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352 Federal Register / Vol. 66, No.

2 / Wednesday, January 3, 2001 / Notices

derived solely from experience with SUMMARY: The Joint Advisory public an early opportunity to comment
products sold in the United States. The Committee on Nuclear Weapons Surety on information collection requests. The
Commission’s interpretative rule will conduct a closed session on January Office of Management and Budget
enumerates, at 16 CFR 1115.12(f), 12, 2001 at Science Applications (OMB) may amend or waive the
examples of the different types of International Cooperation, San Diego, requirement for public consultation to
information that a firm should consider California. the extent that public participation in
in determining whether to report. The The Joint Advisory Committee is the approval process would defeat the
regulation does not exclude information charged with advising the Secretaries of purpose of the information collection,
from evaluation because of its Defense and Energy, and the Joint violate State or Federal law, or
geographic source. The Commission Nuclear Weapons Council on nuclear substantially interfere with any agency’s
interprets the statutory reporting weapons surety matters. At this meeting ability to perform its statutory
requirements to mean that, if a firm the Joint Advisory Committee will obligations. The Leader, Regulatory
obtains information that meets the receive classified briefings on nuclear Information Management, Office of the
criteria for reporting listed above and weapons security and use control. Chief Information Officer, publishes this
that is relevant to a product it sells or In accordance with the Federal notice containing proposed information
distributes in the U.S., it must report Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92– collection requests at the beginning of
that information to the CPSC, no matter 463, as amended, Title 5, U.S.C. App. II, the Departmental review of the
where the information came from. Such (1988)), this meeting concerns matters information collection. Each proposed
information could include incidents or sensitive to the interests of national information collection, grouped by
experience with the same or a security, listed in 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(1) office, contains the following: (1) Type
substantially similar product, or a and accordingly this meeting will be of review requested, e.g., new, revision,
component thereof, sold in a foreign closed to the public. extension, existing or reinstatement; (2)
country. Dated: December 26, 2000. Title; (3) Summary of the collection; (4)
Over the past several years, the L. M. Bynum, Description of the need for, and
Commission has received reports under proposed use of, the information; (5)
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
section 15(b) that have included Officer, Department of Defense. Respondents and frequency of
information on experience with collection; and (6) Reporting and/or
[FR Doc. 01–73 Filed 1–2–01; 8:45 am]
products abroad, and, when Recordkeeping burden. ED invites
appropriate, has initiated recalls based public comment.
in whole or in part on that experience. The Department of Education is
Thus, a number of companies already especially interested in public comment
view the statutory language as the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION addressing the following issues: (1) Is
Commission does. However, with the this collection necessary to the proper
Notice of Proposed Information
expanding global market, more firms are functions of the Department; (2) will
Collection Requests
obtaining this type of information, but this information be processed and used
many may be unfamiliar with this AGENCY: Department of Education. in a timely manner, (3) is the estimate
aspect of reporting. Therefore, the ACTION: Notice of proposed information of burden accurate; (4) how might the
Commission proposes to issue this collection requests. Department enhance the quality, utility,
policy statement to assist those firms in and clarity of the information to be
complying with the requirements of SUMMARY: The Leader, Regulatory collected, and (5) how might the
section 15(b) of the Consumer Product Information Management, Office of the Department minimize the burden of this
Safety Act. Chief Information Officer, invites collection on respondents, including
The Commission is not required to comments on the proposed information through the use of information
seek public comment on what is a collection requests as required by the technology.
straight-forward reading of the CPSA. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
Dated: December 27, 2000.
Nevertheless, because this is the first DATES: An emergency review has been
John Tressler,
public announcement of this requested in accordance with the Act
interpretation, the Commission is Leader, Regulatory Information Management,
(44 U.S.C. Chapter 3507 (j)), since
Office of the Chief Information Officer.
providing the public with this public harm is reasonably likely to
opportunity to comment prior to result if normal clearance procedures Office of Elementary and Secondary
issuance of this policy statement. are followed. Approval by the Office of Education
Dated: December 28, 2000. Management and Budget (OMB) has Type of Review: New.
Sadye E. Dunn, been requested by January 5, 2001. Title: Early Childhood Educator
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety ADDRESSES: Written comments Professional Development Program.
Commission. regarding the emergency review should Abstract: The Professional
[FR Doc. 01–134 Filed 1–2–01; 8:45 am] be addressed to the Office of Development for Early Childhood
BILLING CODE 6355–01–P Information and Regulatory Affairs, Educators and Caregivers Grants are
Attention: Lauren Wittenberg, Acting designed for one or more local
Desk Officer: Department of Education, educational service agencies, State
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Office of Management and Budget; 725 educational agencies, State agencies for
17th Street, NW., Room 10235, New higher education, institutions of higher
Office of the Secretary Executive Office Building, Washington, education, and other public and private
DC 20503. agencies, organizations, and institutions
Joint Advisory Committee on Nuclear SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section to fund projects that provide
Weapons Surety; Meeting 3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of professional development opportunities
1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires to improve the knowledge and skills of
ACTION: Notice of Advisory Committee
that the Director of OMB provide early childhood educators and
interested Federal agencies and the caregivers who work in urban and rural

