Job evaluation should not be conducted in haste. Any rushing through will lead to appeals against the grading of jobs. Eight jobs in a day can be the ideal pace. After this, the quality of evaluation tends to drop, and more time has to spend later in checking and assessing the validity of the grading.
The final review of all the time should be allowed for re-evaluation, ifnecessary.Isolating Job-evaluation Criteria the heart of job evaluation is the determination of the criteria for evaluation. Most job evaluations use responsibility, skill, effort and working conditions as major criteria. Other criteria used are difficulty, time-span of discretion, size of subordinate staff, and degree of creativity needed.
It needs no emphasis that job evaluation criteria vary across jobs. So friends you must have got a fare idea what is job evaluation; now CIQ will discuss what are the methods involved in jobevaluation.Methods of Job Evaluation Job-evaluation methods are of two categories- non-analytical and analytical. Job EvaluationAnalyticalNon Analytical Point Ranking Factor Comparison Ranking Job-grading
Analytical1. Ranking Method2. Job-grading method on-analytical Methods Ranking and job classification methods come under this category because they make no use of
detailed job factors. Each job is treated as a whole in determining its relative ranking. Ranking Method this is the simplest, the most inexpensive and the most expedient method of evaluation. The evaluation committee assesses the worth of each job on the basis of its title or on its contents, if the latter is available. But the job is not brokendown into elements or factors. Each job is compared with others and its place is determined. The method has several drawbacks. Job evaluation may be subjective as the jobs are not broken into factors. It is hard to measure whole jobs.
Ranking is the most straightforward method of work evaluation. Jobs, people, or even teams can be ranked from the ones adding most value to least value to the organization. Criteria forth ranking are not made explicit. Jobs rather than people are easier to rank when there are a large number of people in jobs. Teams can be ranked in a team-based environment as a substitute for or addition to the ranking of jobs and people. When a larger number of jobs, people, or teams are to be ranked, the method of paired comparisons can be used.
With this approach each entity is compared to every other entity interims of value to the organization. Overall value of the entity is determined by the number overtimes that the entity is evaluated as being of greater value then the entity being compared against. If an extremely large number of comparisons need to be made, statistical formulas are available to reduce the number of comparisons required using sampling theory.
Advantages 1. Simple to use if there is a small number of a job, people, or teams to evaluate
Disadvantages 1. Criteria for ranking not understood 2. Increases possibility of evaluator bias 3. Very difficult to use if there is a large number of jobs, people, or teams to evaluate4. Rankings by different evaluators are not comparable5. Distance between each rank is not necessarily equal6. May invite perceptions of inequity
Banding procedure takes place when jobs are grouped together by common characteristics. Characteristics used to group jobs follow: exempt versus nonexempt, professional versus nonprofessional, union versus nonunion, key contributor versus non-key contributor, line versus staff, technical versus on-technical, value-added versus non-value-added, and classified versus non-classified. Often these groups are then rank ordered and each group is then placed in a pay band.
Advantages 1. Quick and easy procedure 2. Has initial face validity to employees 3..Allows for organizational flexibility 4. Minimal administration required Disadvantages
1. Subtle, but important, differences between groups ignored 2. Subtle, but important, differences within groups ignored 3. May invite inequity perceptionsClassificationClassification systems define the value of jobs, people, or teams with written standards for a hierarchy of classification level? Each classification level may be defined by a number of factors that need to be present for a job, person, or team to be slotted into a particular classification level. These factors are usually blended together resulting in one standard for each classification level. Advantages 1. Jobs, people, and teams can be quickly slotted into the structure 2. Classification levels have face validity for employees 3. Standards to establish value are made explicit Disadvantages 1. Many jobs, people, or teams do not fit neatly into a classification level 2. Extensive judgment is required because standards used to define each factor are blended together 3. Differences between classification levels may not be equal 4. Creates status hierarchies within organizations 5. Extensive administration required Job-grading Methods in the ranking method; the job-grading method (or job-classification method) does not call for a detailed or quantitative analysis of job factors. It is based on the job as a whole.
