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Visual merchandising is the activity and profession of developing the floor plans and threedimensional displays in order to maximise sales. Both goods or services can be displayed to highlight their features and benefits. The purpose of such visual merchandising is to attract, engage and motivate the customer towards making a purchase. Visual merchandising commonly occurs in retail spaces such as retail stores and trade shows.

Brief History Of Planet M

Planet M is an Indian music retail store founded by The Times Group (BCCL). It was sold to Next Retail India Ltd. of Mumbai, the retail arm of Videocon, in Nov 2007.

It is present in many cities (140-plus locations) all over India. These stores are mainly known for selling music and movies and related accessories.

They also sell gaming consoles and handhelds like PlayStation Portable, PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Planet M is also a new entrant in the mobile retail business. They offer a wide range of mobile handsets with lucrative schemes.

They are also selling T-Shirts of various brands like Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Nickelodeon, Batman and various Bands.

They are also selling artificial jewellery, key chains they are also dealing tech-stuff like pen drives, computer hardwares, earphones etc. now days they are also selling cell phones and accessories.

About the theme -WORLD


World Music Day, is a music festival taking place on June 21.World Music Day is a day on which the world celebrates the magical gift of music. The idea of the World Music Day was conceptualized first in France in 1976 by American musician Joel Cohen who proposed an all-night music celebration to mark the beginning of the summer solstice. The idea was taken up by French Music and Dance director Maurice Fleuret for Minister of Culture Jack Lang in 1981 and first took place in 1982 in Paris. Since then, it has become a worldwide phenomenon with over 32 countries worldwide having their own celebrations in their own way, regardless of the season. Its purpose is to promote music in two ways:

Amateur and professional musicians are encouraged to perform in the streets. The slogan Faites de la musique (Make music), a homophone of Fte de la Musique, is used to promote this goal. Many free concerts are organized, making all genres of music accessible to the public. Two of the caveats to being sanctioned by the official Fte de la Musique organization in Paris are that all concerts must be free to the public, and all performers donate their time for free. In 2011, the festival utilized online booking site Gigmaven to organize its performers.

Despite there being a large tolerance about the performance of music by the general public of amateurs in public areas after usual hours, the noise restrictions still apply, and can cause some establishments to be forbidden to open and broadcast music out of their doors without prior authorization. So the prefectures of police in France can still forbid them to install any audio hardware in the street.

Reason behind choosing the theme:

Since the brand planet m is related to music as in it deals with merchandise like music cds,dvds,gadgets like headphones etc so we decided to come up with a different visual merchandise on world music day for its stores in order to cater to their customers.

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