New Trivector Meter-3p - 3wire

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1. SCOPE : This specification covers the design, manufacture, testing (before despatch) supply and delivery of static C.T. operated Trivector meters for 3 phase 3 wire and 3 phase 4 wire balanced/unbalanced load. STANDARDS APPLICABLE : While drawing these specifications, reference has been made to following Indian and International Standard Specifications. In case certain details are not covered in these specifications the relevant Indian/International standard shall be applicable as per latest amendment. IS 13779 (1999) IS 14697 (1999) IEC 62053-21 : : AC static Watt-hour Meter Class I & II Energy meters. AC Static Transformer operated WA and VAR Meter Class 0.5,0.2 and 1.0 Static Energy Meters


CBIP report no. 88

3. SUPPLY SYSTEM : System Std. voltage (Vref) Std. basic current (Ib) Max. rated current ( Percentage of Ib) Std. frequency Class of accuracy 4.

: : : : : :

Specification for AC Electrical Energy

Meters. 3 Ph. 3-wire system / 3 Ph. 4-wire system 3 x 110V Ph.-Ph. (through P.T.s) or 3x110/3 Ph.-n (through P.T.s ) 1A/5A (through C.T.s ) 120% of Ib. 50 Hz 1.0 or better

SYSTEM VARIATION : The meters should be suitable for working satisfactorily and accurately with following variations in the supply system parameters and ambient temperature and humidity. Electrical Quantities : Rated voltage +20% to -40% of Vref. 110V Rated frequency 50Hz +5% to -5% of freq. 0C to 60C Ambient for operation. Reference 27C : : : : : 0-600 Upto 95% RH(non-condensing). 250cms. 1000m.



Temperature Characteristics : CLIMATIC CONDITIONS 1.) Temperature 2.) Humidity 3.) Average annual rainfall 4.) Max altitude above MSL



GENERAL AND CONSTRUCTIONAL REQUIREMENT AND MARKING OF METERS : The meter should comply with all general and constructional requirements and markings of meters as per IS 13779 ( 1999 ) with latest revisions / amendments thereof or IS 14697 (1999) with latest revisions / amendments thereof CONSTRUCTION OF THE METER : The meter shall be microprocessor based. The meters should have state of the art surface mounted components (S.M.T.) and should be housed in a safe, high grade thermostat material viz. Polycarbonate casing which is of projection mounting type and is dust/moisture proof, conforming to IP-51. This will ensure higher reliability and longer life of the meter case.




The terminal block should be made out of flame retardant material (IS:11731)/1986, having sufficient insulating properties, mechanical strength and should have house plated solid brass terminals with 2 fixing screws per terminal. The terminals should be liberally designed for high overload withstand capability. The terminal cover should be transparent and should be of polycarbonate material. It should be separately sealable at two places and housed at the bottom of the meters and once sealed should prevent unauthorized tampering. Top cover should be transparent, name plate should have the below mentioned details inside this top cover and should be accessible only after breaking the seals of the meter body. (i) Serial no and year of manufacture. (ii) Principle unit in which the meter records. (iii) Reference voltage. (iv) Basic current and reference maximum current. (v) Reference frequency in Hz. (vi) Meter constant. (vii) Class index. (viii) Reference temperature. The meter should not get damaged or substantially influenced by the electromagnetic disturbances and electrostatic discharges caused by harmonics, voltage clips and short interruptions, conducted transients, DC and AC magnetic fields. The meter shall have radio interference suppression such that it should not generate noise which could interfere with the other equipment. The meter shall conform to the degree of protection IP 51. The meter should be compact and reliable in design and should be immune to vibration and shock during transportation /handling. j) All the insulating materials used in construction of the meter shall be non-hygroscopic, nonageing and quality tested.




g) h) i)


Every meter shall have three fixing holes, one at the top and two at the bottom. The top-hole hole shall be provided with a special clip at the back of the meter so that holding screw is not accessible to the consumer after fixing of the meters. The lower fixing screws shall be provided under the sealed terminal cover. The requisite fixing screws shall be supplied with each meter. SEALING : Proper sealing arrangement should be provided on the meter to make it tamper proof & avoid mishandling by unauthorized persons. Separate sealing arrangements should be provided for front cover (at least 2 nos.), terminal cover (at least 2 nos.), and M.D. reset button & optical port. INFLUENCE QUANTITIES : The meter shall work satisfactorily with guaranteed accuracy as per limit of relevant standards under presence of following quantities. i) External Magnetic field ii) Electromagnetic field iii) Radio frequency interference iv) Vibration v) Harmonic wave form vi) Voltage fluctuation vii) Electromagnetic high frequency field.