The difference between the two is that in the ranking method, there is no yardstick for evaluation, while in the classification method; there is such an yardstick in the form of job classes or grades. Under the classification method, the number of grades is first
decided upon, and the factors corresponding to these grades are then determined. The advantages of the method are; I) job grade descriptions average and are not quantified; ii) difficulty in convincing employees about the inclusion of a job in a particular grade because of vagueness of grade descriptions; and iii) more job classification schedules need to be prepared because the same schedule cannot be used for all types of jobs. Analytical Methods Point-ranking Method The system starts with the selection of job factors, construction of degrees for each factors, and assignment of points to each degree. Different factors are selected for different jobs, with accompanying differences in degrees and points. Factor-Comparison Method The factor-comparison method is yet another approach for job evaluation in the analytical group.
Under this method, one begins with the selection of factors, usually five of them- are assumed to be constant for all the jobs. Each factor is ranked individually with other jobs. For example, all the jobs may be compared first by the factor mental requirements. The skills factor, physical requirements, responsibility, and working conditions are ranked.
The total points are then assigned to each factor. The worth of a job is then obtained by adding together all the point values. Let us now discuss the few important measures to improve JobEvaluation.How to Improve Job Evaluation Following measures and steps for improving the work overvaluation programmes;A job evaluation scheme should be chosen cautiously. It should be devised and administered on the basis of employment market, demand for labour, bargaining power of the parties & job conditions.
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High Quality, Timely and Accurate Data and Research Tools Best Possible Client Service CIQ Key Service Areas financials, SEC filings, financial ratios and Business Descriptions Exporting or Importing data into Excel spreadsheets Creating reports which can be customized Comparing companies against their peers and indices Charting & graphing the results in bar, line, pie charts and customized colors
CIQ vision To achieve a leading position in the field of fundamental data services by developing top-quality customer solutions and providing finest financial data products and tools based on cutting-edge technology and advanced quality assurance processes.
CIQ Mission To provide clients with consistently superior quality fundamental data and innovative research tools, thus bring a fresh approach to the financial information supply business. To provide an exemplary work environment and work culture where the best talent can be To be a responsible corporate citizen and discharge CIQ social responsibilities attracted, retained and motivated to rise to higher peaks of excellence. diligently. CIQ Objectives
To be a leader in U.S and a strong global player in supplying financial data products and services. To provide quality services on time at globally competitive prices. To achieve optimal utilization of the important resources: people, time and money.
CIQ clients are CIQ first priority CIQ deliver promises and nurture long-term relationships with CIQ clients
Knowledge Sharing CIQ welcome new ideas from CIQ employees and stakeholders CIQ enable improvement in CIQ processes Leadership CIQ promote initiative, decisiveness and accountability among CIQ employees
Integrity CIQ ensure honesty and fairness in all CIQ dealings Performance CIQ strive to achieve superior results all the times.
Teamwork CIQ believe in Team work with mutual respect, support and open communication with CIQ clients and within. Approach
CIQ leverage CIQ intellectual capital and initiative to realize CIQ goals
Capital IQ, India Development Inc. had its modest beginning in San Diego, California by a group of entrepreneurs headed by Dr. Kumara Prathipati in 1993. The Indian operation was started, as Capital IQ, India Technology Development Company Pvt. Ltd., along with Mr. Madan Mohan, a successful entrepreneur with excellent business acumen. In the year 1997, Capital IQ, India became the subsidiary of Simply Stocks, Inc., San Diego, California. In the recent past Simply Stocks & Capital IQ, India has been acquired by Capital IQ, Capital IQ enables leading financial, advisory, and corporate professionals to efficiently make more intelligent business decisions. Capital IQ products integrate public and private capital market information with software applications for research, analysis, idea generation, workflow management, and relationship development. Capital IQ serves over 400 clients, including the market leaders in investment banking, investment management, private equity, and related professional services, as well as some of the worlds largest corporations.
