Week 14 Newsletter

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Apostles Lutheran School

Junior Kindergarten
November 19, 2012 e - m a i l : w cr o f t s @ Ap o s t l e s S J . o r g

Mrs. Crofts Classroom Newsletter

Were Thankful Its Week 14!
Thank you for bringing your child to sing Sunday. Its always so nice to hear them sing! Please

Zoo-Phonics News
We will use this week for Zoo-phonics review and assessments in preparation for the upcoming progress reports. By the way, did you learn the word jambo?

send a written excuse if you were not able to attend. Next week we are hosting a


Book Fair

in the Fellowship Hall of the church. Stop by and start your Christmas shopping a bit early!
On Wednesday, November 21, at 11:25 AM the kindergarten classes will be sharing a few brief songs and sayings theyve learned relating to Thanksgiving. If your schedule permits

Other Classroom News

This week in the story of Naaman we will learn about trusting Gods plan even when it doesnt make sense to us or we think we know a better way to get things done. We will also follow a reluctant prophet named Jonah who was called to share Gods Word with people he didnt think deserved Gods grace. What a good reminder that it is only by Gods grace that any of us are saved, not our own goodness. What a patient, loving God we have who gives us so many reasons to thank Him!

we welcome you to join us

the church by


11:20 AM

for that presentation.

Wednesday is a half day for the whole school. We will dismiss as usual at 11:45 AM. The rest of the school will dismiss at noon. There will be Homeroom available until 6 PM as usual. You are welcome to

Saturday, December 1, from 9AM-12:15 PM is Christmas for Kids! You may sign up in the
church/school office or online. If you forget to sign up in advance you are still more than welcome to attend!

donate canned goods

Upcoming Events
Nov. 21:

for a food drive for the needy. This is an ongoing ministry at Apostles all year that we focus on at Thanksgiving. You may drop non-perishable items anytime in the food barrel located in the church kitchen.


Thursday and Friday

there is



(Brief ) Kindergarten Thanksgiving Presentation at 11:25 AM in the Church Half Day of School for Everyone Homeroom Still Available Until 6 PM Thanksgiving Worship 7 PM

Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday! What blessed people we are!

Nov. 22: No School--Thanksgiving Vacation; Thanksgiving Worship 9 AM Nov. 23: No School Nov. 26-30: Scholastic Book Fair Nov. 27: Parent Group Meeting December 1: Christmas for Kids 9 AM-12:15 PM

Happy Thanksgivin g!

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