Human Geography

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Biyani's Think Tank

Concept based notes

Human Geography
Paper IV(Geography-II)
(BA Part-II))

Lecturer Deptt. of Arts Biyani Girls College, Jaipur

Mr Joy Gardner

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Think Tanks Biyani Group of Colleges

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Introduction to Human Geography

Que.1 . Describe Nature scopes and Approaches of Human Geography. Also give a brief account of different schools of Human Geography. Ans. Human Geography: - Nature, Scope, Schools & Approaches. Human Geography: - The study of man and his adjustments to natural environment is known as human geography. Man has moduled his habitats and life style according to his physical surrounding natural endowments. The impact of environment on man & his adaptations to physical environment. Have been emphasized by the Greek, Roman & Arab Scholars. Basic of Geographical Environment.

Physical Environment of the habitat Location Topography Drainage Climate Soils Minerals Natural Vegetation

Culture Language Religion Technology Social organization. Economic Institution Political System Total Geographical Environment

Scope of Human Geography: - The scope of human geography is enormous. In this we study the influence of physical environment on the economic activity, society, culture and religion of the people of a region.

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Human Geography v/s Human Ecology Concept of human ecology was put forward by American Geographers who believed in social Darwinism. H.H. Barrows declared that human geography is human ecology in 1923.

Central Idea: - Man likes plants and animals have to struggle in his physical environment and in this process of struggle the weaker gets eliminated.

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Schools of human Geography:-

Two main schools of Human Geog.

(i) Determinism (ii)Possibilism(ManisanActive agent) EnvironmentalDeterminism (ManPassiveAgent,EnvironmentActiveAgent) (iii)NeoDeterminism(stopandGoDeterminism) Determinism or environmental determinism: The philosophies, approaches and practices which inform and flow from a concern with the environment are known as environmental determinism. The determinists generally consider man as a passive agent on whom environmental factors are acting and determining his attitude, decision making process & lifestyles. The first attempt was made by Greek & Roman Scholars, including the physician Hippocrates, philosopher Aristotle and historians Thucydides and Herodotus. Some supporters of this theory & their view:Aristotle:- (Philosopher) explained the difference between North Europeans and Asians in terms of climatic causes. Habitats of Europe were:Habitats of Asia were:(Cold Climate) (Warm Climate) Brave & Courageous Lacking in courage Unintelligent Intelligent Lacking in Political org. Politically strong Have capacity to rule their neighbors Slavery is their destiny their natural state.

The people of Greece, who occupy the middle position geographically, he sees as endowed with the finest qualities and thus destined by nature itself to rule all over. Strabo (Roman Geographer) attempted to explain how, slope, relief & climate all were the works of God and how these phenomena govern the lifestyles of people.

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Montesquieu pointed out the difference between the people living in cold climate conditions and people living in warm climate conditions:Habitats of cold climatic region are stronger physically, more courageous, frank, less suspicious and less cunning than those of living in warm climates. Habitats of warm climatic regions on other hand are timorous, timid, weak in body, indolent lethargic and passive. AL-Masudi asserted that the Land where water is abundant, the people are gay and numerous, while the people of dry and arid lands are short-tempered. The nomads who live in open air are marked by strength and resolution, wisdom and physical fitness. Immanual kant stated that the people of new Holland have half closed eyes and cannot see to any distance without bending their needs back until they touch their backs. This is due to the innumerable flies which are always flying in their eyes. He further stressed that all inhabitants of hot lands are exceptionally lazy and timid. Timidity engenders superstitions and in lands ruled by kings leads to slavery. In support of his hypothesis of influence of Climates, he stated that animals and man who migrate to other countries are gradually affected by their new environment For eg: - The Brown squirrels which migrate to Siberia turn grey and the colours of white cows in winters terms grayish. Darwin argued that a struggle for existence most take place; it followed that those who survived were better fitted to environment than competitors. Criticism of the Theory of Determinism:Man is a tool-making, tool-using and culture-making animal. The human life is not exclusively controlled by his habitat and natural environment. Country to this he himself is a great agent of transformation in his physical surroundings. We are the creatures of rules, the rules are our creations and we make our own world. Thus, man is not the product of his environment But the creation of social rules and customs. Possibilism:It explains relationship between man & environment In a different way taking man as an active agent in environment. This is a belief that asserts that natural environment provides options the number of which increase as the knowledge & technology of a cultural group develop. This point of view was named possibilism by Febvre who wrote: - The truth and only geographical problem is that of utilization of possibilities. There are no necessities, but everywhere possibilities. Vidal de lablache: Who advocated the philosophy of possibilism, developed the school of possibilism. In his opinion, lifestyles are the product and reflections of a civilization, representing the integrated result of physical, historical and social influences surrounding mans relation to milieu in a particular place.

