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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Susie Medina

School: Colorado FACS High-School
Area: Teen Choices

Date: Monday
Grade Level: Junior & Senior

Title: Basics of Relationships

of 5

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

directly from the standard)

Lesson #: 1

(Write Content Standards

FMCS.01 (Teen) Analyze functions and expectations of various types of

FMCS.01.01 (Teen) Analyze functions and expectations of various types of
FMCS.01.01. a (Teen) Analyze processes for building and maintaining
interpersonal relationships.
FMCS.01.01.c (Teen) Analyze factors that contribute to healthy and unhealthy
FMCS.01.03 (Teen) Demonstrate communication skills that contribute to positive
FMCS.01.03.a (Teen) Analyze communication styles and their effects on
Understandings: (Big Ideas)

Relationships are fundamental to mental health

Effective communication builds and maintains relationships.

There are several types of relationships people can build.

Interpersonal relationships are a give and take between two people.

Intrapersonal relationships are important to self-care.

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of

instruction, select applicable questions from standard)

Why are relationships important to health?

How can heathy relationships effect your life?

How can unhealthy relationships effect your life?

What are the various types of relationships?

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Why is communication important to building and maintaining relationships?

What makes for a healthy interpersonal relationship?

What makes for a healthy intrapersonal relationship?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets/Objectives) Follow the ABCD format,

using student voice.
1. I can: write important material and add personal connection to the notes I
take on the lecture about relationships.
This means: I can distinguish informative material from the lecture
and apply it to my own life.
2. I can: create a bio-poem about myself and a haiku about someone important
to me.
This means: I can distinguish the differences between interpersonal /
intrapersonal relationships by expressing character traits in myself and
others though poetry.
3. I can: role play one conversation in various relationships types with my
This means: I can model appropriate and effective communication in
a variety of relationship types.
4. I can: write a two-page essay explaining who and why three people are part
of my support system.
This means: I can select three people who I know personally and
apply the information I learned about relationships to construct a
support system.
List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning target associated with
each assessment)
Support system essay (1 of 3 major projects in Unit) 1,4,
Poem -2
Role play activity - 3
List of Significant Vocabulary: (List the significant vocabulary words and
definitions for this lesson)
Interpersonal- Concerning a relationship or communication with two people
Intrapersonal- Concerning a relationship or communication with ones self.
Conscious- Aware and sensitive to
Spouse- Married partner
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Immediate family- First degree relatives, parents, siblings and grandparents.

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Planned Lesson Activities

Name, Purpose & Rationale of Lesson
Why is this lesson important? What has already
happened in this classroom surrounding the
subject you will be teaching? What do students
already know? Why are you going to teach this
topic now? What instructional strategy will
you be using? Why did you choose this
specific instructional strategy?

Approx. Time and Materials/Procedures

How long do you expect the activity to last and
what materials will you need? What do you need
to collect, prepare, reserve, set-up, etc. ahead of
How will you pre-assess students knowledge of
the topic to be covered? Describe both formal
and informal ways you will assess their knowledge

The hook grabs students attention and
engages them from the start. These are actions
and statements by the teacher to

Procedures/Instructional Input/Learning
Chunks/Scaffolding for Learning (this is the
largest part of your lesson plan)

Basics of Relationships.
This lesson is an introduction into the unit. It is
content / lecture heavy but incorporates
activities that allow for personal connect. This
lesson is in succession to a lesson about
personality traits. It helps affirm the idea that
perspective and individuality are valuable. It
also helps to understand different personality
traits when considering building and
maintaining relationships.
It is significant in teen choices because young
adults have the autonomy to pick the
relationships they pursue. Students need to
understand the impact of relationships and also
effective ways to build and maintain
The methodology is broken up into six different
teaching methods, but the majority of it is
lecture. This is because there is a lot of material
to cover in order to set a foundation for the
following lessons in the unit.
(90 minutes)
Teacher Materials: Poem handouts, PowerPoint
Lecture, Role-playing cards
Student Materials: Pencil, Paper, Word processor
for homework
My pre-assessment will be an online survey
through googleforms & google classrooms. It will
be due the night before class.
What three characteristics make a good
Best friend?
The pre-assessment would be to go over some
of the responses in the googleform and talk
about the trends and the differences between
these relationships and their expectations.

