1.0) SCOPE:- This specification covers the design, manufacture, testing and supply of 3
phase, 4 wire, HT CT/PT operated, Uni-directional, accuracy class 0.2S for both
Active and Reactive energy, -/5A/-/1A, HT static tri vector meter with TOD register,
DLMS compliant & AMR compatible with optical and RS232 port, having ISI Marking,
suitable for measurement of active energy kWh, reactive energy kVARh and
apparent energy kVAh and kVA MD, kW MD at nominal frequency in the range of 47.5
Hz to 52.5 Hz in balanced as well as unbalanced load conditions. The type of meter
shall be surface/base mounted.
7.2) Neutral Disturbance:- Meter shall record the event when any phase voltage is
more than 150% of Vref. Meter shall immune to DC voltage disturbance of 400V.
7.3) Current unbalance:- The meter shall be capable of detecting and
recording occurrence and restoration with date and time of current unbalance
(30% or more for 5 minutes).Higher of the 3 phase currents shall be considered
as reference for this purpose.
7.4) Power OFF :- The meter shall be capable to record power OFF events in the
meter memory. For this, the meter shall keep records for minimum 125 events
(Occurrence +Restoration).
7.5) Current Missing:- The meter shall be capable of detecting and recording
occurrences and restoration of current missing in any one or two phases of
current, with date & time of occurrence and restoration if the respective phase
current falls below 1% of Ib.
7.6) Current Reversal: - The meter shall be capable of detecting and recording
occurrence and restoration with date and time of reversal of current with phase
identification. It shall possess a current reversal counter.
7.7) External Magnetic Influence:- The performance of meter shall not be affected
under the influence of external DC/AC and permanent magnetic field of high
intensity as mentioned in CBIP 325 and record the influence of abnormal magnetic
field with date and time in the memory. The event shall also displayed in the
auto mode.
7.8) Wrong phase association indication on display :- Display of proper indication
shall be shown in case of wrong phase association. The persistence and restoration
time for tamper logging shall be 5 minutes and 2 minutes respectively.
7.9) The metering system shall be provided with adequate magnetic shielding so that
any external magnetic field (AC electro magnet or DC magnet ) applied on the
metering system shall not affect the proper functioning and recording of energy as
per error limits prescribed by CBIP Guide 325.
7.10) The meter shall keep records for the minimum 500 events of abnormality
(occurrence + restoration). For above abnormal conditions, the recording of
events shall be on FIFO basis. It shall be possible to retrieve the abnormal event
data along with all related snap shots data through the meter optical port with the
help of CMRI &downloaded the same to the base computer. All the information
shall be made available in simple & easy to understand format compartmentalized
as follows:
Compartment No.1 150 events of potential related
Compartment No.2 150 events of current related
Compartment No.3 50 other events
Compartment No.4 125 events of power failure
Compartment No.5 24 events of transaction related changes
Compartment No.6 1 event of cover open
Tamper events shall be logged in accordance with IS 15959 for the events for
which OBIS codes are available. The firms can make use of spare codes available
for other events.
The tamper which has occurred earlier and not yet restored shall be logged in a
separate register and to be shown in the downloaded meter data.
8.0) Connection Diagram and Terminal Marking:-
8.1) Every meter shall be indelibly marked with a connection diagram showing the
phase sequence for which it is intended and shall be clearly shown on the inside
portion of the terminal cover and shall be of permanent nature. In case any
special precautions need be taken at the time of testing the meter, the same may
be indicated along with the circuit diagram.
8.2) Meter terminals shall also be marked and this marking should appear in the above
8.3) Stickers of any kind will not be accepted in this regard.
9.1) Every meter shall have a name plate clearly visible and indelible and distinctly
marked in accordance with relevant standards. The following information shall
appear on a nameplate inside the meter.
1) Manufacturer’s name & trade-mark and place of manufacture.
2) Serial number.
3) Designation of type.
4) Number of phases and number of wires for which the meter is suitable.
5) Guarantee period.
6) Purchaser’s name
7) Purchase Order No.
8) Principal unit in which the meter records.
9) Reference voltage & frequency in Hz.
10) Basic current and rated maximum current .
11) Meter constant (pulse rate of testing signal).
12) Reference Temperature
13) Class index.
14) Month and Year of manufacture
15) BIS marking as per statutory requirement
16) CT Ratio
17) PT Ratio
18) ’S’ mark emblem
19) TOD timings
20) DLMS Compliant Category C Meter
21) Sign of double square for encased meters of protective class II
22) Property of KSEB Ltd.
