p-119 Biblio Id Geology 1941 1957
p-119 Biblio Id Geology 1941 1957
p-119 Biblio Id Geology 1941 1957
Clyde P. Ross
Geologist, U ~ S. Geological Survey
Clyde Po Ross
In December 1941 0 Pamphlet 57 of the Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology was
published This report was entitled lithe metal and coal mining districts of Idaho o
The present bibliography starts with papers published in 1941 and not included
in Pamphlet 57. It goes through 1957 and includes such reports as have been pub-
lished in the early part of 1958 anq have come to the attention of the compilero A
few reports that escaped inclusion in Pamphlet 57 are inserted in the present bibli-
ographyo The purpose of the new compilq.tion is to include all reports that appeared
during the period indicated above that would be of interest to those concerned with
thegeolog}, of Idaho and its· .problems With this purpose in mindo news notes of
0 .
The coverage of reports of this nature is not exhaustive. Insofar as possible the
bibliography lists not only formally published reports and books 0 but also abstracts 0
reports and maps placed on open file by the U S. Geological Survey,. and student
0 0
ies with the character of the items abstracted. The principal geologic reports are
abstracted at some length. Reports and books that deal only to a degree with the
geology of Idaho are abstracted primarily with matters pertinent to the purpose of
the present bibliography in mind. In many such instances matters not pertinent to
this purpose are omitted entirely from the abstracto a fact that can be inferred from
the title of the publication abstractedo Some purely descriptive articles dealing
with.part1pular,a,reas are abstr~cte4 brieflyo. eyen though they may be of g~eat in-
ter~st f~r, tl'~ose who may be concerned with the specific areas involvedo To be
really usef~lo abstracts of some of these arttcles or reports would be dispropor-
tionately long In addition to papers direc;::tly concerning Idaho D a number of pub-
To facilitate the use of the bibliography, cross indexing has been performed by
the staff of the Idaho Bureau of Mines and Gaology. Where the character of a pub-
lication permits, it has been indexed under the county or counties it covered Sub-
heads under each county indicate the general character of the reports cited. Those
publications that cover large parts of the state or that deal with general geologic
features rather than with areas cannot be indexed under the county headings but
are indexed under general headings indicative of the scope of the publicat1Qn~
Abbott, Agatin To
Between North Fork and Shoup, Idaho, several thin beds of marble are interbedded
in the gneiss and schist de~ived from the Belt series. These contain monazite and
other minerals. The monazite is of potential economic value.
1. 1955, Tertiary rocks of Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho, in Tertiary and
QUaternary geolqgy of the eastern Bonneville Basin, A. J. Eardley,
Ed., Utah Geol. Soc., Guidebook no. 10, p. 1-22.
This paper subdivides sedimentary rocks of Tertiary and Quaternary age in Cache
Valley, Utah and Idaho, in comparative detail" It lists "Wasatch" conglomerate
(Paleocene and Eocene), Salt Lake group (Miocene and Pliocene) subdivided into
Collinston conglomerate, Cache Valley formation, Mink Creek conglomerate (in
ascending order) and, in the Pleistocene, the pre- and post-Lake Bonneville
groups. The Wasatch outcrops are apparently all in Utah.
1. 1953, Physiography and glacial geology of western Montana and adjacent areas:
U S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 231, 200 p., incl. geol. map.
This paper records many traverses and local studies related to geomorphic features
in Montana, plus some in Idaho o terminating in 1938. The major points brought out
bearing on the geomorphic history of Idaho include the following: In western Montana
the Eocene epoch was one of extensive erosion but erosion surfaces that old are not
known. Volcanism and probably also glaciation occurred in Eocene time in Montana.
The intermontane valleys there have diverse faulted and tilted sedimentary fill of
Oligocene to Pliocene age The Tertiary fill was deposited in a topography similar
to that of today but possibly more subdued. Remnants of gravelly deposits now0
deeply eroded, are preserved high on the east front of the Rocky Mountains and far-
ther east. These postdate the valley fill just mentioned and were eroded during
regional uplift of late Tertiary and Quaternary date Perhaps the Clark Fork deepened
its valley 800-1, 000 feet in Pliocene-early Pleistocene time. Some smooth tracts
may be remnants of Pliocene(?) erosion surfaces but the mountains may have been up-
lifted in one epi$ode of the Laramide orogeny and the continuous, subsequent erosion
has not gone beyond maturityo An old alluvial fan on the crest of the Beaverhead
Mountains near Bannock Pass is mentioned. Deposits near here contain Miocene(?)
bones but doubt is cast on Atwood s idea that these were laid down in streams trib-
0 I
utary to Snake River. Canyon Creek, a tributary of Lemhi River may have pushed the
Continental Divide northward 4-5 miles from its position in late Tertiary or early
Pleistocene time. In and near northern Idaho the Purcell Trench and adj acent valleys
may have been deepened by faulting and erosion in Oligocene and Miocene time. The
Latah formation and Columbia River basalt reached far up these northern valleys but
were largely removed before the advance of the Rathdrum lobe of the px:-e-WiscoI'lsin
iceoOnly sc~nty evidence of early Pleistocene glaciation and remnants of terraces
of similar date are knowno The terraces may belong to the Yarmouth interglacial stage o
The Wisconsin ice was widespr ead in British Columbia and may have largely submerged
the mountains of northern Idaho, blocking Clark Fork and producing Lake Missoulao
10 1952, Geology and mineralization of the Volcano district, Elmore County, Idaho:
Econo Geologyo v" 47, no. 80. po 815-821, inc!.. geo1. sketch map.
The Volcano district is astride the boundary between Elmore and Camas Counties, Idaho 0
and has veins that have been mined principally for gold although silver and base metals
are presentc! They are in a tilted mountain block along the south boundary of Camas
Prairie They are in the Idaho batholith, in part cutting related aplite dikes and in part
cutting granophyte dikes regarded as of early Tertiary age The lodes are much older
than rhyolitic flows (Pliocene) and basalt flows (Pleistocene). They are believed to
have developed along one of the east-trending zones of structural weakness developed
in the batholith during the Laramide orogenyo There is marked wall-rock alteration o
Deposition of vein minerals was in three stageso
Allen 0 Victor Thomas 0 (Nichols, Robert Leslie o and Scheid o Vernon Edward)
During the Cenozoic, northwestern U. S. was.a land area except for a coastal belt
that was flooded at times. There was intermittent deposition of continental
ious rocks, mostly igneous 0 and vary in thickness and in climatic conditions dur-
ing formation" Kaolinite 0 halloysi te 8 montmorillonite 0 beidellite u no ntroni te I gib-
bsite 0 diaspore, bochmi te I limonite q garnierite I and other materials were formed
in themo Most of the high-alumina clays in the regionD plus some nickel and iron
deposits I are genetically relat~d to these profiles These include the Benson I Idaho
clay deposits and the sedimentary high-alumina clay deposits at Troy and Moscow,
Idaho 0 all in Latah County 0 as well as many in other states 0
2. 1946 u Nontronite in the Columbia River region (abs 0): Amo Mineralogist,
vo 310 nos .. 3-4, po 189-1900
halloysite formed from plagioclase and nontronite migrated into vesicles and cracks 0
3. 1946, Nontronite in the Columbia River region: Am. Mineralogist, v., 31,
no s 5 - 6, Po 294 - 312
Q 0
iddingsite u and augite under conditions of poor drainage in the presence of al-
kalies, magnesium, and probably ferrous iron.. Under conditions of through drain-
age with neutral or slightly acid solutions kaolinite and halloysite are formed from
plagioclase and nontronite migrates into vesicles and cracks in the rock 0
4" 1946 u Origin of the Benson. clay deposit, Latah County, Idaho (abs): Geol"
Soc. America Bull. I v. 57 uno. 12 q pt. 2, p. 1173.
The Benson clay was formed by weathering I not by hydrothermal action o Weather-
ing reached 100 feet or more below the surface. The amount of fresh feldspars and
biotite increase downward. No dickite was found. Irregularities in clays of the
Benson type depend on the nqture of the parent rock I local structures control-
ling permeability I duration of the weathering, and irregularities in the ground sur-
Anderson I Alfred Leonard
1. 1941 u Geology of the Idaho Almaden quicksilver mine near Weiser 8 Idaho:
Idaho Bur Mines and Geology Pamph. 55 9 po
0 Q
Development of the Idaho Almaden mine began in 1937 and a large production rate
was attained by 1939.. Anderson visited the mine in August 1939, at which time 464
flasks of quicksilver had been producedo The sandy and clayey beds containing the
deposit are assigned to the Payette formation (Miocene), which is overlain by the
Columbia River basalt and this in turn by the Idaho formation (Pliocene and
Pleistocene). The deposit is on the crest of one of a series of anticlines of north-
west trend at a place where minor faulting and flexure have produced a local structural
depression. This depression rna y be younger than the first of two Pleistocene erosion
surfaces inferred by Kirkham to exist in the regiono
The deposit is believed by Anderson to have formed from a hot alkaline hydro-
thermal solution that ascended close to the surface at temperatures of 1000 -150 0 C,
and at pressures close to atmospheric o The initial solutions are supposed to have
permeated and dissolved the rocks and filled the openings with opalo As all voids
then formed were not filled, collapse followedo Successive solutions introduced
more opal and later, chalcedony, both accompanied by cinnabar n
2. 1941, A copper deposit of the Ducktown type near the Coeur d 'Alene district,
Idaho: Econ. Geology, v ~ 36, no. 6 8 po 641-657 0
The Mizpah copper deposit, 40 miles southwest of the Coeur d 'Alene mining district,
formed hydrothermally under rather intense temperature conditions but possesses
many features of pyrometasomatic depositso It formed by replacement along bedding
plane fractures and fissures in quartzite of the Belt series, and its ore consists
chiefl y of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and cubani te in a silicate (diopside, amphibo-
lite, microcline, etc.) and carbonate gangueo There were three stages of minerali-
zation; some of the quartzite nearby shows incipient granitization 0
The mineralizing solutions might well have come from the Idaho batholith. How-
ever the wall-rock al tera tion re semble s tha t a s socia ted with a monzos yeni te stock,
Fenneman's five sections of the Columbia Plateau province are reviewed and mod-
ifications are proposed on the basis of Anderson's fieldwork in Idaho o He proposes
that the Snake River Plain section be redefined to include the whole of that Plain
instead of the eastern part alone, which requires abandoning the Payette section of
Fenneman. The parts of that section not annexed to the Snake River Plains section
are renamed the Owyhee section and the Seven Devils section o Further Fenneman's
Walla Walla section is subdivided into the Craig Mountain section (north of the
Seven Devils section) and the Palouse section, still farther north Brief descrip-
4. 1942, The Boise Basin, Idaho, .!n.. Newhouse W. H., ed., Ore deposits as
The principal feature that has controlled the distribution of veins in the Boise Basin
is the porphyry belt, a zone of structural weakness deformation, and intrusion be-
lieved to be part of a belt of Tertiary deformation that extends northeast acros s the
state In the Boise Basin this zone and its two most productive districts are entirely
within the Idaho batholith., Disturbances in the porphyry belt were recurrent through-
out late Mesozoic and all of Tertiary time and were accompanied by intrusion of var-
ious kinds of stocks and dikes and by ore depositiono The lodes, which were de-
posited after all but the latest of the dikes were intruded, are in two kinds of open-
ings" relatively continuous fissures mainly in granodiorite and groups of closely
spaced tension cracks in sheared dikes of rhyolite
porphyry., Mineralization took
place in three stages the precious metal ore-minerals being introduced in the
second stage o Base metal sulphides came in during the first stageo In the continu-
ous fissures the ore shoots are in areas of relatively low dip. The lodes along the
porphyry belt are related u not to the Idaho batholith o but to much younger magmas.
The lodes are mostly concentrated in two areas u thought to be loci of maximum dis-
turbanceo Early deformation in the porphyry belt was by horizontal shear, later de-
formation may represent collapse along longitudinal and traverse faults o The
structural arrangement of the ore deposits is similar to that of the intrusions. The
deposits strike obliquely across the porphyry belt and are more nearly parallel to the
rhyolitic bodies to which they are most clpsely related in time and genesis u than to
the other intrusions0
In the broadest senseu the Idaho batholith. has two main facies; a broad u marginal
and roof zone of relatively calcic rock, and an inner less calcic zone that consol-
idated when stresses were less intense o In some places calcic rocks fringe the
batholith, apparently intruded ahead of the main marginal masso The m9in marginal
mass is estimated to make up roughly half the mass of the entire batholith.
Much of the marginal facies is quartz diorite b~t much granodiorite and some
quartz monzonite are included., More calcic rocks are present but escaped gen-
eral endomorphism and are not further discus sed here. In the marginal facies the
mineral grains are intricately penetrated or irregularly penetrate neighboring grains
in a manner that suggests not or:detlY. crystallization:, but ra:therreplacement such
as that in alteration zones in wall rock bordering high-temperature ore depositso
It is argued that hornblende, biotite, andesine, etco in the early consolidated
rocks have been added to and replaced by biotite microcline, quartz, and various
accessory minerals The inner facies is calcic quartz monzonite with local var-
and quartzo Those formed by later replacem~nt include some biotite, orthoclase,
microcline, quartz and accessories. Locally aplite is present and is regarded as
showing the same two sets of processes as the larger masseso In the pegmatite
nearly all the minerals now visible are thought to represent a second generation o
formed by replacement of the original rock of the inner and outer facies of the
bathol! th and of the aplite.
Anderson, Alfred Leonard
This paper favors the concept that "metamorphic" granite has formed through addi-
tion of magmatic emanations to such rocks as schist and quartzite rather than by
simple recrystallization of these rocks, which is the mode of genesis advocated
by Agustus Locke (Econo Geol. v. 36, po 445-454 u 1941) Anderson cites the
"Cassia batholith, the marginal zone of the Idaho batholith o the Nelson batholith u "
all in Idaho u in support of his concept. He thinks that in spite of earlier ideas
to the contrary I no ore bodies were formed by means of the emanations from any of
these batholiths Such ore bodies as do occur are ascribed to much younger in-
trusi ve dikes and stocks Most of the ore deposits examined by him in Idaho u he
deposits are associated with products of local granitizing solutions and these
solutions (related to the batholiths) "may possibly be looked upon as the earliest
phase of the mineralizing processo" He thinks the composition of these solutions
was similar to that of the later ore-bearing solutions. The Boise Basing Blue Wing ,
and Coeur d 'Alene areas are cited as illustrating his concepts. In all these the
ore bodies are in or closely associated with granite masses of the kind regarded by
him as of Mesozoic age.
This report gives results of a brief visit early in the reopening of the Blackbird dis-
trict in search of cobalto The principal rocks belong to the Belt series and show in-
crease in metamorphism northward toward a granitic mass regarded as belonging to
the Idaho batholith There are poorly exposed intrusions of gabbro (pre-mineral)
the northern and central areas, and many have formed by addition of gold and copper
compounds to the cobalt lodes. Lodes in the central part of the district are irregu-
lar lenses in broad ~hear zoneso The prinCipal minerals include cobaltite, chalco-
pyrite, pyrite, quartz, biotite, chlorite, carbonate, and tourmaline" Oxidation has
had only minor effect on cobalt distribution but chalcocite and related secondary
minerals reach depths of 100-300 feet. The deposits formed at fairly high tempera-
tures and under varying strains in different parts of the district" They are geneti-
cally related to the Idaho batholith and except for the cobalt, resemble those near
Salmon formed in deep fracture zones in the final stages of consolidation of the
Idaho ba tholi th
80 1943 ,1 Copper mineralization near Salmon, Lemhi County, Idaho: Idaho Bur 0
The report deals mainly with the Pope-Shenon mine, the only copper deposit in the
area that had had much work done on it since about 1925. This mine has yielded
over 2,400,000 pounds of copper and has possibilities for the future. The mine
was developed, at the time of this study, by a series of 6 tunnels and had more
than 3,610 feet of drifts and crosscut~ with stopes at intervals between the no o 4
and noo 6 tunnels.
The country rock is impure quartzite and quartzitic argillite of the Belt series,
somewhat schistose and largely recrystallizedo The mineral deposits are in shear
zones that cut the bedding and schist planes The presence of a broad shear zone
made up of smaller overlapping and branchinq zones was not appreciated until the
no" 6 tunnel was extended The mineralogy and structure of the ore shoots are
summarized The deposit differs from those Anderson regards as of Tertiary age
9 () 1943, The antimony and fluorspar deposits near Meyers Cove, Lemhi Co,-,nty 0
Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology P amph 62, 20 p., incl. geol"
One antimony and several fluorspar deposits in tuff in the Casto and Challis vol-
canics are described. The deposits are fillings and replacements in fissure and
fracture zones.. The antimony deposit consists of barite with minor quantities of
stibnite, fluorite, and chalcedony. The fluorspar deposits are composed largely
of fluorite with variable amounts of barite and chalcedony" Some range up to 20
feet in width and several hundred feet in length The report is based on field-
10. 1943 u Geology of the gold-bearing lodes of the Rocky Bar district, Elmore
County, Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geol. Pampho 65, 39 po, incl.
geolo sketch maps.
The Rocky Bar district is an old one, started as a placer campo Lode mining be-
gan early but so little has been done in recent years that very little information
could be obtained underground during the present investigation. Fieldwork was
done in 1938 and 1939 and included a topographic map made by Warren Ro Wagner
and Rhesa M. Allen, showing the principal lodes\>
The district is underlain by the Idaho batholith (Mesozoic) which is reported
to show evidence of endomorphism. A few small bodies of porphyritic rock are
present. Those interpreted as pre-ore (dacite porphyry, quartz monz,onite por-
phyry, granophyre, etc are regarded as of early Tertiary age and the rhyolite is
Q )
regarded as Miocene Lamprophyre may have come in at about the time of min-
Miner alized faults and fault zones trend No 70 0 -80 0 Eo with a few of other trends 0
The main faults are roughly parallel to the dikes but some cut dikes There has 0
been repeated movement in these faults In addition there are transverse 0 post-
mineral faults Mainly on geomorphic grounds the suggestion is made that the
basinlike area in which the district lies is cut by a fault mosaic and is the result
of structural collapse 0
The deposits are mainly valued for their gold content. Total production may ex-
ceed $3 0 000 000 mainly from the shallow oxidized zone The deposits contain
Q 0
quartz (deposited in three stages) with minor amounts of arsenopyrite o pyrite 0 sphal-
eri te galena, chalcopyrite and sericite Some of the gold is free in the quartz
0 0 0
taken place early in the Tertiary Twenty-four properties are described and a number
110 1944 0 Lead-zinc-copper deposits of the Birch Creek district o Clark and
Lemhi Counties o Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology Pampho 70 0
43 po, incL geo1o maps.
Gi ves fairly detailed maps and descriptions of the mines Does not map general
geology except in the immediate vicinity of mines where faults are plentiful The 0
oldest rock is Ordovician quartzite 0 600 feet thick with the base hiddeno This is
best exposed in Skull canyon below the Weimer mine The lower 400 feet is mainly
wel~-bedded, maroon and pink quartzite, which grades upward into massive white
vitreous quartzite, sandy in the upper 75 feeto At the Viola mine dark-gray dolomite
overlies the quartzite, apparently conformablyo Similar beds are present at other
mines but no good section was found o At some mines, especially the Worthing-
Kauffman, there are several hundred feet of dark fissile shale and thin-bedded, bluish-
gray magnesian limestone in part with much black chert (supposedly Devonian)
I 0
Shenon got Upper Devonian fossils Mississippian limestone with some shale is
plentiful" and Pennsylvanian buff sandstone o grayu sandy'limestone n and light- and
dark-bluish-gray limestone with some intercalated shale is present Tertiary sed- o
120 1945 0 Lead-zinc mineralization in the Moyie Yaak district near Bonners Ferryo
Boundary County Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology P amph 73 u 9 po
3 0
Rather recently discovered lead-zinc deposits in the Moyie Yaak district o Boundary
County are regarded as similar to those of the Coeur d'Alene regiono They are in
gold and arsenopyrite in them distinguishes the deposits from many in the Coeur
d 'Alene region. Both of these formed at a late stage. The fault pattern is' said to
be similar to that in the Clark Fork district and is regarded as of early Tertiary age u
unrelated to the intrusion of the Nelson batholith. There may be a zone of struc-
tural weakness along the part of the valley of Meadow Creek that trends easto and
this zone may have influenced localization of the ore deposits 0 Production has
not been large but further exploration is regarded as' warranted 0
flows and tuffs of the Challis volcanics are presento Some alluvial and glacial de-
posits are noted. The rocks are folded and cut by several groups of faults, -of which
some of the largest are mapped on topographic evidence.
The principal mining activity was in 1881-1886, with various revivals since then.
The principal miner the Muldoon, has yielded $200,000. The deposits seen are re-
placements along bedding planes and strike-slip faults in the Wood River(?) formation;
with argentiferous galena o arsenopyrite, some sphalerite, and pyrite, 'and chalcopyrite,
with quartz in altered limestone and quartzite. Ore bodies are small. Only two mines
could be examined o the Muldoon mine being inaccessible.
14. 1946, Lead-silver mineralization in the Clark Fork district, Bonner County II
Idaho: Econ. Geologyo v. 41, no. 20 p. 105-123.
The lead-silver deposits of the Clark Fork district resemble those in the Coeur d IAlene
region, but are mineralogically more complex because of late introduction of silver
and antimony minerals. Nine complex and in part rare minerals are identified in this
report 0
up to 15 and locally 40 feet wide The ore shoots are 200-400 feet long and 3-8 feet
wide The veins have an early 0 barren coarse quartz to which a younger coarse comb
quartz o with gold, has been added Sulfides comprise less than two percent of the
vein matter. Some veins contain siderite and show transitions into siderite-galena
veins like those of the Wood River region o The veins are associated with lampro-
phyre dikes and probably of early Tertiary age The outlook for the future is goodo
16. 1946, Drainage diversion in the northern Rocky Mountains of east-central Idaho
(abs.): Geolo Soc America Bull. v. 57, noD 12, pto 2, p" 11740
o l ,
Piracy and large-scale faulting have had an important role in disrupting a drainage
system of Tertiary age in east-central Idaho. The northeast trend of the, Salmon
River 0 its main tributaries I and Big Lost River and parallel streams are interpreted
as formed in a drainage system of early Tertiary age which extended across the Con-
tinental Divide and perhaps to the Missouri River 0 Diversion of the; Salmon River
is supposed to have been brought about "by headward erosion of a west-flowing stream
in late Tertiary time, whereas diversion of the Big Lost River and similar streams is
ascribed to block faulting in late Tertiary or early Quaternary time o during which the
Continental Divide was shifted about 100 miles eastward.
17. 1947, Geology of the lead-silver deposits of the Clark Fork district, Bonner
County, Idaho: Uo S. Geol., Survey Bull. 944-B, p. 37-118, incL geoID
The deposits resemble those of the Coeur d 'Alene region. They are fillings and're-
placements along minor thrusts and reverse faults 0 genetically related to the Hope
fault, in the Wallace and Striped Peak formations I and are regarded as of early
Tertiary age.. They are comparatively small but rich 0 The ore contains galena, sider-
ite o quartz, and sphalerite with pyrite u arsenopyrite, tetrahedr1te, and calcite and
some is enriched by hypogene lead sulphantimonites and sulpharsenites copper-lead
sulphantimonites and ruby silver" The district has not yet been adequately exploredo
Over a dozen properties are described o
180 1947, Geology and ore depOSits of Boise Basino Idaho: U .. So Geol. Survey
Bull. 944-C, incl o geoID mapso
The report discusses 300 square miles in Boise Basin, Boise Count Yo The basin
yielded $59,649,673 in gold from 1863 through 1940, of which $5,966 0 902 was from
lodes in 1900 through 1940 Total production from lodes is estimated at over
$10,000,000. The area is underlain by quartz monzonite of the Idaho batholith" then
regarded as probably of Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous age, with marginal masses
of quartz dioriteo Both have suffered compositional changes through introduction of
late-stage fluids. Pyroxene-hornblende diorite and granodiorite are thought to have
come in early in the Tertiary" These are components of the "porphyry belt" that
extends diagonally across the basin and includes dacite porphyryo quartz monz~
nite porphyry, granophyre u etco all of early Miocene age. Minor areas of lake
beds Columbia River basalto and Snake River basalt, plus Pleistocene and Recent
alluvium remains.. The early Tertiary intrusives and related lodes are controlled
by fractures (probably reverse faults). Intrusives and lodes of early Miocene age
are related to horizontal fractures, perhaps related to collapse oyer a magma
reservoir 0 Faults not filled by intrusions are difficult to map but may be numer-
ous.. There were marked drainage changes prior to the eruption of the Columbia
River basalt.. Faulting, warping 0 and uplift produced Boise Basin in the Pleisto-
Gold-quartz deposits and a few with other metals were formed in the early
Tertiary in three stages. Most of the placer gold came from these depositso
More complex fissure fillings and replacements including gold-bismuth o gold-
pyrite, and silver-gold deposits formed in the porphyry belt in Miocene time 0
The first stage of mineralization produced a quartz gangue; a second stage pro-
duced also barite, carbonates, and tremolite. The metallic minerals include
arsenopyrite, complex sulphobismuth and sulphantimonife minerals 0 etc.. The
deposits are more favorable to deep exploration than those here assigned to the
early Tertiary but few extend downdip more than 1 000 feet ..
This report includes the results of laboratory studies of collections from the
Blackbird district, not available for the writer's earlier report. The general geo-
logic data here are essentially those of the earlier report. The deposits are put
into four interrelated classes o The cobalt-tourmaline lodes (with biotite) are
typically in the southern part of the district. Th~y are as fine grained and dark
as the enclosing quartzite but tend to be more resistant to erosion. They are· re-
placements in fractured and sheared rock. Cobalt-biotite lodes extend through
the central into the northern part of the district. They are similar to the first
class but are zones of mineralized schist rather than quartzite and less resist-
ant to weathering.. The texture is a bit coarser than in the first type Cobalt-
quartz lodes are closely as sociated with the cobaltiferous schists in the central
part of the district and are commonly short and discontinuous The gold-cc opper-
cobalt lodes are in the central and northerly parts of the district, especially in
the area containing the principal cobalt-biotite lodes u some of which they have
replaced irregularlyo The first three classes of lodes appear to have formed in
two stages each while the fourth shows evidence of four stages The cobalt in
the younger lodes was derived by solution from the older ones and redepositedo
The Idaho batholith is inferred to have had nothing to do with the minerali-
zation but the intrusion of gabbro formation of the lodes and the later inj ection
of lamprophyre dikes probably were closely related events.
The upper Salmon River and other streams in the southeastern part of Central Idaho
flow northeast and then abruptly change direction o The Salmon makes an elbow
turn and crosses the state westward o Below the turn it has barbed tributaries and
above it has consequent ones in northwest-trending structural basinso Other north-
east-trending streams enter northwest-trending basins and are there directed south-
west to the Snake, River Plain o The interpretation offered is that an early north-
east-trending drainage system that extended through wind gaps in block mountains u
probably to the Missouri Rivero has been broken up by piracy and large-scale
block faultlng o Diversion of the· Salmon River westward probably resulted from
capture by a stream from the west as a consequence of crustal disturbance in the
late Tertiary or early Quaternary time Diversion of other streams into north-
west trending basins probably also took place theno The Continental Divide was
shifted about 100 ,miles east of its location in late Tertiary time The area of
northwest-trending ranges and basins is spoken of as the Basin and Range area
and apparently regarded as an extension of the Physiographic Province of that
21. 1947, Epithermal mineralization of the Last Chance and Horn Silver mines,
Lava Creek district, Butte County u Idaho: GeoL Soc America Bull
0 0
The epithermal deposits in the Lava Creek district are in a zone of structural
weakness in Tertiary volcanics which facilitated intrusion of Miocene magma and
circulation of mineralizing solutions Early sericite o chalcedonyu pyrite, and 10-
call y alunite were followed by pyrite, marcasite, 5phaleri te, wurtz! te II galena, and
chalcedony After a more marked structural reopening quartz, bar! te u pyrite,
0 0
This note records the fact that Charles Mil ton, U So Geological Survey, examined
Anderson s specimens from the Clark Fork district (See Anderson 194 no o 17 above)
I 0
by X-ray and other methods and failed to confirm some of the results of Anderson s I
23. 1947 q Structural control and wall-rock alteration at the Wilbert mineq Dome
district q Butte County Idaho: Econ o Geology I Vo 42 b no., 4, po
This gives summary data on history and geologic setting of the Wilbert mine taken Q
mainly from an earlier paper (Ross, C. P. 1933). The ore is confined to a dolo-
under the microscope, in gangue composed of dolomite country rock with added
feldsparo calcite dolomite, chalcedony, quartz, and sericiteo There are occa-
ization took place at low temperature and moderate deptho He suggests it may
belong to the telethermal zone of Graton (Graton, 1933, po 547-551) 0
24. 1947, Role of the Idaho batholith during the Laramide orogeny (abso):
Geol. Soc. America Bull., Vo 58, no. 12, pto 2, 1162 0
The Idaho batholith is interpreted as emplaced just before the beginning of the
Laramide orogeny and forming a part of the hinterland west of the Rocky Mountain
syncline. It transmitted orogenic stresses into the sedimentary rocks in the geo-
synclinal trough. It was itself locally deformed and controlled deformation in
the bordering formations.. It was broken both by low-angle thrusts and by trans-
verse strike-slip faults. These zones of weakness, according to Anderson's
view influenced igneous intrusion and mineralization both at the end of the
Laramide orogeny and also during a mid-'Tertiary disturbance. The batholith in-
fluenced deformation of the Belt series for scores of miles to the north forming
25.. 1947, Tungsten mineralizationat the Ima mine u Blue Wing district o Lemhi
County, Idaho (abs o ) : Geol o Soco America Bull. I Vo 58, no o 12, pto
2, po 11620
The mineralization in the Ima mine is confined to a group of fractures along the
crest of an anticline in Belt strata near a small mass of early Tertiary('?) graniteo
The fractures hold quartz vei~s; some near to the granite being relatively largeo
The veins also contain orthoclase, fluorite, muscovite sericite, rhodochrosite o
siderite, and other carbonates, and the metal-bearing minerals molybdenite, pyrite 0
26. 1948, Role of the Idaho batholith during the: Laramide orogeny: Econo
Geology, Vo 43, no o 2, po 84-990
The Idaho batholith, emplaced just before the beginning of the Laramide orogeny,
formed a part of the hinterland on the west side of the Rocky Mountain geosyncline.
Acting as a strong rigid mass it transmitted orogenic forces into the trough where
weaker beds were foldedo The batholith was locally deformed and also controlled
deformation in the bordering formations o Transverse faults in the batholith local-
ized igneous intrusion and mineralization at the close of the orogeny and again in
middle Tertiary timeo
270 1948 I Tungsten mineralization at the Ima mine I Blue Wing dlstrict o Lemhi
County, Idaho: Econ o Geology, Vo 43 noo 3, p., 181-2060
calcite, of which the first three are near the granite The metallic minerals are
molybdeni te, pyrite, sphalerite tetrahedri te, chalcopyrite galena, graton! te,
I 0
scheelite, and hubneriteo The scheelite and molybdenite are in and near the gran-
iteo Hubnerite appears to be one of the youngest minerals The granite is thought
28. 1948, Monzonite intrusion and mineralization in the Coeur d'Alene district,
Idaho (abs.): Geol. Soco America Bullo, Vo 59 0 no o 120 pto 20 po 1308,
The monzonite, to which the mineralization in the Coeur d-"Alene region is thought
to be related, apparently was intruded as a hornblende-augite diorite and changed
through later introduction of potash-bearing emanations from below. During late
stages the emanations became more sodic. The constituents of sphene apatite 0
magnetite, and locally other minerals were also introduced in the emanations.
Elsewhere along zones of faulting rocks of the:Belt series have been bleached
(sericitized) assumed to result from potash-bearing emanations from buried magma,
290 1949 I Silver-gold deposits of the Yankee Fork district, Custer County Idaho:
Idaho BUfo Mines and Geology Pampho 83, 37 po incL geoL maps
I 0
The Yankee Fork district produced about $12,000,000 silver and gold in the 19th
Century, principally from the General Custer mine, which closed in 1905 Recur-0
rent activity since then has produced about $1,000,000 moreo The deposits are in
the Challis volcanics which rest on Paleozoic and Mesozoic stratified rocks and
the Idaho batholith 0 all cut locally by dikes I mostly dacite porphyry" The mineral
deposits follow some half dozen zones of fractured and altered volcanic rock, ap-
parently above old lines of weakness in the basement rocks developed in the Lara-
mide revolution. The.deposits are mostly breccia veins and lodes with some miner-
alized fracture zones of the chimney and stockwork type The fillings include fine
and coarse comb and drusy quartz, locally lamellar calcite with minor amounts of
chalcedony, adularia, barite and amethystine quartzo In material now exposed
metallic minerals are sparse and fine grained. They include pyrite, chalcopyrite,
sphalerite, tetrahedrite, galena 0 arsenopyrite, enargite, stephanite, myargyrite o
pyrargyrite, argentite, electrium o gold o and apparently gold and silver selenideso
Most of this ore contains 80~90 times as much silver as gold The ore minerals
are of irregular distributiono Most of the early production was from bonanza
pockets. The depos1ts have nowhere been found to extend downward more than a
few hundred feeto Most of the ore is primaryo More than 30 properties are describedo
300 1949, Monzonite intrusion and mineralization in the Coeur d 'Alene district,
Idaho: Econo Geology, Vo 440 no" 3, p. 169-185.
The monzonitic (and syenitic) rocks g the zones of bleaching and mineralization in
the Coeur d'Alene region o all show an intim·ate dependence on a deeply seated g
differentiating magma The intrusions are inferred to be of early Tertiary age and
not related to the Idaho bathol! th Locally portions of the magma, emplaced at
albite in the microclineo Minor minerals came later" In other parts of the dis-
trict faults reached to magma depths and served as channelways for the potash-
rich solutions 8 resulting in bleached sericitic zones in the rocks of the Belt
series. Metallization throughout the district has been more or less closely assoc-
iated with these zones Some ore was of contact-metamorphic type and formed at
the margin of the largest monzonitic body, but most deposits are in the sedimentary
rocks farther from the intrusives .
The intrusive bodies vary widely in composition and texture. Marginal zones
are generally finer grained and more calcic than the interior of the intrusive masses 0
310 1950 0 Geology and ore deposits of the Hailey-Bellevue mineral belt, .!!l
Anderson, Ao Lo, Kiilsgaard o To HOI and Fryklund o V.. Co Ir .. ,De-
tailed geology of certain areas in the Mineral Hill and Warm Springs
mining districts 0 Blaine County, Idaho: Idaho Bur Mines and Geology
The area mapped is 8 miles by 9 miles and most of the mines are tributary to
Bellevue. It contains representatives of the Wood River (Pennsylvanian) and Mil-
ligen (Mississippian) formations, volcanic and sedimentary rocks of supposed
Oligocene age, Quaternary deposits, and varied intrusive rocks, mainly diorite 0
quartz monzonite etc., regarded as of Cretaceous age but with a few dikes of an-
desite and dacite that appear to be pre-ore and of lamprophyre regarded as post-oreo
The andesite and dacite tend to fill northeasterly fractures and, hence, are thought
to be of early Tertiary (Laramide) age.. The Paleozoic rocks are bent into a broad
anticline but faulting is the dominant structural feature of the area.
Minj.ng began in the 1870's, was active in 1880-1900and has never entirely
ceased. The total production may be over $12,000,000. The principal deposits
are lead-silver veins and lodes with some pyritic gold veins in complex fracture
and fissure zones. There are also deposits in which zinc predominates.. These
seem younger and the gold veins older than the lead deposits although there is
some mingling. All three varieties are thought to be genetically related to the an-
desitic and lamprophyric dikes rather than to the older diorite and quartz monzonite ..
The d~posits are mesothermal and formed largely by replacement along fractures I
with little wall rock alteration.. More than 60 properties are described, especially
the Minnie Moore, by far the most productive in the areao
Idaho appears to have had no less than five metallogenic epochs The earliest of
these is associated with the "Purcell sills II The deposits of this epoch are mag-
three stages two of which were in the late stages of the Sierra Nevada orogeny 0
the third during the Laramide orogeny (late ,Cretaceous) The deposits in the
Wood River region o even those hitherto regarded as contact metamorphic deposits
along granitic contacts those of the Coeur d lAlene region where the monzonitic
0 g
stocks seem petrographically different from the Idaho bathol1th o also those in the
Clark Fork district, and various precious metal deposits 0 and copper-cobalt,
tungsten o and molybdenum deposits are all here regarded as early Tertiary. The
third epoch followed the extrusion of the Challis volcanics and is assigned a
• "mid-Tertiary'· age. Its deposits are associated with granitic and porphyritic
rocks that cut the volcanics. In this and the early Tertiary epoch mineralization
is thought to have just preceded intrusions of lamprophyre. A fourth epoch
(late Tertiary) is thought to be illustrated by the Silver City region, Owyhee
Count Yo where the deposits are associated with flows of post-Columbia River
basalt ageo The fifth epoch is reflected in cinnabar and gold deposits that cut
sedimentary rocks supposedly belonging to the Payette formation o
Evidence is offered intended to cast doubt on the long-held view that the Idaho
batholith was emplaced essentially as a unito The batholith is composed of
discrete masses of granitic rock, some of which came into place under deep-
seated conditions o others at much shallower depths.. The deep-seated ones
evolved under deformative stresses at the close of the Sierra Nevada orogenyo
The others probably come from an unrelated source and are associated with Lara-
mide structures 0 hence Late Cretaceous. Granodiorite that cuts the main mass
of the batholith in Boise Basin and is genetically related to distinctive pyroxene-
hornblende-biotite granite that intrudes the batholith in the Basin and at Horse-
shoe Bend is mentioned. In the Hailey-Bellevue area this kind of diorite, is in-
truded by quartz monzonite that had previously been thought to be a part of the
main batholith. The intrusions of "mid-Tertiary" age in the Uporphyry belts"
are so young as not to be involved in the present discussiono The "marginal
facies II of the batholith has been traced from Horseshoe Bend and Boise Basin
and thence far to the north Much is quartz diorite but endomorphiC changes
have converted some into granodiorite and quartz monzonite The border zone
is older than the main batholith which is cut by aplitic quartz monzoniteo The
distinctive diorite at Horseshoe Bend is a stock 8 miles long and up to 1-1/4
miles wide and cuts the marginal facies. In Boise Basin several bodies of this
rock cut the main batholith o Near Bellevue the distinctive diorite forms a body
5 miles by 2-1/2 miles; is sill-like and intrudes the Milligen .. On the west it
is cut off by and at depth is underlain by quartz monzonite belonging to the
younger batholithic complexo In Boise Basin granodiorite belongs to this younger
complex. The irregular quartz monzonite masses in the Casto quadrangle are al-
so regarded as belonging to the complex. There may be others.
