Sweetwater Valley Little League: Local Rules 2011 Spring Season
Sweetwater Valley Little League: Local Rules 2011 Spring Season
Sweetwater Valley Little League: Local Rules 2011 Spring Season
Manager and Coach Requirements and Responsibilities Team Selection, Tryouts, Draft & Lost Players Schedules and Field Assignments Game Policies and Procedures Division Rules a) b) c) d) e) f) g) T-Ball Caps Minor B Minor A Major Junior Senior
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Manager and Coach Requirements and Responsibilities a) During the registration process for the spring 2011 season, all interested volunteers shall complete a Volunteer Application and add their name to a list for Manager and Coaching consideration. 1. The President of the SVLL Board reviews these names and prepares a list, by Division, of perspective Managers. It is presented to the Board for approval prior to tryouts. 2. Coaches will be selected by Managers and names will be provided to Division Directors and Board for approval. Volunteer applications are to be turned in on all managers and coaches for each team. 3. Managers will be responsible for providing coaches, team parent, scorekeepers and parent support for assigned snack bar week, field preparation and maintenance and providing umpires if required by that Division. 4. Managers and Coaches will participate in League sponsored clinics and field maintenance days. 5. Equipment and keys will be dispersed by the Equipment Manager. Each Manager will be responsible to provide a security deposit in the form of a personal check in an amount of $100.00. It will be returned upon the receipt of the equipment and keys. 6. It will be the responsibility of the Manager to ensure that there is no food on the field or in the dugout while playing; this includes chewing gum and sunflower seeds. Failure to comply with cleaning the dugout will be reported to the league President and Division Director and is subject to disciplinary action. 7. All Managers are responsible for making sure their players are using Little League Approved Bats for practice and at games. 8. Disciplinary action- Penalties for not complying with the above are as follows: a. First Violation: The Manager will be given a written warning. b. Second Violation: The Manger will be suspended for a week. c. Third Violation: The Manager will be removed from the manager and or coaching position. Team Selection, Tryouts, Draft and Lost Player(s) Guidelines a) Upon determining the dates of registration and gathering all documentation, the SVLL Players Agents will conduct tryouts. 1. Tryouts will be in January and all players (Minor B and higher) must tryout. A schedule will be provided during registration and the try outs will be conducted according to their league age, last name and Division. 2. All Division Directors will be present with the Managers to prepare the field and coordinate the tryout. 3. All players wishing to tryout for a higher Division will try out in their appropriate league age group and with the next higher age group. A try out does not guarantee team placement at the higher division. The player must be drafted into the higher Division.
Draft will be attended by Player Agents, the President and Managers. Vice President(s) and the Division Director can attend. The manager may forfeit their draft seat to a potential coach if they are unable to make it on the day assigned. 1. Draft will be conducted according to Little League Operating procedures and will be outlined the night of the draft. SVLL will redraft annually and uses the serpentine method. Draft order is determined the night of the draft. Property players are to the Majors Division only. 2. Players 10, 11 and 12 years of age are eligible for the Major Division. In order for a 9 year old to be considered for the Major Division, the Board of Directors must receive in writing from the parent during registration the request of intent. The player will be allowed to try out; however, trying out for the Major Division does not guarantee a player will be selected to the Major Division. 3. All Eligible 10 & 11 year old Minor players can be drafted to the Majors. The exception to this rule is if the Parent has notified the Board at registration that they do not want their child to be considered for Majors. If a player has been made ineligible for the Majors Division draft they will be considered ineligible for post season ALL-STAR team. 4. Minor A Managers eight year old child will be placed in the sixth round, a nine year old child in the 5th round, a ten year old child in the 4th round, and an eleven year old child in the 3rd round. Any 8 year old drafted to the Minor A division must be drafted by the 6th round. 5. Minor B Managers child is drafted in age appropriate round. An eight year old player will be drafted in the 4th round of the draft, seven year old is drafted in the 5th round. 6. All trades must be completed within a maximum of three calendar days from each division draft; Replacement players will remain at the ten day maximum (Green Book). Vacancy - Lost Player(s) must be reported by Managers to the Division Director and Player Agent after 2 consecutive absences. 1. Once the Division Director recognizes a vacancy, the Manager and the Player Agent will have seven (7) calendar days to choose a replacement player. The Player Agent will contact the selected player and parents. The player will become a permanent member of the team. 2. If a Minor A player is selected to move up to fill the vacancy, the player becomes a permanent member in Majors. Failure of a player to move up to Majors will result in ineligibility for post season All Star consideration. 3. In accordance with Little League Regulation III (d) Note 2 when a player misses seven (7) continuous days of participation for an illness or injury, a physician or other accredited medical provider must give written permission for a return to full baseball activity. This written release should be given to the division director and players agent. 4. Injured players who miss 41% of the games will be released and a replacement player will be obtained according to the above procedures. 5. In accordance with Little League Regulations for Player Eligibility in Tournament play, (T-6) a player who has participated in 60 % of the regular season games as of June 15 is eligible. 6. There will be no call-ups to any division within the last 4 games of the regular season. 4
Failure of a Manager to notify the Division Director of a vacancy within the specified time will result in suspension and possible loss of post season team management.
