I. Chemical and Physical Quality A. Constituents
I. Chemical and Physical Quality A. Constituents
I. Chemical and Physical Quality A. Constituents
Constituents Various chemical that are found naturally in the environment and in raw water may be found in the drinking water. There are constituents that can lead to health problems. There are certain inorganic constituents that may be present in the drinking water due to leaching out of the pipe and plumbing system; and these are arsenic, lead, chromium, asbestos, nickel, and cadmium. There are also organic constituents that come from agricultural waste, industrial byproducts, domestic wastes, and organic debris. These contaminants are present in wastewater from agricultural and urban runoff and leachates from contaminated soils that may include pesticides, solvents, metal degreasers and plasticizers and petroleum products; and these imposes health hazards to the people. The chemicals and physical quality of water affect its acceptability by consumers and the people. Due to differences in water treatment processes, in the distribution system or in the plumbing systems of the consumers, certain taste, odor, and turbidity may arise. The differences in these parameters do not poses health problems but standards are applied to water treatment to merely satisfy the consumers standards. Particles, both floating and settled, in the water supply must not be present. These particles affect not only the aesthetic quality of the water but also pose health and industrial hazards as these could be toxic and could interfere in treatment process. B. Water Sampling Water sampling is an utmost importance. The time between the collection of the sample and its analysis depends on entirely on the character of the water sample. The following procedure should be abided in sampling. 1. Collect samples from wells only after the well has been pumped sufficiently to ensure that the samples represent the quality of groundwater that feeds the well. Sometimes it will be necessary to pump at a specified rate to achieve a characteristic drawdown as part of the sample record. New wells will require sufficient utilization and abstraction before sampling. Collect samples from open shallow wells by taking a composite sample. 2. When samples are collected from surface water sources such as river or stream, it is best to take a composite sample from three depths (top, middle and bottom). In this way, the sample becomes representative. If only a grab or catch sample can be collected, it is best to take it in the middle of the stream and at mid-depth.
3. When sampling lakes and reservoirs, which are naturally subjected to considerable variations from normal causes, the choice of location, depth, and frequency of sampling will depend on the local conditions and the purpose of the investigation. 4. Before samples are collected from distribution systems, flush the lines sufficiently to ensure that the sample is representative of the supply, taking into account the diameter and length of the pipe to be flushed and the velocity of flow. 5. Sample of oil films recovered from the surface of stream or other bodies of water will be almost impossible to evaluate in relation to the total volume of water, the total film area, and the thickness involved. A method commonly used to estimate total volume is to divert the water into a wide-mouth container (washed with solvent and air-dried before use). The glassstopped container should not be completely filled, as a loss of floating oil may occur in stoppering. It is advisable to collect the desired quantity of sample in an oversized. The minimum frequency of sampling for water drinking water supply system for physical and chemical analysis is provided below. Source and Mode of Supply Level I Level II Level III Emergency Supplies of Drinking Water Water Refilling Stations Water Vending Machines Minimum Frquency of Sampling Once a year
Twice a year
The volume of sample of three liters is sufficient for the anaslysis of chemical and physical water analysis. There should be no attempt be made to use the sample for microbiological and microscopic examination as the collection and handling of the sample follows a different set of procedure. The sample container must be chosen right so that contamination will be avoided. Basically, chemically resistant glass (Pyrex), polyethylene, or hard rubbers are suitable materials for container. For samples containing organics, avoid plastic containers except those made of fluorinated polymers such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Glass containers are generally preferred for volatile organics. Sample containers must be carefully cleaned to remove all extraneous surface dirt, thoroughly rinsed with distilled water and drained before use. Glass bottles, are rinse with chromic acid cleaning solution. An alternative method is with the use of alkaline permanganate solution followed by an oxalic acid solution. Polyethylene bottles are cleaned with detergents or concentrated hydrochloric acid.
