RADIO PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS RECORDED FOR ATA BY WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER William Christopher, who delighted audiences for 11 years with his portrayal of the humanist padre, Father Mulcahy, who looked for and found good in all the people who traipsed through the hell of the Korea police action in 'M*A*S*H' has recently recorded several public service announcements about tinnitus which will be released to radio stations in 20 states early in January 1984. You will remember that Father Mulcahy sustained injury to his ears and contracted tinnitus in the last episode of M*A*S*H. This unusual reference on a major television series to a very common problem prompted us to seek Mr. Christopher's services to help us tell the public about tinnitus. Father Mulcahy's hearing problem was resolved in an early episode of 'AfterMASH'. We wish that the hearing problems suffered by tinnitus patients could be so easily alleviated. We thank you, William Christopher, for your part in helping to solve this distressing problem. TRIBUTES The ATA t t i bu Pfund i s designated 100% for resea r c h. Tha nk you to all those people listed below for sharing your memorable occasions in this helpful way. Contributions to the tribute fund are t ax deducti ble and wi ll be promptly acknowledged i th an appropriate card for the occasion. IN MEMORY OF Mrs . Rose Tobin Belle Monez CONIRIBUTQR Belle Monez Francis .Baynham Vi Bloomquist l'lrs . Bederka Yetta Ifshin Geor ge Vi ncent Mrs . A. Mel i kian Dalton Kunkle Beatr i ce Adler Dr . wm. R. Goodchild Arthur Schus t er Mr . Ben F. Sti nson Oscar Gordon Muriel Char l es Otto Haverland Isidor Handelsman Rose Kahn Kelly Bonney Kelly Bonney Kelly Bonney Violet Bloomqui st Dominick Cost ello Susan Vi cari Belinda Sar tin Scanlon Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehli ng Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Erni e Wehl i ng Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Er nie Wehling Erni e Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehli ng Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie Wehling Ernie \vehling Ernie Wehl i ng Ernie Wehli ng Ernie Wehling Erni e Wehl i ng Ernie Wehling Er ni e Wehling J oseph A. Lane Weldon Dool ey Esther Eva Stein Dr .& Mrs. Philip Silverstein Earl w. Francis Lucille Gibson Bob & Lois Brickhouse Mr . & Mrs. John Schleter Brendan & Dorothy Greene Isadore & Julie Ifshin Marie & Victor Borellini Henry & Doris Adams Michael T. Stahl Florence Fucci Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Abramson Mr. & Mr s . E. H. Abramson Henry & Doris Adams Mrs. Betty Friedman Bernadette SWeeting Continental Electronics Employees Charity Fund Mr. & Mrs. R. Foster Roberta & Mel Aorkel Dona Norgal William I. Williams Dan & Sonja Tracer Mr. & Mrs . C. E. Peterson Ha rry Vogelfanger John Gaudio Al ma Roberts Brendan & Dorothy Greene Paul & Jean Stiffen Foss Accounting Robert & Frances Shaw Elai ne Blanton & Family Robert & Rubi Busch John E. White Mary L. Shier Bill & Shannon Sompayrac Norb & Rose Heberlein George & Kathleen Jueneman Bill & Gertrude Wehling Mr. & Mrs. Gus Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Arlan Holle Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Adams Marie & Elton Else Cap Nemitz Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Doebele Bill & Lorna Wehling Audra L. Wehling, Kathy, Cynthia and Tracy R. A. & Rita McKeown Sharon Stratton Gaynor Lake Neighbors Melvin & Bobbie Harris Lutheran Church Women Ray & Sara Kerstetter and family Myron & Thelma Flynn Allstat e Insurance Bob & J oan Blythe and family Andr ew Blythe Family Dan Nehls Family Mr . & Mrs. Fritz Scheele Mr. & Mrs . Roy Vanschoiock Harold & Vern Plehal Sue Meyn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tyson Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Blythe Parrish Family Mr. & Mrs. Bill Blythe Edith T. Harrell Efrom Abramson Mr., Mrs. Efrom Abramson Burton Zitkin CONTRIBUTOR Etta Hayman IN HONOR OF ATA ATA Bergen County Self Help Group LOng Island Self Help Group Spooky Halloween For Trudy Drucker Joseph G. Alam Research Michael L. Hope Sarah A. Gill Colleen Gill Research Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Mathis w. E. Boeing Mi l dred Burke Horne Of Helen Thorp J. Alam & T. Drucker Tinnitus Research Stanley M. Wilner Abby ' s help to ATA J. R. McKinnie wm. M. Gabriel, Sr . Felicia Sandy Schleter John & Faye Schleter Sandy Schleter John & Faye Schleter Sandy Schleter John & Faye Schleter Belle Monez Lucille Gibson w. K. Clemens Craig Clemons BIRTHDAY CONTRIBUTOR Sylvester Alam, P.C. J. Alam and T. Drucker Mrs . Allen Staub Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Gordon Joyce E. Kaehler J. Alam & T. Drucker Charles Abramson Mr . & Mrs. E. H. Abramson Adele B. Alam T. Drucker & J . Alam Joseph G. Alam Trudy Drucker Joseph G. Alam A. B. Alam Mrs. Alex Segall Mr . & Mrs. Gerald S. Gordon Peg Doyle J. Alam & T. Drucker Jules H. Drucker J . Alam & T. Drucker James P. Doyle J . Alam & T. Drucker Pamela Traver J . Alam & T. Drucker John G. Alam Jr. J. Alam & T. Drucker Sandy Cassel J . Alam & T. Drucker Andrea Hart J. Alam & T. Drucker MARRIAGE CONTRIBUTOR Sr. Humberto Cal deron Bozzi & Srta. Iliana Lizette Aljure Leon Los Primos Trudy & Jose Grace v. Hickey & John A. Simodis
