Reflections Kelly Love Berlin Fashion Week Print vs. Digital Crisp White Sand

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/ 2 0 12


w w w.e n -v i e -f a s h i o n.c o m

Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Kelly love
Flor al Feelings

BeRlin fashion WeeK

ich bin ein berliner

PRint vs. Digital

PaPer Vie w

cRisP White sanD

warM a nd rough Plus all the l atest anD hot test fashion neWs anD info!

Jacket / Giorgio A rmani Skir t / D &G Purse / Guzeppe Zanot ti

this page + following Dress / S A lvA Dor e F e r r AG A mo Bracelet / lv Bracelet & rings / Dy r B e rG / k e r n necklace / v e rc Ac e For H & m

08 40 18 34 30

editor in chief GerD krAmer

06 07 08 14 18 24 27 28 30 34
C OV E R + F O l lOw i n g Photography & c D / to D D A n t H o n y t y l e r A sst. Photography / S A m c ro S k e r y m odel / P o l i n A S t ylist / k A r i n A S m i t H make-up & H air/ oScA r F u Dress / P u c c i Fur / G u c c i B AC K C OV E R Photography / J o n A H G i l m o r e @ rocket S cience S tudios Wardrobe S t ylist / vA n e S S A vA l i e n t e make-up & Hair / A n to n e l l A A n n i B A l e m odel / A l D e n c o r i n n A @ n ot ies management

Let paper grow wiLd NewS International Fashion News FaSHioN deSigN "Reflection" FaSHioN deSigN "Pocket Full o' Posies" FaSHioN SHow "Berlin Fashion Week" iNterior "Ola Voynas designs" aCCeSSorY "Tape yourself" editoriaL "Simple Elegance" BeaUt Y "Diamonds and Pearls" e-MagaZiNeS "Print vs. Digital" New CoMer "Sinner or Saint" roMaNtiC "Crisp White Sand" editoriaL "Sugar & Spice" FaSHioN SCHooL eVeNtS HoroSCope CHiNeSe HoroSCope

A D, Design & illustration A n n A JA S i n S k i editor c H r i S roA F HenDrik Fut terlieB Sub editors m A ry S i mc oX B r A n Don l i n De r e DWA r D H At F i e l D Japanese editors tomoko F u J i i S Hoko n A m B A A ssistant A D W e S l e y WA nG c onsultants DA r i A m i u r A yuqi nAk Amur A Web & Pr managers AnDreA BelleZZA B A r r e t t r ic k e y S t ylists tomo ko F u J i i e WA F i u tA k J u S t y n A ko r u S i e W icZ A ssistant n Aoko H iG A S H i yA m A

38 40 46 48 50 52

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Disclaimer: every effort is made to ensure all en vie media is up-to-date. Please note that opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. the publisher cannot be held liable for any loss, damage or distress resulting in errors, omissions or from adherence to any advice in this magazine. the publisher takes no responsibility for the quality or content of advertisements. All rights reserved by the copyright holder. to see the full disclaimer please go to

En Vie




FebrUArY 2012

he r se nsibilit y a nd inte llige nc e. t he actre s s, w ho a lso has b e e n a big fa n of Ba l e nciaga, d e scr ib e d the bra nd as hit ting "a ve r y c o ol ba la nc e". Nic olas g he squi re, w ho has a lways se nse d he r pro gre s s i ve ne s s f rom he r e a r l y a pp e a ra nc e in the mov i e pa nic ro om, s a id that he has a lways w is he d to c olla borate w ith he r further knowing that she shares the radical spirit of Balenciaga".

1 2

A NEW FACE OF BAlENCIAgA PERFumE: KRISTEN STEWART Stewar t will re pre se nt the new Bale nciaga Fragrance with

seems to be working hand in hand with the plus size industr y, the number of plus size models have increased, thus the trade show will buyers from all over the world, after all! Now they are talking.

5 6

ThE hEAD OF lVmh lEAVINg philipp e pasc a l joine d LV M H in 19 94 a nd to ok ove r watc he s a nd jewe ll e r y acti v iti e s in 20 01. He was na m e d

as a n ad v isor to LV MH chair ma n a nd Ceo Be r na rd a r nault af te r Fra nc e sc o tra pa ni in June, af te r BLVg a ris Ceo Fra nc e sc o trapani took over the watches and jeweller y activities in the wake of LVMH's acquisition. pascal made a great contribution brands including Chaum et, tag He u e r a nd Fre d in the past as we ll. Nonetheless, veteran philippe pascal is leaving the luxur y group to pursue personal projects; however LVMH refused to make any comments on his departure. CINDy CRAWFORD'S DAughTER IS ThE NEW FACE OF VERSACES ChIlDRENS lINE Craw ford's 10 y/o daughter, Kaia gerber, made her model

u N D E RW E A R TOllmAN.