Anderson regards the stocks in the Coeur d nAlene as early Tertiary, not re-
lated to the Idaho batholith, and says the stocks follow a zone of weakness
dominated by the Osburn fault. In developing the stocks u quartz diorite was
changed to monzonite and nearby sedimentary rock into syeniteo Farther from
the stocks the sedimentary rocks were sericitized and bleached zones resy.lted"
The ore deposits are associated with pre-ore diabase and post-ore lamprophyreo
The Blue Wing tungsten district is cited as an instance of ore that originated
thrqugh granitization" The Dome district is also mentioned"
The Mineral district, in western Washington County near the Snake River I has
produced more than 1,000,000 ounces of silver, plus copper and lead u from
lodes containing fine-grained pyrite, tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, galena 0 sphal·-
erite o marcasite, wurtzite, etc in a calcite gangue in broad fracture zones in
copyrite 0 and sphalerite has not been productive The silver deposits have a
restr~cted vertical range and appear to have formed at rather low temperatures
in Tertiary time" The others may be mesothermal and of late Mesozoic ageo
The district contains folded and faulted sedimentary and volcanic rocks u
altered and intruded by intrusive rocks of various kinds and ages The vol~
canics have been regarded as Permian but their upper beds have Juras sic fos-
sils .. The slates, limestone o and gypsum are presumed to be Triassic" A
post-Triassic diorite stock is intruded by quartz diorite o regarded as related to
the Idaho batholitho Both may be of Cretaceous ageo Both are cut by diabase
and basalt, lamprophyre and granodiorite porphyryu the first two of which are
probably feeders of the Columbia River basalto There are two prominent fault
systems I each of which has directed mineralizing solutions There may have
described. The district was discovered in the 1870 Vs and at times has had
smelters in operation It has been inactive from 1940 to the time of visito
36. 1952, Magmatic and granitized rocks in the Yellowj acket district 6 Lemhi County,
Idaho (abs.): Geolo Soco America Bullo v. 63, no o 12, pto 2, Po 1231-
The, Belt series in the district has been invaded by three unrelated groups of intrusive
rocks. The earliest one (pre-Cretaceous) is represented by small bodies of consider-
ably altered· gabbro; the second (late Cretaceous or early Tertiary) by dikes and stocks
of diabase, olivine gabbro, augite-hornblende-biotite diorite, hornblende-biotite
diorite pegmatite, lamprophyre 6 and marginal masses of biotite diorite and syenite
about the body of hornblende-biotite diorite plus a small pulaskite dike; and the
third (Miocene) by dikes, etc o I of granbphyre ," granite porphyry,' andvitrophyre Ex- 0
cept for the biotite diorite, syenite, and pulaskite, the rocks are hypabyssal and in
part show micrographic and microspherulitic intergrowths The exceptions are pro-
ducts of alkali-rich fluids from the hornblende-biotite diorite magma with the first
two formed by replacement of rocks of the Belt series and the pulaskite by consolida-
tion of the alkali-rich fluids along distant channels Mineralization accompanied the
Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology Pampho 940 41 p., incl o geolo
This examination was undertaken primarily to look for possible copper and lead ore
in this old gold camp Most of the old workings were inacces sible Some hope is
0 0
held out for development of base-metal ore that ,also carries gold •. Two formations
of the Belt series, a small amount of Challis volcanics and unconsolidated sand and
gravel along stream courses are described briefly Igneous rock includes, altered
Pauses in uplift are reflected in terraces The area was glaciated during the Pleis-
toceneo The modern streams have removed much of the glacial debris and are now
lowering their floors0
Mining began in 1868 and mostly stopped in,th~ la~e~Q_us., Some placer mining
.was done early in the present century and minor lode and placer mining has contin-
ued intermittentlyo In 1893-1897 the most productive period in the history
I r
of the district, the Yellowjacket mine produced $121,7610560 The total district pro-
duction up to 1910 was estimated by Umpleby at $450,000. Production figures for
1902-1949, in terms of recovered metals, are tabulated o
The ore deposits include veins~ lodes, and stockworks with only sporadic bodies
of lead and copper; where minerals of these two metals are present in a single deposit
they tend to occur apart from each other The minerals of the deposits include calcite,
38. 1953, Magmatic source of Idaho ores: Northwest Science o reply by author o
v. 27, no. 2 I p. 77 -80.
The fluorspar deposits are in the northern part of the Bayhorse district, mostly in
Keystone Mountain, along Daugherty Gulch and near Bayhorse The presence of
fluorspar became known during World War II although metallic deposits in the
region have been mined for many years The fluorspar deposits are in fissures
40. 1954, Fluorspar deposits near Meyers Cove, Lemhi County, Idaho: Idaho
Bur. Mines and Geology Pamph o 98, 34 p., inclo geolo sketch maps.
The fluorspar deposits along Camas Creek below Meyers Cove from June 1951 to
April 1953 yielded 10,978 tons of acid grade, 998 tons of ceramic grade, and 100
tons of metallurgical grade fluorspar. Known reserves were then mostly used upo
Development had started in 1942 0 •
The deposits are in the Casto and Challis volcanics g here regarded as mainly
fragmentalg with small intrusives in botho They are in zones of fracture and alter-
ation which are complex so that openings filled with fluorspar are commonly not
parallel to the northeast strike of the magma zones Deposition was mainly in
open spaces, but, especially at deptho in part by replacemento Dip and stope
lengths of the shoots are mostly a few hundred feet but fluorspar is known through
a vertical range of over 20000 feeto Mineralization is of epithermal type and the
minerals include banded fluorite with smaller amounts of barite cryptocrystalline
fluorite, and chalcedony. Wall rock alteration is extensive and includes si11ci£1-
cation 0 sericitization o and "argillic alteration" Three kinds of faults are described
but none are large enough to show as such on the maps The outlook for discovery
41. 1956 0 Geology and mineral resources of the Salmon quadrangle 0 Lemhi
County, Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and GeologyPamph o 106, 102 po,
incl o geolo map.
The Salmon quadrangle contains a thick assemblage of quartzitic rocks of the Belt
series. These are in part covered by flows 0 tuffs I and ignimbrites of the Challis
volcanics (Oligocene) and by shale sandstone, lignite and clay here assigned to
the newly named Carmen formation (lower Miocene) The contained fossils were
not studied. The intrusive rocks include metagabbro (late Precambrian) granitic
outliers of the Idaho batholith dikes related to the Challis volcanics, and dikes
and small stocks of dacite and quartz latite porphyryo assigned an early Miocene
ageo There are glacial deposits of two stages, alluvium and landslide debris o
Deformation is evident in all but the youngest of the surficial deposits The 0
earliest may be Precambrian but most of the folding and fractUring ,is regarded as
Nevadan (Late Jurassic) The Challis volcanics were deposited ona hilly erosion
surface Local downwarping produced the basin filled by the Carmen formation o
An old erosion surface of Pliocene age was broken and eroded through late Plio-
cene warping and uplifto The two glacial stages were separated by up to I, 000
feet of down cutting0
The mineral resources include copper 0 gold I lead 6 pos sible radioactive ma-
terials, coal u building stoneD bentonite, clay, gravel, road metal and hot springsll 0
Gold mining was active in the early days but the copper deposits of the Pope-
Shenon mine are the only mineral resources of importance at the moment o
420 1957, Geology and mineral resources of the Baker quadrangle u Lemhi
County 0 Idaho: Idaho Bur Mines and Geology Pamph 112, 71.p
0 0 0
wi th geolo map 0
eastern part is in Montana and is not treated here The topography resembles
that in the Basin and Range province. The mountainous part of the quadrangle is
fications are reported, although the presence of fossils is noted o At least two ages
of Pleistocene glacial deposits are recognized and alluvium forms three sets of ter-
races and floors modern valleys Intrusive rocks regarded as of JuraSSic-Cretaceous
(diorite or gabbro) (quartz monzonite, known only as float) early Tertiary and mid-
Tertiary ages are represented. All the consolidated rocks are deformed One major,
longitudinal fault near the crest of the Beaverhead Range is occupied by metagabbro
inferred to be of JuraSSic age. Mineral resources include gold, copper I radioactive
materials, gravel, l1gnitic coal, bentonitic clay, building' stone and thermal waters,
but only the gold deposits have been significantly productive The copper deposits
are inferred to be of JuraSSic age and older than the Idaho batholith They have been
worked on a small scale only. Three are described.. The gold deposits are mostly
quartz veins, aSSigned to ~he late. Cretaceous, and have been fairly productive, but
available records include mines outside the quadrangle. Eight lode gold mines and
some placers are described. The placers yielded 11,970 ounces of gold and I, 157
ounces of silver. Other mineral resources are described brieflyo
1" 1948, Reconnaissance survey of the geology and ore deposits of the south-
western portion of Lemhi Range, Idaho: Idaho Bur" Mines. and. Geology
Pamph. 80, 18 p., incl. geo~ maps.
This is the result of a rapid reconnaissance of 136 square miles in the southern
part of the Lemhi Range. The rock units distinguished are metamorphic rock (Cam-
brian or Precambrian), quartzite, gray dolomite, black shale, coral-bearing lime-
stone, basalt flows I alluvium. The sedimentary rocks are Paleozoico The dolo-
mite is Ordovician and the coral-bearing limestone is of Brazer ageo The sedi-
mentary rocks were intensely folded, with the development of stretch thrusts 0
10 1946, The Idaho Tempskyasand associated fossil plants (abs,,) Amo Jouro
Botany, v. 33, no. 3, po 225 0
In two collecting trips into southeastern Idaho during the past four years I Andrews
had searched for Tempskyas (Upper Cretaceous) In 1945 he found specimens near
2. 1946, Craters of the Moon (Idaho): Earth Sci" Digest, v. I, no. 40 po 3-6.
This is a popular accounto giving routes to the National Monument o data on tourist
accommodations (now out of date), and summary statements as to the geology I at
In the little studied late-Tertiary beds south of Bruneau a few conifer cones
and a sporaphore were collected. Several spe~imens of TempskYa were found
near Wayan and Ammon, Idaho. Other collections were made in Oregon. and
5. 1947, The Idaho Tempskyas and associated fossil plants: Mo. Bot.
Garden Annals, v. 34, noo 2, p. 119-1830
This is a botanical paper that gives an outline of the history of the study of
a Cretaceous tree fern Tempskyas and of the present status of knowledge re-
garding it. Previous information was based on poorly preserved or fra'gment-
ary specimens In southeastern Idaho, especially near Wayan, excellent and
abundant specimens have been found.. For example, at' one outcrop three
hours digging can be expected to yield 300 pounds of specimens. The' plant
This paper gives a summary of data on Devonian rocks in the regiono They are re-
garded as groupable into (1) a basal unito (2) a dolomite-evaporite unitu and (3) a
post-evaporite unit. The basal unit is characterized by evaporites, including ha-
lite in association with dolomitized normal marine to reefoid carbonates. The
second unit has dolomitized limestone with bioherms with shale beds increasing
northward in Alberta. The third unit contains secondary dolomite, with undolo-
mitized limestone in places I plus evaporites and bioherms. This unit includes
. normal marine carbonates in southwestern Alberta and varicolored shalyo silty,
and sandy beds in other areas. The basal unit is pre-Jefferson.
One of the sections studied was in the Centennial Range in Idaho. Isopach
maps extend into Idaho and one of them into southcentral Idaho. This one is er-
Gem sapphires in Idaho were first announced about 1912 from placers near
Meadows. The source is said to be basalt dikes in gneiss.
p. 130-133.
This is a news note with almost no geologic data. Has a graph showing a very
. rapid production rise from 19.45 to 1947 compared with ~lowerprevious ri$.e •.. Men-
tion'sl p'reo.ent and proposed plants at Pocatello o and Anaqonda's plant.at Conda"
plus plants in Montana 0
40 1956 8 Anderson Ranch Dam and Power Plant, Arrowrock Div. D Boise Project:
U So Bur. Reclamation, 231 p.
9 -17 with Fig. 9 showing the geology around the cutoff trench. No scale is
Analysis of samples from the Garro-Lamoreaux mine dumps indicates uranium ox-
ides (uraninite and zippeite) in sufficient quantity to warrant re-exploration of
the mine as a uranium prospect" The uranium presumably occu~s in fractured
quartz veins previously mined for gold and sulfides 0 "
The Dismal Swamp placer deposit was explored for niobium-tantalum- and uranium-
bearing minerals by the J Ro Simplot Company in 19530 It is underlain by the
Idaho batholith and is composed of gravel derived from streams and from slopewash 0
tains 1 040-1087 pounds of "weakly magnetic" material per cubic yard and this
averages 14-20 percent Nb205+Ta205 and between 0 015 and 0019 percent U3080
The Bannock overthrust was originally described as a single folded thrust but it
now appears that parts of the sUPI=0sed large thrust are separate faults and the
faults are not folded, except for slight original curvatureo The Bannock over-
thrust is reinterpreted as an imbricated thrust zone possibly several tens of miles
wide extending at least from southwestern Montana to northeastern Utah, and
should be renamed the southeastern Idaho thrust zoneo
and samarskite from the placer contain uranium. Euxenite, samarskite, betafite,
and perhaps also ilmenite contain niobium. The concentrates are not at present
valuable for tneir uran~um and niobium content but under different market condi-
tions recovery should not be a difficult job.
This paper barely mentions Idaho but the deductions in it are broad enough to in-
clude that state. The major points made are outlined below"
The widespread Rocky Mountain peneplain I probably completed in early or mid-
Pliocene time, had several areas of bold relief rising above it. The alluviation
east of the mountains during penepl~nation buried extensive areas, aided by vol-
canism. A monotonQus old-age landscape resulted Widespread conglomerates near
the close of the period may record rejuvenation of headwaters and perhaps increase
in aridity"
Late in the Tertiary, after the mid-Tertiary sediments had accumulated and the
great volcanic flows of Colorado, Wyoming, and Idaho, plus their ejectaminta u had
formed; just before the opening of the Pleistocene, there was very widespread epeiro-
genic uplift accompanied by rej uvena tion of streams •. After a long time the quicken-
ing influenoe reached the mountain areas , and the mountain streams cut into the mid-
Tertiary alluvium and the hard rocks, producing superposed streams. The earliest
Pleistocene glaCial deposits are on high ridges, not related to modern glaciated can-
yons, and far beyond points reached by late Pleistocene ice. After the widespread
late Tertiary uplift there were several Lei nor uplifts, followed by a canyon-cutting
period when the present valleys were excavated.
2. 1948, Geomorphic relations of the Rocky Mountains (abs Q): Geol. Soc. America
Bul~ ~ I v. 59, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1309.
Studies commenced earlier have been extended into the Canadian Rockies and into
physiographic provinces adjOining the Rockies in the U. S. The writers believe defi-
nite correlations can be established between the geomorphic history of the moun-
tains and that of the Great Plains to the east and the Plateaus to the west.
3 0 1953, The geomorphic relations of the Rocky Mountains of western North America:
Pacific Sci. Cong., 7th New Zealand 1949, Proc. i v. 2 p. 18-20 ,
Near the close of the Mesozoic era the Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata of the Rocky
Mountain Province were greatly deformed. Long erosion followed and was inter-
rupted by later mountain building uplift, extensive volcanism, and severe mountain
glaciation. Two generations of mountains have been removed and a third is now .
in the process of being removed, with related changes in the, Great Plains to the
east and the Plateau provinces to the west. 'There was at least one period, early
in the Pliocene g when widespread peneplanation was completed in t}:le mountains,
accompanied by volcanism. After Pliocene up'lift ot'the three provinces;, erosion
produced extensive superposition of major streamso This was follpwed by gla-
ciationo There was also Eocene glaciation in Colorado o In the closing stages
of the late Tertiary. plana:t1on/1ravel and boulder deposits were spread widely at
high levels along the mountain fronts. There may have been a marked and wide-
spread pause in mountain growth in very late Pliocene or early Pleistocene time.
After the Pleistocene glaciation, erosion has been renewed but so far has been
10 1948, Climate and evolution in western North America during m1ddle Plio-
cene time: Evolution, v. 2 no. 2, p. 127-144.
This paper has no specific reference to Idaho. In the middle Pliocene, western
North America south of latitude 42 0 is inferred to have had a mild ( warm, semi-
arid climate. This climate initiated grasslands and subdesert environments ,of
subcontinental extent. Evolution was rapid. The final breakup and segregation
of major continental Tertiary floras and their evplution ,into mode,rn plant com-
munities was initiated" '
This index lists streamflow and reservoir stations in the Pacific slope basins in
,Washington and upper Columbia River basin where records have been made. '
Drainage areas and other data are given.
This index lists streamflow and reservoir stations in the Snake River basin where
records have been madeo Drainage areas and other data are given.
with reference to its uranium content. The literature showed the most favorable
locality to be near Montpelier, ,Idaho. This favored area appeared to bea water
depth zone about at the bottom of ocean wave disturbance, near a Permian sea
margin. Fieldsampl1ng showed uranium content was highest where opportunity
for leaching by groundwater was least, as in areas of low hydrographic relief ..
Carbonapatite is more favorable than fluorapatite, and the outer shells of phos-
phate pellets are depleted in uranium. The outer shells can be stripped off in
the laboratory.
10 1943, Structure and stratigraphy of the northern half of Lost River Range,
Idaho: Doctorate thesis, Cornell Uni v ., Ithaca, No Y.
This report covers most of the Borah Peak quadrangle and the northeast corner
of the Mackay quadrangle, Custer County, Idaho The Ramshorn? slate and
quartzite in the Lo~t River Range comprises 1,500+ feet of quartzite and 800+
feet of slate. Kinnikinic quartzite with carbonate beds, east of Borah Peak is
4 8 635 feet thick. The formation locally includes greenstone. Baldwin groups
the Laketown dolomite of Lone Pine Peak (Bayhorse quadrangle) with the Kinnik-
inic. He regards the-Saturday Mountain formation in the Lost River Range.as of
limited extent and unconformable under the Laketown dolomite, which is 2,450
feet thick in Mahogany Hill. The·Laketown seems conformable with the Jeffer--
son, even though Tower Devonian beds are missing. The Jefferson at Mahogany
Hill is 1,350 feet thick. The contact with the Grand View is gradational. At
Mahogany Hill the Grand View is I, 100 feet thick and overlain conformably by
the Three Forks followed by 2,400 feet of the Milligen. Near Freighter Springs
the Three Forks formation is 310 feet thick. Inoomplete sections of the Brazer
limestone are 3,000-3,500 feet thick. About 1,000 feet of glacial debriS fills
Doublespring Canyon. The sediments in Donkey Hills are mapped with the
Challis volcanics, which were deposited on an irregular surface. Folds of Cam-
bro-Ordovician I Laramide, and Miocene ages are reported. Parallel and trans-
verse normal faults, both pre- and post-Challis, are recognized but only one
minor thrust. A deformed Pliocene? erosion surface. is noted. It is suggested
that the region belongs in the Basin and Range Province rather than the Northern
Rocky Mountain Province.
20 1943, Three Forks fauna in the Lost River Range, Idaho: Am. Paleontology
Bull" v. 28 no. 110, l8p.
This notes that the author recognized 'Ule presence of a unit he correlated with
the Three Forks formation of ThreeJ Forks, Mont. in the Borah Peak quadrangle
in 1941 and 1942. Twenty-three fossils are listed with descriptionso
3. 1950, Summary of the structure and geomorphology of the Columbia River ba-
salt: Northwest Sci., v. 24, no. 2, p. 59-64.
"Columbia River basalt refers to the basaltic flows, generally assigned a Mio-
cene age, that were described and restricted by Joe. Merriam in 1901. Other
extrusi ve rocks, including much basalt, of Eocene, Oligocene, Pliocene, and per-
haps Recent age are found in the same region and were presumably included by
Russell in his Columbia River lavas. The thickness ranges up to more than a mile.
The flows were extruded on an irregular erosion surface. Lateral stripping over
large areas is regarded as doubtful. The formation has been affected by compression-
al folds and related faults and by broad warping with some faulting.
A brief summary of geomorphic features is given but does not include anything
bearing directly on Idaho.
4. 1951, Faulting in the Lost River Range area of Idaho: Am. Jour. Sci., v.
249, no. 12 po 884-902.
'Faults similar to those of the BasIn and Range geologic proVince are inferred to
be present in the area of the Lost River Range, an interpretation differing from
that of recently published accounts. At least two stages of faults are present.
The older stage included normal faults tear faults, and minor thrus ts, older
than the Challis volcanics Of these the tear and thrust faults formed during
the deformation of the Paleozoic strata at the end of the Mesozoic, and the
normal faults may date from late in the Laramide orogenyo The faults of the
younger stage displaced both the Challis volcanics and a prominent post-Chal-
lis erosion surface, and formed the present broad basins and fault-block
1. 1951, Rocky Mountain region, in Ball, M. W. 0 ed., Pos sible, future petro-
leum provinces of North America: Amo Assoc. Petroleum Geologists
Bull. v. 35, no. 2, p. 141-498, incl. geol. mapso
The Rocky Mountain region has produced oil in strata -ranging in age from Cambrian
to OligoceQe e The Rocky Mountain region in Idaho here described includes the
northern parts of the "Overthrust belt", mostly east of lorygitude 112 0 , and of the
Great Basin, east of 114 0 • Oil and gas occurrences are noted only in areas south
of Idaho.
American early Tertiary flora were featured by a large exotic element which began
to decline in the late Eocene and Oligocene. Later and continuing into the Pleist-
ocene the influx of genera native at present to the respective localities increased
rapidly. The most significant feature of theCeno20ic migration of vegetation is
the steady retreat of the temperate forests from Arctic regions and the retrac-
tion of Tertiary tropical elements of mid-latitude flows into the present marginal
tropics 0
but mostly in warm o shallow seas. Algal reefs record invasion of warm, shallow
seas poleward in the Cambrian and Ordovician.
Data for the 630-sq-mile area include 242 well records and 23 well logs 0
Barrette, Keith
10 1944, Tail end of creation (Idaho's Craters of the Moon): Nat. Historyo
vo 53, no. 4, p. 182-185.
This is a popular account of the Craters of the Moon National Monument, ap-
parently written by a non-geologist.
Bayless I John C.
A typical Laketown. fauna from south of Paris Peak in the Pre ston quadrangle I Idaho n
is listed ~ None of the many collections from the lower Paleozoic rocks of Wyoming
has furnished good evidence that Silurian strata are present o
10 1941, Structure of ore districts in the continental framework: Am. Inst" Mining
Metallo Engineers Trans. u Vo 1440 po 9-64 incl" discussion and geolo
This general paper makes only incidental reference to mining districts in Idaho 0 al~
though the state is included in two of the mapso The Coe~r d 'Alene district is
spoken of as along a tear faultu a term which was corrected to steep shear in the
dis.cussion" The east-by-north tension veins of Butt~ harmonize with larger fea"';;
tures" They carry quartz porphyry dikes that eire the local representatives of a
Tertiary dike zone traceable westerly and southwesterly from Butte into Idaho.
This zone is similar to the dike and mineral belt of the Colorado Front Range.
10 1956 u Pennsylvanian and Permian correlations in the Cordilleran area (abs 0):
Geol" Soco America Bull 0 v" 670 no" 12~ pto 2, po 1789-1790"
Throughout much of the Cordilleran area, including Idaho, many of the formations
of Pennsy~"'\/anian and Permian age can be correlated with some accuracyo mainly
on paleontologic groundso Essentially all the Pennsylvanian rocks are marine q in
part metamorphosed Most of the Permian rocks are marine sediments but lo-
Bitten, Bernard 10
10 1951, Age of the Potato Hill volcanic rocks near Deary u Latah County,· Idaho:
Master's Thesis, of Uni v Idaho
0 o
The presence of a dike of volcanic rock intrusive into rock of the Idaho batholith
and inclusions of rocks from that batholith in part of the Potato Hill flows con-
firms a post-Idaho batholith age for these volcanic rocks The flows are rhyo-
lite, rhyodacite 0 and dacite o and probably are the same age as the Challis and
Kamiah volcanics in Idaho, either Oligocene or lower Miocene age 0
end of Lemhi Range. State Highway 22 crosses a lava ridge southeast of the lo-
cality., Fossils are in gray-to-black dense limestone.
2., 1956, Introduction to the tectonics of the Rocky Mountains"..!n. Am. Assoc.
Petroleum Geologists Bull., Rocky Mtn. sec. o Geol. Record, p., 3-19.
The Rocky Mountains and adjacent areas can be divided into five tectonic divi-
sions: (1) Cana~Han shield, (2) area in which the shield is only thinly covered by
sedimentary rocks, (3) area in which the basement is locally exposed, (4) area in
which the basement has been deflected down to great depths and covered by thick
sedimentary deposits, (5) areas of later igneous rocks where no Precambrian base-
ment is recognizable.. The structural significance of these divisions ·is shown by
generalized maps and text. For Idaho the most significant comment is that Mans-
field •s concept of the Bannock thrust may l:;>e in need of revision. The overthrust
belt of Idaho and Wyoming ma y be more like the sliced belt of Montana than has
been generally realized.
Blalock, J. L.
lq 1956, Gem sillimanite from Idaho: Rocks and Minerals" v. 31, no., 5-6, p.
Boardman 8 Leql\a
1. 1949, G·eol<;>gic maP index of Idaho (map with pibliography): U. ~. Geol •. Sur-
vey, Index to geologie mapping in the United States, scale 1: 750,000
or approx. 1 ine to 12 miles.
This is a map that shows by line patterns and colors the position, area covered,
and scale of available geologic maps in Idaho.
A prominent maximum gravity anomaly is associated with the Snake River down-
warp from northeast of St. Anthony to west of Nampa. The maximum is -70 mgals
southwest of Mountain Home. A gravity gradient suggests the north edge of the
downwarp from Boise to Mountain Home and King Hill may be fault-controlledo
Sections of the Wood River formation east of Bellevue were measured and the fu-
silinids in the rocks studied. The thickness measured was 120 190 feeto possi-
bly increased by undetected faultso The conclusions are that the lower third of
the formation is Pennsylvanian and the rest Lower Permian (Desmoinesian o Vir-
gillian o Wolfcampian)o There may have been sea connections with Utah, Wyo-
ming Montana, and Colorado and a trough from New Mexico and Texas to the
Revett, two of the Sto Regis six of the Wallace and one of the Striped Peak.
Also mapped are monzonites and related rocks 0 dikes, and three unconsolidated
rocks The area is folded and faulted, and includes a portion of the Osburn
fa \.1.1 t zone •
1. 1943, Yellow Pine mine (Stibnite, Idaho): Engo Mining Joura Vo 144, noo I
The Bradley Mining Co. has been interested in the Yellow Pfnemine since 1927
and started mining in 1932 Tungsten was discovered in the ore by Donald E.
cores were tested for tungsten. Since then the operation has been changed from
low-grade gold mining to production of tungsteno
The area of the mine contains quartz monzonite, aplite 0 pegmatite, and
alaskite, dacite and lamprophyre with some quartzite, dolomite, and other meta-
morphic rocks 0 Glacial depOSits covered most of the outcrop of the ore bodyo
The quartz monzonite is cut by numerous fracture zones, most of which trend
north to northeast and dip east and westo The ore is in shear zones in these.
Typical ore is a breccia of scheel! te and altered quartz monzonite, cemented
by stibnite. The gold was distributed in the principal fracture zone without
regard to a dacite dike but the tungsten and antimony ore is confined almost
entirely to the block west of the dike. The distribution of the metallic miner-
als is varied, and deposition took place in several stages.. Methods of mining
and smelting are described.
Bradley, Worthen D.
Idaho had produced quicksilver to a value of about $2 000 ,000 to the date of this
report 0 Of this about 9, 000 flasks came from Valley County, nearly all from the
Hermes and 3, 000 flasks from the Idaho-Almaden mine, Washington County. Be-
yond these production figures, the report is mainly an outline of the ipternational
situation regarding quicksilver, arguing for protection for mines in the United
States and a price of at least $125 per flask.
Bretz, J. Harlen
1. 1939, The physiography of North America, in Geologie der Erde, Erich Krenkel,
ed., North America q Y. 1, p. 1-40. Introductory chapters and geology
of the stable areas, 1939. Eds. RUdOlph Ruedemann 1927-1935, Robert
Balk 1936~1939 Berlin. Verlag von GebrUder Borntraeger.
Division of the Rocky Mountain system of the United States into provinces has
given rise to the terms of Southern, Middle" and Northern Rocky Mountains. But
there are two distinct provinces of the system north of the N.'orthern Rocky Moun-
tains. Hence it is better to "term that part of the system from south .... central Idaho
(United Stat~s) to northern Britisn Columbia (Canada) the Boundary Ranges or the
Boundary Range Province. The province is 1 q 300 miles long and its maximum width
at the southern end is 350 miles". The Rocky Mountains are bounded on the west
by Purcell Range but p. 22 indicates "Purcell Range" is bounded on the east by the
Rocky Mountain Trench, hence Bretz follows Canadians in his definition of ROCky
The Devonian is thick in southeastern Idaho and part of south-central Idaho, but
thin in western· Wyoming and along its border with Idaho. In Utah there are De-
vonian rocks older than the Jefferson formation. A section in Grand View Canyon,
Custer County, Idaho, by Sloss, is given. It is over 2,200 feet thick and treats
the Grand View as the upper member of the Jefferson. It shows 300 feet of "Three
Forks", in quotes.
The fungus specimen described) here named Fornes idahoensis Brown, N. sp. I
was collected in 1939 byJ. L. Morris . 1-1/2 miles east of a point 5 miles
south of Bruneau along the highway. Much fossil wood is associated with ito
The specimen is composed mainly of calcium carbonate. The containing beds
may belong to the Idaho formation and are probably not later than early Pliocene.
Bulla.7 Edward W.
This report is concerned mainly with mining methods and costs. Idaho pro-
duced 90S, 000 tons of phosphate rock in 1947; over 75 percent of w~stern pro-
duction, mostly from two mines. Rock must have 30 percent P205 to be 1.Jsed
under methods in use at the time. A depth of 500 feet is the limit of practical
mining 0 The reserve under those conditions is 230,000 0 000 long tons. The
potential value of by-products such as fluorine is referred to. In 1926 Mans-
field estimated the total reserve to a depth of 5, 000 feet at 4,997,885,000
long tons. Much of this is too deep to be mined under existing conditions.
If low-grade rock could be treated, the re serve would increa se sh~rpl y •
Caldwell, Harry H.
Most of this section of the book, The Pacific Northwest, is devoted to the
Northern Rocky Mountains in Idaho and western Montana but some data on the
southern Rockies, mostly in southeastern Idaho are given. The Okanogan
Highlands in Washington and adj acent Idaho are mentioned • The geology of
these regions is summarized and the topography described, mainly on the
basis of a digest of a few of the many reports published in the past.
Campbell, Arthur
Each of these annual reports by the State Mine Inspector lists available data
on ownershipo development, etc., for all mines for which information is on
hand o segregated by counties. The reports also give data on mine accidents,
production, etc., and most include short articles either reprinted from current
literature or others written specifically for the rep.ort. Thus each annual fe--
port is a summary of mining conditions in the state for the year it covers.
Campbell, Arthur B.
A geologic map, without text, showing the Prichard, Burke, Revett, and St. Regis
formations of the Belt series, dikes, and two unconsolidated rocks. The map al-
so shows folding and faulting ~
2. 1953, Geologic map of the Kellogg and vicinity quadrangle, Shoshone County,
Idaho: U.S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 1 map.
1. 1950, Petrology of the· Columbia River basalts; present status and ideas for
future work: Northwest Sci., v. Z4, no. 2, p. 74-83.
The components of the Columbia River basalt range in texture from glassy to holo-
crY$talline, Felted textures are common. Phenocrysts are common but rarely
plentiful enough for the rock to be considered porphyritic. Tachylyte and sidero-
melane glasses are known. TI,e minerals th~t have been recognized are listed.
They indicate most of the flows are basalt but some are pigeonite andesite. A
table giving seven chemical analyses and a calculated average indicates that
the flows conform in most respects in composition to plateau basalts in other
parts of the world. Temperatures during eruption varied from 5000 C. to 1545 0 C.
The scarcity of known dike feedersfor the laterfl6wssuggests these may have
erupted from centers lying, perhaps, along ~ few of the more persistentlyacttve
earlier fissure~.
Canney, Frank Cogswell (Hawkes, Herbert Edwin, Jr.; Richmond, Gerald Martin;
and Vhay, John Stewart).
A study of the relation of soil profiles to the surficial deposits wa,s conducted
and indicates that a knowledge ofth,e Qrigin and source of surficial deposits, the
degree of development of soil profile e and the relative stratigraphic position: of a
soil is necessary for the Jnterpretationof geochemical anomalies in the soil.
The report consists of a topographic map and graphs showing the amount of zinc
'and lead in the soil, and seoti-Gnsshowing the.vertical distributions of the metals~
The data relate to contamination by smelters.
1. 1953, Lindgrenite and cuprotungstite from the Seven Devils district, Idaho:
Am. Mineralogist, v. 38, nos. 11-12~ p. 903-9110
1. 1940,' Gold placers of the 8ecesh Basine Idaho County:·, Idaho Bur. Mines and
Geology Pamph. 52, 42 p.
ite, gneiss and schist of the Belt series, extensive exposures of the Idaho batho-
lith, Tertiary sedimentary rocks, and deposits of Pleistocene and Recent age. The
Pleistooene deposits include old and Wisconsin detritus ,and theRec~nt ones- in-
clude peat plus three layers of ash.
In central Idaho (primarily Idaho County and vicinity) the earliest land form dis-
cernible is q mature surface (the so-called Idaho peneplain) i thought to cut volcan-
ics of Miocene age and to be pre-Columbia River basalt (middle, or upper Miocene).
In the period between the eruption of this basalt and early or middle Pleistocene
time there was extensive block falllting, warping q and regional uplift. Prior to this
the Salmon River is thought to have pursued its present westerly course across the
State but one result of the orogenic movement was to divert it below Riggins north-
ward along a fault valley. In the SeceshBasin Lake Creek, which rises only 5
miles from the Salmon, flows away from that stream to the south and southeast along
a structural valley. After the uplift the streams of the region adj listed their courses ,
and lake and 'stream deposits resulted, and a'pa'rtial erosiOn surface via's formed.
In the meantime the master streams had been rejuvenated, in part as a result of th~
increased elevation of the mountains and in part because of the development of
deep canyons along the Snake and Columbia Rivers. By the end of the Pliocene
the canyon of the Salmon hc;id been incised almost to its present depth with com-
parable deepenings qf tributary canyons. This was followed by glaciqtion, per-
haps in four stages,! Soil creep has been extensive and has tended to produce
forms that could be ~onfused with remnants of old erosion surfaces. The amount
of lowering of ridge tops by creep since early Tertiary time is measurable in tens
if not hundreds of f~et.
2. 1941, Faulting in western Idaho and its relation to the high placer deposits:
Idaho Bur. Min~s and Geology Pamph. S6, 20 p. inc!. geol. sketch
Carlson, Jphn E.
A lithologiC study of the Frontier and Wayne formations of the Fall Creek Basin
and Horseshoe Creek district. Four types of sandstone are recognized, differ-
entiated on the bas~s of heavy mineral frequencies, light m'ineral frequencies,
tourmaline frequenoy, and grain morphology and mechanical composition~ 'Facies
changes are rapid within short distances grading from terrestrial to fresh water I
brackish, and marine deposits. Regional correlation is very difficult due to the
similarity of heavy mineral suites within the formations studied.
Carmichael, Virgil W.
1. 1956, The relationship of the .. soils" of the Palouse to the Columbia River
basalt: Master' s Thes~s, Univ. Idaho.
Up to 200 feet or more of soil overlies the basalt in some parts of th'e area
studied. Chemical analysis of the basalt, the subsoil, and the soi~ failed to
show any gen~tic relation. The parent material of the "Palouse soU" was pro-
bably loess.
Carmichael t Virgil W.
. .
2. 1956, The relationship of the" seils lIef the Paleuse to. the Celumbia River
basalt (Washington-ldahe): The Compass, vo34, nOol, po 6-28.
result in part from "se11s" blown in from the northwest,modified by later winds
and dust from the southwest. .The amphitheatres that ar~ 'character~stic of the
Palouse hills result in part from so.il creep and mudflowaround and under winter
Carson, Ro H.
Samples of phosphate were obtained at Conda, Idaho and in the Crawford Moun-
. It is postulated that canyons along the Clark Fork, Flathead, Koetenai, and
Blackfoot· I9vers are ramp valleys with eppesing thrust faults on eppesite
Rqnge are correlative with the Wells formation. Exception is taken to their
statement that the Phosphoria is absent in the range.. Thick, high-grade phos-
phate bed~ have not been found but the Phosphoria is 10295 feet thick. Occur-
rence~ of Phosphoria in the Cas sia and Beaverhead Mountains in Idaho and in
various places in northern Utah and Nevada are mentioned.. The thickening of
the formation west of southeastern Idaho is ascribed to greater rate of subsi-
dence rather than greater depth of water. The Phosphoria here is thought to
have been deposited in an embayment whose limits to the northwest are un-
A phosphatic shale of Permian age (680 ft.) crops out in the Leach Mountains
10 miles west of Montello, Nevadan and is overlain by beds similar to the
Dinwoody formation. Reconnaissance in northeastern Nevada and neighbor-
ing Idaho and Utah resulted in discovery of 75 miles of outcrop of rocks of
Phosphoria age not previously reported.
adjusting themselves to this. Some streams spilled over saddles and are now
superimposed across hard rock ridges. Pleistocene glaciation concealed and
destroyed much evidence and itself probably made drainage changes.
1. 1948, Yuma point from western Idaho: Am. AntiqUity, v. 13, no. 3, p. 251.
At the Johnson Park Reservoir site, 18 miles east of Brownlee, Oregon, on the
Snake River, a projectile point of Yuma type has been found in a small stream
bed above a filled glacial lake •
1. 1940, Tertiary forests and continental history: Geol. Soc. America Bull.
51, no. 3, p. 469-488.
The fossil record gives little support forth~ idea of cl_im~t191JnifQrmi_ty across
many degrees of latitude in past ages. T~rtiary flora show marked zoning.
3. 1949, Early Tertiary ecotones in western North America: Natl. Acad. Sci .
Proc., v. 35, no. 7 I p. 356-359.