Defined Process
Process Execution
This level will involve decisions that will determine the scope, direction, and overall goals of Capital IQ, India
These decisions will be subject to few constraints other than those imposed by law and/or economic conditions.
These decisions will be the kind typically made or approved by CIQ / ED. In short the decisions taken by this level would impact Capital IQ, India in total.
This level will involve decisions related to the plans of achieving the Goals & objectives established at the Decision Making level, These plans will be concerned with 40
The positions in this level will typically be in charge of, or responsible to their respective line of activities i.e., Production, Technical or HR. The decisions taken at this level would impact a particular function in short term and Capital IQ, India in long term.
INTERPRETATIVE LEVEL At this level, position incumbents will interpret and carry out the Processes, Goals & objectives planned at the Planning & Implementation level. Decisions taken at the Interpretative level will specify what is to be done in lower levels and how the resources i.e., time & people allocated to them are deployed. In short, people at this level will act as facilitators between the idea creators & idea executors DEFINED PROCESS LEVEL The decisions at this level will involve determining the means or process of achieving the standards set, objectives laid or guidelines established by the Interpretative level. These decisions will be subjected to the limits imposed by the available resources & technology and to the constraints set by interpretative level. The Defined Process level decision includes defining the process and specifies what is to be done at the levels below. In short, this team will act as a translator of the ideas.
Employees at this level will focus on how to carry out the operations of the process and the manner as well as speed of performing the elements of production process as specified by the execution level
However, there will be, within the limits set by the specific process, a choice as to how and when the operations are carried out.
Employee Levels / Career Progression levels The following are the Employee levels at Capital IQ, India 1. Junior Research Associate 2. Research Associate 3. Senior Research Associate 4. Analyst 5. Senior Analyst
Procedure: Each level of employee should have certain skills and knowledge levels which will be defined and communicated to all the employees. This will help every individual to accesses where he/she stands and how to reach the next level. There shall be no specified time limit for promoting an employee from one level to another. But the TL/Mgr shall follow certain guidelines, for the same, as specified by the Management. The TL/Mgr recommendation of each employees promotion is not the final decision. It must be approved by the Management. Junior Research Associate:
The newly hired Associate will typically have a college degree, and 0-2 years of professional experience.
Junior Research Associates (JRA) should be good at basic concepts of capital markets, good understanding of financial statements, accounting terminologies etc., and are able to apply this knowledge while processing the data with a significant to moderate degree of supervision.
JRA should be a good team player JRA needs complete assistance & guidance of the Team Lead/Manager to clear all his minor and major doubts or to handle any unique situations faced during discharge of his/her duties
JRA should have basic understanding about all the policies & procedures of data processing and various applications/tools used for this purpose
The productivity level of a JRA should near the standard production levels and performance should be within acceptable error rate.
Research Associate: Research Associates (RA) should be good at basic concepts of capital markets, good understanding of financial statements, accounting terminologies etc., and are able to apply this knowledge while processing the data. The work of the RA for the most part should be error-free. The Associate develops an ability to operate in an independent way, but may require assistance from the Team Leader/Manager occasionally. RA should be able to act individually with the laid down procedures. RAs are good communicators and shall have good Interpersonal skills. The Associate is able to communicate effectively with the Team Lead/Manger to convey suggestions for tool enhancements, problems with work, questions, etc. RA should have good command over all the policies & procedures of data processing and various applications/tools used for this purpose RA should show considerable improvement in the productivity & shall have standard productivity
Senior Research Associate Sr. RAs should have very good understanding of capital markets, financial statements, terminologies etc. And they are able to accurately apply this knowledge to process the data. The Sr. RA is usually able to operate in an independent way, requiring only infrequent assistance from the Team Leader/Managers to accomplish production targets Should possess good understanding of relevant Accounting standards & principles He/She is proficient in the use of production tools and understands the intricacies of the data process so that even more difficult tasks can usually be accomplished without assistance. He/she is very productive, and is able to accomplish tasks at an above standard pace. Sr. RA must possess expert knowledge of his department and working knowledge in more than one related departments to act as backup at times. Sr. RA should have developed good communication skills along with the confidence & knowledge to handle the doubts of Jr. RAs & RAs. Sr. RA should be able to take up responsibilities from the Team Leader/Manager In the absence of his superiors Team Leader/Manager/Sr. Analyst/Analyst, he/she should be able to look after the production schedules and co-ordinate with other team member accordingly Analyst Analyst must have expertise knowledge in subject, as well as, in his respective department and must be good at analyzing critical data items. Analyst should think beyond the production area and build positive relationships with colleagues within the team and throughout the company.
