Dietz Henry

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Educational History B.A. (English), Miami University (Ohio), 1964 M.A. (Political Science), Indiana University, 1968 Ph.D. (Political Science), Stanford University, 1975 Employment History Instructor, University of Texas at Austin, 1972-1975 Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin, 1975-1979 Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin, 1979-1997 Professor, University of Texas, 1997-present Visiting Scholar, Universidad del Pacifico (Lima, Peru), Centro de Investigaciones, January-August 1982 , summer 1985 Visiting Professor, United States Air Force Academy, 1985-1986. Visiting Scholar, Catholic University (Lima, Peru), summer 1990) Administrative Assignments University of Texas: International Exchange and Studies Committee, 1978-1980 Fulbright Selection Committee, 1978, 1979 (Chair), 1980 (Chair), 1981-1987 Benson Library Faculty Guidance Committee, 1983 University Educational Policy Committee, 1989-1990 Educational Policy Committee, 1988-1990 University Orientation Committee, 1989-1991 Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts, 1993 Presidential Task Force on International Studies, 1994 Presidential Task Force on the establishment of a Center for Urban Studies, 1994 Member, Search Committee, director of Latin American Studies, 2005 Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS): Publications Committee, 1972-1974 Director, Faculty-Student Colloquium, 1973 Steering Committee Member, Urban Studies Group, 1973-1976 Graduate Advisor, 1975-1978, 1980, 2003 - present Graduate Studies Committee, 1975-1977, 1980, 1986, 1988, 1994-present Financial Aid Committee, 1975-1977, 1980, 2004-present Faculty Advisor, Student Conference on Latin America, 1981 Andean Year Steering Committee, 1981 Minority Liaison Officer, 1981 Chair, Andean Studies Committee, 1983 Undergraduate Advisor, 1989 Faculty director, weekly speakers series, 1992

Associate Director, 1995-1997, 2003 - present Chair, Publications Committee, 1995-1997 Departmental: Chairman and Coordinator, Undergraduate Honors Program, 1974-1976 Executive Committee, 1976, 1988, 1991 Financial Aid and Awards Committee, 1978, 1979 (Chair), 1980, 1983, 1986, 2000 Chairman, Comparative Politics Subfield, 1980-1983 Graduate Admissions Committee, 1980-1983, 1991, 1999, 2000 Graduate Advisor, 1984 Temporary Budget Council, 1984 Recruitment Committee, January-August 1984, 1998, 1999, 2000 Acting Chair, 1987 Chair, Peer Teaching Evaluation Committee, 2002, 2003, 2004 Student Activities: Participant in summer orientation sessions, 1976 Faculty sponsor, Puerto Rican Graduate Students in the Social Sciences, 1979-1980 Minority graduate student recruiting trip (Panamerican University), 1978 Minority graduate student recruiting trip (University of Texas at El Paso), 1980 Faculty Sponsor, Peace Corps, 1981 UT Honors Colloquium lecturer, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Numerous campus and dormitory presentations and discussions Other (including public service outside of university): Peace Corps Volunteer in Peru, 1964-1966 Evaluator, Fulbright applications in Washington, 1973, 1975 Consultant for Peace Corps Training Program, 1971 Speaker, Pan-American Student Forum Convention, 1976 Speaker, Latin American Culture Studies Workshop (University of Texas at Austin), Summer 1976 Guest Lecturer, Foreign Service Institute (Washington, State Department), 1977, 1978 Invited by Department of State to brief Edwin Corr, Ambassador to Peru, October 1980 Keynote Speaker, Phi Sigma Iota Symposium, Southwest Texas State, March 1981 Consultant to the Inter-American Foundation, Washington (on-going) Consultant to Chemical Bank of New York, Corporate Social Policy Division, 1988-1989 Chairman, Comparative Politics Section, Southwest Political Science Association Meetings, Fort Worth, 1990 Guest lecturer, University of Guadalajara, on higher education in the United States and Mexico, May 1993. Evaluator, National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, 1994 Awards President's Associates' Award for Teaching Excellence ($5000), 1982 President's Associates' Award for Teaching Excellence ($5000), 1993 Texas Excellence Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts ($1000), 1996 Jean Holloway Teaching Excellence Award ($4000), 1997 Eyes of Texas Excellence Award for contributions to student life, 1997 Academy of Distinguished Teachers, University of Texas, 1999