J . Alam & T. Drucker
The Community Hospital Association of Mi d-America (CHAMA) has made a donation to ATA that has enabled us to purchase a very fine portable display apparatus for use at health fairs , conventi ons, meet i ngs, and instructional seminars. This display has made ATA' s presence more noteworthy and professional looking and the display certainly has made it easier to present our story at these various meetings. There are many commercial products that non-profit agencies such as ours can use to great advantage but which we usually cannot afford to buy. we are extremely grateful to CHAMA for making it possible for us to have this travelling display. we are sure that there must be other members out there whose business or organization would like t o give help of this sort to ATA. Some things that we could c e r tainly use are furnishings and equipment for est ablishi ng a biofeedback treabnent ty s_o further research into this method of manag1ng t1nn1tus can be carried out i n the presence of an already l ar ge pa t ient popul ation being seen at the Oregon Health Sciences Universi t y Tinnitus Clinic. We woul d be happy to hear from anyone who would be willing to entertain a proposal from ATA for the donation of this equipment. Having sympathetic friends in the business worl d is something l ik e a child having a generous grandparent. We have a long 'wish list' to share with you, our sympathetic friends in the business world. Can you help? THANK YOU, CHAMA, FOR STARTING 'lliE BALL ROLLING!
SECOND INTERNATIONAL TINNITUS SEMINAR Summary by Abraham Shulman, M. D. The Second International Tinnitus seminar took place June 10-11, 1983 at the New York Hilton Hotel New York City, New York. It was attended by approximately 200 participants. Significant new scientific information was highlighted by presentations of tinnitus suppression; auditory stimulation for nerve deafness; a method for objective recording of stimulation of the vestibular system; a method for objective recording of tinnitus; a program of drug therapy for tinnitus control. In addition, a device foY electrically testing hearing for the full range of response of the human ear was presented by the Guest of Honor, Professor Juergen Tonndorf, M. D. In each case of new scientific information cited above, the information was presented as preliminary observations . It is the basis for on-going longitudinal studies which will provide a biostatistical basis of analysis for efficacy and safety. For the first time a totally external placed device - tinnitus supressor - has been reported to offer relief to the patient with tinnitus by electrical stimulation. In the course of its application, significant improvement of hearing has been reported in patients with nerve loss of hearing. To date, results of tinnitus suppression have been reported with electrical stimulation, however , when applied to an electrode placed within the ear. An International Advisory Board was established for the 'Second International Tinnitus Seminar'. At a meeting 6-12-83, the foundations were laid for the establishment of a professional society devoted to the discipline 'Tinnitus'. The members of this group will form the Steering Committee for the 'International Tinnitus Study Group. ' The goals of the organization are to promote scientific interchange of information among professionals involved in the research, evaluation, treatment of the symptom of tinnitus; to provide a newsletter to be circulated among the steering committee at this time; to serve as a source of information for professional and non-professional groups or individuals desiring expert opinion relating to tinnitus. The next meeting of the Third International Tinnitus Seminar has been set for 1987. The location of the Steering Commi t t ee of the International Tinnitus Study Group has been agreed to be with the Division of Otolaryngology and Center for Communication Sciences, Downstat e Medical Center, State University of New York, Brooklyn, New York, Abraham Shulman, M. D. Director. The transactions of the 'Second International Tinnitus Seminar' are available in tape cassette form. In addition, the Transactions have been accepted for publication and will be available in printed form shortly. Information about the tape cassettes is printed in this Newsletter. Information about the printed transactions will be printed in the Newsletter together wi th information about ordering just as soon as it is available.
