Basics 1 of 5
Basics 1 of 5
Basics 1 of 5
Date: Monday
Grade Level: Junior & Senior
Lesson #: 1
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The hook grabs students attention and
engages them from the start. These are actions
and statements by the teacher to
Procedures/Instructional Input/Learning
Chunks/Scaffolding for Learning (this is the
largest part of your lesson plan)
Basics of Relationships.
This lesson is an introduction into the unit. It is
content / lecture heavy but incorporates
activities that allow for personal connect. This
lesson is in succession to a lesson about
personality traits. It helps affirm the idea that
perspective and individuality are valuable. It
also helps to understand different personality
traits when considering building and
maintaining relationships.
It is significant in teen choices because young
adults have the autonomy to pick the
relationships they pursue. Students need to
understand the impact of relationships and also
effective ways to build and maintain
The methodology is broken up into six different
teaching methods, but the majority of it is
lecture. This is because there is a lot of material
to cover in order to set a foundation for the
following lessons in the unit.
(90 minutes)
Teacher Materials: Poem handouts, PowerPoint
Lecture, Role-playing cards
Student Materials: Pencil, Paper, Word processor
for homework
My pre-assessment will be an online survey
through googleforms & google classrooms. It will
be due the night before class.
What three characteristics make a good
Best friend?
The pre-assessment would be to go over some
of the responses in the googleform and talk
about the trends and the differences between
these relationships and their expectations.
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Those actions or statements by a teacher that are
designed to bring a lesson presentation to an
appropriate conclusion. Used to help students
bring things together in their own minds, to make
sense out of what has just been taught. Any
Questions? No. OK, lets move on is not closure.
Closure is used:
commodations To modify: If the activity is too
advanced for a child, how will you modify it so
-instead of poems
Students can build a modified bio poem using
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How will you know if students met the learning
targets? Review each learning target and
determine the assessment that met that target.
Can the students answer your inquiry questions?
Write a description of what you were looking for in
each assessment.
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