Modelling Heat Production and Energy Balance in Group-Housed Growing Pigs Exposed To Low or High Ambient Temperatures

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British Journal of Nutrition (2001), 85, 97106 q Nutrition Society 2001

DOI: 10.1079/BJN2000217

Modelling heat production and energy balance in group-housed growing pigs exposed to low or high ambient temperatures
N. Quiniou, J. Noblet*, J. van Milgen and S. Dubois
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Unite Mixte de Recherches sur le Veau et le Porc, 35590 Saint-Gilles, France
(Received 16 September 1999 Revised 12 May 2000 Accepted 17 July 2000)

The effects of ambient temperature (T; 12298C), body weight (BW; 3090 kg) and metabolisable energy intake (ME) on components of energy balance were studied in seven groups of  Pietrain Large White barrows kept in a respiratory chamber. In Expt 1 (groups 1, 2 and 3), T varied in a cyclic way from 228C to 128C and then from 128C to 228C with three or four consecutive days at each of 22, 19, 16, 14 and 128C. Similarly, in Expt 2 (groups 4, 5 and 6), T varied from 19 to 298C and then from 29 to 198C with three or four consecutive days at each of 19, 22, 25, 27 and 298C. In both experiments, pigs were offered feed ad libitum. In Expt 3, pigs (group 7) were exposed to the thermic conditions of Expt 1 but their feed allowance was adjusted on a BW basis to the ad libitum intake recorded at 19 and 228C in Expt 1. Groups 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 were used over two successive cycles with initial average BW of 37 kg at cycle 1 (four pigs per group) and 63 kg at cycle 2 (three pigs per group). Groups 3 and 6 were studied at an intermediary stage of growth; their initial BW was 45 kg. The O2 and CO2 concentrations, physical activity and feed intake were continuously and simultaneously measured and used to calculate total heat production (HP; HPtot), HP due to physical activity (HPact), activity-free HP (HP0), and thermic effect of feed. HP was modelled as a non-linear function with T, BW and ME as predictors. Results indicate that all components of HP were proportional to BW060. Physical activity was minimal between 19 and 278C (8 % ME). The estimated lower critical temperature was 248C. Between 24 and 128C, total thermic effect of feed decreased from 31 to 16 % ME, but the short-term thermic effect of feed (51 % ME) remained constant. Equations for prediction of HPtot, HPact and HP0 according to BW, T and ME are proposed and evaluated according to literature values; values for the feed cost of thermoregulation in pigs are proposed. Growing pig: Ambient temperature: Heat production: Thermoregulation: Modelling

Under thermoneutral conditions, dietary energy is used by the animal to meet its requirements for maintenance, physical activity and growth. In pigs exposed to ambient temperatures (T) below the zone of thermoneutrality, heat production (HP) increases to meet the additional requirements for thermoregulation. Under these conditions and when fed ad libitum, pigs may increase energy intake so that energy balance and growth performance can be maintained (Le Dividich et al. 1985; Massabie et al. 1996). On the other hand, under high T, energy intake and associated heat loss and energy retention (ER) are reduced (Rinaldo & Le Dividich, 1991; Massabie et al. 1996).

Nutritional adaptation of pigs to changing climatic conditions seems to be a rapid process, but other short-term mechanisms are involved such as huddling in cold conditions or reduced locomotion under hot exposure. Prolonged exposure to low T also induces morphological adaptations (Le Dividich et al. 1998). Previous studies have focused on the effect of T on feeding behaviour (Nienaber et al. 1991, 1996), performance (Massabie et al. 1996) or energy metabolism (Verstegen et al. 1973; van der Hel et al. 1986; Henken et al. 1991). The aim of the present experiments was to quantify the effects of T, body weight (BW) and

Abbreviations: BW, body weight; ECT, evaporative critical temperature; ER, energy retention; HP, HPtot, HPact, HP0, heat production, total, activity-related and activity-free daily HP, respectively; LCT, lower critical temperature; ME, ME0, total metabolisable energy intake and ME not used for physical activity, respectively; MEm, MEm0, maintenance and activity-free maintenance ME requirements, respectively; T, ambient temperature; TEFtot, TEFst, total and short-term thermic effect of feed, respectively. * Corresponding author: Dr J. Noblet, fax +33 2 23 48 50 80, email On leave from the Institut Technique du Porc, BP3, 35650 Le Rheu, France.


