Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated beverages are drinks that include carbon dioxide dissolved in water. The presence of this gas creates bubbles and fizzing in the liquid. Carbonation can occur naturally underground or artificially, through pressurizing. Examples of carbonated beverages include spring, beer and soda, or pop. Early bottling of flavored carbonated beverages was limited by spoilage, poor flavor, and color stability. Improvements and innovations in bottling equipment, glass manufacturing, stable flavors and ingredients, crown closures, and transportation resulted in the rapid expansion of the bottled soft drink industry. Soft drinks consist of carbonated water, nutritive or nonnutritive sweeteners, acidulants, preservatives, flavors, juices, and color. Carbonation Beverages are artificially carbonated when carbon dioxide is dissolved into the liquid under high pressure. When that pressure is released, small gas bubbles develop. Carbonation can also occur naturally when carbon dioxide gas is dissolved into a liquid, such as in spring water, which absorbs CO2 underground. Beer is another naturally carbonated beverage, because carbon dioxide is created during the fermentation process. Carbonating beverages, introducing CO2 into the drink mix under pressure, makes the drink slightly more acidic (carbonic acid), which serves to sharpen the flavor and produces a slight burning sensation. It also helps preserve the drink longer without going bad. Why Some Beverages are Carbonated Beverages are carbonated for various reasons. Many people find the fizzy sensation to be pleasant and like the slightly different taste that carbon dioxide provides. Carbonated beverages, particularly naturally carbonated spring water, were once thought to be health tonics, and the effervescence can help soothe an upset stomach. To keep the carbon dioxide dissolved, cans and bottles of soda must be kept under high pressure. Containers might explode when shaken, because of the buildup of the gas, or the beverage might spray out when a shaken container is opened. The carbon dioxide in a carbonated beverage also causes people to burp after they drink it, because the gas is released after being ingested into the body.
A. Ingredients
1. Water.
Water is the largest single ingredient used in carbonated beverages and must be of high purity. Water which fails to meet the required purity levels for use in carbonated beverages must be treated to remove four types of contaminants that may affect the taste, odor, or appearance of the final beverage. The four contaminants are inorganic material, organic compounds, microbiological contamination, and particulate matter. The water treatment process employed in the soft drink industry varies but may include chemical treatment, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, and/or ion exchange.
2. Sweeteners.
The sweeteners used in carbonated beverages may be either nutritive or nonnutritive. The quality of the sweetener is one of the most important parameters affecting the overall quality
of the beverage. Organoleptic profile (taste and odor), solubility, microbial stability, and temperature stability are important quality parameters. i. Nutritive Sweeteners. These include granulated sucrose, sucrose in solution, invert sugar, dextrose, and high fructose corn syrup. Sucrose (C12H22O11) obtained from cane or sugar beets, was historically used as the primary sweetener for carbonated beverages. In the presence of acids, sucrose is hydrolyzed to fructose (C6H12O6) and dextrose (D-glucose - C6H12O6); the mixture is called invert sugar. The change in carbohydrate profile changes the perception of sweetness in the beverage. Some beverage manufacturers start with liquid invert sugar rather than allowing the beverage to invert over time. ii. Nonnutritive Sweeteners. Diet or low calorie beverages represent a significant portion of the total soft drink market. Currently, aspartame (C14H18N2O5) saccharin sucrose and acesulfame are the only nonnutritive sweeteners approved for use in beverages by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To meet consumer demands, manufacturers are developing new nonnutritive sweeteners that more closely match the taste and mouthfeel of sucrose.
3. Acidulants.
Acidulants give the beverage a tart or sour flavor, adjust pH to facilitate the function of benzoate as a preservative, reduce microbiological susceptibility, and act as a catalyst for the hydrolytic inversion process in sucrose sweetened beverages. The primary carbonated beverage acidulants are phosphoric acid and citric acid. Other acidulants include ascorbic, tartaric, malic, and adipic acid.
