Phase 3 Atep

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Phase III: Self Assessment and Reflection

After teaching the lesson, write a self-assessment in which you respond to the following four prompts: 1. In assessing the challenges inherent in meeting your students needs and in the planning of your lesson, describe how you applied the premise that discerning the social, emotional, behavioral and academic traits of the learner is a key factor in creating a successful learning experience. When we teach our students we must always try to take into consideration the social, emotional, behavioral and academic traits of our student learners to ensure that they are learning to the best of their ability and performing at their highest potentials. It is up to us to recognize that in our students and use that information to plan our lessons accordingly. In this case I had to pay special attention to the students reading and writing abilities and comprehension of subject matter and his confidence in expressing that both orally and in written form. I knew that if myself or the student could read the directions and instructions out loud the student would be able to better understand. The student struggles with writing his answer out and providing the necessary detail and analysis in his responses. He is very shy and introverted and hesitant of communicating in English. He often withdraws from discussions and struggles with finding the correct words and sentence structure to use when he is writing and speaking. I have found it to be helpful when the directions and responses can be read/given orally and there is a written form in front of him. While working on this lab we read the directions out loud and I practiced on his ability to respond back to me orally by asking numerous times for him to explain his answer and provide evidence for it, along with asking him many questions. When he is given extra time to think about what it is he wants to say and is positively reinforced for speaking or writing, he is able to express his thoughts, ideas, or answers. In this lesson I encouraged him to talk through the problem solving and analysis that was going on inside his head to work on his communication and ability to understand what it is the task is asking him to do. I encouraged him to use the manipulatives that were provided so he could tactilely connect to the lesson as well.

2.A Describe the teaching instance from your video in which you saw yourself responding appropriately to a learning need, the implications of this for student learning, and the insights/perspective you gained as a future practitioner. The student was incorrectly identifying the shape of the molecule because he was not factoring in the role that the electrons (lone pairs) were playing in causing the other atoms to bond(intramolecularly) at a different angle. I had noticed this but allowed the student to continue building the molecule. When he was finished I had assessed that

he did not know that the lone pairs act on a molecule in a big way. I asked him to tell me what he knew about lone pairs and how they might cause a molecule to change shape. I re-explained lone pairs as big arms or ears that took up a lot of space(electrons flying around) and pushed the arms down (bonds between the central atom and the other atoms present). Creating this analogy allowed him to understand the interactions that were taking place within a molecule and why that happens. I then had him change the molecule that he had built taking this into effect. He was able to recognize that he needed to change the model that he built by rearranging where he had the atoms bonded in 3D space, which allowed him to see that the shape of the molecule was different than he once thought it to be. This allowed the student to take ownership of his learning through making mistakes and assessing how he could make corrections to his own learning. This was a great way to get the student involved in his own problem solving abilities and become responsible for what he needs to learn independently. I will always try to function as an educator that does this with my students, it fosters an environment where students take leadership of their learning. 3. Describe at least one Wisconsin Teacher Standard and one Education Ability that is strongly reflected with the design and implementation of this lesson. Use these stems: I chose to reflect on using the gumdrop molecule manipulatives because it represents my demonstration of WTS #__1_. WTS #__1__ is about a teachers ability to understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines she or he teaches and create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for pupils. Through the implementation of using this manipulative, I was able to allow my student to tactilely gain an understanding of the concepts of the inter/ intramolecular forces that are happening on a level that we cannot normally see occur. This scientific framework is difficult for most students because it is something that occurs without us being able to see, touch, or feel it happen at a sub-atomic level, and most students cannot relate that abstract thinking framework to anything else. Using gumdrop models of molecules allowed the student to grasp the abstract concept because he was the one causing the interactions and attractions to happen by moving the atoms and molecules around in the models. I also demonstrated my use of the Education Ability of Conceptualization by my ability to integrate a manipulative into my lesson. Many students are visual and kinesthetic learners but I have found that my ELL/ESL students are especially visual and kinesthetic learners and thrive off of opportunities to touch, see, feel, or create what is happening to gain a better understanding of the scientific concepts that are occurring. My student struggles with communicating and explaining what is happening. By allowing him to show me by using the manipulative I give him the opportunity to explain through actions and demonstrate his understanding, and ultimately reach the objective of the lesson.

4. Identify two community agencies that would support your student and/or his family. Discuss the features of the agency and how they would support specific needs of this student and/or his/her family. (See folder on Educator/Materials/ Community Resources- you can identify other agencies as well.) I feel that my student would be supported and benefit most from being involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters program of Metro Milwaukee and the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee. The Big Brothers/Sisters Program would offer my student a one-on-one mentoring opportunity to grow as a successful male in the Hispanic Community. He would have the opportunity to receive extra help on his studies or just be supported through a mentor that will show him positive outlets as a child while he transitions into a young adult. The Big Brothers/ Sisters Program also offers a Hispanic Mentoring program that is designed to encourage, engage and sustain greater numbers of Latino children, and recruit volunteers and families to join in. This would allow him to to get involved in his community as well as encourage his family to be involved. Hispanic mentoring provided Latino children with a caring Big Brother/Sister that can enrich their lives culturally, socially, and academically, and support them reaching their potential through one-on-one mentoring friendships. The students family does not speak English and often has a hard time of offering support to him for his school work. This program would allow him the support he needs and might allow the parents to learn ways or strategies to offer their support to him. The Boys and Girls Club offers many opportunities for teens and young adults to become involved in their community and build relationships with their peers in the form of activities, clubs, events, and fundraisers. Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) has made high school graduation a priority for Club members. To ensure that youth leave the Clubs as well-rounded individuals with a plan for the future, Clubs are focusing efforts on three key outcome areas: Academic Success, Good Character and Citizenship, and Healthy Lifestyles. My student is the first in his family to be on the path to going to college and completing high school, this would be a great focus and support system for him and his family to help him succeed in that. My student is shy and hesitant to engage in conversation because he is still learning the English language. This club would help to provide him with multiple opportunities to build upon his language skills and gain confidence through doing so and feel comfortable around his peers.

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