CA m PA I g N




K lE I N TE A m E D u P W ITh C E lE B S T y lI S T A N N A B E l

tollma n e lucid ate d that s he cre ate d the c ha racte r s for the we b clips for the bra nd's Na ke d g la mour und e r we a r ra ng e, exactl y the same way as when she creates a character for a shoot; which invol ve s imagining he r p e r sona lit y. w he n s he st y l e s, s he f inds c ha racte r s f rom bo oks, po e ms or songs, a nd s he au tomatic a ll y sta r ts to dre a m a bou t w hat they we a r. She add e d that w hat is underneath is as impor tant as what is on top. it is no exaggeration to say that lingerie is definitely something that makes women sexy, and it indeed informs the rest of her day.

d e bu t for Ve r s ac e's Young Ve r s ac e line. t he line is a c oll e ction for k ids ag e d f rom 0 -12, w hic h is d e scr ib e d as Q uinte s se ntia l Versace style with a youthful rock 'n' roll twist. "L ike her mother, Kaia has a ver y spe cial gif t. t he camera re ally loves her" said creative director of donatella Versace. Cindy said: "Being on-set with my daughter watching her in front of the camera was a fantastic experience" she said. Cindy, herself also has fond memorie s of her time spe nt with g ianni and donatella. She sure has something special with the House of Versace.

incre ase in bu ye r s f rom g e r ma ny, Ja pa n, g re at B r ita in, USa , China, South Korea and turkey. although, there was a drop from France, russia and Hong Kong, they maintained high values. the company reported 7,400 foreign buyers and 13,600 italian buyers. d e s pite of the pos iti ve re sults, Ceo of pit ti immagine raf fae llo Napoleone said that the results we provide are always authentic, it is a question of respect towards our clients and ourselves, but the numbers dont tell the whole stor y.

3 4

INCRE ASE OF DEmAND FROm gERmANy, JAPAN, uK , uSA , AND ChINA AT PITTI uOmO ExhIBITION at the pit ti Uomo ex hibition on Ja nua r y, the the re was a n

mANgO IS OPENINg 500 NEW RETAIl SPACES IN 2012 t he Spanish brand Mango seems to be unaf fected by the recession, it has put its foot on the gas to open between 400

and 50 0 new shops and corners in shopping centres throughout 2012. in an interview with europa press, Mangos general Manager

enric Casi explained that the expansion plan will focus mainly on PluS -SIzE BE AuT y CONTEST AT WhOS NE x T PRT-PORTER TRADE ShOW IN PARIS this year comes with a surprise, as the whos Nex t prt-new markets, such as China and russia. t he company began utilizing its shopping centre corner distribution channel in 2010, as it has opened around 800 at corners all over the world in the last t wo years. Casi explained that this format has required a sizable investment, and the f irm hopes to see the f irst outcome of that ef for t this year in 2012. Barcelona is the place where the progress is being made with the construction of Mango's new logistics park.

por ter trade show par tnered with Miss ronde France, a plus size beauty contest. the Miss ronde France 2012 contest is not just a be aut y conte st but e mbodie s the image of the re al woman. t his

let PaPer grow wild go For digital

illustration & c oncept A n n A Bo u r S w w

will def initely help promoting the plus size fashion industr y, as it

in response to the numerous requests from en-Vie readers, we are workingon creating a Spanish version of en Vie Magazine! en Vie has put together a special team composed by experienced writers and translators from dif ferent backgrounds and countries from Latin america, and will focus on delivering our stories and top news for Spanish speakers. dont be surprised if you also start finding articles from these regions. we can assure you that they will take your breath away with their unique and tremendous work! Stay with us!



En Vie


FAshion Design


aving a




colourper fect shape s, feaof welcome


block ing, contouring the ture s colour a

par t of her youth as an international model, it seems that fit ting

pleats and contrast collection palet te

Tovah Cottles debut ready-to-wear collection for her eponymous label TOVAh, comments on the many faces and facets of women. tovahs Spring/Summer 2012 range, reflections, explores the physical and emotional human condition, for a range that is as multidimensional as the designer herself.

blush, burgundy and khaki, accented with cobalt and lilac. while there is per fect symmetr y in many of the garments, imper fect mirror image s are se en where the paneling has be en f lipped and subver ted, creating asymmetrical interest. while the silhouettes are distinctly modern, however, there

tex t / J e n n A l e e Photography / WA r r e n JoP Son

women are beautiful, multi-faceted creature s. ever y day so much is expected of us and we expect so much of ourselves. Some days we admire the reflection staring back at us in the mirror and other days we se e nothing but f laws. However good and bad the se facets of our personalit y make us who we are. we are spectacularly fallible. the stor y manifests itself in geometric paneling, overlays and cut outs, creating an arithmetical de sign. with

is no shor tage of feminine shape s. a strong focus on luxur y fabrications, the collection takes ever y oppor tunity to showcase amazing variations of silk and new technology fabrics. Flowing pleats are jux taposed with shir ting and the rigidity of calculated design lines.

it iS FeMiNiNe aNd tHoUgHtFUL Yet StroNg aNd CoNFideNt at tHe SaMe tiMe. it iS tHe perFeCt reFLeCtioN oF tHe ModerN woMaN.