Anticipatory set (7 minutes)

- GoogleDocs results & short debriefing
- Ask students if they would like to learn

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(Include a play-by-play account of what will
happen in the class from the minute students
arrive to the minute they leave your classroom.
Indicate the length of each segment of the lesson.
List actual minutes.)
Include the following components in scripted
-Teacher input-what you will share (lecture
outline, notes of interest, facts, vocabulary,
description of activities, etc.)
-Modeling (demonstrations, stories, examples,
-questioning strategies (what questions will you
ask to CSU)
-whole-class practice
-group practice
-individual practice
-check for understanding
-other (FCCLA, FFA, etc. connection)

about any other type of relationships

Lecture and Note taking (40 minutes)
- Make sure students know to take three
fold notes (left side= main topic
middle = information right side =
personal connection)
- Importance of support
- Types of relationships
- Healthy vs Unhealthy
- Communications role in relationships
- Interpersonal / intrapersonal
Haiku (10 minutes)
- Hand out including Bio-poem / haiku
- Haiku is about someone the student
cares about
- Class creates poems
Bio-Poem (17 minutes)
- Explain (read given hand-out)
- Read example (remember anecdote
about childrens lit)
- Class creates poems and turns in
As the students finish, put the rubric for
the essay assignment on the overhead (5
- Go over the assignment, explain the
expectations based on the rubric and
ask if there are questions.
Role Playing activity (12 minutes)
- Pair students up and given them an
index card with different scenarios on
them. Ask them to model appropriate
and effective conversation based on
the scenario.

Those actions or statements by a teacher that are
designed to bring a lesson presentation to an
appropriate conclusion. Used to help students
bring things together in their own minds, to make
sense out of what has just been taught. Any
Questions? No. OK, lets move on is not closure.
Closure is used:

Read My Bio-Poem (2 minutes)

This will tie their previous assignment back to
myself and will help solidify how dynamic people
are. Although I have a professional Teacher
relationship with my students, my bio-poem will
show them I also have a family, goals and

commodations To modify: If the activity is too
advanced for a child, how will you modify it so

-instead of poems
Students can build a modified bio poem using

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that they can be successful?
To extend: If the activity is too easy for a child,
how will you extend it to develop their emerging

song lyrics from four different (appropriate)

songs. They can create a flip chart instead of a
haiku for someone they care about, using
images. on the flap they will place images that
remind them of the person they chose and a
description of why on the inside of the flap.
-instead of role-playing
Students can find one interaction from a
television show (appropriate content & length)
and explain what the characters did will or could
have done better on.
- Instead of poems
Students can create a Nutrition label that
makes up the traits and qualities of someone
they care about.
Students can watch the TedEd video Do You
Know youre your friends really think of you? and
1-Post a thoughtful and substantial
response (based on rubric) in the
comment section of youtube
2-Make a 2-minute video response to the
TedEd speaker
3-Make the googleForm survey and report
-Instead of role-play
Students will watch a video about Rhesus
Monkeys experiment and bonding.
They will synthesis a plan, using the scientific
method to hypothetically conduct their own
similar experiment if they were psychologists.
They will propose the experiment and
hypothesize to the class and relate it back to the
unit lesson of Relationships and Support

How will you know if students met the learning
targets? Review each learning target and
determine the assessment that met that target.
Can the students answer your inquiry questions?
Write a description of what you were looking for in
each assessment.

At the end of the week the students will turn in

an essay describing three people they choose to
be part of their support system. The essay is an
overarching topic and requires them to attain
knowledge about healthy relationships,
communications and intrapersonal /
interpersonal connections. The students will
have to choose three people - describe the
characteristics that make them the chosen

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person a good choice explain how they
would confide in them and what they would say
to let the chosen person know.
The students will role-play communication styles
between a variety of relationship types. Having
covered effective communication tactics in
lecture, they will be able to use that knowledge
to model a positive interaction in that scenario.
The poem will show that students have learned
how interpersonal and intrapersonal
relationships are connected. They will write
about characteristics they see in themselves
and also someone special to them. It will also
solidify the personal connection they created to
the topic.

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