Little League Baseball District 38: For Baseball and Softball

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Little League Baseball District 38

Little League Tee Ball

For Baseball and Softball

The Little League Tee Ball program is a vehicle by which youngsters can learn, develop and practice fundamental baseball skills at an early age and receive maximum enjoyment from the experience. Conventional baseball and softball requires that a pitcher throw accurately across home plate within each batter's defined strike zone. Most youngsters 4 to 6 years old have not developed sufficiently to pitch accurately nor to hit a pitched ball. Consequently, neither the batter nor fielders are given ample opportunity to develop fundamental hitting and defensive skills outside an organized Tee Ball program. The young player benefits in several ways hitting the ball from a prescribed tee. The youngster has the opportunity to develop hand-eye coordination and swing technique without fear of being hit by a pitched ball, and the defensive team is allowed more opportunities to develop fundamental fielding skills. Youngsters will learn to play and enjoy baseball and softball through good instruction and participation experience in Tee Ball. A key to a successful Tee Ball program is the careful selection of managers and coaches. Adult leadership must reflect positive and constructive direction tempered with patience. Patience is probably the most important virtue necessary when managing youngsters of Tee Ball age. A pamphlet titled "Little Leagues Greatest Challenge" is available through Little League offices to assist league officials in selecting managers and coaches. "My Coach Says" and "The Other Side" are appropriate publications for the novice Tee Ball manager and are also available through Little League. The learning experience must be fun coupled with developing fundamental skills of hitting, throwing, fielding and running. The basic concept should be total team participation in a congenial environment under the direction of concerned and competent adults. Remember, the value of the Tee Ball program is in the learning experience. Participants in Tee Ball are in a critical developmental period. A manager's reward will come from giving a positive factor and influence in each child's development.


The following regulations must be applied to a Tee Ball program operating under a Little League charter in District 38. 1. The Tee Ball program must operate under the direct supervision and the control of the parent Little League Board of Directors. 2. Boundaries from which participants are selected must be identical to those currently chartered by the parent Little League program. 3. Tee Ball rosters shall not exceed 15 players however, it is recommended that Tee Ball rosters not exceed 12 players. At least one or more qualified adults should supervise a Tee Ball team. 4. Assignment of Tee Ball players should be a cooperative effort of managers, coaches and the player agent following an appropriate player skills evaluation session. It is recommended that teams have a equal number of players of each age and skill ability. 5. Tee Ball rosters may be readjusted prior to May 31st during the season, at the direction of the Board of Directors.

1. Tee Ball may be offered for players 4, 5, and 6 years old, and must utilize the "batting tee" rather than the pitched ball. 2. Any candidate who will attain the age of 4 years old before April 30 and who will not attain the age of 7 years old before April 30 of the year in question shall be eligible to participate in the Tee Ball program. 3. The league president must certify and be responsible for the eligibility of each candidate prior to player assignments. 4. "League Age" is that age attained prior to April 30 in any given season. Thus a youngster whose 6th birthday is on April 30 or earlier has a League Age of 6; a youngster whose 6th birthday is on May 1 or later has a League Age of 5. 5. The "League Age" of each participant shall be recorded and announced during player assignment to guide league personnel.

6. 7+ year olds placed in Tee Ball are only for safety reasons and must be cleared by District Safety Officer. 7+ year olds are not eligible for T.O.C. and must be advised of this prior to assignment to a Tee Ball team. Failure of the league president to do so will disqualify all teams from that league from the T.O.C.

1. The schedule of games for Tee Ball shall be prepared by the Player Agent. An appropriate number of games shall be scheduled in conjunction with field availability. 2. It is recommended the schedule provide for not more than two games per week.

3. If a Tee Ball program plays a schedule of games or operates as an instructional program, it must dissolve at the conclusion of the current season. All players are returned to the league's player pool. No Exceptions!!!
4. No league standing will be kept. However, when District is holding a Tee Ball T.O.C., there should be a 2 game elimination tournament at the end of the season to determine the League Representative. Approved option: each team will play every team twice. The team holding the best record will become the representative; In the event of a tie, those teams would play 1 game to determine the representative.

1. Special Games are permissible in Tee Ball only with the regular season teams; and with District 38 approval.

1. The playing of night games, under artificial lights, is contrary to Little League principles, but may be played for justifiable reasons. 2. The responsibility of playing Tee Ball under artificial lights rests with the local league. In any event, no inning shall start after 9:00pm prevailing time. It should be noted that an inning starts the moment the third out is made, completing the previous inning. 3. Artificial lights for Tee Ball must meet minimum standards approved by Little League. (See Operating Manual)

1. All protective equipment used in the Tee Ball program must meet Little League specifications. 2. The ball must meet Little League standards and be manufactured by an approved supplier. It may be either regulation or limited flight.

3. The bat must meet Little League standards and manufactured by an approved supplier. 4. All batters, base runners, and youth base coaches must wear protective helmets. 5. The player occupying the defensive position of catcher must wear full protective equipment including a catcher mask and protective helmet, shin guards and long model chest protector with neck collar. All male catchers must wear the plastic, metal or fiber protective cup. 6. Hats and T-shirts are recommended, uniforms are ok.

1. No admission shall be charged to any Tee Ball game. Voluntary contributions are permitted. AWARDS 1. No awards shall be made to players on the basis of comparable skills or accomplishments in Tee Ball. Players participation awards may be presented at the conclusion of the season.

1. A reasonable Tee Ball participation fee may be assessed as a parent's obligation to assure the operational continuity of the program. 2. Separate fund raising by Tee Ball programs is prohibited.