En Vie


FAshion Designer

Pocket Full o' Posies

kelly loVe
tex t / v i v i A n mor e l l i Photography / c l A i r e Pe PPe r / w w model / G eorG i A @ w w Hair S t ylist & m u A / m ic H e l l e DAc i l lo / w w buy at w w

DA i S i eS i n B loom D r eS S

B loS Som S oF t H e c H e r ry c A m i Sol e S ec r e t S F rom t H e G A r De n t ro u S e r S

l i l i eS i n t H e WAt e r J u m P S u i t



Spring/Summer bliss,

2 012 ,



collection travels back to the days of complete with whimsical

games by the light of fireflies and freshly picked bunches of posies. inspired by outdoor games from a child's

imagination, poCKe t FULL o' poSieS presents layered printed dresses, crochet collars, pleated jersey in dust y rose, French antique lace and olive jacquard spotted silk. the collection has an edgy
S ec r e t S F rom t H e G A r D e n c A m i So l e W i n D oF t H e W i l loW S Ho r t S

dreaminess and is reminiscent of 1930s cock tail parties, vintage lingerie, and old fashioned femininity.

DA i S i eS i n B loom c roP toP G A r D e n o F t H e n iG H t t ro u S e r S

En Vie


FAshion show

berlin Fashion week 2012

Berlin Fashion Week. show, and the accessory trade show. For more information, visit

tex t / Hendrik & m B F W B Pictures / m e rc e DeS-B e n Z FA S H ion W e e k B e r l i n

ompared to milan, Paris, New york, and london, Berlin may be only a blip on the global fashion

radar, but 2 012 promises to be an exciting year for Noir Highlights this year, which marks the 10th anniversar y of the event, include the Mercedes-Benz shows on Strae des 17. Juni in front of the Brandenburg gate, the Bread & But ter and Bright urban we ar trade fairs, the pre mium fashion Noir epitomizes graceful sophistication with a distinctive contemporary edge, created through masterful tailoring, quality fabrics, slender silhouettes and a unique sense of wearable and timeless design.

BL aCK Y dreSS BerLiN

oStertag the looks are designed to impress, not to understate. the clean combination of color, fabric and interesting patterns present a unique style that is fabulous. K araLeeV iSSeVer BaHri

eSCada Sport eSCada stands for modern elegance, glamour and sensuality. eSCada Sport represents understated chic, metropolitan allure and young femininity. MiNX

En Vie



ola Voynas designs

Photography / lu k e G A r S t k A model (oyster) / k AtA r Z y n A m A r S Z A l e k

la Voynas designs are a strange mix of Tim Bur ton movies and dark but definitely


visually engaging with the promise of romance and a hint of love. they evoke images of maidens in stagecoache s out of a Leo tolstoy novel. a supine a nna Karenina would cer tainly not be out of place atop an oyster bed. the ivor y Carriage, a bed made of iron and leather exudes style and elegance. the creative force behind the collection has its e sse nce in nature. the willow, for instance, is a side table, made with roots that se e m to come straight from the ground. But the most striking feature of these designs is the mix of dif ferent ar t styles, making a bridge between old and modern, traditional and new, st yle and substance.

En Vie



taPe yourselF
tex t / A r i n A k uZ n e t S ovA Photography / J i ro k A m AtA / w w

ewe l r y o p e n s t h e we a r e r s h e a r t and reveals it to others (Jiro Kamata)

creativity that captures unique elements of beauty, unprecedented craf tsmanship and revolutionary concepts. in case of te sa rings, silver and simple te sa sellotape-rolls are transformed into vibrant decorative acce ssorie s with kaleidoscopic array of da z zling colors. gold plated and k iss encrusted, the se rings stir imagination and awaken senses. t hat`s right, each ring is literally sealed with 30 lipstick kisses. Kamata compares a ring to a tape. Just as one can record music and videos on a tape, he records his love (in a form of kisses) on tesa tapes, thus adding a rare personal touch and creating one of a kind pieces of art. a lthough te sa rings are no longer made for sale, they can be se en on displays of Kamata`s impre ssive ex hibitions that he often holds in various locations in europe. Look for schedule s and update s on his collections at

in line with this issue`s theme en V ie pre sents the edgie st, unmatched and definitely distinguishing tesa rings, made by a talented and aspiring young jewelr y de signer Jiro Kamata. Born in Hirosak i, Japan, based in Munich, g ermany and educated in both europe and Japan, Kamata create s technically fascinating, aesthetically beautiful, at times mysterious, delicate and romantic jewelry designs. Being in his early thir tie s, Jiro Kamata has gained quite a recognition in the world of contemporar y jewelr y. High level of goldsmithing, af f init y to fashion as well as combination of traditional ar tistr y with cut ting-edge ideas create a unique st yle that sets him apar t from his contemporaries. Kamata`s collections fascinate the audience s in europe, asia and the United State s with unparalleled