4. Preservatives.
The carbonation and acid content in cola and lemonlime beverages usually act as adequate preservation against microbial growth. Benzoate or sorbate salts are often added to other beverages for protection. Sodium or potassium benzoate at a concentration of 0.05% is a universally used preservative agent active against yeast and mold. At higher concentrations benzoate is also effective against bacteria. It is most effective at a pH between 2.0 and 4.0. Sodium or potassium sorbate inhibits the growth of yeast and mold and is most effective below pH 6.5.
5. Carbon Dioxide.
Carbon dioxide provides soft drinks with a pungent taste, acidic bite, and sparkling fizz. Carbon dioxide also acts as a preservative against yeast, mold, and bacteria. The carbon dioxide used in soft drinks must be food-grade and free of impurities that may affect the taste or odor of the final product. Carbonation can be measured in terms of volumes of carbon dioxide dissolved in one liter of beverage at a standard temperature and pressure (08C, 101.3 kPa = 1 atm). One liter of carbon dioxide dissolved in one liter of beverage has a carbonation volume of one. Carbon dioxide gas is added to either the water used to prepare beverages or the syrup and water mixture, depending on the type of manufacturing equipment. In both manufacturing processes, the carbon dioxide gas is introduced under pressure to the system. The carbonation of the beverage is dependent on the carbon dioxide pressure and the temperature of the mixture. Carbon dioxide concentrations vary depending on
the beverage formulation. Cola and lemonlime beverages normally contain more carbonation than berry flavored or other citrus beverages.
6. Flavors.
Flavor is the most important attribute of a carbonated beverage. Most carbonated beverages contain complex mixtures of different flavors produced in several commercial forms as alcoholic solutions, emulsions, and concentrates. The majority of flavors used in carbonated beverages are derived from natural sources.
7. Colorants.
Colorants are used in beverages to provide additional sensory appeal. Carbonated beverage may contain some natural color from the use of natural flavors or juices but generally require additional colorants such as caramel or other artificial colors. Caramel color is used in most cola and root beer flavored carbonated beverages. It is manufactured through the carefully controlled heat treatment of a good-grade carbohydrate source, usually dextrose, and a chemical catalyst, such as food-grade acids, bases, or salts. All caramels are colloidal in nature and carry a small ionic charge. Manufacturers of soft drinks may use caramels with different properties but most require a negatively charged caramel. Caramel is generally supplied in single- or double-strength formulations whose primary difference is the color intensity. The double-strength formulation is used in most diet or low calorie colas because it has a lower caloric contribution than single-strength formulations. The color is often added as a powder during the syrup manufacturing process either by itself or in a mixture with other dry ingredients. The color can also be mixed with the liquid flavor concentrate. All colors must be tested and released by the FDA.
8. Potassium.
Potassium is another essential nutrient found in many natural and synthetic food ingredients. Like sodium, potassium exists naturally in drinking water and, therefore, soft drinks. Small amounts of potassium are also found in some of the flavoring agents and other ingredients used in soft drinks.
9. Sodium.
Sodium, in the form of various salts, is present in many natural and synthetic compounds. It is an essential mineral nutrient responsible for regulating and transferring body fluids, as well as other important body functions. Although an adequate daily intake of sodium is necessary for good health, excessive consumption has been linked to high blood pressure in some people. Soft drinks are not significant sources of sodium in the diet. In fact, the local drinking water supply used in making soft drinks contributes most or all of the sodium. Small amounts of sodium in some soft drinks can also come from certain ingredients. Soft drinks are classified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as low or very low sodium foods. Sodium-free soft drinks are also available.