Texas Orange Blazers Faculty Excellence Award, 2000 Friar Centennial Teaching Fellowship Award, 2006 Hoover Institute (Stanford University), first prize for best journal article on Latin American politics ($1000), 1986; awarded for "Political Participation in Barriadas: A Reexamination and Extension" Research Grants Field work in Peru: 1975, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Field work in Chile, 1990; Venezuela, 1992, 2003; Colombia, 2003 Ford-Rockefeller Foundation's Program in Support of Social Science Research on Population Policy (Grant RF-73070), 1972 University Research Institute (U.T.) Research Grants, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1992 American Philosophical Society Grant, 1975, 1980, 1993 Institute of Latin American Studies (U.T.), Summer Grant, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1981, 1985, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Fellow, Tinker Foundation, 1982 Policy Research Institute (U.T.), 1985 Hogg Foundation (U.T.), 1985 National Science Foundation Grant #SES870-9418, 1987-1990, with Edward Muller and others ($125,000). Renewed, 1990-1992. Heinz Foundation Research grant, Pittsburgh, 1990: ($20,000) FRA (Faculty Research Assignment) sabbatical leave, Spring 1993. Membership in Professional Associations (including offices held) American Political Science Association Latin American Studies Association Parliamentarian, 1994 - 1999 Bryce Wood Book Award Committee, 1994 Section chair, Politics and Public Policy, 1997 Congress Southwest Conference on Latin American Studies Vice-President 1978, President 1979 International Political Science Association Board of Editors, National Journal of Sociology Editorial Board, Poltica (University of Chile, Santiago) Associate Editor, Latin American Research Review, 2002-2007 Courses Taught Undergraduate: United States Urban Politics Poverty and Politics Introduction to Latin American Politics Latin American Urban Politics Poverty and Politics in the Western Hemisphere Civil-Military Relations in Latin America Comparative Politics


Political Analysis Key Issues and Ideas in Latin America Parties, Elections, and Democracy in Latin America Democracy and Democratization in Latin America Social and Political Violence in Latin America Poverty and Inequality in Latin America: Facts, First-Hand, and Fiction Graduate: Comparative Political Methodology Latin American Urban Politics Latin American Politics: Advanced Topics Development and Dependency I have supervised 25 PhD dissertations and approximately 180 MA theses/reports. Since 1990 I have supervised approximately 45 undergraduate theses. Books Published: POVERTY AND PROBLEM-SOLVING UNDER MILITARY RULE: THE URBAN POOR IN PERU. Austin: The University of Texas Press, 1980. POBREZA Y PARTICIPACION POLITICA BAJO UN REGIMEN MILITAR. Lima: Universidad del Pacifico, 1986. ETHNICITY, INTEGRATION, AND THE MILITARY. Co-editor with Jerrold Elkin and Maurice Roumani. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1991. URBAN ELECTIONS IN DEMOCRATIC LATIN AMERICA. Co-editor with Gil Shidlo. Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 1998. URBAN POVERTY, POLITICAL PARTICIPATION, AND THE IRRELEVANT STATE: LIMA, PERU 1970-1990. University of Pittsburgh, 1998. POBREZA URBANA, PARTICIPACION POLITICA Y POLITICA ESTATAL: LIMA 19701990. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Catolica, 2000. CAPITAL CITY POLITICS IN LATIN AMERICA. Co-author and co-editor with David Myers. Boulder CO: Lynne Reinner 2002. Monographs: WHO, HOW, AND WHY: RURAL MIGRATION TO LIMA (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Center for International Studies, Migration and Development Group, April 1976). Pp. 42. SOME MODES OF PARTICIPATION IN A NON-ELECTORAL SETTING: THE POBLADOR IN LIMA, PERU (Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Latin American Monograph Series, 1979) with R. Moore. Pp. 102. PERSPECTIVAS DE LA OPCION PUBLICA EN MOVILIZACION ELECTORAL: DATOS A TRAVES DE REGIMENES EN EL PERU. Lima: Universidad del Pacifico, 1988. Pp. 72. LIMA,