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He tried to explain differences between groups in the same environment and pointed out that these differences are not due to the dictates of physical environment but are the outcome of variations in attitudes, value and habits. According to the possibilists, nature is never more than an adviser. Criticism of theory of possibilism:In spite of the fact that man has numerous possibilities in a given physical setting, he cant go against the directions laid by the physical environment This approach has been criticized by many of the contemporary thinkers. Griffith Taylor while criticizing possibilism stressed that society as a where should make the choices and since only an advisory role is assigned to geographers, his function is not that of interpreting natures plan. The task of Geography is to study the natural environment and its effects on man, not all problems connected with man or the cultural landscape. Griffith Taylor. Neo-Determinism:This concept was forwarded by Taylor in 1920. He believed that man is able to accelerate slow or stop the process of a countrys development, He is like the traffic controller in a large city, who alters the rate not the direction of progress; and perhaps the phrase stop-and-go determinism expresses succinctly the writers geographical philosophy. Assertion of Febvre that there are no necessities but everywhere possibilities and man as a master of these possibilities is the judge of their use. Thus, man chooses but only from the range which nature presents him.

Chapter-2 Human Races

Ques1. Classify Races and describe its main characterstics. Ans. The word race came into usage in English language in the 16th century. It was Thomas de Gobineau who attempted the first classification of human beings on the basis of physical characteristics.

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Classification of races of mankind Negroids Australoids Caucasoids Mangoloids

Primary Negroids

Secondary or Derived Negroids

Amarican Negroids

Forest Negrotis Negro or Pigmies Negro

Nelotic Negro

Oceanic Negro


Northen Mongoloids

Southen Mongoloids

Amarican-Indian Mongoloids

Negroids:Origin of Negroids:The word Negro is derived from a latin word known as Nigor which means Black. The main habitat of Negroids is Africa continent and their main habitat is S.Africa that is why this place is also known as Black Africa. Majority of negroids is found in middle and southern Africa which is also termed as black Africa Features of Negroids:Skin, eyes and hairs are black in colour Hairs are wooly, curly & frizzly. Jueir hights are found tall to very short

Classification of Negroids

Primary Negroids

Secondary or Derived Negro

Amarican Negroid

Forest Negro

Negrotis or Pigmis

Nelotic Negro

Oceanic Bushmen Negro


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Primary Negroids:Forest Negroes:They are mainly found in southern region of Africa. They are also k/a sodani Negroes. They are also found in sahara desert which lies in N & S where there is dense equatorial forest. The maximum clear indication of the negroid race is found in the forest negroes & therefore they are termed as true Negroes.

Features of forest Negroes:Long, Wooly and wavy hairs and are black in colour. Their lips are thick. Skin colour varies from chocolaty to dark Brown. Their average height is 162-172 cms. Fewer hairs are found on skin & face. Negrotic or pigmies:They are mainly found in Congo Basin in Africa. Are also found in various scattered islands in east such as and man & Nicobar islands in Asia, Malaysian peninsula, Philippians and New Guinea Island.

Features of Negrotic:They live in dense areas:Their Average height is 150 cms. Their skin colour varies from brown to black. Features of pigmies:They are Very Short in height (142-162 cms.) Normally thick lips. Their face is projected out ward. Their eyes are dark brown in colour. Their skin colour varies from black to chocolaty brown.

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Secondary or Derived Negroids:Nelotic Negro:They are found in N.E. Africa-E.Sodan, Ethiopia and Somali land. They are mixture of Negroids and Mediterranean Races. Features of Nelotic Negroids:Their skin is black in colour. Their average light is more than 175 cms. Eyes are dark brown in colour. Their forehead is long & high Face is long. Their jaws are comparatively less protected. Oceanic Negro:They are mainly found in Malaysian peninsula and New Guinea. They are mixture of Mongolian and Asian races. Features of oceanic Negroes:Nose is slim. Their complexion is generally fair. Their average height varies between 165-170 cms.

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Bushmen Negroes:They live in Kalahari Desert or near by areas. Features of Bushmen Negroes:Their Average height is 152 to 155 cms. Skin colour varies between dark brown to brown.

American Negroids:The negroids of USA developed due to the mixture Negroes, Red Indians and European races. After the discovery of America, Europeans migrated to north and South America force fully. Those people took Negroes forcefully from Africa and kept them as slaves. They were used in plantation, agricultural activities in regions like, porabic, maxico, western islands groups & southern parts.