This report contains nothing on Idaho specifically, but its generalizqtions would
apply to interpretation of floras collected in Idaho. The early Tertiary zones are
about 20 0 north of areas where similar vegetation is found at present. A zone
of Tertiary floras that includes Idaho is a subtropical assemblage" The climate
at the beginning of the Tertiary was warmer than at comparable latitudes now,
with the warm zone extending farther north near the Pacific Ocean than inland
so the Pacific shore was about at its present position"
It 1s ~oted that the rocks described by Youngquist and Haegele in the Sublett
2" 1956, Uranium and certain other trace elements in felsic volcanic rocks of
Cenozoic age in western United States in Page, LoR .. 9 and others,
Gold-antimony deposits were kncwn near the site of Stibnite 8 Valley County 6 in
1900. The first claims were located in 1914. In 1927 and 1933 groups of claims
were acquired by F. W. Bradley from the United Mercury Mines Co.. The operat-
ing company was known as the Yellow Pine Co. until 1938 when it was taken over
by its parent company, the Bradley Mining Co. Antimony-gold ore was produced
from the Meadow Creek mine, and milled there from 1932 to 1938 when this mine
was closed. Quarry-mining nearby was carried on in 1938 and 1939. The U. S.
Bureau of Min~;;s had a drilling program in the winter of 1939-40 and D .. E. White
noted scheelite in a drill core. A shaft was started in 1941" and by the end of
that year all mining had been shifted to the tungsten-antimony-gold ore body dis-
closed by the drilling. The t~~ngsten ore body was exhausted in 19450 Produc-
tion tables for the various principal ore bodies are given. The rest of the re-
port, except for a brief summary of the geology based on other reports, deals
with engineering features of the Bureau of Mines I work in the area 0
1.. 1954, Mining geology of the Seven Devils region: Idaho Bur 0 Mines and
Geology Pamph. 978 22 p., incl. geol. maps.
The principal rocks of the Seven Devils region are the Seven Devils volcanics
(Permian and Triassic) which include sedimentary strata intercalated in the vol-
canic rocks. These rocks are largely metamorphosed. Unconformably on the
Seven Devils volcanics is a thick sequence of locally metamorphosed shale and
limestone that seems to be mainly of Triassic age, but may include some Jurassic
rocks.. There are masses of granodiorite, here interpreted as metamorphosed gab-
bro (Jurassic). A fresher quartz diorite which tends to wedge out downward o is
later than the granodiorite and probably an extension of the Idaho batholith It
There is also some granite. The Columbia River basalt overlies all the older
rocks and fills valleys in an erosion surface with a relief of about 2,000 feet.
Its maximum thickness is about 2,500 feet., Alluvi.al and glacial deposits are
not abundant. Diversion of the Snake River in this region is thought to be after,
rather than before 0 Columbia River volcanism, and may have occurred in the
Church, P. E.
This is a convenient summary of climatological data for the region. It uses phy-
siographic subdivisions that differ from those of other au'thorsbecause it is based
more on climate than on other factors. Most of Idaho is placed in the Northern
Rocky Mountains, Snake River Valley, and southern Idaho. The Snake River Val-
ley merges northward with the Columbia Basin. There are highly generalized
maps for temperatures, frosts, and precipitation.
This is a map with no text other than a list of references. It shows distribution
of the then-known phosphate deposits in the states listed o
1 •. 1945, Paragenesis of the tungs ten ore of the Ima mine, Idaho (abs.):
Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 25, no. 6, p. 198.
The Ima mine, Blue Wing district, was the second most important tungsten pro-
ducer in Idaho and contains the largest known hubnerite deposits in the western
states. Th~ productive veins occupy small faults in quartzite and granite with
associated pegmatite and pre-ore veins containil1g orthoclase u 'quartz, mica u
pyrite, and molybdenite. Most ore is banded. because of repeated fracturing.
The general mineral sequence is orthoclase, quartz, mica followed by pyrite
and ore, followed by quartz, rhodochrosite, hubnerite, sphalerite, and fi-
nally quartz, fluorite, tetrahedri te, galena, and chalcopyrite in the banded ore.
Scheeli te is in small seams and replaces hubnerite 0
1. 1956, Distribution of uranium and certain other trace 'elements in fels.ic vol-
canic rocks of Cenozoic age of the western United States, .!n. Proc.
Internat. Conf. on peaceful uses of atomic energy, Geneva, 1955:
New York, United Nations Pub., v. 6, p. 248-251 •.
The volcanic rocks of the Columbia Plateau, among others u are completely lack-
ing in known uranium deposits. Rhyolitic and dacitic rocks of Cenozoic age from
several western states, including Idaho, were analyzed for uranium and certain
other trace elements. Maps indicating the uranium content of these rocks and
certain provinces set up to, show relatiorls~ip.s',.. show ura~um ocCun::~,11ges. in
such rocks in southern Idaho I and indicate that this part of the state is in the
Shoshone province, whereas the test of the state is in the -8hahaptinprovince.
The Shoshone province is a uraniferous province at the levels of concentration
here considered.
The diversion of the Snake River, from a CQurse which may have taken it into
California, by the spilling over of an arm of Lake Idaho into a tributary of the
Salmon River probably occurred in the latter half of the Pleistocene. Outwash
gravel in sQuthwest Idaho and eastern Oregon occurs near the probable maximum-
level of the lake and probably records a late Pleistocene, pre-Wisconsin ice
age. The living mammal fauna of the Seven Devils Mountains is largely iden-
tical with that of the Wallowa Mountains. Hells Canyon, which intervenes,
is r~garded as an insurmountable barrier to most small animals. It is estimated
that the genetic drift on the opposite sides of the canyon represents not more
than 200,000 years, before that the canyon barrier did not exist. On the other
hand-, without any such barrier, the fauna of the Owyhee desert, 'south of the
Snake, is different, except for a few newly arrived species from the eastern
Oregon fauna, supporting the idea that the original course of the Snake was
southwest toward California~
3. 1955 6 Prospecting for ura,nium, thorium, and tung sten in Idaho: Idaho Bur.
Mines and Geology Pamph., 102 0 53 p.
Most of this paper is devoted to a general discussion of the mineralogy and mode
of occurrence of deposits of uranium, thorium 0 and tungsten, with suggestions
as to prospecting. It is noted that in Idaho uranium is known in veins in the
Coeur d 'Alene mining district, the Gibbonsville district, and in localities in
Boundary and Blaine Counties among others. Some is known in the Phosphoria
formation, in lignite in the Salt Lake formation (or similar rocks), and in coal
and carbonaceous rocks in the Bear River formation. There is a deposit of urano-
phane in rhyolite of the Challis volcanics near Salmon. Uranium minerals are
known in pegmatites in Garden Valley, Boise County, and near Deary, Latah
County; also in placers in a number of localities. Thorium is J<nown in various
placers and in lodes in Lemhi County. Neither uranium nor thorium are known in
commercially important deposits. Tungsten is known in deposits of widely differ-
ent kinds throughout Idaho, and some of these have been richly productive. A
number are briefly described.
This summary report divides the tungsten deposits of southcentral Idaho into schee-
lite deposits and black tungsten deposits. The first group includes over 20 de-
posits characterized as commonly found in tactite formed from an impure calcareous
rock near a granitic mass, either intrusive or metasomatic. An exception is the
Mackay area where the tactite comes from a pure limestone" . Several of the de-
posits are closely associated with alaskite or leucogranodiorite dikes containing
irregular quartz pods. In the northern part of the region the scheelite is not in
tactite but is associated with alaskite. The tungsten deposits seem to follow
structures of Laramide age, and are supposed to be in areas where the geothermal
gradient was high. The deposits were formed where conditions were favorable and
are not necessarily of the same age throughout. They are thought to be older than
any of Anderson's Tertiary metallogenic epochs but younger than the main mass of
the Idaho batholith.
The "black tungsten deposits contain members of the wolframite group rather
than scheelite and were formed at lower temperatures and pressures than the schee-
lite deposits, with some exceptions. Some of the black tungsten deposits are of
mid-Tertiary age. About 8 such deposits are described"
6" 1957 , Radioactive minerals in Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology Mineral
Radioactive minerals in Idaho have been known since 1897 and monazite was first
produced in 1910. Uranium is present in veins in the Coeur d'Alene region, the
Gibbonsville district, the Hailey gold beItq and in the Stanley Basin. It is pres-
ent in pegmatite in Garden Valley and in the phosphate rock of the Phosphoria forma-
tion, also in lignite coal, and in the Challis volcanics (particularly in tuff con-
taining organic matter). Thorium is known in veins and replacements in Lemhi County,
and both uranium and thorium are present in placers. A uranium-bearing placer is
being worked in Bear Valley in Valley County. The major reserves of uranium in Idaho
are in the phosphate rock.
1.. 1943, Conodont fauna and distribution of a Lower Mississippian black shale
in Montana and Alberta: Jour. Paleontology , v. 17, no. 2, p. 168-176.
In Idaho the chart assigns part of the Milligen to the Upper Devonian (Cassadago),
the Three Forks to Cassadago and Chemung stages of the Upper Devonian, and the
Jefferson to the Chemung and Finger Lake stages of the Upper Devonian. The
Grandview is not mentioned. In the text a collection by Copper and Kirk. near
Freighter Spring, on the east side of Double Springs canyon is listed and the
statement is made that the lower part of the Milligen is shalyand contains spec~
ies of the Three Forks formation. This is the place Baldwin cited to show the
Three Fork.s is present in the Borah Peak quadrangle.
1.. 1951, Geology of the tungsten, antimony and gQld.. d~PQsits ne.ar"Stibnfte,
Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 969-P, p. 151-197.
This report summarizes the history and general geology of the Yellow Pine mine.
The mine was the largest source of tungsten and antimony ores in the United
States from 1942 to 1944. It and the neighboring Meadow Creek mine have also
yielded gold and silver.
The first stage of metallization is represented by replacement by gold-bear-
ing pyrite and arsenopyrite, the second by less extensive replacement by schee-
li te, and the third by replacement by s tibnite and silver. The main ore bodies
are along the Meadow Creek fault, as much as several hundred feet wide, cut-
ting quart~ monzonite. Ore bodies are localized by changes in strike and dip
of the main zone and by related subsidiary faults. The tungsten ore body at the
Yellow Pine mine was exhausted in 1945 after prodUCing 831,829 units of W03,
antimony, and more than 20,000 tons in gold ore. The district was estimated to
contain about 740,000 ounces of gold. The report is especially valuable for
the numerous mine maps and sections it includes.
Cooper Margaret
1. 1955, Fuco!dal markings in the Swan Peak formation, southea stern Idaho:
Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 25, no. 4, p. 282-284; v. 26, no. 40
p. 369"
It is inferred that the fucoidal markings in the Swan Peak formation result from
incorporation of coarse sand particles and organic fragments in a gelatinous
organism (either plant or animal) with cementation aided by chemical changes
during decay of the organism.
The Cambrian beds total 7 ,800 feet in thickness in two formations: the Brigham,
2,800-4,800 feet; Lang$ton, 375 feet; Ute e 490 f~et; B~acksmithe 725 feet;
Bloomington, 14, 500 fe~t; Nounan, 985 feet; Sto Charles, 950 feet. The Ordo-
vician formations are the Garden CitYq 1,280 feet; S*an Peak, 640 feet; and
Fish Haven, 200~450 teet. The Laketown dolomite (Silurian) is 1350 feet thick.
The Water Canyon formation (Lower Devonian) is 357 feet thick and consists of
sandstone and dolomite. The Jefferson dolomite and Madison limestone are
represented in fault blocks. The Salt Lake formation (960 feet) and Lake Bonne-
ville sediments q plus hill wash and alluvium are present. The Paleozoic rocks
are in a syncline of NI0 0 E trend cut by branching longitudinal faults, apparently
steep and normal, plus transverse faults. No evidence of thrust faults was
The fluorspgr deposits near Meyers Cove follow three groups of shear zones in
the Casto and Ohallis volcanics. Small intrus!ons of granophyre and larnprophyre
cut the volcanics" Many of the lodes are in or near granophyre. The lamprophyre
bodies are several hundred feet long and 20 feet wide. The ore can be concen-
trated by flotation but little of it is of direct shipping grade Over 20 fluorite
Crandall, Lynn
10' 1948, Com~entQn. the Review Report. by. the, Corps of :&ngineers-.dated
October I, 1948: U. S. Geolo Survey open-file report.
2. 1953 g Future upstream depletion 'of Snake River in Idaho above Hells Canyon:
U. S. Geol. Survey open-file report.
A discus $ion of the available surface and ground water in the area, summarizing
the possibledep~etion resulting from proposed future irrigation projects. Speci-
fic projects discussed are, Fort Hall, American Falls, tributary valleys from
Portneuf to Salmon: Falls River .. Bruneau Project, and Mountain Home. Charts out-
line the increa~ed water consumption between 1947 and 1953 q new land areas
irrigated froml94 7t9 2.010, annual precipitation anci. diversion graphs for the
years 1920 to 1950 6 and annual runoff graphs for the years 1920 to 1950.' .
Two plans for the construction of a dam or dams in the Hells Canyon area are
discussed. The IdahoPowerC'ompahy'pfop6ses'as'eriesofthree rockfi!l dams
with power installation of 783,000 kilowatts u a live storage of 1,000,000
acre-feet of water, and at an estimated cost of $133~000uOOO. The Federal
Government proposes a single dam with a power installation of 800,000 kilo-
watts, a live water storage of 3,800,000 acre-feet, and at an estimated cost
$357 u 000,000. -~- -- ---
The author outlines the advantages and disadvantages of both plans, and in
view of feeling"in Congress towards the Federal plan, coupled with the present
condition of the Fec;:1eral budget, concludes the Idaho Power Company's plan may
be approved by the Federal Power Commis sion.
Crandall, Lynn
5. 1954, Remarks by Lynn Crandall to the Snake River water users upon the
occasion of his 25th election as watermaster: U. S. Geol. Survey
open-file report.
6. 1955, New storage on Snake River for irrigation use above Milner, Idaho:
U. S. Geol" Survey open""file report, 4 p.
An outline of tile control of d~stribution and use of the water of the Snake River,
including summaries of the responsibilities of the State Engineer, State Recla-
mation Engineer, District Engineer, and districtwatermaster; the operation of
gaging stations and compilation of flow records, and the functions of the Com ...
mittee of Nine.
A maP indicates the principal streams and gaging stations of Water District
Noo 36.
The Dry Valley quadrangle, Caribou and Bear Lake counties, .wa~ geologically
mapped as part of ~n investigation of phosphate deposits.. It contains exposures
of Brazer limestone, Wells formation, Phosphoria formation, Dinwoody formation,
Thaynes' formation, and unnamed Tertiary and Quaternary beds There are open0
folds of ,norttl~northwe$t trend with a f~w large faults of similar trends and many
short transverse faults" Two zones of phosphate rock suitable for mining are
present in the Phosphoria.
Black and white geologiC map with sections ll 1:24, 000, no t~xt"
,Crosby, G,arth M.
1. 1954, Geology of the He rcules mine (I~aho): Mining Cong. Jour., v. 42,
no. 6, p. 43-45, 82.
The Hercules mine in the Coeur d 'Alene area in Shoshone County was first lo-
cated in 1889 and production commenced in 1902 From 1912 to 1925 the mine
produced 2,500, 000 tons of silver-lead ore, with a gross value of about
$80, 000,0000 Operations were suspended in April 1925. The mine was reopened
in 1947. The mine is in the Prichard and Burke formations near a pre-ore mon-
zonite stock. Less wall .. rock alteration than is common in the~ district is pres-
ent" The minerals include magnetite, siderite, pyrite" pyrrhotite, grunerite o
biotite 0 garn~t, adularia, chlorite, chalcopyrite o arsenopyrite, jarnesonite u ga-'
lenai and sphalerite. The vein fissure appears to have little offset on it but is
cut bya cross fault with offsets up to 200 feet.
... 52-
1. 1954, Ground ... water development and problems in Idaho: U. S. Geol. Sur-
vey open-file report, 17 p.
Ground-water development in Idaho has proceeded rapidly since 1945. The more
important areas of the Snake River Plain and its tributaries, the Rathdrum Prai-
rie, and the Malad River valley are discussed with respect to type and amount
of ground water available, irrigation requirements, use of excess flood water,
and recharge problems.
2. 1956, Ground-water possibilities south of the Snake River between Twin
Falls and Pocatello: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file reporto incl.
geol. map.
The area south of the Snake River between Twin Falls and Pocatello contains
180, 000 ~cres of irrigated land of which 35; 000 ~cres are irrigated wholly or
partly by ground water. Most of the surface water is already obligated. The
area also contains more than 200,000 acres that could be farmed if water was
available. On the basis of published and unpublished data and some original
geologic fieldwork, a geologic map (blue print) has been oompiled and ~round
water conditions, so far as known, are outlined. Climatic and agricultural
da ta are summarized.
The rocks range in age from Precam~rian to Recent and include Cambrian t
Ordovician, Mississippian, Pennsylvaoian, and Permian marine beds q granitic
rocks, Miocene(?) to Recent silicic flows, and pyroclastic and sedimentary
rocks. Eleven Tertiary and Quaternary units are distinguished and these are the
principal aquifers.
Use of ground-water has increased markedly in the past 10 years. So far there
has been no material interference between pumping projects or between the use
of ground and surface water. This may not continue to be true. Irrigation is a
major use of ground water but industry, public supply, and domestic uses have
had their share. The rural per-..capita use of water is about ·110 gallons daily,
chiefly from ground water. In 1955 ground-water withdrawals for irrigation
totalled over a million acre-feet, compared with 350,000 acre-feet in 1950.
The rate of increase may be decreasing. The principal areas of development
are the Malad Valley in Oneida County, the Mud Lake basin in Jefferson County,
the Little Lost River valley in Butte County, the Blackfoot-Taber and Aberdeen-
Springfield areas in Bingham County, the Miohaud Flats area adjacent to Ameri..;.
can Falls Reservoir, Minidoka North Side extension area in southern Blaine and
Minidoka Counties, the Raft River valley and Oa)dey basin in Cassia County,
and the vicinity of Murtaugh and Kimberly in Twin Falls County, with less ex-
tensi ve development in other areas. Industrial development in Idaho has in-
creased recently. Further studies leading to conservation and development of
ground water ~re needed.
The U. S. Bureau of Reclamation proposes to irrigate 64, 000 acres north and
west of the Snake R1 ver from 175 wells, plus some surface water. Private
parties are d~veloping 2 aI. 000 addi~ional acres" The Snake' River basalt is the
principal water-bearing formation but ground water comes also from the Burley
lake bec;is and other' rocks. West of the project much water is discharged from
springs in the· Snake River basal~. The gross ground-water requirements on the
Federal project will be 235, 000 acre-feet annually. Data on exp~cte~ deple-
tion and other factors are given. Chemical analyses of the water are tabulated.
In western Jerome County 763 wells have been measured and 8 observation wells
are maintained. Tables recording the well data compose most of the report.
1460-C, P. 99-145.
Most of the localities mentioned are in Washington and Oregon but Mann Creek,
Washington County, Idaho, is mentioned. It is thought most of the fossil wood
in and west of western Idaho is drift wood in Latah deposits.
20 1946,. Idaho star garnet: Mineralogist v. 14" no. 10, P. 556~ 558.
This refers to the fossil trees in the Germer Basin area and suggests the area be
made a State Park ..
40 1956 0 Northwest gem trails--a field guide for the gem h~nter, the mineral
collector and the tourist; includes Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon-
tana, and Wyoming: Portland, Ore., Mineralogist Pub. Co., 1st ed. ,
1950, 80 p; 2d ed., 1956, 80 p.
Davidson o David Francis, (Smart, Ross A" Pierce, H. W., and Weiser, Jeann~ D.)
Rex chert, about 240 feet thick; another member, a thin-bedded cherty mudstone
15-75 feet thick overlies the Rex in most of southeastern Idaho and western
Wyoming but is not well defined at the type locality. 'Seven stratigraphic sec-
tions are tabulated.
p .. 1714 ..
The Meade P~ak phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria formation contains
some of the most seleniferous sedimentary rocks known, and the richest of
these are in southeastern Idaho and western Wyoming, especially in carbona-
ceous mudstQne and in phosphate rqck. In the former the conc~ntration ranges
up to 1, 500+ ppm. and in the phosphate rock up to 300 ppm.
1. 1939, Geology and petrology ot the Mineral Hill mining district, Lemhi
CO\lnty, Idaho (abs.): Minnesota Univ., Summaries of Ph. D. the-
ses, v. 11 p. 218-221.
This paper summarizes c;iata on the Deer Creek,.Wells Canyori di~trict, given in
greater detail in a later ofncial report, abstracted be~ow.
The Deer Creek....Wells Canyon area, 18 square mj.les~ is in the southeast cor-
ner of southeastern Idaho. It w~s stuc;iied in 1944. The phosphatic lower mem-
ber of the Phosphoria is 179 to 200 feet thick, is overlain by the Rex member
and underlain by the Wells formation. Detailed lithologic and stratigraphic data
are summarized on the basis of stratigraphic measurement$ in 11 trenches and
analyses of 202 samples .. The inferred reserves total nearly 120,000,000 tons,
of which more than 27, 000,000 tons are high-grade nearly S3" 000,000 tons
This comprises a topographic map, a geologic map, cross sections, and a map
explanation; no text. Thre~ units of Quaternary age, two igneous and one det-
rital unit of T~rtiary age, a unit of Silurian and Devonian age (chiefly argillite,
some limestone, etc.), Le<;lbetter $late (Ordovician) Metaline limestone
Moulten phyllite and GypSY quartzite (all Cambrian) and Monk formation
The Rocky Mountain region as defined in this report barely enters Idaho along
the Wyoming border. The eastern limit of the "Paleozoic.... Mesozoic. geosyn-
cline" is mapped in western Wyoming and Montana cutting throl,lgh a comer
of Idaho near Yellowstone National Park. It is shown that oil, with a wide
range in quality, has be~n found in the region in rocks ranging in age from
Precambrian to Tertiary, bu~ most is tho.ught to be deri veci from Cretaceous
strata beneath thrust faults,
1. 1949, Glaciation of the Coeur d 'Alene mining district, Idaho (abs J: Geol.
Soc. America Bull., v. 60, no .. 12, pt. 2, p. 1883-1884.
During the last glaciation a minimum altitud~ of 5,300 feet was necessary for
, the formation of minor ice masses in favorable locations, in the Coeur d'Alene
region. Ice streams formed at higher altit~des flowed down valleys to as low
as 3,900 feet, cutting cirques and V-shaped valleys. The longest, along Canyon
Creek, was about 5 miles long. No ice masses formed on south-facing slopes.
Boulder deposits, striations, and other evidence point to ice masses much more
extensive than is evidenced by existing cirques and glaciat~d valleys. Some of
the boulders appear to have come from Central Idaho to the south, There was a
perfodof" canyon,' cutting" between~o,glaGial>staqes".:the';.fh'st 'may 'correspond' to
the Spokane advance of Bretz. The second was Wisconsin.
2 . 1955, New evidence relating to th~ origin of c~rques (Idaho) (abs.): Geol.
Soc. America Bull. , v.66, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1551-;1552.
In the Coeur d 'Alene mining district, Shoshone County, glacially striated bed-
'rock surfaces high on cirque walls and on, narrow divides behind and between
cirques are interpreted to mean that during the, waxing phase of a glacial age
the developing cirques were brimful or overfull of snow, neve and ice, and a
carapace of ice may have capped summit areas above the cirques during maximum
Douglas, Edwin B.
The history of
the Blackbird district is summanzed.
and the comment is made that
the future depends on road construction bt90vernme~t agencies. Vhayras di-
vided the district into three structural block~ '(lrLookout, block , (2) 'Blackbird
block, (3) Haynes-Stellite block.:, The Blackbird block is the one in which the
Calera Mining Co. is mainly interested, is the most schistose in the district,
r-' :
is lightly folded and much sheared in three sets. The Haynes .... Stellite block is
composed of nonscnistose, well-bedded quartzite with breccia zones healed by
tourmaline and a little quart~. The only mineralization is in these zones and
some of the cobaltite th~re is minus 300 mesh. In the Blackbird block there are
two principal types of deposit, (1) massive sulfides with pyrite, Pyrrhotite,
chalcopyrite and cobalUte with a eu-co ratio of about 2: I, (2) finely disseminated
cobalt in schist with minor pyrite and chalcopyrite, the Cu-Co ratio being about
Mining and treating methods are discl)ssed and remarks as to uses conclude
the article.
Tables list gen~ral production fi9ures for the world, and geologic features of a
number of mines in Idaho.
Four wells were measured in Idaho, all in the Rathdrum Prairie area in Bonner
and Kootenai Counties. Water levels in all rose, apparently largely because
of an un\,1s~ally heavy snow cover.
water study. The total average annual discharge from the fresh- water artesian
system is about 15,000 gallons a minute or 24,000 acre feet a year.
thick sequences. Batholiths of Mesozoic a<]e invaded the Pacific tro~gh hut only
one; the Idaho batholith, reached the Rocky Mountain trough. The results of
dynamic metamorphism, batholithic intrusion and blanketing by Cenozoic deposits
have left the area between the troughs little known but it is here regarded as one
of heavy sedimentation. The Rocky Mountain trough contains mostly marine
limestone, shale, and sandstone, relatively little metamorphosed. It is suggested
that a volcanic archipelago flanked the Pacific trough on the west and was a site
of continuing orogeny during the Paleozoic. It was similar to the present Japanese
archipelago. Instead of a rigid land of continental proportions with a shore in
western Montana, a volcanic archipelago is believed to have been present,
mostly west of the modern Pacific coast. The maps with this paper show basins
of sedimentation throughout the Paleozoic. They are of various shapes but in-
clude Central Idaho. Part or all of the Panhandle of Idaho is represented as land
or shelf during much of the epoch.
Twelve paleotectonic and 5 paleogeologic maps present the major st~ges of the
evolution of the central and western part of the continent from early Paleozoic
to late Mesozoic. The Cordilleran geosyncline in Cambrian, Ordovician, and
Silurian time was one of great subsidence. Its western part has an assemblage
principally of lavas, pyroclastic$, conglomerates, graywackes, black shales,
massive limestones and cherts, indicating the proximity of a volcanic archipelago
on the west. Their metamorphism and unconformities represent fairly continuous
orogeny in the volcanic belt. The eastern troughs of the geosyncline were filled
with sandstone, shales, limestones, and dolomites from the central part of the
continent. The basin of subsidence in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas was
small shallow, and intracontinental. In the Devonian the transcontinental
arch rose, and strata on it were removed at the close of the period except for
sags in Colorado and Arizona. Great tfansverse arches developed. The Cor-
dilleran Devonian basin was broad, and centered in Nevada where the most
complete Devonian section in Nc;>rth America is found. The Upper and Middle
Ordoviqian rocks overlap on the Lower Ordovician, Cambrian, and Precambrian
rocks. Mississipp~an seas were widespread, and in the Rocky Mountain region
a long narrow zone subsided to form the Madison basin. Subsidence exceeded
5,000 feet along the Idaho-Montana and British Columbia-Alberta boundaries.
A long eastward basin, the Big Snowy basin, sank in central Montana and con-
tinued to sink in Late Mississippian time. The Brazer basin sank in Idaho and
Utah in Late Mississippian time, and there was a broad basin of poorly known
limits in northern California, southern Oregon, and northwestern Nevada. The
rise of the Manhattan geanticline in Central Nevada marked the beginning of a
division of the Cordilleran geosyncline. In early Pennsylvanian a deep basin
sank rapidly in east Texas, southern Oklahoma, and western Louisiana, and the
Lasalle anticlinal belt began to rise .. The south-central part of the continent
was subject to unrest in the early Pennsylvanian. The volcanic archipelago
along the western margin of the continent persisted. There was extensive sub-
sidence in the Cordilleran geosyncline in the Pennsylvanian. A local basin in
w~st-central Utah was filled by up to 25 I 000 feet of beds. The Manhattan
geanticline continued to rise. If the western volcanic belt persisted it was
separated {fom the seaway by a piedmont. Among other movements, an exten-
sive ·area of Lower Pennsylvanian beds was gently elevated and eroded in
Wyoming and Montana. The Marathon orogeny, with thrusting, occurred then.
The Permian was markedby extensive volcanism, and the site of maximum fill
and subsidence was later the site of the Nevadan batholith. The Manhattan
geanticline shifted eastward and separated a deep, small trough in Utah from
the volcanic assemblage on the west. Extensive shelf seas stretched east and
south from Idaho and Utah. The Ouachita Mountain system may have received
its greatest growth at this time and there were various other areas of compres-
sion. In the Triassic the Manhattan geanticline developed northward into Canada
and was land except for a passageway in Nevada, to the Utah trough. East of
the trough the Triassic sediments are lqrgely continental. The western volcanic
archipelago apparently continued. The Manhattan geanticline, now called the
Cordilleran, became complete in Early J'~rassic time. The trough to the west
suffered extreme subsidence with accumulation of volcanic rock s, black shale,
etc. The eastern trough suffered marine transgression. Most of the continent
was being eroded in Early and Middle Jurassic time. The great Nevadan orogeny
occurred in the Late Jurassic with compression and batholithic intrusion. To
the west a new trouqh formed and filled. The Utah trough sank, and a shelf sea
spread over most of the Rockies and the Great Plains. The Cordilleran geanti-
cline in the Early Cretaceous was composed principally of the Nevadan orogenic
belt and a new belt of moderate orog~nYi batholithic activity continued perhaps
as late as Middle Cretaceous. The Idaho batholith is one result although it may
be as late as Late Cretaceous. The squthern part; of the continent was very active
in Early Cretaceous. There was widespread crl,lstal unrest in the Late Cretaceous.
The batholith in the Sierra Nevada suffered erosion. The Late Cretaceous seas
were more widespread and deposits were thicker than in Early Cretaceous time.
3. 1951, Structural geology of North America: New York, Harper and Bros.,
624 p.
The thrust belt is arcuate eastward and most thrusts moved east. The Bannock
thrust in Idaho is in the back part of the belt and, instead of one master thrust,
may be a complex of imbricate thrusts. Sharp anticlines and synclines in front
of or within the Bannock thrust sheet have been drilled without success, whereas
a disturbed belt in front of the thrusts and involving Cretaceous and early Ter-
tiary strata ha s yielded oil and gas.
The map adds little to data shown in the state map, so far as Idaho is concerned.
The "post Laramide" nonnal or steep reverse faults are emphasized by being in
red and some are added, apparently on the basis of physiographic evidence.
This gives brief historical, botanical, and climatic data and describes the
volcanic rocks in sketchy fashion. Comments are made on "fate of precipita-
tion", saying there is no surface runoff and water sinks in cracks and crevices.
Evaporation data, especially for crevioes, are given. Data on habitats of plants
relati ve to kinds of lava flows, crevices, etc., are included.
The search for thorium and radioactive black minerals by the U. S. Bureau of
Mines 1n cooperation with the U. S. Geological Survey was carried on in 1948
to 1955. In Idaho 27 projects were undert~ken. Of the 39 projects in thewes-
tern· United States, lOin Idaho are of comme'rcialinterest and the only one being
commercially exploited is that in Bear Valley, Idaho. Nine published reports on
areas in Idaho are abstracted separately. In addition there are 18 unpuQlished
reports on areas in Idaho. All alluvial deposits of economic interest in Idaho and
western Montana are associated with the Idaho batholith and found in depressions
in which the material weathered from the granitic host .rock had not been carried
far by streams and had been deposited under quiescent conditions.
About three percent of the variation in streamflow of the Kootenai River near
Copeland Idaho, has been found to be associated with variation in water tem-
Emigh, G. Donald
The blue rock deposits of Tennessee are products of original deposition of phos-
phate in limestone. The brown rock deposits there result from the weathering
of carbonates from phosphatic limestone. The origin of the phosphate in the
Phosphoria is not so clear although a portion is phosphatized fossils as' in Tenn-
essee. The talk of which this, is an a,.pstract, is to describe the vari,ous. com-
ponents of the Phosphoria and give sugges,tions as to the origin of the oolitic
structure. The importance of weathering of the Phosphoria is mentioned.
1. 1941, Geology of dam sites on the upper tributaries of the .Columbia River
in Idaho and Montana, pt. 1, K~tka Tunnel no. 8, and Kootenai Falls
dam sites, Kootenai River, Idaho and Montana: U. S. Geol. Survey
Water-Supply Paper 866...,A, p. 1-36, with geol. maps.
Conditions at three damsites on the Kootenai River between Katka, Idaho, and
Kootenai Falls, Mont. are discussed. Only one of these is in Idaho, but thi$
is regarded as the best natural location for a dam. If used, a railroad would
have to bemQved, which nullifies natural advantages. The country rock at the
Katka, Idaho, site is Prichard format~on plus younger units of the Belt series.
These rocks are cut by calcic sills, one of which is at the site itself.
This is a general discussion of the value of phosphate, pOinting out that some
of the battle ar~as of World War II were in part determined by the presence of
phosphate deposits. Idaho is mentioned as one of the states containing im-
portant phosphate deposits. The geology, and treatment of Florida phosphate
are summarized in the last half of th~ paper.
In this summary the· Sunshine mine, Coeur d 'Alene region, is listed in two tables
(p. 259, 262, and 263) and it is noted that the supposed Precambrian age of the
deposits here is the one exception to a Cenozoic age for uranium deposits in the
western United States.
10 1951 Q Water levels in wells and ~akes in Rathdrum Prairie and contiguous
areas 0 Bonner and K.ooten~ Counties I northern Idaho: U 0 So Geolo
Survey duplicated repto 8 90 po
Data for the 800-square-mile area include 2~4 well records, 29 well logs, and
well-discharge measurements plus surface"!"'water datao
10 1941 0 Strategic minerals of Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology, Press
Bull 20 5 p
0 0 0
This notes that the criteria used by A. L. Anderson in the Clark Fork district
for the determination of microscopiC qr~ minerals are inadequate .
1 0 1944 Q Geology of the; Empire Copper mine near Mackay, Idaho: U. S. Geolo
Survey open-file report o 45 maps and sections 0
The Empire Copper mine in the Alder Creek mining district in the White Knob
Mountains was first operated in 1884 and through 1942 yielded over 55 000 000
0 0 0
pounds of coppero mostly before 1931" Lead-zinc mines nearby have been pro-
ductive and a carload of tungsten ore was shipped from the Empire in 19420 The
deposits are on the margin of a granite stock intruded into Brazer limestone q
with a margin~l facies of granite porphyry. The limestone has been extensively
contact metamorphosed. Tongu~s and dikes of granite porphyry cut the lime-
stone c The .copper deposits are.pip~li~e.qn,rn,aJgim of tactite bodies. Most of
the lead-zinc deposits are veins. The irregular shapes of ore shoots necessitate
extensive exploration and ore reserves are small o but possibilities of finding
more ore are good.
1. 1956 6 Geology of the eastern part of the Raft River Range o Box Elder
County 0 Utah q in Geology of parts of northwestern Utah: Utah Geolo
Soc. Guidebook to the geology of Utah 0 no 11 po 76-97 u geol. map
0 Q 0
The northern edge of the area covered by this report is in Cassia County, Idaho.
Schist and metaquartzite in the Raft River Range are provisionally called"Harrir-
son series" after Andersoq (19 31) ~ although differences are noted. Tentatively
the age is Cfiven as "intermediate Precambrian" whicho on the data presented,
would be pre-Belt. The old rocks are not mapped within Idahoo Three units
tentatively assigned to the Lower Paleozoic are mappedo Of these Unit A is
limestone, dolomite, quartzite, and schisto 3,500 feet thick with possible Q
Tertiary sediments are overlain by the deposits of Lake Bonneville and there
are glacial and alluvial deposits. Igneous rocks include amphibolite (Precam-
brian) granite of unknown age quartzite, latite flows (Tertiary) basalt of pre-
Bonneville and probably pre-Snake River basalt age. The quartz latite is the
only one of the igneous rocks that extends into Idaho. The range is anticlinal
and shows thrust and normal faults Most of the thrusts bring young rocks over
older ones 0
1. 1954 I Occurrence of oil and gas ~nd its relation to possible source beds
in continental Tertiary of Intermountain region: Am. Assoc. Petroleum
Geologists Bull. v.38 Q no. 8~ p. 1661-1670.
This is a general paper which includes an index map that includes locations of
gas shows in Idaho. For western Idaho Kirkham's stratigraphy is accepted and
for southern Idaho near Cache Valley that of Neal Smith The idea that the oil
and gas in both localities are derived from peat is accepted. The possibility
of obtaining gas of commercial interest from these beds is not ruled outo
Femquist o Charles O.
About two columns on p. 164-165 contatn remarks about Pierce, Elk City,
Florence and Warreno
This merely notes that Fernquist and a friend found pyromorphite in abandoned
mine workings near Mullano
A few diamonds have been found in placers in Little Goose Creek o Adams, County.
Quartz is mentioned from upper Lost River 0 Custer CountYo Warren o Idaho County 0
Shoshone County, Silver City, Owyhee. Count yo Amythyst is reported from Pole
Creek near Haileyo Blaine County, the low hills near Lost River, Custer CountYo
Silver CitYo Owyhee Countyo Chalcedony, jasper and agate are mentioned from
near Hailey, Blaine Count Yo near ~e; North Fork of Lost River , Custer CountYo
several places in Idaho County and Owyhee County the Parker mine Lemhi County
0 9
the cinnabar deposits near Yellow Pineo Valley County" the Alder Creek district o
Custer County, the Humming Bird mine, Bear Lake Countyu the'Skull Canyon dis-
trict, Fremont County, and 20 miles below Huntington in Washington, Count yo
Opal is mentioned from Moore· Creek Boise County u Whelan and other places in
Latah County u May and Panther Creeks, Lemhi County u Clover Creek, Lincoln
CountYo near Lewiston, Nez Perce· County , numerous places in Owyhee ,Count yo
Sapphires are reported in placers near Pierceu Clearwater County and in various
placers in Adams and Washington Counties. Malachite occurs at various places
but mostly not suited for cutting. Beryl is known in Latah and Nez Perce Counties.
Zircon, garnet, andalusite and peridot are present in many places. Topaz has
been found in placers at Warren, Idaho County. Kyanite of gem grade is known
south of Avon u Shoshone County • The best of the zoisite (var. thulite), chryso-
colla, and epidote comes from tne, Seven: Devils district ~ Adams County. Stauro-
lite is common south of Averyu Shoshone~County. Coars~ ilvaite crystals are
known from the South Mountain district, Owyhee County.
1. 1942 D Mica and beryl occurrence in eastern Latah CountYo Idaho: Idaho
Bur. Mines and Geology Pamph. 58 16 p. incl. geol. sketch maps.
remarks as to market requirements for these minerals Total production has been
about $100,000. The two minerals occur as variable and sporadic constituents
of pegmatite dikes on the crest of a mountain spur accessible over an unim:-
proved road The dikes cut metamorph.osed rocks of the Belt series (perhaps in
part Prichard) and are roughly parallel to the attitude of the schistosity and
relict bedding. They are related to magma here supposed to have been intruded
in late Cretaceous or early 'l'ertiarytime. The mica is most suitable for use as
punch and ,circle mica. N one of the beryl is of gem quality. Quartz and feld-
spar in the pegmatite might also be marketable.
