The document provides notice that a claim (#283) for $1,119.90 filed by Better Pools against debtors Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC and Innkeepers USA Trust in their Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases has been transferred to Sierra Liquidity Fund, LLC. The transferor has 20 days to file a written objection to the transfer with the bankruptcy court or the transferee will be substituted on the court's records as the claimant.
The document provides notice that a claim (#283) for $1,119.90 filed by Better Pools against debtors Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC and Innkeepers USA Trust in their Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases has been transferred to Sierra Liquidity Fund, LLC. The transferor has 20 days to file a written objection to the transfer with the bankruptcy court or the transferee will be substituted on the court's records as the claimant.
The document provides notice that a claim (#283) for $1,119.90 filed by Better Pools against debtors Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC and Innkeepers USA Trust in their Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases has been transferred to Sierra Liquidity Fund, LLC. The transferor has 20 days to file a written objection to the transfer with the bankruptcy court or the transferee will be substituted on the court's records as the claimant.
The document provides notice that a claim (#283) for $1,119.90 filed by Better Pools against debtors Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC and Innkeepers USA Trust in their Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases has been transferred to Sierra Liquidity Fund, LLC. The transferor has 20 days to file a written objection to the transfer with the bankruptcy court or the transferee will be substituted on the court's records as the claimant.
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------------------------------------X GRAND PRIX FLOATING LESSEE LLC INNKEEPERS USA TRUST, et al. Debtors Chapter 11 Case #10-13826 & 10-13800 Claim # 283 NOTICE: TRANSFER OF CLAIM PURSUANT TO FRBP RULE 3001(e) (2) OR (4) To: (Transferor) Better Pools PO Box 222-393 Newhall, CA 91322 The transfer of your claim (#283) shown above, in the amount of $1,119.90 has been transferred (unless previously expunged by court order) to: SIERRA LIQUIDITY FUND, LLC 2699 WHITE RD. SUITE #255 IRVINE, CA 92614 No action is required if you do not object to the transfer of your claim. However, IF YOU OBJECT TO THE TRANSFER OF YOUR CLAIM, WITHIN 20 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE, YOU MUST: FILE A WRITTEN OBJECTION TO THE TRANSFER with: United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York Attn: Bankruptcy Clerk One Bowling Green New York, NY 10004 SEND A COPY OF YOUR OBJECTION TO THE TRANSFEREE. Refer to INTERNAL CONTROL No. in your objection. IF YOUR OBJECTION IS NOT TIMELY FILED, THE TRANSFEREE WILL BE SUBSTITUTED ON OUR RECORDS AS THE CLAIMANT. Clerk of Court FOR CLERK'S OFFICE USE ONLY: This notice was mailed to postage prepaid on Copy(check): Claims Agent be: objntc the first named party, by first class mail, ' 20 Transferee Debtor's Attorney Deputy Clerk OBJECTION NOTICE FOR TRANSFEROR-PROOF OF CLAIM ON FILE ''\ f .. Transfer of (, INNKEIU:ERS USA TRUST, eta/. ''Cooo , a/k/a GRAND PRIX FIXED LESSEE LLC & GRAND LLC & GRAND J>UIX AN A ()R1- \NGE .LESSEE LLC agr,.,m ... nt tnlc(ect into betv..ce11 __ __ - ----------------- - -(,"' As:.ignor' ') .Jno <".; ietTJ Liquidity Fund, LLC C.ll a.ssigi\Ct ("t\ssigne,:"') with tO the following rmlll!r:-: I. :\ :.r. t.;nor in o f the um of (he aDwuot in U.S . .Ooll:.u-s on the\! claim (d1c Pricc"J. hereoy uanster and sdl ro Assignee all of the Assignor 's right.. title and in and tO all of thF: of A&sigJK' r. m\. ltlti illf.. t.he ri ght ro amowHs owed under :-my executory -:onlTact <J nd :my cure 10WLnt rt>l.tlt'-d to rhe p.)h:!Hial nssump)oo and \'[ '' ,omr: t " Cia.,m" '). 11f;Cins t !nnkc<:pcr!l US.\ er a /. (affili at .. .:, a11d reb ted d?.btors) l 11t' "T">c.:btor''), in for H!(JI'8Jili zation (the .. P((.)Ct:o1ings'') in the Unit;:J C0llft, SoJih<:m Distncr of New York. in J: . .' a.moum of ,u)t lc!>S than _- i'l 1 1 t L YO the amount d.1e, which sluill be deftoed ru; ' ' he Claim Amoun.l" 1 ll ll1l of t.llC .'\ ssi gnor rcl tu lilt' Cl.ti"' wtthout s to :ec.eiw:. int:rest, which may be paid with to the Claim, and all r!ash, inst.rumcnb, cwe payments. :.Jr,d OU'er properr y 11 h tdl m.1y pa.i<J. or issued by the in of Cl:1im. right to rc:<:c!ve litigation pr<' C:>tds ;:.miJ.ny :utd 1:11 voting ll > t.he Chlim . Claim is based oa amounts owttl fl) ,\sstg-nor t1y Detltor cts wrlll he!ow anrJ um, : .. . :utd tmcunllit iona.l :l.'i'>tgnmtnr of hip of !.he Claim. and sh:dl nor be 1kem.:cl to create a interest 2. shall hr. cntitl<.'d 10 all distriburj ons made by Oil a;count of Cl::s irn. even ctistri buLion:. made ant1 atLJi l:ut:lblt to tile Ci::tiro being allowt' .J tr the Debtor' s ca:\c, in an all'mmr u1 excess of the Chtun Amount. AS:> If:l lOr and waJI >Inb. rhar amounr o! rf c i.,; not r.h _\.J, :11.: Cl3im A.rnown. lh;-t t "rnr)ouH true ;md amount 0\1 I'd by rho:> D!bwrtt' ,bl' <md that 110 -.,\lid or right of set -off to lite Cl:run exists. ' \ f11rthc r rmd th:.t m) pay tll nt b.!cn received by ' '' ' t:nC\( fl( hy third p:JJIY through ,\:;si;;.r.or, Ln !Hli .)r J):t rtict l saltsflc l ion of rh.:: t.hat Assignor has not prc'i()\ISly assigned. or pk>Jgcd rhc Cl:!lln, ul w!!nte or in pm. ro "ny third !>.:r.y, thrt O\\ ns and titlt' to the:: Cl:'lim free nnd clear of nny and ull lir!ns. sec. Jrity cr of any k.ind or < r . 1\j"l(\ tllat rl\a c ddc: u:-es !J1.u have b.:cu or me>' be n-; st:rtcd by nr on bt>h:tlt <f th.: (If any p:u-ry rn !.'\t: tunomt of rJ1c Claim 01 '(' crnpair . . 1 ShoJitl it br: dttcnnincrl rhnt :wy cransttAr by Ule Debtor to lhc Assignor bur h,nc lxcn .:ovoidcJ prd.:rcntiui paym<'rH, repay tran:;t"er to Debtor in a timely mrumer. Shoulo Assignor frill tu repay such tr:J .. to j)ebtor, rhen Assignee. s.olt':l y al its ,_,wn OfJti)ll. shall he to milk<) $aid pi.lyrnt!nt of the avoided !I&.nsler, and the- the t"or :111 y : n::)l lltl$ p.1id to the l kbtor. To lht: 1:X(:llt Assignor grants to a Power of Attomey Lh>. h ;tuLitviiz' d <l' l\ssigt1." t:' to defend against all avoidance actions. prderemi,1l [>cl )' mcnt <lltd frauduleM convev;u:, :: ;,;t iOfts for lh.t! t:cnt:fi l (I f ::tnd th(' has no to dcfen'1 against :;uch lf the Bar Ca .e fl r fdU1g .1 Procf C.f Clai1ll hit: /\ tlH! ri ghr. but not rhe obligation, 10 purchase Trarle Claim for the amount pubhsll<:d r.n the r. 1 \ :;;.z?,nor i ' "ww.: lv1 doG Purc h:t-:o Price m;J.y d ilfN fiL>m lht' :uwnon1 ultirr.ardy disuibuted m the Procecdi-17.:. "i h r<.' ' Pt!t:t I) rhc ( ' iam and tbat ,, . dHlou n t n;ty not t), tltHi t entry of ,1 order courirming a of rcorg<l.M'l:l!:oll. a.'kno\tk dgc-s thar. except 11:. ,.: fnr.hin dti$ nei!ttCi' A,;signrc ag,'nt or of Assignee has ion "h;llS!;' e'.