9.2) The Meter Serial No. shall be Bar Coded along with numeric No. The size of Bar
Code shall not be more than 35 X 5 mm.
9.3) Stickers in any case will be not accepted for name plates.
10.1) Data architecture and communication protocols shall enable easy multi-vendor
exchange of data without usage of any converting/translating equipment. For this,
the data structure adopted within the energy meter shall be on an internationally
acceptable method. The data structure/coding details shall be furnished to the
Owner. All necessary software required for down loading the information to a user
friendly Windows’/LINUX based operating system of Base billing computer system
through CMRI shall be furnished in required number of copies (On CD) without
any additional cost to the purchaser.
10.2) The data transfer shall be highly reliable and fraud proof (No editing shall be
possible on base computer by any means).The software shall have capability to
convert all the data into ASCII format.
10.3) Energy meter shall have a galvanically isolated optical communication port with
proper cover & sealing facility in front of the meter for data transfer to or from a
hand held CMRI and LAPTOP and another port for remote reading and both the
ports conforming to IEC62056-21)as per below details.
a) LOCAL COMMUNICATION PORT:- The energy meter shall have a galvanically
isolated IEC 1107 optical communication port with proper cover & sealing
facility located in front of the meter for data transfer to or from a hand held
Data Collection Device. This port shall also be used for remote data reading
through modem. sealing provision should be available for optical port. It shall
be possible to download the data through CMRI on power off condition and
such that the battery shall be of adequate capacity. The optical port shall have
a physical cable locking mechanism for properly securing the cable of an
external communication device.
b) REMOTE COMMUNICATION PORT:- Meter shall have an additional
communication port (RS 232) in the form of RJ11 port to interface external
modem for remote data collection through VSAT/PSTN/optical
fiber/GSM/GPRS/CDMA/PLCC/LPR communication modem.RS 232 (RJ11) port
shall be preferably located under the terminal cover. Both the ports will
support communication on DLMS and should be accessible through a DLMS
compliant HHU. Provisions for sealing both the ports are to be made available.
10.4) METER READING DURING POWER OFF:- It should be possible to read the
meter display visually and with MRI in absence of input voltages with help of
battery backup.
10.5) DATA DOWNLOADING CAPABILITY:- Meter shall support a minimum baud
rate of 9600 on optical port. It shall be possible to read selective data from the
meter as specified in the companion standard.
11.1) Load survey parameters required are listed below:-
1) Real Time clock date and time.
2) Kwh
3) KVAh
4) KVArh Lag
5) KVArh Lead
6) Maximum Demand
7) Phase wise voltage and Current
8) PF
11.2) Load survey parameters shall be available for minimum 62 days.
11.3) The logging interval for load survey shall be 30 minutes. Load survey data shall
be logged for the last 62 days on time basis. This load survey data can be
retrieved using CMRI/Laptop/ any suitable equipment as and when desired and
load profiles shall be viewed graphically and analytically with the help of meter
application software. Whenever meter is taken out and brought to laboratory, the
Load Survey data shall be retained for the period of actual use of meter. The
meter application software shall be capable of exporting / transmitting these data
for analysis to other user software in spreadsheet format. The resolution for load
survey parameters shall be 0.01 kWh.
11.4) Billing History and Load survey:- The meter shall record the history of billing
parameters, Cumulative kWh, Cumulative kVarh lag, kVarh lead Cumulative kVAh
and PF at the time of reset and kVA MD, for last 12 months.
11.5) TREND:- The downloaded meter data shall be able to construct trend during
the load survey period as listed below.
1) Energy
2) Voltage (R,Y,B)
3) Current (R,Y,B)
4) P.F
5) Demand
11.6) All data downloaded shall be easily convertible to printable format and be able to
save as PDF. Trend during the load survey period shall be available in printable
11.7) The number of pages in the report should be minimum and shall cover all the
details mentioned above.
12.0) Tests:-
12.1) The meter shall be tested with its base and cover in position; all parts intended
to be earthed shall be earthed.
12.2) Before any test is made, the circuits shall have been energised for a time
sufficient to reach thermal stability but not less than one hour.
12.3) The connection shall be done as marked on the diagram of connections.
12.4) All tests are to be carried out under reference conditions as specified in IS:
14697/1999 unless otherwise specified.