Can handle small research projects, assist the MGR/TL in new projects and can also prepare research reports. Shall also take initiative in accepting & handling more Individualistic responsibilities
Should be proficient in relevant Accounting standards & principles Analyst is proficient in the use of production process & tools such that even most difficult tasks can be accomplished without assistance. Analysts are considered expert in the use of these tools and will often assist other members of the Research Team in this regard.
Should have knowledge about more than one department (like inter-statement departments) Should be able to identify mistakes of others in the team and guide them to rectify the same. Should have fair knowledge about Data storage & retrieval. Should have very good written and oral communication skills Shall gives priority to official tasks over personal commitments In the absence of Team Leader/Manager/Sr. Analyst, he/she should be able to look after the production schedules and co-ordinate with other team member accordingly.
Senior Analyst Sr. Analyst must have expertise knowledge in subject, as well as, in his respective department and must be very good at analyzing critical data. Must have a thirst for knowledge & make consistent efforts to enhance his knowledge level and communicate the same down the line to other team members Sr. Analyst acts as an Individual player, who takes up projects from the manager and does research on his/her own Sr. Analysts are confident & competent in all communication. They can write reports effectively and will frequently communicate with the clients to address their issues and also build positive relationships with colleagues throughout the company. Should be proficient in relevant Accounting standards & principles
Should be highly proficient in the process of all inter related departments The work of the Sr. Analyst is extremely dependable and, for the most part, errorfree and is always in the top tier in productivity. Should have good knowledge about Data storage & retrieval. Should have overall knowledge of the total production flow and very good at trouble shooting
DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES Disciplinary Proceedings If any associate is caught violating CIQ policies or indulges in misconduct, the following action will take place:
Verbal Warning: The first reaction of the DM or the HR Manager or the concerned manager/TL will be to issue a verbal warning. Written Warning: On repetition of the act or violation of any other policy, either the HR Manager or the associates manager will issue him/her a written warning Failing to see an improvement in behavior post these two warnings, the associate will be liable for action including and up to termination. Employee Conduct (actions which will result in discharge) Your employment at the Capital IQ, India will demand a certain code of conduct. In any workplace, it is easier for everyone to work together if there is a code of conduct CIQ follow. Any action falling in the below category will be liable for action up to and including termination.
0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1
Falsifying employment or other Company records; Violating the Company's anti-harassment policy; Soliciting or accepting gratuities or commissions etc. from customers, clients or vendors and consultants; Excessive absenteeism or tardiness; Excessive, unnecessary, or unauthorized use of Company property and supplies, particularly for personal purposes; Reporting to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and the illegal manufacture, possession, use, sale, distribution or transportation of drugs; Fighting or using obscene, abusive, or threatening language or gestures; Theft of property from co-workers, customers, or the Company; Unauthorized possession of firearms on the Company premises or while on Company business and disregarding safety or security regulations; Failing to maintain the confidentiality of Company, customer, or client Information.