Stoppers, caps and plugs must be used to prevent the spillage of the sample and to resist the attack of material contained in the vessel or container. Cork stoppers wrapped with a relatively inert metal foil are suitable for many samples, or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The sample container should be not filled whole fully but 1% space must be left to allow the expansion of the water. Sample containers must be labeled properly. A gummed label or cardboard or tag should be affixed along with the following information: 1. Date and time of sampling 2. Source of sample 3. Point of sampling (designed in sufficient detail to enable anyone to collect a second s sample from the identical spot from which the first sample was taken) 4. Temperature of the sample 5. Sampled by: (name of collector) In water sample handling and storage, the shorter the time lapse between collection of a sample and its analysis, the more reliable will analytical results be. It is necessary to keep the samples cool or refrigerated. Storage at a low temperature (4oC) is the best way to preserve most samples. Keeping the sample in dark and low temperature will retard the changes caused by bacteria in the sample. The following tables are the Philippine standards for drinking water. Standard Values for Inorganic Chemical Constituents with Health Significance
Constituent Antimony Arsenic Maximum Level (mg/L) 0.02 0.01 Remarks It is a contaminant from pipe and fitting materials. It is not a raw water contaminant. For existing water supply systems. Arsenic may be naturally occurring in water sources. Where maximum level of arsenic is unachievable, concentration in water supply must be kept as low as possible. Occurs naturally as trace elements in igneous and sedimentary rocks. Present on surface water due to discharge of treated sewage effluent. It could be naturally occurring in some areas with high natural levels and limited access to treatment technology Occurs in wastewater in steel, plastic, and batteries industries. It is released in water supply as impurity of zinc coating and solders and metal filling. Occurs in wastewater in certain industries such as chromium plating of bumpers, grills, and ornaments. Found occasionally in drinking water as consequence of contamination. The maximum level may be difficult to achieve due to limited access to treatment technology.
Barium Boron
0.7 0.5
Mercury Nickel
0.001 0.02
50 3 0.01
Maybe present in water from plumbing system; occurs naturally in certain areas and may be present in water supply as a result of dissolution from natural sources. Occurs naturally in freshwater and groundwater in inorganic form. Very toxic and usually occurs in water supply as result of plumbing system; although can occur naturally, it is not usually a raw water contaminant. Occurs from run-off or leaching from agricultural land. Occurs naturally in groundwater sources
0.008 0.6
0.3 0.2
Vinyl chloride
Used in the production of plastics and resins Used as solvent in dry cleaning industries and as a metal degreasing solvent. Used in the blending of petrol, as a solvent and as a raw material in chemical production. It may penetrate plastic pipes from contaminated soil. Used in dry cleaning and metal degreasing processes. Trichloroethene in anaerobic groundwater may degrade to more toxic compounds, including vinyl chloride. Used primarily for production of PVC. Migration of vinyl chloride monomer from unplasticized PVC is possible source of vinyl chloride in drinking water. Degradation product of the chlorinated solvents trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene in groundwater. Used in blending petrol, as a solvent and as a chemical intermediate.
Standard Values for Physical and Chemical Quality for Acceptability Aspects Constituent Taste Odor Color Turbidity Aluminum (Al) Chloride (Cl) Copper (Cu) Hardness Hydrogen sulfate Iron (Fe) Manganese pH Sodium (Na) Sulfate (SO4) Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Zinc Maximum Level (mg/L) of Characteristic No objectionable taste No objectionable taste 10 color units 5 color units 5 NTU 0.2 250.0 1.0 300 as CaCO3 0.05 1.0 0.4 6.5 8.5 and 5 7 for water product that undergone reverse osmosis or distillation. 200 250 500 and 10 for water product that undergone reverse osmosis or distillation. 5.0
Apparent True
DDT 1,2-Dibromo-3- chloropropane (DBCP) 2,4- Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) Endrin 1,2-Dibromoethane (Ethylene dibromide)
Highly persistent organochlorine compounds Relatively stable in soil and aquatic environments; half-life measured in months, but is degraded by phytolysis and microbial action in soil 0.007 mg/L is based on the 1998 amendment to the 1993 WHO GV Chlordane is highly persistent and has a high bioaccumulation potential. DDT is highly persistent. Highly soluble in water Rapidly biodegraded in the environment Highly persistent Used also in industry as solvent WHO GV is provisional value due to serious limitations of the critical studies. PNSDW adapts precautionary approach. Heptachlor is quite persistent in soil where it is transformed into its epoxide. Heptachlor epoxide is resistant to further degradation.