12.5) During the tests for accuracy requirements, proper repeatability conditions shall
be maintained. During type tests, repeatability at any test point determined on
the basis of three readings at short intervals, shall be better than 1/5 th of the
limit of percentage error under reference conditions. Manufacturer shall state the
necessary number of pulses/ pulse counts for maintaining the repeatability
12.6) Uncertainty of measurement of percentage error shall not exceed 1/5 th of the
limit of percentage error for the given test point at reference conditions. If the
uncertainty exceeds this limit, all the limits of percentage errors shall be reduced
as described in CBIP ‘manual on standardization of AC static energy meters’ to
make allowances for such uncertainty.
12.7) Unless otherwise specified, procedure for carrying out tests and the results of
those tests shall conform to the relevant clause in Manual on Standardization of
AC Static Electrical Energy Meters, Pub. No. 304, CBIP, July 2008 and if it is not
mentioned in the above manual, then to IS14697/1999 (amended up to date) or
CBIP Guide No.325.
12.8) The meter communications shall be tested with KSEB Ltd approved modems
during acceptance test/routine test
12.9) Type Tests:-
12.8.1) Meter shall be fully type tested as per IS 14697/1999 (amended up to date),
Manual on Standardization of AC Static Electrical Energy Meters, Pub. No. 325.
12.8.2) Requirement of results and the procedure for conducting tests which are not
specifically mentioned in this document shall be same as that mentioned in the
manual on Standardization of AC Static Electrical Energy Meters, Pub.No. 325.
12.8.3) The Type Test Reports shall clearly indicate the design and constructional features
of the type tested meters.
12.8.4) Separate Type Test Reports for each offered type of meters shall be submitted.
12.8.5) All the Type Tests shall have been carried out from Laboratories such as CPRI,
ERDA, ERTL (East) or equally reputed and accredited by the National Board of
Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) of Govt. of India to prove that the
meters meet the requirements of the specification.
12.8.6) Type Test Reports conducted in manufacturers own laboratory and certified by
testing institute shall not be acceptable.
12.8.7) Type test certificates rather than type test reports are preferred.
12.8.8) Type test certificate/ reports shall be submitted along with the offer and the same
shall not be more than 24 months old on the date of opening tender. If the type
test certificate/ reports are not with in the valid period, the offer shall be
12.8.9) In case the test certificate / reports partially is/ are not meeting the requirement
tests are to be carried out at no extra cost in owners presence. The same should
be assured at the time of bidding.
13.0) Routine and Acceptance Tests:-
a) Meters shall pass the entire acceptance and routine tests, as laid down
under IS14697 and also additional acceptance tests as prescribed in this
b) Following routine tests are to be conducted on every product:
1) AC Voltage Test
2) Insulation Resistance Test
3) Test on limits of error
4) Test of meter constant
5) Test of starting condition
6) Test of no load condition
An acceptance test shall be carried out under the reference
voltage, rated frequency and Cos Φ (Sin Φ) = 1 for active (reactive) energy
meter sat 5% of rated current. Six error tests are to be carried out
successively in the load condition at intervals of 5 minutes. The variation in
meter error expressed by the difference between the maximum and
minimum of the errors so obtained in all these error tests shall not exceed
the value corresponding to 1/5 th of the limit of percentage error at the test
c) Following acceptance tests are to be carried out on selected samples from a
1) AC Voltage Test
2) Insulation Resistance Test
3) Test on limits of error
4) Test of meter constant
5) Test of starting condition
6) Test of no load condition
7) Repeatability of error test
8) Test of power consumption
d) Other acceptance tests:-
i) Tamper conditions as stated in this specification
ii) Glow wire testing for poly carbonate material
iii) The meter shall comply all the test for external AC/DC magnetic field
as per CBIP PUB No.325 with latest amendments,moreover,the
magnetic influence test for permanent magnet of 0.5T for minimum
period of 15 minutes shall be carried out, by putting the magnet on the
meter body.After removal of magnet,meter shall be subjected to
accuracy test as per IS:14697/1999(amended up to date).
iv) The meter shall withstand impulse voltage at 10 Kv peak and impulse
voltage test is to be carried out on selected samples.
v) Vibration test.
vi) Fully assembled and finished meter shall undergo burn in test process
for 12 hrs at 55 0 C (maximum temperature not to exceed 60 0 C
under base current (Ib) load condition.