2. 1942 D A sillimanite deposit near Troy II Latah County n Idaho: Idaho Bur.
Mines and Geology Pamph. 59, lOp. incl. geol. maps.
sees. 7-9, and was vi$ited in 1941. It h.as had no production. The area con-
tains Columbia River ba.salt and metamorphosed rocks pf the Belt series (possi-
bly Prichard). The Belt rocks show effects of dynamic metamorphism and also
of "soaking" and injection resulting from batholithic intrusion. They are in the
border zone of the Idaho batholith. They are biotite schist and quartzite gneiss,
with pegmatite pods. Sillimanite has been concentrated locally. The basalt
flows were, hot enough to produce a little contact metamorphism in the old rocks
but without effect on the sillimanite content. The sillimanite zones appear to
have been broken by faulting.
The sillimanite is amenable to concentration ~y flotation.
3. 1944, Lead and zinc ,deposi ts of the Pine' Creek area Coeur d 'Alene mining
The Pine Creek area in the southern half of T. 48 N . R. 2 E. and the northern
ties of T. 47 N., R. 2 E., had; when examined a daily production of lead- zinc
are and ore reserves of 500 ,000 tons The production through 1943 was 731 u 284
tons having started in 191 0 ~ Veins are narrow with irregular and generally
small are shoots. Most of the area is underlain by the Prichard formation prob- l
ably over 12,000 feet thi~kD with two well-defined quartzitic.zones; one at the
top the other near the middle. A small amount of Burke quartzite crops out in
the area and there are small diabase and lamprophyre dikes. The rocks are
folded and complexly faulted. Most faults are steep and fracture movement has
occurred both before and after mineralization. Thirteen mining properties are
ing Snake: River High Plateau 0 (7) Tri-State Slopes 0(8) Deschutes-Columbia Pla-
teau (9) Payette Section; (1 0) 'Snake River Plain'/(11}Owyhee~S;ectiott~'{12)
2" 1942 0 The Pacific Northwest, 1st ed. New York/John Wiley and Sons o 542 p.
mainly because they set up physiographic subdivisions that differ in some re-
spects from those rendered standard by Fennaman in his "Physiography of .the
western United States I t . The changes are mainly in the direction of greater
subdivision. Subdivisions that are largely.in Idaho. include .the n~emRocky
Mountains parts of the Middle Rocky Mountains and the Basin and Range Province,
the Snake' River Plain and the Payette' Section (which together embrace the topo-
graphic feature known as the Snake River Plain), the Owyhee Plateau ,(a new unit) Q
the eas~ern parts of the Palouse Hills and Tri-State slopes, and the~ Seven Devils
portion of the Blue-Wallowa-Seven Devils Mounta!ns unit.
in part in Idaho, the High Lava Plains subprovince inchlding the Snake River
Plains Malheur- Boi se Basin and Harney-High desert of which only the last
0 0
named does not extend into Idaho, and the Owyhee Upland subprovince which is
largely in Idaho 0
" I
-70 ....
High Lava' Plains u and Owyhee Upland The only section of the Columbia Basin
subprovince that enters Idaho is the Palouse Hills. In the, Central Highlands
subprovince o the Tristate Uplands and theWallowa-Seven- Devils sections are
in part in Idaho. The eastern part of the Malheur-Boise Basin section and most
of the Snake· River Plain section of the:High Lava Plains 5ubprovinceare in Idaho.
Most of the unsubdi vided Owyhee Upland subprovince is in Idaho. It is pointed
out that the region is too diversified in topography and geology, and departs too
far from the standard copcept of a plateau to be well-described by Fenneman's
name. The uses to which the sections are put are outlinedo
The northern parts of the Basin and Range province extend into Oregon and
Idaho and their character and uses are outlined.
5. 1954, The Pacific Northwest,2d ed., xvi, 540 p. New York, John Wiley
& Sons. Includes sections by O. W. Freeman, H. H. Caldwell,
P. E . Church and E. T . Hodge W. A. Rockie, and A. W. Freeman
This is a thorough revision, largely by new authors of the first edition. Like
that 0 it gives a variety of geographic information on the Northwest, including
Idaho Those sections that give geomorphic or geologic data pertinent to Idaho
of certain areas in the Mineral Hill and Warm Springs mining dis-
tricts, Blaine Co~ntyo Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology Pamph.
90, pt. 3, p. 63-73.
This report describes the Red Elephant, Mayflower 0 and associated lead-zinc-
silver oredepos1ts in T. 2 N. II R. 17 E. The country rock belongs mainly to the
Wood River fonna~ionH here somewhat metamorphosed. There are dikes altered
beyond recognition and one fresh lamprophyre d1 lee. There is intricate faulting
and most of the report is devoted to fault descr1pUons. Possibly all major faults
are preintrusive and, therefore, premineral. Fryklund is noncommittal as to
age but appears to favor a Cretaceous age.
General data on feldspar and markets for tt are given. Potentially valuable
feldspar in Idaho is in zoned pegmatite dikes but distance from markets has
hampered developmento Prospects in Adams 0 Boise, Cassia, Clearwater, Elmore o
Idaho and Latah Counties are briefly described. About 18 are mentioned. Those
30 1954 0 The occurrence of cobalt and nickel in the~ Silver Summit mine"
Coeur d'Alene district, Idaho: Econ. Geology, v. 49 no. 7, PI>
Cobalt and nickel of possible commerci~l interest have been found in the Silver
Summit Mine 0 Coeur d'Alene. About 0.40 percent Co and 1. 0 percent Ni are re"!'""
ported. Gersdorffite occurs in tetrahedrite-siderite veins and appears to have
been the first formed of the valuable minera~s. As either cobalt bloom or gers-
dorffite are known elsewhere in the region, other bodies of cobalt-nickel ore
may exist.
equilibrium concentrations.
5. 1956, Geochemistry of sphalerite from the Star mine 0 Coeur d'Alene district o
Idaho: Econ. Geology, v. 51, no. 3 0 p. 223-247.
Forty sphalerite samples from the Star mine, Coeur d'Alene district, and 19 from
others in the district have been analyzed for Fe, CU o Pb o Caq Ga, Ge, In, Mn,
Coo and Hg. The sphalerite may have formed in equilibrium with iron, so the
iron content may be used as a relative temperature scale. On this basis the
lower portion of the Star ore body formed at lower temperature. than the upper por-
tion. Distribution of minor elements in the sphalerite 1s random. througnoiJi the
ore body and there is no correlation of Fe with· minor elements except I'An sug-
gesting that temperature had no influence on the distribution of minor elements
other than Mno apparently because equilibrium concentrations were not reached.
It is suggested that in general the minor-element concentrations in all ore bodies q
except perhaps Mno cannot be a temperature indicator. Some doubt is cast on
application of study of an artificial system FeS-ZnS to temperatures of formation
of natural ore bodies.
Full 0 Roy P.
The Belt series and igneous rocks are discussed brieflyo The structure includes
folding and faulting produced by forces from the west o northwest o east and south-
east. The intrusion of a monzonite boefy ,believed to be contemporaneous with
the Idaho batholith o represents an early deformational featureo Repeated ad-
justment along major fault zones has contributed to the development and local ....
ization of ore shoots. No major postmineral faulting is apparent. The relation
of major faults to veins north of the Osburn fault is discussed .
1. 1928 0 The Asotin craters of the Columbia River basalt: Jour. Geology,
v. 36, no. 10 p. 56-74.
The Columbia River basalt has long been considered to have come from fissure
eruptions. South of Lewiston a line of vents that record explosive eruptions
crosses the· Snake 'River. This activity resulted from the contact at depth of
basaltic magma in fissures with water-saturated graveL
The term "Columbia River basalt" includes the Yakima basalt but not the Wenas
basalt or the Steens Mountain basalto and is presumably unrelated to the Snake
River basalt. Surface features such as pressure ridges or collapse surfaces
and aa and pahoehoe are commonly absent. Eruption was as thin tongues or
flow units that attained a level upper surface rapidly. Gravity differentiation
has been observed in the' Steens Mountain basalt but not in the Columbia River
basalt. The latter has no bombs but some components may be ejectamenta. In
areas to the northwest palagonite and pillow lava record intense chilling by
glacial or aqueous agencies and similar features have been noted in the east-
ern areas also apparently including Idaho. Vertical and other joints are lo-
cally p)romineIl,~~\_~n the- Columbia River basalt. Basaltic dikes are locally prom-
inent and w~re the source of manY of the flows but there is some evidence of
crater eruptions also.
~.;I:..,~ Ro
. am m. eI1 '48 , bert Mancel (and Hundhausen, Robert John)
. .
The Sidney mineln the Yreka mining district (Pine Creek area) was located in
1896. Its production record through 1944 is given in terms of metal content .
.. :~, ~4_'
The Bureau of Mines trenched extensively and did some drilling, con~iderable
sampling, and some metallurgical testing" They found one ore shoot. Samplin9
results are shown on 7 maps. J. D. Forres ter and V. E. Nelson prepared a mim·-
eographed geologic report on the area in 1944 for the U. S. Geological Survey,
which is drawn on for the geologic summary in the present report.
1. 1944, Phosphate deposits of the Teton Basin area, Idaho and Wyoming:
U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 944-A, p. 1-36.
1. 1954, Thuja (Thuites) from the Latah formation of Idaho: Northwest Sci. ,
v. 28, no. 2, p. 77-79.
The geology and mine workings of the Palisades mine area are mapped. Carbon-
ate veins composed mainly of siderite, with minor amounts of magnetite, barite,
galena, and sphalerite. vary in width from one inch to 5 feet and have not con-
tained commercial quantities of ore. The relationship of carbonate veins to bi-
otite lamprophyre dikes is not clear, but both occur in the· St. Regis forma-
tion of the Belt series. The area has only limited commercial possibilities due
to the narrowness and discontinuity of the veins, although the veins m'ay be
more strongly mineralized at depth.
Geologic map of the Twin Crags quadrangle in Benewah, Kootenai, and Shoshone
Counties; 7-I/2-minute quadrangle on the scale of 1: 24, 000. The Prichard,
Burke, Revett, St. Regis, and Wallace formations of the Belt series, metadiorit« :
and lamprophyre dikes, terrace gravels, and Quaternary alluvial deposits are
mapped, with structure.
1. 1942, Orbicular rock from Buffalo Hump, Idaho: Am. Mineralogist, v. 27,
no. 1, p. 37-47.
Within the area of the Idaho batholith remnants of schist, presumably of the
Belt series, contain zones of orbicular rocks interpreted as of metasomatic
rather than igneous origin.
1. 1939, Ore deposits of the Mineral Hill district 1 Lemhi County, Idaho:
$ummaries of Ph.Do Theses, Unlv. Minn., v. I, p. 221-224.
The Mineral Hill district, discovered in 1882, was mainly productive in the
late eighties and early nineties. The total yield was $8,000 ,000 mainly from
the Kentuck mine. The district contains quartz-biotite schist, schistose quartz
ite, and nearly pure quartzite (all belonging to the Belt series.) Contacts are
gradational and dips a·re northward and westward. Veins are mostly on joints
but so"me·follow schistosity. The ve~nsare related to the granitic .rocksand
earlier than the rhyolitic dikes.· The vein matte.r ~ncl~des. p¢.te, arsenopyrite,
galena, sphalerite, calcite, magnetite, and muscovite.
series u plus small monzonite stocks and dikes of diabase, lamprophyre u monzo-
nite u aplite and diorite.
The ore deposits include replacement veins in fracture and shear zones of
minor displacement, in which predominant values are gold, gold and tungsten,
lead and silver lead u zinc and silver, c;opper, silver and copper u silver lead
Q 0
and copper u and antimony. Those in t1)e Nine Mile Creeks district are mainly
valuable for lead zinc, and 811 ver, with the proportions Of lead and zinc dif-
fering in different lodes. The principal ore minerals are galena, sphalerite,
tetrahedrite, and chalcopyrite. The gross value of metals produced in 1951 was
$63,779,925. Geologie maps of the area and of mine workings are included.
2. 1953, Geologic maps and structure sections of the Mullan and vicinity
quadrangle, Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file report, geol. mapo
This is a geologic map of the Mullan and vicinity quadrangle in Shoshone CountYo
with structure sections, no text. The map shows four subdivisions of the Prichard,
one each of the Burke and Revett, two ~ach of the· St. Regis and Wallace, one of
the: Striped Peak, plus monzonite and related rocks, and dikes also three un-
consolidated units. The area shows folds and many faultsu including the Osburn
fault zone.
10 1952 0 Geologie map and structure sections of the Johnson Creek quadrangle,
Caribou· County, Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file report I geol.
The Johnson· Creek 7-1/2-minute quadrangle includes the Aspen Range, and
study was directed mainly at detailed structural characteristics. The quad-
rangle contains only sedimentary rocks, ranging from Mississippian to Tri-
assic and Tertiary to Recent. It includes the Johnson Creek syncline and Aspen
Range anticline o modified by many minor folds and by faults. Phosphate rock
Gussman o Ro W.
miles on the surface. Where the footwall is soft the vein tends to pinch. It
contains argentiferous tetrahedrite, galena o and pyrite o siderite quartz and
0 0
complex carbonates. Deposition occurred in two stages. The other veins are
not well known. Stopes on the Chester are 30-50 feet long and 4-7 feet wide.
Ore in present workings is mined out. The geology is regarded as favorable
for development at depth. The ore was treated in custom mills at the time of
the examination but Gussman ran flotation tests to give data for a possible new
mill if de sired.
Haas 0 O. Ho
Newell's (p. 304) collection near Lewi ston has the two rare genera Sororcula
and Kittlistylus, perhaps even a species of eacho in common with bituminous
limestone in one collection from Peru. Also the Idaho collection has the
Jurassic genus Lamelliphoris.
Halliday, William R.
10 1954, Ice caves of the United States: Natl. Speleol. Soco Bull. 16, p.3-28.
10 1953, Border rocks of the Idaho batholith near Riggins, Idaho (abs.): Geolo
Soc. America Bull. 0 v. 640 no. 120 pt. 20 p. 1531.
The northern part of the Riggins quadrangle contains about 35 000 feet of eugeo-
lithe In this zone tabular bodies of granitic gneiss 1 inch to a mile thick are
bia o and differs from some other parts of the Idaho batholith and from the rocks
of the Sierra Nevada batholith.
2" 1958 0 Plutonic history of west-central Idaho (abs.): Geol. Soc. America
Bull. v" 6 9 no. 12 pt. 2, p. 1727.
I 0
Work in and near the Riggins quadran9le Idaho and Adams Counties, has dem-
largely diorite are thrust over the Seven~ Devils rocks" Younger quartz diorite
is noted north and south of the quadrangle. Eastward the older gneisses give
way to younger quartz diorite of simple structureo in part metamorphic o in part
intrusive" and this in tum is invaded by concordant quartz monzonite; the com-
plex being sheared and intruded by quartz diorite" granodiorite and other rocks.
Farther east the whole is intruded by the granodiorite and quartz monzonite of
the Idaho batholith proper (Late Triassic and Middle. Cretaceous)'
Pollen profiles in a peat bog indic;ate th~t the principal postglacial arborescent
invader was lodgepole pine. It was superseded by western white pine.at an
early stage and the latter remains dominant. Changes related to forest fires
Vo 40 p. 19-210
Brief descriptions of tl1e Upper Cambrian formations are giveno These range up
to over 20000 feet in thickness mostly carbonates including the Nounan forma-
0 I
tion (whose lower part may be Middle~Cambrlan) and the: Sto Charles formation.
The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary is conveniently drawn at the top of the St.
Charles but may lie within ito
and Montpelier Idaho. Thrusts of this region are attributed to Laramide com-
15 miles north of Shoshone and its related lava. BigWood River flows across
the edge of the young flow from the Butte 1n a channel locally 50 feet deep and
only four feet wide at the top. Its channel upstream is the old one and is nor-
Only a small part of this report relates to Idaho. This includes parts of
Oneida o Bannock and Bear Lake Counties. The report comprises numerous
-79 ....
Harris Robert Alan (Davidson o David Francis, and Arnold, Bertha Pearl)
Harris, Sherod Ao
1. 1957 0 The tectonics of Montana as related to the Belt series 0 !!l Billings
Geol. Soco GUidebook o 8th Ann. Field Confo u po 22-33.
This paper advances the hypothesis that the Belt geosyncline with its eastward
extension here called the Big Snowy embayment, was influential in post-Belt
lith is related to the effect of Laramide deformation on the portion of the Belt geo-
syncline lying outside of the Cordiller~n geosyncline, just as the Idaho batholith
is related to the Cordilleran geosyncline. Numerous speculations as to struct-
ural features in Montana are presented.
Hausen" Donald Mo
1. 1954 u Welded tuffs of Oregon and Idaho: Mississippi Acado Sci. Jour 0
1951-53 u Vo 5, p. 209-220.
Most of the welded tuffs in Oregon and Idaho vary in composition from dacitic
to rhyolitic and range up to 350 feet in thiqkness. They are mostly Miocene to
Pliocene and probably genetically related to the basalt flows of the Columbia
River Plateau and Snake River Plain. 'rheyare distinguished from silicic flows
by occurrence as extensive flat sheets rather than as domes coulees, and plugs
0 0
One idea is thqt they are pyroclastic, expelled from a conduit as hot clouds of
ash and gas, and fell while still hot enollgh to weld together. The other concept
,is that they are erupted as a lavalike mass. The pyroclastic hypothesis is the
most popular. Published reports from Idaho and Oregon are cited. Hausen's
ideas are derived from detailed study near Dorena u Oregon. He thinks the welded
tuffs in Oregon and Idaho result from a form of nuees ardentes in which siliceous
gas-charged lava welled through open fissures and flowed onto the surfaces, and
the escaping gas was accompanied by clouds of ash from the upper surfaces of the
flows. The "welded" structure in the part not converted to ash was produced by
flowage along planes of minute vesicles within the partially expanded lava. If
correct, he comments that the term "welded tuff" is a misnomer 0
Hawley Robert W .
Univo Idaho.
had been reported o Precambrian crystalline rocks over Carboniferous rocko The
thrusting is regarded as post-Early Triassic and pre-Early Cretaceous 0
1. 1953 0 The rock collector's Nevada and Idaho: Long Beach, Calif. 0
Lowell Ro Gordon, 72 po
This cites areas of interest to "rock hounds" and gives sketch maps to aid
in finding the areas u also remarks as to rocks minerals u and fossils to be
The Little Pittsburgh property was located about 1897 but little was done. In
1929; a small tonnage was mined and milled unprofitably. In 1941-45 0 111 0665
tons were milled. The topography 0 climate u and mining operations are described
and the geology is outlined on the basis of published reports. The U. S. Bureau
of Mines drove a SOD-foot crosscut and fO\lT diamond drill holes.
The deposit was located for gold in 19180 and an attempt to work the quartz
crystals there was made by the Montana Coal and Iron Co. over a period of years
but the product could not be sold. In 1943 and 1944 the U. S. Bureau of Mines
worked the prospect but the quartz obtained was tested and found unsuitableo
1. 1952, Structure and metasomati$m of the Belt series northwest of the Idaho
batholith (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull. u v. 63, no 12, pto 2 u 0
The older rocks around the northwestern corner of the Idaho batholith belong to
the Belt series. The area is situated at the junction of two arcuate segments of
Nevadan folding and also on the western border of the Laramide orogenic belt.
The major fold axes parallel the trend of the northern Nevadan segment (N. 70 0 -
80 0 W) and the lineation and minor folds parallel the trend of the southern one
(N. 50 0 E.) Both are locally overturn~d to the south and are accompanied by
thrusts. The gentle north-trending fplds may be of Laramide ageo Block fault-
ing continued to Miocene time.
The main folding was accompanied by small intrusions of gabbro o diorite,
and tonalite, intense metamorphism and metasomatic introduction of hornblende 9
chronous with the emplacement of the quartz dioritic border zone of the Idaho
batholith. Tonalite was intruded west of the batholith and the quartz monzonite
of the main body of the batholith was emplaced after the second period of meta-
3 . 1954 I Kyani te, andal usite,o. and."s.1,ll1mani te in the schi s ts in Boehl ' s Butte
quadrangle, Idaho (abs.): Am. Mineralogist u Vo 39 u nos. 3-4, 331-
feet thicku close to the middle" Beds probably equivalent of the Burke, Revett,
Sto Regis, and Wallace formations are exposed in south part of quadrangleo
Hobbs o Samuel Warren (Wallace o Robert Earl and Griggs 0 Allan Bingham)
10 1950, Geology of the southern third of the Mullan and Pottsville quadrangles 0
Shoshone Countyu Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 24 po 0
geol. map.
This is a brief preliminary report with geologic map in which it is noted that the
area is underlain by the Sto Regis (with two members) and Wallace formation
(with four or five members) only the lowest member being present here. The
area has at least five metadiori te dikes and one lamprophyre dike, all post-ore.
The rocks are folded and faulted The Osburn fault skirts the northern ~dge of
the mapped area. At least half of the sedimentary rocks are in bleached zones
in which sericite content has been increased and carbonate has been added 0
prominent. Numerous carbonate veins are known o but production has been smalL
Five 0 not mutually exclusive, 'vein types-'are distinguishedo
Hodge, Edwin,Thomas
This general report contains general data Q,S to costs 0 quality 8 and other eco-
nomj.c features of limestone depOSits and on the pages c1 ted above brief de-
scriptions of limestone deposits in Idaho, with index map~ These incll!.1de de-
tures. Analyses given show most of the deposits mentioned are high in calcium
carbonate Production has beerf'small 'but resources are largea
20 1954, Northwest minerals 01n Freeman and Martino eds. 0 The Pacific
Northwest, p. 160-1770
This section of the book, The Pacific Northwest, lists the prinCipal mineral re-
sources and outlines their history and production recorda
1953f} p. 32-37.
This summarizes history of the formation names and describes them along the
route of the conference 0 In th~ area the Madison and'B'razer are the principal
units but a thin shale unito the Leatham formationf} unconformably underlies
the, Madison near Logan, Utah .
Holland , John. S 0
1. 1941, Petrography and Petrology of th~ igneous rocks of the Avery district 0
Shoshone: CountYo Idaho: Master's Thesis, ,Univ .. Idaho.
The greater part of the area is underlain by rocks similar to the Belt series
in the Coeur d 'Alene district to the north. These rocks are intruded by a
quartz monzonite stock and related dikes and sl1l$ of various corpposit1ons I
all of late Mesozoic age. Petrographic evidence indicates that the igneous
rocks form an outlier of the Idaho batholith.
Eo of which B andD contain phosphate rock, mostly in Bo. Member B has detrital
material believed to have been depoSited l1ear shore, perhaps in places on a
beach" The member is absent iri the western part of the range The phpsphate
This report gives detailed stratigraphic data on the phosphate deposits which in-
clude large high-grade res.erves,
Hopkins 0 Marie L.
1. 1955, Skull of fossil camelid from American Falls lake bed area of Idaho:
Jour. Mammalogyo v. 36, no. 2, p. 278-282.
found 33 yards out from a cliff of American Falls lake: beds (Pleistocene) from
which it is believed to have comeo The sk.ull is described in detail. The as-
signment of the beds in the cliff is based on H. T" Stearn's work o
Hosterman t J.W.
This paper is supplemental to the earlier one by Shenono Most of the depOSits
seen byShenon were inaccessible t6 Hosterman, and the whole. district shows
little activity. Most of the Belt sequence is present and there are many small
monzonite stocks, believed to be related to the Idaho batholith (Cretaceous).
The report deals only with the lead-zinc mines whose production reached ~ts
peak in 1911-1912(' There has been intermittent production since and the Jack
Waite mine has been very active since 19300 Production tables are given and
s-everal mines are described.
This paper deals mainly with areas south of Idaho but has a two-page summary
relating to the northern Rocky Mountains. In this the subsummit surface is con-
sideredmoretikely to have a pediment or1g111 than that of a peneplain (the com-
monly favored idea).. A late Tertiary age is favored
Cambrian formations in Idaho are not included in the chart but a section in U.tah
gives those in southeastern Idahoo Also a note indicates that the Gold Creek
quartzite 0 Rennie shale 0 and Lakeview limestone crop out in the Pend Oreille
district The quartzite is unfossilfferous.. The shale fauna has been compared
with .that in the Ptarmigan formation of Montana and that in the limestone with
that in the' Spence shale of Utah. Both are tabulated low in the Middle: Cambrian.
Iiubbard, Charles R.
10 1955, A survey of the mineral resources of Idaho (with m&ps): Iqaho Bur 0
Mines and Geology Pamph. 105 0 74 p .
This report contains brief summary data on each of the metallic and nonmetallic
mineral resources of Idaho with a map showing their distribution. Forty-nine
mineral resources are described. GQld mining started in 1860, and until 1870
placer mining was Idaho' s chief industry • Later gold-silver lodes 0 lead-silver
and lead-zinc lodes, in succession, attracted attention. About 1900 lead led
in values; zinc came later but was of importance during the two World Wars 0
20 1956, Clay depOSits of north Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology Pamph.
109 ,36 ~ P_e"
30 1956, Geology and mineral resources of Nez Perce County: Idaho Bur.
Mines and Geology, County rept. no. 1 geol. map
Q 0
Nez Perce County has large agricultural and forest resources and development .
Lewiston (747 feet above sea level) is a major supply pointo The county con~
tains the Uniontown Plateau, the Clearwater Escarpment, the Lewiston Plateau,
and the Cr~zy Mountain Uplifto Much of the county is covered by Miocene
basalt, resting on an irregular surface, and with intercalated sediments and
ash with some bituminous material (Latah beds). Rocks regarded as related to
the Belt series, gneiss, schisto and metasedimentary rocks and rocks related
to the Seven Devils volcanics which are extensively intruded by granitic Qikes
and stocks are exposed in places through the basalt cover. Placers and some
copper and gold lodes are knowno Inc;lustr~q.l rqineral deposits of interest in-
clude limestone, gravel o stone sand, and clay.
Hubbard, Charles R.
4. 1957, Mineral resources of Latah County: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology,
County rept no" 2, geol.. map.
Latah County is on the western border of the, Idaho Panhandle First comers
were miners but lumbering and farming soon became important. The county is
partly in the;Columbia Plateau Province and partly in the Northern Rocky Moun-
tain Province and includes part of the: Palouse country. The rainfall is 25 .. 30
inches annually and irrigation is unnecessary. The more rugged areas contain
the Belt series o in part metamorpho~ed to qu~rtziteu gneiss u and schist, and
outliers of the Idaho batholith., About a third Of the county is covered by basalt
flows I deposited on a terrain of considerable relief and with intercalated la-
custrin~ deposits. About ~9 percent of metallic mineral production has been in
gold but coppero silver o iron o tungsten, cobalt, and titanium are known.
This paper summarizes data on fishes in various localities in and near the
Great Basin in relation to their bearing on geomorphic history. Most of the
data are unrelated to Idaho but it is suggested that the assemblages of fishes
in the upper Snake River differ from those below the major falls; the fishes in
streams of the Snake River Plain were mostly killed during Pleistocene volcan-
ism; there was an interchange of fishes during the period in which Lake Bonne-
viile overflowed into the drainage basin of the Snake River; and streams such
as Big and Little Wood Rivers and Big and Little Lost Rivers that now are
largely or entirely cutoff from ,the ,main S.,nake Rivero havedistincti.ve fish as-
semblages suggesting that their present isolation dates back a long timeo
po 90
Six wells in the'Rathdrum Prairie area, in Bonner CountYo were measured and
two measurements were made in the Palouse: River area in Latah County.
10 1950, Mineral deposits of Idaho: in The 51st Ann . Repto I Mining Industry
of the State of Idaho for 194-g:; ':p ~ 60- 63 .
period are around o rather than within, the main batholith. They inqlude those
of the Coeur d 'Alene and Pend Oreille r~gions 0 those near Salmon 11 Mackay"
Halleyo and others. They were originally noted mainly for production of lead,
zinc o coppero gold o and Silver, but th~ tungsten deposits of the Ima Mine.and
the cob~lt and copper of the Blackbird district are included Deposits of the
second and third periods are widely distributed in Idaho and include the; Silver
City,. Delamar, Thunder Mountain, Yankee Fork o and other districts; as well
as quicksilver deposits near Weiser, and tungsten o gold o and antimony de-
posits at Stibnite The future for development of metallic deposits in Idaho is
encouraging.. Phosphates and other nonmetallic mineral deposits are also en-
couraging 0
The presence of Middle Jurassic rocks in the western interior of the United
States is shown by Bajocian ammonites in the Twin Creek limestone of south-
eastern Idaho. Other Middle Jurassic ammonites (Tathonian) occur low in the
Ellis formation in Montana Marine Juras sic deposits older than tne Bathonian
stage appear to be limited to the center Of the sedimentary trough and will
probably be found only along the border between Idaho and Wyoming, in north-
central Utah and southwestern Montana 0
2. 1949 n Paleoecology of the Jurass~c seas in the western interior of the United
. States: in Report of the Committee on a treatise on marine ecology
and paleoecology; 1948-49, Harry· S Ladd chairman, Na tl Re s .,
0 0 0
This paper deals with the paleoecology of Juras sic rocks throughout western
North America o and especially the western interior of the United States. Its
maps show that Jurassic seas from the Arctic entered southeastern Idaho" Among
incidental remarks involving rocks in Idaho is the statement that limestone near
the base of the Twin Creek limestone is correlated with phosphatic shale in
western Montana and probably reflects incomplete aeration of the sea bottom.
Most of the upper part of the TWlnCre'ek"limes'tone may be of chemiC"al origin.,
The salt in the Preuss sandstone in Idaho indicates the presence of a dead sea
or saline lakes in and south of Idaho. Glauconite is present in sandstone in the
lowest limestone member of the Twin Creek limestone, representing the initial
deposits of a transgressive sea under reducing conditions shallow water and
slow deposition.
Idahoo but formations tabulated in adjacent states are also present in ldaho .
The red beds of the Preuss sandstone grade westward into fossiliferous, near
shore 0 marine sandstone and limestone. The red sandstone and salt beds ar~
considered to have formed in highly saline lagoons bordering a large island
that rose from the sea in southwestern Montana in middle Callovian time. La-
teritic soils on this island were a main source of iron oxide and sand in the Preuss
sandstone, which was formed during early part of the upper Callovian and at
about the same time as the red beds, at the base of the Upper Jurassic in the Gulf
region of the United States and Mexicoo A paleogeographic map indicates that
in Preuss time a narrow belt of dry land extended from Canada to cover essenti-
ally alPof the Panhandle of Idaho, widening southward to include all of that
part of the northern boundary of Nevada that borders Idahoo
This is a general summary which includes a columnar section for the- Freedom
quadrangle in southeastern Idaho and incidental mention of I~aho in th~ text.
Eight ammonite zones have been recognized in the ..marine Jurassic deposits of
the western interior of the United Sta~e~, three of which appear to be present
in southeastern Idaho. Systematic fossil descript.j.ons occupy m\1ch cr>f the re-
This is essentially a descriptive paper dealing with the Twin Creek limestone.
Two of the sections reach into Idaho from Wyoming.
The Phosphoria formation is divided' into five members (A-E). The B member con-
tains the only bodies of phosphate rock of minable thicknesses. Permian sedi-
mentation is inferred to have taken plaqe in a miogeosyncline" Factors of de-
position that relate to the genesis of phosphate are outlined. The calculated
phosphate reserves are over 400000000 tons and are confined to a single bed
3- 6 feet thick.
10 1945, The phosphate rock deposits and industry of the western states
(abs.): Econo Geologyo v. 40, no. I, po 87-88.
the latter. The western ends of three such arcs formed westward-pointing
buttresses which later stopped oyerthru$ts from the west. These bent into the
reentrant between the Uinta and Wind River Mountains and formed the Idaho-
Wyoming phosphate region. In Montana the structure was further complicated
by east-west faulting and batholithic intrusion and only scattered blocks of
the Phosphoria .remain. '. Theabstrac'l.,giy~s.J'l,O data on the industry, .in spite.
of its' title. " ' . .
The area mapped includes about 300 square miles around Orofino, and embraces
parts of Clearwater and Nez Perce 'Counties .. Much of it is in the Columbia
Plateau; the rest in the ClearwaterMQuntains. Deep canyons in the plateau
have bordering land slides.. Anderson,is quoted as now regarding his Orofino
series as of Paleozoic or early Mesozoic age. During Miocene time the: Col-
umbia River basalt covered a surface that had a relief of at least 2,000 feet"
The meta'sedim,entary rocks along the Cle~rwater River D its North Fork, and
Orofino ,Creek ~re mainly gneisses ranging from diorite to granodiori~e. Horn-
blendite" diorite, and marble ,are subordinate. The diorite and certain .masses
Ofqll~J1=z, diorite are regarded as igneous and the last named rock belongs to
the ma~gi~' of 1:he Idaho batholith': ':'The" metasedime~tary rocks retain' bedding
but emanations from the Idaho batholith have replaced most of them so as to
gi ve them appearance of granitic rocks.
The rocks exposed beneath the Columbia River basalt in the canyons of the
Clearwater River and its tributaries around Orofino are regarded as siliceous
sedimentary rocks largely so thoroughly metamorphosed by replaQement by so-
lutions from the Idaho batholith that the author calls them quart~ diorite, gran-
odiorite, etco They are gneissic, with schistose facies. Later ultrabasic
rocks in small bodies are presento
Johnson (p 491) notes that Anderson Originally called the metamorphic rocks
the' Orofino series and assigned them to the lower part of the Belt series, but
has told'Johnsonhe now 're'gards<them'as 'Paleozoic or early Mesozoic in ageo
Johnson, F o. Ao
Johnson Po H
g 0
belongs .to the Milligen formation, plU$ intI'4sive rhyolite, both of whjch are
cut and altered in mineralized shear zones. Eleven samples show a maximum
of 0004 ounces Au, 0-37060 ounces Ag, 0-28 percent Pb, 0-4" 14 PEtrcent Zn.
390 0 45 po
This report covers the eastern part of the old Mineral Hill mining district and
the western part of the old Spring Creek mining district and concerns the rare
minerals listed in the title I rather than the gold and copper deposits for which
the area was formerly known. The,minerals described form small, irregular de-
posits in metamorphosed limestone layers less than 8 feet thick, typically in
or near small folds. They are thought to be metamorphiC segregations fonned
during-regional 'm'etamorphisms. There are at least 30 prospects but the deposits
have not been demonstrated to be of present economic value.
An inferred major fault separates moderately metamorphosed rocks on the
northeast from more intensely metamorphosed ones to the southwest. The former
definitely and the latter probably belong to the Belt series. The highly metamor-
phosed rocks southwest of the fault include feldspar-quartz-biotite gneiss, mica
schist n quartzite (or feldspar-rich rocks), limestone, amphibolite, metadi 9 base n
and pegmatite and are cut by rhyolite dike$. The coarse gneiss has an igneo\ls
appearance but is here interpreted as metasomatic. The amphibolite and es-
pecially the metadiabase could be igneous rocks but this interpretation is not
accepted here. There is a possibility that the limestone is of hydrothermal
. rather than sedimentary origin but ~his is here considered so unlikely that it
is not stres sed in the discussion.
Ka uffman, A. J. II Jr 0
1~ 1954,· The potentiality of titanium and zirconium from the alluvial sands
of Idaho: "in The 55th Ann. Report, Mining Industry of Idaho, 1953,
p. 49-58.
3. 1951, North American geosynclines~ Geol. Soc. America Mem. 48, 143 p.
This memoir is concerned with the definition of the term IIgeosyncline" and the
definition and description of varieties of geosynclines as well as their distri-
bution in North America.. The maps and portions of the text that deal with the
distribution of the various geosynclines in the western part of North America
include much generalized information relative to Idaho. This information may
be summarized by the statement that in Paleozoic time most of Idaho belonged
to a major miogeosyncline g called the Millard belt, and that a large eugeosyn-
cline west of that belt extended into the extreme western part of Idaho.
10 1951, Tectonic history of the Lima region, southwestern Montana and ad-
j acent Idaho (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., v.6 2, p:.. 2, no.
12, p. 1454-1455.
The Lima region covers the Tendoy, Blacktatl, and portions of the Beaverhead
and Ruby ranges and the intervening valley. Pre-Beltian diastrophism, accom-
panied by intrusion of the Dillon batholith, is marked by regional metamorphism.
The geosynclinal margin fluctuated during the Paleozoic. The Laranude orogeny
began with northeast folding, probably in the Paleocene, followed by northwest
folds in the Eocene. Later intense thrusting took place in the western part of
the area, leaving the eastern shelf area unaffected" Block faulting along the
present northwest-trending mountains may have started locally as early as
late Eocene and in part continued into Recent time. Widespread volcanism ac-
companied these movements.
Kennedy, George
The rocks are metamorphosed Precambrian gneiss etc. Flathead quartzite, over-
Quick field tests were so succes sful that soil analysis for lead I zinc, and copper
would probably be an effective methoq of prospecting in the Coeur d'Alene re-
Uranium ore was first discovered in the Sunshine mine Coeur d'Alene region o
v. 5, no. 5, p. 495-511.
Kiilsgaard I Thor H.
ogyPamph. 85 0 32 p.
gabbro and diorite but with granophyre locally in their lower parts. The sills
are regarded as of Precambrian age and the differentiation is regarded as gravi-
tational. The total thickness of the sills has been estimated at 10,000 feeto
A granitic stock with related dikes (Cretaceous?) is also present.
Several kinds of mineral deposits are described. One kind includes veins
in dilation joints formed during cooling of the sill rock These unproductive
veins contain quartzo calcite, and locally minor amounts of various sulfides.
The most common kind of veins is 'withfn shear zones that border the contacts
between sills and sedimentary rock; othe'r veins follow joints in granitic rock
but these do' not have an encouraging pa·stproduction record. Finally, there
are deposits called "immiscible liquid segregation deposits It, mainly known in
(),ne mine,: the Montgomery. In these deposits pyrrhotite and minor quantities
of'other ..sulphides q including pentlandite and gerrgoysite, are di~seminated in
the rock ot the sill and are interpreted as consolidated late in the differentia-
tion of the sills. The veins contain much the same assemblage of galena,
sphalerite" chalcopyrite q tetrahedrite, etc., in a gangue that includes quartz
and siderite with sericite and chlorite in the wall rocks that is common in the
Coeur d 'Alene region to the south. Presumably this is the principal reason the
deposits have been regarded as of Laramide age. It would seem from the de-
scriptions that the deposits filling dilation joints, and q especially, the immis-
cible liquid segregations are so closely akin to the sills as to be likewise of
Precambrian age.
Kiilsgaard, Thor H.