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Skin Height Forehead Lips Jaws Hair

Brown to Black - 122-130 cms (short) long, high Their protected Protruded - wooly & curly.

Mongoloids:TheyarealsoknownasAsianAmericanraces 37%populationoftheworldiscoveredbythem SomeofthemarefoundinAsiaandAmerica Features of Magnolia Race:Theirskincolourvariessaffrontoyellowbrown&somearereddishbrown. Theirstructureismediumtalltomediumshort. Theirhaircolourvariesfrombrowntobrownblackandarestraight. Eyesarebrowntodarkbrown. Theirnoseismediumbroad.

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Classification of Mongoloid

Northern or Asian Mongoloids

Southern or Southern-eastern Asian Mongoloid

American Mongoloid or Red Indians

Northern or Asian Mongoloids:Theyarefoundinyakult,chunchi,kalmud,Tungur,Mongolia,Russia,Siberia, Ural,Caspian,Iran,Afghanistan&IndiasSouthernparts. Features of Northern Mongoloids:Theirfaceisprotrudedoutward TheirNoseisbroad Theireyesandskinarebrownincolour ThinLips Hairsareblackincolour. Theyhavelesshaironhairskin Theyarecomparativelytaller.

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Southen or southen-Easten & Asian Mongoloids:Theyarethemixtureofthreedifferentraces=Mongoloids+Negroids+ Causcasoids. TheyarefoundmainlyinIndonesia,Malasia,Mayanmar,N.E.India,Tibbat. TheyarealsofoundinJava&Somatra. Features of southern Mongoloids:Theirskinisofdarkcomplexion Eyesarecomparativelysmaller Shorterinheight TheirNoseisbroad. Theirhairsareblackincolourandarestraight.

Australoids:TheyarealsoknownaspseudoAustraloids. TheyaremainlyfoundinAustralia.

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TheyarealsofoundinIndia. Features of Australoids races:Theyarecomparativelytallinheight Theirlipsarethin. Theyhavecurly&woolyhairs. Theirnoseisbroad.

Caucasoid:These races are mainly found in Europe & S.W. Asia, Features of Caucasoid Races:Theirheightismediumtotall Theirskincolourvariesfromreddishwhitetoolivebrown. Headislongtobroad&mediumhightoveryhigh Hairsarestraighttowavyandaredarkbrownincolour. Theireyesarebluetodarkbrownincolour Noseisusuallyhighandnarrowtomediumbroad.

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Chapter -3 Migration Ques1. Describe Migration. Give a detail note on its types and factors influencing human migration. Ans. Migration is the permanent or semi-permanent change of residence of an individual or a group of people over a significant distance Man has a tendency to leave the areas in which life is difficult; he migrates to the areas where life may be easy and better. Migration (Types) Intercontinental Transoceanic Migration Migration Itisquiteolder. Limitedinvolume&time Is caused because of a no. of conditions at the place of origin & placeofdestination. It is observed largely in modern times. There is various special cause of transoceanicmigrationofpeople. Its a type of migration In which

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May be a short migration of small groups or large groups travelling longdistances. Migration of people from one continenttoanother

peoplemigrateoverOcean. Its affecting the chief centers of population in Europe, America, India, China, Japan, South East & SouthwestAsia.

At present, the number of international migration has declined because of strict migration policies

Countries which skill attract a sizeable immigrant (U.S.A, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Greece, Germany, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Central Africa, Island Chief Centers of population which is getting effected by transoceanic migration. (Europe, America, India, China, Japan, S.E. & S.W. Asia)

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International Migration Continent Emigration from Europe Immigration into Europe Other intercontinental migration Total Source: - Spencer et al. (1954) Other types of migration

Number 4,452,000 1,150,000 710,000 6,312,000

Voluntary & Internal & Rural to Urban Urban to Urban Voluntary and involuntary migration:Voluntary Migration is movement of people to a new place by their own choice because they want to they are not forced to do so. Emigrant & I i t Urban to Rural

Temp. &

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Involuntary migration is a forced migration in which even if people dont want, they have to migrate to other place due to some reason. Which can be wars, environment, climate, etc? Temporary and permanent migration:Temporary migration is movement of people from one place to another due to any reason for a short duration. Permanent migration is when someone migrate to a new place permanently / for even. Internal and external migration:Internal migration is moving to a new home within a state, country or continent External migration is moving to a new home in a different state, country or continent. Emigration and immigration:Emigration is leaving a country to move to another. And an emigrant is a person who is leaving a country to reside in another. Immigration is moving into a new country. And an immigrant is a person who is entering country, to reside here. Rural to urban:The movement of people forms the country side to cities in search of opportunities like:Education Economy (Job, Business etc.) Better standard of living etc. Urban to Rural:The movement of people from the cities to countryside causes:Better & healthy environment Peaceful environment Overpopulation in cities Agriculture etc. Urban to Urban:The movement of people from one city to another there are many causes for this type of migration:Education BetterTechnology Economy Overpopulation Causes of Migration:There are several push and pull factors due to which people migrate Push factor: - Reason for emigrating (reason for leaving a place) because of a difficulty, such as food storage, hoods, war etc.