13.1) Normal Sampling Plan:- For acceptance test, meters shall be selected at
random from the lot, depending upon the size of the lot and the desired
acceptance quantity level.
a) No load condition & starting condition:- While accepting the meters the
number of sample meters will be taken out from the lot for testing (lot means the
total number of meters received in a Store out of inspected and approved lot by
purchaser’s representative under one approval letter) depending upon the size of
the lot and will be taken random from the lot in accordance with the following
Lot size Number of meters to be selected
at random
Upto 300 8
301 to 500 13
501 to 1000 20
1001 and above 32
Selection of number of sample meters by the consignee per lot for testing is
subject to vary as per the latest IS on sampling.
If the number of defectives found in the sample of 32 is less than or equal to
1, the lot will be considered. If the number of defectives is greater than or equal
to 4, the lot will be rejected. If the number of defective is 2 or 3 a further sample
of 32 meters will be taken and subjected to the tests. If the number of defectives
in two samples combined is less than 4, the lot will be considered as conforming
to the tests, otherwise rejected.
b) Tests of insulation resistance, Ac voltage test, Test of power
consumption:- Tests of insulation resistance, Ac voltage test, Test of power
consumption, test of meter constant/registration, limits of error and
interpretation of test results and adjustment.
From the sample of meters which have been drawn according to above
clause ‘a’ and those that have passed all test of a sample of 8 meters shall be
tested, all of which shall pass for conformity to these tests. If any one of the
meters fails the whole lot shall be declared not conforming to the requirements of
these test.
c) Test of repeatability of Error:- Above tests shall be carried out on 3
samples selected from above meters under clause ‘b’ and shall be tested for
repeatability of error test separately. If any one of the meters fails the whole lot
shall be declared not conforming to the requirement of these tests.
13.2) Pre dispatch Inspection:-
13.2.1) All Acceptance tests and Inspection shall be carried out at the place of
manufacturer unless otherwise specially agreed upon by the manufacturer and
purchaser at the time of purchase.
13.2.2) The manufacturer shall offer to the inspector representing the purchaser, all the
reasonable facilities, free of charge, for inspection and testing, to satisfy him that
the material is being supplied in accordance with this specification. The
Company’s representative(s) / Engineer(s) attending the above testing will carry
out testing on suitable number of meters as per sampling procedure mentioned in
this document and additional acceptance test as per this specification on samples
and issue test certificate approval to the manufacturer and give clearance for
13.2.3) All the meters offered for inspection shall be in sealed condition. The seals of
sample meters taken for testing & inspection will be opened & resealed after
13.2.4) KSEB have the right to ask the supplier to furnish new type tests certificates of
sample meters at suppliers cost ,at any time after the completing supply of 50%
of the ordered quantity .The sample for these tests will be selected from the
quantity meters already supplied. If the selected meters fail in type tests KSEB
have the right to cancel the purchase order.
4 Rated Voltage:
5 Basic Current(Ib):
6 Maximum Current(Imax)
7 Frequency Range:
9 ISI mark
13 Operation indicator
16 Change in Variation in
error due frequency
Variation in
Variation in Voltage
Variation in current
41 Voltage failure
Tamper protection
Any other
Details of volatile memory used
1) Scope:The modem should be able to communicate with all makes of DLMS complaint
DTR/HT-LT Consumer/Border/Feeder meters by using the RS232 protocol.
The modem should have an on-line tamper detection feature through which
modem will continuously poll the meter for any new tamper and in case of any
tamper event, should send the event to the server and also to a set of pre-
programmed mobile numbers as an SMS alert. It should also send real time outages
to the server and other configured mobile numbers. Modem should have a provision
to collect and send all the billing data from meters.
There should be Auto restart feature using hardware Watch Dog Timer (WDT)
in case modem fails to respond. There should be comprehensive self-diagnosis
feature which will create log file. There should be a provision for an interface with
PC/laptop to interact with the modem.
Modem should have a program over the air (POTA) feature which will reduce
the manual field visits. There should be provision to reprogram modem firmware
remotely from the server.
A RS232 Serial Link supporting up to 115,200 bauds with an auto-bauding
option should be provided. The modem should use meter supported baud rate to read
meter data and should use maximum network supported baud rates to push the data
to server.
It should have a configurable scheduled meter read and data transmit feature
to enable grouping of the meters so that the loading on the server is equally
distributed from all the field installed modems. It should have selective on-demand
meter read feature through which server can send an on demand request to modem
to read the selective parameters from the meter. Modem should also return
Instantaneous Parameters when it receives on demand SMS request.
Should be capable of operating on Three phase supply drawn from the Meter
input itself as well as on single phase supply. Auxiliary Power supply will not be
acceptable. The operating voltage range for the modem should be 63 V ac P-P to 440
V ac P-P, so that the modem can be used on both HT & LT Trivector Meters. Modem
should also be capable of operating on single phase 230 V, 50 Hz power supply. The
modem should have the capacity to withstand surges according to Indian standards.