1. The actions of players, managers, coaches, umpires and league officials must be above reproach. 2. Players, managers, coaches and umpires should only occupy the confines of the playing field and dugouts prior to and during the games. 3. Except for the batter, base-runners, and coaches at first and third bases, all players shall be on their benches in their dugouts when the team is at bat. When the team is on defense, all reserve players shall be on their benches in the dugout. Approved option/or season teams: Players #10-#15 at league's discretion may be placed in the outfield as extra fielders.

4. Managers and coaches may stand near batters and defensive players to offer advice, but shall not interfere with play. The manager or coach shall request "time" from the umpire before demonstrating a technique or explaining a situation to the players during the progress of a game (Regular Season Only).
5. Batboys and batgirls are not permitted.

6. The use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages, in any form, is prohibited on the playing field, benches and dugouts.


1. The playing of Sunday games is contrary to Little League policy. Where necessity exists, however games can be scheduled on Sunday.

1. The televising of Tee Ball games is prohibited unless approved by Little League Baseball Inc.

1. Tournament games involving All-Star teams in Tee Ball are prohibited. 2. All tournament or special games must be approved by District Administrator, if they involve teams from other leagues not co-chartered with parent league.

1. Tee Ball is a game between two teams of players where participants hit a ball off a prescribed batting tee situated on home plate. 2. The Tee Ball playing field should be identical in dimensions to a little league field, however, base paths can be 50 feet in length and outfield fence may be shortened to 160 feet. League's may set their fields up anyway they wish during regular season but T.O.C. will be played using the 60 foot base paths. Host league must set bases at 60 feet.

1. Managers and coaches may be used as umpires, except during T.O.C. 2. Local league will establish ground rules to be followed by all teams in the Tee Ball program. Do not confuse ground rules with playing rules. District 38 sets playing rules.


1. When all defensive players are in proper position, the defensive manager will indicate to the umpire his team is ready. The umpire will then place the ball on the tee and say "Play Ball". 2. The defensive team will consist of nine players only for T.O.C.

Batting Order -The batting order shall be the players listed in the order they are to bat. The batting order shall contain the entire roster of players. Batting orders need not be exchanged between managers prior to the start of the game (Except T.O.C.). Mandatory Play -All players listed on the roster shall play a defensive position at least every other inning. Approved option: see Field Decorum #3 on page 5. Batting Out Of Order -The scorekeeper shall inform the manager Prior to that player batting out of order. There will be no penalty and the proper batter will come up instead. Base Runner -Base runners must stay in contact with the base until the ball is hit. When players have advanced as far as possible without being put out, or having been retired, the umpire shall call "Time" and place the ball on the tee. Play is stopped and the ball is dead when the pitcher is within the 10 foot circle and has control of the ball to give to the umpire. If runner is over halfway to next base by the time pitcher has control, he will be allowed that base. If play is made and out is called, it will stand. If play is made and ball is thrown away, he may continue to advance, Hash marks will be at halfway point for easy judgment (see field diagram on last page). Side Retired -The offensive side is retired when three outs are made or when all players on the offensive team have batted one time. (Regular Season Only) T.O.C. will be three outs. Foul Ball -Identical to conventional baseball with two exceptions: 1. The ball is foul if the ball travels less than 15 feet in fair territory from home plate. 2. The ball is foul if the batter hits the tee with the bat causing the ball to fall from the tee.

Strike Out The local league will determine whether or not strike outs will be permitted in Tee Ball. Strike Out T.O.C. - If the batter misses the ball three times he is out, or fouls the ball twice or misses once and fouls once then misses the ball twice he is out. The batter will be allowed a maximum of 6 swings to hit a fair ball in any other event or combination. However, if the sixth swing is a foul ball he will be called out on strikes. Infield Fly The infield fly rule does not apply in Tee Ball. Time Out Current Little League book rule applies. Hitting The batter should not be permitted to bunt or take a half swing. If, in the umpire's judgment, the batter does not take a full swing he may call the batter back to swing again unless the ball travels beyond the 15 foot radius. In this event the ball is live and in play whether or not the tee fell over. Defensive Substitution The manager of the defensive team is permitted to use free substitution at any time during the game when the ball is not in play. However each player must end the game having played in at least half of the defensive outs his team recorded. Runner Leaves Base Early Little League rule # 7-13 shall apply for T.O.C. (runner will not be called out). Local league can call runner out for leaving early during regular season at the option of the Board of Directors. Protest There shall be no protests in Tee Ball regular season. Protest T.O.C. - The Tournament Director will rule on any protest on the spot. All protests will comply with Little League rule # 4-19. Forfeit There shall be no forfeits in Tee Ball regular season. Forfeit T.O.C. - Because of scheduling and time constraints any league unable to field a team for any reason shall forfeit that game. Regulation Game The local league may determine appropriate game length but it shall not exceed six innings (unless tied). It is recommended that Tee Ball games be 4 innings or one and a half hours. Regulation Game T.O.C. - Six innings, same as Little League rules # 4-10 and # 4-11. Pitcher The pitcher shall keep both feet on the rubber until the ball is hit. NO EXCEPTIONS! Overthrow On any attempted play at base the runners will be permitted to advance, at their own risk, but not more than one base. Award one base if the ball goes into a dead ball area. Type of Ball - The limited flight ball or regular ball may be used for Tee Ball (league board

decision). The ball to be used for tournaments must be approved prior to the beginning of T.O.C. By District Presidents. Rules The current Little League rule book will be the authority for any rule not specifically covered in these special rules. Placement of Managers and Coaches T.O.C. - Offense: One allowed at first and third base. Defense: In dugout only. If a manager receives a time out he may proceed but not cross hash marks toward home plate (see field diagram) or the foul lines of the playing field. Penalty: Automatic ejection. See T.O.C. Rules for the Following: - Removal of team personnel, mercy rule, challenges of player eligibility,

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