En Vie




m from

originally Saint says

a nnie

Leibovit z,

patrick demarchelier, Helmut New ton, and richard avedon, L anas work has its own distinct st yle. Her have image s an of ten ethereal bearing

lana, who explains why, despite being raised in a family of physicians (both her grandmother she and mother were doctors), chose to go into the ar ts. Inspired by the resplendent architecture and elegance of the Russians second largest cit y, she opted out of a life in medicine and spent ten years training in a variety of different arts, even attending evening art classes as a child. In 2006 she went to New york where she studied photography for several month. years ago.

and romantic quality, sometime s slight re semblance s to the renaissance women and mystical godde sse s captured in ar t many

i like showing the subject from the flawless side, i always tr y to create a unique image that still f its the classical canons of taste state s L ana. a nd this classical taste in ar t ex tends right through to her love of fashion. whilst she can appreciate a variet y of unique collections from a range of de signers her favourite de signs are those by well established italian and French fashion houses such as Chanel, dior and Versace. preparing to move to Sydney to open her second and main studio, its a wonder she has any time to spare for leisure. i do enjoy music but i guess photography is my favorite hobby and my job, it takes all my time and i absolutely love it. after all its important to love what you do in life.

siMPle elegance
tex t / melody David Photography / l A n A i vA novA model / e l e n A Gonc H A rovA

Now living in Brisbane, 29 year old L ana shoots clothing lines for fashion designers and clothing labels. Lana also shoots modeling por tfolios making her the go-to woman for many models and modeling agencies. Creative ideas are constantly popping in my head so i always do a thousands projects at once says L ana. Her schedule is always busy, even as we speak shes currently f inishing t wo look books for t wo australian clothing labels whilst doing her own personal projects. a lthough she is inspired by photographers all over the world such as Steven Meisel, hes photographed ever y cover of Vogue italia since 1988, hes absolutely incredible

Lana currently works between Brisbane and Sydney; she can be contacted at

En Vie



diaMonds and Pearls

tex t / e l i S H A c A S AG r A n De Photography & retouch / n A Di A m A Sot makeup / m i A c on nor Hair / v i v i A n n e t r A n S t yling / e l i S H A c A S AG r A n De model / A n t H e A PAG e ring, earring & Bracelet / w w necklace / w w Bracelet / w w

more and so it was, the theor y behind this statement alone that a concept was born. in a de cade whe re sequins are shunned during the day, red lipstick has become somewhat of an af te r thought and a full head of hot rolle rs during break fast is no longer a fact of life; it became impor tant to capture the true essence of the female form; stripped back to its natural state to reve al a se nse of class that remains incredibly timele ss eve n today the glit z and glamour that was born in the early 20th century. it was Mademoiselle Chanel who took the reins, stripped wome n of their corsetr y

somewhat reputable fashion guru once said that less is always

and introduced a revolutionar y cra ze of costume jewelle r y fuelled by an exquisite combination of diamonds and pearls.

tHiS CoMBiNatioN aLoNe epitoMiSed wHat it waS to Be a woMaN oF tHe earLY wartiMe era aNd wHat it iS to Be a woMaN todaY.
in todays fast paced fashion industr y, where fashion e nthusiasts the world over continue to push the boundarie s; having only fallen victim to fads that will other wise neve r se e the light of day, we can take comfor t and a se nse of pride in the fact, that a trend which was forecast many years ago, with a few mode rn day tweaks remains at its peak and for that, we have Coco to thank.

En Vie



Print Vs. digital

tex t / e DWA r D H At F i e l D A r t Director / G e r D k r A m e r Photography / m A S Ato u G u mo r i S tudio / S t u Dio 205 5 makeup A r tist / y u k A r i k AWAG i S Hi Fashion Designer / y u qi n A k A m u r A model / r A n yA m A Z A k i

e live in a world today in which we are all constantly adrift in an ocean of information and

clips, pictures, and a way to easily and immediately share or respond to ar ticles. Lets face it; the days of morning powwows around the of fice water cooler are gone. these days, people can read an interesting stor y on a news site or in an e-maga zine and instantaneously send the ar ticle to frie nds along with their pe rsonal comme nts. Social net work ing site s like Face book and twit te r have made sharing digital media easier and faster than ever before.

many of us feel overwhelmed by the endless waves. The accessibility of information is astonishing: smart phones, tablets, e-readers, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, you Tube, podcasts, TV. And, one thing that all of these sources have in common is that they are paperless. with the circulation of print newspapers and magazines on a steady decline,

a study from the L2 think tank found that more than 66% of generation Y readers (ages 12-29) get their news from digital source s and not from newspape rs. this is not

digitaL Media SoUrCeS HaVe USHered iN a New age oF iNForMatioN iMMerSioN.

readers in this new age demand more from news sources than the mere repor ting of facts; they want an engaging interactive experience. t hey expect up-to-date news accompanied by relevant reference links, videos, audio

surprising in the le ast. Most of us can che ck the news on the go with our smar t phones or tablets and read from reliable up to the minute source s. in the war bet we e n digital and print, the bat tle for the newspape r has be e n decided and digital has emerged the victor. on another front, the battle for the magazine wages on.

