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Federal Register / Vol. 67, No.

128 / Wednesday, July 3, 2002 / Notices 44597

DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE stakeholders to gather information on of Management and Budget, 725 17th
the availability of digital entertainment Street, NW., Room 10235, New
Technology Administration and status of copyright protection and Executive Office Building, Washington,
rights management tools. The DC 20503 or should be electronically
Announcing a Public Workshop on discussions will help gather data on mailed to the Internet address
Digital Entertainment and Rights such issues as the strength, weaknesses
Management and availability of technological SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section
AGENCY: Technology Administration, solutions, as well as network capability, 3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
Commerce. and the proper role for the Government 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires
ACTION: Notice of a public workshop. in facilitating solutions that are best for that the Office of Management and
innovation and best for consumers. Budget (OMB) provide interested
SUMMARY: The United States Department Topics to be addressed at the Federal agencies and the public an early
of Commerce Technology workshop include: opportunity to comment on information
Administration (TA) announces a public fl The effectiveness of efforts to pursue collection requests. OMB may amend or
workshop on digital entertainment and technical standards or solutions that waive the requirement for public
its availability to consumers. The are designed to provide a more consultation to the extent that public
workshop will help gather data on such predictable and secure environment participation in the approval process
issues as the status of technical for digital transmission of copyright would defeat the purpose of the
standards that provide the framework material; information collection, violate State or
necessary to enable legitimate digital fl Major obstacles facing an open Federal law, or substantially interfere
media distribution and the present state commercial exchange of digital with any agency’s ability to perform its
of strengths, weaknesses and availability content; statutory obligations. The Leader,
of current and imminent technological fl What a future framework for success Regulatory Information Management
solutions to protect digital content, might entail; Group, Office of the Chief Information
barriers that are inhibiting movies, fl Current consumer attitude towards Officer, publishes that notice containing
music and games from coming online. online entertainment. proposed information collection
DATES: This workshop will be held on The workshop will focus on these and requests prior to submission of these
July 17, 2002, from 1 p.m.–4 p.m. other related issues. Anyone wishing to requests to OMB. Each proposed
ADDRESSES: The workshop will be held comment on these or raise related issues information collection, grouped by
at the Herbert C. Hoover Building, 1401 is free to do so, either in writing before office, contains the following: (1) Type
Constitution Avenue, NW., Room 4830, the meeting, or in person at the meeting. of review requested, e.g. new, revision,
Washington, DC. Entrance on 14th Prior comments will be collected via the extension, existing or reinstatement; (2)
between Pennsylvania and Constitution Technology Administration Web site— title; (3) summary of the collection; (4)
Aves., NW.<http:// description of the need for, and
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:> and are requested by proposed use of, the information; (5)
Further information relevant to the July 11, 2002. respondents and frequency of
substantive issues to be addressed by Authority: This work effort is being collection; and (6) reporting and/or
this workshop may be obtained from initiated pursuant to TA’s statutory recordkeeping burden. OMB invites
Chris Israel Deputy Assistant Secretary responsibilities, codified at section 3704 of public comment.
for Technology Policy, Technology Title 15 of the United States Code. Dated: June 27, 2002.
Administration, (202) 482–5687. Dated: June 28, 2002. John D. Tressler,
Limited seating will be available to
Phillip J. Bond, Leader, Regulatory Information Management,
members of the general public. It is
Undersecretary of Commerce for Technology. Office of the Chief Information, Officer.
recommended that persons wishing to
become general public attendees arrive [FR Doc. 02–16740 Filed 7–2–02; 8:45 am] Office of Postsecondary Education
early, as seating will be first come, first BILLING CODE 3510–18–M
Type of Review: Reinstatement.
served. Title: Application for Grants under
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant Upward Bound (UB) & Upward Bound
to its statutory authority found at 15 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Math/Science (UBMS) Programs.
U.S.C. 3704(c), the Technology Frequency: Once every four years.
Administration is authorized, among Submission for OMB Review; Affected Public: Not-for-profit
other things, to conduct technology Comment Request institutions; Businesses or other for-
policy analyses to improve United AGENCY: Department of Education. profit; State, Local, or Tribal Gov’t,
States industrial productivity, SEAs or LEAs.
technology, and innovation, cooperate SUMMARY: The Leader, Regulatory
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
with United States industry in the Information Management Group, Office
improvement of its productivity, of the Chief Information Officer invites
Responses: 1,450.
technology, and ability to compete comments on the submission for OMB Burden Hours: 49,300.
successfully in world markets, and review as required by the Paperwork Abstract: The application form is
identify technological needs, problems, Reduction Act of 1995. needed to conduct a national
and opportunities within and across DATES: Interested persons are invited to competition for the Upward Bound and
industrial sectors, that, if addressed, submit comments on or before August 2, Upward Bound Math and Science
could make a significant contribution to 2002. Centers Programs for program year
the economy of the United States. ADDRESSES: Written comments should 2003–04. These programs provide
With these responsibilities in mind, be addressed to the Office of federal financial assistance in the form
the Technology Administration is Information and Regulatory Affairs, of grants to institutions of higher
planning on holding a moderated series Attention: Lauren Wittenberg, Desk education, public and private agencies
of informal discussions with relevant Officer, Department of Education, Office and organizations, combinations of