Business Attire The SS has a flexible business attire (Flex-Dress) policy. This policy is intended for your comfort and enjoyment, without impacting CIQ professionalism or service to CIQ clients. Flex-Dress simply means that you have the freedom to dress in business casual attire (which includes compulsorily In-shirt for all men) from Monday to Thursday and casuals on Friday & Saturday, depending on your personal preference and your business requirements. With Flex-Dress you can wear whatever you feel most comfortable wearing as long as your dress is appropriate and falls within the definition of Business Casual Dress. While it is difficult to provide an all-encompassing list of guidelines, you should use good judgment and, in all cases, dress professionally and conservatively. Harassment It is the policy of the Company to maintain a working environment which encourages mutual respect, promotes respectful and congenial relationships between associates and 47
is free from all forms of harassment of any employee or applicant for employment by anyone, including managers, co-workers, vendors, or customers. Accordingly, Company management is committed to vigorously enforcing this policy against harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment, at all levels within the Company. All reported or suspected occurrences of harassment will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. Where harassment is determined to have occurred, the Company will immediately take appropriate disciplinary action, including verbal/written warnings and possible suspension, transfer and/or termination. Grievance Redressal & Communication Protocol: A Grievance Redressal system has been created to provide a means of expressing your dissatisfaction or concern with respect to issues. This is in keeping with SS policy of creating a positive work environment and a place where you will like to come to work. You can mail all your concerns, views or suggestion to the following ID. grievance@simplystocks.stph.net The purpose is also to ensure that all employees have the opportunity to discuss their issues and find a mutually agreeable solution. When a problem occurs, CIQ request that relay your queries and/or concerns to your respective TL/MGR first. If for any reason your queries/concerns are not addressed to your satisfaction, please contact the Human Resources Department for further assistance. A meeting with the Executive Director would be appropriate, only if your questions still remain unresolved.
The emerging era sees a paradigm shift in the treatment of the human element in any organization. Hardware and software continue to form major part of any organization, whether it belongs to the new economy or the old one. However, the organization of the new economy also includes (apart from hardware and software) the information system and the skin ware that is the human.
This era has also seen inclusion of manpower of an organization as an asset in the balance sheet of the company. Infosys was the Indian company to have done this. The latest trend includes the human resource information system, human resource audit etc.
This complete turnaround in the position of HR has made the concept of JOB EVALUATION all the more imperative, while JOB EVALUATION itself is a relatively old concept. Its important has been greatly enhanced during the past decade.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY:The scope of the study is to prepare the participant of the management to take the decision while working with any organization.
During this period the students are send to different section to know everything of that section in detail so that she/he gets over all picture of the working conditions ,Of that section or department. The participant prepares project report and mentions suggestions and gives recommendation where ever necessary OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The overall objective of taking up a project on job evaluation is to study and evaluate the job evaluation system in capital IQ. The importance of the job evaluation as a tool for growth and development of both employees and the organization it is now been realized that simply having a good system in place does not make the firm successful. This has therefore given a need for integrating the strategic concerns of a firm with its performance monitoring system.
The following are the objectives behind taking up the study at Capital IQ
The main objective of the study is to gather reliable information on Job evaluation system adopted in capital IQ. To study and examine the existing Job evaluation procedure in capital IQ. To study scope of prevailing system. To know the employees views regarding JOB EVALUATION methods followed in capital IQ. To access the impact of JOB EVALUATION on the actual performance of the employees. To make recommendations and suggestions for further improvement of the system, with permission of the authorities.