introducing: 4 Free online Magazines

e aSY goiNg LiFe manga zine is a e-CoNSerVatioN was established in 2007 as the first free online maga zine dedicated to the conser vation-restoration of cultural heritage. it is published in open access under a Creative Commons license that allows its free distribution to a worldwide readership and at the same time safeguards the authors' rights. e-conser vation distinguishes itself from other online conser vation publications precisely by its nature, being a maga zine dedicated to topics of general interest, addressed mainly to conser vators and of other the professionals neighbouring fields but also to the large public. seasonal publication targeting the manga and anime communit y. with its own unique de sign, this visually at tractive maga zine is already drawing notice. at a glance, readers will notice the colour ful de signs, comic strips and a breadth of writ ten piece s ranging from manga /manwha reviews to serialized fan novels to interviews of egS staff and more. t he the same L2 study revealed that 71% of readers still read print magazines. one reason for this might be the difficulty in creating a unique e-magazine reading experience. Many major magazine publishers have crossed over to the digital market, but have failed to take advantage of the medium fully. Most are satisfied with simply copying the content from the print issues and conver ting it to the new format. New and independent e-maga zines have embraced the format more fully than their larger competitors, choosing not to publish print issues at all. digital maga zines introduce the oppor tunit y for even small publishers to reach an international community with their content. they can also utilize all of the same interactive elements that online newspapers do, links, videos, pictures, and social networking options. For large publishers, e-magazines can provide readers with exclusive content and other incentives to subscribe to the paperless versions. provide the environment. in the United States alone, about 40 million tons of newspapers and magazines are thrown away each year, all of which could be recycled. Figures from other countries var y slightly, but not enough to make an impact on the damaging ef fects of the print and paper industries. even internet users print an average of 28 pages from websites daily. with the availability and variety of tablet devices and smar t phones expanding, paper consumption rates are expected to fall. However, its up to maga zine publishers to create a unique interactive reading experience that of fers more than print can. a study from the association of Maga zine Media found that tablet and smar t phone users want publishers to establish a universal navigator for af ter all, the biggest overall benefit of online magazines is the one they Both publishers and readers need to accept that print is dying and embrace the new format and all of its benefits. New innovations are always slow to bring about change, but change is inevitable. Considering the advantages to both readers and publishers, the choice is obvious. and, if you think trees are the only things at stake in this digital revolution, conside r the following: the manufacture of paper uses more water per pound of finished product than any other industr y in the world, paper bleaching produces the dangerous carcinogen dioxin as a by-product, paper products rele ase methane gas as they de compose in landfills, and the paper manufacturing process uses 4100 kilowatts of energy, which is enough to power a home for six months. these statistics are not intended to scare, but they should encourage you to consider how you choose your media source s and what impact those choice s will have. e-magazines are the future. wordS witHoUt BorderS translates, publishes, and promotes the finest contemporar y international literature. our publications and programs open doors for readers of english around the world to the multiplicity of viewpoints, richness of experience, and literar y perspective on world events of fered by writers in other language s. we se ek to connect international writers to the general public, to students and educators, and to print and other media and to ser ve as a primar y online location for a global literar y conversation. ever y month, in our online maga zine, we publish twelve to fifteen new works by international writers. to date we have published over 120 0 piece s from 114 countries and eight y languages. L ast year we published issues of writing from the a rab Spring, afghanistan, and iceland, among others; this year, our of ferings will include literature from Kashmir, the indian ocean, and Japan. browsing and subscribing to e-magazines, 89% of users to be exact. applications like apples Newsstand navigator attempt to realize this idea, but many major publishers are still reluctant to hand over digital circulation to a third party. the same study also repor ted that tablet readers want to buy products directly from in magazine ads and editorials, creating another enormous opportunity for both publishers and online stores. this consumer demand will provide additional profits for publishers and wider adver tising and distribution ranges for internet businesses. and, as the consumer, you get a new and convenient shopping option in which you can learn about new products and buy them directly from the maker in your favorite e-magazine. a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2003, N a r r at i V e is dedicated to advancing literary arts in the digital age by supporting the finest writing talent and encouraging readership across generations, in schools, and around the globe. our online library of new literature by celebrated authors and by the best new and emerging writers is available for free. Narrative serves as a virtual bridge to connect more readers and writers than ever before, publishing more work each year than any other literary periodical, and reaching readers young and old in schools and homes around the globe. maga zine editors intend the publication to be a platform for promoting works by budding ar tists and writers and encourage the readers to submit ideas and ar ticles that they would like to see featured in the magazine.

priNt iS dead.