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44598 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 128 / Wednesday, July 3, 2002 / Notices

institutions and agencies and, in DATES: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 1 address or telephone number listed
exceptional cases, secondary schools to p.m.–8:30 p.m. above. Requests must be received five
establish and operate projects designed ADDRESSES: New Mexico Highlands days prior to the meeting and reasonable
to generate skills and motivations University, Student Center, Las Vegas, provision will be made to include the
necessary for success in education NM. presentation in the agenda. The Deputy
beyond secondary school. The Math and Designated Federal Officer is
Science Program provides an intensive empowered to conduct the meeting in a
Menice Manzanares, Northern New
six-week summer math-science fashion that will facilitate the orderly
Mexico Citizens’ Advisory Board, 1660
curriculum program. conduct of business. Each individual
Old Pecos Trail, Suite B, Santa Fe, NM
This information collection is being wishing to make public comment will
87505. Phone (505) 995–0393; fax (505)
submitted under the Streamlined be provided a maximum of five minutes
989–1752 or e-mail:
Clearance Process for Discretionary to present their comments at the
Grant Information Collections (1890– beginning of the meeting.
0001). Therefore, the 30-day public SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Minutes: Minutes of this meeting will
comment period notice will be the only Purpose of the Board: The purpose of be available for public review and
public comment notice published for the Board is to make recommendations copying at the Freedom of Information
this information collection. to DOE and its regulators in the areas of Public Reading Room, 1E–190, Forrestal
Requests for copies of the submission environmental restoration, waste Building, 1000 Independence Avenue,
for OMB review; comment request may management, and related activities. SW, Washington, DC 20585 between 9
be accessed from http:// Tentative Board Meeting and Retreat a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday–Friday, except, by selecting the Agenda: Federal holidays. Minutes will also be
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and Wednesday, July 31, 2002 available at the Public Reading Room
by clicking on link number 2064. When 1–1:15 p.m. Call to Order by Ted Taylor, located at the Board’s office at 1660 Old
you access the information collection, DDFO; Establishment of a Quorum; Pecos Trail, Suite B, Santa Fe, NM.
click on ‘‘Download Attachments’’ to Welcome and Introductions by Jim Hours of operation for the Public
view. Written requests for information Brannon, Board Chair; Approval of Reading Room are 9 a.m.–4 p.m. on
should be addressed to Vivian Reese, Agenda; Approval of May 31–June 1, Monday through Friday. Minutes will
2002 Meeting and Retreat Minutes
Department of Education, 400 Maryland 1:15–1:30 p.m Public Comment
also be made available by writing or
Avenue, SW., Room 4050, Regional 1:30–2:30 p.m Board Business calling Menice Manzanares at the
Office Building 3, Washington, DC A. Recruitment/Membership Update Board’s office address or telephone
20202–4651 or to the e-mail address B. Report from Chairman Brannon number listed above. Minutes and other Requests may also —Update on SSAB Chair’s Meeting and Board documents are on the Internet at:
be electronically mailed to the Internet SSAB Workshop
address or faxed to —Amendment No. 2 to Bylaws Issued at Washington, DC on June 28, 2002.
202–708–9346. Please specify the C. Report from DOE, Ted Taylor, DDFO Rachel M. Samuel,
complete title of the information —Overview of Parliamentary Procedure Deputy Advisory Committee Management
collection when making your request. D. Report from Executive Director, Menice Officer.
Comments regarding burden and/or S. Manzanares [FR Doc. 02–16695 Filed 7–2–02; 8:45 am]
the collection activity requirements E. Report from Technical Advisor, Ben
should be directed to Joseph Schubart at Latham
his Internet address F. New Business Individuals who 2:30–2:45 p.m. Break
use a telecommunications device for the 2:45–3:45 p.m. Report from Committees FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal A. Environmental Restoration Committee, COMMISSION
Dr. Fran Berting
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1– B. Monitoring and Surveillance Committee, Notice of Public Information
800–877–8339. Dr. June Frabryka-Martin Collection(s) Being Reviewed by the
[FR Doc. 02–16684 Filed 7–2–02; 8:45 am] C. Waste Management Committee, Richard Federal Communications Commission
D. Community Outreach Committee, Debra June 26, 2002.
Welsh SUMMARY: The Federal Communications
E. Budget committee Report, Don Jordan Commission, as part of its continuing
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 3:45–5 p.m.Presentation of FY 03 Work Plans
and Budget by Each Committee
effort to reduce paperwork burden
5–6 p.m. Dinner Break invites the general public and other
Environmental Management Site-
6–7:30 p.m. Presentation by DOE on FY 03 Federal agencies to take this
Specific Advisory Board, Northern New
Budget opportunity to comment on the
7:30–7:45 p.m. Break following information collection(s), as
AGENCY: Department of Energy. 7:45–8:15 p.m. Public Comment required by the Paperwork Reduction
8:15–8:30 p.m. Recap of Meeting Act of 1995, Public Law 104–13. An
ACTION: Notice of open meeting.
8:30 p.m. Adjourn agency may not conduct or sponsor a
SUMMARY: This notice announces a This agenda is subject to change at collection of information unless it
meeting of the Environmental least one day in advance of the meeting. displays a current valid control number.
Management Site-Specific Advisory Public Participation: The meeting is No person shall be subject to any
Board (EM SSAB), Northern New open to the public. Written statements penalty for failing to comply with a
Mexico. The Federal Advisory may be filed with the Committee either collection of information subject to the
Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463, 86 Stat. before or after the meeting. Individuals Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) that
770) requires that public notice of these who wish to make oral statements does not display a valid control number.
meetings be announced in the Federal pertaining to agenda items should Comments are requested concerning (a)
Register. contact Menice Manzanares at the whether the proposed collection of

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