2.0 2.0
Restricted Registered
20.0 9.0
Registered Banned
Very soluble, highly mobile and can leach from soil. It has limited persistence in water. Fairly immobile and persistent in soil WHO GV is provisional
II. MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY A. Constituents Drinking water should be free from animal and human waste material, which is the primary source of microbiological organisms in drinking water. Microbiological parameters are indices of potential waterborne diseases. The major interest in classifying and issuing standards is the identification, quantification, and evaluation of organisms associated with waterborne diseases. Practically, all pathogenic organisms that can be carried by water originate from the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals. The bacterial intestinal pathogens that are known to be transmitted in drinking water are as follows: 1. Salmonella 2. Shigella 3. enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli 4. Vibrio cholera 5. Yersinia enterocolitica 6. Campylobacter fetus 7. Legionella pneumophila The common viral and protozoan organisms that known to be transmitted in drinking water are as follows: 1. Poliovirus 2. Echovirus 3. Coxsackie Virus A 4. Coxsackie Virus B 5. new enterovirus types 68-71 6. Hepatitis type A 7. Gastroenteritis type Norwalk 8. Rotavirus 9. Adenovirus 10. Giardia 11. Cryptosporidium spp 12. Entamoeba histolytica 13. Balantidium coli 14. Naegleria sp. 15. Acanthamoeba sp.
Cyanobacteria is another nuisance in drinking water supply. These organisms do not proliferate in the human body instead in water environment. They produce a group of toxins known as cyanotoxins that cause health hazards and majority of this toxin can be prevented though filtration process. However, some toxic alkaloids such as cylindrospermospsin and neurotoxins that are released also in the water may pass through filtration systems. Some organisms grow as biofilms in surfaces such as pipelines. Biofilm as defined is a microbial (bacterial, fungal, algal) community, enveloped by the extracellular biopolymer, which these microbial cells produce, that adheres to the interface of a liquid and a surface. These organisms generally do not cause health hazards to humans but can cause difference in taste and odor in the drinking water. They grow after water treatment process. This regrowth is reflected in the measurement of increasing heterotrophic plate counts (HPC) in water samples. Elevated HPC occur especially in stagnant parts of piped distribution systems, in domestic plumbing, in some bottled water and in plumbed-in devices such as water softeners, carbon filters and vending machines. B. Indicators of Drinking - Water Quality Frequent examinations for fecal indicator organisms is the most sensitive and specific way of assessing the hygienic quality of water. The tests required to detect specific pathogens are generally very difficult and expensive so it is impractical for water systems to routinely test for specific types of organisms. A more practical approach is to examine the water for indicator organisms specifically associated with fecal contamination. This indicator organism essentially provides evidence of fecal contamination from humans or warm-blooded animals. The criteria for an ideal organism are as follows: a. Always present when pathogenic organism of concern is present, and absent in clean, uncontaminated water. b. Present in large numbers in the feces of humans and warm-blooded animals c. Respond to natural environmental conditions and to treatment process in a manner similar to the waterborne pathogens of interest d. Readily detectable by simple methods, easy to isolate, identify and enumerate e. Ratio of indicator/pathogen should be high f. Indicator and pathogen should come from the same source (gastrointestinal tract). No organism fulfills all the criteria for an indicator organism, but the coliform bacteria fulfill most. The coliform group of bacteria (also called as total coliforms) is defined as all the aerobic and facultative anaerobic, gram-negative, nonsporeforming, rod-shaped bacteria that ferment lactose with gas formation within 48 h at 35C. This definition includes E. coli, the most numerous facultative bacterium in the feces of warm-blooded animals, plus species belonging to the genera Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Citrobacter.