En Vie



sinner or saint?
the Fashion PhotograPhy oF noree
tex t / A r i n A k uZ n e t S ovA Photography, S t yling & make-up / n o r e e model / Z uZ A n n A B u t k i e W icZ Designers / tA l lu l A H'S t r i n k e t S & e l i X i u m







enjoys looking at different people and their st yle, likes discovering their personalities as well as get ting inspired by he r own interests at a cer tain time. Being a woman he rself, she love s ke e ping an eye on the designers whose work suits her taste the be st, such as a lexande r McQ ue e n and Christian Lacroix. the environment around

collaborate with a young and a ver y

talented photographer from England, Noree, who has decided to become a fashion photographer af ter having experimented with landscape and portrait photography. Her f irst achievement course was at get ting Newpor t

her also plays a great par t in creating her vision. She gets inspired by old buildings and natural surroundings and love s the beauty of natural light. Nore e conside rs he rself luck y to have worked with some ex traordinar y pe ople from across the world photographing backstage at the London Fashion week a / w10 for F.a.d., shooting the lookbook and campaign for eLLiS, a well-e stablished brand in he r hometown in romania, and having a photograph, she shoot, published among the top 10 ar tistic Nude photos by german magazine Stern. these are just a few f irst steps in Norees aspiring career. Her path in the world of fashion is still yet to be laid!

accepted to the photography for Fashion and adver tising University of wales, where she is currently completing her last year. although coming from a scientif ic background, Nore e has always been involved in extracurricular ar t activities.

tHiS MiX Let Her deVeLop a StYLe tHat SeeKS trUtHFULNeSS, BUt aLSo tHe FaNtaStiC.
Nore e draws her inspiration from various source s: star ting from published fashion editorials and existing a r ts to people she meets in her daily life and their beliefs. She

En Vie



crisP white sand

She watcheS aS waveS roll by, thick and wild, licking the Sand. She SpeakS, "i grew up here, where the Sea meetS the Sky".

text, Photography / Amy nelSon-Bl Ain / model / A l e X A n Dr A e l iZ A B e t H k i nG S t yling, make-up & Hair / A S H l e iG H k e l ly Wardrobe / l i S A B roW n / w w

a Sweet miSt fillS her lungS, a cool breeze entangleS itSelf in her hair, Softly murmuring, "come into the Sea". her feet graze the earth, it'S warm and rough.

She beginS to dance on the white criSp Sand, the Sea beckonS, wet and Soft, fondling at her ankleS. the Sea iS the Sound of a lullaby, a loving embrace.

En Vie



Photography / DAv i D J u m PA / w w S t ylist / n AtA l i D / w w Hair and make-up / S u n n y / w w w.haitaoz model / JA m ei / esse models clothing / t H e v i l l A / w w

sugar & sPice

En Vie


FAshion school events

shih chien uniVersity esMod jaPon

Feb.7th(TuE) 19:00 - 20:30 Briefing for evening course and Saturday course Feb,8th(WED) 17:00 - 18:30 Briefing for fashion business course Feb.14th(TuE) 19:00 - 20:45 evening workshop : choose from fashion design course or pattern course. Feb.8th(WED) - 13th(mON) eSMod eXHiBitioN SaLe at e-ma in Umeda Content Summar y: o n this occasion dai march.2nd(FRI) - 3rd(SAT) gradUatioN CoLLeCtioN eXHiBitioN at eSMod march.10th(SAT) gradUatioN CoLLeCtioN SHow at Kyosera dome thinks that the mixing is not limited to clothing, but also something else can be achieved through the par ticipation of students from the dif ferent depar tments within the College of design. (departments of: architecture: Communication design: industrial design: Fashion design) You are very welcome for all events, please feel free to join them. More info :

iNterNatioNaL deSigN worKSHop the PaRK PRoject 2012

February 6th 2012 ~ February 11th 2012 Course aims: in august 2010 dai Fujiwara held a workshop with taiwanese kids to re-make new clothes using their waste t-shirts and dresses. this time he is proposing to do a similar workshop with our students to be called "the park project 2012". t he aim is to re-make, mix together and give a new value to waste garments and materials.



illustration / A n n A JA S i n S k i w w

CAPRICORN 12/22-1/19

d o n t w a n t to d o, a s i t w i l l b e a good oppor tunity for promotion ARIES 3/21 4/19 and pay rise. there will be some o m a t te r or whether a you are the u p s a n d d ow n s i n yo u r m o o d s, b u t b e w a r e; o v e r-w o r k i s n o t a g o o d w a y to c h a n g e y o u r m o o d . ta ke c a r e o f y o u r h e a l t h a n d d i e t. i f y o u are single then enjoy the peace because it will not last much longer!

e proactive at work and do the tasks your colleagues

ebruar y is full of oppor tunities and surprises and they will all

lIBRA 9/23-10/23

come at the same time. it could be a chance for promotion, a new j o b o r a n e w r e l a t i o n s h i p. d o n' t h e s i t a te when the oppor tunity CANCER 6/22-7/22 p r e s e n t s i t s e l f to y o u . Yo u r w o r k

beginning of Februar y will be a r o m a n t i c t i m e . L o v e w i l l b e t h e m e l o d y y o u h e a r t h i s m o n t h . Yo u w i l l a t te n d a s p e c i a l w e d d i n g o r celebration that will become one o f y o u r l i f es t r e a s u r e d m e m o r i e s . Break out of your routine and realize your full potential. now? d o n t worr y as


c o u p l e,

becomes more stable day by day and your boss will be proud of w h a t yo u a c h i e v e. a r i e s w i l l h av e a romantic Valentines day.