Schedules and Field Assignments a) SVLL has seven fields and three batting cages. 1. Four standard little league field for Majors, Minors A, Minors B, and Caps 2. One Little Slugger Field for T-ball 3. One field for Junior Division and one for Senior Division. 4. All fields are subject to be scheduled for practice as well as the batting cages. b) The master game schedule will be created by the Player Agent/President and the practice schedules will be created by each Division Director. c) Proper field maintenance during practices and games are required. Each manager must sign the Field Maintenance Agreement. Failure to care for the field will result in a loss of field practice time. Game Policies and Procedures A Season will consist of up to 21 games in regular season(depending on Division and weather conditions) Trophies will be given for 1st and 2nd place finishers in each Division. REGULAR SEASON Tiebreakers All tied Teams 1. Head to Head (Wins Losses) 2. Head to Head Runs given up (Lowest) 3. Head to Head Runs scored (Highest) 4. Total games runs given up. (Lowest) 5. Total games runs scored. (Highest) END OF SEASON TOURNAMENT At the conclusion of the regular season (schedule and weather permitting), SVLL will hold a tournament to determine the SVLL Tournament Champion for each Division. 1. In each Division, teams will be placed in 2 pools based on their win/loss record 2. Play will be conducted according to the 2011 Tournament Rules and Guidelines for Little League Baseball. These rules can be found in the 2010 Official Regulations and Playing Rules book. 3. The winning team will advance out of each pool. Tie breaks will be determined using the DRAPI (Defensive Runs Against Per Inning) system. 4. The SVLL Champion will be decided in a single/double elimination game. 5. Minor B will have random draw for seeding in an end of season tournament. Format of the tournament will be dependent on days remaining to complete a tournament at the end of the season. a) Medals will be given to the 1st and 2nd place finishers of the tournament. b) Major Manager that wins the season division has the right of first refusal to take All Star Team (10/11 and 11/12) of choice or Major TOC teams. If Manager declines, the option goes to the Manager that won the end of season tournament and then to the Manager that placed 2nd in season plays and so forth in order of finish of the division. Minor Manager that wins the season division has the right 5
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of first refusal to take the Minor TOC. If Manager declines, the option goes to the Manager that won the end of season tournament and then to the Manager that placed 2nd in season plays and so forth in order of finish of the division. 9/10 All Stars Manager and 7 & 8 Minor TOC Manager will be selected by President based upon approval of the executive board. Home team sets up field. Visitor cleans up and drags the field. If it is the last game of day, Visiting team will place all equipment in the score booth or equipment room. SVLL will adopt Pitching Rules in accordance with the Official Little League 2011 Rule book, Regulation VI. (Refer to rule book for details). Games may not start an inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes from the start of the game (except Majors). The start time must be noted in the official scorebook. 1. The start of the game is upon commencement of the Pledge of Allegiance, not the scheduled game time. 2. It is the responsibility of the Umpire and Managers to begin games on time and that game keeps moving. Time limit of game will vary by Division. 1. Majors will not have a time limit. 2 Minors A & B will not start a new inning after 1 hour and 45 minutes and will complete the inning that is in play at that point. 3. Four completed innings will be considered a game and score will be final. A limit of five runs per inning for Minors A and B with the exception of the following; 1. A ground-rule double or home run will allow more than 6 runs. 2. The sixth or last inning shall be an open inning which you may score as many runs as possible until three outs are made. The last inning will be indicated by the umpire/manager acting umpire. All Major players present and at the game, must play for six defensive outs and one at bat in accordance with Official Little League Regulation IV (i). All substitutions must be made by the top of the 4th inning. 1. Regulation IV (i) also states that Minor Division when there are 15-20 players may reduce mandatory play to 3 defensive outs. 2. Per Rule IV (i) if a player does not play his minimum requirements, that player must start the next game, complete his prior games requirements and play his minimum requirements for the current game. The Manager shall for the: A. First Offense receive a 1 game suspension for the next scheduled game. B. Second Offense a suspension for the remainder of the season. Games delayed by rain, unless the game was tied and was official, will restart from the first inning. Games called for darkness or time expired and have not reached four completed innings will be played within 2 weeks. 1. Both teams must ensure the umpire who was at your game is aware of this so the game can be finished. 2. If these games are not made up within two weeks, the game will be ruled final with the team ahead determined as the winner. This will avoid making up several games at the end of the season. Make-up games will be made up within 2 weeks of the date of the original game.