N. Quiniou et al.

metabolisable energy intake (ME) both on components of energy utilisation and on feeding behaviour of grouphoused growing and finishing pigs over a wide range of T (12298C), BW (3090 kg) and feeding levels (ad libitum and restricted). These results should provide a basis for modelling energy utilisation and energy requirements when pigs are exposed to variable environmental T. The 19228C range was assumed to be close to the zone of thermoneutrality. The present paper will focus on heat production and energy balance. Results concerning the effect of T on feeding behaviour have been presented elsewhere (Quiniou et al. 2000). Material and methods Experimental design Seven groups of Pi train Large White barrows were used. e The first six groups were fed ad libitum (Table 1). Three groups were exposed to T ranging between 12 and 228C (Expt 1; groups 1, 2 and 3) and a further three groups to T ranging between 19 and 298C (Expt 2; groups 4, 5 and 6). Both energy intake and HP were expected to increase under cold exposure in ad libitum feeding conditions, with subsequent high correlations between HP and energy intake or T. Thus, pigs of group 7 (Expt 3) were exposed to the thermic conditions of Expt 1, but their feed allowance was adjusted on a BW basis to the ad libitum intake recorded at 19 and 228C in Expt 1; at 19 and 228C pigs of group 7 were fed ad libitum. An adaptation period to the chamber and the diet was used which lasted 7 d and during which T was fixed at 228C in Expts 1 and 3, and at 198C in Expt 2. During the experiment T was gradually changed (Fig. 1) according to a `V'-shaped profile in Expts 1 and 3 (22, 19, 16, 14, 12, 14, 16, 19 and 228C) and an inverted `V'-shaped profile in Expt 2 (19, 22, 25, 27, 29, 27, 25, 22 and 198C). Each T level lasted 3 d, except at 12 and 298C which lasted 4 d. After measurements at each T, the treatment was considered to be complete and the T was changed for the next treatment within 4 h. The T change was 38C when T ranged between 16 and 258C, and 28C with the lower or higher T in order to obtain more accurate data under these more extreme environmental conditions. In addition, small changes in T between levels were chosen to avoid long periods for adaptation. It took 28 d to complete the cycle which corresponded to the experimental period. Relative humidity
Fig. 1. Expts 13. Cyclic variation in temperature over the 28 d experimental period. (- - -), adaptation period; (), measurement period.

was fixed at 70 % and artificial light was provided between 08.00 and 20.00 hours. For groups 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7, the experiment started at about 30 kg BW and these groups were studied over two consecutive cycles (cycle 1 about 3060 kg; cycle 2 about 6090 kg). For groups 3 and 6, the experiment started when pigs weighed about 45 kg and these animals were studied only over one cycle.

Animals and equipment The volume of the climate-controlled open-circuit respiratory chamber (12 m3) and the measurement range of the gas analysers limited the size of the group (four pigs in the first cycle and three in the second cycle). The surface allowance was 37 m2 on a metal-slatted floor. Faeces, urine and water spillages were collected in a slurry pit. The pen was equipped with an electronic feed dispenser. A fence allowed only one pig to get in and eat at a time. The diet (Table 2) was distributed as pellets and animals had free access to water.

Table 1. Experimental design of the study Experiment 1 2 3 Group 1, 2 1, 2 3 4, 5 4, 5 6 7 7 Temperature range (8C) 1222 1222 1222 1929 1929 1929 1222 1222 Body-wt range (kg) 3060 6090 4575 3060 6090 4575 3060 6090 n 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 Feeding conditions Ad libitum Ad libitum Ad libitum Ad libitum Ad libitum Ad libitum Pair-fed below 198C* Pair-fed below 198C*

* Pigs were fed ad libitum at 19 and 228C.

Modelling heat production in growing pigs

Table 2. Composition of the experimental diet Ingredients (g/kg) Wheat Barley Maize Soyabean meal (480 g crude protein*/kg) Wheat bran Rapeseed oil Lysine hydrochloride Dicalcium phosphate CaCO3 NaCl Vitamin and trace mineral mixture DM (g/kg) Analysed composition (g/kg DM) Ash Crude protein* Crude fat Crude fibre Starch Lysine Energy content (MJ/kg DM) Gross energy Digestible energy Metabolisable energy Net energy 2200 2200 2200 2445 400 100 05 200 100 50 100 877 68 208 35 42 490 116 184 157 151 112