20 1949, TItt:>
g,eology and ore deposits of the Boulder Creek mining district,
Custer County, Idaho: IdahQ, aura Mines and Geology Pamph. 88,
28 p., geolo map.
footwall part of the dike" Most activity ceased in 1930 but interest was re-
newed in 1946. The production from 1926 to 1930 totaled $650,752.23 gross
The area includes part of the Idaho batholith, Paleozoic beds, mainly Mil-
ligen q numerous dikes and areas covered by Challis volcanics. Detailed data
on the Livingston workings, mineralo9Y of the ore o etc are given.
0 ,
3. 1950, The ge.ology and ore deposits of the Triumph-Parker mine mineral belt:
p'ar~ II., .!n..Anderson, A. L. 0 Ki~lsgaardq Thor H., Fryklund, V. Co Ir.,
Detailed geology of certain areas in the Mineral Hill and Warm Springs
mining districts~ Idaho Bur., Mines and Geology Pamph. 90, p. 39-62.
r ~ r '; ':" . '.f.\ •
sedimentary rocks, here called Miocene(?) in ageo Andesite dikes and sills
are widespread and are pre-oreo The area has a series of major shear zones,
mostly with west-northwest strike and southwest dipo Many are mineralized,
principal values being in lead o zinc, and silvero Some ore bodies are fissure
fillings; others, replacement bodies in limestone. The district has been inter-
mittently productive since the 1880·s and many ore shoots were bottomed at com-
paratively shallow depths but ore should be present below the present levels
of mining.
The Milligen consists mostly of carbonaceous argillite but has limestone
beds that are locally converted to tactiteo In the Triumph mine area fo~r lime-
stone beds are of use in exploration for ore and are mapped in this report. The
Milligen is strongly folded and is cut by thrust, reverse, and normal faults.
Some normal faults are post-ore The minerals of the ore deposits include quartz,
calcite o siderite o pyrite o galena o sphalerite, tetrahedrite u and ruby silvera De-
posits intactite are thought to be later than the contact metamorphismo Date of
origin is uncertain but a post-Idaho batholith 8 early Tertiary age is favored.
Twenty-one properties are described with maps 0
Kiilsgaard, Thor H.
40 1951, The geology and coal of the Horseshoe Creek district, Teton·County I
Idaho: Idaho Buro Mines and Geology Pampho 920 42 po, with geol.
map .
fine sizes during mining but this would not be a disadvantage for use in stoker
and blower type furnaces The Frontier formation has been folded and faulted
but at practical mining depths these factors are not regarded as serious detri-
ments . There are believed to be 7 commercial coal beds, minimum thickne s s 2
feeto in the district. Past production is rouqhly estimated at 100 000 tons with
erated during the early 1900's and the poor record of the district since then is
attributed to poor management and ill-advised development work.
The report includes much information a s to the general geology of the dis-
trict plus descriptions of the various coal beds and the workings in them.
Kinnison 01 Phillip T.
1. 1954, A survey of the ground water of the State of Idaho: Master's Thesis 8
Univ. Idaho 0
Idaho is divided into ground water regions on the basis of accepted physio-
graphic units and each region is discussed. The principal environments in
which ground water is found are: (a) valley-fill sand and gravels 0 (b) basalt,
... 97-
(c) sand and gravel intercalated with basalt, and (d) lacustrine sands and
2 0 1955" A survey of the ground water of the State of Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines
and Geology Pamph" 103 8 40 p.
1. 1950, Boise Basin monazite placers, Boise County, Idaho: RME 3129,
U. So Bur. Mines for U f S. Atomic Energy Comm., 37 p.
samples were takeno The principal reserves were tailings from earlY,operations
on Moores, Grimes o Granite, and Elk Creeks, with virgin ground along Wolf
Creek, Grassy Flats Moores Creek, and Fall Creek 0 The minera~s noted 1n the
gold, hematite, pyrite rutile, and a bismuth mineral. Lake beds near,Idaho
City were found to be 850 feet thick. Similar beds are present on Muddy" Granite ll
and Wolf Creeks The supposed salYlarski te contains 10- 20 percent U 30a"
Monazite in the black sand ranges up to 13 pounds per cubiC yard of gravel.
Relatively pure monazite from Boise Basin contains 302 percent Th02 and 0" 102
percent U308"
Churn drill exploration in the Big Creek placer area in the southern part of Long
Valley was conducted by the U. S. Bureau of Mines in 1950 Thirty-nine holes
a I
aggregating 2,355 feet o were drilled. No bedrock was reached, A total of 519
samples weighing over 28 tons wa.s recovered. The area is large and has much
3. 1951, Scott Valley and Horsethief Basin monazite placers Valley County,
22 p.
The gravel in Scott Valley and Horsethief Basin was studied by the U. S. Bureau
of Mines in 1950 by 16 drill holes in Scott Valley and three in the Horsethief
Basin. A total of 171 samples weighing about 805 tons was collected. Scott
Valley has a large volume of gravel but the smaller deposits in Horsethief Bas~n
had larger quantities of monazite per cubic yard.
4. 1953, Bear Valley radioactive mineral placers Valley CountYo Idaho: RME
_ _ _ _ _ , (Carlson, E. J.)
5. 1954, Pearsol Creek monazite placer area, Valley County, Idaho: RME
3134" U So Bur. Mines for U. S. Atomic Energy Comm.1 23 p.
The exploration of the Pearsol Creek area, 1,,1/2 miles from Cascade, by the
U. So Bureau of Mines was done in 19 51; involved 65 drill holes 0 totaling 3,898
feet; 780 samples weighing almost 36 tons were collected. The gravel area is
large and a third of it contains more monazite than the rest. The black sand
concentrates include monazite o ilmenite, magnetite o garnet, and zircon. The
richer lenses have three to 30 pounds of monazite per cubic yardo .
w1 J 6. 1955 17 Corral Creek monazite placer area 17 Valley County 0 Idaho: RME 3135,
\?~ u. S. Bur. Mines for U S. Atomic Energy Comm., 22 p.
J Exploration of the Corral Creek area in 1951 by the U. S. Bureau of Mines in-
volved 61 drill holes aggregating 3 q 518 feet and 773 samples weighing almost
35 tons. The black sands contained 4. 2 to 38. 3 percent monazite by weight.
The monazite contained 4.29 percent Th02 and 0.10 percent U3 08.
Kul1erud 0 Gunnar
1. 1956, Geochemistry of sphalerite from the Star mineo Coeur d'Alene district o
Idahoo Discussion: Econ. Geologyo v. 510 noo 8 0 p" 828-830.
In reply to the article by Fryklund and Fletcher on the~ Star mineo Kullerud dis-
counts t.heir doubts as to application of deductions from an artificial system to
a natural one on the basis that small quantities of extraneous substances have
been shown not to affect the situation materially He further indicates that the
The sulphur -32/sulphur -34 ratios in some 80 samples of sulfides have been
measured. These include three samples from the Minnie Moore mine ,Bellevue 0
Idaho. The sulphur isotopic abundances appear independent of the mineral spe-
cies 0 but the ratio cited is related to the source of the sulphur. A high ratio in-
dicates a source initially rich in sedimentary sulfide u a lovi one a source rich in
sulfate. Most have a ratio near 22" 2 that is that of meteoritic sulphur. The
three from the Minnie Moore give 21.92,21.99022.020 suggesting a sulfate dom-
inant source a
Kummel o Bernhard u Jr 0
This paper gives formation deSCriptions and a correlation chart. The Lower
Triassic seaways in western North America were more widespread than those of
Middle or Upper Triassic time. In the Lower Triassic the pattern is similar to
that of the upper Paleozoic with eugeosynclines and miogeosynclinal belts and
abrupt thinning eastward of the 18Wasatch line" The miogeosynclinal facies
disappeared after this u and later Triassic rocks are continental.. The eastern
Nevada geanticline of Nolan probably extended across Nevada and northward
at this timee Middle and Upper Triassic marine rocks are confined to western
Nevada o Californian Oregon 0 and western Idaho" The source of the Lower "Tri-
assic sediments in Idaho was to the east but Upper Triassic rocks had sources
peripheral to the area of deposition.
po 165-194.
Thick marine strata of Early Triassic age occur in and near eastern Idaho along
the eastern margin of an ancient miogeosyncline. Basinward (west) the strata
are thick and fossiliferous Eastward they thin and intertonguewith red sand-
stones and shales The Dinwoody and Thaynes formation attain their thickest
marine development in the Fort Hall Indian Reservation. To the east, north and
south they intertongue with the red W oods,ide and .Chugwater formations The
Thaynes tongues cut eastward into the Arikareh and Chugwater formations. The
zone of intertonguing for the Dinwoody is along the Idaho-Wyoming boundary and
turns westward in Utaho For the Thaynes it is similar except in Utah. New data
on fossils are giveno The post-Thaynes rocks of Triassic age are continental and
the miogeosnyclinal belt was destroyed in· Early Triassic time by an eastward ex-
tension of the, Nevada Geanticline e
The Lower Triassic strata in and near southeastern Idaho are along the eastern
margin of an ancient miogeosyncline. They are thickest in the region of the
Fort Hall Indian'Reservation, Idaho (6500 feet). A diagramatic cross section
from there to Lander 0 Wyoming, illustrates the situation. Isopach and litho-
facies maps show the eastward thinning, the prevalence of shale in Idaho, and
the passage northeastward into red beds in Wyoming in the time of the lower Din-
woody formation, and similar transitions in the time of the upper black limestone
member of the Thaynes formation 0
Lame, Co C.
1. 19 ~ 3, Star garnet and opal from Idaho -- the gem state, how to find and cut
them: Lewiston 0 Idaho, Commercial Printing Co. 0 16 po
This paper gives general data on star garnet and opal, and directions q with mapsif
for finding garnet in Idahoo A few occurrences of opal in Idaho are given but the
occurrence most stressed is in Washingtono
This very comprehensive catalogueq with bibliography, lists many :plant fossils
known to occur in Idaho.
1. 1954, Age of the southern California" Sierra Nevada, and Idaho batholiths
(abs.): Geolo Soc. America Bull v. 65 0 no. 120 pto 2, p. 1277.
0 ,
· ... 101-
Larsen, Esper Signius o Jr .. (Phair 0 Ge.orge o Gottfried e David, and Smith, William S.)
Nations Pub. po 240-247; also in Page, L. R., Contributions to the
geology of uranium and thorium ... , U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper
300 p .. 65-74.
Among batholiths of Mesozoic age in the United States, which includes the Idaho
batholith, a substantial part of the uranium content is late and in most plutonic
series the youngest members contain the most uranium. The average uranium
content of the Idaho batholith is about 2.1 ppm.
Larsen, Leonard H.
1. 1955 0 Zircon in tonalite l1 Priest Lake, Idaho (abso): Geol. Soo. America
Bull. 0 v. 66, no. 12, pt. 2, p. l588.
Zircon in a sample from the Kaniksu batholith in northern Idaho, is foupd in all
the major minerals I and hence, formed early.
Lee Donald E.
Biotite-garnet schist about 23 miles west of Salmon contains biotite with 1.1
percent C1 alld 0.23 percent F. A complete an~lysis of this biotite is given and
the schist is described.
Lee, Heungwon
Leland George R.
1. 1957-" General geology and mineralization of the Mackay Stock area: Master's
Thesis Univ. Idaho
g o
stock of probable Cretaceous age and Tertiary volcanics. The stock is nearly
circular 8 A· ·1/2 miles in diameter and made up of dacite granodiorite and quartz
Q 0
1. 1957~ Geology of the Big Creek quadrangle central Idaho (abs ~): Geol.
The Big Creek quadrangle displays roughly equal parts of metasediments of the
Belt series intrusive granitic rocks ofth~ Idaho batholith and Challis volcanics,
stone of the Belt series are in synclinal roof pendants. The larger granodiorite
masses appear to have been emplaced by discordant upward(?) movement of
magma accompanied in marginal zones by sheetlike inj ection of more mobile
granite and syenite 0
10 1943, Some mineral depOSits in the area surrounding the junction of the
Snake and Imnaha Rivers in Oregon: Oregon Dept • Geology Mineral
Industries Go M. I. Short Paper, 110 17 p.o inc!. geol.mapso
An index map shows 17 deposits in Bonner 8 Clearwater q Nez Perce, Lewis Idaho Q Q
Boise o BlaineI' Fremont, ButteD Owyhee, Cas&ia, Teton, Bingham, Bannock, Car-
ibou 8 and Bear Lake Counties Summary data are given for 9 cement plant near
Pocatello and a high-grade limestone quarry in Nez Perce County 0 and adj acent
Asotin County, Washington.
198 po
The map of North America on the front page is a topographic diagram with ,::three
geologic block diagrams below it, none crossing Idaho. On the back of the
sheet is a map of physiographic provinces of North America. Those that involve
Idaho include the northern Rockies Province, with subdi vision~ called Purcell
Range, Selkirk Mountains, Bitterroot. section, and Salmon·R1 ver Mountains (the
last includes more than the names suggest). The part of the Columbia Plateau
that enters Idaho includes the Snake . River Plain, Blue Mountains section, and
the Payette section co
This is the latest of 22 revisions of the diagram that have been published.
Lochman-Balk, Christina
The maps in this general paper include Idaho and purport to show the kinds of
sediments there at various times in the Cambrian period. Otherwise Idaho is not
2. 1956, ,The Cambrian of the Rocky Mountains and southwest deserts of the
United States anq adjoining Sonora Province, Mexico, .!n. El sistema
Cambrico, su paleogeograf(a y el problema de su base,Symposlum:
Internat. Geol. Oong .. , 20th sess., MexiCO, p. 529-662. Also sec-
tion entitled "The Idaho-Washington (northwestern) province of de-
position", p. 687-689; section entitled "The northeast Utah-southeast
",ldaho Cambrialls~,qu~n~~u,. P.~ .583-589.
North of the Willard thrust in the Wasatch Mountains D Utah, and west of the over-
thrust belt the Cambrian sequence shows signs of deposition in a miogeosyncl1neo
Summary data are given on the following formations: Brigham quartzite, 2,000
to over 4,800 feet thick; Langston formation f 380 feet thick; Ute formation, 500-
665 feet thick; Blacksmith dolomite, 325-800 feet thick; Bloomington formation
1,200 feet thick, Nounan formatioIl, 825-1, 125 feet thick; St. Charles formation,
I, DIS-If 130 feet thick. The Brigham quartzite has usually been assigned to
the lower Cambriano but it is here considered that part of it must be and all of it
need be no older than earliest m,:iddle Cambrian. It 1s possible that an angular
unconformity between Cambrian and Precambrian rocks is present within the
Brigham as mapped. The thicknes s of the Brigham causes suspicion in comparison
to the Flathead in Montana The three Cambrian formations in the Pend Oreille
1. 1954, The industrial utility of public water supplies in 'the United States,
1952, Part 2, States west of the Mississippi River: U. S. Geol.
Survey Water-Supply Paper 1300, p. 154-165.
This gives chemical analyses and other data for the principal cities in Ida-ho
that use ground water for their public supplies.
Long, Albert E.
This records the results, with drill core descriptions, of diamond drilling in
southeastern Idaho by the U. S. Bureau of Mines in cooperation with tile U. S.
Geological Survey. Previously 30-60 perqent of the core was recovered and the
present study was aimed at increa'sing 'corereoovery by improving methods.
Complete core recovery cannot be obtained but the percentage of recovery can
be much improved by methods and equipment described in this report.
The formations here assigned to the .Precambrian crop out in the northern part of
the Bannock Range They include in order of decreasing age the. redefined Ban-
nock volcanic formation, at least 400 feet thick with base not exposed, tile
newly defined Pocatello formation comprising I, 100 feet of tillite 0 etc., and
35 feet of varved slateo and the Blackrock limestone o 535 feet thick, overlain
unconformably by Brigham quartzite (Lower or Middle; Cambrian). Correlation of
the Pocatello formation with similar rocks in the Wasatch Mountains I Utah, is
In the part of the Bannock Range, Bannock County, studied o major drainage is
controlled by the Portneuf Rivero which may have been eroded along a transverse
fault zone. Lake Bonneville is thought to have overflowed into the Portneuf
through Marsh Creek .. ·There are evidences of three partial erosion oyclesi Put-
nam 0 Gibson I and Spring Creek cycles of Mansfield The oldest unit is the Ban-
nock volcanic formation (Precambrian), minimum thickness 400 feet, base not ex-
posed; next is the Pocatello formation (Precambrian) with tillite in its lower part
(1,100 feet) and varved slate above (350 feet)i the Blackrock limestone which is
oolitic and up to 535 feet thick. The Brigham quartzite ,(Cambrian)i$ uncon-
formable on the Blackrock, and is 3,200 feet thickl/ and is thought to be non-
marine. Above this quartzite is a succession of limestone (4 0 250 feet thick)
and of Cambrian and Ordovician age. These are sparsely fossiliferous including
Girvanel1a-l1ke algaeo The next unit is the Swan Peak formation (Ordovician)
785 feet thick. The Salt Lake formation is up to 235 feet thick, with the top
eroded. Rhyolite and basalt flows existo Folds are overturned westward and ap-
parent thicknesses, are exaggerated by repetition ... A number of high-angle faults
are present and appear related to maj or thrusts in neighboring areas. The Ban-
nock Range may be a window along the Putnam-Bannock thrusto
30 1943, Structure and stratigraphy of part of the Bannock RangeD Idaho: Geol.
Soc. America Bull. 0 Vo .54, no. 7 I p. 973-986, incL, geol. maps.
10 1942" The Asotin stage of the .Snake River Canyon near Lewiston, Idaho:
lour. Geology, Vo 50, noo 7, p. 866-881, geol. maps.
that made the filled canyon was a smaller stream than the present Snake River
and may have carried drainage mainly from the Grande' Ronde and Salmon· River
systems Alsoo the Clearwater River may have had a somewhat different course
2. 1944 0 Clastic dikes of the Columbia Basin .region o Washington and Idaho:
Geol. Soco America o Bull. v. 55, no. 120 po 1431-1461.
Pleistocene lake and stream deposits and locally the Columbia River basalt of
southwest Washington and the adjacent part of Idaho are cut by many cla~tic dikes.
They were formed by repeated filling of growing fissures mostly by streams lake 0 0
currents and waves, in part by collapse of fissure walls or by pouring in from un-
tling during melting of buried ice through gravity sliding and faultin9 on in-
30 1945 11 Clarkston stage of the northwest Pleistocene (U. S.): lour. Geol-
ogy, v. 53, noo 50 po 337~348.
Most of the deformation and dissection in the region around Lewiston, Idaho
came after the Asotin stageo and downcutting continued until the major canyons
were nearly as deep as they now are. Prior to the end of the Pleistocene there
were three episodes of proglacial deposition of which the one here called the
Clarkston was the first. Gravel accumulated to a depth of 400 feet in the can-
yon of the Snake'River and at times spilled over into the valley of the Clearwater.
This was caused by increased load tndirectly by aggradation along the Colum~
Lupton o Do-Keith
10 1956, Soda-rich igneous rocks of Hellis Canyon o Idaho (abs.): Geol. Soco
America Bull I v. 67 g no. 12, pt 2" p. 1717
0 0 0
The high- soda content of the Seven Devils volcanics (Permian) is regarded as of
primary origin and comparable to the Clover Creek greenstone of the B~ker quad-
rang Ie, Oregon. The small sa telli te of the Idaho batholith near Hell I s Canyon
is composed of tonalite and sodaclase tonalite identical with soda-rich intru-
sive rocks in eastern Oregon 0
McConnell 0 Duncan
McConnell concludes that the physical and chemical properties of rock phos-
phates 0 etc" I are dissimilar to those offluorapaUteand resemble those of fran-
colite or dahliten Nothing is said about Idahoo
McDivitt, James F.
Gypsum deposits along the Snake Rtver , where it borders Oregon o h~ve long
- been known but those in Idaho have not become productive. They are in secs 0
The expense of prospecting related to this is high but is decreased by the work
of government agencies Existing railroads in Idaho are far from many of the
is an adverse factor Costs for power are high for much of southern and south-
central Idaho but future development,· including use of local coal and of natural
gas 0 should help Varying government~l policies 0 in part favorable I in part un-
McDonald, J. V.
Pleistocene glaCiation of the Seven Devils Mountains was of the alpine type
confined to cirques and stream valleys. Glacial features described included
cirques, tarns" rock steps, U-shaped valleys, lateral, recessional, and abla-
tion moraines, horns 0 aretes, rock drumlins , kames, and striations.
Gla~ia.tiQn wa:s ,asY~me.t(tpal:. due to the control of differential snow a~cumula
tidn .and solar heating 0 and fracture-controlled valleys.
McDowell, George A.
Each of thes.e annual reports by the State Mine Inspector lists available data
on ownersh!p, development etc., for all plines for which ~nformation is on
hand, segregated by counties. The r$ports also give data on mine accidents,
production, etc", and most include short articles either reprinted from current
literature or written specifically for the report. Thus each annual report is a
summary of mining conditions in the state for the year it covers.
1. 1951, The water situation in the United States with special reference to
ground water (with a summary of the current situation by states
based on data supplied by field offices of the Water Resources
Division): U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 114, 138 p.
estimated that ground-water draft for irrigation in Idaho in two to five years
from the date of tabulation may be 4,000 1000 acre-feet. Available data for the
state are tabulated in. the appendix.
MacKenzie o Wayne O.
10 1949, Geology and ore deposits of a section of the Beaverhead Range east
of Salmon, Idaho: Master's Thesis o Univ. Idaho 0
A discussion of the igneous rocks of the area and their relation to local struct-
ure and ore deposition. General description of the Carmen Creek o Ajax Bell,
and Dike mines 0 with Brunton compass and tape surveys of some of the under-
ground workings Precambrian metamorphics, Tertiary sediments and glacial
0 Q
The lithology and stratigraphy of the phosphatic shale member of the Phosphoria
formation are described in detail, accompanied by maps, 13 measured sections 8
7 correlation charts I and a table outlining distribution of fauna for the area.
The source of phosphate deposits and the conditions of their deposition
are discussed in an attempt to ascertain criteria for use in prospecting for new
This paper summarizes the objectives and accomplishments of the study of the
western phosphate field by the U. S. Geological Survey The presence of sig-
ure and the western portion, which is in and near Idaho, has complex struct-
ure 0 phosphate deposits are thick and of high quality 0 although most individual
minable deposits are small. Additional discoveries are expected Total re-
This is a summary paper with only brief reference to the Phosphoria formation in
Idaho and adjacent states.
Many marine black shale and phosphorite units in Sweden and elsewhere
contain some uranium suggesting that this may be true in the United States
also The uranium-bearing shales are rich in organic matter and sulfides u and
age All the marine phosphorites tested are uraniferous u the uranium increasing
The Permian phosphorite deposits of the western United States are in the Phos-
phoria formation and its partial equivalents over an area of 135,000 square miles
in Montana o Idaho, Wyoming o Utah o and Nevadao In the western part of the
field the Phosphoria is a part of the folded Cordilleran miogeosyncline; to the
east it lies on the platform bordering the geosyncline and farther east tongues
into continental red beds. The lower part of the formation in the geosyncline is
absent on the platform. The phosphorite deposits consist mainly of colloform
carbonate-fluorapatite quartzu and clay. In addition to phosphorus and fluorine o
they contain vanadium chromium o zinc o rare earths u uranium u and other minor
Hills in eastern Wyoming are shown. The area of the Phosphoria sea in which
normal marine facies were deposited was about 225,000 square miles o possibly
greater at times. The marginal sea may have covered 25 0 000-75 0 000 square
miles more. A map shows the western shore crossing the Idaho-Nevada boundary
just west of longitude 1150 and reaching toa pointed end near longitude 113 0 0
latitude 47 0 in Montana.
Kazakov' s hypothesis for the origin of pho$phorites is accepted for those of the
Phosphoria, with modification. Thus, the Phosphoria accumulated ina large-
shelving embayment bordered by low lands that contributed little detritus 0 Cold
phosphate-rich waters upwelled into this basin from the ocean reservoir to the
south or southwest. Phosphorite was deposited from these waters probably in
the phosphate and probably some of the fine-grained silica in the formation were
concentrated by these organisms. These conditions persisted over much of Permian
time 0
McKelvey Vincent Ellis (Swanson, Roger Warren, and Sheldon, Richard Porter)
ium, and other elements of economic importance. It has been cited as a petro-
leum source bed as it is rich in carbonaceous matter, contains some oil shale g
and in central Wyoming does yield oil . At its type locality in Phosphoria Gulch
in southeastern Idaho it overlies the Pennsylvanian Wells and underlies the Tri-
assic Dinwoody. Here it has three members; in Montana and northwestern Wyo-
ming it has 501 of which the lowest may be equivalent to upper Wells. In north-
central Utah the Park City overlies the Weber, and its lower part is probably
equivalent to the upper Wells. The rest of the Park City would thus be equivalent
to the Phosphoria. There are affinities with Permian rocks in the Confusion Range,
Utah, Goshute Range, Nevada, and in Cassia County, Idaho, but relations are
not clear. To the east the Phosphoria and its partial stratigraphie equivalents
extend over more than 225,000 square miles, phosphorites over about 135,000
square miles. Facies changes are marked, but individual layers persist for miles 0
A map shows platform area mostly in Wyoming, and miogeosyncline westward to
roughly longitude 114 0 0
This consists of two black and white geologic and topographic maps one at 0
1:4,800 and one at 1: 12 000 and a separate sheet of structure sections for the
1: 12 , 000 map s0
100 1956 0 Summary descriptions of the Phosphoria o Park City and Shedhorn
formations: Am. Assoc Petroleum Geologists Bull
0 v. 40 no. 12 r
0 0 0
p. 2826-2863.
eastern Utah. The carbonate rocks intertongue with and pass laterally into
greenish-gray and red beds to the east n southeast n and south. The nomencla-
ture adopted retains Phosphoria formation for the chert-mudstone-phosphor1te
facies 0 identifies as tongues of that formation such rocks where they interfinger
with others on the fringe of the phosphate field uses Park City formation (Permian)
for carbonate rock and sandstone in Utah and west-central Wyoming and tongues
of such rock that interfinger with the Phosphoria. A new name o Shedhorn sand-
stoneo is used for sandstone of Phosphoria age in and near northwestern Wyomingo
and beds of sandstone are identified as tongues of the Shedhorn that interfinger
with the Phosphoria and Park City in northwestern Wyoming and southwestern
300 0 p. 477-4810
The Phosphoria covers 135,000 square miles in Montana, Idaho i Wyoming, Utah,
and Nevada. The phosphorites contain 0.005-0.03 percent uranium, locally in
thin layers up to 0.06 percent. The formation is 200-1 500 feet thick and con-
MacKichan, Kenneth A.
This presents in graphic and tabular form an inventory of water use, by states,
for various basic purposes: The amounts withdrawn from surface-water supplies
and from ground-water supplies for each state for each purpose are indicated 0
The 1950 use is estimated to have been 170,000 million gallons per day. Th1 s
amounted to 10100 gallons per day for each person in the United States. An
additional I, 100, 000 million gallons p~r day was used to generate water power 0
In 1950 estimated ground water withdrawal was 2" 858 million gallons per day
for rural use I 3, 584 million gallons per day for municipal use 0 and 5 0 525 mil,..
lion gallons per day for industrial 1,lse; estimated irrigational use was 20, 204
acre-feet p~r ,: year (17,,982 million gallon~ per day) Nonwithdrawal uses,
such as navigation, waste disposal, recreation, and fish and wildlife, also
are discussed and evaluated" For Idaho, withdrawal of ground water for rural
use is estimated at 20 million gallons daily, for municipal use 50,000,000
gallons daily, for industrial use the same, and for irrigation 350 0 000 0 000 gal-
lons daily.
The relations between ore shoots and structure in the Interstate mine, Coeur
d nAlene region and in neighboring areas, 'are discussed. This mine has produced
nearly 1,000 ,000 tons of high-grade zinc ore. The fissures showed displacement
and were ore-bearing where they cut through flat bedding 0 and showed little
displacement and were tight where they cut through steep bedding. Ore formed
where brecciation was at a maximum" A plane of weaknes s along a monzonite
porphyry dike was a location for ore. The geologic history was (1) folding 0 (2)
intrusion of monzonite stocks (Cretaceous or early Tertiary) n (3) fracturing 0 per-
haps accompanied by folding (4) ore depositiono (5) intrusions of basic dikes o
2" 1947 0 Iron ore. deposits in the 'Clearwater district o Idaho County 0 Idaho:
u. S. Geol. Survey open-file report.
Four prospects in the- Clearwater district were examined 0 data were accumulated 0
and reconnaissance maps made to aid in future possible studies.
The Clearwater deposits are rela~ively small pods of high-grade magnetite o
generally lying parallel to northerly trending foliation of metamorphic rocks n
probably originally Belt series sediments, Known deposits of the ore are small,
the largest having an inferred tonnage of 51 000 tons The incompleteness of
0 0
present da~aand the generally poor surface indications of deposits would sug!-
gest the possibility Of the discovery of larger deposits with the use of geophy-
sicalexploratic)nand driilii1g<>, .
3" 1947, Preliminary report on iron ore deposits of the Iron Mountain district,
Washington -County 0 Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file _report 0
This report discusses the geology, occurrence and economic value of five
iron deposits of the Iron Mountain district and is published in U" S. Geol"
4.. 1953, Iron ore depos,its of the Iron Mountain district, Washington CountYo
Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 982-E 0 p. 121-151.
sheared fanglomerate is interpreted as par~ of a detrital mass at the front of, and
overridden and sheared by a thrust plate, posSibly of late,Cretaceous-early
,Eocene date" These rocks are divided by an erosion surface tentatively regarded
as early Tertiary, which is buried by andesite flows" The flows were faulted,
eroded, and covered by Columbia River basalt.
The iron deposits are specularite, and magnetite replacements in Permian
marble, associatedwithtactite and sulphide ,deposits There are also red-
Available reserves are 150 q 000-200,000 tons of which about 20,000 are
measured ore 0
Reconnaissance in Long Valley and Bear Valley shows the chief placer minerals
are monazite and a group of uranlum-bearinq rare earth columbates and tanta-
lates. Dredging was in progress in Long Valleyo The monazite is a widespread
accessory mineral in the Idaho batholith; the others originate in pegmatite dikes
in the batholith. All the known concentrations in soils are in areas that escaped
glaciation in two late Pleistocene stages. Deposits suitable for dredging are
in vall~y fill formed through Pleistocene block fault~ng, through damming of
streams by glaciers or g1(1cial outwash and/or through aggradation due to in-
crease in load under periglacial climatic conditions" The typical fill consists
of intertonguing deposits of different origin.
three holes were drilled into placers and about 400 pan concentrates collectedo
The amounts of various minerals present were calculated in the ,field to provide
a general picture of the feed of placer minerals into the main valleys"
In this preliminary report, the placer mineral content of bedrock and residual
soil, morainal materials, and the channel deposits of the present streams, are
discussed in qualitative terms only.
ent rock and by the distribution of glaciers of two late,Pleistocene stages.. The
richest are in Big Meadow, a valley fill formed by blocking of Bear Creek by an
Illinoian? glacier Others await prospecting • The main country rock belongs
to the Idaho batholith o cut by pegmatite and apliteo Later porphyry dikes of
varied compositions are plentiful o notably on Red Mountain. Some drilling by
private companies has been done.
8. 1956 0 Cause of braiding by a graded river (Idaho) (abs 0): Geol. Soc.
America Bull v. 670 no. 12, pt. 20 pn 1717-1718.
South of liailey, Idaho n the Wood River meanders in a forest for many miles q
braids in a three-mile segment of a prairie-type valley floor 0 and meanders
again where it reenters a forest. The river is stable or slowly degrading in all
three segments. The differences noted result from differences in bank resist-
ance due to presence or absence of bank vegetation.
9. 1956, Uranium and thorium .... bearing minerals in placer deposits in Idaho,
.!!l. Page, L. R and others, Contributions to the geology of uranium
o ,
and thorium by the United States Geological Survey and Atomic En-
ergy Commn for the United Nations Intetoatlo Confo on Peaceful
Uses of Atomic· Energy, Geneva 8 1955, Proc. Internatl. Confo on
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, United Nations Pubo v. 6 0 po 587-
592: U. S. Geolo Survey Prof. Paper 300 0 pe 375-3800
Commercial placers in Idaho are confined to areas of fill deep enough to sup-
port large scale dredging These are formed through (I) Pleistocene block fault~
This is one of numerous papers that argues for a broad geosyncline that stretches
the full length of Idaho and far beyond to the north and south. The first stage
1" 1942, Phosphate deposits of the world, with speCial reference to those of
the United States: Indus. and Eng.Chemistryu Indus. ed., v. 340
no . I, p. 9 -12 •
This is a brief general summary 1n which the reserves in Idaho are listed as
5" 7 36, 335 tons.
and Metall. Eng." Tech o Pub. 1208" v. 40 no. 3" 10 p. 1940; re-
In a table Mansfield estimated Idaho reserves at 5,736 6 335 tons of high grade .
Inclusion of low-grade rock might triple this figure An exceptionally detailed
section of the phosphate rock at the Anaconda mine near Conda is giveno
3. 1952, Geography, geology" and mineral r~sources of the Ammon and Para-
dise Valley quadrangles, Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 238,
92 po, incl" geol.map.
death Hence the stratigraphie data are in some respects out of date for the
There are several overthrusts 0 including the Bannock thrust o which. here has
three branches. Horst and graben structure is continued into the. area from the
southeast. Many of the structural features of the two quadrangles are concealed
beneath a widespread blanket of Tertiary and later rocks.
The mineral resources include phosphate rock (described by townships) 0 lim.e-
stone, road metal" building stone, and volcanic asho all in sufficient quantity
to supply local needs for some time to come. Occurrences of coal and nitrate
have also been noted .
Sedimentary and pyroclastic rocks of late Miocene and early Pliocene(?) age in
the Goose.'Creek district are regarded as belonging to the Payette(?) and Salt
Lake formations r~spect1 vely Detailed sections of both units are given. Dia-
toms from the Payette(?) are regarded by Lohman as early Pliocene in age while
Brown regards the leaves as latest Miocene. Pre-Tertiary units are not disc~ssed
but three units assigned to the lower(?) Paleozoic are mapped and the Oquirrh
formation (Pennsylvanian) is shown above these with the Harrison series (middle
. ( ?) Precambrian) below.
20 1956, Uraniferous black shales in the. Northern Rocky Mountains and Great
Plains Regions: .!n. Proc. Internat. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of Atomic
Energy: Geneva, 1955: New York United Nations Pub. 0 Vo 6, p.
This summary includes a note that a black phosphatic $hale is known at the base
of the Brazer limestone in Utah and Idaho but uranium was found in it only in Utah.
30 1956 0 Uraniferous black shales in the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great
Plains Regions 0 in Page 0 LoR. and others Contributions to the geol-
Q 0
ogy of uranium and thorium by the United States Geological Survey and
Atomic'Energy Commission for the United Nations Internato ConL on
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Geneva, 1955: U So Geol. Survey
0 0
Reconnais sance examinations were made in Montana, North Dakota Utah Idaho 0 0 0
and Oregono Data for numerous Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks in various parts
of Idaho are tabulated but nothing of present economic interest was found ~
Maxey George Burke
10 1957 0 Lower and Middle :Cambrian stratigraphy in northern Utah and south-
eastern Idaho (abso): Geol. Soco America Bull Vo 68 no. 120 pto 2
0 0 0
p. 17640
The stratigraphic succession of Lower and Middle Cambrian rocks in the area u de-
termined from 13 measured sections includes, in upward succes sion o the Prospect
iest Cambrian (pre-Olenellus) time The area remained submerged until late in
Cambrian time.
20 1958 0 Lower and Middle Cambrian stratigraphy in northern Utah and south-
eastern Idaho: Geol. Soc. America Bull v. 69 no o 6 p. 647-688.
0 , 0 0
This discussion emphasizes data in Utah but includes information on four locali-
ties in southeastern Idaho and three others just south of the Idaho border. The
Brigham quartzite is equated with the Prospect Mountain quartzite.- and is stated
to be overlain by the Pioche formation and o successively upward, by the Langston
formation Ute limestone, Blacksmith dolomite, and Bloomington formation.
Maxey's Pioche formation near Pocatello is regarded as the upper part of the Brig-
ham quartzite plus the lower part of the Spence shale member of the Langston
-formation. Newly measured sections in Utah arre listedo Diagnostic Lower and
Middle Cambrian fossils from localities in Utah are listed and fauni~ones are
All the Lower and Middle Cambrian sediments are believed to have been de-
posited in a shallowo chiefly transgressive, though oscillating sea that I
.. .!.
Cambrian (pre-Olenellus?) time and to eastern Utah by the end of Early Cambrian
time. The areCl remained submerged during Middle Cambrian and much of Late
Cambrian time •
Melear , John Do
10 1953 0 The petrology and ore deposits of the: Seafoam mining district, Custer
County, Idaho;:Master's Thesis, Univ. Idaho.
A petrologic discus sion of the igneous and metamorphic rocks of the area The 0
igneous rocks are divided into two groUps, those related to the Idaho batholith and
those of Tertiary age.
The Mountain King, Seafoam 0 and Greyhound mines are described and their
geologyo mineralogy, and controls of ore deposition discussedo Two types of
mineral deposits are recognized the most important being cavity fillings which
yield gold and silver .. Replacement type deposits contain silver o lead, and zinc.
Merritt, Zo S.
The part of Idaho touch~d on in this report is Grand Valley, Bonneville County,
which is a down-dropped fault block in which thick Pliocene beds have been pre-
served. This valley is expected to be flooded by a dam so that its rocks will be-
come inaccessible These rocks are here correlated with the Teewinot formation in
Wyoming. A section described in the present report is ove.r 5 000 feet thick. and
does not represent the whole formation.. The unit includes a lower limestone faetes
(not in measured section), a silty sandstone and clayey siltstone facies 0 a clayey
siltstone, a tuff and pumicite facies and conglomerate at the top. Locally the
Long Spring formation overlies the Teewinot. It consists mostly of conglomerate,
is a few feet to 200 feet thick o and is late Pliocene or Pleistocene.
1. 1957 6 Isotope geology of some lead ores (abso): Geolo Soc o America Bullo ,
v. 68, noo 12, pt. 2, p. 1767-68.
Among samples from various localities, four from the· Sunshine mine 0 Kellogg I Idaho,
covering a vertical distance of 1,000 feet and a horizontal distance of 500 feeto
isotopic compositions are constant within 0.6 percento
lo 1944 0 Some Pliocene birds from Oregon and Idaho~ Condor q v. 46 0 noo 1,
po 25-32.
Bird remains from two localities in Oregon .and two in Idaho were studied in the
laboratory" One of the Idaho localities is along Snake River 13 miles northwest
of Grandview; the other on the Barbour Ranch 3.3 miles east of the Bruneau-
Mountain Home bridge. The birds resemble Pleistocene forms from the· Pacific
coast but on the basis of mammalian remains found with them the age is regarded
as Pliocene, slightly younger than the Hagerman lake beds I then regarded as up-
per Pliocene.