TYPE OF INTERNAL CLOCK AND LIFE OF BATTERY FOR THE METER : The meter should have internal real time clock with the backup of a Lithium maintenance free battery of minimum life of six years for operation of the time clock. Real time clock should be based on Quartz crystal timer so as to make it independent of line frequency variation.

11. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii)


ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENT : Power consumption in voltage Circuit : The power consumption in each voltage circuit of meters at reference voltage, reference temperature and reference frequency shall not exceed 8.0 VA (1.5 watts). Power consumption in current circuit : Power consumption in each current circuit for meter at basic current, reference frequency and reference temperature should not exceed 0.5 VA. Initial start of meter : The meter should be fully functional within five seconds after rated voltage is applied to the meter terminal. Running on no load : When the voltage is applied with no current flowing in the current circuit, the test output of the meter shall not produce more than one output/ count ( as per IS: 13779). Starting : The meter shall start and continue to register at 0.25% of basic current at unity power factor. Meter constant :Relation between the test output and indication in the display shall comply with the markings on the name plate. Repeatability error : As per IS: 13779 ( 1999). AC voltage : The meter should pass AC voltage test of 2KV and 4KV for metal case and insulating material case respectively. Limit of error and other accuracy : The meter should comply with the requirement of limit of errors and other accuracy requirements as per IS: 13779 (1999) or IS 14697 (1999) and as per CBIP report no. 88. Meter should have an optically isolated serial communication interface conforming to IEC1107 for rapid and error free data transfer to M.R.I. & P.C. The 3 Ph 4 wire meter shall have RS485 output port in addition to item at (x). OUT PUT DEVICE : The meter should have two independent test outputs for kWh & kVARh and should be accessible from the front. The blinking L.E.D. or other similar devices shall be provided. The test output device should have constant pulse rate.( Meter Constant ) in terms of pulses/unit energy. Pulse values shall be inscribed on the front. The 3 phase 4- wire type meters shall be provided with additional RS485 port. SOFTWARES : The following software shall be supplied by the meter manufacturer without extra cost. Base computer software for reading and programming the meter. Base computer software for communication between M.R.I. and base computer. The meters should be capable of communicating directly with a Laptop computer. Meter should have hardware lock for programming, along with software lock. This hardware lock should be accessible only after breaking seals of meter body, so that calibration and adjustment of accuracy or integration period should not be possible through the meter reading instrument or P.C. without operation hardware lock.

ix) x) xi) 12.

13. a) b) c) d)

14. DISPLAY : The information is to be shown continuously on electronic LCD display having continuous back light so as to be read easily in low light/darkness. The meter should have alternate display modes for showing required information. Default mode (Mode1) should be auto scroll type & scroll time parameters to be displayed and its sequence should be field programmable. In alternate mode (Mode 2), required parameters should be displayed and it should be possible to view the parameters using UP & DOWN keys. Parameters and their sequence should be field programmable. All energies should be displayed minimum 8 (6+2) digits with two decimals points. Also, high resolution display should be provided on meter for calibration check. The meter should be provided with or without internal battery back up .

There should be continuous indication of present voltages & currents status on display. There should be continuous indication for persistent tamper. Present (active) time zone should also be indicated on display. The meter should be programmed for the quantities as shown below there should not be any change in sequence: Display Mode 1: ( Auto scroll) Inst Ph Voltage R-Y For 3 Phase 3 wire Inst Ph Voltage Y-B Inst Ph Voltage R-N Inst Ph Voltage Y-N For 3 Phase 4 wire Inst Ph Voltage B-N Inst R Ph Current For 3 Phase 3 wire Inst B Ph Current Inst R Ph Current Inst Y Ph Current For 3 Phase 4 wire Inst B Ph Current Common for both 3 phase 3 wire and 3 phase 4 wire Cum High Res KWH Cum High Res KVARH Cum High Res KVaH Ph. Sequence Inst. Power Inst. Power Factor Date & Time Cum KWH Cum KVARH Cum KVaH Present month MD Previous month MD Reset Count Voltage Unbalance Current Unbalance Current Reversal Low Power Factor Total Power on Time Comm. Count Meter CT Count Meter PT ratio Anomaly Zone 1 Cum KWH Zone 1 Cum KVARH Zone 1 Cum KVAH Zone 2 Cum KWH Zone 2 Cum KVARH Zone 2 Cum KVAH Zone 3 Cum KWH Zone 3 Cum KVARH Zone 3 Cum KVAH ALTERNATE MODE 2 : TAMPER FEATURESa) Voltage failure count-Phase wise b) Current failure count-Phase wise Meter constant Frequency Tariff wise Maximum Demand. Cumulative Maximum Demand. Cumulative energy at reset. Cumulative energy at previous reset Display check