Calculations The digestible energy intake corresponded to the difference between gross energy intake and energy losses in faeces. ME was calculated as the difference between the digestible energy intake and energy losses in urine (Table 2). The day of T change was considered as a transition day for adaptation to the new environmental conditions. In addition, this day was used for cleaning the chamber and weighing pigs at the beginning, middle or end of the cycle. Consequently, these data were not taken into account in the calculations. The BW at each T level was interpolated from the measured BW. The components of HP were estimated for each group of pigs based on the 2- or 3 d remaining at each T and were subsequently expressed on a daily basis per pig. Taking into account that only one measurement per cycle was performed at 12 and 298C (v. two at the other T), these data were duplicated. The model proposed by van Milgen et al. (1997) that allows analysing the short-term dynamics of both O2 consumption and CO2 production was used. This model is based on a series of differential equations describing the changes in O2 and CO2 concentrations due to physical aspects of gas exchange (i.e. volume of the chamber, ventilation rate, T) as well as the O2 consumption and CO2 production, where the latter two are related to the levels of physical activity and feed intake of animals. In practice, the model provides estimates of gas exchanges during resting (l/min), physical activity (l/unit force) and feed intake (l/g). Subsequently, the corresponding HP was calculated from the respective O2 consumption and CO2 production as described by Brouwer (1965), excluding the correction for urinary N and CH4 production. The daily HP due to physical activity (HPact) and due to the thermic effect of feed were calculated as the product of HP (kJ/unit force or kJ/g) and total daily physical activity (units force) or mean daily feed intake (g), respectively. As explained by van Milgen et al. (1998), the thermic effect of feed calculated by this model corresponds to the temporary increase in O2 consumption and CO2 production induced by the intake of a meal. Ingestion, digestion and absorption can therefore be considered as components of the shortterm thermic effect of feed (TEFst). The total daily HP (HPtot) was considered as the sum of HPact, TEFst and resting HP, the latter considered as constant over the day. The daily HP not related to physical activity (HP0) was obtained as the sum of TEFst and resting HP. The ME not used for physical activity (ME0) was calculated as ME minus HPact. ER was calculated as the difference between ME and HPtot. All calculations are summarised in the Appendix. Statistical analyses Data from the three experiments (groups 17) were used to calculate prediction equations for HPact and HP0 with T, BW and ME0 as predictors. Two different approaches were used for HPtot; it was either considered as the sum of the equations for HPact and HP0 (i.e. with T, BW and ME0 as predictors) or a prediction equation was directly calculated with T, BW and ME as predictors. Parameter estimates

* N 625X Estimated from amino acid composition of raw materials. Methionine cystineY threonine and tryptophan contents relative to lysine (100) were 62, 70 and 22, respectively. As measured on individually-kept growing pigs. Estimated from digestible energy content (MJ/kg DM) and chemical components (g/kg DM) according to the relationship proposed by Noblet et al. (1994).

Measurements The pigs were weighed at the beginning and end of each cycle and intermediately at the beginning of the 168C (Expts 1 and 3) and 258C (Expt 2) levels. The feed reservoir was filled daily with an amount of feed sufficient to meet the appetite of the group. The weight of the feeder was measured continuously. Water was supplied away from the feeder by a nipple drinker to avoid disturbing the feed intake measurements. The pen was placed on four force sensors (type 9104A; Kistler, Winterthur, Switzerland) for which the response was supposed to be proportional to the physical activity of the animals. Every 10 s, mean values for O2 and CO2 concentrations were recorded as described by van Milgen et al. (1997). Simultaneously, over the same time span, the signal of the force sensors was recorded. When the weight of the trough was detected as unstable, the corresponding beginning and ending time and remaining amounts of feed in the feeder were recorded. The aim of these simultaneous measurements was to relate each instantaneous variation in O2 and CO2 concentrations to physical activity and eating events in the chamber. A sample of feed was collected weekly and its DM content was determined. For each group all samples were pooled at the end of the experiment for further chemical analyses. Energy values for the experimental diet were assessed using a digestibility trial with four additional 60 65 kg pigs according to routine techniques (Noblet et al. 1994).


