Knox Stratford December 23 Service

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KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dec 23rd 2012 11:00 am

Minister- Rev. Mark Gedcke Director of Music- Suzanne Strahan 4th Sunday of Advent- The Advent of Love Preparation for Worship - Prayer, Meditation and Quiet Visiting Prelude: Christmas Time Is Here - Lee Mendelson, Vince Christmastime - Michael W. Smith, Joanna Carlson Welcome and Announcements: CALL TO WORSHIP: Leader: We proclaim with our entire beings the greatness of God. People: Let all that is within us rejoice in God our Saviour. Leader: God has seen us as we are, yet has looked on us with mercy. People: God has dealt with us so wonderfully that , by our lives of praise, others will know how great is Gods loving-kindness.
(Used with permission by Roland Hutchinson, Worship For All Seasons, Volume 1, copyright 1993 The United Church Publishing House)


OPENING HYMN # 118 Hark the glad sound PRAYER OF ADORATION & CONFESSION Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name, Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power AND THE LORDS PRAYER: your kingdom come,your will be done, on earth as in heaven. as we forgive those who sin against us.Save us from the time of trial and and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen

PASSING OF THE PEACE: Leader: The Peace of Christ be with you Congregation: And also with you. LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLE- Led by Ron & Karen (Please See Insert) Gray ANTHEM- Let Us Adore - Reuben Morgan, arr. Dave CHILDRENS HYMN: Go tell it on the mountain (Songbook)


CHILDRENS TIME: SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 1:39-56 SERMON: Speak Up HYMN:# 155 The boy-child of Mary OFFERING OFFERTORY: Peace On The Earth - Edmund Sears, Don OFFERTORY PRAISE: # Offering 172 v.1,3 Chapman, arr. D. Chapman

PRAYER OF DEDICATION (together) Starmaker, Life-bringer, Love-sharer, bless these gifts we bring that your light may shine more brightly, your life be lived more abundantly, your love be expressed more beautifully, in Jesus name. Amen. HYMN: # 119 v. 4 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE: (Responsive refrain: O God, in CLOSING HYMN: # 165 O little town of Bethlehem BENEDICTION CHRISTMAS BLESSING See insert POSTLUDE: Hope Is Here - Dan Macaulay, Keith Everette Smith, arr. K.E. Smith Christmas Blessing - Dennis Jernigan Merry Christmas, I wish you. May joy like snow fall daily new. May each day find love and truth, and mem'ries sweet. Merry Christmas, peace on earth. May Christ reveal your debt of worth. You are why He came to earth. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, From my heart, from my heart to you. Merry Christmas. Bless you, friend. May ev'ry wound find grace to mend. Daily strength renewed again by God's own hand. Merry Christmas. May you see The way God sees you, and receive your mercy, hear our prayer.)

His love and life abundantly. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, From my heart, from my heart to you. The bulletins this week are donated in loving memory of Zipporah Wilhelm, December 19th 1987 and Leonard Clifford Wilhelm Dec 18th 1992. Let today embrace the past with fond rememberance Remebered always by Bessie and family. Christmas Eve Service - Once again we will need cookies and squares for the reception following the service. If possible could the donations be brought to church on December 23 and left in the Banquet Hall kitchen and marked Christmas Eve. Thank you. Sunday January 6th is Birthday Sunday in Sunday School. Remember your change for this very special Sunday. Every year the children of Knox celebrate their birthdays in a special birthday party the rst Sunday of the new year. During this Sunday session Sue Orr will lead the children in learning about Sleeping Children Around the World. The children are asked to bring change to donate to this worthwhile cause as our special birthday giEs to children in other areas of the world.

Thank you to everyone who parFcipated in the events last Sunday. Once again the Sunday School did a wonderful job. I dont remember laughing so much ever before when hearing the Christmas story. Special thanks to everyone who worked with the children to give them this opportunity. Thank you also to all who helped with the lunch following and the clean-up. With so many willing to help the work was easily and quickly done. Margaret Lupton (on behalf of your Session) PWS& D and Presbyterian Sharing Moment Equipping Future Ministers in Malawi
Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support The Rev. Dr. Todd Statham, his wife Annika and their children, Sophia, Mio and Aliko Beatrice in Malawi. Todd serves the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) as a lecturer at Zomba Theological College. As he negotiates and tries to bridge the considerable cultural differences between himself and his students, he welcomes the challenges and opportunities he faces in his ministry in Malawi. He shares, Christianity here is exploding numerically. It is exuberant, energetic, colourful and chaotic and my students reect all this newness, wonder, passion and excess in their questions, comments and class discussion. Pray for Todd as he helps the CCAP to equip these future ministers, so that they can serve people who are hungry for the gospel.

SILENT AUCTION The Alley is conducting a Silent Auction for a ring which we received as a donation. We want to give everyone a chance to bid on this valuable item. The auction will take place in the Narthex on Sunday morning and will END after this mornings service. Stop by the silent auction table and take a look. This ring would make a lovely Christmas gift for some lucky lady.

Nursery Volunteers Today: Helen MacAlpine & Jenn Raleigh Nursery Volunteers Next week: Jenn Raleigh & Diane Parker Church Opening Today: Tim Pauli Church Opening Christmas Eve: George Hider Church Opening Next week: Tim Pauli Ushers this week: Terry Barton, Annie Pottle, Ushers Christmas Eve: Dale, Lynn & Richard Bast, Eleanor Anwender, Laird Christie, John Waldie, Terry Barton & Wendall Archer Greeters this week: Shannon & Wendell Archer Greeters Christmas Eve: Margaret & Charlie Lupton Greeters next week: The Parker Family Coffee this week: Marlene Hanson & Sharon Tays A thank you to everyone who has signed up to set-up and clean-up coee and treats on Sunday mornings. I sFll require 2 people for May and June. The Sign up sheet is in the church oce or contact Anne Marie/Tim Pauli at either 519-271-6718 or at Calenders & NewsleCers!! The Oce is looking for submissions for the January and February ediFon!! OUR WEEKLY MISSION -Dont forget to stop at the Food Bank table and purchase an item. All food items have prices marked. Simply make your choice and
place it in a box below. Then pay by pu`ng the money into the cash box. So simple but each donaFon makes such a dierence in the lives of those in need.

Minister: Rev. Mark Gedcke 519 575 8817 or by email at Director of Music: Suzanne Strahan Treasurer: Shannon Archer Office: 519-271-0373 OFFICE HOURS 9am- NOON Tuesday through Friday The office will also be closed on Dec 25th, 26th, 31st and January 1st and 2nd.

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