Chapters in Books: "Metropolitan Lima: Urban Problem-Solving under Military Rule," Chapter 7 in METROPOLITAN PROBLEMS AND GOVERNMENTAL RESPONSE IN LATIN AMERICA, Vol. 6, W. Cornelius and R. Van Kemper (eds.), (Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, Latin American Urban Research, 1978). "Bureaucratic Demand-making and Clientelistic Participation in Lima, Peru," in AUTHORITARIANISM AND CORPORATISM IN LATIN AMERICA, J. Malloy (ed.), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1977), pp. 413-458. "Some Local-level Structural Determinants of Differential Participation Among Migrants", in THE URBAN IMPACT OF INTERNAL MIGRATION, J. White (ed.), (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina, Institute for Research in Social Sciences, 1979). "Citizen Participation under Innovative Military Corporatism in Peru," in THE CITIZEN AND THE STATE: POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN LATIN AMERICA, J. Booth and M. Seligson (eds.), (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1978), with D. S. Palmer. "Mobilization, Austerity, and Voting: The Legacy of the Revolution for Lima's Poor," in POST-REVOLUTIONARY PERU: THE POLITICS OF TRANSFORMATION, S. Gorman (ed.), (Boulder, Colorado: Westview, 1982). "Peru," in THE WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF POLITICAL SYSTEMS AND PARTIES. (New York: Facts on File, 1983). Updated and revised for second edition, 1986. "Sendero Luminoso as a Revolutionary Movement" in Robert Slater and Barry Schutz, eds., REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS IN THE THIRD WORLD. Boulder CO: Lynn Reinner, 1990, pp. 117139. "The Military as a Vehicle for Social Integration", pp, 1-26 in Dietz, Elkin, and Roumani, eds., ETHNICITY, INTEGRATION, AND THE MILITARY. Boulder CO: Westview, 1991 (with Jerrold Elkin and Maurice Roumani). "Conclusions", pp. 209-227 in Dietz, Elkin, and Roumani, eds., ETHNICITY, INTEGRATION, AND THE MILITARY. Boulder CO: Westview 1991. "Elites in an Unconsolidated Democracy: Peru During the 1980s", in John Higley and Richard Guenther, eds., ELITES AND DEMOCRATIC CONSOLIDATION IN LATIN AMERICA AND SOUTHERN EUROPE. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991. "Left-Right Ideology and Collective Political Action: A Comparative Analysis of Germany, Israel, and Peru", pp. 63-95 in J. Craig Jenkins and Bert Klandermans, eds., THE POLITICS OF SOCIAL PROTEST: COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES ON STATES AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS. Minneaoplis MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1995 (with Edward Muller, Steven Finkel, Karl-Dieter Opp, and Gadi Wolfsfeld).

"Clases sociales urbanas y comportamiento electoral en Lima: Un analisis de datos agregados", pp. 251-276 in Fernando Tuesta S. ed., ELECCIONES, PARTIDOS, Y OPINION PUBLICA EN EL NUEVO PERU. Lima: Fundacin Ebert, 1996 (with William Dugan). "Urban Elections in Peru, 1980-1995", pp. 199-224 in Henry Dietz and Gil Shidlo, eds., URBAN ELECTIONS IN DEMOCRATIC LATIN AMERICA. Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 1998. Peru. ENCLYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA Yearbook. 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. Fujimori and the Mayors of Lima, 1990-2001: The Impact and Legacy of Neo-Populist Rule, pp. 61-80 in Julio Carrion, ed., THE FUJIMORI LEGACY: THE RISE AND FALL OF ELECTORAL AUTHORITARIANISM IN PERU. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006. With Rob Barr. Articles: "Urban Squatter Settlements in Peru: A Case History and Analysis," in Journal of Inter-American Studies 9 (3): 353-370, July 1969. "Some Notes on the Teaching of Latin American Politics in the United States," in Teaching Political Science 1 (1): 83-87, October 1973, with A. Lowenthal. "Urbanizacion, formulacion de demandas y sobrecarga del sistema politico," in EURE (Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales, Santiago, Chile), 5 (13): 9-46, June 1976, with W. Cornelius. "Political Participation by the Urban Poor in an Authoritarian Context: The Case of Lima, Peru," in Journal of Political and Military Sociology 5 (1): 63-77, Spring 1977. Reprinted in Parties, Elections, and Political Participation in Latin America, Jorge Dominguez, editor. Hamden CN: Garland Publishing. "Micro-politicas comparativas urbanas: dos tipos de comunidades de ingresos bajos en Lima, Peru," in Discusion Antropologica #3 (Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos), October 1977. "Problems urbanas y reacciones politicas gubermentales para Lima metropolitana," in Revista Interamericana de Planificacion (Buenos Aires), XI (41): 90-111, September 1977. "La migracion rural a Lima: Quien, como, y por que," in Estudios Andinos (Lima: Universidad del Pacifico) VII (13): 61-85, December 1977. "Urban Poverty, Participation, and Authoritarian Rule: Further Data from Latin America," Social Science Quarterly, 59 (1), June 1978. "Land Invasion and Consolidation: A Study of Working Poor - Governmental Relations in Lima, Peru," in Urban Anthropology 6 (4): 371-385, December 1977.

