130 Grease English

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_______________________________________________________________________ ____________ SECTION 1 - PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION _________ PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: . .

: #130 Grease MANUFACTURER IDENTIFICATION Company Name. . . . . . . : Ingersoll-Rand Co. Address . . . . . . . . . : 510 Hester Drive White House, TN 37188 Telephone . . . . . . . . : 708-333-8900 Emergency Contact . . . . : Customer Service Emergency Telephone . . . : 800-TOOL HLP 800-866-5457 MSDS PRINT DATE . . . . . . : 01/23/2006 ____________________ * EMERGENCY OVERVIEW This product is a semi-solid that is insoluble in water.Direct eye contact may cause minor, short term irritation. Short term skin exposure is not expected to be irritating. Inhalation and ingestion are not anticipated routes of exposure during normal conditions of use. * HMIS Rating: Health- 1 Flammability- 1 Reactivity- 0 PPE- X _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________ SECTION 2 - COMPONENT DATA ______________________ Components listed in this section may contribute to the potential hazards associated with exposure to the concentrate. The product may contain additional non-hazardous or trade-secret components. - Carcinogenic Components: This product contains no carcinogens. - This product contains no components that require reporting by OSHA. _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________ SECTION 3 - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ________________ POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS and SYMPTOMS from SHORT TERM/ACUTE EXPOSURE: - EYE EXPOSURE This product is not expected to cause eye irritation under normal conditions of use. Symptoms of slight eye irritation may result when direct contact occurs, or when exposed to high mist levels in poorly ventilated areas. - SKIN EXPOSURE Short term skin contact is not expected to cause skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated direct exposure to the skin may result in symptoms of irritation and redness. - INHALATION This product has low volatility and so is not expected to cause respiratory tract irritation during normal conditions of use. PRODUCT

NAME: INGERSOLL RAND #130 Grease ----------------------------------------------------------------------Exposure to high mist levels in poorly ventilated areas may cause temporary irritation to the upper respiratory tract. - INGESTION Ingestion may cause slight stomach irritation and discomfort. POTENTIAL CHRONIC HEALTH EFFECTS: No further data known. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: No further data known. CARCINOGENICITY: This product is not listed as a known or suspected carcinogen by IARC, OSHA, or the NTP. _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________ SECTION 4 - FIRST AID MEASURES __________________ EYE CONTACT: Hold eyelids open and flush with a steady, gentle stream of water for at least 15 minutes. If symptoms persist, contact a physician. SKIN CONTACT: Remove product from the skin by washing with a mild soap and water. Contaminated clothing should be removed to prevent prolonged exposure.If product is injected under the skin, seek treatment immediately. If symptoms of exposure persist, contact a physician. INHALATION: If signs or symptoms of overexposure occur, remove the employee to fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. INGESTION: If ingested, dilute stomach contents with two glasses of milk or water. (NOTE: Do NOT give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.) Do not induce vomiting without medical supervision. If vomiting occurs spontaneously, keep airway clear. If symptoms of ingestion persist, seek medical attention. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: No further data known. _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________ SECTION 5 - FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES _______________ FIRE AND EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES: Flashpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 470.0 OEF Flammability Limits . . . . . . . . . : LEL -N/A

PRODUCT NAME: INGERSOLL RAND #130 Grease UEL -N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: In accordance with NFPA guidance, dry chemical, foam, or CO2 fire extinguishers are all acceptable. Note that while water fog extinguishers are also acceptable, do NOT apply a direct stream of water onto burning product because it may cause spreading and increase fire intensity. UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: No further data known. FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT: Emergency responders in the danger area should wear bunker gear and Self-contained breathing apparatus for fires beyond the incipient stage. See Section 8 of the MSDS for other PPE to be worn as conditions warrant. _______________________________________________________________________ ________________ SECTION 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ______________ CLEAN-UP MEASURES: Important: As with any spill or leak, before responding ensure that You are familiar with the potential hazards and recommendations of the MSDS. Appropriate personal protective equipment must be worn. See Section 8 of this MSDS for PPE recommendations. If possible, safely contain the spill with dikes or other spill response equipment appropriate for petroleum or organic material releases. Take measures to prevent spreading of product. Note that while product will ignite it will not readily burn. However, as a precaution eliminate ignition sources. Prevent from entering sewers or waterways. Large volumes may be transferred to an appropriate container for proper disposal. Small volumes or residues may be soaked up with absorbents. Spill response materials should be collected for proper disposal. _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________ SECTION 7 - HANDLING AND STORAGE _________________ HANDLING: As with any industrial chemical, handle the product in a manner that minimizes exposure to practicable levels. Prior to handling, consult Section 8 of this MSDS to evaluate personal protective equipment needs. Open containers slowly to relieve any pressure. Follow all other standard industrial hygiene practices. Empty containers may contain product residue. All safety precautions taken when handling this product should also be taken when handling empty drums and containers. Keep containers closed when not in use. Product residue in empty containers is combustible but will not readily burn. NOTE however, that excessive heating or cutting of empty containers may create an ignition source sufficient to start a fire and in extreme