B. Manufacturing
Carbonated beverages are manufactured by combining the concentrated flavorings (beverage bases) with a nutritive or nonnutritive sweetener and water to form a syrup; mixing the syrup with a proportioned quantity of carbonated water; filling and sealing the beverage in a container; and then packaging the container into a multipack secondary package. This simplified process has remained relatively unchanged except for modernization and increased efficiency since the industry began. i. Syrup Mixing and Handling. Most parent companies sell concentrated flavor bases to franchise bottlers and allow the bottlers to mix this with their own sweetener and water. This defrays shipping costs and reduces the labor demand on parent company manufacturing. In return, franchise bottlers are able to purchase sweeteners from local suppliers at a substantial discount and reduce their overall costs. Concentrated flavor bases include all necessary flavors and ingredients with the exception of sweeteners and, in some cases, preservatives and acidulants. All of these components are mixed according to strict instructions to produce a quantity of syrup. A unit of syrup is defined by the parent company dependent on the brand but is often 189 3400 L (50 to 900 gallons). A separate room is usually dedicated to syrup mixing. This room must be large enough to handle the various syrup batching requirements for efficient daily production and be of sanitary design to facilitate cleaning. Room design requires the floor to be made of an acid-resistant material such as quarry tile or have an epoxy coating. The walls may also be tiled or painted with an epoxy or latex paint to withstand the frequent cleaning demands. Various sized tanks are required for the actual mixing. Additional tanks may be required for storage if large batches are made and held for any length of time. Tanks must be made of a corrosion-resistant stainless steel to prevent acidic syrups from picking up a metallic off-taste. Tanks also must have secured covers to prevent the entrance of airborne or other contaminants. Mixing tanks require agitators of sufficient size and speed to mix the viscous syrup within a reasonable time without harming the flavor by shearing or destroying the delicate flavor blends. Similarly, all pumps, valves, and lines must be of stainless steel or, in the case of lines, of an inert plastic material that does not impart an off-taste. Once mixed, the syrup must be processed into the beverage as quickly as possible. Many soft drink brands contain delicate and sensitive flavors that may lose some of their taste characteristics because of acid hydrolysis or oxidation if kept in storage too long. Syrups made with aspartame must be processed quickly because this nonnutritive sweetener loses some of its sweetness over time in a low pH environment. Shelf lives of finished syrups depend greatly on their particular ingredients, their general flavor category (cola versus citrus), and whether their storage tanks are refrigerated. A refrigerated syrup retains its flavor longer.
ii. Mixing Procedures. Each carbonated beverage flavor has its own unique mixing requirements but certain common principles apply. Preservatives such as sodium or potassium benzoate dissolve
best in a nonacidic solution. Therefore, preservatives are usually dissolved in a mixing tank prior to the addition of flavors or acidulants. Conversely, aspartame dissolves best in an acidic solution and is usually added to a mixing tank after the flavors and acidulant have been added. A general mixing sequence is as follows: Add required treated water, withholding a quantity sufficient to rinse allcontainers to remove all traces of ingredients. Start agitator. Add preservatives if applicable, and mix until dissolved. Add nutritive sweetener if applicable. Add flavor concentrate, rinsing containers with water withheld for that purpose. Add nonnutritive if applicable. Add any remaining water to complete batch. Agitate until completely mixed (usually 3090 min). Test syrup for quality control parameters, and release to production if analysis is satisfactory. Filling. The filling process begins with mixing the syrup and treated water to beverage proportions and then carbonating this mixture. The water, and sometimes the finished beverage mixture, is often cooled to better facilitate carbonation and increase filling speed. Empty beverage containers are indexed at the filler after they have been washed, rinsed, or air blown, depending on the particular package. Containers are filled and then either crowned, capped, or in the case of cans, seamed to seal the container. From this point the filled container is transferred to packaging to be cased and palletized for distribution. The filling process is relatively simple in design but can be complicated by the wide array of packages, products, container materials, and multiple secondary packaging options. The packaging decision is based on many factors including marketing strategy, promotions, and local market preferences.
Continuous Blend Production. The latest development in beverage manufacturing is the continuous blending of concentrate directly to beverage. This continuous blend system enjoys several advantages over the conventional syrup batch method in that finished syrup holding tanks are not required and the beverage is mixed immediately. Another advantage is that the total time required to produce the beverage is greatly reduced. A continuous blend system requires predissolved powder components and sufficient liquid beverage base components. These are constantly metered and pumped into a beverage mixture. The components are mixed using positive displacement pumps that meter precise quantities. The continuous blend process requires the use of in-line ingredient monitors to measure the concentrations of ingredients constantly. Recent technological innovations have resulted in inline monitors that are capable of measuring beverage components with the necessary precision required to produce a quality beverage.