"Squatter Policies and Politics: Divergent Examples from Brazil and Peru," International Journal for Housing Science IV (1): 59-69, 1980. "Movilizacion, austeridad y votacion en el Peru," in Socialismo y Participacion, 18: 53-74, June 1982. "Militarization in Latin America," Inter-American Economic Affairs 38, 2 (Summer 1984): 44-64 (with Karl Schmitt). Reprinted in PATHS TO PEACE IN LATIN AMERICA, Thomas Hynes, ed. Chicago: NTC Contemporary Issues Series, 1987. "Political Participation in the Barriadas: A Re-examination and Extension." Comparative Political Studies 18, 3 (October 1985), pp. 323-356. "Participacion politica en distritos de bajo ingreso de Lima Metropolitana," Apuntes (Lima), Fall 1985. "Aspects of Peruvian Politics: Electoral Politics in Peru, 1978-1986" Journal of Inter-American and World Affairs, 28, 4 (Winter 1986-87), pp. 139-164. "An Empirical Analysis of Preferences in the 1983 Peruvian Mayoral Election." American Journal of Political Science, 31, 2 (May 1987), pp. 281-295. With Michael Goodman. "Further Data on Political Participation in the Barriadas: A Research Note." Comparative Political Studies, 22, 1 (April 1989), pp. 122-140. "Rational Choice Perspectives on Modes of Participation," National Journal of Sociology, 4, 1 (Spring 1990), pp. 5-44. "Peru's Sendero Luminoso as a Revolutionary Movement." Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 18, 1 (Summer 1990), pp. 123-150. "Discontent and the Expected Utility of Rebellion: The Case of Peru." American Political Science Review. 85, 4 (December 1991), pp. 1261-1282. With Edward Muller and Steven Finkel. "Dimensions of Political Action: A Cross-Cultural Approach." Social Science Quarterly, March 1994. With Gadi Wolfsfeld and Karl-Dieter Opp. "Recent Scholarship on Peru: A Review Essay." Latin American Research Review, 33, 2 (1998), pp. 197-206. El proceso del colapso de sistemas de partidos: una comparacin entre Per y Venezuela. Caracas: Cuadernos CENDES, vol. 51 (2002), pp. 3-31. Also published in Lima: Pontifcia Universidad Catlica, Debates en Sociologia, vol. 26 (2003), 193-225. From Thaw to Deluge: Party System Collapse in Venezuela and Peru Latin American Politics and Society, forthcoming 2007. With David Myers.