Total coliform could be considered as part of natural aquatic flora because of their regrowth in water. Because of this characteristic, their detection in water supply may mean false positive for fecal contamination. Another way by which false positive can occur is when the bacteria Aeromonas is present in the sample. Aeromonas can biochemically mimic the coliform group. False negatives can occur when coliforms are present along with high populations of HPC bacteria. The presence of HPC bacteria may restrict the activities of coliform group bacteria. Thermo tolerant fecal coliforms are a subgroup of total coliforms that are differentiated from the total coliforms through laboratory examinations using elevated temperature (43 to 44.5C). Although fecal coliforms provide stronger evidence of fecal contamination than total coliforms, they could not be distinguished as human or animal origin. E. coli is the indicator organism of choice for fecal contamination. On the other hand, Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) describes a broad group of bacteria that include pathogens, nonpathogens and opportunistic microorganisms. HPC could be used to indicate general biological condition of drinking-water as a consequence of insufficiency of treatment processes, regrowth or recontamination of drinking water in the distribution system. Water intended for human consumption should contain no indicator organisms. However, pathogens more resistant to conventional environmental conditions or treatment technologies may be present in treated drinking-water in the absence of E. coli or total coliforms. Protozoa and some enteroviruses are more resistant to many disinfectants including chlorine, and may drinking-water following disinfection process. III. Standard Methods of Detection and Values for Microbiological Quality
Parameters Method of Determination Multiple Tube Fermentation Technique (MTFT) Chromogenic substrate test (Presence-Absence)* Membrane Filter (MF) Technique < 1.1 Absent or <1.1 <1 Value Units of Measurements MPN/ 100 mL MPN/100 mL Total coliform colonies / 100 mL
Total Coliform
Fecal coliform
Compliance to Total coliform (a) For water systems analyzing at least 40 samples per month, no more than 5% of the monthly sample may be positive for total coliform; (b) For water systems analyzing fewer than 40 samples per month, no more than one (1) sample per month may be positive for total coliform At least 95% of standard samples taken in each year from each reservoir are total coliform negative No standard sample taken each month should exceed maximum allowable value specified in the above. Multiple Tube Fermentation Technique < 1.1 MPN/ 100 mL (MTFT)
Chromogenic substrate test (Presence-Absence)* Membrane Filter (MF) Technique Heterotrophic Plate Count Pour Plate Spread Plate Membrane Filter Technique
* Should be validated and approved by Department of Health IV. Water Sampling Laboratory examination must be done in all stages of water treatment and consumption of water supply. These stages include the water sources, in the course of and after the treatment process, and from a reasonable number of points in the distribution network. Microbiological examination, i.e. determination of fecal contamination of water supply, is conducted more frequently than the other tests because of the high probability of microbial contamination and the extent of public health it might cause. The volume of the water sample must be not less than 100mL. The sample must be placed in 120mL clear bottles that have been rinsed and cleansed thoroughly. The container must be finally rinsed with distilled water and sterilized as directed in the standard of method of analysis for water and wastewater. The container must be also be provided with either ground glass stoppers or plastic screw caps. A paper or a thin aluminum foil cover should protect both the stopper and neck of the bottle. For waters that have been chlorinated, add 0.1 ml of a 3% solution of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) to a clean sample bottle before sterilization. The sample should be representative of the water under examination. Any contamination during the collection and the time before examination must be avoided at all cost. The tap must be cleaned and free from any attachments and fully opened with water allowed to waste for a sufficient time to permit the flushing/clearing of the service lines. Flaming is not necessary. Taps with a history of previous contamination may be disinfected with hypochlorite solution (NaOCl 100 mg/L). No samples shall be taken from leaking taps. The sampling bottle should be kept unopened until it is ready for filling. Remove stopper or cap as a unit; do not contaminate inner surface of stopper or cap and neck of bottle. Fill container without rinsing, it should be filled without rinsing and ample space (at least 2.5 cm) must be left to facilitate mixing by shaking. Replace stopper or cap immediately. Water samples should be processed promptly or within six (6) hours after collection or if not possible the use of ice coolers for storage of water samples during transport to the laboratory is recommended. The time elapsed between collections and processing should in no case exceed 24 hours. Sample should be collected and examined periodically. It must be on mode and source of water supply. However, frequency of sampling should also take into account the past frequency of records yielding unsatisfactory results, the quality of raw water treated, the
