Seddit - WIKI: Core Materials:Inner Game - Part 4: How To Be A Legendary Lover
Seddit - WIKI: Core Materials:Inner Game - Part 4: How To Be A Legendary Lover
Seddit - WIKI: Core Materials:Inner Game - Part 4: How To Be A Legendary Lover
<<< Inner Game - Part 3 How To Be a Legendary Lover by: KillYourTelevis ion - BONUS CONTENT Hey Gang, Im going to focus on a s ubject that I feel I have a s trong hold on. Sex. Im choos ing this s ubject becaus e I feel a lot of guys mis s -unders tand s ex and als o worry about it unneces s arily. It als o can make the difference between a few dates and a full blown relations hip. Im not going to lie, s ex IS important; but heres the good thing, its not that hard to unders tand what women want and to adjus t your actions accordingly. Im going to try and explain, as s imply as I can, what s ort of attitude you s hould be trying to convey in the bedroom and how you s hould behave. Everything els e flows from thes e core beliefs , attitudes , and behaviors . Im not going to get too involved with explicit details , ie: how to finger a girl, what s hould my dick be doing and when, etc, thes e can come in a later article or you can work it out yours elf. Believe it or not, thes e are les s important than what you s ay and how you act. Trus t me. How to be a legendary lover: 1) Communicate I put this firs t becaus e it is BY FAR the mos t important item on this lis t. If you are bad at communication its going to make everything els e much harder. Sex is an important part of relations hips and the bes t s ex requires communication, s o get us ed to the idea of talking about s ex. No pers on unders tands s omeone els es needs 100% within hours of meeting them, or even within weeks or months of meeting them. Mos t people s eem to think they unders tand what other people want without as king them. Lets take a fictional future lover... s he might love to have her nipples s queezed hard, or her clit fingered s uper gently (becaus e s hes s o s ens itive), but how will you know if you never as k her what s he likes ? As king what a girl likes and being able to talk freely about s exual matters demons trates that you are a confident alpha-male, and that is inherently s exy. It als o differentiates you from every other guy who is nervous and jus t prods away at her vagina without ever s aying a word. Communication als o includes letting her know that you like what s hes doing to you. Making nois es is s exy, s ilent s ex is not. Sex is meant to be enjoyed and the girl is mos t likely wanting you to have a good time too. In fact, s he may be jus t as nervous about pleas ing you as you are about pleas ing her! Get us ed to telling her what feels good and guiding her by telling her what you prefer. Again, this s hows you are an alpha-male. Remember, s hes not a mind-reader! If you want her to s uck your dick, fucking as k her! Communication als o does nt have to be for any s pecific reas on, s ometimes it can be jus t to turn her own through dirty talk, but Ill go into this more later. Examples : Hey, how does this feel? How do you like to be touched? Whats your favorite position? Do you prefer to be dominant or submissive? (important) 2) Be Comfortable Ok I can hear you s aying, what the fuck man? Be Comfortable?. Yeah, I hear you, its fucking vague I know but Im deadly s erious . Too many guys take s ex WAY TOO FUCKING SERIOUSLY. If you take s ex too s erious ly you put pres s ure on yours elf and on the girl. If you put pres s ure on yours elf you run the ris k of a) not getting an erection or b) coming too s oon. Als o, almos t wors e is that you make it way more likely that s he wont enjoy it or come hers elf. You need to forget thos e worries about your body, about your potential performance, any other hang-ups you have.. and you need to act like you have s ex every other day with a ton of different girls . ie: You have to act like its NO BIG DEAL. Thats it. No Big Deal. You know when you go to have a few beers with your friends , its no big deal right? How about when you play a cas ual game of s occer, football, or catch or whatever, eas y, no pres s ure, no s tres s , no big deal. By being comfortable you again demons trate alpha male qualities . You have to as s ume that high s tatus alpha males get laid often, s o the act of fucking is no big deal, hence thes e guys are comfortable. By acting comfortable, you s how that you have
