ECWANDC Meeting - October 15, 2012

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Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2012

DWP- Crenshaw Community Room * 4030 Crenshaw Blvd * Los Angeles, CA 90008
Present Excused Unexcused Name Present Excused Unexcused Name Lanz Alexander, Treasurer tardy Mary Jones-Darks X Ronda Brown X Carl Morgan X Karen Caesar X Johnnie Raines X Yvonne Ellett X Jackie Ryan X Lark Galloway-Gilliam X Denise Stansell X Mark Gory X David Winston, Chair X Damien Goodmon, Co-Chair X Jason Lombard X Call to Order & Roll Call: Meeting was called to order at 6:40. A quorum was present Public Comment: Rosalie Preston, Empower LA Region 10, reminded everyone about the Board Election on October 17. The time was changed to Noon until 2PM. More volunteers were needed for the poll. Training would be Wed, 9/19. - Self Declaration would be in place for each voter to determine which area to vote in - Factual Basis can only vote for Chair, Co-Chair and Secretary - Rosalie suggested the Board review the by-laws to tighten up the language for future elections Romero of the Cherrywood Block Club announced their next meeting would be on Election Saturday, 10/17 from 10 a.m. 12 Noon at the Transfiguration Church Parish Hall and would be available for a candidates forum. She commended Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza. Mayor Villaraigosa is seeking at least two Board members to be on the Budget Committee on 11/17. Registration is at 8 a.m. Ralphs at Rodeo/La Brea was approved for its liquor license. It will also have a shuttle at designated times for shoppers. They are still looking at options for where to move the Recycling Center, even though it will be enclosed. Albertsons will be shuttered by 10/28 and is to be replaced by a Superior Market. Councilman Wessons office will be questioned. Trader Joes has expressed interest in District Square (Crenshaw/Exposition). There was a question about Chase Bank signs and mention of a Trader Joes in Leimert Park Village. Again, the Councilmans office will need to answer. The new ECWANDC Board will be sworn in at the 11/3 Town Hall meeting. It was suggested Wesson attend to swear in and welcome the new Board as well as to discuss new issues. There needs to be a formal letter written to his scheduling person with the date, time, and purpose for the request. Station 94 (King/Coliseum) told David we can have meetings there any time we want as long as theres no conflict with Fire Dept. needs. David announced the office space on Stocker was lost and leased to someone else thanks to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (DONE). David said another space might be leased on Crenshaw. DONE promised to process the lease immediately. The Reconstitution of Dorsey and Crenshaw High Schools was removed from the Agenda. Ronda was not in attendance to lead the discussion. Review and Approval of the Meeting Minutes Item:

Discussion Highlights: Action/Follow-up

The September 17, 2012 minutes were reviewed but found to need too many corrections. The minutes were tabled pending review.

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Item: Discussion Highlights:

Homeless encampments in the ECWANDC, West Adams & UNNC Anna Burns of the Cherrywood Block Club withdrew her request for support of the 10 Fwy encampment at Crenshaw since the proposal is going so well within West Adams. Lark gave a brief background on the Leimert Park Village homeless issue. She suggested piggybacking the 10 Fwy project. Jackie explained the Leimert Park Village BID had a roundtable. Clint Rosemond developed a good plan and they had something the homeless population was receptive to. However, there wasnt any money to continue the plan. The ECWANDC also had a task force. Again, no money. We MUST have a monetary commitment before attacking the growing problem. It is not a criminal offense to be homeless so the LAPD cant effect it. Johnnie added the biggest expense is hiring counselors to identify and know the people. He will search through his files for the cost. It was suggested to seek matching funding from the Councilmans office, but Kimani Black (CD10) noted the 10 Fwy project is separate. When Wesson closes the 10 Fwy gateway, what impact will it have on our neighborhoods? Can anyone be transitioned off of the streets? Kimani answered, No one has to not be homeless. Lark said forming relationships works with the homeless population and outreach workers. But requires funding and the project needs a coordinator. Stakeholder, Mr. Phelphs, maintained its a collaborative effort. He advised calling the Mental Health and Substance Abuse organizations on what they do with their Federal dollars. And homeless organizations like LAHSA and PATH. The discussion will continue.

Action/Follow-up Item: Discussion Highlights:

CD10 Update Kimani Black Kimani spoke briefly about CD10 developments. - The Planning Dept hasnt heard anything about Superior Market taking over Albertsons. - Marlton Square is moving in the right direction. Street services is doing clean-up. Lark asked they find a developer with cultural competency and a track record of working and staying in the community. - District Square breaks ground in November. Charles Company (West Hollywood) is the leasing company. Trader Joes and Niketown have expressed interest, but have not signed anything. - The Trader Joes petition for District Square has amassed 4000 signatures and 1500 letteres so far. - Councilman Wesson supports HPOZs. - Kimani reminded everyone to call him when hes needed. And to prioritize so Wesson can help strategize. The board will reach out to stakeholders during the Taste of Soul with questionnaires.

Action/Follow-up Item: Discussion Highlights:

Committee Report: Planning, Land Use, & Beautification LAX/Crenshaw transit corridor update there will be a shell of a station built at Leimert Park Village as a placeholder for a future functioning station. MTA is planning on a Late Fall/Early Winter contract. The Planning Dept. wants stakeholder opinions on what we want at MTA stops. The King, Exposition, La Brea and La Cienega stations will have focus groups. Suggestions include WiFi and newsstand amenities. The Community Plan Update includes a discussion of the Plan at Thursdays, 10/20, SLAANC meeting. On a side note, the very dedicated Faisal Robles has been transferred out of his position and our community. There is a question of whether to reinstate the South LA Task Force from the mid-90s for stakeholders in order to focus on our issues. The LAX Flyaway Shuttle will be operating a bus from the La Brea Expo Line within the next 6 months, even though there isnt any parking

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Item: Discussion Highlights:

Committee Report: Finance Jim Gilliam Halloween Night Celebration funding request: $1321.17 request, which will be matched in staff time For 1000 halloween bags, volunteer tees, food/candy/supplies. There was a brief discussion whether there was enough money considered for food and that maybe the tees should be reconsidered. ECWANDC must be on the tee shirts. Carl motioned to approve the funding. Mary seconded. Vote: Unanimous (Denise recused herself by leaving the room) Lanz has nothing to report. A suggestion was made we create a running tab on all ECWANDC projects whats been funded, what hasnt been funded. We need to prioritize in terms of satisfying the community. The appointment with DONE needs to be rescheduled to find out whats available. David doesnt believe the allocations are still there. The new Board will need to continue funding projects. Lanz suggested applicants reapply for funding. It is in our best interest to press DONE to make good on all payables. He will check on the projects so recommendations can be made on passing funds through the next Board. Johnnie asked what can be purchased on the ECWANDC credit card. David is the card holder.


Discussion Highlights:

Meeting Adjourned at 8:38 pm Minutes as Approved by Board at __ 12_/__1__/_12___ Meeting Signature: _______Yvonne Ellett____________ ECWANDC Recording Secretary

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