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were carried out using Statistical Analysis Systems PROC NLIN package, release 6.07 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). It was hypothesised that HP0 and HPtot depended on the sum of two major components, the first one being proportional to a power function of BW (i.e. maintenance effect) and the second one being directly related to energy intake (i.e. total thermic effect of feed; TEFtot). In addition, it was hypothesised that both components also depended on T up to a value corresponding to the lower critical temperature (LCT). Indeed, LCT is defined by Mount (1974) as the T above which the HP required to maintain homeothermia is no longer dependant on T but depends only on feed intake. The basic structure of the model is as follows. If T # LCT then: HP0 BWa b c T d T2 ME0 e T fY or else HP0 BWa b c LCT d LCT2 ME0 e LCT fY where a, b, c, d, e, f are coefficients. The same model was used for HPtot with ME instead of ME0 as predictor. Hypotheses concerning parameters in nested models were tested using the extra-sum-of-squares principle (F test) as described by Ratkowski (1983). In these models, the term e LCT f corresponds to the TEFtot. The maintenance not related to physical activity ME requirement (MEm 0) was calculated from the prediction equation of HP0 with HP0 equal to ME0 (Appendix). For calculation purposes, ME (kJ/d) was that estimated according to the prediction equation obtained in the ad libitum-fed pigs of the present experiment and published by Quiniou et al. (2000): ME kJad 216710 547 T 2 3173 T2 9730 BW 2 344 BW2 2 1256 T BW (residual SD 4349 kJ/d). Results Mean values obtained in ad libitum-fed pigs studied over two successive cycles in Expts 1 and 2 are presented in Tables 3 and 4 respectively. BW averaged 49 and 75 kg during cycles 1 and 2 respectively, irrespective of the T and experiment considered. Results show that ME, HPtot and ER at 19 and 228C were similar in both experiments during cycle 1. In contrast, during cycle 2 ME and ER were higher in Expt 2. In Expt 1 ME increased with decreasing T; the increment was most important between 22 and 168C in cycle 1 and only between 22 and 198C in cycle 2. The increase in T between 19 and 298C in Expt 2 was associated with a reduction of ME which was twice as great during cycle 2 than during cycle 1 (2128 v. 262 MJ/pig per d; Table 4). In Expt 3, feed allowance was similar at 12, 14 and 168C and close to the spontaneous level of ME measured at 19 and 228C on a BW basis in Expt 1. At these latter T, pigs compensated for the feed restriction imposed at the lowest T and ME was higher than in Expt 1. Under ad libitum feeding conditions, the HPtot appeared

to be minimal at 298C in light pigs (1407 MJ/d in cycle 1; Table 4) and increased both with decreasing T and increasing BW; the maximum value was obtained at 128C in heavy pigs (2186 MJ/d on average in cycle 2; Table 3). In Expt 1 the highest ER was obtained at 168C (1359 and 1532 MJ/d in cycles 1 and 2 respectively). In Expt 2 ER was maximal at 198C (1270 and 1805 MJ/d in cycles 1 and 2, respectively) and decreased progressively up to 298C (823 and 883 MJ/d in cycles 1 and 2, respectively). Physical activity accounted for 13 % HPtot at 19 and 228C, and increased both when T increased and decreased, to reach approximately 17 % HPtot at both 12 and 298C. The TEFst represented on average 51 % ME between 12 and 228C, with no important variation due to T. In Expt 2 the corresponding value was 53 % ME, but it was more variable; the lowest and the highest values were observed at 19 and 258C during cycle 1 (48 and 57 % ME respectively) (Tables 3 and 4). As expected from the experimental design, the observed Pearson correlations were low between T and BW (r 2005) and between T and ME (r 2024) when data from the three experiments were considered. The exponent relating BW to HP0 and HPtot was 059 (SE 001) and 061 (SE 002) respectively, which was not significantly different from 060. The HPact was proportional to BW raised to the exponent 068 (SE 006); the accuracy of the model was similar when the exponent was fixed to 075 or 060. Consequently, in further calculations, the exponent for BW was fixed at 060 in the prediction equations and BW060 was considered to be the metabolic BW. According to equation 1 (Table 5), HPact was not affected by ME0 and varied only with BW and T. The minimal value of HPact was obtained at 2188C (191 kJ/d per kg BW060) and it increased up to 274 and 234 kJ/d per kg BW060 at 12 and 298C respectively. It was initially assumed that the maintenance and feed components of HP0 were not affected by T when above the LCT. In addition, it was assumed that different values for LCT could exist for the maintenance effect and for the TEFtot, and that they could vary linearly with BW. However, there was no significant effect of BW on LCT and a constant LCT was considered hereafter. Estimated values of LCT for maintenance and TEFtot were very similar (243 (SE 39) and 231 (SE 26)8C, respectively) and neither differed from 248C. Consequently, the LCT was fixed at 248C in the equations hereafter. A model without LCT values was also calculated and compared for accuracy with the model with LCT (Table 5). When T was below LCT, it was hypothesised according to the basic structure of the model that the maintenance and TEFtot components of HP0 varied with T according to a quadratic and linear relationship respectively. To simplify the model, coefficients that did not have a significant contribution were removed. It appeared that the coefficients c and f were not different from zero so that, below LCT, the maintenance component varied linearly with T whereas TEFtot was proportional to T (equation 3; Table 5). In the model without LCT (equation 4; Table 5), the maintenance component of HP0 varied quadratically with T whereas TEFtot was proportional to T as in the former equation. From a statistical point of view, both equations were

Table 3. Expt 1. Utilisation of metabolisable energy intake (ME) in ad libitum-fed pigs studied over two cycles of varying ambient temperature* (Mean values with their standard errors) Cycle 1 (n 4) Temperature (8C) 12 Mean