METHODLOGY OF THE STUDY: STEP1: -DESIGINING THE QUESTIONAIRE A structured questionnaire was designed under the guidance of my guide, which was used for conducting the study. STEP2: -DATA COLLECTION The primary source of data collection was through questionnaires. Employee has to give their feedback about JOB EVALUATION by answering the questionnaire. The other source of the data was suggestions and opinion of the employees through direct interaction with them. STEP3: - METHODS OF ANALYSIS
After the completion of the fieldwork the data hence collected was tabulated and analyzed. On the basis of the information from the data analysis suitable suggestions and recommendations were made. SAMPLE SIZE: The present study was conducted in the head office of capital IQ and on the managerial staff comprising of senior and deputy managers. The sample size is 30 LIMITATIONS: In project of this nature, one cannot claim 100% accurate and authenticity. However every possible effort has been made to make it genuine and authentic. It is possible that some errors might have crept in while collecting data or in the preparation of the report due to the following reasons Lack of experience on part of the researcher. Errors in tabulation and analysis of the data may weaken the exactitude. Sample size may not be enough The answers given by the respondents may be biased or not true Time is a constraint
Chapter - 5
Data Analysis and Presentation
AGE Frequen cy Percent 16 26.7 26 18 60 43.3 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 26.7 43.3 30.0 100.0 Cumulativ e Percent 26.7 70.0 100.0
c u e r y n q F
QUALIFICATION Frequen cy Valid GRADUA TES POST GRADUA TES PROFESI ONALS Total 14 20 26 60 Percent 23.3 33.3 43.3 100.0 Valid Percent 23.3 33.3 43.3 100.0 Cumulativ e Percent 23.3 56.7 100.0
Statistics QUALIFICATION N Valid Missing Mean Std. Deviation Variance 60 0 2.20 .798 .637
H istogram
y c n u q e r F
10 5 M ean = 2.2 S D = 0.798 td. ev. N = 60 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0
GENDER Frequen cy Percent MALE 26 43.3 FEMA 34 56.7 Valid Percent 43.3 56.7 Cumulativ e Percent 43.3 100.0
LE Total
60 Statistics
Valid Missing
H t ga i or m s
5 0
4 0
3 0
y c n u q e r F
2 0
1 0
0 0 .5 1 15 . 2 2 .5
Ma =1 7 e n .5 S . D v =0 td e . .5 N 6 = 0
Amount of work I am expected to do on my job is reasonable Q1 Frequen cy Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral 12 16 10 Percent 20.0 26.7 16.7 Valid Percent 20.0 26.7 16.7 Cumulativ e Percent 20.0 46.7 63.3 55
8 8 6 60
Valid Missing
y c n u q e r F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The data collected from the employees of organizations regarding the amount of work done is reasonable or not the response was as follows: 20% of employees strongly disagree 26.7% of employees disagree 16.7% of employees say neutral 13.3% of employees agree 13.3% of employees strongly agree
I am satisfied with the priorities and direction of my department Q2 Frequenc y Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly 6 18 6 8 14 Percent 10.0 30.0 10.0 13.3 23.3 Valid Percent 10.0 30.0 10.0 13.3 23.3 Cumulative Percent 10.0 40.0 50.0 63.3 86.7
8 60
13.3 100.0
13.3 100.0
2 0
1 5
1 0
y c n u q e r F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
M a =3 e n .5 S . D v =1 6 td e . .6 2 N=6 0
Q 2
The response from the employees regarding the priorities and directions given by the management the response was as follows: 10% of employees strongly disagree 30% of employees disagree 10% of employees neutral 13.3% of employees agree 23.3% of employees strongly agree
I have adequate information available which enables me to do my job well. Q3 Frequen cy Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree 12 14 12 8 Percent 20.0 23.3 20.0 13.3 Valid Percent 20.0 23.3 20.0 13.3 Cumulativ e Percent 20.0 43.3 63.3 76.7 57
8 6 60
90.0 100.0
1 5
1 2
y c n u q e r F
3 M a =3 7 e n .0 S . D v =1 2 td e . .6 5 N=6 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Q 3
CIQ operate in a cost-efficient way in my department. Q4 Frequen cy Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree 8 20 8 10 Percent 13.3 33.3 13.3 16.7 Valid Percent 13.3 33.3 13.3 16.7 Cumulativ e Percent 13.3 46.7 60.0 76.7 58
8 6 60
90.0 100.0