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At the beginning of the game Managers, Coaches and Players will be reminded by the umpire of the code of conduct and players will be warned about throwing of any item and will result in ejections from the game. All mangers shall do everything possible to avoid a protest. Refer to Green Book for how to handle PROTEST. Failure to comply with these procedures nullifies such protest as invalid. Protest committee: The League President/Vice President/Chief Umpire and Division Representative. All Managers will be responsible for making sure that only Little League Approved Bats are used for practices and games. If a player is observed using a non-approved Composite Bat in a game the penalties are as follows: 1. First Violation: The Player will receive an automatic out. 2. Second Violation: The Manager will be suspended for one week.
V. Division Rules TBALL: a) T-Ball is an instructional division for children 4 through 6 years of age. General guidelines are as followed for this age group as stated below: 1. Manager and Coach: No more than 1 manager, 3 coaches and a team parent are permitted in the dugout. All must be board approved. 2. T-Ball games will be limited to 1 hour of play time. Outs are not to be recorded. The managers of the opposing teams are responsible for making their best attempt at giving all players an equal amount of playing time and an equal amount of at-bats each game. Games will start at the designated start time and will not run past the start time of any following scheduled game. All games should start with the pledge of allegiance and Little League Pledge. 3. At the discretion of the managers and T-Ball Director, players may begin to hit from soft tosses from managers and coaches. Consideration will be given to the speed of the game and fair playing time for all. If a player fails to hit from a soft toss after three to four attempts, a tee will be immediately utilized 4. The safety of the players will not be jeopardized. If a player is not comfortable hitting from a soft toss or light throws from a coach or manager, a tee will be immediately utilized. 5. It is the managers responsibility to ensure that batting helmets are used at all times for batters and base runners. Catchers will always wear the appropriate safety gear to include a helmet with face mask 6. At the discretion of the managers and the T-Ball Director, the games will be conducted as follows: a. Each inning, all players from each team will be given one chance to bat with the final batter of each half of inning given the chance to run all bases to home plate (home run). Or: b. Each inning, half of the players from each team will be given one chance to bat with the final batter of each half of inning given the chance to run all bases to home plate (home run). In this case, the managers from both teams will make all attempts to play an even numbered inning game to allow for an equal amount of at-bats for each player. 7
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No parents (other than the allowed coaches and manager) are allowed to sit in the dugout or go on the field during games. At least one parent or family member is required to stay at the games while their child is playing.
CAPS: a) CAPS is an SVLL instructional division for children 6 through 7 years of age. This division falls under the T-Ball director. General guidelines for this age group are stated below: 1. 2. 3. 4. Manager and Coach: No more than 1 manager, 3 coaches and a team parent are permitted in the dugout. There will be no tryouts or draft for this division. Caps games will be limited to 1 hour and 20 minutes of play time. Game and Safety Rules: a. All machine pitch: At-bats will be 6 pitches maximum or 3 strikes (whichever comes first). Only swinging strikes, no called strikes. At-bat will not end on foul ball. b. Any ball hit into play that hits the pitching machine is deemed to be a dead ball. The batter is given first base. Forced runners will advance 1 base. If a hit ball hits the manager/coach operating the machine, the ball is live. c. The manager/coach for the team batting will operate the pitching machine. The manager/coach operating the pitching machine will also be the field umpire and will call outs on bases. 5 run rule per 1/2 inning. d. The defensive player in the 'pitcher' position will have at least 1 foot in the circle when the ball is dropped into the machine. Special attention will be made to ensure the safety of the defensive pitcher player. The player is not to step in front of the machine between pitches. e. Two coaches will be allowed in the outfield. No defensive coach allowed in the infield.