re you feeling shor t on cash right

AquARIuS 1/20-2/18

around the middle of Februar y it w i l l g e t b e t te r a n d m o n e y w i l l f l o w m o r e e a s i l y. wo r k i s s t a b l e a n d your advice will be liste ned to. take

ebruar y is the best month of t h e y e a r t h i s y e a r, e s p e c i a l l y

f o r a q u a r i a n s . Yo u m a y r e c e i v e a p r o p o s a l, b u t w h a te v e r h a p p e n s , stay calm as nothing should be d o n e i n h a s te . i t i s t i m e to s t a r t m a k i n g p l a n s f o r y o u r f u t u r e, a s

TAuRuS 4/20-5/20

care of details, be disciplined in your work and spend quality time with your par tner. lEO 7/23-8/22

SCORPIO 10/24-11/22

ou should decide what you cherish and what you should

g i v e u p i n t h e N e w Ye a r. Fr o m 1s t of Februar y until the middle of the month you will be busy with work and this year is ver y impor tant for y o u c a r e e r-w i s e . Fr o m t h e m i d d l e

our e nthusias m w ill b e a rouse d by a new creative and ar tistic

hobby. work is good, it will be busy b u t eve r y th i n g w i l l g o a c c o rd i n g to p l a n. B e p r e p a r e d; a b i g c h a l l e n g e is waiting for you.

soon you will be guided in a new direction.

if fe re nce s of opinion will cause argume nts with your loved

one, but Vale ntines day will be a good chance to drive away all the un-happine ss. Single s will be full SAgITTARIuS 11/23-12/21 of e ne rgy and inspiration at work. Be careful of any inve stme nts or

PISCES 2/19-3/20

of t h e m o n t h s o c i a l e ve n t s s u c h a s i m p o r t a n t d i n n e r s , p a r t i e s , e tc w i l l occupy your time.

that will finally become profitable and you the could break of be an impor tant source of income in the future, this Valentines day you will meet your love at the right place and time, so make sure you plan for a special night! You will become more attractive, resolute and charming, so use it.

ork hard at current projects as you will soon finish a something

prope r t y gEmINI 5/21-6/21

de als.

Ke e p


eye s


wish from



peeled. your career and a new VIRgO 8/23-9/22

the world and the depressions of c i t y l i f e . tr a v e l l i n g s o u t h w i l l b e a good choice this month. New projects and plans are waiting for y o u , e v e r y t h i n g i s i n o r d e r, f i n a l l y you will reach your goal and your i n c o m e w i l l i m p rove. S i n g l e s c o u l d f ind tr u e l ove d u r ing th e f ir st h a l f of the year.

here may be some changes in

oppor tunity could happen at any t i m e . B e p r e p a r e d to s h o w y o u r t a l e n t o n a n e w p l a t f o r m . i n l o v e, t r y to r e m a i n c a l m a s g e t t i n g to o s tre s s e d m ay c a u s e a r i f t w i th yo u r loved one. it might take time to he al but at the e nd of the hard time s you will be stronger for it.

t i s y o u r c h a r a c te r to w a n t to c o n t i n u e to l e a r n , d i s c o v e r i n g fields and New will bring new your and expand projects

unknown knowledge horizons.

i n te r e s t s w i l l ke e p y o u b u s y. a c l o s e f r i e n d w i l l r e v e a l a s e c r e t. good for tune come in the form of m o n e y a n d y o ud b e t te r s a v e i t! Single people will f ind true love.



chinese horoscoPe the ye ar BY iZUMi oF the dragon

illustration / Z A n Dr A koe

19:04 21:16 23:30 01:33 03:38 05:42 Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 20 0 8 199 6 1984 1972 19 6 0 1948 to to to to to to 0 0:52 03:04 05:19 07:23 0 9:27 11:30 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 20 0 9 1997 1985 1973 19 61 1949

t his ye ar could be a luck y one for rats whe re money and love are conce r ne d. Help will be on hand for those looking for a promotion. Friends will be there to help but be c aref ul and think we ll before you speak. when situations become ex treme they can change direction rapidly.

0 8:0 9 10:29 12:32 14:36 16:40 18:44 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 20 02 199 0 1978 19 66 1954 1942 to 13:57 Fe br uar y 4, 20 03 to 16:17 Fe br uar y 4, 1991 to 18:21Fe br uar y 4, 1979 to 20:25 Fe br uar y 4, 19 67 to 22:28 Fe br uar y 4, 1955 to 0 0:32 Fe br uar y 5,1943 trouble will occur frequently but generally the re sults will not be bad. Finance s are still cloudy. pay attention to injuries and to your health. Business is good, promotions and pay rises will come easily.