experience and can take control and guide her. You can be the leader and take any pres s ure or potential s tres s out of the s ituation. Eas ier s aid than done? Maybe. But I have a few tricks that Ive learned that help with this . Long term: Start working out s o you feel proud of your body. Make your body an as s et s o that its one les s thing to be worried about. Forget about the s ize of your dick, this falls under the category of Things you cant change (s ee my previous article on inner game) s o let it take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut. Stop watching porn. Sitting at home pulling your unrealis tic ideas about s ex. Porn s ex is not real watching too much porn and jerking off als o has girls . (this has been s hown in a s cientific s tudy) 3) Make it fun This s tep links directly to s tep 2. Making s ex fun automatically makes it more comfortable and thus makes it more likely that you both will have a great time. Sex is not a math tes t, a job interview, or the champions hip game. Its a time for two people to explore each other, to feel good, to have fun, to communicate phys ically. If youre not having fun s ex then s omething is going wrong s omewhere. There have been more than a few girls who crack up laughing when they orgas m with me, and more often than not I often crack up laughing when I come too (too much information?). What does that mean? Well, it means it was s o good and s uch a huge releas e and felt s o good that they couldnt help but bus t out laughing. Ive had this fact verified by s ome friends who let me know that they had girls s tart laughing when they came. This s ort of outburs t is generally only going to happen when you are comfortable with each other and als o having fun. For me, the antithes is of what s ex s hould be is two people in a pitch dark room, deadly s ilent, humping until the guy comes (almos t s ilently) rolls off and goes to s leep. That is nt fun or exciting or very s exy and not many girls are fantas is ing about it. Think adventure, fun, inventivenes s , wild, crazy, loud, violent, hands gras ping, hair pulling, s cratching, laughing. In the bedroom, the bathroom, over the s ofa, in front of the window, film it, face the mirror, pull her hair, have her pull yours , from behind, girl on top, teas e her, s queeze her, make s ome nois e, talk dirty, s mack her as s , you know it makes s ens e. Are you getting the picture? Making s ex fun and comfortable are both inextricably linked. Sex can only be really made fun if you are comfortable with yours elf and through that make her feel more comfortable too. The more comfortable you both are, the eas ier it will be to make s ex kinkier and get her to do things that s he wouldnt do normally. For example: If you find a girl who is nt very vocal in bed. Its quite eas y to get her to become vocal by being very vocal yours elf. You have to lead by example. Youre the man remember? So if s he does nt s ay much, s ay twice as much yours elf. Examples : Before Sex: I want you so bad I cant wait to be inside you You look so fucking hot You make my dick so hard During Sex: I love fucking you Fuck this feels good you like it like this baby? (encouraging her to talk dirty++) Tell me how much like getting fucked (bold move but powerful when us ed at the right time) In fact this leads right into my next point. 4) Talk dirty This is going to be s hort and s weet. Like everything els e on this lis t, talking dirty is important. Why? Well if youre been reading clos ely gras s hopper youll have realized thats its part and parcel of s howing your level of comfort and als o s ens e of fun. Talking dirty can be both s exy and fun. This is one of thos e things that you can fake it until you make it. Some of the lines s ound perhaps corny on paper and you cant imagine s aying them, but in context they come acros s totally differently. Trus t me on this . When your dick is ins ide a girl, you can s ay a lot of things you can never s ay at any other time. At this time pecker to porn does nothing to help your s elf es teem. It als o gives you s ex. Dont think you have to look like or act like a porn s tar in bed. Als o, the very bad effect of draining your energy for going out and meeting new See next s tep...