Cycle 2 (n 3) 19 22

14 Mean 475 3022 1700 254 156 51 1322 112


16 Mean 477 2992 1633 238 156 52 1359 112







Mean 478 2835 1593 226 147 51 1243 113

Mean 478 2641 1517 187 130 48 1124 111

Mean 743 3679 2186 380 187 51 1493 114

Mean 743 3521 2127 325 181 51 1395 109

Mean 743 3546 2013 285 178 50 1532 115

Mean 756 3558 2059 257 178 50 1499 114

Mean 757 3391 2002 252 173 51 1389 115


Body weight (kg) 475 ME (MJ/pig per d) 3024 Heat production (MJ/pig per d): Total 1762 Due to physical activity 288 Short-term thermic effect of feed: MJ/pig per d 157 % ME 52 Energy retained (MJ/pig per d) 1262 RQ 112

23 064 052 010 012 03 012 001

29 109 070 016 015 03 054 001

41 240 085 024 015 03 157 001

56 209 136 027 018 03 085 001

77 291 177 026 018 03 143 002

21 113 008 015 002 01 105 002

27 110 045 011 014 03 078 002

39 270 042 012 018 02 236 002

59 152 079 012 007 02 107 002

78 192 110 023 015 04 101 001

* For details of experimental design and procedures, see Table 1, Fig. 1 and p. 98. Results from groups 1 and 2 combined. Values represent mean of two values at 128C and four values at all other temperatures (from increasing and decreasing phases of cycle for both groups 1 and 2).

Modelling heat production in growing pigs

Table 4. Expt 2. Utilisation of metabolisable energy intake (ME) in ad libitum fed pigs studied over two cycles of varying ambient temperature* (Mean values with their standard errors) Cycle 1 (n 4) Temperature (8C) Body weight (kg) ME (MJ/pig per d) Heat production (MJ/pig per d) Total Due to physical activity Short-term thermic effect of feed MJ/pig per d % ME Energy retained (MJ/pig per d) RQ 19 Mean 503 2853 1584 192 136 46 1270 108

Cycle 2 (n 3) 27 29

22 Mean 496 2650 1465 192 143 53 1184 109


25 Mean 493 2733 1468 178 157 58 1265 106







Mean 491 2461 1463 205 126 51 998 106

Mean 489 2230 1407 236 120 54 823 104

Mean 753 3915 2110 310 214 55 1805 111

Mean 754 3822 2076 277 201 53 1746 112

Mean 753 3461 1927 302 182 52 1534 110

Mean 753 3090 1863 321 160 52 1227 107

Mean 752 2632 1749 308 143 54 883 107


68 394 176 023 028 03 224 001

47 264 105 019 023 03 159 001

34 058 031 012 004 05 056 004

24 076 012 024 002 02 064 002

17 028 006 004 001 01 022 001

78 239 141 045 019 02 115 001

60 045 136 005 022 02 315 002

44 265 085 017 019 02 181 001

32 172 053 021 008 02 125 002

26 23 102 012 013 01 128 002

* For details of experimental design and procedures, see Table 1, Fig. 1 and p. 98. Results from groups 4 and 5 combined. Values represent mean of two values at 298C and four values at all other temperatures (from increasing and decreasing phases of cycle for both groups 4 and 5).



N. Quiniou et al.

Table 5. Prediction equations for heat production due to physical activity and not related to physical activity (activity-free) and total heat production in growing pigs according to ambient temperature (T), body weight (BW) and daily metabolisable energy intake (ME) or activity-free ME (ME0) for models with and without a lower critical temperature (LCT)* (Mean values with their standard errors) Coefficients b Equation Model Groups used X ME0 ME0 ME ME LCT (8C) 24 24 a 060 075 060 060 060 060 Mean 598 322 1482 1714 2317 2285

c Mean 2372 2201 2397 2664


d Mean 085 046 074 164 150


e Mean

Residual 354 354 594 586 668 657


CV 134 134 38 38 37 36

Heat production due to physical activity 1 16 2 16 Activity-free heat production 3 With LCT 17 4 Without LCT 17 Total heat production 5 With LCT 17 6 Without LCT 17

46 24 22 74

47 25 17 88

011 006

0013 0001 020 0013 0001 039 0013 0001 022 0013 0001

126 21081 152 81 21035 97

NS, Intercept for thermic effect of feed was not significantly different from zero. * If T # LCTY Y BWa b cT dT2 eXT; if T . LCTY Y BWa b cLCT dLCT2 eXLCTX ME0 ME 2 heat production due to physical activity.