number of raw water sources, the adequacy of treatment and capacity of the treatment plant, risks of contamination at the source and in the distribution system, the size and complexity of the distribution system, the risk of an epidemic and the practice of disinfection. Lastly, the sample should be labeled and tagged with complete and accurate information and description as seen previous section. Source and Mode of Supply Level I Level II Population Served 90-150 600 <5000 5000 10000 >100000 Minimum Frequency of Sampling Once in three months Once in two months 1 sample monthly 1 sample per 5,000 population monthly 20 samples and additional one (1) sample per 10,000 population monthly Before delivers to users 1 sample monthly 1 sample monthly
Emergency Supplies of Drinking Water Water Refilling Stations Water Vending Machines III. RADIOLOGICAL QUALITY A. Constituent
Radioactive contaminants in drinking water may come from naturally-occurring radionuclides present in rocks and soils from earth's formation and from man-made radionuclide arising from power generated by nuclear energy. Deepwells, groundwater and mineral springs have been known to be sources of natural radioactivity, principally radium and radon. Deposition of radioactive fallout from nuclear weapon testing abroad or from nuclear accidents, nuclear power plants facilities or from medical use of radioactive substances may also be a source of contamination. Although the contribution of radioactivity in drinking water from above sources is very minimal, it is still important to monitor radioactivity to protect the public from undue exposure to radiation, The World Health Organization has set radioactivity levels for gross alpha and gross beta activity as shown on Section 3.7, in radioactivity units of Becquerel per liter (Bq/L). The guidelines are based on the fact that radioactivity in drinking water contributes only a minor part of the total radiation dose received from natural sources. Screening of gross alpha and gross beta emitters is used to determine whether more complete analyses for specific radionuclides are needed. The term screening value is used in the same manner as reference level as defined by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). A reference level is not a dose limit requirement.
The values of the gross alpha and beta which is used as the initial screening technique for assessing the radiological quality of drinking water do not include gaseous radionuclide such as radon, so that if its presence is suspected, special measurement should be used. The Environmental Protection Agency has established Maximum Contaminant Level and Alternate Maximum Contaminant Level for radon in drinking water. B. Water Sampling Samples of drinking water are collected directly from the source, typically from household faucets. Groundwater and springwater used as drinking water are also collected directly from pumpwells or deepwells. One liter of the sample is collected and contained in a properly labeled polyethylene plastic container. After sample collection, the sample is acidified to a pH of less than 2 using minimum amounts of diluted hydrochloric acid to minimize losses caused by adsorption in the container walls as well as to preserve the sample. Radiochemical analysis is then performed in the laboratory at any time except perhaps when short-lived radionuclides are known to be present in the sample. Sampling must be done accordingly to the PNRI established monitoring frequency for the Philippine drinking water. In case of emergencies such as nuclear accidents from neighboring countries, immediate sampling and analysis should be done.
Type Initial Routine Reduced Frequency Four consecutive quarters for one year One sample every 3 years One sample every 6 years Condition
If running average from four consecutive quarterly samples > 50% of MCL If initial average is 50% of MCL
Re-sampling and reexamination of the source of drinking water should be performed in cases where gross alpha and gross beta radioactivity levels exceed the standard values. In the event that gross alpha is exceeded, analysis of specific alpha-emitting radionuclides, total Radium shall be conducted. If the gross beta activity is exceeded, analysis of specific betaemitting radionuclides, tritium (3H) and Strontium (90Sr) shall be performed. Additional advice may be obtained from the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. The methods for analyses of gross alpha and gross beta radioactivity), 226Ra, 3H and 90Sr shall be based on the standard procedures by the Health Physics Research Section and Analytical Measurement Research Section of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute. The procedures are based on the procedure manual of the Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML-300) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Prescribed Procedures for Measurement of Radioactivity in Drinking water (EPA 600/4-80-032).
The determination of gross alpha radioactivity should be made as soon as practicable to minimize the in growth of radon and its daughter products in the prepared sample. If the gross alpha and gross beta levels are less than the standard values, no further examination is necessary except for routine surveillance as may be required in the vicinity of nuclear installations or the major sources of radionuclides pollution. Standard Values for Radiological Constituents Constituents gross alpha activity gross beta radon REFERENCE Department of Health. (2007). ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 2007- 0012. SUBJECT: Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water 2007. Sta. Cruz, Manila, Philippines: Department of Health OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. Activity Level (BqL) 0.1 (excluding radon) 1.0 radon 11(MCL)