Week 14 Newsletter
Week 14 Newsletter
Week 14 Newsletter
Junior Kindergarten
November 19, 2012 e - m a i l : w cr o f t s @ Ap o s t l e s S J . o r g
Zoo-Phonics News
We will use this week for Zoo-phonics review and assessments in preparation for the upcoming progress reports. By the way, did you learn the word jambo?
send a written excuse if you were not able to attend. Next week we are hosting a
Book Fair
in the Fellowship Hall of the church. Stop by and start your Christmas shopping a bit early!
On Wednesday, November 21, at 11:25 AM the kindergarten classes will be sharing a few brief songs and sayings theyve learned relating to Thanksgiving. If your schedule permits
11:20 AM
Wednesday is a half day for the whole school. We will dismiss as usual at 11:45 AM. The rest of the school will dismiss at noon. There will be Homeroom available until 6 PM as usual. You are welcome to
Saturday, December 1, from 9AM-12:15 PM is Christmas for Kids! You may sign up in the
church/school office or online. If you forget to sign up in advance you are still more than welcome to attend!
Upcoming Events
Nov. 21:
for a food drive for the needy. This is an ongoing ministry at Apostles all year that we focus on at Thanksgiving. You may drop non-perishable items anytime in the food barrel located in the church kitchen.
there is
(Brief ) Kindergarten Thanksgiving Presentation at 11:25 AM in the Church Half Day of School for Everyone Homeroom Still Available Until 6 PM Thanksgiving Worship 7 PM
Nov. 22: No School--Thanksgiving Vacation; Thanksgiving Worship 9 AM Nov. 23: No School Nov. 26-30: Scholastic Book Fair Nov. 27: Parent Group Meeting December 1: Christmas for Kids 9 AM-12:15 PM
Happy Thanksgivin g!