Grade 7 8 Instrumental Music: Performing (National Standards 1 & 2) Creating (National Standards 3 & 4)

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Performing (NationalStandards1&2)
Thelearnerwillperformselectedmajor scaleswithcorrectfingeringsorsticking,ata consistenttempo.(Productivityand

Creating (NationalStandards3&4)
Thelearnerwillcomposeaneightbar melodyusingamajorkeyinacompound meter.(CriticalThinking,Creativity,Flexibility

Thelearnerwillsingportionsofselected concertmaterialwithpitchandrhythmic accuracy.(ProductivityandAccountability) Thelearnerwillperformwithothersduring rehearsalsandconcertperformances respondingtotheconductor,andauditory information.

(ComplexCommunication,Collaboration, FlexibilityandAdaptability)

Thelearnerwillimproviseafourbarphrase ofafourbarbluesusingtheBbbluesscale witharhythmsection.(CriticalThinking,

Creativity,ComplexCommunication, Collaboration,FlexibilityandAdaptation)

Thelearnerwillimproviseembellishments onamelody.(CriticalThinking,Creativity)

Receive&Respond (NationalStandards5&6)
Thelearnerwillidentifytheconcertkeyfor eachmajorscale.(Productivityand

ContextualKnowledge (NationalStandards7,8,&9)
Thelearnerwillevaluateaperformance basedonindividualandgroupexecution.
(CriticalThinking,ComplexCommunication, Collaboration,FlexibilityandAdaptability)

Thelearnerwillanalyzewhatinstruments havethemelodyandwhichhavethecounter melody,invariousplaceswithinaselected work.(CriticalThinking) Thelearnerwilldescribevaryingcolorsin windbandmusic.(CriticalThinking,Complex


Thelearnerwillresearchthehistorical contextofOvertureonaShakerTune.
(CriticalThinking,Productivityand Accountability)

Thelearnerwillexaminehowplayingwitha grouprelatestootherexperiencesatschool.
(CriticalThinking,ComplexCommunication, FlexibilityandAdaptability,Productivityand Accountability)

78GradeInstrumentalMusic IndividualPerformanceAssessment


Learnerswillbeprovidedwithassignedscalesandexcerptsinanotebook. Learnerswillperformtheassignedmaterialfortheteacher. Learnerswillsingportionsofassignedmaterialsandconcertbandmusic. Learnerswillbegradedonthefollowingrubric.

1. Note Accuracy

Exceeds 4
Notes are consistently accurate.

Secure 3
An occasional inaccurate note is played, but does not detract from overall performance. An occasional isolated error, but most of the time pitch is accurate and secure. The beat is secure and the rhythms are mostly accurate. There are a few duration errors. Tone is focused, clear and centered through the normal playing range of the instrument. Extremes in range sometimes cause tone to be less controlled

Developing 2
A few inaccurate notes are played, detracting somewhat from the overall performance. Some accurate pitches, but there are frequent and/or repeated errors. The beat is somewhat erratic. Some rhythms are accurate. Frequent or repeated duration errors.

Beginning 1
Wrong notes consistently detract from the performance.

2. Pitch Accuracy

Virtually no errors. Pitch is very accurate. The beat is secure and the rhythms are accurate for the style of music being played.

Very few accurate or secure pitches. The beat is usually erratic and rhythms are seldom accurate.

3. Rhythmic Accuracy

4. Tone Quality
Tone is consistently focused, clear, and centered throughout the range of the instrument. Tone has professional quality.

Tone is often focused, clear and centered, but sometimes the tone is uncontrolled in the normal playing range. Extremes in range are usually uncontrolled.

The tone is often not focused, clear or centered regardless of the range being played.

78GradeInstrumentalMusic CreatingAssessment


Teacherwillprovideaselectionofcompoundmetersandmajorscales. Thelearnerwillcomposeaneightbarmelodywiththeirchoiceofscaleandmeterfrom selection. Learnerswillperformtheircompositioninsmallgrouporindividuallessons


Standard 1. Pitch Content

Exceeds 4
Uses correct pitches from major scale throughout

Secure 3
Uses pitches from major scale with occasional deviations

Developing 2
Uses some accurate pitches with frequent deviations from major scale

Beginning 1
Very few accurate pitches are used throughout but contains a tonal center Notates rhythms inaccurately in compound meter

2. Rhythmic notation

Notates rhythms accurately and with a variety of rhythmic durations

Notates a majority of rhythms accurately, with 1-4 errors

Notates rhythms with consistent errors, contains correct meter and note divisions Performs with some rhythmic and pitch deviations from composition

3. Performance

Performs composition with clarity and musicality

Performs with clarity of notes and rhythms

Performance deviates greatly from composition

78GradeInstrumentalMusic Receive&RespondAssessment


Learnerswillbeaskedtoidentifythescaletheyplaywhengivenaconcertkey. Theteacherwilladministeratakehomeassignmentforagrade.

Standard Identify concert key with played scale Exceeds 4
Correctly identifies concert pitch with played scale in all twelve major keys

Secure 3
Correctly identifies concert pitch with played scale in at least 8 major keys

Developing 2 Beginning 1
Correctly identifies concert pitch with played scale in at least 6 major key Correctly identifies concert pitch with played scale in at least 3 major key

78GradeInstrumentalMusic ContextualKnowledgeAssessment

Criteria Learnerswillevaluateavideorecordingofaconcert. LearnerswillbeprovidedwithaSCIBAconcertballottofilloutbasedonthe performance.



Standard 1.Ballot Comments and Score

Exceeds 4
Writes 3 or more appropriate and well thought comments in each section Fills out upper portion of ballot correctly and completely Well organized writing skills, typed, contains several suggestions for future improvement, contemplative Continually builds upon information found in evaluation, making goals for improvement

Secure 3
Writes 3-2 appropriate comments in each section

Developing 2 Beginning 1
Writes 2-1 appropriate comments in each section Writes 1-0 appropriate comments in each section

2.Concert information 3. Reflection Summary

Fills out upper portion of ballot with few errors and completely Well organized writing skills typed, contains a suggestion for improvement

Partially fills out upper portion with errors Somewhat organized writing skills, typed

Incomplete with incorrect information Unorganized writing skills, hand written

4. Application

Uses evaluation to improve short term issues

Acknowledges findings continually present in playing

Does not connect evaluation information to other experiences

78GradeInstrumentalMusicPerformance Assessment

1. NoteAccuracy 2. PitchAccuracy 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

3. RhythmicAccuracy 4. ToneQuality

1. PitchContent 2. RhythmicContent 3. Performance 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1

1. Identifiesconcertkeytoplayedscale 4 3 2 1

1. BallotCommentsandScore 2. ConcertInformation 3. ReflectionSummary 4. Application 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1


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