Maximum Power Output should be 2 W at 900 MHz (Class 4) and 1W at 1800 MHz
(Class 1). VA Burden of the Modem should not exceed 3.5 VA during data
communication. Should withstand surge voltages up to 6KV and impulse voltage up
to 8KV as per IEC61000-4-4 : 2012. Modem should be capable for continuous
working for 24 hours every day under field conditions, even when enclosed in
Metering Cubicles at Consumer sites.
It should have built-in Li-ion battery with super capacitor or some other
arrangement so as to obtain sufficient battery back up.
Modem should be a compact model that can be housed in a
polycarbonate/engineering plastic/Metallic enclosure. The modem should comply with
IP51 degree of protection. Size of modem should be such that it can be fixed inside
meter box and modems should have the capability for mounting arrangement on
meter box side. Modem should withstand vibration of 2g and shock of 40g
The Modem should be supplied with power cable, High Gain antenna with co-
axial cable of suitable length, RS 232 connecting cable with suitable connector (RJ11,
DB9, optical) for meter side, mounting adopter etc.
2) Sealing: The modem should cover and body should have arrangement for sealing. In
addition to this, the SIM card holder cover should also have arrangement for sealing.
Sim should be inserted in modem without opening the cover of modem.
3) Antenna: Modem should have flexible external high gain antenna (with gain more
than 3dBi) to enable placement of the antenna at the location of strongest signal
inside the Metering Cubicle. RF functionalities should comply with the GSM phase
II/II+ compliant, EGSM 900/GSM 1800 recommendations.
4) Outage Notification: In the event of an outage, the modem should be able to
initiate separate call or send SMS / notification to a particular IP, predefined number
to notify the outage event with data and time of occurrence and restoration.
The Modem should act in such a way that the commands received from Data
acquisition server to meter and meter to data acquisition server are transmitted
without any changes in data. Data collection from meter should take place only after
connection is established between Data acquisition server and Meter.
The Modem should be capable of operating with SIMs of local GPRS/GSM
Service provider in the area. Data enabled SIM card will be provided by the utility
and monthly SIM charges will be borne by the utility. The modem should accept the
standard SIM Card. Modem should be suitable for long duration data transmission
and should be protected from external interference of systems working at different
bands. There should be a provision to seal SIM card slot/cover to avoid unauthorized
access. Modem should be Dual Band modem capable of operating at 900 and 1800
MHz GSM transmission. Modem should support both Data and SMS transmission.
Modem should support hot swapping of SIM cards. SIM interface should be a 3V
Interface in accordance with GSM 11.12 phase 2. Modem should have a SMA Antenna
connector to interface with external antenna of required gains.
5) Sensitivity:-
GSM 900 : <-100 dBm
GSM 1800 : <-100 dBm
6) Data Features:- Modem should use standard AT Command set (GSM 07.05,
GSM07.07) for settings of the modem. TCP/IP stack access via AT commands
7) Internet Services: TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3
8) CSD Data transmission features :- Data circuit asynchronous, and non
transparent upto 14.4 Kb/s V.110 USSD Support.
9) GPRS Data transmission features :- GPRS Class B Multi slot class 12 or class B
Multi slot class 10
10) Packet channel support : PBCCH
11) Coding Schemes: CS1 to CS4 compliant with SMG32 (Release97)
12) Packet channel support : PBCCH
13) SMS Features: - Text and PDU
Point to point (MT/MO) Cell broadcast
14) 'Environmental Specifications :- The Modem shall meet the following
environmental specifications : Storage Temperature : -20 degrees to +70 degree
Operating Temperature: -10 degrees to +60 degree Celsius
Humidity:- 95% RH ( Non – Condensing)
15) Operational Indicator :- The Modem should have separate LED indications
sufficiently visible from outside, for transmit data, receive data, carrier detects and
Power ON, etc. to indicate Power on position and to indicate the availability of signal
at the place of installation.
Modem should have facilities for time synchronizing the meter with Head End
System or Server/Network time by passing the required commands to meter.
As prequalification, field test will be done to ensure communication with the
selected meters.
Plug-n-play installation with automatic meter detection for all DLMS meters.
Modem should comply with IEC61000-4-2 for Electrostatic Discharge standards
and IEC61000-4-4 Fast Transient Burst.
Chief Engineer (IT&CR)