Internal setting for data down loading/display: Internal battery for data down loading and taking readings in case of total power failure may be provided. 15. QUANTITIES TO BE MEASURED : This meter should be capable of recording active energy KWH, KVARH, KVAH, M.D. KVA, P.F., Voltage and Currents. The meter should measure, display and memorize the total energy ( 50 Hz pure sine wave + harmonic energy ). Irrespective of direction of flow of energy, the meter shall be capable of computing & registering the actual energy consumed. MAX. DEMAND REGISTER : The meter should record/display maximum demand on sliding window basis with integration period of 30min. and sub-integration period of 5min. The rising demand under the current integration period should be displayed along with elapsed time. The integration period & sub-integration periods shall be programmable in future at site with software & hardware lock which should be accessible only after breaking the meter body seal. MAX. DEMAND RESET : The Maximum demand registered during the month should remain on display and should have following M.D. resetting facility : 1) Automatic reset at the end of a certain redefined period ( for example - end of the month. ) 2) Manual resetting through push button on front of meter with adequate sealing arrangement . In all the above listed, M.D. reset count shall increase on every reset. c) RESET BACK-UPS FOR ENERGY & MAX.DEMAND (TOTAL & TIME ZONE WISE) At least 12 Reset backups should be stored with date & time in the non-erasable memory and shall be accessible for reading through M.R.I./computer. MEMORY FOR BILLING, TAMPER & LOAD SURVEY: 1. Life of non-volatile memory shall be throughout the life span of the meter and storage life (without use ) for 10 yrs. 2. Fixed parameters- The following must be kept recorded permanently (i) Meter Sr. No. (ii) Meter Constant or C.T & P.T. ratio 3. Load survey -The meter should be capable of storing in its non-volatile memory at specified 30 minutes time integration period (i) KWh (ii) KVAh (iii) KVARh ( Lag ) (iv) KVARh (Lead) The meter should be able to memorize the above parameters for a period of at least 40 days. This data should be stored in the memory, in `First In First Out` ( FIFO ) basis. The load survey should be available in both graphical as well as tabular format. Tamper indications of all types & power failure indications should be available/ displayed in graphical format load survey, in respective integration periods. Tamper indication and power failure should also be indicated in tabular format load survey.




Billing Parameters- the meter should also memorize the following values of cumulative readings since installation for energies & maximum demands ( total & tariff zone wise) for last 12 resets and present billing period. i) KWh ii) KVAh iii) KVARh ( Lag ) iv) KVA M.D. v) Average P.F.

5. Tamper & fraud records- At least 300 events must be stored permanently in memory which should not be possible to reset. The meter should also record following tamper conditions with date, time and duration and should record instantaneous values of voltages, currents and power factors at the time of occurrence restoration.

i) Missing voltage - Phase wise ii) Missing current -Phase wise iii) Voltage unbalance- Phase wise iv) Current unbalance- Phase wise v) Current reversal- Phase wise vi) Low power factor / current reversal Phase wise 6. Power failure details - Must memorize at least last 10 power failure records & total power failure counts. 7. Reset record- Meter should keep permanent record of date and time of at least latest 12 M.D. resets and total no. of resets. 16. METER SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWING FACILITY : a) SNAP SHOT - Facility to record snap shot for voltage, current and p.f . at the time of each tampering. b)TIME OF DAY FACILITY-The meter shall be capable to register demand and energy consumption of minimum 8 different tariff zones. It should be possible to make at least 10 slots in a 24 hours cycle & assign them different tariff zones mentioned above to record time of day consumption . It should be possible to change the time of day for these registers through computer in future at site with software lock & hardware lock which should be accessible only after breaking the meter body seal. Presently meters should be programmed as below or as per our direction subsequently or as given at the time of supply. Time Zone 1 - 00:00 to 06:00 Time Zone 2 06:00 to 18:00 Time Zone 3 18:00 to 22:00 Time Zone 1 22:00 to 24:00 17. SELF DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES (Anomaly indication) : The meter shall have self-diagnostic facility and the status of electronic circuit, memory, crystal oscillator, etc. and abnormal condition will be indicated on the display. TAMPERING FEATURES : The meter should have the following special features to prevent/detect different ways of tampering and fraud. a) Tampering indication on display for persisting/continuing tamper condition shall be given on display b) a) Phase sequence reversal- The meter shall keep working accurately irrespective of reversal of any phase sequence of supply (with proper phase association). c) Detection of missing potential-Meter should be capable of recording occurrence of missing potential. The events should be recorded with date, time and duration. Phase wise Voltage, Current & Power factors snapshots should also be recorded at the time of occurrence & restoration. d) C.T. polarity reversal- The meter should keep registering correct energy even when all the C.T. polarities are reversed. The energy in reverse direction should also be recorded in separate register & it should appear in down loaded data/records. The events should be recorded with date, time and duration. Phase wise Voltage, Current and Power factors snapshots should also be recorded at the time of occurrence and restoration.