similar, with a CV , 4 %. In both cases TEFtot increased from 16 to 31 % ME0 when T varied between 12 and 248C. Concomitantly, the efficiency of ME0 utilisation for growth (12TEFtot) decreased from 84 to 69 % over this T range. The same approach as described earlier for HP0 was used for HPtot (see Fig. 2). According to the model with LCT fixed at 248C, the TEFtot was proportional to T whereas the maintenance component varied quadratically (equation 5; Table 5). The accuracy was similar when LCT was removed; CV , 4 % (equation 6; Table 5). Discussion The effect of T on voluntary feed intake has been discussed in detail by Quiniou et al. (2000) and the present discussion will focus on heat production and its components. In the literature, proposed values for daily maintenance ME requirement (MEm) under thermoneutral conditions are most often expressed as a function of BW075 (420 kJ Holmes & Close, 1977; 440 kJ Close, 1978; 510 kJ Halter et al. 1980; 500 kJ Thorbek et al. 1984). Other exponents have been proposed (891 kJ/d per kg BW057 Fuller & Boyne, 1972; 718 kJ/d per kg BW0569 Halter et al. 1980). According to results obtained in our laboratory (Noblet & Etienne 1987a,b; Noblet et al. 1991, 1999; van Milgen et al. 1998,

2000), 075 would better correspond to mature animals (gestating or lactating sows) and 060 to growing animals. Results of the present experiment confirm the latter value. The MEm value (970 kJ/d per kg BW060) is close to that calculated by Noblet et al. (1999) under comparable T and experimental conditions (1014 kJ/d per kg060). The quadratic effect of T on the maintenance component of HPtot is consistent with the linear effect of T for HP0 and the quadratic effect of T found for HPact. In other words, it can be suggested that the quadratic effect of T on maintenance is mainly due to the effect of T on physical activity of pigs. From a statistical point of view, prediction equations with and without an LCT were similar for HP0 and HPtot. In both cases, the same CV was obtained. However, with regard to the usual concept of critical temperatures to relate HP to T (Mount, 1974), models including a LCT value may be easier to interpret and will be used for evaluation and further calculations. In the HP0 prediction equations, HP for zero ME0 corresponds to the fasting HP at zero physical activity. According to equation 3, the minimal value for fasting HP would theoretically be reached when T is equal to the LCT, i.e. 248C in the present experiment. From measurements of fasting HP performed over the same BW range as in the present study, Bernier et al. (1996) obtained a constant

Fig. 2. Predicted v. measured heat production (a) unrelated to physical activity (HP0) and (b) total (HPtot) in group-housed growing pigs from the present study. Predictions were generated using equation 3 (a) and equation 5 (b) (see Table 5). (), The bisector.

Modelling heat production in growing pigs


value for fasting HP at and above 248C, which is in agreement with the value of LCT obtained in the present study. From calculations proposed by Holmes & Close (1977), the LCT of 60 kg pigs would be about 188C. This lower value is partly due to differences in insulation of both groups of pigs (less back-fat and greater sensitivity to cold in modern pigs), but also to differences in the methods used for estimating LCT. From our equations, it can be concluded that energy expenditure starts to increase when T is below 23248C. Unlike the study of Holmes & Close (1977), the present study indicates that LCT does not vary with BW in growingfinishing pigs. Little information exists on the upper limit of the thermoneutral zone. However, as discussed by Mount (1974), this T range may be split into two distinct parts, which are separated by the evaporative critical temperature (ECT). Between LCT and ECT, corresponding to the zone of thermal comfort, little thermoregulatory effort is required to maintain homeothermia. Between ECT and the upper critical temperature, minimal HPtot may result from changes in relative contributions of non-evaporative and evaporative heat losses with T. This concept has been adopted by numerous authors (Black et al. 1986; Revell & Williams, 1993), even if it may result in a very narrow zone of thermal comfort, as predicted by Mount (1974) and as indicated by our results. Indeed, the marked depressing effect of T on feed intake above 258C (Quiniou et al. 2000) combined with the increased panting activity (see later) would indicate that ECT of growing pigs is close to this value. Consequently, the zone of thermal comfort would range between 23248C (LCT) and 258C (ECT). In the present study HPact represented 8 % ME (14 % HPtot) under thermoneutral conditions. With the same system of measurement as in the present study, similar values have been obtained in group-housed pigs with a BW of 25 kg (9 % ME and 18 % HPtot; A Collin, J van Milgen, S Dubois and J Noblet, unpublished results), whereas Ramonet et al. (2000) reported a higher contribution of HPact to HPtot or ME in gestating sows (22 and 19 %, respectively). Other results available in the literature refer to measurements performed using i.r. cells (McDonald et al. 1988; Noblet et al. 1993; van Milgen et al. 1998) or ultrasonic burglar devices (Gentry et al. 1997; Schrama et al. 1998). These systems detect only standing and sitting positions on the one hand, or locomotion on the other hand. Additional minor movements while standing or lying (e.g. walking or movements such as panting or shivering) are not detected by i.r. cells, whereas standing without movement is not detected by burglar devices. According to J van Milgen and J Noblet (unpublished results), HP due to standing represents 4050 % total HPact in growing pigs. However, despite differences between techniques the physical activity has been unanimously reported to have a high energy cost in pigs with, for instance, an energy expenditure of 30 kJ/kg BW075 per 100 min standing in adult sows and growing pigs (Noblet et al. 1993; van Milgen et al. 1998). In the present study, minimal contribution of HPact to HPtot was measured and estimated (equation 1) at 228C, and it increased both under colder and warmer exposure. Under cold exposure van der Hel et al. (1986) reported the