(as s uming you warmed her up well beforehand) s hes as horny as hell and loving fucking you at this moment, s o get clos e to her ear and whis per s ome pure filth in there. Shell love it. Women are jus t as ins ecure as guys . They want to know that youre enjoying it as much as they are. Tell them! Jus t as it turns guys on to know the girl is loving it; it als o turns girls on if they know their guy is loving it. In fact, talking dirty can greatly increas e the chances of the girl coming. And as I s aid previous ly, it will encourage them to talk dirty back and the very act of talking dirty will turn girls on becaus e it turns s ex into more of an emotional moment. If s hes talking dirty its becaus e s hes turned on and becaus e girls are often quiet then the act of talking dirty s eems a little taboo and naughty which acts as an additional s timulant. For s ome examples of dirty talk, s ee above. Generally, if the s ex is hot enough, anything goes . To make s ure the s ex is hot enough, get lots of foreplay in, make s ure s hes gagging for it and wet as hell. If youve done this early part well and s tarted talking dirty before even fucking then s he s hould be begging for it. At this point, once you actually s tart having s ex almos t anything goes . As I s aid before, the brain changes during s ex and the line of what is acceptable is greatly expanded. Girls who once s eemed very quiet and s hy can be encouraged to s ay things which would make a s ailor blus h. Take the lead. Its often the bes t tactic to s tart with telling her how much like fucking her, being ins ide her, how amazing her pus s y is , how great s he fucks etc. Als o, make s ure you make s ome nois es to s how that it feels good. This encourages her to make more nois e. It als o lets her know when you might be going to come and often that fact alone can make a girl come with you. Next encourage her to talk dirty by s aying things like: Do you like getting fucked by me, Tell me you love getting fucked etc. Its pos s ible to get a girl who never talked dirty before and never had wild s ex to turn into a beas t in bed within a few weeks . And gues s what? Shes loving the s ex a lot more now. And to jus t get back to a certain point. Some girls excitement is directly linked to the guys excitement. ie: She gets more horny as you get more horny and clos e to orgas m. I had a girl who pretty much only would orgas m at the s ame time as me, becaus e s he got s o turned on by the nois es I was making. So what did I do? Hell yes I made even more fucking nois e until we were bas ically both s creaming and s he was telling me after s hed never had s ex like that before. 5) Make it emotional I left this one las t for a reas on. Its incredibly powerful but als o s omething of a double edged s word. Making s ex incredibly emotional can heighten all the s ens ations of both partners and als o caus e girls to fall for you badly, but it can als o fuck up your friends with benefits s ituations or cas ual relations hips becaus e the girls end up wanting a relations hip. The general rule is this . Girls are highly emotional creatures (I could repeat this all fucking day its s o important). Sex is A++++++ very emotional for them, more s o than for guys . Yes its emotional for guys too but in a different way. Girls are very vulnerable when having s ex and theyre als o ris king a lot by having s ex in the firs t place. Firs t of all they are the weaker s ex and being alone with a man puts them at ris k and can make them feel vulnerable, als o, they can get pregnant which als o is a precarious s ituation. This is why its s o important to make girls feel comfortable, theyre trus ting you with their body! Girls are emotional creatures and when you have your dick in them they are emotional times 1000. Everything you do and s ay at this moment has a greater impact than at any other time. This is why dirty/s exy talk during s ex is s o powerful a s timulant. Now, you can make the whole s exual experience (foreplay, s ex, after-s ex) way more emotional if you want. I generally always do this becaus e I cant have it any other way, Ive always been a more emotional, poetic kinda guy s o making the s ituation charged and emotional comes naturally to me (for better or wors e) but Ill let you work it out for yours elf. The key to making the whole experience more emotional is by making the whole affair more theatrical, dreamlike, and intens e. Make her feel like youre the only two people in the world at that moment and you only have eyes for her. Heres an example of an emotionally charged s exual encounter: Firs t of all you take a s hower together. Firs t you was h her all over, then have her was h you. Take your time. Afterwards dry each other then go lie down together. Take s ome time s howing your comfort in being naked together, s imply enjoying each others bodies . Lots of kis s ing and perhaps s ome mas s age. Let her know how much you enjoy jus t s pending lots of time indulging in thes e s imply phys ical pleas ures . (perhaps put on s ome very intens e mus ic: Sigur Ros and Explos ions in the Sky come to mind). Look at her deeply in the eyes and enjoy moments of complete s ilence with s hared s miles . Kis s , kis s , then kis s s ome more. Pull her hair at the bas e of her neck, firmly until s he gas ps . Slowly kis s her neck and let her feel your breath on her neck and ear. Tell her how much youve been thinking about being ins ide her, tell her how s exy s he is , how
