'Nlsa hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other than for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
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United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York Re
'Nlsa hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other than for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
'Nlsa hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other than for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
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United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York Re
'Nlsa hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other than for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
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United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee, LLC, Case No. 10-13826, (Joinlly Administered Under Case No 10-13800) NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF CLAIM OTHER THAN FOR SECURITY A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a). Transferee hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other than for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice. Name of Transferee: Fair Harbor Capital, lLC As assignee of Solutions Managers International Name and Address where notices to transferee should be sent Fair Harbor Capital, LLC Ansonia Finance Station PO Box 237037 New York, NY 10023 Phone: 212 967 4035 Last Four Digits of Acct#: __ I ! l ~ - - - - Name and Address where transferee payments should be sent (if different from above): Phone: n!a Last Four Digits of Acct #: n/ Name of Transferor: Solutions Managers International Court Claim# (If known): 270 Amount of Claim: $3,541.20 Date Claim Filed: Name and Address of Transferor: Phone: Solutions Managers International 91 Clinton Road, Suite 1A Fairfkold, NJ 07004 last Four Digits of Acct.#:. ..... --"'nlsa __ l.dec!are under penalty of perjury that the information proVided in this notice is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliet By: fs!Fredric Glass Date: June 15 201 1 I ransferee/T ransferee' s Agent Pensrty for mekfng a fefse statement Flr>e of up to $5CO,OC-Q or Imprisonment({}!' up to 5 yearn. or t:oth, 18 U.S.C. 152 & 3571, United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District Of New York In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee, LLC, Case No. 10-13826, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13900) NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF CLAIM OTHER THAN FOR SECURITY Claim No. 270 (if known) was filed or deemed filed under 11 U,S,C. 1111(a) in this case by the alleged transferor As evidence of the transfer of claim. the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security in the clerk's office of this court on June 15,2011. Name of Transferee: Fair Harbor Capital. LLC As asslgnee of Solution$ Managers International Fair Harbor Capit.al, LLC Ansonia Finance Sbltion f>O Box 237037 New York\ NY ( 0023 Name of Alleged Transferor: Solutions Managers International Name and Address of Alleged Transferor: Solutions Managers International 91 Clinton Road, Sufte 1A Fairtield, NJ 07004 I -DEADLINE TO OBJECT TO TRANSFER- --= ' ~ ~ The transferor of claim named above is adVised the 1hls Notice of Transfer of Claim Other than for Security has been filed tn the clerk's office of thk<; court as evidence of the transfer. Objection 'llust be filed with the court within twenty (20) days of lhe mailing of this notlce. If no objection is tirnely received by the court, the transferee will be substituted as the original claimant vlithout further order ot the court. Dale::_------ Clerk of tile Court -- LinJIN Killlkt:Opt(y Coutt !klutllt< utmlct OtNtw "<'urk .-------------;X
C'ln!plllli"U CllltNU:ta.lJ!ru. (loiuJJr Allmnnt! 'IJUNsn.n<U'a.AlMQl'HSll'THA:"f.FORSECt:mtYJ\NDWAI\'QOfWOuC.:..: U11.duuptcy Ruk: :vJX'{el'. l'll!i\SE 1'AK.f'.. t..'UTJCi! U!ul \hi: cl'801.1!1'10WS MAMAOEI:tS INTER.l'IIA'rltlNAL tb.: ill U,II,.'W, wilhk, f "\If the Suhl:dulcu;f Alsr!IS mul Liabililiea fikd by Lhe Odlk!l{a), 11mJ 011im, btluv. rll!ll., rn fl may IK:'!Il1ilut II)JU'tie- r,u ,,; 11w ufnnyexooutmyoontrlll:l or let5e l'elated 1(1 C!ulrn utul ifao.}', whlclt nmf be p:.lrt wlth rnput '" 11..: i.iml LoLi.:r uWutl tltel De: blur, gwmm1M' !ll"tltlmrlhird flllrl:l, with wtm.B ooduilwJ' rtglll!; and ;:.rW!!,& tmW::t tlr 111!\'lting "f\1111 fi!!'Cg@)g, lind lllll:lll'li. Sll'CW'l!iel, undm1!1trj!Tllptl't}' M\Itlh p;lit!l:'il;Md by in lie.Jn !rnu6ftltred and fur W fnh' Jinthcr Cuj;!llil, LLC ill ll7 lhn,m or It' J!liW:f.l!\c II l'l.h'=' en lhi!l1ltAN3FEROF CL>.U.:I O:'HEI\ FOR SECUI:U1Y AND WA1YJ5R OfM:'2Cii i& uftb.: Tnr;;.fer c<ftllt: .tbtim5 W ::ll t'.;;,htsW!d l,ilnetlJsd("''Jlllllfm:r rei !!tint to rhe Clllim. T'kt: Ctmm i$ un llMYr.i Tnns!lma !I}' l}..illl'lt uM 00 ll'll&f;r WU M
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