opposite effect. However, physical activity as defined by van der Hel et al. (1986) corresponded only to locomotion intensity and did not account for intense shivering under cold T. Increased energy expenditure for physical activity at high T is due to intense panting (not detected by burglar device or i.r. beams) while locomotion is reduced (A Collin, J van Milgen, S Dubois and J Noblet, unpublished results). The TEFst, calculated according to van Milgen et al. (1997), represented a constant percentage of ME0 (51), and therefore appears to have no contribution to thermoregulation over the T range studied in the present experiment. In contrast, the feed component taken into account in equations 3 and 5, which can be considered as the TEFtot, changed linearly with T. It decreased from 31 to 16 % ME between 24 and 128C and, concomitantly, the efficiency of energy utilisation for growth increased from 69 to 84 %. This effect of T on TEFtot or efficiency of ME utilisation has been reported by several authors (Verstegen et al. 1973; Stahly & Cromwell, 1979; Noblet et al. 1985, 1988). It indicates a partial utilisation of the thermic effect of feed, and specifically its long-term component, to meet the additional thermoregulatory heat requirement. Above LCT, TEFtot needs to be dissipated and is completely lost with a subsequent constant value for the efficiency of utilisation of energy for growth. In order to evaluate the models, it is of major interest to use the equations with other data sets. In fact, available data on HPact are scarce, and it was not possible to evaluate the HP0 equations. The evaluation was therefore performed only for HPtot. Data of Verstegen (1971) obtained in various feeding and housing conditions, as well as results obtained in our laboratory on individually-kept pigs fed ad libitum and exposed to T ranging between 22 and 128C (as in Expt 1; N Quiniou, J Noblet, J van Milgen and S Dubois, unpublished results) were used. From the first data set (Verstegen, 1971), utilisation of equations 5 and 6 at T below 128C did provide accurate mean results, but with high (positive or negative) residues. Thus, data obtained under T that were outside the T range used in the present study were removed, so that 282 results were available (Table 6). Fig. 3 shows that predicted and measured values are highly correlated (r 096). It also indicates that predicted values are systematically higher than measured HPtot. This difference may be due to the genetic evolution of growth characteristics over the last 30 years. Indeed, pigs available in the late 1960s were fatter than cross-bred barrows used in the present experiment, and produced less heat because of their (probably) lower maintenance requirements and their greater efficiency of ME utilisation which is higher for fat gain than for protein gain (Noblet et al. 1999). From the second data set obtained in individually-kept pigs (N Quiniou, J Noblet, J van Milgen and S Dubois, unpublished results), the predicted and measured HPtot are also highly correlated (r 087), as presented in Fig. 4. In contrast with the previous evaluation, both equations 5 and 6 underestimated measured HPtot; the highest difference was observed at 128C (24 %) and may be due to housing conditions. Indeed, under low T, an individually-housed pig is assumed to produce a greater amount of additional heat


N. Quiniou et al.

Table 6. Description of data used to develop (present study) and evaluate (Verstegen, 1971; N Quiniou, J Noblet, J van Milgen and S Dubois, unpublished results*) proposed prediction equations (equation 5, Table 5) for total heat production Value Group size Present study Verstegen (1971) Unpublished results Body weight (kg) Present study Verstegen (1971) Unpublished results Temperature (8C) Present study Verstegen (1971) Unpublished results Metabolisable energy intake (MJ/d) Present study Verstegen (1971) Unpublished results Total heat production (MJ/d) Present study Verstegen (1971) Measured Predicted Unpublished results Measured Predicted Energy retained (MJ/d) Present study Verstegen (1971) Measured Predicted Unpublished results Measured Predicted Mean Minimum 3 1 1 616 447 633 199 179 172 3151 1810 3367 1826 1166 1301 1932 1904 1325 639 504 1435 1463 322 158 360 120 120 120 1854 571 2407 1097 503 657 1399 1324 638 2073 2155 704 888 Maximum 4 5 1 941 1032 857 290 269 220 5080 3352 3968 2466 2306 2338 2297 2319 2615 1523 1372 2068 2100 Fig. 4. Predicted v. measured total heat production (HPtot) in individually-housed growing pigs (measured data from N Quiniou, J Noblet, J van Milgen and S Dubois, unpublished results). Predictions were generated using equation 5 (see Table 5). The fine line represents the bisector.