1" 1950 0 Geology and ore deposits of the Princess Blue Ribbon mineo Camas
County, Idaho: Master's theSis, Univ. Idahoo
A lenticular vein deposit 2-15 feet wide contains gold-quartz with less than 10
percent associated base metal sulphides. Mineralization occurred in two stages
under mesothermal conditions The vein has been segmented by postmineral
faulting 0
1. 1952, Indicator minerals, Coeur d'Alene sUver belt (Idaho): Econ. Geol-
ogy" v. 470 no. 40 p. 414-450 ..
Outcrops in the ,Silver Belt (formerly Dry Belt) are so poor that much of the pros-
pecting has been by tunnels and some of the rich ore shoots found have their
tops thousands of feet below the surface. Hence the importance of indicator min-
erals It is noted that the country rock belongs to the Belt series. Where these
rocks are high in sericite valuable ore shoots are unlikely • No ore has been
found where the wall rocks are carbonate-rich Diabase and lamprophyre dikes
are present and may be of late premineral age. The Belt rocks contain strongly
bleached zones which broadly outline the ore-·bearing areas of the Belt" The
bleaching results from breakdown of the coloring matter 0 not from extensive ser-
icitization. Arsenopyrite tends to form in an envelope around an ore shooto In
the Coeur d 'Alene region generally hydrothermal alteration was in three stages:
(1) bleaching alteration stageo (2) carbonate-quartz stage, (3) sulphide stage ..
The area of deposition of the stages was progressively less extensive with time 0
In the Silver Belt of the Coeur. d'Alene r:e..gion deeply buried are shoots are in
carbonate-quartz veins Studies of distribution patterns of the minerals has
been made in order to learn features indicative of the proximity of are shoots"
ite are recogni~edo The hydrothermal'!""vein history shows three stages q The hydro"
thermal bleached zones resu~t largely from the destruction of rock pigments, not,
as has been supposed, from strong sericitizationo
The text of this report makes little reference to Idaho" In the three columns in
the chart that~-;are concerned with Idaho (collated py J. So Williams) the WOQd
River formation near Hailey, Blacklead limestone in the Seven Devils region, and
Wells formation in southeastern Idaho are indicated as equivalents to each other
in age. Note, however, that the Blacklead limestone is in the Orofino region and
Anderson called it merely Paleozoic(?).
A deSCriptive paper with generalized map and correlation charts In Idaho the
Mower, Reed W.
Data for the 221-squar.e,..-mile area include 165 well records and 93 well logs.
Data for the 470-square-mile area include 579 well records 0 66 well logs Q and
well-discharge measurements 0
Nearly all available natural-flow surface water in the Malad Valley is appropri-
ated for irrigation. The surface water supplyo including that in reservoirs I
would not be adequate for all irrigable lands in the valley. Wells supply part
of the water for irrigation. Even so, more water is desired. Increase in supply
might be had by reducing use by water-loving native vegetation and by substitu-
tion of vegetation of high value for that of low value In the southern part of the
nearly 5 q 000 acre-feet of water. The residual 32 I 000 acre-feet would "0 in suit-
able circumstances 0 irrigate 10 0 000-15, 000 acres Samples of water from 40
sources average 970 ppm dissolved solids. The soil in areas occupied by water-
loving plants is generally of poor quality and the same holds for the water avail-
able in these areas About 75 percent of the area occupied by water-loving
plants is irrigated The eradication and control of these plants would effect
various improvements.
Mundorf, M 0 J.
1. 1958 0 Water for the Snake River Plain: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file report.
This paper summarizes the occurrence and movement of ground water in the ba-
salt aquifers beneath the Snake River Plain. Probable increases in the use of
ground water for irrigation purposes necessitates steps being taken to insure
continued ground water availability in the future.
More data as to natural and artificial recharge are required o in conjunction
with studies of flow rates and directions. From these data it can be determined
how much ground water should be developed in the future 0
from each other even though the Tensleep is commonly said to be Pennsylvanian,
the:Phosphoria is Permian o and the "Dinwoody is largely Triassic in ageo
A table on page 63-67 lists fluctuations in 202 wells in Idaho, ranging in amp-
litude from 0.2 to 0.86 foot.
Nace g Raymond/Lee
The chief aquifer is the Snake'River basalt. The amount of ground water that can
be withdrawn perennially from wells in the North Side Pumping Division appears
to be limited only by the ability of the lava aquifers to transmit water from the
regional body of ground water in the: Snake River Plain to the areas of local
withdrawal. Aquifer tests indicate that irrigation wells can be pumped at rates
in exces s of 28 100 gallons per minute each, with small or negligible dr~wdowns.
Data for tl'le 750-square-mile area include 93 well records e 13 test hole
logs, 30 well logs, 30 chemical analyses, and a water-level map.
A geologic reconnaissance was made o samples of water analyzed and well logs,
etc. 8 assembled and correlated The water table was contoured and data on ar-
tesian reserves and directions of ground water underflow learned The average
total discharge of proposed irrigation wells in the: North Side Pumping Division
would be about 1,030 second-feet, that from proposed wells nearby might be
290 second-feet. Total withdrawal might therefore be 117300 second-feet during
the four months of the irrigation season. The total average di scharge of ground
water from the ,Snake· River plains on the north side of the Snake River canyon be-
tween Milner and King Hill is between 5,000 and 6, 000 second-feet. Hence the
average discharge from the wells would be 22 percent of the discharge from
springs and seeps and will represent salvage of water that would otherwise reach
the river from springs. The amount that can be perennially withdrawn from wells
in the pumping division and contiguous areas appears to be limited only by the
ability of the lava aquifers to transmit water. The main sources of ground water
are east of the area. The effect of Lake Walcott at Minidoka dam has not been
determined 0
3 0 1949 0 Idaho, 1n.. Water levels and artesian pressure in observation wells in
the United States in 1946; pt. 5, Northwestern States: U. So Geol.
Survey Water-fupply Paper i075, Idaho p. 20-32.
Data for the 270-square-milearea consist of 150 well records and 14 well logs.
The state-wide investigation continued with variable results o mostly small in~
The general investigation continued and in most areas ground-water storage rose
in response to heavy precipitation.
7 0 1952 0 Record of wells and spring sin western Oneida County, Idaho: U" S.
Geol. Survey open-file report, 51 p.
Data for approximately 700 square miles of western Oneida County, consist of
location, ownership, uses, typeg and depths of 258 wells . with reported or
measured water levels 8 pump capacities, geologic settings, and elevations"
The investigation of ground water throughout the state was continued and ex-
panded At the end of 1949 measurements were being made in 79 wells and
gAo 1954, Preli~~nary statement. Ground water resources of the Raft River
basing Cassia County 8 Idahofl A summary of unpublished data:
U. So Geolo Survey open-file rept.
Large ,areas in the Raft River \talley can be irrigated if at all, by ground water
times and places the water table is so high that ground water is discharged into
the, river channel, but elsewhere there is loss by percolation of surface water 0
Lake Walcott is a reservoir that might suffer if much pumping ~as undertaken in
the valley of Raft River. The total drainage area is about 1 q 840 square miles 0 of
which 360 square miles are irrigable. The principal crops are hay and grain 0
The discharge of the Raft River at its mouth may be less than 9 8 000 acre-feet per
year and the unused ground water discharged by underflow might be of the order
of 390 8 000 acre-feet per year but various considerations indicate it is less than
120, Dab acre-feet per year All this could not be salvaged as pumping would be
for fractions of a year onlyo It is estimated that the total ground water supply in
the valley is enough to support substantial new development o but the· chemical
character of the water has not been studied and the effects of pumping on sup-
plie s along the Snake River below Minidoka Dam are not known.
100 1955, Feasibility of ground-water features of the alternate plan for the
MountainHome Proj ect Idaho (abs. and summ e): U e So Geol Survey
open-file reporto 24 p.
110 1956, Ground water in the water economy of Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey
open-file reporto 23 p.
A study of the increasing rate of water use, compared to the amount and distri-
bution of ground water that is potentially available for useo Effective methods
of accumulation 0 storage 0 and re-use of natural water resources would insure an
adequate supply in face of increased demand in the future 0
120 1957, Feasibility of ground-water features of the alternate plan for the
MOt,lntain Home Project o Idaho~ U. S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply
Paper 1376 11 121 po
One of several proposed plans for irrigation of 183 0 000 acres south of Boise
would involve pumping ground water in the Boise Valley to make up for surface
water diverted from that valley and incidentally to drain waterlogged land there.
Available records 11 plus field studies for the present project raise serious doubts
as to whether the results of pumping would offset the diversion of surface water
in such a way as to satisfy Boise Valley water users.
13. 1958, Hydrology of the Snake-River basalt (abs.): Wash. Acad. Sci. roureo
v. 48 no. 4, p. 136- 138 •
The Snake River Plain, a huge structural depression in southern Idaho, has been
considered part of the Columbia Plateau Province, but differs from that province
in Oregon and Washington. The part of the plain east of Bliss is a natural phy-
siographic and geologic subdivision built largely by basalt flows g perhaps in a
graben 0 and mantled by loessal sediments, with other sediments intercalated in
the flows (chiefly Pliocene). From the mouth of Henry s Fork to that of Boise
River, the Big Wood (Malad) River is the only stream that crosses the plain from
the mountains to the north. The Snake River Plain east of Bliss (the part treated
here) covers about 17 I 00 a square miles and may be the largest unified ground-
water reservoir in North America with a zone of saturation averaging I, 000 feeta
This reservoir discharges through springs between Milner and Bliss at an aver-
age rate over 5 000 cfs and amounting to 40 000 g 000 acre-feet per year.
Since irrigation began the discharge has increased at least 25 percent. Nearly
all water available from the Snake is appropriated and further development will
depend on ground water. Fractures in pahoehoe lava are numerous; the water
capacity per unit volume is small but aggregate capacity is large. Lava tubes
in pahoehoe carry much water. As la~a is among the most permeable of all types
of rock and talus breccia is similar., The formational permeability of many zones
. in the Snake River basalt is high. Most of the ground water is unconfined but lo-
cally artesian conditions are approached. The water table in much of the plain
has been mapped but it is complex and the maps are highly generalized because
wells are widely spacedo The rate and character of movement of the ground water
are not clearly ~nown.. Both are import~nt in relation to disposal of radioisotope
wastes g etc .
Neighbor u Frank
Big Elk Mountain anticline in T.. 2 S. q Ro 44 and 45 Ei. is mapped and described.
An unsuccessful test well for oil was stopped at a depth of 5 u 597 feeto
Nelson u Vincent Edward (and Smith q Io FOil Iro u assisted by Duell;' Go 'A. 0 and
Hutchinson, R. M . , surveyed in 1943) 0
10 1945 u Surface geology map of the P~ne Creek area, Coeur d 'Alene region,
Shoshone County, Idaho: U" S. Geol. Survey Prelim Map 0 0
This is a geologic map with structure sections, scalel 1,000 feet to the inch 0
The mapped units are alluvium (Quaternary) Burke formation and the Prichard
formation with quartzite members, both belonging to the Belt series {PrecambrianL
and .lamprophyre and diabase dikes (age not stated) 0
1. 1953, Seismic cross sections acros~ the· Spokane River valley and the
Hillyard Trough, Idaho and Washington: U o S. Geolo Survey dup-
licated repto, 16 po
Two cross sections based on refraction profiles yield$d data on the position of
the water table, the base of the glacial anq glaciofluVial deposits g and the buried
bedrock surface.
1.. 1940, Permo.. Triassic boundary in southeastern Iclaho and western. WyominQ
(abs.): Oil and Gas Iouro ( v. 38, no. 48, ,po 66 ..
Stratigraphic and paleontologic data on the beds of Early Triassic age in the
region are reviewed in detail with particular reference: to the relations with the
underlying beds of Permian age, also as to confusion ;in interpretations of the
r' ,
relations of the Woodside and Dinwoody formations. A thickness of from 1,1 000
to 2, 000 feet of strata in western Wyoming, southeastern Idaho and southwestern
Montana is shown to belong to 'Ul~ Otoceras and probably to the Genodiccus zones
of the Scythian stage of the Lower Triassic. These beds 0 classified in the pres-
ent paper as Dinwoody and Woodside, overlap the Phosphoria o indicative of a
marked hiatus at the Permo-Triassic boundary.
Newell, Thomas R.
10 1956 6 Stream flow East Fork Bruneau River below Three Creekl/ Idaho: U. s.
Geol. Survey open-file report.
The East Fork Bruneau River dt~cllarg.e .. h,a..~ been studieq.on. the basis of records
from monthly and daily gaging station readings 0
Local topography and geologiC forms are discussed in relation to the drain-
age pattern, as are the local hydrologic conditions .
All data are presented in table and graph form, with accompanying maps, as
an aid to estimating flow depletion along the river.
20 1956, The December 1955 flood in west-central Idaho: Talk at the meeting
of the southern Idaho section 8· Am. Soc. Civil Engineers.
Okeson, CUfford J•
14 1946 0 Geology of Anderson Ranch Dam, Boise Rivero Idaho (abs.)~ Geol.
Soc. Amer~ca Bull . I v. 57, no. 12, pt. 2 p" 1221.
Anderson Ranch dam, under construction at the time o was to be 444 feet high,
the highest earth-fill dam in the world. The bedrock is a granitic complex o
ranging widely in quality, texture, composition and color and containing many
dikes, sills and inclusions. The rock is severely jointed, with clay films on
the joints; shear zones and faults are numerous. Hence difficult engineering
problems were encountered, materially influenCing design of the cutoff walls,
outlet works and spillway.
This. is one of a series of progress reports; ten stratigraphic sections are tab-
ulated I plus analytical data 0
Osmond, Jbhn·C.
The SeVy formation o mostly tan dolomite, thickness 500 feet q is recognizable
over an area of 100 0 000 square miles in California o Nevada 0 Utah o and Idaho q
overlain by the Simonson 0 I efferson, or similar Middle- Devonian strata It is
This paper describes corals from two s~ctions near the type locality of the Bra-
zer and proposes a number of new names based on thin section studies The Bra~
zer tests on Madison without angular discordance and is overlain by Wells (Penn-
sylvanian) with an erosional un conformity The lower 950 feet of the Brazer is
Patton o William W 0 9 Ir .
1. 1948 0 Geology of the Clayton area, Custer CountYo Idaho: Master Seio
Thesis, Cornell Univ. I geol. map about 1 in.= 10000 fto
An area in parts of T t! 11 N . ,R. 17, 18, E., Custer County 0 is described Stra,-
tigraphy of the' Paleozoic rocks was stud~ed in detail and the maj or features are
summarized in the table herewith. A gabbro sill and remnants of the Challis vol-
canics are included in the mapped area. The Ordovician rocks are folded in an
asymmetrical anticline o N. 200 Woo steepened to the easto and with local crump-
les broken by longitudinal g reverse, and normal faults o and by transverse faults 0
Saturday Mountain f~rmation 3,000+
South Butte quartzite 840
Ella dolomite 340
Clayton quartzite
Lower member of Kinnikinic including dark
quartzite -and dolomite, dark shale 2,200
Total 40 960
Ramshorn slate 20 000+
Peace 0 Frank S.
1. 1956, History of exploration for oil and gas in Box Elder County, Utah 11 and
vicinity, !!l Geology of parts of northwestern Utah: Utah Geol. Soc.
Guidebook to the geology of Utah, no. 11, p. 17-31.
Gives data on several exploratory wells, only one of which is in Idaho. This
one is in sec. 10, T. 14 S. R. 30 E., Oneida CountYo stopped in Mississippian
rocks at a depth of 12,841 feet and yielded only minor shows of gas and oil.
1" 1947, Subsurface structure of Snake River Valley 11 Idaho, from Seismograph
records of ammunition explbSic;>ns (abs.): MPG-SEPM-SEG Joint Ann"
Mtg., Los Angeles, p. 70; Geophysics, v. 120 no. 3, p. 496.
It apparently starts at the water table and extends to a depth of 4 500 feet. The
third zone transmits the sound wave at 19,800 feet per second and may be tightly
folded sedimentary rocks or igneous rocks.
Peterson Donald W.
10 1955, The prebasalt surface in the vicinity of Peck 0 Idaho: Northwest Sci 0 8
The base of the Columbia River basalt was mapped in an area of 30 square miles
near Peck, Idaho, in the basin of the Clearwater River" The general geology of
the. region is outlined and the basalt in the area studied is described. Here th~
basalt is up to 2,000 feet thick" The base is contoured . Along the base and in-
tercalated in the basalt are sediments referred to the Latah formation. It is
assumed that postbasalt deformation is negligible in the area. On this basis
the prebasalt surface had marked relief (over 1,200 feet)" The basalt is be-
lieved to have come from the west and flowed east up old valleys.
The marine Jurassic rocks in and near southeastern Idaho differ from those of
Montana and much of Wyoming. They include the continental Nugget sandstone,
the marine Twin Creek limestone o Preuss formatiol1g Stump sandstone and the'
Beckwith formation of Gannett group, and the non-marine Morrison formation.
These are in the Twin Creek trough which lies along the Idaho-Wyoming boundary.
The beginning of a new clastic source area on the west, probably associated
with an early phase of the Nevadan orogeny in Idaho, is evident from the sandy
character of the uppermost part of the Twin Creek limestone o while the trough
containing this formation continued to terminate against·a positive element called
the Belt island beginning in southwestern Montanaft
The plains in Idaho are· Rathdrum Prairie and contiguous area$ northeastward to
Lake PendOreille. They are largely undrafnedarid'were'formedby outwash and
other glacial deposits. They are pervious and contain much unconfined water.
Underflow of large volume extends to and beyond Spokane. Movement of the
ground water is controlled largely by the configuration of the bedrock surface
which is the trunk valley of a preglacial stream that drained the basin of the pres-
ent Clark Fork of the Columbia and thus crosses the divide between two principal
modern streams. The report includes and interprets about 12 000 measurements
Popoff 0 Constantine C.
Hermada pit with some geology is given. Claims near the Hermada are also de-
The report outlines the occurrence, properties and uses of diatomite in general,
notes occurrence in Adamsge Washington, Gem, Ada, Boise, Payette, Owyhee,
Elmore, Camas, and Twin Falls counties, Idaho. Descriptions of many of the
deposits are given, some of which have geologic maps The total reserves are
Pricee R. A.
1" 1956, The base of the Cambrian system in the southeastern Cordillera of
Canada: Canadian Mining Metall. BUlio v. 49, no. 535 0 p. 765-771.
This paper deals primarily with Canada but has an isopach map indicating that
Lower Cambrian beds ral1ged from a to 8,000 feet in thickness at the northern
end of Idaho. The exi~tence of a conformable sequence of rocks ranging in age
from late Proterozoic to Early Cambrian is advocatedo Transgression began in
the interior of British· Columbia in the Proterozoic and terminated in the present
Canadian- Rock.ies in the Waucobian. The configuration of the advancing shQr9-
line was controlled by the positive element Montania in northwestern Montana
and by another such element in British Columbia.
The mica deposits of the Avon district are in pegmatite bodies concordant to
schistosity and, where visible, to bedding in Precambrian schist, near a granitic
mass presumed to be an outlier of the Idaho batholith.. Past production of mica
exceeds $100, 000. Recent 'production .(Sept. 1943 to April 1945) of punch mica
had a gross value of $434,298,. Reserves are estimated at 600-1, 000 tons of com-
bined indicated and inferred crude block mica. One deposit is inferred to have
150-450 tons of beryl. Most of the mica reserves are minable profitably only
under good cost-price conditions. A dozen properties are described 0
This report summarizes the results of trenching e drilling and sampling by the
U S. Bureau of Mines from 1942 through 1945. The results of metallurgical
tests are also giveno The history and production of the district are outlined
and some geologic data are given. Twenty-five mine maps give general features
of the geology and record sampling results. At the time of the report the dist-
rict had been known since 1893, or earlier but production had been minor. The
Howe Sound Co .. optioned much of the ground in 1943, starting active develop-
ment ..
Hypogene gold ore in the district was deposited in fractured zones in long len-
ticular quartz bodies, most of which trend No BOo,E and dip 55 0 -70° So These
veins occupy the most prominent set of fractures in the districto Another set
trends NW and dips NEo Post-mineral faults along the second set have offset
the veins short distances Some of t.h~s~ fault~ are filled by lamprophyre dikes
0 0
The veins are in quartz monzonite and related rocks of the Idaho batholith In- 0
The Kintla is regarded as upper Purcell which implies that no Windermere is pres-
ent in mapped parts of Idaho Open sea may have extended west of the area of
Purcell depOSition 0
Rezak, Richard
1. 1957, Stromatolites of the Belt series in Glacier National Park and vicinityu
Montana: U So GeoLSurvey Prof.. Paper 294 .... D q po 127-154
0 0
RhOdenbaugh.~Edward Po
gests that the heat for the water comes from an unexposed basaltic sill of Pleis-
tocene age although the water is groundwater. He finds no evidence to suggest
Boise need fear future eruptio.ns.
Rhodenbaugh, Edward F.
largely from localities in Idaho. The ~ubjects treated include weathering q ero-
sion g ground water, glaciation wind effects, volcanoes lithology, structure,
0 0
10 1957 1/ Tl1r~e pre-Wisconsin glacial stages in the Rocky Mountain region: Geol "
So.c . Amedda . ~ull., ~. ".68 g no. •. 2 •. p .• 239:- 2620
and Illinois stages of the Mississippi Valley, but this is unprovedo Six local-
ities in Idaho are cited but not described.
Roberts u Wayne A.
Quartz pods and veins, withotJ,t economic minerals, are present in the Blackbird
district, noted for its cobalt-copper deposits. The barren quartz bodies are
thought to be derived from the enclOsing quartz-biotite and quartz-biotite-garnet-
chloritized schists by metamorphic differentiation. The schists are derived
from rocks of the Belt series. Tw..o zones of regional metamorphism are recog-
nized. In addition contact metamorphism has affected the rocks adjacent to the
Idaho batholith later than the regional metamorphism.
1. 1955,. Camp Creek radioactive mineral placer area, Blaine and Camas
Counties, Idaho: RME 3136, U. S. Bur Mines for Atomic Energy
Comma 27 p.
The Camp Cree)c area has a large volume of minable gravel containing apprecia-
ble quantities of uranothorite, sphene, magnetite, ilmenite, hematite, and some
zircon. The exploratory work by the Bureau of Mines was in 1954 and included
37 drill holes and 31 containing only traces of radioacti veminerals in the Willow
Creek area . Along Camp Creek 337 samples weighing over 13 tons were col-
lected. Clean uranothorite was found to contain 51" 92 percent Th02 and 5.54
percent U3080 Clean separation in milling would present some difficulty.
2. 1955, Rock Creek radioact;i.ve mineral plaper area, Blaine County, Idaho:
, RME 3139, U. S. Bur. Mines for Atomtc Energy Comma 25 p.
The U . S. Bureau of Mines explored the Rock Creek area in 1954.. Minable
gravel is contained in three separate areas, two of which could be dredged. The
third and smaller area might be mined by surface methods., The three areas were
tested by 44 drill holes, aggregating I, 126 feet, yielding 232 samples. In areas
not suitable for dredging, 25 test pits, aggregating 233 feet in deptho yielded 55
samples. The black sand minerals include magnetite, sphene, ilmenite, plus
hematite, zircon, uranothorite g and others listed in order of decreasingaQllndance ..,
The uranothorite contains 4905 percent Th0 2 and.6';l23·percent U 3°8.
10 1949, Areas and use of water by phreatophytes 'in thewest.ern United States.:
U. S. Geol. Survey duplicated rept., 11 po
Estimates of the area covered by phreatophytes and their annual use of water are
given for 13 of the western states including Idaho. Partial data given show an
area of 10,852 acres of phreatophytes and an ..a.nnl\al use of 15,267,800 acre feet
of water. Extrapolation of the data suggests a total of 15,000,000 acres of
phreatophytes and a total water use of 20,000, 000 to 25 q 000,000 acre feet per
year in the 17 western states.
The mine isin the Lava Creek district in the southeast part of the Mackay quad-
rangleo Ore was discovered in the district in 1883 and much high-grade silver
ore was shipped prior to 1887 from shallow workings In 1928 and 1929 and 0
·again in 1937 intermittently through 1946 there was activit yo The district con-
tains sphalerite wurtzite u galena u pyrite in a siliceous gangueo The Last
Chance (near the Homsilver) contains cadmiumo A bulk sample gave 0012 per-
cent cadmium and concentrates from there yielded 0.59 percent cadmiumo In
1941 the Era Mining and Dev~loPIIl.e.ntqo. acquired the Hornsilver u Last Chance I
and Ella group and worked until April 1946, shipping 14,562 tons 0.027 ounce
gold 2.62 ounces silvera 0.26 percent coppero 3.58 percent lead o and 6052 per-
cent zinco
The total recorded production from this part of the district follows:
Year Tons ore Gold oz~ Silver OZo Lead, lb. Zinc lb.
Surface and underground maps and sections are given. The deposits are in two
approximately parallel zones of fissuring 8 one in andesite the other in tuff. 0
Intense sericitization extends far into the walls, producing a broad zone trace-
able on the surface for 2 000 feeto Q
tuff. Sericitization was less intense than in the other zoneo The zone has been
traced for 1 000 feet but mining has been limited. Most of the zone is too low
grade to work Surface and underground maps and sections a with sampling re-
sults are included in the report. Tests indicate that concentration of the ore
Rockie W Ao
0 0
1. 1954, Soils and their conservation, 1!.l Freeman 0 O. W., and Martin, H. H o,
edso 0 The Pacific Northwest, an overall appreciation, p. 121-148.
Much of this section of the booko The Pacific Northwest,is devoted to a gen-
eral discussion of soils and their conservation, but the soils of the Northwest,
including Idaho o are named and briefly described with small-scale maps. The
principal kinds in Idaho include the Portneuf series 0 Nez Perce series 0 Helmer
series, Wheeler series and unnamed series.
Rooney I Lawrence F.
The source of the carbon in the Phosphoria 'was probably plants. The Phosphoria
sea may have been a restricted basin in which the organic ~~tter that sank to the
bottom was decomposed by anaerobic bacteria. The C 12Ie ratios appear to
favor a stagnant water environment for the parent flora .. The 10 samples tested
are from Montana.
1. 1941 0 The metal and coal mining districts of Idahoo with notes on the non.,.
metallic mineral resources of the state 0 In three parts in Idaho Bur.
Min~s and Geology Pamph. 570 263 p.
2. 1947, Geologic map of the State of ldahoo Map with sections, index mapo
no text, scale 1:500,000 or approx 1 in. to 8 miles: U.S. Geolo
(abs.)o Washington Acado Sci. Joura Vo 30, no. 3 po 135.
0 0
This is an advance notice of the publication of the geologic map of the state 0
mentions the principal units mapped and lists the principal metals mined in the
state, a1sQ phosphate.
30 1947, Geology of the Borah Peak quadrangle Idaho: Geolo Soc America
Q 0
The Borah Peak quadrangle contains parts of two sharply defined narrow ranges
of northwest trend o flanked by intermontane valleys The Lemhi and Swauger
quartzites are named and aSSigned to the Belt series (Precambrian). Certain
beds of old but doubtful age assignment in one locality are described. The
definitely Paleozoic units in order of decreaSing age are the Kinnikinic quartzite
(3,OOO feet+) the Saturday Mountain formation (500-700 feet) 0 the Laketown
dolomite (6,000 fee1+), the Jefferson dolomite(l, 000 feet +)0 the Grand View
dolomite (2 0 000 feet+) 0 the Three Forks limestone (20-35 feet) 0 the Milligen
formation (1 0 000 feet±) I the Brazer limestone (4 0 000 feet ±J, the Wood River
formation (500 feet+). The Challis volcanics (Oligocene'QrMi.ocene,) constitute
the first stratified un! t known to have been laid down after Pa-leozoic d.eposition
ceased but there was a little intrusive activity late in the Mesozoico They are
and alluvial deposits are plentiful in valleys. The Belt rocks were broadly folded
prior to Paleozoic sedimentationo The Paleozoic rocks were much deformed dur-
ing two orogenic periods Most demonstrable, normal faults are transverse to
the trends of the ranges but along parts of one range normal faults parallel to
the range front may have helped guide erosion. The present major topographic
features are about in the position occupied by similar features in the early Ter-
tiary although several incomplete erosion cycles coupled with glaciation have
modified the topography 0
4. 1947 i Stl'Wltl.Jt:'e \uf'the .front of the Bitterroot Range Montana (aps 0):
The gneissic rocks of the portion of the front of the Bitterroot Range that borders
the lon9 valley in which Hamilton Monto, is situated have been interpreted
previously as the result of crusning along a fault but instead, they result from
inj ection and replacement of sedimentary rocks by igneous juices related to the
Idaho batholith and the range front is a dip slope in beds of the Belt series.
Quicksilver deposits near Weiser were 'first recognized in 1936 and worked suc-
cessfully in 1939-43 with resumption of activity in 1955. The deposits are of
altered along fractures and ,zones ,Qf t~nsion6 mainly under an impermeable cover 0
Silica and clay minerals formed in several pulses of mineralization o much of the
cinnabar being deposited during the last pulse The principal ore body was in
a shallow topographic and structural depr~ssion .'.on the crest of a poorly defined
60 1956, The Belt series in relation to the problems of the base of the Cambrian
system, in Rogers John, edo El Sistema Cambrico, su paleogeografia
The Belt series of Montana and Idaho is among the assemblages of sedimentary
rocks in the western United States generally supposed to be of late Precambrian
age that resembles in degree of metamorphism strata of Paleozoic age The 0
basin of deposition may have reached from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
near southern California The series consists of thick formations of sombre,
glomeratic rocks. Contacts are gradational and lateral variations are common"
7 _ 1958 ( The Belt series (Idaho): (ahs.) Geol. Soc. America Bull 0 Q v. 69 Q
This is a general summary of data on the Belt series a thick provincial series
vided in descending order, into the Missoula u Piegan, and Ravalli groupsQ with
apparently older formations locallyu not assigned to formal groups. The North
Boulder group is recognized locally in Montana 0 '
80 1958 Q Outline of the geology of Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology
Bull. 15 74 p.
This paper was prepared as an aid in using the geologic map of Idaho by the Q
same authors. The stratified units on that map mostly are systemic but larger
and smaller subdivisions are used in special cases Igneous rocks are mapped
batholith. Each unit shown on the state map is briefly described, which per-
mits more complete explanation of special groupings of rock units than was
given on the map legend The geologic and geomorphic history of the state is
outlined and the geomorphic provinces represented are briefly discussed and
mapped. The metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources are outlined in their
relation to the geologic features shown on the mapo Their distribution is shown
on a map oompiled by Co· Ro Hubbard Comments as to the relations between
stock raising and farming and geology are given. A glossary of geologic terms
and detinitions of mineral and rock names used, as well as a table summarizing
the formations throughout the state are added for the benefit of those not spec-
9. 1958, Paleozoic seas of central Idaho (abs.): Geolo Soc. America Bull 0 Q
the concept that the area of the present Idaho batholith has been a positive
block since Precambrian time, comparable tou but seemingly of longer duration o
than the geanticline in northern Nevada. Any invasion of the main area of the
batholith by marine waters during the Paleozoic was local and brief.
1.. 1953, The Ordovician system in northeastern Utah and southeastern Idaho,
!n.. Intermountain Assoco Petroleum Geologists o 4th Ann. Field ConL 8
po 22-26.
Gives brief de~criptions of the formatio~s and a correlation chart which does
not include central Idaho 0 The form,ati.:Ons in northeastern Utah and southeastern
Idaho are the Garden City, (early OrdovicianL Swan Peak formation u and Fish
Haven dolomite 0 The loweriso'feeto'(the Swan 'Peak contains t:hinbeds of
crystalline limestoneinterspaced in black o flaky shale beds, whereas the up-
per 190 feet is quartzitic.
The presence of vanadium in the Phosphoria has been known since 1941 and in
the two years previous to this report some has been produced. Recently the
U. So Geological Survey has tested many phosphate samples for vanadium the
highest concentrations (0.5-20 percent V205) being found in carbonaceous and
graphitic(?) mudstone, especially in a single bed o three feet thick.
The belt of mountains and overthrusts in western Wyoming is, as it were, a bit
of Idaho and Utah thrust eastward.' There was a long preliminary stage of geo-
synclinal sinking and accompanying uplift farther west, a brief climax of deforma-
tion o and a closing stage in which the overthrust belt was broken and tilted along
faul ts of Basin Range type. The current interpretation Of the geosynclinal stage
underestimates the importance of Paleozoic and Mesozoic uplift: 1n the center of
the supposed depositional trougno In parts of western Wyoming beds from Cambrian
to upper Cretaceous appear to have been derived from the west, rather than the
east which is the conventional view. In Oarboniferous through Triassic time,
ing northward through central Idaho. The principal upland axis ,appears to have
shifted 150 miles eastward in the late Paleozoic.. The persistence and narrow-
ness of these central uplands indicates they were tectonically act! ve. They
were a dominant feature of the regional geology through much of the ,Paleozoic '
and Mesozoic 0
Ruedemann q Rudolph
may have had lichens and mosses Paleozoic strata rest on Precambrian with
marked and usually angular unconformity During a long time interval, the
interval of Walcott in which the sea was largely withdrawn 0 terrestrial sedi-
mentation with water-laid depOSits, such as the Belt series o collected in fresh
Scheid, Vernon Eo
v 11 0 no" 1, p 74
0 0 0
Parts ot 12 fish skeletons have been found in a roadcut on the north bank of
the Clearwater River 11 1/2 miles east of Lewiston, Idaho 0 associated with
fossil ~eaves 0 They are considered to belong to Leuciscus 0
This is a report of studies by the U". S. Bureau of Mines and the U. S .. Geol-
ogical Survey of the Deary clay deposit in Latah County The deposit is in the
Palouse Hills section of the Columbia 'Basin province in one of the embayed
valleys where Columbia River basalt overlaps the irregular margin of hills com-
posed of pre-Tertiary rocks 0 including granodiorite (Cretaceous ?) and quartzite
(Precambrian)" Basaltic eruptions from the southwest began in the Miocene and
continued into Pliocene time" Continental deposits underlie and interfinger with
the flows These include the clay beds mined in the Deary deposit. The Ex-
celsior surface is recognized, and it and old rocks are covered by reSidual
basaltic and granitic clays which are also mined. Clay was considered ore if it
contained over 20 percent available A1203 and below 10 percent available Fe203.
Reserves are 10 u 852 q 000 long tons of indicated ore o of which 65 percent is sed- _
imentary. The surrounding country may containaddi tional deposits. Ceramic
tests and drill hole data are tabulated.
Scheid, Vernon E.
30 1947 0 Excelsior surface an intra .... Columbia River basalt weathering surface
In the investigation of clay deposits in Washington and Idaho during World War
110 a surface within the, Columbia River basalt and in part extending over older
crystalline rocks adjacent to the basalt was found to be underlain by residual
clay up to 124 feet thick, indicating a long period of weathering 0 free from vol-
canism It is suggested that the per~od of weathering represented by this surface
(termed the Excelsior surface) may have been from early Miocene or even Eocene
to late Pliocene. Perhaps the basalt flows below and above this surface are
sufficiently different from each other to deserve separate stratigraphic names 0
The surface may extend over 200 square miles . Parts of it were never covered
by the later flows.
4. 1947, Excelsior surface, an intra ... Columbia River basalt weathering surface
(abso): Geol o 80co America Bull 0 58, no. 120 pto 20 p. 1224-12250
The existing concept of the Columbia River basalt is that of a series of horizon-
tal lava flows formed during a singl~ period of extrusion with a few feet of resid ...
ual clay or of clastic deposits formed along the numerous short breaks in extru-
sive activit yo However u up to 124 fe·et of residual clayo found by drilling in-I
dicate one long period of weathering in which a mature surface here called the
Excelsior surface was produced. This surface was widespread and may have ex-
50 1953, Geologic setting of the clay deposits of Latah County Idaho, and
The major clay deposits of Latah County are in a 40-miie zone easterly from the
border of Washington to Elk· River, mostly along the base of the Thatuna Hills
and resting on Columbia River basalto On the eroded surface of the Belt series
volcanic rocks were extruded in late Paleozoic (Permian?) or pos sibly later time 0
In the Cretaceous (?) these were cut by gram toid rocks 0 which were later
exposed and weathered. Eruption of the Columbia River basalt began in the Mio-
cene It dammed streams and the Latah formation was deposited in the resulting
lakes 0 It consists of granitic and older rocks and is interlayered with basalto
The Excelsior erosion surface formed during a lull in the volcanisffi u mostly pre-
Latah 0 The Palouse formation is Pleistocene and overlies all older rocks. Many
streams are bordered by terrace deposits and flow or alluvium 0 Ash and loess
formed still later. Workable sedimentary clay deposits belong to the Latah forma ...
tion and were originally covered, at least in part, by lava.
Scheid Vernon E.
pt 2 po 1511.
0 Q
Extensi ve irrigation plus moisture from the record snow fall of the previous
winter resulted in a landslide in Pleistocene gravel resting on lava. Eighty
acres were moved and a house was threatened It was recommended that- ir-
70 1954, Stockton and Stanley Hill clay deposits Kootenai CountYo Idaho:
The Stockton and Stanley Hill deposits oontain two types of clay: granitic
residual clay 8 derived from the weathering of Cretaceous granitic gneiss in
place; and transported clays of the Latah formation derived from the weathered
debris of the granodiorite and older rocks. The Stockton deposits average more
than 20 percent available alumina and less than 10 percent available ferric
oxide and are therefore a small source of low-grade high-alumina clay Both 0
Stockton and Stanley Hill depOSits contain clays with more than 15 percent avail- .
able alumina and less than 5 percent available ferric oxide which are of ceramic
grade, with some clays possibly suitable for high-heat or super-heat products.
Limited amounts of basaltic residual clay are of no econqmic value.
Data are tabulated from chemical analyses of samples from 162 hand-augered
holes from the two deposits listing ignition loss at 700 0 Co available alumina"
and available ferric oxide. Maps delineate the deposits and indicate the 10-
cationof sample holes.
open-file report, 25 p.
The Bovill deposit contains three types of clays: granitic residual clay derived
from weathering of Cretaceous granodiorite in place: basaltic residual clay de-
rived from the weathering of Tertiary Columbia River basalts in place: and
transported clays of the Latah formation derived from the weathered debris of
the granodiorite and older rock s .