2 0
1 5
1 0
y c n u q e r F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
M n=3 3 ea .1 S . D v. = 1 78 td e .5 N= 6 0
Q 4
I understand the day-to-day goals of my department Q5 Frequen cy Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 4 18 8 8 14 Percent 6.7 30.0 13.3 13.3 23.3 Valid Percent 6.7 30.0 13.3 13.3 23.3 Cumulativ e Percent 6.7 36.7 50.0 63.3 86.7
8 60
13.3 100.0
13.3 100.0
2 0
1 5
1 0
y c n u q e r F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ma =3 7 e n .5 S . D v =1 9 td e . .5 8 N=6 0
Q 5
Diverse perspectives are valued and encouraged within the department Q6 Frequen cy Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 6 14 14 12 8 Percent 10.0 23.3 23.3 20.0 13.3 Valid Percent 10.0 23.3 23.3 20.0 13.3 Cumulativ e Percent 10.0 33.3 56.7 76.7 90.0 60
6 60
10.0 100.0
10.0 100.0
H to r m is g a
2 0
1 5
1 0
y c n u q e r F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
M a =3 3 e n .3 S . D v =1 8 td e . .4 1 N=6 0
Q 6
Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job? Q7 Frequen cy Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 6 18 10 10 10 Percent 10.0 30.0 16.7 16.7 16.7 Valid Percent 10.0 30.0 16.7 16.7 16.7 Cumulativ e Percent 10.0 40.0 56.7 73.3 90.0
6 60
10.0 100.0
10.0 100.0
y c n u q e r F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Q8 My work group has a climate in which diverse perspectives are valued Frequen cy Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A 10 14 12 8 8 8 Percent 16.7 23.3 20.0 13.3 13.3 13.3 Valid Percent 16.7 23.3 20.0 13.3 13.3 13.3 Cumulativ e Percent 16.7 40.0 60.0 73.3 86.7 100.0
y c n u q e r F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
COMPANY] policies and procedures make sense to me. Q9 Frequen cy Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 10 16 10 8 8 Percent 16.7 26.7 16.7 13.3 13.3 Valid Percent 16.7 26.7 16.7 13.3 13.3 Cumulativ e Percent 16.7 43.3 60.0 73.3 86.7
8 60
13.3 100.0
13.3 100.0
y c n u q e r F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The physical working conditions (e.g., ventilation, space, cleanliness) are very good. Q10 Frequen cy Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly 10 16 10 8 10 Percent 16.7 26.7 16.7 13.3 16.7 Valid Percent 16.7 26.7 16.7 13.3 16.7 Cumulativ e Percent 16.7 43.3 60.0 73.3 90.0 64
6 60
10.0 100.0
10.0 100.0
y c n u q e r F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Individual differences are respected here (e.g., gender, race, educational background, etc.) Frequen cy Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A Total 10 16 10 8 8 8 60 Percent 16.7 26.7 16.7 13.3 13.3 13.3 100.0 Valid Percent 16.7 26.7 16.7 13.3 13.3 13.3 100.0 Cumulativ e Percent 16.7 43.3 60.0 73.3 86.7 100.0
y c n u q e r F
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chapter 5
Amount of work I am expected to do on my job is reasonable Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree ( ) N/A ( )
I am satisfied with the priorities and direction of my department Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree ( ) N/A ( ) I have adequate information available which enables me to do my job well. Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree ( ) N/A ( ) We operate in a cost-efficient way in my department Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree ( ) N/A ( ) I understand the day-to-day goals of my department Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree ( ) N/A ( ) Diverse perspectives are valued and encouraged within the department Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree ( ) N/A ( )
Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job? Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree ( ) N/A ( ) My work group has a climate in which diverse perspectives are valued Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree ( ) N/A ( )
COMPANY] policies and procedures make sense to me. Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree ( ) N/A ( )
The physical working conditions (e.g., ventilation, space, cleanliness) are very good Individual differences are respected here (e.g., gender, race, educational background, etc.) Strongly Disagree ( ) Disagree ( ) Neutral ( ) Agree ( ) Strongly Agree ( ) N/A ( )