quantify the overall feed requirement for thermoregulation when animals are kept below their LCT. From the present study, the extra feed requirement for thermoregulation can be calculated at any BW over the 3090 kg range and at any T between 12 and 248C. From prediction equations of ME (Quiniou et al. 2000), and HPact and HP0, ER is calculated as the difference between ME0 and HP0. As HP0 depends on ME0, then the calculation of ER corresponds to: ER ME0 2 BW060 b c T e T ME0 Y which is equivalent to: ME0 ER 2 BW060 b c Ta1 2 e TX With ER fixed to the level calculated at 248C, the first derivative of this equation (with respect to T) gives the thermoregulatory ME0 requirement for maintenance of ER when T decreases below 248C (Fig. 5). Our model indicates that the lower the value of T, the higher will be the thermoregulatory energy demand associated with an additional decrease of T. In addition, this extra feed requirement will increase with increasing BW, and will depend on the thermoneutral ER level. According to this approach, for 3090 kg pigs the thermoregulatory feed requirement averages 19 g/d per 8C between 12 and 248C and 27 g/d per 8C between 12 and 188C. This latter value is

* Obtained in our laboratory using single-housed pigs. H Basic prediction equation: total heat production BWa b H c H T d H T2 ME e H T f H Y where BW is body weight, T is ambient temperature, ME is metabolisable energy and a H , b H , c H , d H , e H , f H are coefficients.

than group-housed pigs to maintain homeothermia, as huddling behaviour cannot be used to limit the surface of skin in contact with ambient air. From a practical point of view, it is of major interest to

Fig. 3. Predicted (y) v. measured (x) total heat production (HPtot) in pigs kept under various feeding and housing conditions (n 282; measured data from Verstegen, 1971; see Table 6). Predictions were generated using equation 5 (see Table 5). (), The bisector. Regression equation: y 1889(SE 0206 0954(SE 0017)x, CV 89, R2 092.

Fig. 5. Calculated daily feed requirement for thermoregulation of group-housed growing pigs according to ambient temperature and body weight (O, 90 kg; W, 75 kg; X, 60 kg; A, 45 kg; B, 30 kg). For details of calculations, see p. 100.

Modelling heat production in growing pigs


lower than the 3332 g/d per 8C proposed by Le Dividich et al. (1987; 3097 kg BW for individually-housed pigs) and Verstegen et al. (1982; 25100 kg BW for grouphoused pigs) from studies performed with feeding level adjusted to maintain growth rate under various T. Conclusion The present study provides equations to predict HP and its components and energy gain for growing pigs under a wide range of T, BW and ME. According to our results the LCT would be approximately 248C in 3090 kg pigs with a higher marginal efficiency of dietary energy utilisation for growth under low T. In addition, it is suggested that the contribution of physical activity to HPtot can be important. These relationships represent an advancement in modelling growth of the pig towards a better estimation of ER under various climatic environments. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge A. Roger, F. Le Gouevec and S. Daniel for their technical assistance. References
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Appendix. Variables determined during the study, their calculation and analysis Variable Temperature (8C) Body weight (kg) Heat production due to physical activity Resting heat production Short-term thermic effect of feed Metabolisable energy intake (kJ/d) Abbreviation T BW HPact Resting HP TEFst ME Calculation Analysis

Gas model* Gas model* Gas model* In ab libitum-fed pigs using the equation of Quiniou et al. (2000): ME 216710 1547 T 2 3173 T2 9730 BW 2 344 BW2 2 1256 T BW residual SD 4349 kJ/d ME0 ME 2 HPact HP0 resting HP TEFst HPtot HPact TEFst resting HP ER ME 2 HPtot ME0 2 HP0 k g 1 2 e T f MEm0 BWa b c T d T2 a1 2 e T f MEm BWa b H c H T d H T2 a1 2 e H T f H

Metabolisable energy intake not used for physical activity Heat production not related to physical activity Total heat production Energy retention Efficiency of energy utilization for growth Maintenance ME requirement not related to physical activity Maintenance ME requirement

ME0 HP0 HPtot ER kg MEm0 MEm

HP0=BWa(b+cT+dT2) +ME0(eT+f) HPtot=BWa(b H +c H T+d H T2) +ME(e H T+f H )

a, a H , b, b H , c, c H , d, d H , e, e H , f, f H coefficients. * van Milgen et al. (1997).

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