Participation in Professional Meetings, Conferences and Symposia: Who, How, and Why: Rural-Urban Migration to and within Lima," MIT Conference on Recent Research on Cityward Migration, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 1971. "Urbanization, Demand-making and Political System Overload: Political Participation Among the Migrant Poor in Latin American Cities," American Political Science Association Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1973, with W. Cornelius. "Migrants and Squatters: Rural-Lima and Intra-Lima Migration to the Pueblos Jovenes in Lima, Peru," University of Texas Conference on New Directions of Urban Research in Latin America, Austin, Texas, May 1974. "Some Modes of Participation in an Authoritarian Regime," American Political Science Association Meetings, San Francisco, September 1975. "Some Local-level Structural Determinants of Differential Participation Among Migrants," University of North Carolina Seminar on the Urban Impact on Internal Migration, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, November 1975. "Comparative Micro Urban Politics: Two Low-income Neighborhood Types in Lima, Peru," International Studies Association Meetings/West San Francisco, April 1976. "Citizen Participation Under Innovative Military Corporatism in Peru," Seminar on the Faces of Participation in Latin America: A New Look at Citizen Action in Society, University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, November 1978, with D. S. Palmer. "Some Modes of Participation in a Non-electoral Setting: The Poblador in Lima, Peru," University of Texas Conference on the Political Economy of the Sunbelt Cities, Austin, Texas, January 1977. Discussant, panel on "The Peruvian Revolution, 1968-1977: A Reassessment," National Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Houston, Texas, November 1977. Discussant, panel on "The Public Sector in Latin America," Annual Meeting of the Southwest Conference on Latin American Studies, College Station, Texas, February 1978. "Bureaucrat-Client Interactions as Politics: Expectation and Perceptions by the Urban Poor in an Authoritarian Context," American Political Science Association Meetings, New York, New York, September 1978. "Squatter Policies and Politics from Peru and Brazil," paper delivered at International Housing Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, December 1979. "Reaching the Poorest of the Poor: The Role of Local Elites on Poverty Programs," member of roundtable, American Political Science Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., September 1980. "The IMF from the Bottom Up: Social Impacts of Stabilization Policies in Lima, Peru," National Meeting at the Latin American Studies Association, Bloomington, Indiana, October 1980.

"Lima, 1978 and 1980: Poverty and Voting Behavior in Three Elections," Meeting of the Southwest Council on Latin American Studies, Arlington, Texas, March 1981. "Poverty and the Rationale for Leftist Voting," Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Memphis, October 1981. Panel chair, Poverty and Politics: Comparative Perspectives, Southern Political Science Association, Memphis, October 1981. Discussant, International Seminar on Comparative Latin American Political Economies, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru, March 1982. Discussant, Seminar on Municipal Government Since 1980, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru, April 1982. Discussant, Population and Development Policies, Universidad Catolica, Lima, Peru, July 1982. Panel chair, Symposium on Urban Sociology, First National Congress of Sociology, Huacho, Peru, May 1982. "El impacto de la politica exterior de los Estados Unidos sobre la consolidacion de regimenes democraticas en epocas post-autoritarianos," ("The Impact of U.S. Foreign Policy on the Consolidation of Democratic Regimes in Post-Authoritarian Periods"), speech delivered at the Symposium on the Determinants of U.S. Foreign Policy, Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru, May 20, 1982. "National Recovery versus Individual Stagnation," 44th International Congress of Americanists, University of Manchester, Manchester, England, September 5-10, 1982. "Urban Poverty and Post-Authoritarian Consolidation: The Case of Peru," meeting of the International Political Science Association, Rio de Janeiro, August 1982. "Electoral Behavior and Urban Poverty," Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, 1983. "A Rational Choice Perspective on Political Behavior and Regime Change," Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Mexico City, 1983. Panel chair, The Political Economy of Contemporary Peru, Latin American Studies Association, Mexico City, 1983. "Militarization in Latin America: Potentials for Reduction," Slick Conference on Third World Militarization, LBJ School of Public Affairs, March 1984 (with Karl Schmitt). "Rational Choice Perspectives on Modes of Participation: Longitudinal Data Across Regime Types in the Third World," Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., August 1984. "Public Choice Perspectives on Electoral Mobilization", Latin American Studies Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April, 1985.