To all readers who have ordered TINNITUS: FACTS, THEORIES, AND TREATMENTS from the National Academy Press: We apologize for the delay in filling your orders. The volume of orders has been more than we anticipated, but we are doing every thing we can to fill them as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience and regret this inconvenience. National Academy Press, Mary R. Koppal, Marketing TAPE CASSETTES- SECOND I NTERNATIONAL TI NNITUS SEMINAR 1-80-83 WELceME - A. Shulman thru M. Meikle 2-80-83 SESSION !:MECHANISMS OF TINNITUS - M. Graham thru R. Tyler 3-80-83 SESSION !:MECHANISMS OF TINNITUS - J. Vernon thru R. Johnson 4-80-83 SESSION I :MECHANISMS OF TINNITUS - E. Douek thru A. Shulman 5-80-83 SESSION !:MECHANISMS OF TINNITUS - A. Weiss thru s. Parisier 6-80-83 LUNCHEON: Introduction - Ralph F. Naunton, M. D. 7-80-83 SESSION !:MECHANISMS OF TINNITUS - J. Durant thru R. Bilger 8-80-83 SESSION I :MECHANISMS OF TINN.ITUS - J. Durant thru J. Elidan 9-80-83 SESSION II:ELEC.STIM.OF INNER EAR - A. Shulman thru J . M. Aran 10-80-83 SESSION II:ELEC.STIM.OF INNER EAR - E. Douek thru A. Shulman 11-80-83 SESSION III:OBJECTIVE EVALUATION - A. Shulman thru J. Clemis 12-80-83 SESSION III:OBJECTIVE EVALUATION - E. Rock thru w. Rubin 13-80-83 SESSION III:OBJECTIVE EVALUATION - A. Shulman thru L. Kaufman 14-80-83 COMPUTER APPLICATION TO TINN. PATIENTS/SITE OF LESION TINN. Panel 15-80-83 SESSION IV:CLINICAL CONCEPTS TINNITUS - R. Cole thru G. Reich 16-80-83 SESSION IV:CLINICAL CONCEPTS TINNITUS P. House thru M. Ronis - 17-80-83 REPORT-NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL/TINNITUS MASKING EXPERIENCE 18-80-83 MEDICAL TREATMENT - K. Mays thru J. Emmett 19-80-83 MEDICAL TREATMENT - R. Lechtenberg thru M. Graham 20-80-83 SURGICAL TREATMENT - J. House thru I. K. Arenberg 21-80-83 SURGICAL TREATMENT - G. Gardner thru J. Pulec 22-80-83 SESSION VI: State of the Art PRICE $8.00 PER TAPE To order, circle the code number desired and mail with payment to Audio Video Transcripts. AUDIO VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS P.O. Box 968 Radio City Station New York , NY 10101 212/586-1972 NAME
CITY STATE PAYMENT ME'IHOD :check.__ money order __ m. c. __ visa amex CREDIT CARD PAYMENT: NUMBER ON CARD EXP. DATL._ SIGNATI.JRE AMQUNT ENCI.OSED American Express, Master Charge, VISA, Personal Check, Money Order Accepted. Allow three weeks for delivery Cbarges; $1. 00 per tape to of $5.00
JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST TINNITUS! JOIN ATA NOW! Your donations are needed to continue ATA 's seruices such as the production of this Newsletter Please help!! NEW TINNITUS RESEARCH PROJECTS FUNDED BY ATA ATA is happy to report that a recent gift has enabl ed the funding of two important research projects. The first project is a study about the effects of salicylates on the auditory system. We all have heard for years that if we take too much aspiri n it will make our head ring. Now, perhaps we'll fi nd out why. This project will be concerned with the effects on the auditory nerve when salicylates are present. The second project is a study of electrical stimulation for the relief of tinnitus. It has been known for a number of years that currents can sometimes change or suppress tinnitus. The problem has been that those cur rents were damaging to tissue. New theories indicate that different types of electrical pulses may be able to be utilized in the relief of ti nnitus . It is hoped that new techniques may be developed to help those patients whose tinnitus has not been t reatable by other methods presently in use. I II 1: I I:: :I 1::::: I I:::::: :I 1::::::::: I 1::::::::::: I I:::::::::::: :I I:::::::::::: :::1 1::::::::::::::::: I !:: :::::::::::::::::I ATA ATA ATA ATA *************************** WISHES YOU MERRY CHRISTMAS *************************** AND REST WISHES FOR A I