-'-' f 10 t'e(!afGllll' , ; _,. , : , , IJ ,; oi th" lloc ,()n.:Jili<H> of th.;, Dcl-or:or <r t)!llerwise l. anY m:.lf tt!r :c!;1lin:;: l> . the or ;lw ' ,l:dlh,),>J of rcow:i) r" the C1.1irn ,\ s;;it'.lo r ir hJs <ltl t<.j u<He thl'. .\nJ finant.:i.' l condition of Lh<: Debr,)r .vi he SU1\US oi :h,. to rnal:r: an ck .: iSiOII reg<tidtn); ti S of the Claim. 0. wt ll assume: all of l lle recover] in tenn.s of amount !)< on tl1e C\.lirn. Jf lony. Jt emergence from c)r ir.-JUid .. itiC.> II. HOt ass\.Lint ,1ny of the. ri sk cela\lng to an\\)tll\1 or" tile c.:lai rn !O by the lo the .;vr:nr t.h<H the Cl<:ill i-; cl\Satlowect, reaucc:'ct . subort.! JII .. Hc;t.l v < ''"P' ucd fo1 =r reason w hcH.socver,
to i onm""Ji ar,' t)' ref.- nd l!\d P' Y 10 . .1 PT<1
r-.u sil:uc of Purchase Price equ<d to 1J:e ratio of the of the Claun dt \ llkd by lhe Cl. urn. pi. Ls i-, :{ per .lllllum fr<Jlll dalf' 0f tltis Agr\:emcnt Jntl l llh:: date of rqMyrnent. The Assignee, as set tortll below. no obltg:1llun to otilt:lWI$r. the Claim. a.nd refund obh::l tion ot lhe m this Ire teo wl\hom rcr,:nd to " ' h.:>cher .":..;rgnt't defends thf Cl.1im. The Assirnee or As:.ignor shall have the tight to defend t11c cl:mn, ns ov:n and shall nor look .o ,-c.untcrpatty for an:; rc=tmbursemcnt for i. ;\)the exten: tlnr it may be requm:d by law, A>signor hereby irr<!v u-:ably !..' 1 J[mtes S. Rile) :Li its <Hd ;.,wful c.nomey . t"ne tme l&wful r.?-rnt ' I"ICCtal of the Assignor with respect to tile Clai m. with t"ull pO\t r.r .ll , ub:>ti:ution (such p,)wer of attorney L't'u1g deemed to be an irrevocable power :oupled wlth :Ul ,md authonzes or J.:une; S. t 1 ) au in A:>signor's ;\Ccact, h> dc: rno.nd. for. compromise and recover all allk1UIIl"> are, or ma y herc;uter become. rllle and payab!<.' for o r ,)n 1 rf tl re C i.,lm, htogntc f<.>r nny ()r o thc:r !1"1 rhis cla im. \'Ole i.n procccdi..n:;;s. 01 !lilY 01hc;r ,, , tilll t no) e n hath:-, rcco w ry 01 tho:> o f thl! Cl ai m. A!>St!!I\Ot' g rams unto tull lu do al l things ro the Cl aim and As signor' s theH: ttlldl'r .. l\.-;sijp10r agrees that chc: powc[s g-canted by llus p<v<: graph are m naturt! :ud !h:tt the mJ.y or decline to such p Ol\ ers at soltl option . shal l ha ' l: no obli g:.ttwn lo .my ,lCi]On w pru v<;; dcfctl d th(, vulitli ty <r 3rnount in the ,)r 111 arty other tlisput.c ari;mg out of or to the Claim, 1. hcthcr or not suit or other ilre whether in mediation. <nbiratiotL :1l tHtl , on or in adm.i.nimative agrees to take such reasonable further action, a:, may bt! necessary or d!!:>l!nble to eftfct tlw Assi gnment o f the Claim and any payments or t1J<; trlt)urtons 1111 il\..\.. uuut of lhc Ct.Urn to in.;, without lmtit:u ic.n. tho of dppropliate rrnn:>fer powers, corporate resolutions :wd consents. ' The Power of Artorney shall wuhout lim.i t:nion, ( I) tnt: rit:ht 10 ''ore, ul<;pect book!\ and 1-e..ords, (2) ri ght tu exc.:utc on of Assignor, llssignments, cenificat6 , do.:umcnrs aJ\d Lb.ll r.u y b.: f0r tile purTXJsc of transferring the owned by the Asstgnor, t 3) lhe tigtn to uclivt: l <md o tl-u:r on of Cli-lim. lO_gellier Y. ith all :J.:companying of tramft- r 31\d autttenticity to, or upon the otd(: r of, rlle Assi!