The deposit averages about 22 percent available alumina and four percent
available ferric oxide, and therefore could serve as a source of low-grade high-
alumina clay The clays are also suitable for ceramic structural wares such as
bricks, terra cotta, and drain tile and some may qualify for use in high-heat
or super-heat products Maps delineate the deposit and indicate the locations
of 14 hand"'augered sample holes Samples from these holes were analyzed for
ignition loss at 700 0 C, available alumina and available ferric oxide and the
9" 1954, Camas Prairie clay deposits Lewis and Idaho Counties, Idaho:
The Camas Prairie deposits contain clays of three types: granitic residual clays
derived from the weathering of Cretaceous granodiorite in place; basaltic resid-
ual clay derived from the weathering of Tertiary Columbia River basalts in place;
and transported clays of the Latah formation derived from the weathered debris
of the granodiorite and older rocks. The transported clays are potentially usable
for high-alumina or ceramic purposes, with from 5 to 10 million tons of clay
inferred to be available for aluminum uses. Maps locate the clay deposits and
positions of four hand-augered sample holes. The samples were analyzed
for ignition loss at 700-800 0 C, available alumina, and available ferric oxideI'
and the data are tabulated.
The Deary deposit contains two types of clay: residual clay derived from the
weathering of Tertiary Columbia River basalts and transported clays of the Latah
formation derived from the weathered debris of granodiorite and older rocks.
The deposit averages 24.9 percent available alumina and 6. 1 percent avail-
able ferric oxide. This deposit could serve as ceramic clay or as a source of
high-alumina clay.
Maps delineate the deposit and indicate the positions of the 26 hand-augered
sample holes. Samples were analyzed for ignition loss at 700 0 C available
12. 1954 0 Olsen high-alumina and high-iron clay deposits, Latah County,
Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 25 p.
The Olsen depOSits contain three types of clays: granitic residual clay derived
from the weathering of Cretaceous granodioritein place; basaltic residual clay
derived from the weathering of Tertiary Columbia River basalts in place; and
transported clays of the Latah formation derived from the weathered debris of the
granodiorite and older rocks. The high-alumina clays average 24 p~rcent avaH-
able alumina and four percent available ferric oxide, and the high-iron clays
average 22.4 percent available alumina and 17. 1 percent available ferric oxid'~~.
The high-alumina deposit could serve as a source of low-grade alumina clay anc.
is suitable for ceramic products and possibly high-heat or super-heat duties.
The high-iron deposit could serve similar purposes if a cheap method of extra ..;t-·
ing the ferric oxide was developed.
Two hundred and ninety-five hand-augered sample holes were made, and
samples analyzed for ignition loss at 1000 0 C available alumina, and avail ...
able ferric iron, and these data are tabulated. Maps delineate the deposits and
locate the sample holes 0
13& 1954, Stanford clay deposito Latah County, Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey
open- file report 27 p.
The Stanford deposit contains three types of clay: granitic residual clay de-
rived from weathering of Cretaceous granodiorite in place; basaltic residual clay
derived from the weathering of Tertiary Columbia River basalts in place; and
transported clays of the Latah formation derived from the weathered debris of the
granodiorite and older rocks. Only the transported clays contain an average of
2408 percent available alumina and two percent ferric oxide rendering them
suitable for use in ceramic structural ware such as bricks, terra cotta, and drain
tile and a potential source of available alumina.
Chemical analyses were made from samples taken from 10 hand-a~gered holes
in the area, and the ignition loss at 700 0 C, available alumina and ava~lab~~ fer-
ric oxide data tabulated. Maps delineate the deposit and indicate the location
of sample holes.
Schipper Warren Bo
1. 1955 9 The Tendoy Copper Queen mine: Master's Thesis, Univ. Idaho.
Copper sulphides occur in quartzites of the Belt series and in igneous dikes.
The copper veins are replacement deposits in zones of fault breccia near pro-
pylite dikes and are classed as mesothermal. The structural features are com--
plex and involve much jointing and faulting.
Schmidto Dwight L ..
parts ef Valley Ceuntyo Six majer reck types are distinguished acress the west-
ern berder and interier ef the Idaho. batholith. Frem west to. east these are the
Ceuncil Meuntain schist, McCall migmatite, Reck Creek quartz dieritic gneiss Q
Little Valley leucocratic quartz dierite, Geld Ferk granedierite o Warm Lake quartz
menzenite All centacts are gradational and mest zenes centain inclusiens mest-
0 0
izatien ef the interier cere. Menazite and kindred minerals are interpreted as
speradically distributed integral parts of the reck they eccur ino and may be pre-
granitizatien minerals ef detrital erigin.
Schmidto Dwight L.
The rocks ef the west-central part ef the Idaho. bathelith grade in structure and
cempesitien frem highly feliated metasedimentary rocks en the west to massive
granitic recks in the interiero Five major belts are distinguished,in the area
studied. The anerthite centent of the plagieclase and the percentages ef petas-
sium feldspar, bietite u etc. q vary systematically acress these belts In the 0
euter schist belt the metamerphic grad~ is that ef the kyanite zene. The grade
increases acress the first three zenes, then reverts to. the kyanite zene farther
east. Regienal synkinematic metamerphism and pregressive granitization are
indicated with the genesis ef the interier ef the batholith remaining in deubto
geolo mapo
Most of the region covered by this report is in Montana but a little of Clark
County Idahq is includedo Pre-Belt rocks are confined to Montana Diversl~
0 0
sedimentary and igneous rocks ranging in age from Belt to Recent are present but
within Idaho only small areas of the Belt series, the Kinnikinic quartzite (Ordo-
vician) several units of Mississippian age some Cretaceous strata and rather
8 0
wide expanses of Tertiary and Quaternary sedimentary and volcanic rocks are
mapped Mesozoic beds are not present near Idaho in the Beaverhead Mountiains
but cross the boundary near Monida,and Silurian rocks are absento The PalHo-
zoic strata thicken westward to a maximum of about 10 000 feet.. There are sev-
eral disconformities but angular discordance was noted only at the top of the pre-
Belt rocks and at the top and bottom of the Paleocene rocks. There is a transition
upward from chiefly marine deposits to dominantly terrestrial rocks starting in
the Upper Mesozoic. Most of the strata were deposited on a shelf but the Belt
series and the Milligen and Brazer formations were laid down in a geosyncline
so the axis or hinge line passes through the mapped areao Most of the marine
sediments had sources to the east but the Belt series and the Milligen formation
were derived from the wesL North-east folds formed in middle Laramide timBo
followeq late in the Laramide by folds and thrusts of northwest trends and still
later by normal faults of northwest trends" Some north-east trending streams are
antecedent to the normal faults. Three maj or erosion cycles with interruptions o
are distinguished. These are of middle Tertiaryo late Tertiary and Quaternary
ages Two stages of mountain glaciation are recordedo
20 1957 0 Paleozoic evolution of the gec)'synclinal margin north of the Snake River
Plain 0 Idaho-Montana: Geol. Soc. America Bull v 68 no. 20 po 151-
0 0 0 0
The hinge belt between the Paleozoic Rocky Mountain geosyncline of central
Idaho and the cratonic shelf in Montana is regarded as critical with respect to
stratigraphic changes It appears to have been recurrently uplifted during the
Paleozoic In early Paleozoic time broad uplift is thought to have affected part
of the site of the Beaverhead Mountains" The hinge belt is regarded as a zone
of weakness along which a prominent belt of thrusting developed in the Lara-
mide revolution. A stratigraphic correlation table for Paleozoic rocks and
five isopach maps are given.. Angular unconformity between the Belt series
and the Kinnikinic quartzite is reported in the Beaverhead Range 0
Scholten,. Robert
There are complex facies change$ in the Permo-Carboniferous strata between the
eugeosyncline -of central Idaho and the miogeosyncline near the Montana border.
In southwestern Montana the sequence includes Madison limestone (up to 2, 000
feet) I Big'Snowy and Amsden limestone and fine., clastics (1, 000 feet) and Quad-
rant quartzite (up to 3 000 feet). In the Bayhorse quadrangle, Idaho, the Carbon-
iferous comprises Milligen shale (3, OOO±, feet) I mostly Mississippian and Wood
, .:" ,'River sandstone (8, 000+ feet} I partly Pennsylvanian. In the Lemhi and Beaverhead
ranges Milligen equivalents are thin to absent and an arch is postulatedo The
shaly Lodgepole (lower Madison) probably interfingers with the lower Milligen.
Between the Bayhorse ql\adrangle and the Montana border the MilUgen is overlain
by thousands of feet of so-called Brazer limestone much of which appears to be
Schuchert o Charles
Most of the geosynclines and more certainly the larger and better known ones
western geosyncline gave rise toward the close of Proterozoic to the central
Cordilleran geanticline with a narrow primary Pacific geosyncline on the west
and a wider sequent Cordilleran geosyncline in east. The latter begins with
Lower Cambrian time and goes to Middle Mlssissippiano Maps show it include:3
much of western geosyncline The continent was originally larger than now
0 0
Greater North America was established in Proterozoic time and possibly early in
that era as the two main geosynclines (east and west) appear to have been pres-
ent at least since late Proterozoic.
This series of 84 paleogeographic maps shows the authoro s final ideas as to the
d.istribution of seas in North America at various times in the geologic pasto Ac-
cording to the maps the earliest Cambrian s~as did not enter Idahoo Later seas
reached into the northern and southeastern parts of the state and by Middle' Cam-
bdan time these had jOined. Late in Cambrian time some retreat occurred a Dur··
ing much of Ordovician time seas were present in parts of northern and south-
eastern Idaho only a By the later part of Middle Ordovician time seas had retreated
but late in Late Ordovician time they advanced along the eastern margino Seas
were absent during much of the Silurian but entered southeastern Idaho during .
part of the Middle Siluriano They were absent during Early Devonian time but
covered parts of the state during the Middle and Late: Devonian, retreating aga~n
at the beginning of the Mississippiano However 0 parts of the state are shown
as submerged during much of the Mississippian o Pennsylvanian, and Permian,
with fluctuations. Southeastern Idaho'wassubmergeddui'ing milch 'of Triassic
time but o except along the extreme western border of the state Upper Triassic
deposits are nonmarine a Some marine deposition occurred late in the Jurassic
and again late in the Oretaceous 0 mainly in southeastern Idaho. Volcanic ac-
tivity is recorded for Paleocene and early Eocene time, and again for Pliocene
time a
Scotto R. Co
Bear Lake valley is a broad depression in central Bear Lake CountYo in part
occupied by Bear L9-ke 0 in part by irrigated farm land a It is a downwarped and
faulted depression between hills of folded Cretaceous and older rocks. In
Cenozoic time there may have been alternate periods of erosion and deposition o
often controlled by climatic changes and interrupted by minor warping and vol-
canism a The valley contains younger alluvium (500-'800 feet) 0 lake beds 0
about 20 feet, older alluvium (0-100;Jt.)o Salt Lake formation (O-luOOO ft.)
Wasatch formation o (0-1 500 fto) and older rocks The younger alluvium iSth r3
0 0 0
principal aquifer and some wells in it show artesian pressure a Deep water ap-
pears to be of better quality than that from shallow wells. The ground water
capaci ty appears adequate 0 even in drought years 0
Sears u Richard S.
Phosphate deposits in the Caribou Range east of Idaho Falls are on the flanks
I 0
Seavy, L. M.
1. 1953, Thorium deposits of the Lemhi Pass district, Lemhi County, Idaho Q
and Beaverhead County, Montana (abs .): Geol. Soc. America Bull.
v. 64, no. 120 pt. 2, p. 1555.
Shaw I Walter
Three sections were measured o one at Mahogany Ridge Correlation of the Rex
chert in these areas was substantiated. The upper part of the phosphatic shale
changes facies from mudstone and chert in Idaho to chert at Flat Creek, Wyo.
A previously unknown horizon of phosphate rock was found in the upper part of
the Rex in the section in Idaho Some phosphorite pellets formed diagenetically.
The district contains gold-tungsten veins that lie along bedding planes in thinly
laminated argillite belonging to the Prichard formationo Some are on pitching
minor folds. Several stages of mineralization and of fracturing are represented.
The minerals were deposited in the following sequence: albite o quartz scheelite,
chalcopyrite, galena and gold. The thickest and best ore bodies are localized u
generally, above q'-1artzite beds. and apparently were determined by open
spaces near the crests of pitching folds.
2. 1942, Veins in the-Elk City district Idaho, !n:. Newhouse u W .H~, ed.,
The ore bodies are in a system of fissure veins, mostly in banded gneiss and
schist with some augen gneiss and quartzite o adjacent to part of the Idaho
batholith. They are radial to the curving contact of the batholith in a zone 2
miles by 2 miles and nearly normal to the linear elongation in the gneis sand
hence apparently related to the tension or Q joints. Lenses of quartz formed
in openings in the veins were later fracturai along certain zones and gold and
sulphides deposited in the fractures.
The banded gneiss u schist and quartzite are believed to be metamorphosed
parts of the Belt series, with a northwesterly regional trend The augen gneiss
is in bodies transverse to this trend and may represent igneous rock intruded
prior to the development of foliation. The internal structure in the augen gneiss
conforms to that of the s'-1rrounding rocks.
30 1948, Lead and zinc deposits of the Coeur d'Alene district o Idaho, in.
Dunham 0 K. C. D edo Symposium on the geologyo paragenesis and
reserves of the ores of lead and zinc, InternaL Geol ~ Cong I 18th I
The mines of the Coeur d ·Alene district are in an area 25x15 miles with the
world I s greatest silver producers at its southern end. The ore bodies follow
well":"defined fractures or shear zones in the Belt series. Intrusive rocks in-
clude monzonite stocks, diabase, and lamprophyre dikes. The common minerals
include galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite,
and arsenopyrite with gangue of quartz, siderite, and other carbonates, locally
barite. The mineralization is accompanied by bleaching of the adjacent rock
due to the development of sericite q clay minerals and carbonates. The deepest
mine then exceeded 4,000 feet.
Metasedimentary rocks of the Belt series I about 35 0 000 feet thick crop out over
nearly two-thirds of the Leesbqrg quadrangle and are unconformably overlain by
about 4 000 feet of Kinnikinic metaquartztte. There was a progressively shallow~ "
ing 'Belt sea with a possible westerly source for the sediments. The Kinnikinic:.
is a basal sand deposited during northeasterly transgression of a shallow Ordo....
vician sea. The Belt series was warped during the pre-Middle Ordovician dis-
turbance, here termed the Skull Canyon disturbance o following Scholten. Late
clude cobalt copper, gold tungsten, lead silver, and rare-earth minerals.
0 D 8
They range in age from late Mesozoic to middle Tertiary. Gold placers are Wis-
consin and younger. Opalized wood is valuable.
Shuter Eugene
Data for the 900-sq. -mi. area include 207 well records u four test-hole logs,
12 well logs, and discharge measurements.
1. 1957, The origin of heavy minerals in the Boise Basino Idaho: Master's
Thesis, Univ. Idaho.
but much of the precipitation is snow. The area has a wide diversity in climate,
topography, geology, land use, and water yield. A major use of water is for
generating power. Forests cover 75 percent of the basin, growing mainly on
well-consolidated 'rocks of relatively lowpermeabil1tyo Most of the rest of the
basin is less rugged and used for dry farming and grazing. Yearly precipitation
ranges from 12 inches on the west to at least 70 inches annually in the moun-
tains in the eastern part of the basin. The snow in the mountains gives rise to
extreme spring runoff. Tables and graphs summarize various data relative to
water losses I uses, floods u etc. 0 in the basino The water supply is adequate
but proper regulation presents problems. Much now escapes use.
Sisco /! Harold C.
Data for the 275-square-mile area include 78 well records 24 well logs, water-
Tables of water level recordings for 1955 in thi~ area, and a map showingt)1e
location of wells in which observations were made. This is the third in a series
of annual reports starting with that for 1953.
open-file report, 32 po
This describes a small area in the Mackay quadrangle in which limestone with
intercalated clastic rocks, 9 8 000 feet thick, of Mis sis sippian age was studied
in detail These rocks result from normal marine deposition simultaneous with
Idaho Maps for the Canibrian and Ordovician systems imply great thicknes ses
in Idaho; the same for the Silurian A map showing pre-Middle Devonian paleo-
brian rocks stop along the Montana boundaryo One map shows Devonian rocks
5 000 feet thick aQout longitude 113 0 latitude 43 0 thinning both ways from
0 I I
there 0 Thus the thick area is conveniently in the" Snake River Plain with northlr-
westward extension into an area free from known Devonian rocks Thicknesses 0
of 2 000 feet of Lower Mississippian strata are indicated about latitude 460 30'
in Idaho o where there are no Paleozoic rocks and none in the area where the
Milligen(Lower Mississippian) is reported as about 3 000 feet thicko Similarly 0
Upper Mississippian strata are indicated as 7 000 feet thick in the Snake River
Plain o longitude 113 0 + latitude 43 0 +, and thinning from there northward o where
such rocks are thick. The Pennsylvanian is ~hown in somewhat similar fashi~n,
with a narrow zone of no deposits near the eastern border of the Idaho batholith.
Permian rocks are shown extending across central Idaho o consisting of volcanic
material in the western part.
The discussion of tectonic controls and of the position and character of geo-
synclinal sediments is directed mainly at conditions in Montana and Wyoming
but overlaps into Idaho.
This includes two maps showing isopachs and facies from base of Kibbey sand-
stone to base of Pennsylvanian rocks these extend into Idaho and show a north-
A measured section of strata of early Paleozoic age in the southern part of the
Lemhi Range is given and the inference is made that a positive element, the
Lemhi arch o was active in what is here called the western part of the south-
central Idaho area in Middle and Upper Devonian time 0 By this designation
part of the Lemhi Range appears to be meant 0
4. 1955, Progress and promise in: Rocky Mountain exploration u in Am. Assoc.
Petroleum Geologists Rocky Mtn. Sec., Geol. record, p. 11-36.
The history of exploration in the Rocky Mountain region comprises five episodes,
each dominated by a particular set of guiding principles. There remains an en-
couraging field for an expanding exploration program Nine tectonic maps that
include Idaho and show major stratigraphic features are presented an~ briefly
discussed In: Cambrian through Early Ordovician time the whole state was under
. deposition with a major depressic>n from the southwest corner of the state north-
east across central Idaho and another turning west of north across the northern
tip of the state. In Middle Ordovician through Early ·Devonian time submergence
is depicted as cont!nuing through most Of the state with major depressions in
the eastern part of south-central Idaho and near the boundary between northern
Idaho and northeastern Washington. The Middle Devonian through Middle Mis-
sissippian sequence is interpreted as showing eugeosynclinq,l condi.tions in
eastern Wash!ngton and Oregon and adjacent parts of Idaho a major trough of
northeast trend from northeastern Nevada across the southeastern part of south-
central Idaho and submergence over most of the rest of the state ~ One map shows
most of the state in a "black shale basin". In Late Mississippian through
Early Jurassic time the eugeosyncline is shown as having spread eastward far-
ther into Idaho. It is bordered by a sinuous trough and the trough in south-
central Idaho is still of northeasterly trend but not extending into Nevada.
Another deep depression in Utah rea.ches into southeastern Idaho. The isopachs
on one map suggest that most of Idaho received thick Pennsylvanian deposits Q
many with high proportions of sand with a deep depression in southeastern Idaho 0
p. 305-335.
The Madison group" as the term is here used, comprises the Mission Canyon
limestone at the top and the Lodgepole limestone below the latter being suh-
divided into two members, of which the lower contains much black shale. The
Madison group was deposited in a large basin that extended eastward from the
Cordilleran trough. An isopach map shows that the Madison is present in south-
eastern Idaho. Otherwise the paper contains no direct reference to Idaho.
A trough marking a major crustal block in western Montana has affected sedimenta-
tion since Belt time and influenced Laramide deforrnationo The Boulder and Phil-
ipsburg batholiths and an eastern salient of the Idaho batholith are restricted to
this trough; its northern boundary marked by folds and thrusts lies on strike
0 0
with the straight northern edge of the Idaho batholith. Thrust belts bulge east-
ward within the trough. A wedge pattern of northwesterly faults in Idaho forms
an apparent apex near Missoula. It is deduced that in the Laramide orogeny the
supracrustal rocks of the trough (and perhaps the crustal block itself) moved east-
ward producing a left lateral tear' zone along
the northern border which may havE!
localized the northern contacts of the Idaho batholith and the eastward deflections
of the: Lewis-Lomba~d and Philipsburg belts of deformation 0
Smedley, Jack E.
dolomites and quartzites are described in detail and dated on the basis of lith-
Smith, Helen V.
The area is in Malheur CountYo Oregon o and Owyhee:Countyo Idaho q and some
58 species of fossil plants are recognized. These belong to 37 genera, of which
23 now occur in the west, three are now confined to Asia 0 and others grow in
eastern America, The Thorn. Creek flora is different from that of the· Sucker Creek
area. In the latter the physical and climatic conditions during growth were not
unlike those of the low hills of northern California and southern Oregon or the
rolling regions of southern Michigano The rainfall was 30-40 inches annually Q
2. 1941 0 A Miocene flora from Thorn Creek 0 Idaho: Am. Midland Naturalist q
v. 25 0 no. 3, p. 473-522.
Roadcut and landslide exposures along Thorn Creek on the southern edge of the
Boise Basin have yielded many plant fossils. Sixty-four species identified from
2 0 01.0 specimens are listed.The aspect of the flora is modern and includes
species living in the eastern United States, the Rocky Mountains, and along
the Pacific coast and in the southwest, No eastern Asiatic element is present.
The age is regarded as late Miocene The flora indicates a considerable range
in altitude, from lowland swamps to uplands above 5 000 feet. Hence the flora
grew in an area of marked relief. The general aspect of this flora is distinctive
but 1s more like that of the Latah, the upper Cedarville of Nevada and California
and the Eagle Creek of the Columbia R1 ver gorge than any others. Systematic
descriptions of the species are given.
This is a descriptive paper in which Salt Lake group, Wasatch group, and early
Eocene and Paleocene are made to include all the Tertiary sediments in south-
eastern Idaho and the lavas are Snake· River basalt and unnamed silicic rocks
(Oligocene and Miocene?), The early Tertiary conglomerate, sandstone and 0
shale of northern Utah and southeastern Idaho are correlated with the Wasatch
group of Veatch (1907) in Utah.
The main map shows .(1) areas known to contain deposits of high-alumina clays
. and similar materials, (2) areas in which sedimentary deposits of high-alumina
clay may occur, (3) areas in which such clays derived from weathering of' gran-
itic rocks may occur (4) areas in which high-alumina clay and laterite de-
rived from weather~ng of basalt may occur. Two small locality maps for certain
clays and one showing electric transmission lines are given. In the text 11
occurrences in Idaho are described. These are in Kootenai Latah, Benewah,
and Nez Perce Counties. There is a geologic cross section and diagrams show-
ing distribution of potential alumina ore reserves. In the Columbia Basin 40
percent are 1n Idaho.
.tile pottery and slip clay are listed in the table that constitutes the main
part of the report. In Idaho such clays are noted in Ada Adams Bannock
0 I I
Franklin, Fremont u Gem o Idaho Kootenai Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, Payette,
0 0
Power Twin Falls, Valleyo and Washington Counties, but Latah County is the
only one in' which more than three deposits are tabulatedo
Sorenson Robert E.
The geology of the Coeur d 'Alene region is outlined and comments on a number
of mines giveno The article emphasizes that the region has sustained a continued
and eXPCinding
depth. . production
.,. . .a ,lon~perlod
over ...... '" .... " because
.'," repeated . discover1es.~t
of ." '." ......... .
2. 19480 Silver Summit (Coeur d'Alene area u Idaho) opens rich ore (adapted
from a paper presented before the Idaho Mining AssocoSun Valley,
Idaho): Eng Mining Jouro, Vo 149 no. 70 po 70-73 1510
0 0 0
The discovery of a rich ore body at a depth of 40400 feet in the Silver Summit
mine in the Silver Belt of the Coeur d 'Alene region is noted and the ore body is
described. Other recent activity in the area is mentioned.
The best places to look for ore bodies in the district are near anticlinal
crests and large faults within bleached zones in the Belt rocks Points where 0
veins cross folds o.r warps are themselves warped o approach strong faults or
where those not in strongly bleached zones enter such zones are all favorable
for prospecting 0
3 0 1951 0 Shallow expressions of Silver Belt ore shoots Coeur d'Alene district,
Vo 190 19520
In the: 8il ver Belt veins that crop out tend to be of slight value, and to consis t
largely of quartz and pale carbonateo Rich ore shoots may be buried thousands
of feet beneath the present surfaceo Their carbonate is siderite . An earlYClhlo-
ritic alteration in broad zones is followed by later sericitization and removal of
coloring matter Mosto but not all o of the good ore is in these bleached zones
0 0
Many almost barren veins in the shaly Wallace formation contain rich shoots
shortly after entering the brittle 0 friable quartzite of the underlying St. RegiS
formation Structural features of the veins are also guides These include
0 0
crossings of folds or warps in the country rock warps in the veins themselves, 0
Squire soD. F 0
10 1956 0 A new Triassic coral fauna from Idaho: Amo Muso Novitates o pubo by
Amo Muso Nato Historyo noo 1797 0
Firs t collections were made by Williams and Reed lUG S. Geological Survey in
1936 .. These were visited by N. D, Newell of the American Museum, who got
the corals reported on here. The outcrop is just above a limestone quarry on
east side of Mission:Creek in Lapwai Indian Res. Nez Perce County. An inlier
of meta-limestone under lava may be a roof pendant in Idaho batholith. Age is
Norian (Triassic) . Fossils show'only on weathered surfaces. Corals are sil-
icified 8 imperfectly. A dozen corals and two questionable ones are listed. As-
sociated with the corals are gastropods, pelecypods and sponges, Bryozoa.,
cidarQid, echinoids, and brachiopods.
Probably these represent a shoal or bank, not a reef.
1. 1945, Coal in Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology Mineral Res. Rept.
I, 4 p.
The report deals mainly with the. Driggs area, Teton County 0 but the Willow
Creek-Caribou district, 25 miles southeast of Idaho. Falls, and the:Continental
. Divide district near Kilgore I Clark. County are also mentioned. All three are in
.the Frontier formation (Upper Cretaceous) •. The coal field near Driggs has been
called the St. Anthony Teton Basin, and Horseshoe Basin field. The last name
is preferred. The coal beds are one to 9 feet thick, of bituminous rank and eSr-
timated to be able to yield 11, 000, 000 tons. The coal is friable but with
modern methods of use this is not a serious disadvantage.
2. 1946, Gold in Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology Pamph, 68, 32 p. ,
incl. geol. maps.
known were found soon after this. The early history of Alturas (now in part
,Elmore)' Boise, Custer, Idaho, Lemhi, Owyhee, and Washington Counties is
outlined, illustrated by maps from P. I. Scott's report of 1882. Production
tables are given. The total production of gold since 1900 is 2,575,888 OZo,
of which 1, 026, 198 ounces came from placers. Descriptions of gold districts
in each of the present counties that contain them are given. These consist
largely of production figures and outline geologic maps.
3. 1946, Fine gold of Snake; River and lower Salmon River, Idaho: Idaho
Bur. Mines and Geoloqy Pamph. 72, 11 P.
The pres~nce of gold along the Snake River and Salmon River was reoognized
early but active mining did not begin until 1871. Almost from the Snake River
source in Wyoming to its junction with the· Columbia in Washington placer
operations have been undertaken at various times. A table showing that the
range in gold value (at the price of $,20.67 per ounce) in black sand concentrates
ranges from $537 to $1 154057 per ton is given. The table records the presence
of platinum in two places Most activity along the Salmon River has been be-
tween Riggins and Whitebirdo A tableo totalling 99,832 ounces, gives the es-
timated production from Snake River by counties. It is suggested that old aurif-
erous channels may be buried in the Snake River basalt and could be looked for
by geophysical methodso The placer gold along the Salmon has a fineness of 850
or less that of the Snake averages about 950. A table showing areas along the
Snake where mining has been done is given. The paper closes with a discussion
of mining and treatmento
The minerals in alluvial deposits include gold, ilmenite garnet o zircon, chromite, 0
have been recognized in recently collected samples, but the quantity of some
is small. Tables indicating the proportions of the prinCipal minerals in placer
deposits in Idaho are giveno also a map showing distribution. A large prospec-
tive tonnage of monazite, zircon and ilmenite is available.
5. 1950 0 Pumice and perlite in Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology,
Mineral Resources Rept. no. 6, 10 p.
etc. The gross value in 1949 was $2,500,000. Methods of manufacture are
outlined. Among the pumice deposits are one 7 miles south of the intersection
of Highways 95 and 20 out of Marsing in Owyh~e Count yo another near Fairfield,
Camas County, another near Hollistero Twin' Falls CountYo another near Rockland,
Power County others near Ammon south of Idaho Falls another north of Magic
0 I
Reservoir Blaine County and one near ,Tetonia, Teton County. Deposits of
0 8
perlite have been little more than prospected as yet. They are known in Owyhee
County Blaine County Twin Falls County, etc.
i I
This is similar to Staley's Mineral Resources Rept. no. 5 but has some more
recent production figures 0
· -163~
The minerals of possible commercial value in Idaho black sands include monazite,
magnetite, ilmenite/l zircon u and garnet. Methods of treatment are discussed.
80 1945, Sulphur in Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mines and Geology Mineral Res. Rept.
noD 2, 7 p.
Sulphur deposits near Soda Springs, Caribou County, have been known ·since
1872, in a fault breccia composed of tuff, limestone, and quartzite. Past re-
ports have indicated the presence of 1,000,000 tons containing 10 percent sul-
phur but attempts to mine have failed. In the future, development may be suc-
Minor bedding plant faults ~n the Striped Peak formation caused difficulty
with the dam foundation and required replacement of much otherwise sound rock
wi th concrete D
3. 1952, Unusual gravel at the· Strike dam, Elmore CountYo Idaho (abs.): Geol.
Soc. America Bull. q v. 63, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1372 .
In Idaho the lowest elevation at which the Columbia River basalt is exposed is
at Lewiston. Drill cuttings here indicate a buried soil 300 feet below the surface,
and 10 feet thick which suggests such a long,...time break as to raise the question
as to whether all the Columbia River basalt was erupted in one geologic epoch..
Exceedingly well-rounded cobbles and boulders of tan and yellow quartzite occur
in stream beds that formerly drained westward prior to the eruption of the Columbia
River basalt. The quartzite is said to be unlike that in the Belt series but to re-
semble that in the Brigham and Kinnikinic formations.
6. 1955 0 Pillar Falls and flow and Shoshone Falls andesite near Twin Falls, Idaho:
Geol. Soc. America Bull. 0 v. 66~ no. 40 p. 463.
Reexamination of the Pillar Falls and flow indicates thati t is the top of the
Shoshone Falls andesite 8 rather than a mud flow. The andesite was originally
considered of Miocene(?) age but may be Pleistocene.
In .the late Ple1stocenea pahoehoe basalt built tn.e flat dome called McKinney
Butte and poured into the canyon of the Snake River, 11 miles away I damming a
lake 22 miles long, which was partly filled with sediments before it was drained.
The lava reached the canyon wall in a 6-mile stretch above the dam.
9, 1956, Ancient Lake Payette in Idaho (abs . ): Geol. Soc. America Bull. ,
Vo 67, no, 12, pt. 2, p. 17360
Recent field work and study of 10 miles of drill cores show that the Payette is
a group of local deposits ranging in age from the earliest to the latest of the
flows of Columbia River basalt, and not all lacustrine. The group is pre-Snake
River downwarp and the faults associated with it.
10 . 1956 I Lak~ Idaho problem (abs . . ): Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 67, no 12
0 I
pt. 2, p. 17360
The "Lake Idaho l1 formation is a group of depOSits separated from the· Columbia
River basalt by angular and erosional unconformities and is made up of three
different units or formations older than the: Snake: River basalt of Quaternary
11. 1956, Snake River--Idaho's greatest resource: Idaho Power Co. Bull",
v. 13 no. 2, p. 3- 6
I 0
had dominated the area of the Plain. These were shallow in the basin:, east of
Glenns Ferry. Uplift drained the lakes and the'Snake River cut a valley in them.
The Pleistocene flows built up flat domes I cinder and spatter cones I and most
of the lava pas·sed to the flow ends through tubes, now caverns. Most eruptions
were north of the Snake and the flows cascaded into the valley of the river, form-
ing pillow lava where it reached water.. Each flow made a temporary dam but the
river promptly cut new channels and the resulting cascades have left piles of
boulders .. gravel and sandI' Later the lava became covered by wind depOSits.
Some flows are young and flows in the future.are possible. There are seven
lava-filled abandoned channels of the Snake and Thousand. Springs is where
the present river cuts these. The springs discharged some 6, 000 second feet
of water daily. The ground water reservoir is replenished annually. About
67 reservoirs along the Snake and its tributaries give control" These hold about
7 , 500 q 000 acre feet and others are being built.
12. 1956, Stratigraphic sequence in .Eag-Ie Rock volcanic area near American
Falls, Idaho: Geol. Soc. America Bull.' Vo 67, no. 1, p~ 19-34.
Studies near American Falls in connection with search for a damsite resulted in
modification in detail of Stearns I original ideas on the area Tentative cor-0
relations of the Neeley lake beds (lower Pliocene?) with the Salt Lake formation
to the east and the Payette formation to the west are offered. Also the Raft Rivor
lake beds are said to be possibly correlative with the Idaho formation. The Ter-
tiary and late Pleistocene beds are separated by a major unconformity. The lat·-
ter are represented by the, Cedar Butte basalt which displaced the- Snake·River
for 55 miles and produced a lake 40 miles long and 12 miles wide. The name
Eagle Rock tuff is abandoned and Walcott welded tuff substituted for ito The
junior author u in addition to his field work on the stratigraphy contributed petro-
graphic descriptions 0
The project here described includes 65 square miles in central Power County,
centering in American Falls The purpose of the work was study of the possi-
bility of developing substantial quantities of ground water for irrigating high and
outlying lands Initial findings are favorable enough to warrant further work
(j 0
About 10,000 acres in the project can be irrigated from the Snake River and a
larger area not accessible to the river can be irrigated from wells, but how suc-
cessful this would be is not knowno Sedimentaryu pyroclastic and volcanic
rocks (late Cenozoic) are exposed at the surface and continue downward into
the zone of saturation Ground water occurs under perched u unconfined and
artesian conditions. The southwestern part of the American Falls reservoir and
a segment of the river below the dam may be perched Ground water appears to
move below this to the Snake River Plain u northwest of the river Matters of 0
485 u p. 55-77.
4. 1955, Iq,aho, in. Water levels 'and artesian pres$ures in observation wells
in the United. States in 1952;, pt. 5, northwestern ~tates: U. S. Geol.
Survey Water-Supply P~per 1225, p. 28-61"
5. 1956, Idaho, in.. Water levels and artesian pressures in observation wells
in the United States in 1953, pt. 5, northwestern states: U. S. Geolo
Survey Water-Sl.1pplyPaper 1269, p. 36-62.
Stinson, Melvin:C.
1. 1950, Mineralogy of the heavy minerals from some placers of Central Idaho:
Master's Thesis, Univ. Idaho.
1. 1956, Natural occurrence o'f 'uranium in the' United States I a SUll)ma~yo .!n..
Contributions to the geology of uranium and ttlorium by the ·United
States 'Geological Survey and Atomic Energy Comm, for tbe United
Nations Internat.' Conf.on pe~ceful uses of atomic energy, Geneva,
1955: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 300, po 5-12.
Stokes I WtlliamLee
The site of the Raft River Range in Utah o Idaho, and Nevada had pronounced
positive tendencies during the Paleozoic. The area is near the center of the, Cor...
dilleran geosyncline on current paleogeographic maps, but Paleozoic deposits
seem relatively thin with only representa'Uves of tl1e Cambrian and Pennsylvanian
system present. The Precambrian granitic,rocks are overlain unconformably by
vitreous quartzite, schisto dolomite, and limestone, the whole ranging from a
few feet to about 2,500 feet in thickness. Above these metamorphic rocks which
2. 1953 0 Fossil peccary from· Franklin, Idaho (abso): Utah Acadn Sci. Proco
1952-53 0 v. 30 0 po 118.
A fossil peccaryo Platyganus compressus has been found at Franklin, Idaho, ap-
parently in sediments related to Lake Bonnev:ille~ As the peccary is warmth-
loving q the fossil may have li'ved in an ~nterglacial stageo
30 1953, Silurian rocks of southeastern Idaho and adjacent territory, .!rL Inter-
mountain As soc Petroleum Geologi s ts 64th Ann. Field Conf., 1953,
po 27.
starts at the southeast comer of Idaho and the assemblage covers the WYoming
border in a diagonal belL All the Paleozoic and Mesozoic units ar~ briefly de-
5. 1953,' Western margin of the Rocky' Mountain geosyncline ~n the Great Basin
(abs.): Amo Assoc o Petroleum Geologists BulL 0 Vo 37, noo II, po 2612.
The concept of an inner and an outer belt, in the Paleozoic of the Great Basin 1s
useful in a broad way but it is impossillleto draw a well marked dividing line
between the two basins. No sharp uplift or uplifts ever separated the two.
The miogeosynclinal sediments are chiefly carbonates with minor shale and
sandstone. The eugeosnyclinal sediments are highly siliceous types such g
The western edge starts near Burley, Idaho thence to northwestern comer
1e 1950, Mica and beryl pegmati tes in Idaho and Montana: U S. Geol. Survey
In Idaho pegmatites are in metamorphosed rocks of the Belt series and in marginal
parts of the Idaho batholith High quality mica has been produced from 14 proper-
ties in Latah County, one in Adams County and one in Idaho,County. Beryl pro-
duction has been small and mainly from the muscovite mine u Latah -County. Colum-
bite is known in Boise Basin. Descriptions of mines and prospects are g1 ven,
also a production table.
10 1954, Beaver Creek monazite placer area u Valley County u Idaho: RME 3132"
U. S. Bur. Mines for Atomic Energy Comm. 15 po
The Beaver Creek area was explored by the U. S. Bureau of Mines in 1952 by
means of 16 drill holes p and almost 11 tons of samples were collected. The mon-
azite content of the gravel was O. 188 to 0.847 pound per cub1cyard. The vol-
ume of minable gravel is large.
The Hercules mine was operated from 1886 to 1925 and dewatered in 1947 for fur-
ther development. The country rock belongs to the Prichard and Burke formations
and is in a broad, faulted synclinorium. The mine is in a block bounded on the
east by an overthrust and on the west by a monzonite stock, The Hercules vein
is intersected by a premineral fault, along which some postmineral movement has
occurred and which is thought to have originated during intrusion of the stock.
