HIRA No. 02-Use of Access Scaffolding SBD

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The Development of Shamkha South Infrastructure Works Lot 4

Operation/Task: Location/Area: Item Use of Access Scaffolding South Shamkha Lot 4 Hazards/Risks Identified Falls of Persons Falls of Materials Collapse of Structure Risk Rating

Hazard / Impact Risk Assessment

HIRA No: Method Statement Title: Method Statement No: Control Measures Only authorised personnel will erect, modify or dismantle scaffolding. Competence and certification of erectors will be required and checked. Design drawings will be produced for load-bearing scaffolds and non-standard structures. Lighting arrangements will be referred to local authority for structures on the public highway or right of way. Guardrails and toe-boards removed for access will be replaced after access has been gained. Unused ladder gaps will have boards fitted to close them off. Ties removed for any purpose will be replaced or alternative ties fitted, at once. Debris guards, debris netting and fans will be considered for high-rise scaffolds and those close to public areas. Traffic movements will be restricted around scaffold bases. Excavations adjacent to scaffold bases will be monitored to ensure the stability of the structure is not affected. All scaffolding will be inspected on handover to or from other contractors. After alteration or adverse weather conditions scaffolds must be inspected by management. Working platforms over 2m in height will be inspected every seven days and the results recorded. All scaffold inspections will be carried out by a competent person. Scaffolds will be checked regularly to ensure their correct use and that unauthorised adoptions have not been made. Revision:
Date Issued: Page No:


Activity Use of Access Scaffolding

Residual Risk

Responsibility Operator Operator

4 4 4

5 5 5

20 20 20

4 4 4

2 2 2

8 8 8

Monitoring Responsibility Supervisor Supervisor

SBD SMS SMSP09/F02 Issue No: 01

02 Nov 10 1 of 2

The Development of Shamkha South Infrastructure Works Lot 4

Operation/Task: Location/Area: Item Use of Access Scaffolding South Shamkha Lot 4 Hazards/Risks Identified Risk Rating

Hazard / Impact Risk Assessment

HIRA No: Method Statement Title: Method Statement No: Control Measures Persons erecting scaffolding must be adequately trained. This will normally be verified by production of a Scaffolder Certificate from a recognised training body. Inspections of scaffolding will be carried out only by those trained competent to do so. 02

Activity Use of Access Scaffolding (contd.)

Residual Risk

Responsibility Supervisor

Monitoring Responsibility PM



S = Severity Rating 1. Negligible 2. Minor Injury / Minor Spill / Leak 3. Major Injury (RIDDOR) / Major Spill / Contamination 4. Fatality / Serious Hazardous Release 5. Multiple Fatality / Multiple Catastrophe

L = Likelihood of Occurrence 1. Improbable 2. Remote 1 10% 3. Possible 10 50% 4. Probable 50 90% 5. Almost certain 90%+

5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1 1

RR = Risk Rating 10 15 20 8 12 16 6 9 12 4 6 8 2 3 4 2 3 4 Likelihood

25 20 15 10 5 5


Unacceptable risk, plan out or add further controls Acceptable only if no other method viable and with high level controls in place Acceptable with suitable controls Acceptable, no further action required

HIRA Prepared by (Name): HIRA Approved by (Name):


Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:

SBD SMS SMSP09/F02 Issue No: 01

Revision: Date Issued: Page No:

02 Nov 10 2 of 2

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