"What Sa Sur-Name ? ": Sunday of ADVENT Hearing God's Word
"What Sa Sur-Name ? ": Sunday of ADVENT Hearing God's Word
"What Sa Sur-Name ? ": Sunday of ADVENT Hearing God's Word
The prophet Isaiah wrote 600 years before Jesus birth: The Lord God himself will give you a sign: A virgin will be with child, and give birth to a son; and the parents will call Him Emmanuel which means God with us !
--Isaiah 7:14
Sunday of ADVENT
10:00 am
What sa Sur-name ?
PRAYER for ILLUMINATION OUR SCRIPTURES THIS WEEK: Isaiah 61: 1-2, 9-11(pg. 691-692) SERMON: Gods Interior Plans!
The parents shall name Him- Emmanuel
CALL to WORSHIP: Isaiah 7: 14, 61:10 Matthew 1: 19 (Leader): The Lord God himself will give the people a sign: the virgin will give birth to a son, and the parents will call him Emmanuel, which means-- God with us! (All Women): I delight greatly in the Lord God, and my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bride adorns herself with her jewels ! (All Men): Joseph was from the lineage and household of King David, and a man who always did what was right; but he did not want to disgrace Mary publicly, so he made plans to break the engagement quietly... *HYMN #193 Sing We Now of Christmas vss. 1-3 Lighting the 3rd ADVENT Candle A Prophecy of LOVE Prayer of Adoration (Unison) God of grace: You chose the virgin Mary, full of grace, to be the blessed Mother of our Lord and Savior; and encouraged the reluctant Joseph to be his father, blend his family together, and follow Your will ! Now fill us with Your grace and your courage that like them, we too may rejoice in Your salvation of us. Amen. Advent Hymn #175G We Light the Advent Candles vss.1, 4
Matthew 1: 18-25(pg. 1)
--Rev. Paul Tuttle
(*) indicates when to stand (G) refers to our Green hymnal Worship & Rejoice
A simple girl... an ordinary man... take an eighty-mile journeyto experience ... an unforgettable miracle!
led by Rev. Paul Tuttle Sun 11:15am Adult Class or Thur. 9am Lounge Class Using materials/ DVD from Rev. Adam Hamilton, Sr. Pastor of the largest Methodist Church in the country! I invite you to join me on this unusual spiritual trip to a less familiar destination!
Sunday of ADVENT
Name him Jesus- for he will save His people from their sins!
But the angel said to them, Do not be afraid; for see I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.
(Luke 2:10)
Our goal on this third Sunday of Advent is to have fellowship with our living Lord and with one another. Let our hands be extended to our fellow worshipers.
This months Officer Leaders: elder, Janine Mueller; deacon, Donna Neill; trustee, Mark Skinner; The greeters are John, Melanie, Hanna & Bradley Richman. Our liturgist is Michele Hitchner. Nursery Coordinator, Victoria Neill Mission Statement: In the Name of Christ: Sowing, GROWing, and Serving. Vision Statement: We are GROWing, Growing in Faith, Reaching others for Christ, Offering opportunities for mission, Worshipping the Lord with our whole, burning hearts. If you are visiting with us today we warmly welcome you! Please feel free to contact Rev. Paul Tuttle with any questions or pastoral needs. Rev. Tuttle can be reached at the Pastor cell:(856) 305-4421, or revtutt@gmail.com. You can contact Jill Stout, our secretary/treasurer at (856) 358-1104 or jstout312@comcast.net. SESSION MEETING Monday @ 7:30 in the manse NOMINATING CMTE MEETING Tues @ 7pm in the manse MISSION MEETING Wednesday @ 7:30 pm in the manse CHOIR PRACTICE Wednesday @ 7:30 pm PASTORs BIBLE STUDY Thursday @ 9am in lounge
Like the shepherds, we hear the news and we are stunned: in Jesus God has come among us as one of us, to accompany and transform us. As we open our hearts to Gods love in Jesus, we find it will not be contained but yearns to be shared with others. One of the ways Presbyterians have traditionally responded to the news of Gods great gift is by sharing our own gifts through the Christmas Joy Offering. The Offering supports racial ethnic education at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges, where students develop their gifts and find their calling. It also helps families of active and retired church workers meet unexpected needs through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions. As we celebrate this good news of great joy that a Savior has been born to us may our gifts bear joyful witness to Gods uncontainable love. There are 12 assisted listening devices available for people to better hear the worship service. They are located in a basket in the narthex. CD copies of our worship service are also available every Sunday in the narthex. Check out our website for the weekly Bulletin and Insert. Our Facebook page can be found at: Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church
The Deacons will meet briefly today, immediately following worship, at the front of the sanctuary. Youth Groups will not meet tonight or next Sunday, December 23rd. This years Annual Christmas Program is tonight beginning at 7:30 pm with pre-service music beginning at 7 pm. This years program will consist of choral and solo Christmas anthems performed by our choir. Everyone is invited to attend a light reception in the social hall following the program. If you are able to donate cookies or a light snack it would be greatly appreciated. You can leave them in the kitchen. Hope you can join us! Shoeless Sunday is next Sunday, December 23rd Please bring in a pair of new shoes, socks, and/or a $3 donation to cover shipping costs. The shoes are for orphan children (sizes small through adult) given through the Buckner Foundation. Most needed are larger sizes of shoes and boots for boys/men. Also, as we have done in the past we encourage you to remove your shoes in the sanctuary. We take off our shoes in solidarity with people around the world who are too poor to have a pair of their own. Pastors Bible Study - Thursday mornings 9-10am. This weekly Bible Study will be held in the upstairs lounge of the church, not the manse. We got a coffee cup just for you!
Prayer Requests: Debbie Covey (Oak Gandys daughter), Jack Barrett, Billy Cundey (friend of Chris Baum), John Baitinger (Marian Dwyers brother), Brenda (Hackett) Halls daughter, Jill (friend of Jane String), Robert Brown (Eric Williams father-in-law), Leroy Skinner, Tom Buckingham, David Sickler, Stanley Prickitt (Kitty Lambs father), Lee & Georgia Williams, Charlie Hitchner, Sara Williams (Lee Williams Jr.s wife), Billy Robbins, Harold Ware, and Thomas & Paula Hackett (Dick Hacketts brother and sister-in-law). Please note: There is a notebook in the narthex to write down prayer requests. Rev. Tuttle will utilize this information during the time of our prayers. Please include the individuals name and address if possible. This year, instead of the Angel Tree, we have a Mitten Tree where colorful mittens, gloves, hats and/or scarves may be placed on the tree at the front of the Sanctuary during the first hymn each Sunday before Christmas. They will then be donated to a childrens charity after the first of the year. Christmas Eve Service will be held on Monday, December 24th, at 7:30 pm. Dorothy Darlington will be celebrating her 100th birthday on December 24th! If you would like to send her a card her address is: Dorothy Darlington 844 Marlborough Ave. Absecon, NJ 08201
If one member rejoices or suffers, all members rejoice or suffer together! --1 Corinthians 12:26
Flowers this morning are given in loving memory of Marilyn Richards and Hazel Forsman by Ed & Lynn Forsman. Flowers this morning are also given in honor of Art Kucks 88th birthday by his family. Happy Birthday Art!