PRODUCT NAME: INGERSOLL RAND #130 Grease ----------------------------------------------------------------------cases, cause an explosion. STORAGE: Protect product quality by storing indoors and away from extreme temperatures. Close all containers when not in use. SPECIAL COMMENTS: No further data known. _______________________________________________________________________ _________ SECTION 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION __________ PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Selection of personal protective equipment should be based upon the anticipated exposure and made in accordance with OSHA's Personal Protective Equipment Standard found in 29 CFR 1910 Subpart I. The following information may be used to assist in PPE selection. - EYE PROTECTION Wear eye protection appropriate to prevent eye exposure. Where splashing is not likely, chemical safety glasses with side shields are recommended. Where splashing may occur, chemical goggles or full face shield is recommended. - SKIN PROTECTION Gloves are not normally needed during normal conditions of use. If health effects are experienced, oil or chemical resistent gloves such as butyl or nitrile are recommended. Where splashing or soaking is likely, wear oil or chemical resistant clothing to prevent exposure. - RESPIRATORY PROTECTION A respirator may be worn to reduce exposure to vapors, dust, or mist. Select a NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator appropriate for the type and physical character of the airborne material. A selfcontained breathing apparatus is recommended in all situations where airborne contaminant concentration has not been confirmed to be below safe levels. Respirator use should comply with the OSHA Respirator Protection Standard found in 29 CFR 1910.134. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Normal general ventilation is expected to be adequate. It is recommended that ventilation be designed in all instances to maintain airborne concentrations at lowest practicable levels. Ventilation should at a minimum, prevent airborne concentrations from exceeding any exposure limits listed in Section 2 of this MSDS. The user may wish to refer to 29 CFR 1910.1000(d)(2) and the ACGIH

PRODUCT NAME: INGERSOLL RAND #130 Grease ----------------------------------------------------------------------"Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents Biological Exposure Indicies" (Appendix C) for the determination of exposure limits of mixtures. An industrial hygienist or similar professional may be consulted to confirm that the calculated exposure limits apply. _______________________________________________________________________ ______________ SECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ___________ Physical Appearance . . . . . . . . .: Odor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Physical State . . . . . . . . . . . : Water Solubility . . . . . . . . . . : Specific Gravity . . . . . . . . . . : Brown Mild Semi-solid Insoluble .818

_________________ SECTION 10 - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY _______________ INCOMPATIBILITIES: This product is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS MAY INCLUDE: Thermal decomposition products are dependent on combustion conditions. A complex mixture of airborne solid, liquid, particulates and gasses may evolve when the material burns. Combustion byproducts may include: oxides of carbon, incompletely burned hydrocarbons as fumes and smoke. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid contact with incompatible materials and exposure to extreme temperatures. POLYMERIZATION: This product is not expected to polymerize. STABILITY: This product is stable. _______________________________________________________________________ _________________ SECTION 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ______________ EYE EFFECTS: No further toxicological data known. SKIN EFFECTS: No further toxicological data known. ORAL EFFECTS: No further toxicological data known.

PRODUCT NAME: INGERSOLL RAND #130 Grease INHALATION EFFECTS: No further toxicological data known. OTHER: No further data known. _______________________________________________________________________ __________________ SECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ________________ ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: This product has not been evaluated for ecotoxicity. As with any industrial chemical, exposure to the environment should be prevented and minimized wherever possible. ENVIRONMENTAL FATE: The degree of biodegradability and persistence of this product has not been determined. _______________________________________________________________________ __________________ SECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS _______________ WASTE DISPOSAL: Ensure that collection, transport, treatment, and disposal of waste product, containers and rinsate complies with all applicable laws and regulations. Note that use, mixture, processing, or contamination of the product may cause the material to be classified as a hazardous waste. It is the responsibility of the product user or owner to determine at the time of disposal, whether the product is regulated as a hazardous waste.

___________________ SECTION 14 - TRANSPORT INFORMATION ________________ DOT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INFORMATION: * Not otherwise DOT regulated. _______________________________________________________________________ __________________ SECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION ________________ FEDERAL REGULATIONS: SARA 313: This product contains NONE of the substances subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. CERCLA Reportable Quantity: Any components listed below have been assigned a reportable quantity (RQ) by the Federal EPA. Releases of the product into the environment that exceed the RQ for a particular component must be reported to the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802. ___Component____________________________RQ____________ - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *

PRODUCT NAME: INGERSOLL RAND #130 Grease Toxic Substances Control Act: The components of this product are listed on the TSCA Inventory. Ozone Depleting Substances: This product contains no ozone depleting substances as defined by the Clean Air Act. Hazardous Air Pollutants: Any components listed below are defined by the Federal EPA as hazardous air pollutants. ___Component______________________________________ * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * STATE REGULATIONS: No further data known. _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________ SECTION 16 - OTHER INFORMATION __________________ Prepared by . . . . . . . . . . . . : Corporate Regulatory Compliance Date of issue . . . . . . . . . . . : 01/23/2006 Last Revision Date . . . . . . . . : 01/16/2006 C1602915

NOTICE: This MSDS provides a good faith representation of information believed to be accurate as of the last revision date. This document does not create any express or implied product warranties. Since conditions of use are beyond the control of Ingersoll Rand Company, all risks associated with product use are assumed by the user. _______________________________________________________________________

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