much s he turns you on. Tell her you feel like you could do this forever (becaus e it feels s o could jus t to be with her). Now you come to the s ex. Start very s lowly. Very s lowly. Try mis s ionary with you looking into each others eyes (potentially making her fall for you right there). Quite often girls will clos e their eyes during s ex and s o getting them to look you in the eyes during s ex is very powerful. Hold her body very clos ely and whis per into her ear. As k her to hold you back. (Hold me tight babe) Us e all your bes t dirty talk here, when youre fucking s lowly, make it more emotionally charged. (I love being ins ide you, I feel s o clos e to you, this feels amazing etc). Make s ome nois e, moans , groans , s how her how good it feels . Let the s ex get more wild naturally. Turn up your dirty talk and nois e. Tune your dirty talk to make her feel like the s exies t girl in the world, act like this is the bes t s ex of your life (even if it is nt). Make her feel like the two of you were made to be together. (I cant believe how good this feels , oh my god.., oh <girls name>) Say her name often, repeatedly. As you get clos er to climax, s ay it even more and loudly. Make everything louder and more intens e. The las t few minutes before you orgas m you s hould be bas ically cons tantly making nois e and s aying her name, s he s hould know exactly when you are going to orgas m from what you are s aying and the volume and intens ity of your vocals . After s ex you s hould s pend a bunch of time cuddling and letting her know how good you thought it was . Play with her hair, s troke her body, make her feel amazing. The key here is to make her feel s uper comfortable in her vulnerable pos t s ex s tate. Lots of kis s ing, touching, and telling her how s exy s he is and unbelievable you thought the s ex was . If you did this right the girl is feeling amazing right now, is half in love with you, and thinking about when you're going to be together again. By the way, everything I s ay here comes from experience. I'm not an armchair warrior and I always practice what I preach. All of this s tuff is "field tes ted" becaus e I came up with it mys elf from years of getting it wrong and working out what worked and what didn't. Als o, this does n't really apply to drunken one night s tands ; all of this is intended for girls you s educed, dated, then took to bed. I'm not proclaiming mys elf to be Cas anova by the way. I chos e the provocative title of this pos t becaus e it makes people read it. My goal is to open minds to new pos s ibilities of behavior. If one guy learned one thing from this pos t then I cons ider it a s ucces s . It's not a blue-print for pleas ing 100% of girls nor is it a play-by-play guide on s ex. There is always room for variation in girls like everything in life and it's why being a good communicator is s o important. I only offer advice and of cours e everyone is welcome to take it or leave it. I unders tand als o that coming to terms with the fact that women are highly s exual beings can s ometimes be hard to take (s ee the Madonna/Whore complex), but that means it's all the more important to internalize that fact and learn to love that truth.
but jus t practice and eventually you'll get better at it. TofuTofu This is more about an overall mentality than a behavioral pattern. If done correctly, it's manifes ted in almos t every coming and going in your life. I'd s ay you s hould check out The Blueprint Decoded by RSD to really unders tand this concept in depth. It'll be time well s pent. BLuefack Sure, would love to help. It's is very s imple once you unders tand it. Firs t of all they are two s eparate things that when us ed together compliment each other very well, here's how: Giving value is about contributing. Contributing adds to your s ocial value becaus e what ever s ituation you are in, you are going to help to improve it and add to the mood. Not seeking approval is about being s elf validated. You do not need to look to others for their opinions about you. You are firm in who you are. This als o helps to deflect any s hit tes ts or negs that might come your way. Combined, this means that you don't res pond to any negativity that might come your way and only encourage pos itivite experiences for everyone. Los tOne87 It is s imple and yet, oh-s o-complex. Points of note: Everything we need and want life, everything we hope to accomplis h and do is done with, through and for people. Think on that. No one is an is land unto him or hers elf. I recall s omeone offering me 2 choices : 1) 100% of my own effort or 2) 1% of 100 people's efforts . In terms of wealthbuilding and helping people, it is eas ier to get a little from alot of people than alot from a few. This is als o why in s ome s ales profes s ions , trus t is a bigger factor the bigger the purchas e/cos t/inves tment is , which equally relates to the type of s