"An Empirical Analysis of Preferences in the 1983 Peruvian Mayoral Election", Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies, Estes Park, April 1986. "Electoral Behavior and Economic Hardship," Latin American Studies Association, Boston, Mass, October 1986. "The Impact of Economic Stress on Urban Voting Patterns in Peru." Presented at the symposium on Democracy and Violence in Latin America, University of Miami, October 1986. "Rent Seeking, Rent Avoidance, and Informality: An Analysis of Third World Housing." Paper presented at Conference on Land and Housing Markets in Latin American Cities, University of California, San Diego, 7-9 April 1986. "Voting Patterns Among the Urban Poor in 1985 and 1986 in Peru." Presented at the Latin American Studies Association Meeting, New Orleans, March 1988. "Sendero Luminoso: Its Generalizabilities and Idiosyncracies." Presented in Washington D.C. at the Conference on Revolutionary Change in the Third World, Defense Intelligence College, June 1988. "Rent-Seeking and Informal Housing." Presented at the International Congress of Americanists, Amsterdam, July 1988. Panelist and discussant at Conference on Debt and Democracy in Latin America. Washington, D.C., October 1988. "The Structure of Political Action: A Cross-Cultural Analysis," with Gadi Wolfsfeld, Karl-Dieter Opp, and Jerrold Green. Presented at the Meetings of the International Society of Political Psychology, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 1989. "Public Choice Perspectives on Electoral Mobilization Across Regimes." Presented at the Latin American Studies Association Meetings, Miami, December 1989. "Relative Deprivation, Rational Action, and Rebellion," with Edward Muller and Steven Finkel. Presented at the American Political Science Association Meetings, Atlanta, August 1989. "Discontent and the Expected Utility of Rebellion in Peru," with Edward Muller and Steven Finkel. Presented at the 1990 Meetings of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, August 1990. "Fujimori's Peru." Guest speaker, Defense Intelligence College, Washington, DC, October 1990. "Economic Crisis, Urban Poverty and Electoral Behavior: A Theoretical Prolegomen." Presented at the Conference on Urban Poverty in Latin America, Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, Washington DC, December 1990. "Some Political Ramifications of Urban Informality in Lima, Peru." Presented at the Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, April 1991.


"Electoral Behavior under Sustained Economic Crisis: The Urban Informal Sector in Lima, Peru." Presented at the Meetings of the International Political Science Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 1991. "Sartori's Models of Voter Decision-Making: An Empirical Test Using Third World Data." Presented at the 1991 Meetings of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC, August 1991. Roundtable leader on South America, United States Military Academy Assembly on United States Affairs, November 1991. "Who Protests? Some Social and Psychological Correlates of Illegal Protest Behavior in Peru." Presented at the 1992 Meetings of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Austin TX, March 1992. Guest speaker, United States Air Force Academy, April 1992. "Creating a Sense of Community." Presented at the Symposium on "Dwelling" at the University of Texas School of Architecture, Austin TX, April 1992. One of four panelists at symposia on Peru, held at the Council on Foreign Relations, NY, April 1992; also March 1993. "A Profile of a Protestor: Empirical Data from Peru." Presented at the 1992 Meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, Los Angeles CA, September 1992. "Latin America and the United States in the 1990s". Panelist and roundtable leader, United States Air Force Academy, February 1993. "The Future of Democracy in Peru." Panel discussant, Washington DC, November 1993. "Latin America in the New World Order." Roundtable leader, United States Military Academy, November 1993. "The Fujimori Regime in Peru." Guest speaker, Fort Bragg, November 1993. "Longitudinal Voting Patterns in Three Latin American Cities: Lima, Santiago, and Caracas." Presented at the Meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, Atlanta GA, March 1994. "Rural-Urban Migration and National Security Concerns in Contemporary Peru." Guest speaker, Fort Bragg, May 1994. "The Future of Democracy in Latin America". Talk presented in the Distinguished Speakers Series, Miami University (Ohio), February 1995. "Democracy: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". Invited talk for the Department of Political Science, Texas Christian University, March 1995.

"Urban Social Classes and Voting Behavior in Lima: An Aggregate Data Analysis". Presented at the Meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington DC, September 1995. "Democratization and Civil-Military Relations in Latin America." Symposium at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, December 1995. "What's Rational Behavior? A Longitudinal Approach to Poverty and Political Participation." Invited lecture, Northern Illinois University, February 1996. "Not All Insurgencies are Alike: The Shining Path and the MRTA in Peru." Invited lecture, New Mexico State University, 2 April 1997. "The Mayor and the City: National-Local Tensions in Lima, Peru". Presented at the 1997 Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, April 1997, Guadalajara, Mexico. "Addressing the Past: Human Rights and Democratic Consolidation in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile". Presented at Symposium on Kwangju Uprising of 18 May 1980 held in May 1997, Seoul, South Korea. Sponsored by Korean Political Science Association. Talk on same subject also presented at Chonnam University (Kwangju) and Ajou University (Suwon). "Neoliberalism, Inequality, and Democratization in Latin America." Talk presented at Sogang University (Seoul), Ewha Women's University (Seoul), Inha University (Inchon), and Seoul National University, May 1997. "Capital City Mayors and National Executives: The Case of Lima, Peru." Paper presented at 1998 Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, September 1998, Chicago. Municipal Empowerment and Latin Americas Tradition of Centralism: Preference Conflict in Shaping the Office of the Capital City Mayor. Presented at the 1999 Meetings of the American Political Science Association, September 1999, Atlanta. Peru as a Persistent Illiberal democracy. Presented at a conference on Illiberal Democracies in Latin America, Washington DC, February 2000. Fujimori and the Urban Working Class. Presented at the 2000 Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, March 2000, Miami. Party System Collapse and Political Regime Change: Peru and Venezuela Compared. Presented at the 2001 Meetings of the Mid-West Political Science Association, Chicago, April 2001. The Process of Party System Collapse: Peru and Venezuela Compared. Presented at the 2001 Meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, Washngton DC, September 2001. Political Party System Collapse and Political Regime Change: Peru and Venezuela Compared. With David Myers. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago, April 2001. Collapse of the Political Party Systems in Peru and Venezuela. With David Myers. Presented at the Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington DC, September 2001.


