Amendment 64 121712 Taskforce

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December 17, 2012

Topic Welcome and Introductions Objectives, Expectations, and Guidelines Issue Identification Start 12:00 Finish 12:20 Owner Task Force Co-Chairs Jack Finlaw and Barbara Brohl Jack Finlaw and Barbara Brohl Facilitator and Task Force Members General Public





Public Comment




Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force

Ex. Director of the Dept. of Revenue

Barbara Brohl

Governors Chief Legal Counsel

Jack Finlaw

State Legislator Appointed by Speaker

State Legislator Appointed by Senate President Cheri Jahn Amendment 64 Campaign

State Legislator Appointed by House Minority Leader Dan Nordberg MMJ Dispensary and Cultivation Industry

State Legislator Appointed by Senate Minority Leader Vicki Marble Marijuana Consumers

Department of Public Health & Environment

Department of Public Safety

Dan Pabon

Dr. Chris Urbina DU Law Professor

James Davis Dept. of Revenue Enforcement

Commissioner of Agriculture

John Salazar Physician with Treatment Experience Dr. Christian Thurstone Colorado Counties, Inc.

Christian Sederberg CO Criminal and Juvenile Justice Commission

Meg Sanders Colorado District Attorneys Council Larry Abrahamson Colorado Employees

Craig Small

Sam Kamin Attorney Generals Office

Ron Kammerzell Colorado Municipal League

Colorado Public Defenders

Charles Garcia Colorado Business Community

Brian Connors At-large member, not a resident of the Denver-metro area Daniel Zook

David Blake

Kevin Bommer

Task Force PIO Mark Couch Task Force Secretary Brandon Friede

Eric Bergman

Tamra Ward

Mike Cerbo


We will facilitate this meeting and we will take minutes. This is an open public meeting. Time for public comment will be provided at the end of the meeting Show respect to others at all times. Silence devices and cell phones. We have a specific focus on identifying legal and policy issues related to the implementation of Amendment 64. We are not here to discuss the merits of the amendment. We will have open public comment. The time allowed for this will depend on the time remaining after the completion of the taskforce agenda.
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The purpose of the Task Force is to find practical and pragmatic solutions to the challenges of implementing Amendment 64, while at all times respecting the diverse perspectives that each member will bring to the work of the Task Force. The Task Force shall respect the will of the voters of Colorado and shall not engage in a debate of the merits of marijuana legalization or Amendment 64. The Task Force has the following authority: Identify the legal, policy and procedural issues that need to be resolved, and to offer suggestions and proposals for legislative, regulatory and executive actions to be taken. Develop a comprehensive framework and timeline for legislation and regulations needed to implement Amendment 64. Hold hearings and take testimony regarding the policy, legal and procedural issues that need to be resolved related to the legalization and recreational use of marijuana. Participate in work groups as necessary. Review related state laws and regulations, and make recommendations for changes to all applicable laws and regulations.
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Share the implementation process and the outcomes expected from the Task Force Share the Task Force Work Group structure Identify key implementation issues for each Task Force Work Group


Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force


The Outcome: We expect this Task Force to produce implementation recommendations by the end of February for consideration by the Governor, the General Assembly and the Attorney General. The Process:
The Outcome will be accomplished through five Work Groups that will produce specific recommendations within their subject areas. Task Force members will be assigned to one or more Work Groups. We will offer a selection process through an electronic survey you will receive this week but the Task Force co-chairs, in consultation with the Work Group leads, will make final Work Group assignments. Work Groups will be led by two designated leads. Work Groups will include Task Force members and other subject matter experts appointed by the Task Force cochairs in consultation with the Work Group leads. Work Groups will share their recommendations with the Task Force where the recommendations will be discussed and be subject to approval.


Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force



Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force


Goal: Make the regulatory framework efficient, feasible and effective Key Tasks:
Identify the best framework for legislative construction and consider: Liquor Code MMED Code Other States (Washington, etc.) Examine blending of existing MMED statutes with recreational MJ Identify critical regulatory issues Identify a timeline, framework and priorities Find balance between appropriate and adequate control and being overly burdensome on the industry

Identified Issues
1. Identify a regulatory framework and

classifications for other uses besides consumption (e.g., hemp). 2. Identify the extent of the Department of Revenues enforcement and regulatory powers. 3. Consider whether tracking mechanisms are needed for recreational purchasers and users. 4. Do we need a temporary regulatory scheme between now and January 2014? 5. Consider establishing state operated recreational marijuana dispensaries . 6. Establish rules and regulations for the transportation of marijuana by growers, retail operations and purchasers.

Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force


Goal: Ensure efficient interaction among state and local licensing authorities Key Tasks:
Identify licensing and compliance processes needed at the state and local level to enhance coordination and cooperative interaction among licensing authorities Identify resource issues at the state and local levels Clearly define roles and responsibilities at each level Identify best practices for effective communication and interaction between state and local regulators Address local authority to opt out or prohibit recreational marijuana shops from operating

Identified Issues 1. What type of licensing regime is appropriate consider alcohol and medical marijuana models. 2. Can local authorities act independently in use and consumption regulations under a state framework? 3. Should there be different classes of state and local licensing depending on type of operation (consumption, retail, grow, etc.)?



Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force


Goal: Address tax issues, identify sources of funds to support a regulatory and enforcement structure and focus on employer/employee issues

Identified Issues 1.Must the General Assembly enact an excise tax on recreational marijuana and, if so, is it bound by the terms of Amendment 64 since the new tax would be subject to a vote of the people? Must a tax referred measure go to the voters in November 2013? 2. How do state regulatory agencies fund the regulatory and enforcement tools needed to oversee the regulation of recreational marijuana in light of lack of funding for MMED? 3. Address the industrys banking issues consider creating a state financial institution for the industry? 4. Address employment issues such as rules related to drug-free work places, issues related to hiring and termination for legal use outside of the workplace, testing issues, federal rules and contract requirement and questions related to unemployment and workers comp insurance.

Key Tasks:
Address constitutionality and other legal issues of Amendment 64s excise tax directives to the General Assembly Identify all other tax collection/revenue generation issues Identify impact of Amendment 64 on employment in the public and private sectors Explore testing issues beyond employment context Identify potential sources of revenue for funding requirements at state and local levels Examine fee and tax structures to support regulation and enforcement



Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force


Goal: Address the impacts of recreational marijuana legalization on DUI statutes and other existing criminal statutes and on time, place and manner restrictions Key Tasks: Review standards for impairment and probable cause Identify required changes to existing criminal statutes where they conflict with Amendment 64 Consider new criminal violations not currently contemplated Examine Federal preemption issues Identified Issues
1.Interim issues related to fact that possession and use is now lawful but no legal purchases and sales will occur until January 2014 2.DUID per se vs. permissive inference concept endorsed by the CCJJ, open container rules and testing issues 3.Need to clarify when and where consumption of marijuana is open and public and therefore not permitted. 4.How do we define use of marijuana in a manner that endangers others, which is not permitted by Amendment 64. 5.Probable cause and reasonable suspicion issues related to permissive search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment, both in homes and automobiles. 6.How might legalization of recreational use/possession and home grow impact human services determinations in child abuse and neglect cases. 7.Identify possible interstate outcomes with the possession, sale and transportation of marijuana. 8.Look at potential outcomes if/when the Department of Justice intervenes.



Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force


Goal: Address social and public health issues related to the legalization of marijuana including the need for substance abuse programs, restrictions on the promotion, advertising and sale of marijuana to shield minors and product safety and quality issues particularly related to infused products

Identified Issues 1. What specific steps can the state and local governments take to prevent the possession and use of marijuana by those under the age of 21? 2. Address potency issues between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana.

Key Tasks:
Identify substance abuse and prevention

needs Develop product standards, testing and labeling requirements Propose restrictions on the promotion, advertising and sale of marijuana to protect those under age 21 Identify other public health and social issues



Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force

Each person will have approximately 2 minutes. We will be keeping strict time keeping to ensure everyone who wishes may have a chance to speak Please be polite and do not interrupt others. Please note that you may not give your 2 minutes to another person.



Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force

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