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Federal Register / Vol. 66, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 3, 2001 / Notices 353

communities with high concentrations schools, or consortia of such schools, to encouraged to limit Part IV to the
of young children living in proverty. enable them to plan, implement, or equivalent of no more than 20 pages.
Additional Information: Due to the expand projects that benefit the Applicable Regulations: (a) The
unexpected delay in passage of an educational, health, social services, Education Department General
appropriations law, ED is requesting an cultural and recreational needs of the Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in
emergency review of this information community. School-based community 34 CFR parts 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85,
collection in order to make awards in learning centers can provide expanded and 86, and (b) the regulations in 34
sufficient time for applicants to provide learning opportunities for children, CFR part 299.
high-quality professional development youth and their families as well as a
programs by early summer 2001 when safe, drug-free, supervised and cost-
many early childhood educators and effective afterschool, weekend or The Absolute Priority, published in
caregivers will be available to summer haven. the notice of final priorities for this
participate. Based upon the occurrence For fiscal year (FY) 2001 we strongly program in the Federal Register on
of this unanticipated event, and the encourage applicants to design projects December 2, 1997 (62 FR 63773) and
public harm that might otherwise occur that focus on the invitational priority in repeated below, applies to this
with delaying grant awards so that the the PRIORITIES section of this competition. In addition, we give
opportunity is missed to provide application notice. preference to applications that meet the
professional development during Eligible Applicants: Only rural or Competitive Priority (34 CFR
summer 2001. OMB approval is inner-city public elementary or 75.105(c)(2)(ii) and 34 CFR 299.3(a)).
requested by January 5, 2000, so that the secondary schools, consortia of those Absolute Priority: Under 34 CFR
application notice can be published and schools, or local educational agencies 75.105(c)(3), we consider only
the application be made available to (LEAs) applying on their behalf, are applications that meet the absolute
eligible applicants. We anticipate that eligible to receive a grant under the 21st priority in the next paragraph.
this time schedule will allow eligible Century Community Learning Centers Activities To Expand Learning
applicants 60 days to prepare grant Program. An LEA considering serving Opportunities: We fund only those
applications, and the Department to more than one school is encouraged to applications for 21st Century
award grants by mid-May. submit a consortium application on Community Learning Centers grants that
Frequency: Annually. their behalf. Grants awarded under the include, among the array of services
Affected Public: State, Local, or Tribal program may be used to plan, required and authorized by the statute,
Gov’t, SEAs or LEAs; Not-for-profit implement, or expand community activities that offer significant expanded
institutions. learning centers. Applicants must learning opportunities for children and
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour demonstrate that they meet the statutory youth in the community and that
Burden: program purpose of serving either contribute to reduced drug use and
Responses: 100. ‘‘rural’’ or ‘‘inner-city’’ schools or a violence.
Burden Hours: 1,300. consortium of such schools. Invitational Priority: Within the
Requests for copies of the proposed Applications Available: January 4, absolute priority, Activities to Expand
information collection request should be 2001. Learning Opportunities, in accordance
directed to Vivian Reese, Department of Deadline for Transmittal of with the Department of Education
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Applications: March 30, 2001. Appropriations Act, 2001, the Secretary
Room 4050, Regional Office Building 3, Deadline for Intergovernmental strongly encourages applications that
Washington, DC 20202–4651, or should Review: May 31, 2001. are submitted jointly by a local
be electronically mailed to the internet Available Funds: Approximately $205 educational agency (or a consortium of
address, or million. local educational agencies) and at least
should be faxed to 202–708–9346. Estimated Range of Awards: $35,000– one community-based organization that
Comments regarding burden and/or $2,000,000, depending on the number of has experience in providing before-and
the collection activity requirements, Centers included in each grant afterschool services. We are particularly
contact Kathy Axt at her internet application. interested in applications that meet this
address Individuals Estimated Average Size of Awards: invitational priority.
who use a telecommunications device $500,000, for a grant that will support Under 34 CFR 75.105(c)(1) we do not
for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal 4 Centers. The average funding for a give to an application that meets the
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1– single Center is $125,000. invitational priority a competitive or
800–877–8339. Estimated Number of Awards: absolute preference over other
[FR Doc. 01–58 Filed 1–2–01; 8:45 am]
Approximately 400 awards. applications.
Project Period: Up to 36 months. Competitive Priority: Under 34 CFR
Please note that all applicants for multi- 75.105(c)(2)(i), we give preference to
year awards are required to provide applications that meet the competitive
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION detailed budget information for the total priority described below.
grant period requested. The Department Competitive Priority. Projects that will
[CFDA No. 84.287] will negotiate at the time of the initial use a significant portion of the program
award the funding level for each year of funds to address substantial problems in
21st Century Community Learning the grant award.
Centers; Notice Inviting Applications an Empowerment Zone, including a
Note: The Department is not bound by any Supplemental Empowerment Zone, or
for New Awards for Fiscal Year (FY) estimates in this notice.
2001 an Enterprise Community designated by
Page Limit: The application narrative the United States Department of
Purpose of Program: The 21st Century (Part IV of the application) is where you, Housing and Urban Development or the
Community Learning Centers Program the applicant, address the selection United States Department of
was established by Congress to award criteria reviewers use to evaluate your Agriculture. We select an application
grants to rural and inner-city public application. Applicants are strongly that meets this priority over an

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