HAPPY HANUKAH *************************** Published by the NINCDS APPOINTS DR. BICK AS DEPUTY DIRECTOR Dr. Katherine L. Bick, a neurobiologist with expertise in nervous system pathology, has been named deputy director of the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke. The appointment is effective immediately. Dr. Bick will assist the director in overseeing the institute's programs of basic and clinical research on disorders of the brain and nervous system, including stroke, trauma, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and disorders of speech, language and hearing. The NINCDS is the focal point for nervous system research within the Public Health Service, supporting and conducting biomedical research and research training aimed at understanding, treating, and ultimately preventing neurological and communicative disorders. Dr. Bick has been acting deputy director of NINCDS since February 1981. She j o ined the institute in 1976 as a science administrator with the Neurological Disorders Program, and later served as that program's deputy director. A native of Canada, she received her Ph.D. from Brown University. She holds membership in major professional neurological and neuroscience societies, and is the author of a number of sci entific articles. SELF-HELP GROUP RESEARCH FUND PROJECT LOUD NOISE HURTS bumper stickers are availble from Mr. Robert E. Sheffield, 179 Kensington Rd., River Edge, NJ 07661. Please send one dollar and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Proceeds from the sale of these stickers, which is a project of the Bergen County {New Jersey) Tinnitus Self-Help Group, go to the ATA and the money is used for research. ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION AMERICAN TINNITUS ASSOCIATION Regular Member Sustaining Member Professional Member Benefactor $ 15 or more 0 $ 25 or more 0 $ 100 or more 0 $ 500 or more 0 Your Gift Is Tax Deductible AMERICAN TINNITUS ASSOCIATION A non-profit corporation under the Zazus of Oregon The American Tinnitus Association Post Office Box 5 SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Abraham Shul11an, M. D. Jack D. Cl e11is, M. D. Chicago, Illinois David D. DeWeese, M. D. Portland, Oregon John R. Emetr, M. D. Memphis, Tennessee Howard P. House, M. D. Los Angeles, California Robert M. Johnson, Ph. D. Portland. Oregon Merl e Ph. D. Ann Arbor. Michigan Jerry Northern, Ph. D. New York, New York Francis Sooy, M. D. San Praneisco, California Harold G. Tabb, II. D. New Orleans, Louisiana BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Hocks, Chainnan Port land, Oregon Thomas Wissbaum, C. P. A. Portland, Oregon Gloria E. Reich, M. S. Portland, Oregon Execueive OiTec:tor Denver, Colol'ado HONORARY DIRECTORS George F. Reed, M. D. Del Clawson, House of Rep. Ret. Syracuse, New York Downey, California Robert E. Sandlin, Ph. D. Honorable Mark Hatfield San Diego, California United States Senate LEGAL COUNSEL Henry C. Breithaupt Stoel, Rives, Soley. Fraser & Wyse Portland, Oregon 97207 (503) 2489985