e) The meter should record event of voltage unbalance, between any of three phases. f) The meter should record event of current unbalance. g)Detection of low power factor/reversal Detection of a particular phase current in a quadrant where the reversal is doubtful (i.e. it could be either a reversal or a genuine case.) h)The meter shall be factory calibrated and shall be sealed before despatch. The meter should be capable of giving continuous updating phasor diagram of the installation at which the meter is connected on a M.R.I. or Laptop P.C.


CONNECTION DIAGRAM & TERMINAL MARKING : The connection diagram of the meter shall be clearly shown on inside portion of the terminal cover. Meter terminals shall also be marked & these markings should appear in above diagram. TYPE TEST, ACCEPTANCE TEST AND ROUTINE TEST : The bidder should submit Type Test Reports for all tests as per schedule of IS:13779 from reputed third party or Govt. approved laboratory like C.P.R.I, E.R.T.L., E.T.D.C., S.A.M.E.E.R., E.R.D.A. etc. Offers without the Type Test reports shall be rejected. The date of the type tests carried out shall not be less than ten years. Type Test reports should be for same type design of the meter offered. The meter should pass acceptance test as per IS-13779/CBIP or IS 14697 (1999) during inspection by the department. MINIMUM TESTING FACILITIES : Manufacturer should possess fully computerized meter test bench system for carrying out routine and acceptance tests as per IS:13779. In addition, this facility should produce test reports for each and every meter. The bidder should have the necessary minimum testing facilities for carrying out the following tests. (i) AC voltage test (ii) Insulation resistance test (iii) Test limits of errors (iv) Test on meter constants (v) Test of starting condition (vi) Test of no-load condition (vii) Repeatability of error test (viii) Test of power consumption (xi) The manufacturer should have duly calibrated E.R.S. meter of class 0.1 accuracy. (xii) Power loss in voltage and current coil. (xiii) Transportation tests. (xiv) Low load run tests. (xv) Heating tests. MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES : (I) Meter should be manufactured using S.M.T. (Surface Mounted Technology) components. (II) Quality should be ensured at the following stages. 1. Prior to final testing and calibration, all meters shall be subjected to ageing test (i.e. meters will be kept in ovens for 72 hours at 55deg.C temperature and atmospheric humidity under real life condition at its full load currents. After 72 hours meters should work satisfactorily) to eliminate infant mortality. 2. The calibration of meters shall be done in-house with an automated computerized test set-up. 3. All the components should be sourced directly from the reputed manufacturers or their authorised distributors. QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN : The design life of the meter shall be minimum 20 years and to prove the design life the firm shall have at least the following Quality Assurance Plan : i) ii) iii) iv) v) The factory shall be completely dust proof. The testing rooms shall be temperature and humidity controlled as per relevant standards. The testing and calibrating equipment should be automatic and all test equipment shall have their valid calibration certificates. Power supplies used in the testing equipment shall be distortion free with sinusoidal wave forms and maintaining constant voltage current and frequency as per the relevant standards. During the manufacturing of the meters the following checks shall be carried out. (a) Meter frame dimension tolerance shall be minimum. (b) The pressure coil shall be made totally encapsulated and care shall be taken to avoid ingress of dust and moisture inside the coil.





(c) The assembly of parts shall be done with the help of jigs and fixtures so that human errors are eliminated. (d) The meters shall be batch tested on automatic computerized test bench and the results shall be printed without any human errors. (e) The current coil shall be made with the help of jigs and fixtures. (f) The potential coil shall be made with automatic computerized machine. 24. GUARANTEE : The meter shall be guaranteed for a period of at least 18 months from the date of acceptance of materials. The meter found defective within the above guarantee period shall be replaced/repaired by the supplier free of cost within one month of the receipt of intimation. If the defective meters are not replaced/ repaired within the above specified period, the purchaser shall recover an equivalent amount plus 15% supervision charges. PACKING : The meters shall be suitably packed in order to avoid damage or disturbance during transit and handling each meter should be suitably packed in the first instance to prevent ingress of moisture and dust and placed in a cushioned carton of a suitable material to prevent damage due to shocks during transit. The bidder shall be responsible for any damage during transit due to inadequate or improper packing.



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