DKG Minutes Feb 18 2020

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DKG ~ Nu Chapter Minutes

Texas State Organization

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Nu Chapter

Doris Miller Middle School

301 Foxtail Run, San Marcos, TX

February 18, 2020

Nu Chapter of the Texas State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International met on
Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 5:30p.m., Doris Miller Middle School, San Marcos, TX for a regularly
scheduled meeting followed with socializing. President Tonya Rhodes and Secretary Cheryl Blake attended. A
quorum was established.

Members in Attendance: Loretta Eiben, Cheryl Blake, Carol Grimm, Lauren Kresling, Tonya Rhodes, Jan
Moody, Chris Winek, Robin Estepp, Debra Zupancic, Peggy Parker, Loretta Eiben, Alice Castillo, and Jean
Balch, Guests Linda Brown & Linda Whitlow

Inspiration was shared by Estepp

Guests were all welcomed and served a salad meal.

President Rhodes called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m.

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Frady. Balance as of January 27 is $1453.03. Reminder, all dues are due
prior to August. Treasurer’s report was approved.

Minutes were prepared and read by Blake, approved as read.

Visitors, Brown and Whitlow were introduced to the members.

Old Business:

Members were updated on those who were not in attendance.

Zupancic reminded members that items are needed for the newsletter.

Rhodes reminded members that elections of officers will be coming up and we need members to volunteer
for offices.

April meeting will be held at International in Austin and there will be no meeting in March.

Blake reminded members to encourage young ladies who are student teaching or about to student teach to
apply for our scholarship. She reminded members they do not have to be Texas State students.

New Business:
Moody shared several service project ideas to the group for consideration.

 School fuel program

 Teacher appreciations
 Helping teachers make copies, cutting out things, etc.

Guest speaker, Marla Johnson, Hays County Women Shelter Executive Director, shared what is happening at
the shelter and progress that is being made.

Members donated and made toiletry bundles for women of the shelter and the items were given to Johnson.

Raffle basket was raffled to raise fund for our Scholarship. Fifty dollars were raised and Eiben was the winner.

Adjournment: 7:00p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Blake __________________________________

Minutes prepared by Cheryl Blake, Nu Recording Secretary. Tonya Rhodes, Nu President

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