Packaging Carbonated beverages are packaged primarily in refillable glass, non-refillable glass, poly ethylene terephthalate (PET) or plastic bottles, aluminum cans, steel cans, and even plastic (PET) cans.
Quality Control
i. Ingredients. Ingredients used in the manufacture of carbonated beverages must meet all Food Chemical Codex specifications and be approved for use in soft drinks by the FDA. In addition to the government stated specifications, manufacturers of carbonated beverages may complete additional analyses based on specific needs or concerns. Drinking water supplied to carbonated soft drink manufacturing facilities must comply with all regulatory requirements. Treated water is routinely analyzed for taste, odor, appearance, chlorine, alkalinity, iron, pH, total dissolved solids, hardness, and microbiological contamination. Carbon dioxide used in carbonated beverages must be food-grade and must meet the Compressed Gas Association commodity specifications for carbon dioxide. In addition, carbon dioxide is tested for purity, taste, and odor before being used in the production of beverages. ii. Syrup. In typical manufacturing processes that produce syrup, several analytical parameters must be checked prior to packaging or beverage preparation. The sucrose or HFCS solids content is verified through the use of density meters or refractometers and reported as degree Brix, % solids, Baume, or g/mL. The acidulant level is verified using titration or spectrophotometric methods. Preservative concentrations may be confirmed using high pressure liquid chromatography. Syrups are also evaluated for proper color, using spectrophotometric methods or colorimeters, and tested for microbial contamination. iii. Beverages. The quality control for carbonated beverages encompasses all aspects of the product from actual chemical components to the physical condition of the container. The beverage is evaluated using laboratory tests as well as in-line monitors. Laboratory tests on the beverage include degree Brix, syrup to water ratio, taste, and microbiological testing. Beverages must first be decarbonated using blenders, air-stone degassing units, or ultrasonic baths before determining the degree Brix using density meters, hydrometers, or refractometers. The decarbonated beverage is then analyzed for acidulant content or ratio using titration or spectrophotometric methods. iv. Packaging. Incoming beverage packages are tested to ensure compliance with parent company specifications. Refillable bottles are visually inspected after washing to ensure that only clean and undamaged bottles are filled with beverage. In some refillable bottler operations, visual inspection is coupled with an electronic bottle inspection machine to further ensure the integrity of the bottles prior to filling. Packaged beverage is further tested for carbonation, closure application, fill height, and net contents. Beverage packages are usually tested at production start up and at various intervals of a production run as specified by the parent company. Bottles of carbonated beverage are tested for carbonation using a ZahmNagel or Ashcroft carbonation tester. The carbonation can be calculated from the measured pressure and temperature values. Canned beverage is tested for carbonation and air content using a Zahm air tester.
Glass or plastic bottles that have plastic or aluminum closures are tested for removal torque. The removal torque represents the force required to remove the closure from the bottle. Closures are also evaluated to ensure that they have been properly applied and that they are tamper evident. Crown closures are also evaluated to ensure proper application. Packaged carbonated beverage is tested for net contents or fills height to ensure that the package contains the stated weight or volume of beverage. The target value for each package should comply with individual state regulations. Long-term performances of carbonated plastic beverage bottles depend on many factors. Separation and prediction of the contribution of any one factor to long-time performance is complex. Containers that are evaluated should exhibit a high degree of creep resistance. Visible manifestations of creep are reflected in gross dimensional changes of the bottle and cosequent loss in carbonation.
1. Steen, D.P (2006) Carbonated Soft Drinks: Formulation and Manufacture,
Black well publishing Ltd, UK, First edition, 348pp. Busch-machinery (2011) Packaging Equipment by Industry, accessed on; 15 june 2012,
2. Cyprus.S, ( 2012) What Is a Carbonated Beverage?, accessed on; 15 june