Fujimori and the Mayors of Lima: The Legacy of Neo-Populist Rule. With Rob Barr. Presented at the Conference on The Fujimori Legacy, Carnegie Endowment and the North-South Center, Washington DC, March 2002. Invited speaker at a conference on Crises in Latin America: Challenge and Response, for the National War College Alumni Association held at Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio TX, 11 April 2002. Political Party System Collapse: Prolegomenon to a Theoretical Approach. American Political Science Association Meetings, Boston MA August 2002. Presentation of Capital City Politics in Latin America at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington DC, 1 November 2002. From Thaw to Deluge: The Process of Abrupt Party System Change. American Political Science Association Meetings, Philadelphia PA August 2003. Peru. Lecture for the Houston Seminar series Past as Prelude: The Future of South America.: Houston TX:, 19 April 2004. Municipal-Level Electoral Politics and Their Challenges in Latin America. Paper presented at the Workshop on Urban Governance in Global Perspective, University of Southern California, 1718 September 2004. Poverty and Democracy in Latin America: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Sidore Lecture Series, Plymouth State University, Plymouth NH, 23 September 2004. Moderator, Civil Society in the Americas: The Missing Link Between the Private and Public Sectors, held as part of the Americas Project at the James Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, Houston TX, 2 October 2004. Party System Collapse, the Extreme Case of Party System Change: Data from Peru and Venezuela. Paper presented at the International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, :Las Vegas NV, 7-10 October 2004. Panelist, Perspectives on Democracy. Sponsored by Plan II and the College of Liberal Arts, the University of Texas, Dallas TX, 27 February 2005. Panelist at the Conference on Local Governance and the Creation of Spaces for Civic Action, sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson Center, the Inter-American Foundation, and the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, 8 March 2005. Panelist, The Metropolitan Question: Governance and Decentralizatiin in the Americas. Sponsored by the University of Texas, the LBJ School of Public Affairs. et al., 31 March-2 April 2005, Austin TX. Panelist, LBJ and Latin America. Symposium for the publication by the Department of State of Foreign Relations of the United States 1964-1968: South and Central America. The LBJ Library, Austin TX, 15 April 2005.


The Political Ecology of Voting in Metropolitan Lima. Paper presented at the Phase II Conference sponsored by the International Metropolitan Observatory, Bordeaux, France, May 2005. Discussant, Conference on Spatial Differentiation and Governance in the Americas. University of Texas, Austin 17-19 November 2005. From Thaw to Deluge: The Process of Abrupt Party System Collapse. Paper presented at the International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association,. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 16 March 2006. David Myers, co-author. Panelist and moderator of panel. Approximately one hundred book reviews have appeared in various journals, including the following: American Political Science Review Journal of Politics Social Science Quarterly Perspectives Journal of the Developing Areas Hispanic-American Historical Review Latin American Research Review Qualitative Sociology I have acted as book-length manuscript reviewer for the following presses: Cambridge University Press Harvard University Houghton-Mifflin Little Brown and Company Oxford University Press Peacock Publishers Princeton University Simon and Schuster State University of New York Temple University University of Texas University of Kentucky University of California University of Pennsylvania Penn State University Press University of Miami University of Florida

I have acted as referee for the following journals: American Political Science Review Journal of Politics Social Science Quarterly Latin American Research Review Comparative Politics Amricas Comparative Political Studies Journal of Political and Military Sociology Western Political Quarterly Latin American Research Review Human Organization

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