MINOR B: a) Minor B is an SVLL instructional division for children 7 through 8 years of age. Specific guidelines are as followed for this age group as stated below: 1. Manager and Coach: No more than 1 manager and 3 coaches are permitted in the dugout. 2. Game and Safety rules a. Minor B Division will use player pitching from the beginning of the season. b. Pitching plate will be set at 42 feet from the home plate for pitchers that have difficulty reaching home plate. This will be done for the first half of the season. c. The permanent pitching plate will be used during the second half of the season and end of season tournament. 8
There will be no walks. Each batter gets seven pitches or three strikes (whichever comes first). After a pitcher throws four balls, a coach will come in to complete the count (up to five pitches at the discretion of the umpire). The coach must deliver the pitches while standing in the pitching circle (dirt area). e. Manager/Coach from each team will serve as umpire for his teams defensive half of the inning. The umpire will be responsible for calling balls and strikes and plays at each base. The umpire has the ultimate decision making authority. At his discretion, the umpire may ask assistance from the other teams Manager. f. The teams continuous batting orders will remain the same from the third game through the end of the season's scheduled games. Once submitted, batting orders cannot be changed. g. The batting order may be adjusted for the end of season tournament and may be changed each game throughout the entire tournament. h. There will be 10 players on the defensive field when possible. Four (4) players on the field will be in the outfield turf. i. Every player must play 1/2 of the game. All substitutions will be made by the top of the third inning. j. No defensive coaches will be allowed on the playing field. k. The ball is live if it hits the manager or coach calling balls and strikes from behind the mound. l. There will be no base stealing allowed in the first half of the season. At the half way point of the season, base runners will be allowed to advance to the next base (base stealing). Runners may advance only after a pitch is delivered by the pitcher and the baseball has crossed the home plate. Stealing home base is not allowed. There will be no stealing when a coach assumes the position of pitcher (to complete a pitch count). 3. Score keeping will be kept for batting order and pitching counts only. d. MINOR A: a) Minor A division is for children 9 thru 11 years of age. Specific guidelines are as follows for this age group as stated below: 1. Manager and Coach: No more than 1 manager and 2 coaches are permitted in the dugout. 2. The batting roster will be continuous through the season. 3. The batting roster will be fixed after the third (3rd) game of the season.
MAJORS: a) Majors division is for children 10 thru 12 years of age with some 9 year olds eligible upon written permission of parents at registration and a successful draft choice in Major Division. Specific guidelines are as followed for this age group as stated below: 1. Manager and Coach: No more than 1 manager and 2 coaches are permitted in the dugout. 2. A team that fails to have 9 players present after 15 minutes of game time, the game will be declared a forfeit and will not be re-scheduled. 9
A forfeited game will result in a 6-0 score for the winning team. And a 0-6 loss to the forfeiting team. This will be useful in the event of a tie breaker at the end of the season.
JUNIORS: a) Junior Division is for children 13-14 years old and is inter-league play between teams designated by District 42. All leagues within the District inter league play will adopt and abide by agreed upon supplemental playing rules.
Tournament of Champions and All-Star Selection a) All-Star selections will be chosen as follows: (Note: Each team would not be allowed to vote for their own teammates.) 1 Three (3) separate ballots will be distributed by the Player Agents. Majors Players would vote for the 11/12 All Star Team (The Player Agents would facilitate the voting process). 2. Players vote The players vote for 5 players. The top five players as noted with the most votes will be on the 11/12 All-Star Team. 4. Majors Managers would vote for 6 players (each team would be represented by 1 Manager and 1 coach during the voting process). 5. Manager selected to manage the All Star Team will submit 2 Coaches Pick to fill remaining vacancies. The names submitted by the Manager must be voted on and have a manager majority for the player to be selected on the same day. 6. The Majors Managers and coach will vote on 13 players for the 10/11 AllStar Team and the 9/10 All-Star Team. 7. The Majors Managers will also select the 13 players for the Majors TOC team. 8. Minors A & B managers from each team will select the Minor and 7/8 TOC teams. .