0 0:53 03:05 05:20 07:23 0 9:28 11:31 Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 20 0 9 1997 1985 1973 19 61 1949 to to to to to to 0 6:42 0 8:53 11:0 9 13:12 15:16 17:20 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2010 1998 1986 1974 19 62 1950 ll have money proble ms for most of the ye ar, so had bet te r be more c aref ul with f inance s to avoid los s money in big inve stme nts. Not a stable ye ar for ma r r iage or love e ithe r, but luck ily the re are no signs of illness or accidents. t ige rs live s are f ull of change this ye ar but good for tune will be with the m. pay at te ntion to your dige stive syste m, especially if you get stressed easily. don't let too much pre s sure inf lue nce your life, ke e p c alm and avoid unne ce s s ar y argume nts. You will be appre ciate d by someone senior at work; do not miss any good opportunities. You will have good income but f ind it dif f icult to save money. tr y coope rating with colleagues more and get experience f rom pe ople who c an he lp you f ind the easier route to success. pay at tention to driving and other modes of transport. take time with your par tne r; unde rstanding is always very important.

13:58 16:18 18:22 20:26 22:29 0 0:33 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 20 03 1991 1979 19 67 1955 1943 to to to to to to 19:46 21:54 0 0:10 02:14 04:19 0 6:22 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 20 04 1992 198 0 19 68 1956 1944 She e p will have a ve r y for tunate ye ar for money, but re lationships will not go so smoothly. take c are of your love d one if you want to prevent a cold war this year! You may have proble ms with dige stion, skin and circulation.

0 6:43 Fe br ua r y 4, 0 8:54 Fe br ua r y 4, 11:10 Fe br ua r y 4, 13:13 Fe br ua r y 4, 15:17 Fe br ua r y 4, 17:21 Fe br ua r y 4, 2010 1998 1986 1974 19 62 1950 to to to to to to 12:32 14:42 16:58 21:02 21:0 6 23:10 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2011 1999 1987 1975 19 63 1951

19:47 21:55 0 0:11 02:15 04:20 0 6:23 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 20 04 1992 198 0 19 68 1956 1944 to to to to to to 01:34 03:43 0 6:0 0 0 8:04 10:07 12:12 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 20 05 1993 1981 19 69 1957 1945

this is a luck y year for Monkeys, they will be popular and things will go smoothly. in May you ne e d to be c aref ul though; avoid unnecessar y travel and dont be too adventurous. there is good oppor tunities for promotion but don't be too quick to believe what you hear.

12:33 14:43 16:59 21:03 21:07 23:11 Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y 4, 2011 to 18:39 4, 1999 to 20:32 4, 1987 to 22:48 4, 1975 to 0:52 4, 19 63 to 2:56 4, 1951 to 4:59 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 2012 20 0 0 1988 1976 19 64 1952

13:35 03:44 0 6:01 0 8:05 10:0 8 12:13 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 20 05 1993 1981 19 69 1957 1945 to to to to to to 07:25 0 9:33 11:50 13:54 15:57 18:01 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 20 0 6 1994 1982 1970 1958 1946

Mist cove rs your f inance s and busine s s; the re is a lot of good news coming but most of it just big words. Single roosters will have many chance s to f ind love and those alre ad y in love will f ind more happine s s. Mar r ie d rooste rs beware of affairs.

20:33 22:49 0 0:53 02:57 05:0 0 07:04 Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 20 0 0 1988 1976 19 64 1952 1940 to to to to to to 02:20 04:38 0 6:41 0 8:45 10:49 12:53 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 20 01 1989 1977 19 65 1953 1941 this seems to be a hard year for dragons. a competitor will appe ar who will make wave s in your love life. Be c aref ul of accidents and injury. 7:26 Fe br uar y 4, 20 0 6 to 13:18 Fe br uar y 9:34 Fe br uar y 4, 1994 to 15:24 Fe br uar y 11:51 Fe br uar y 4, 1982 to 17:40 Fe br uar y 13:55 Fe br uar y 4, 1970 to 19:44 Fe br uar y 15:58 Fe br uar y 4, 1958 to 21:47 Fe br uar y 18:02 Fe br uar y 4, 1946 to 23:48 Fe br uar y

4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 20 07 1995 1983 1971 1959 1947 t his ye ar is not an e asy one for dogs. Care e r is not so good this ye ar as they f ight with othe rs too e asily. t he be st defense is offence.

02:21 04:39 0 6:42 0 8:46 10:50 12:54 Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y Fe br ua r y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 20 01 1989 1977 19 65 1953 1941 to to to to to to 0 8:0 8 10:28 12:31 14:35 16:39 18:43 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 20 02 199 0 1978 19 66 1954 1942 generally this is a luck y ye ar for snake s. You will f ind it e asy to get he lp f rom others. Your career is especially good as eve r y thing will go smoothly a nd without any major troubles.

13:19 15:25 17:41 19:45 21:48 23:49 Fe br uar y 4, 20 07 to 19:03 Fe br uar y 4, 1995 to 21:15 Fe br uar y 4, 1983 to 23:29 Fe br uar y 4, 1971 to 1:32 Fe br uar y 4, 1959 to 3:37 Fe br uar y 4, 1947 to 5:41 Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y Fe br uar y 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 20 0 8 199 6 1984 1972 19 6 0 1948

if you have conflict at the beginning of the year then it will continue for the next 12 months. Belief and cherishing your loved one will bring stability to your relationship. Stress will cause digestion, kidney and circulation problems. Sows; be careful of problems with glands and hormones this year.

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