_, 'lH:c; .md ri ght :1.fter ,;,, , !;Hr. of thjs to all bc:neftts and c;tSh ctisLribunons, endorse checks payable tv the and otilctwisc exl'n:ise Jll of lJemfi cial Qwnershjp of Clai m. 1l1e Purchaser not be reqlllrccJ to (X)!>t a t>ond of any namrc: in w tlh chi5 pow.: r ,)f .1;.\0(nr.y. shaJI forwJi d ro AssigHC! e recuved from the Debtor, iJJt coun or any rll.ird p:u ty wnh respect to the C!arm, m::: tncllng ,U\y wilh regard ro voting the Cl:Urn in UH! and shall rake sur:h action witJt rc:srec r m the Cl!\Jill i.n tbe proceedi.ngs, a> may ft u !ll 1i111<:" so nrth'. inc luding the provis ion to the of doc11menl.ltiOtl evidencing the vahdir v cf the claim. Assignor aclmowledges that any di suiburion recei ved by Assignor on account of fl l r' Claim from any source, whell1er in form of secuJi tie:.-, or any other pr operty or right, is the property of :tnd ab!>olmely o" Ly Lht' lhat Ass1gnor hold:; and Wt U tlQid sucl\ prQpt!ny iH U\t>L fur tlle bendlt of .\nd will , o um <!x p etl ><'. p rnmp rl y de li wr to ,l ny such property in S:tflC _fonn !''(' eiyed._ cogether wirh any or documenLs ntassi\ly to tx:wsk r such ptoperry to 1.1 . tn c\' t::nt vi any (1ispurc wising our of ur rd" Liug tir rhis Agn:.:: m.:.nt., tll<)l' o r not wit o r ol.l t<.! r i-. . ..w.ct wllcthc! P lllcdiJtion, arbi tralll) tl, !ti M, on in procGedings. or in bankruptcy (.inr.ludine, witho\lt limitation, any advcoaiT} [Jh)Ci' l'cling l.lf <:onte<ote(1 in &ny bankruptcy case on account of the A!><>1gnor). prevailing p.u ty shall be to 1(j costs :tHd ''Xfl:!ll'><: s includlllg reason ..tbl e anorncy lr!<:s. :o T'll' of be bu1ding upon. <Ut<.l shall iJlUr.: ll) the llenefit of and their rcspecrive succi.ssors and
11. homby .\o:knowkdg'S th.o rrt..l) ' '' :\ny rime: 1\ trther :JSSign rhe Cl:um together Wtllt .l!l light:. , tit k ;;,nd of . UJit'. .!i this Agrcemrn!. All a. 1d warrruuics of the :\s:.i?;nor made herein th: exccut1on iu\1.1 llelri ::ry or Agreernt"JJi . .'\ gn:ocment may llc in l't)\l nterpallS and all counrerp;:urs taken together sha! l be !0 a ;l: rl:l'lllem. J 2. r onnact is not vahd and cnforc("able without acceptance of this Agreement w1th suppmung h_1 d1e t" Kkmed hy a countersignatwe of Agreement . 'lltc may reject r.teffer of this connacr. for " 't ) tCl.<>on whmsoe' cr. '( ;,is Agrr:trnent Shull be eovcrn<:d hy and construed IT) lC'COrcbuce with the of State of [,)( ll l il . r\Jy ..l.tion \l fl der OT rel:uiii[: [() :r is may btvll f: ht in any sr.llt' or fck1':1l co: rt located in California, and .:onscnt..-; 10:: 1 :J.nd pr r sLa.l.l j urisdiCIJOfl A:;,tg:,or t>y such ( OIIIi or -.uUJ:.> .u:J lhtu sctvicc of prolc eos be upon hy mai li ne a L(tJiY eo t' said to :\ SS1g nor at !he _, ,; t iu any action hereunder. 1\5si gnor ami wai ve an) to ckmilnt.J ,, by Jury. A, !.i gnor hereby acknc.wledt:I:S and consents to .tl l lll. the terms set forth in this ;\ grf'cmcnt and 1ts <'i giH w r;u.;.e ubjection ,hen to and right to Mtic c pwsuant to n.tlc 300 I of Ill:: P.l.l cs of the Bankruptcy proe<:l1Ute WIT:\ f.SS .lhf" und.-,-.;i ned sets hand thi s _k._ d:'ly !O.J l . 1 <"'\. ,. - ,.., ' ""\. . ___ --- - Phone Number Liquidity Funo, LLC el {,/. J6Q9 \Vl1ite Rd, Stt: Jn ine, CA n614 ':) :<. JU or 22; fa.x: ()49-660-063). '=> "X. C . '';.Y(?j). 0 d s.. _ Narne of Comp; 1 ny f ___ ---------- .'ltl ef!! \\, _ __ ... ___ .... Cii). State &. Zip _}. .:2 -2-:_06 _(:) >(Y'\ @ .. X f: J)\,, 1[ t\L. t-J0 Agn:;d -. 1d --- ------ -----.;..---- - Sierra L quidit y Fund , LLC 5/31101 l