ituation you are in with a woman. A kis s is a very different output than s ex, depending on the woman/man. If you give, you are s aying outwardly I have more than I need, and in turn people actually want to give more. You are s aying to yours elf I am wealthy, I have abundance, I appreciate what I have, and thus get more, becaus e you can manage what you do have. Do we not want to give to thos e that appreciate what has already been given to them? If you compare this to someone, say a woman that receives a minor gift from you and falls head-over-heals for it, do you not want to give her more, especially if she seems give ALOT already? Compare this to the woman that is NEVER satisfied with what she has been given (even if it is alot) and demands more. Would you give to her anything more, be it time, gifts, attention or what not? This is an eas ily s ens ed s tate and emotion once you tune into it. It is s ens ed in the giving of a random phone call, card or thank you card, email, note/letter, text, incons equential but thoughtful item and s o on. It communicates that you are confident in who you are, while mos t people are not confident at all. Mos t people are faking and not even trying to make it. They are at the firs t level: Uncons cious ly Incompetent - they aren't even aware of thems elves , or their ability to be aware of thems elves and to proactively do s omething about it. Giving value can be cons trued as being a s ervant leader, i.e. giving people what they need and want and confidently s howing/leading them on how to get it. It means being a quiet s ource of s trength when other people devolve into bitching, whining and moaning, ruining the s tates of others . It might mean verbally bitch-s lapping a girl or s tanding up for s omeone that is not s tanding up for thems elves , purely on principal, as I have been want to do. It's WHO you are, when you s trip away all the bulls hit, s uck as body, looks , networth, and all els e. It permeates and res onates with people. If you give WHILE expecting a return, you haven't given and you internally and metaphys ically communicate that you experience a "lack." Read s ome Stuart Wilde on this . ThrowawayPUA You talk of giving prais e and compliments without expectation. Well, no, not really. That is a totally different s ubject. That idea is to avoid giving women compliments on their beauty, every chump does that, if you do it, s he will treat you like a chump too. You're s uppos ed to "elicit values " from her, s he has to earn your interes t by qualifying hers elf to you. You have probably heard the line, "beauty is common, what have you got going for you bes ides your looks ?" But your ques tion is about a different matter. It is s aid that we s hould bring value to every interaction we have. If an Alpha
does an approach, even if he fails , the woman is better, happier even from the brief exchange of words .
Scarcity breeds obs es s ion. When you do not have a healthy dating life and have no potential partners you tend to fixate yours elf on that one pers on who s hows you interes t. You analyze them, as k for expert advice, talk about them with your friends and s talk their facebook in hopes to find out s omething you can do to get them. When s carcity becomes a part of your life then obs es s ive behavior is s ure to follow. This s carcity als o lies to us becaus e it tells us that by not doing thes e behaviors we will never s tand a chance, but the irony is by doing thes e behaviors we caus e ours elves great s uffering and ruin any chance of developing anything with that pers on. Needines s is the mos t unattractive quality one can pos s es s but s carcity thrives off of it. Scarcity continues to lie to us becaus e it tells us that thes e feelings we have are s pecial and that there is no one like this girl. We tell our friends the s ame lie adding to the illus ion. The truth is that youre feelings for this pers on is the exact definition of common. If you dont believe me turn on the radio or watch any movie ever made. Every other pers on out there thinks that their crus h is s pecial and unique and they are uniquejus t like everyone els e. I believe in love but not the way that we were rais ed to think that love exis ts . I believe that love is when your want for each other exceeds your need for each other. Far too many times people mis take needines s for love. They s ettle for a woman becaus e they believe that is the bes t they can get. They dont accrue much experience with women s o they have an idea of what they want and what they can get and thes e parallels rarely match up. We could write a million books about love but for each of us love will be different. What caus es us s uch great s uffering is not love but the idea of love. The minds et that s he is the bes t you can get and s he is s o s pecial will hold you back from being your perfect s elf every time. Your partners hip s imply needs to be like a key and a lock, a match that fits . You mus t accrue experience with different types of partners to know what you want and dont want. Find what you want and what you dont want through experience and then return with the wis dom to dis cern if this is love. Article Source