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Pull Factor: - Reasons for immigrating (reason for moving into a place) because of something desirable such as a nicer climate, better food supply, freedom etc. Several push & pull factors (Causes) include:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. EconomicCause ReligiousTolerance PoliticalFreedom Technology Overpopulation; Diffusionofinformation; GeneralriseinlevelofAspiration Wars GovernmentPolicy EnvironmentalCause Education

Economic Causes:Non-Availability of proper jobs and unemployment; Heavy pressure on the land resources in the nature land, force people to out-migrate & settle in areas economic benefits may be achieved; The agricultural laborers, if unemployed also leave their native places, the laborers immigrate to better & fertile tracts. The economic poverty, unemployment & attraction for better economic opportunities always motivate & force people to emigrate from their native places. Social & religious causes:The human desire to stay, work & enjoy life with the people of his ethnic social & religious group is also an important cause of migration. This makes the life easier. Political Causes:Every one wants to be independent and want to enjoy maximum freedom and where people get maximum political freedom they migrate & reside there. Technology:People with more sophisticated technology may include and conquer new areas. Less advanced groups gets attracted to wards the greater opportunities provided by a more developed society. Thus they migrate. Overpopulation:An excess of population in an area in relation to resources & availability is known as over population.

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When population of an area increases in excess, the management utilization of resources is not proper due to which people have to face many problems & thus they emigrate. It may exist at local, regional & national levels. Diffusion of information:The availability of information through education, cultural contracts & spatial interaction also increase the chance of population migration. General Rise in the level of Aspiration:With the advancement in science and technology new items of comfort and luxury appear in the market and the level of aspiration of the educated and uneducated people goes up. Everybody is tempted to enjoy a better standard of living, thus they migrate. Works:Wars have been an important cause of human migration. No-one wants to spend their lives in an environment full of violence. So, they move to peaceful places its an involuntary migration sometimes the also forces people to migrate to safer places during wars. Government Policies:When the citizen is unsatisfied with the gout policies of his/her country, he/she migrates to another nation the policies are better & satisfactory. The government Policies of a particular country favorably or adversely affects the pattern of population migration. Environmental causes:When the environment of a place is not suitable the people migrate to some other place with a better suitable & comfortable environment. Factors which adversely effect the environment can be, floods, draught, natural disasters etc. Education:A large number of people especially youth migrate form their native places to other cities, states or nations to get better education & knowledge. Consequences of migration:Overpopulation: Unemployment; Environmentgetseffected; Social&religiousproblems; GovernmentPolicies(rigid); Slowindustrialgrowth; Health; Scarcityofresources;

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Literacyratio&sexratiogetseffected Overpopulation:When population of an area increase in excess, the management & utilization of resources is not proper due to which people have to face many problems in day to day life. Unemployment:When a place gets over-populated due to any reason, there are more & more seekers of employment but each & every one cant be appointed for the job and many of she educated seekers remain unemployed. Environment gets effected:When a large no. of people migrates to a place, the population of that place increase in excess which adversely effect the environment of that place. More people, more the industries, more the vehicles and more the pollution deforestation, etc. which is for that place and people residing there. Social & Religious:When people from different places, different social & religious backgrounds migrate to a place then. Sometimes there arise many types of conflicts & controversies between people which cause social influence and effected environment of society very badly. And there are many other, cultural problems like language, food, social organization, authentic derive etc. Govt. Policies:Slow Industrial growth:When of people working in industrial sector increases its growth slows down because the distribution of salary between so many workers causes loss to industrial sector, which slows down its growth. Health:As people from different places migrate to a place. When they communicate, the diseases, flews, health problems are also exchanged and in a large crowd they spread more and more which causes huge health problems. Scarcity of Resources:The resources are already scared and when population of a place increases there is no management & no proper utilization of recourses. The resources are misused and due to which the scan city of resources increases. Literacy ratio & sex Ratio gets affected:When migration takes place, the literacy & sex ratio gets effected at both the places at the place from where people are out migrating and at the place where they moue. The

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literacy & sex ratio is disturbed due to migration which can adversely affect the social balance.

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