The vein is along the course of a shear zone, now a braided network of gouge
seams in crushed and shattered country rock. Quartz formed continuously through-
out mineralization but other minerals came in successive stages; stage 1 yielded
biotite and andradite, grunerite 9 adularia u and chlorite; stage 2 yielded siderite;
stage 3 yielded magnetite; stage 4 yielded pyrrhotite pyrite chalcopyrite, ar-
Q 0
senopyrite u jamesonite o galena, and sphalerite, of which the last two are much
the most valuable; stage 5 yielded calcite, and stage 6 pyrite Wall rock altera·-
tion, with biotite o garnet u etco u does not extend far from the main fissure. Ser-
ici tization 0 widespread in the region 0 is not present in significant amount in the
Sturm, Fred H .
rocks in the western part of the field are chiefly dark phosphatic shales and
cherts depOSited near the margin of the Paleozoic Cordilleran miogeosyncline;
those in the east are thinner and were laid down on the stable continental plat-
form. They include limestone and sandstone that grade eastward into red beds.
Structure in the area of the miogeosyncline is complex; that in the east simpler.
Two black, phosphatic shale members characterize the Phosphoria; the lower
is the thickest and most important in southeastern Idaho and pinches out to the
south and easto The upper member is best developed in southwestern Montana.
Chert characterizes the intervening member but limestone and sandstone are im-
portant to the north and east g where chert and sandstone are also prominent
above the upper phosphate member 0
The Bear River region in and near southeastern Idaho has the greatest total
amount of phosphate and the thickest beds.
_ _ _ _ _ (and others)
The parts of this report that concern Idaho include a map of exposures of the
Phosphoria in Idaho a generalized stratigraphic section at Trail Creek, Caribou
County, and more detailed sections with analyses in Little Long Valley, in
I 0
Georgetown Canyon Bear Lake County; at Clear Creek and Phosphoria Gulch,
I 0
Caribou County, plus a general description of the formation in Idaho and Utah o
showing that at its type locality the formation consists of phosphatic shale o
180 feet thicko overlain by the Rex cherto 240 feet thick In northeastern Utah
the formation is similar In Idaho most of the phosphatic beds are in the phos-
phatic shale member In Utah the middle shale member of the Park City forma-
tion probably is equivalent in major part to the phosphatic shale member of the
Phosphoria and the upper limestone member is probably equivalent to the Rex
cherto The Phosphoria overlies the Wells formation (Pennsylvanian) and underlies
the Dinwoody formation (Triassic) The uppermost Wells may be the partial equiv-
1. 1956 u Uranium in marine black shales of the United States: in Proco Internat.
Conf. on peaceful uses of atomic energy; Geneva u 1955: New York,
United Nations Pubo q Vo 6 0 p 430~434.
boundary p within the Phosphoria formation and gives a brief description of the
formation showing that the average uranium content is about 0.010 percent but
some thin units carry as much as 0.033 percent uranium.
10 1942, Correlation of the Silurian formations of North America (Chart noo 3):
Geol. Soc. America Bull. 0 Vo 53 u noo 40 p. 533-5380
The feature of this paper is the stratigraphic correlation table. One column in
the table lists the Laketown dolomite and Trail Creek formation in central Idaho 0
both Niagaran 0
Sweeney Gerald T
0 0
Mesozoic or early Tertiary) are mapped. The sedimentary rocks are briefly de-
scribed and thicknesses are estimated. Petrogrcphic data indicate the Challis
volcanics range in composition from basalt torhyolite~ Specimens of spilite o
andesite tuff o and latite were examined petrographically. The pre-Challi~ ::;trata,
particularly those termed Casto volcanics and those of unknown age 0 are much
folded Faults roughly at right angles to each other may cros s Copper Basin diag-
Sweetwood o Charles Wo
1. 1956, Pliocene mollusks from Jacks'on Hole, Grand Valleyo and Star Valley;!
Wyoming and Idaho o .!.n.. Wyo. Geol. Assoco Guidebook, 11th Anno
Field Coni. 0 po 123-1250
western mountain ranges 0 nearly all of Idaho north of the drainage basin of the
Snake River is included. PreCipitation is relatively plentiful in the mountains
but the water is mainly needed in the valleys . The rocks are well-consolidated
and ground water occurs mainly in the weathered material, the overlying man.tle 01
and in fractures of diverse kinds Ground-water reservoirs tend to be individu-
ally small and are varied In the chapter on the Columbia Lava Plateau most of
the drainage basin of the Snake River is included. The rocks are largely basalt
flows with interbedded sediments and range widely in water... bearing propertieso
In Idaho much of the pore space is provided by fractures Locally, as near 0
Twin Falls water is confined under sufficient artesian pressure to produce flow-
ing wells. In parts of the Snake River Plain the amount of water stored in and
discharged from the ground-water reservoirs has been increased through irriga-
tion It has been estimated that the ground-water reservoir and the plain above
King Hill yields 3,600 u OOO acre-feet annually by spring discharge and that below
King Hill may yield I, 000 000 acre-feet more. Locally alluvium stores ground
Thompson Mary E. 0
Five sets of samples, two of which were from southeastern Idaho, were analyzed
radiometrically for uranium and chemically for P2050 CaO organic matter, and g
The five sets of samples of phosphate rock cited in Miss Thompson's previous
report have now been analyzed for F and CO 2 and good correlations between
these and P20S found in several of them. The size of phosphate pellets.was .
measured in two sets of samples but no significant correlation between size and
uranium content was found 0
1. 1941 0 Mineralogy of the ore deposits of the western portion of the Little
Eight-Mile mining district Lemhi Countyc Idaho: Master's Thesis,
Univ. Idaho.
The ores have a low silica content but an abundance of carbonate minerals 0
The ore-bearing solutions are assumed to have been hypogene, and mineral de-
position occurred at moderate temperatures. Separate mineral suites are as-
sociated with (a) lead-silver veins, and (b) dacite dikes; indicating two stages
of mineralization.
'no. 5, p . 395-4040
lesser extent) tetrahedriteo It was apparently deposited in the late stages of :min-
eraliza tion 0
Treves 0 Samuel Bo
The Seafoam district lies just inside the eastern border of the Idaho batholith 0
2.. 1953 0 The geology and ore deposits of the Seafoam mining district o Custer
County, Idaho: Idaho Buro Mines and Geology Pampho 96 19 p. 0
King mine was located about this time and was active from 1945 up to the time
of this examination in 19520 U So Bureau of Mines reports give the production
for 1933 through 1950 as 2~103 tons with a total value of $127,904 in gold sil!"' g
ver copper lead o and zinc 0 The district is underlain mainly by the Idaho batho~
0 0
lith.. Here most of the rock is granodiorite regarded as belonging to the marginal
zone of the batholith but some apparently younger quartz monzonite belonging to
the core of this batholith, is also present. The granitic rocks include bodies of
schist (Precambrian) and dolomitic limestone with some quartzite and shale (Ordo-
vician?) Dikes of rhyolite andesite and lamprophyre, in order of increasing
0 0 0
age are present but not abundant or large. The major structural features trend
northwest at various angles The granodiorite may have resulted from the meta-
gold u lead copper u and quartz-hematite veins in the Belt series and in Paleozoic
limestone and shale Known reserves are small. Uranium content is 0.02-0. 1
Latah County lies wi thin the' Coeur d 'Alene Mountains and the Columbia Plateau.
The Plateau is mantled with loess and has been carved into the mature Palouse
topography whose origin is influenced by the shape of the topography buri~d under
the loess, by landslides u and by wind erosion. The mountains are largely under-
lain by the Belt series u here affected by dynamothermal metamorphism followed by
retrograde changes. Material of magmatic origin was introduced into the series
during the metamorphism. Representatives of the WaUace certainly, and the g
Burke Revett, and St. Regis formations, possibly, are present. The Prichard
may also be present. Permian(?) volca.nics are locally present. The: Thatuna bath-
olith, of varied composition may have suffered much endomorphism. It is sup-
posed to be related to the Idaho batholith. The Gold Hill stock, mainly syenitic,
has al so suffered changes. It resembles intrusive rocks in the~ Coeur d'Alene'
region and may differ materially in age from the Thatuna batholith. The Columbia
River basalt and younger volcanic rocks are also present.
The principal economic ground-water reservoirs are residual granitic and
transported clays formed mainly by weathering. Clays in the basalt appear to bE~
of hydrothermal origin.
Idaho is not a well-defined province as the deposits are varied and repre-
sent at least two metallogenetic epochs. Ros s is said (inaccurately) to regard
the Idaho batholith as comparable to the, Nelson batholith and of Late Jurassic or
Early Cretaceous age Anderson adds that it acted as a rigid mass and was broken
by La,ramide faults. Eardley thinks the Idaho batholith was probably the last of
the Nev;adan plutons and in part correlates with Laramide structures. Thebatho-
lith is dut by dikes and stocks regarded by Ross as trending in accord with struc-
tures in the Challis volcanics and he assigns the intrusions an early Miocene
age. Anderson, in addition, distinguishes an earlier group of intrusions he calls
-176 ....
Laramide. Ross thinks the principal mineral deposits in and near the Idaho batho-
li,th are,Nevadan and genetically related to the batholith and Anderson calls t~1ern
Laramide and post-batholith The stocks in the-Coeur d'Alene region may be out-
liers of the Idaho batholith but Anderson regards them as Laramide and the mineral
deposits there appear also to be Laramideo Small shoots containing uraninite in
part of the region are of late: Precambrian age These are older than the lead-sil-
ver minerals in the same mines but how much so is not clear The deposits in the 0
Challis volcanics and related dikes are of Miocene age Anderson separates the 0
deposits of the Silver City district which he calls Pliocene and post-Challis 0
The Kinnikinic quartzite. resembles the Eureka quartzite lithologically and implies
active erosion and the transportation of much sand whereas the Bighorn and its
equivalents spread over an extensive peneplaned surfaceo The committee was not
cognizant of the fossils in the Kinnikinic The Ramshorn slate is stated to be of
Canadian (Early Ordovician age) The Phi Kappa formation is not mentioned in
text or charto The Saturday Mountain formation is said to contain fossils diag-
nostic of the early Richmond invasion from the Arctic. The chart has one column
relative to Idaho and credited to Co Po Ross but it is not an adequatepresenta-
tion of data relative to the stateo
1. 195(io The geology of thorium deposits in the United States o .!.n! Proco Internat.
ConL on peaceful uses of atomic energyo Geneva 1955; New York, 0
Includes a map of the United States showing three deposits in Idaho and one,
on the Idaho-Montana boundary and a brief description of deposits in the Lemhi
Pass area and of placers in Idaho o with a rote on the Mineral Hill district.
po 559-5660
1. 1944-1950, Surface water supply of the United States u pto 13, Snake River
This is a water-supply paper dealing with surface water aspects of the Snake'River
Part 5 includes tables of water-level and artesian pressure data gathered from
observation wells in the northwestern states 0
3. 1956, Natural occurrence of uranium in the United States, !n. Proc. Internato
Conf. on peaceful uses of atomic energyo Geneva, 1955: New York,
United Nations Pubo v. 6, p. 211-2160
tioned and the Phosphoria formation in the southeastern part of Idaho is included
among occurrences in marine sedimentary rocks.
of Panther Creek. The rocks are mostly metamorphosed beds of the Belt series.
They are locally granitized along gabbro contacts. The Idaho batholith here a 8
granite, cuts across the northern part of the districL There are post-batholith
acid. porphyry dikes and pre-batholith, possibly Precambrian, basic dikes. The
sedimentary rocks are divided by faults into three roughly north-trending blocks I
of which the center one (called the Blackbird block) appears to have been more
tightly squeezed than the others and has relatively tight folds and marked schis~
tosity. The north end of the western block is also schistose and is cut by
thrusts. The north-plunging folds control ore shoots. The northern parts of the
northern and central blocks have garnet o chloritoid u and cordierite. The Black-
bird block is cut by mineralized shear zones. The mineralized rock contains
chalcopyrite, cobaltite pyrite and pyrrhotite in quartzo biotite u tourmaline an-
0 0 0
ker! te and muscov! te, formed by replacement. In add! tion u there are north-
and the U So Geological Survey The Howe Sound Co started drilling then and
0 0 0
its subsidiaryo the Calera Mining Co 00 began mining in 19450 There had been
little production up to the date of the present report but a large tonnage of cop-
per-cobalt ore is believed presento Descriptions and maps of the workings are
given Most of the early work was for copper and gold o with little productlono
The Haynes-Stellite shipped some cobalt concentrates and the Uncle; Sam later
shipped copper concentrates The Haynes-Stellite property is in the block east
Repto 30A g 21 po
The Lemhi CountYo Idaho u properties examined for radioactivity were the Grunter
mineo the Kentuck mineo the Ulysses-Kittle Burton millo and the Garm..,.Lamoreaux
mine. Of theseg only the Garm-Lamoreaux mine showed appreciable radioactivity,
where the lowest level dump gave readings averaging 10 times the background
count Since the majority of all samples analyzed showed a low uranium cont~nt
it is suggested that the abnormal radioacUvity was not caused by uranium, al-
though one sam.ple from the Garm... Lamoreaux mine assayed 0.11 percent uran-
The Idaho localities cited are near Porthillu Boundary Count yo The Homebuilders
Mining and Development Co Kootenai County (doubtful) 0 the Copper Chiet
0 Q
M and M. Co. near Troy n Latah County near Avery and Kellogg IJ Shoshone
0 Q
County and at Blackbird 0 Lemhi County, the only occurrence of present im-
The Blackbird district was first prospected about 1893 and cobalt was noticed
a few years latera Considerable development was done in 1890-1902 for gold
and copper. During World War I cobalt ore was mined and some concentrate
shippedo The operations ceased about 19200 In 1938-41 the Uncle Sam mined
copper ore suppressing the cobalt because of smelter penalties. DUring World
cobalt deposits The Calera Mining Coo a Howe Sound subsidiaryo acquired op-
0 0
tions and did much work Their mill was expected to produce late in 1951.
Most of the ore deposits are in a north-trending block, 1·-1/2-2, 1/2 miles wide
and at least 6 miles long bounded by faults. The rocks in the block are schist-
ose and those outside it more quartzitic. All belong to the Belt series. The
block is cut by mineralized shear zones in which the ore formed mostly by re-
placement. Many ore shoots plunge 30 0 -40 0 No The ore contains chalcopyrite,
cobaltite, safflorite, pyrite and pyrrhotite in quartz, biotite, and some ankerite,
muscovite and tourmaline. There are some post-mineral faults, both high and
low angle.
The reserves of the Calera Mining Co. as of Deco 310 1949 are 10743 0900
tons containing O. 74 percent Co and 1.59 percent CUo The reserve of unde~
veloped ore in the district is probably much larger n
has shown an area of background higher in cobalt to which future prospecting can
be limitedo Geology was little used in early development but is now successfully
used in planning development and in mining.
10 1952, Uranium-bearing coal and carbonaceous rocks in the Fall Creek area,
Bonneville County, Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 212 I 10 p.
Uraniferous coal, carbonaceous shale o and limestone occur in the Bear River
formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the Fall Creek area 0 The uranium is thought to
have come from mildly'radioactive silicic volcanic rocks (Tertiary) through de-
scending meteoric water.
Unusually high concentrations of uranium in coal have been reported from many
parts of the world o although coal is commonly considered to be one of the lea.st
radioactive rocks 0 In Idaho the Fall Creek area has uranium in coaly shale in
the Bear River formation (Cretaceous) and the Goose Creek area has uranium in
lignite and lignitic shale of the Salt Lake formation (Pliocene).
3. 1956, Uranium-bearing coal in the United States !n.. Page,L. R.o and,
Thirty maps of the United States showing climatic conditions which infl\lence
geologic processes are presented. These serve as convenient summaries but are
highly generalized and for regions like Idaho large parts of which are rugged and
without official weather stations are not satisfactory. The report cites earlier
papers by Visher and others of interest to those who wish to pursue the subject
1. 1944 0 A landslide area in the Little Salmon River Canyon, Idaho: Econ.
Geologyo v. 39 0 nO 50 po 349-358.
The area contains the Seven Devils volcanics, (PermianL lOu 000 feet thick(?):
a new unit called the Pittsburg formation, 200- 300 feet thick; the Lucile series J
mostly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks, 2,000+ feet thicko (Triassic) posSibly
cut by the Idaho batholith; the, Columbia River basalt, 20200+ 'feet thick; the
Latah formation and Quaternary deposits. There are numerous grani ticbodle S I
some correlated with the Idaho batholith. The Seven Devils volcanics were
folded at the end of the Paleozoic, and there was much post-Paleozoic fold-
ing, plus much faulting.
3. 1949 0 The geology of part of the south slope of the Sto Joe Mountains,
Shoshone County, Idaho: Idaho Bur. Mine s and Geology Pamph. 82 ,
48 p., incl. geol map s •
The report covers the. Slate Creek, Black Prince, and the southern half of the
Placer County mining districts and was undertaken to learn the relations be-
tween these districts and the richly productive part of the Coeur d'Alene region
just to the north. The area of this reporthasa number of pro~pects but no
mines and the future does not seem encouraging •
Travel through the area is difficult and exposures poor 8 in part because of
chapparal resulting from the 1910 forest fire. Three old erosion surfaces are
recognized the oldest Cretaceous or early Tertiaryu and present streams are in-
feet; St. Regis u 10 000 feet; Wallace 4 0500 feet; Striped Peak 20 000+ feet. Sills
of diorite and gabbro are of Precambrian or early Paleozoic age. A quartz monzo~
nite stock u supposedly an outlier of the Idaho batholith u has a border zone of
hybrid rocks and related dikes of lamprophyre u granophyre, etcD A little Columbia
River basalt is presento The Belt series in general mildly metamorphosed, has
been affected by three periods of folding and by complex o in part large I faults.
The principal mineral deposits are in areas of maj or deformation. The bleached
zones that are known to be favorable to ore deposition elsewhere are present in
the northern part of the area. The WcilIace formation u not regarded as favorable
to ore deposition farther north 0 covers much of the area here described.
In general 0 the mineral deposits u a number of which are described I are sim-
ilar in character to many in the Coeur d 'Alene region.
coating of biotite mica that protected it. It is at least 10 5 00 feet vertically be-
low the present erosion top of the intrusive.
Four terraces cut from glacial valley trains can be identified along the Snake
Ri ver but are lost down stream amid recent volcanic features.
'N'allace o Robert Earl (Hobbs u Samuel Warren, Rainey, H. Co 0 and Bowyer" Ben)
This mapo with structure sections but no text o shows seven units of the Belt
series" dikes veins and three Quaternary units a It covers only a part of the
8 0
aligned along the Osburn fault and in detail there is 11ttle spacial relationship
of ore bodies to monzonite. Anderson's remark as to potash-rich emanations in
relation to the bleached zones is also challenged. Anderson I s id~a that the
original intrusions were dioritic and were later changed by potash~rich emana-
tions is questioned in part because of the absence of bleached zones near the
intrusives In regard to other positive statements of Anderson's I it is noted
that lack of evidence prevents discussion but at the same time shows that flat
statements are not justified at present.
including all those listed in Water-Supply Paper 427 and 1" 168 additional papers
issued through January 19460 It contains an abstract of each paper and an index
of subjects and authors. Papers pertinent to Idaho are here listed separately.
1. 1956, The origin of the Rexc:hert (abs.):. Disserta Abs. 0 v" 16, no. 50
po 947-9480
1,:... .!. .
. . . 183-·
Most of the bedded chert was deposited as a finely divided chemical precipitate 0
with smaller amount formed from the silicification of bioclastic limestone. Most
of the chert formed in relatively deep and quiet water in an east-trending trough
surrounded on at least three sides by platform areas Silica has a solubility of
84 ppm in sea water I much in excess of that naturally present Most silica at 0
weathering in the source areas plus iron oxide in the stream waters and restricted
circulation 1n the marine basin would lead to deposition of excess silica. The red
beds present as facies equivalents of the chert and carbonate rock of the Rex sug-
gest that the needed conditions existed at the time of formation of the Rex"
and unconformity between. The Shuswap is on the west side of the Selkirks and
has volcanics and intrusions and is metamorphosed According to· Daly's cor-
relations the belt thins to east so Cascadia was already inexistence to west.
There is a brief mention of rocks in central Idaho in which it is stated that Three
Forks fossils have been found in the lower Mi1ligen and Brazer fossils in the
upper Milligen. The published statement as to Three Fork fossils refers to a lo-
cality in the Borah Peak quadrangle mapped as Three Forks not Milligen. If 0
Brazer fossils have been found in the Milligen the statement does not appear
West Sam'W
g 0
The Whitney terrace has been changing from a farming to an urban area. Coin-
cident with the changeo the amount of farm irrigation has decreased but the
amount of recharge from lawn sprinkling yard irrigation I and liquid sewage efflu-
ent is roUGh greater. Ground water and drainage problems can be relieved by re-
ducing the excessive rechargeo
A map· shows depth to water in the. five square miles of the Whitney teJrace
area 0
West, Sam W.
2. 1956, Ground water in part of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Bannock and
Bingham Counties Idaho: Uo S. Geol. Survey open-file report, 41 p.,
geolo mapo
The possibilities for ground-water irrigation, especially in the Lincoln Creek and
Ross Fork units and certain terrace lands in the reservation were studiedo Most
irrigation water for the reservation comes from the Snake and Blackfoot Rivers I a
little from Lincoln and Ross Fork Creeks. The water from the last two named is
inadequate and potential reservoir sites are reported to be poor 0
The rocks of the reservation include highly deformed Paleozoic and Mesozoic
units., Tertiary silicic volcanic rocks., ~nakeRiver basalt o ~nq young~r alluvium
and wind deposits The volcanic rocks including the basalt and the valley alluvium
are important sources of water from wells. In a few places artesian aquifers have
been tapped. Data on useu recharge etc. 1/ are given. The usable Qround-water ,
supply in the Lincoln Creek district is enough to irrigate about 850 acres; in the
Ross Fork district about 1 500 acres at least; in the Gibson terrace about 6,500
acres; in the northern part of the reservation, exclusive of foothills, about 8,900
acres Thus a comprehensive investigation of the water resources is warranted
if the figures cited are large enough to be of interest to the Office of Indian
Affairs 0
3. 1952, Records of wells and ground-water withdrawals in the' Dry Creek area,
Cassia and Twin Falls· Counties, sO\lthern Idaho: U. S. Geol. Survey
duplicated report q 114 p.
Data for the 120-square-mile area include 227 well records I 105 well logs, and
well-discharge measurements 0
1. 1940 n Permian volcanism in western North America: Pacific Sci. Cong., 6th,
1939 u Proc~ v. 10 p. 369-376.
Arec;ls containing old volcanic rocks in Nevada, California, Oregon, and Idaho
are di,scussed and the conclusion is reached that much of the rock of this sort
previously called ItTriassic" and "Juratria's II, is of Permian age, especially in
California and Nevada. The ages as signed in Idaho appear to be accepted by
2. 1951, Precambrian sinuous mud cracks £rom Idaho and Montana: Jour. Sed.
Petrology, v. 21, no. 3 p. 141-146.0
Previous ideas are reviewed and in large part repeated The primary factor in
first-order drainage control along the Snake has been late Tertiary folding with I
faults and volcanic dams playing a secondary and local role The present course
of the· Snake between Idaho and Oregon is much later than the Miocene and Pli-
ocene deposits The previous concept that the Snake formerly crossed north~
eastern Oregon via parts of the valleys of Burnt u Powder and Grand Ronde Ri VE~rs
is not supported by the present drainage pattern and the lake basins interpreted
as related to the old valley of the Snake are too old for these are not confined0
to the drainage basins concemed o and are not in structural adjustment with the
present topographyo
There are both interbasalt and postbasalt sediments in the Miocene-early
Pliocene succession but the Pliocene and/or early Pleistocene beds are uncon-
formable on that succession" are' only about I, 000 feet thicko relatively unde-
formed, virtually restricted to the Snake River valley in western Idaho and ad-
jacent Oregon below about 3,000 feet in altitude The late Pliocene-early
Pleistpcene deposits are regarded as the Idaho formation formed in Idaho Lakeo
There are at least three distinct lacustrine units in the late Tertiary-early QUqt-
ernary sequence, The late Pliocene-Quaternary deposi ts resulted from impound-
ing of drainage systems on surfaces similar to those of the presento In the late
Pliocene the Snake flowed west along the Snake River downwarp and was im-
pounded by deformation o perhaps augmented by lava-damming 6 to create Idaho
Lake. At its highest stage, the lake spilled over a divide at the Oxbow, 55·
miles below Huntington u into a northward-flowing tributary of the Salmon· River,
creating the present course of the: Snake Much of the tributary drainage and
local portions of the Snake below the Oxbow are controlled by a fracturesystern o
mostly northeastward but in part northwest u probably related to late Tertiary
The silicic volcanics (Kirkham's Tertiary late lavas) are later than the un-
conformity above the Miocene-Pliocene strata and below the Idaho formation of
the present authors 0
no. 50 po 539-5500
The Polaris mine is in the "Silver Belt" of the Coeur dlAlene region. Its Polaris
and Chester veins are in a bleached p sericitized zone in the' St. Regis formation
and the: Silver Summit vein is in unbleached beds of the Wallace formation. Only
the:Polaris vein has yielded commercial oreo The hypogene minerals are pyrite"
gersdorffite(?L arsenopyrite tetrahedrite chalcopyrite u bournonite, galena
0 g 0
clude proustite o anglesite, and cobalt bloom. The minerals were deposited in a
definite sequence interrupted by fracturing ~ The sequence began with pyrite
and ended with galena and possibly boulangi.rite and calcite in order. All the
valuable minerals are later than the quartz.
__- - - - , (Cressman o Earle Ro, Pierce, Howard Wo 0 and Cheney, ';rhomas M.)
groups: (a) phosphate rights owned by the Federal Government; (b) phosphate
rights not owned by the Federal Government; (c) phosphate rights for which the
ownership status is uncertaino The first two groups are subdivided into more
specific categories.
This paper is a general discussion of the subject with only incidental reference
to southeastern Idaho Matters pertinent to problems in Idaho may be summarized
the Amsden is red and most of the beds at this general horizon are non-resistant
types. There may be an unconformity at the base of the Amsden Much more 0
paleontologic and other work is needed before the two systems can be satis-
factorily separated in the region.
10 1952, Red Rock Pass (Idaho) outlet of Lake Bonneville (abs 0): Geol. Soc.
feet wide at the top and 500 feet deep cut along the strike of limestone and dolo-
mi te regarded as belonging to the Bloomington and Nounan formations (Cambrian).
The se are flanked by the Sal t La~e group. The original low point "-in the lake rim
appears to have been at an altitude of 5, 135 feet. The downcuttihg of the out-
let was intermittento
Over most of the area the Pennsylvanian rocks can be called Wells u but Oquirrh,
Morgan, and Weber affinities are present. The Morgan may be related to the
Amsden. The Wells is equivalent to the lower part of the Park City and the up-
per part of the Wells as mapped is Permian. All the Permian rocks in the region
might well have been called Park City. The major unconformity lies within the
. Wells rather than at the base of the Phosphoria. Emphasis on the Phosphoria
resulted from its economic importance 0
Three sections in Idaho were considered in preparing this paper but are not
listed therein. The notes abstracted below have bearing on stratigraphic prob-
lems in Idaho The Swan Peak formation appears to be a littoral facies of the
Garden City limestone. The Laketown dolomite is not known east oiits type
locality in Laketown Canyon. The Water Canyon formation (Lower Devonian) is
thin in Laketown Canyon and is not mentioned for any Idaho locality. Other
notations in the report seem to be without direct bearing on Idaho problems.
The Wisconsin peri.glacial climate appears to have left topographic forms shaped
by a much larger overland runoff than the present in Dry VaHey in the Preuss
Range and in other localities in southeastern Idaho and northern Utah. Fan growth
is credited to the altithermal age, 7,500-4,500 Bo P. and truncation and regrad-
ing to the more humid madi thermal age which has followed 0
During the summer of 1941 the author investigated reports of the discovery of
vertebrate fossils in the Lemhi Valley of east-central Idaho. The beds are in-
termontane and extend from the vicinity of Salmon on the north to an unknown dis-
tance south of Gilmore a In places they are overlain by Pleistocene and Recent
alluvial fans and moraines but they outcrop intermittently over an area roughly
70 miles north-south and five miles east-westa
Those fossils collected by the author are tentatively identified as
Promerychocherus SPo D Techoleptus spo I Porhippus SPo D and Alticamelus spo
Others collected in the same area by Mr Ralph Nichols of Grant Montana u
o D
and Merychyus. From the above faunal list it appears that the age of the beds
is somewhere between Lower Miocene and Lower Pliocene u perhaps equivalent
in part to the Payette of western Idaho.
Wisser u Edward H.
ancient. Most of the sharp folds result from uplift rather than external tangen-
~ial compression. They result from gravitational sliding down the flanks of
bulges in the basemenL Many flat "thrusts II are graVitational slideso
Yen 6 Teng"",Chien
three genera are new. Two genera are of the II Balkan type II known only from I
A deposit hitherto assigned to the Salt Lake formation contains fossils indicative
of a lacustrine deposit of Late Miocene age. It is in NW 1/4 sec. 8 T. 12 S. 0 0
Ro 43 E. near Montpelier
0 0
Yen, Teng-Chien
and the matrix is coarse g oolitic, calcareous sandstone that has been assigned
to the Salt Lake formation (a loose term for rocks of varying age). There are
19 species of gastropods, of which 11 species and one subspecies are thought
to be new 0 The fossils indicate the rock is lacustrine and of shallow water
origin. The age appears to be upper Miocene.
10 1953 0 Geology of the North Dry Valley structureo Caribou County, Idaho 0
This gives structural details and a geologic mapo In the well that was drilled
Brazer formation goes from the sl,lrface to 7,524 feet, with 344 feet of Madison
limestone below ito The well was abandoned at 7,868 feet. The str,-:!cture sec-
tion indicates the well started near top of Brazer. Area is in To 7-10 S. R. 44 E. 0
1'0 1951, Recent test drilling, Snake Rjver Plains o southwestern Idaho: Amo
Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull. v. 35 no o 10 po 90-96.
Three test holes for oil were drilled in 1950 in the Indian Cove-Sailor Creek area
of northeastern Owyhee and southern Elmore Counties Idaho 0 The deepest of
these is 3,8·08 feet deep and mostly was in s11t and sand regarded by the authors
as belonging to the Idaho formation (Pliocene). About 400 feet of the lowest
part of the hole yielded basaltic material that represents one or more flows ten-
tatively regarded as belonging to the upper Columbia River basalt. It is con-
cluded that the Cenozoic rocks of the Snake River Plain do not constitute a source
for oilo Most, if not all o of the natural gas reported here is derived from lacus-
trine and paludal deposits of organiC material. Geological exploration at present
can be better carried out in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic exposed in surrounding
Available data on Permian conodonts are scanty, so small collections fr9m the
Phosphoria of the Preuss and Bear River ranges in southeastern Idaho are sig-
nificant. Three genera are represented and three new species are established.
The collection yielded 100 specimens.
Strata in the' Sublett Range in eastern; Cassia County, Idaho, are described.
The lowest unit known is at least I, 000 feet of black shale (Mississippian?)
resembling the Milligen of south-central Idaho. - Above this shale is 600 feet
of fusilinid-bearing sandstone and limestone with some conglomerate near the
base. This unit is of Pennsylvanian and Permian age. The total thickness of
the unit in the Sublett Range may exceed 10,000 feet, of which at leQst 2,600
and possibly more than 5,000 feet is Permian o but different in faCies from the
,Phosphoria. However, the Phosphoria may be present farther south in the- Sub-
lett Range and the wri ter s unpublished studies in the Cas sia Mountains, 50
miles to the west o show the presence of a thick section of fossiliferous rocks
which may include more than 10 ,000 feet of rocks of Permian age, including
Phosphoria equivalents The Permian rocks in the Cassia Mountains are thought
to have been depOSited near the central part of a basin, whereas those in the
, ,Sublett Range are thought to have formed neither in the center nor at the basin
Pamph 110 18 p.
0 0
.. -r
Zen!, Milton
1. 1953, Geology of Sheep Creek anticline, Bear Lake CountYo Idaho, .!n..
Intermountain AssocG Petroleum Geologists, 4th Ann. Field Confo Q
p. 80-82 G
-191 ....
This describes the anticline with a structure contour map and columnar section
I 0
20 1954 8 Geology of the disturbed belt of sOl\theastern Idaho (abs 0): Oil and
Gas Jouro, Vo 52, noo 50, po 209: Am. Assoco Petroleum Geologists
Bull0 Vo 38, noo 58 p. 952-953.
The disturbed belt of southeastern Idaho is on the eastern edge of the Cordil.,.
leran geosyncline and the structure and stratigraphy harmoni~e with those in
areas thus situated from Canada to southern Nevada Oil is being produced in
a similar environment in~ Canada. Southeastern Idaho can be divided into par-
allel zones of crustal shortening, with synclinoria and anticlinoria the latter
much broken by thrusts" The rocks include some of basinal, marginal and fore-
land thicknesses. Five unsuccessful wells have been drilled but the possi-
bilities of finding oil have not been exhausted"
p 192 blank
Economic geology
Clays 0 industrial potential: Sohn, 20
Ground water
And drainage u Whitney terrace: Westo 2.
Mountain Home Project: Nace D 30
Historical geology
Is Boise sitting on a volcano?: Rhodenbaugh, 10
Pliocene birds: Miller L. H u 10
0 0
Economic geology
Clays industrial o potential: Sohno 2.
Sapphires: Anonymous u 10
Seven Devils di strict: Cook u 1.
Soda-rich igneous rocks: Lupton u 10
Physical geology
Border rocks of Idaho batholith: Hamilton u 10
Landslide area: Wagner u 1 0
Mis sing lower Paleozoic formation in Hells Canyon: Stearns 0 50
Clay deposits of north Idaho: Hubbard 0 2.
Resources of the Columbia Basin: Sohn 1. 0
Goat Mountain o deposits, beneficiation tests: Abbott, 2.
In the schists in. Boehl s Butte quadrangle: Hietanen o 20 3.
Boehl 8 s Butte quadrangle: Hietanen, 3.
Deposit near Stibnite, Yellow Pine mine: Cooper J. Ro 100 0
Economic geology
Clays 0 industrial potential: Sohn 0 2.
Phosphate output: Anonymous 0 2.
Ground water
Fort Hall Indian Reservation: Westo 3 0
Physical geology
Bannock Range u structure: Ludlum 0 2 g 3 ~
Red Rock Pass outlet of Lake Bonneville: Williams q J Stewart, 1.
0 0
Precambrian formations: Ludlum g 1 p 20 30
Economic geology
Clays, industrial potential: Sohn, 2.
Copper deposits: Gott" 10
Historical geology
Ordovician age: Berdan 0 1.
Conodonts; Phosphoria: Youngquist o 2.
Conodonts; Triassic: Youngquist, 30
Late Tertiary fresh-water mollusks: Yeng 2 3.
Q g
Physical geology
Dry Valley quadrangle: Cressman, 1 3. Q
Phosphoria formation: Swanson u R. W., 2.
Economic geology
Clays industrial potential: Sohnu 2.
Geologic maps
Twin Crags quadrangle: Good, 2 <>
Occurrence in eastern Latah County~ Forrester u 10
Pegmati tes in Idaho: Stoll, 1 ~
Economic geology
Phosphate mining: -Sweetwood 1. I
Boise Basin deposits: Anderson, Ao L .. , 4.
Economic geology
Gold Hailey gold belt: Anderson, A. L., 15.
Miocene flora, Thorn Creek: Smith, H. V. 0 2.
Physical geology
Arrowrock reservoir sedimentation: Seavy, 10
Economic geology
Clays industrial potential: Sohn 2.
0 g
Cambrian of the Rocky Mountains: Lockman-Balk 8 2.
Physical geology
Cabinet Gorge dam, bedding plane faults: Stearns, 20
Glacial geology: Alden I 1.
Ramp valleys: . Car}?, , ~ 1.
Economic geology
Big Elk Mountain anticline: Neighbor 1. I
Ground water
Observation wells: Eakin, 3.
Historical geology
Southeast Snake River plains 0 post-Laramide: Bayless I 1.
Mollusks; Pliocene: Taylor D. W. 1.
0 I
Falls Creek area carbonaceous rocks: Vine, 1.
Physical geology
Dam sites on upper tributaries of Columbia: Erdmann, 1.
Glacial geology: Alden 10
Physical geology
Craters of the Moon: Andrews, 2; Barrette, 10
Dome district; structure, alteration: Anderson, A. L., 23.
Geology and mineralization of the Mackay Stock: Leland, 1.
Ice caves: Halliday, 1.
Southwestern Lemhi Range: Anderson, Ro A. 1. I
Part of the Lemhi Range Smedley l. I I
Economic geology
Ore deposits, Princess Blue Ribbon mine: Milner, 1.
Radioactive placer minerals: Robertson 0 1.
Skyrocket and Croesus claims, evaluation: Johnson, P.. H. I 1.
Physical qeology
Princes s Blue Ribbon mine: Milner 0 1.
Economic geology
Clays, industrial potential: Sohni 2.
Economic geology
Phosphate: Anonymous 2. I
Phosphoria formation, sections: Swanson, R. W. u 2.
Econornic geology
Columbite and samarskite, occurrence of: Fryklund 2. Q
Ground water
Dry Creek area: Westu 1.
Goose Creek Basin: Mower u 2.
Possibilities: Crosthwaite u 2 u 6,
Raft River Valley: Fader 2; Nace 9-A.
Historical geology
Paleozoic area: Stokes 1.
Economic geology
Lead-zinc-copper deposits, Birch Creek district: Anderson,A. L. 11. Q
Geologic maps
Centennial Range: Honkala, 20
Physical geology
Centennial Range u phosphati<;:: rock~: Honkala 10 20 I
In Idaho: Douglas, 1.
Mineralization, Blackbird district: Anderson, A. L., 19.
Occurrence in Silver Summit mine, Coeur d'Alene district: Fryklund, 3 ..
Resources: Vhay, 3.
COLUMBIUM (Niobium)-Tantalum
Mineral Hill district, niobium-bearing rutile: Kaiser 1. 0
Seafoam mining district: Treves I, 20 I
Economic geology
Copper Empire Copper mine: Farwell 1.
I 0
Geologic maps
Borah Peak quadrangle: Ros s g C. P., 30
Clayton area: Patton 100
Petrified trees: Dake 3.
Physical geology
Anderson Ranch Dam: Okeson 1. I
Idaho depo,sits: Fryklund, 2.
Meyers ,Cove, deposits: Anderson, A. L.,9 I 40: Cox, 1.
MIneralization'; hear Challis': Aride'tsbn"~"~A~"·t;. 1"39~'"''"···''' ,.""", .. ~" . ,
Fossil peccary: Stokes 0 2.
Physical geology
Preston quadrangle: Coulter u 2.
Economic g'eology
Petroleum future pos sibil! ties: BQll, 1.
Historical geology
Snake River plains, post-Laramide: Bayless u 1.
Physical geology
Lyon quadrangle southeast one-fourth: Kennedy gG." 1.
Gem minerals in Idaho: Femquist u 3.
Gem sillimanite from Idaho: Blalock 10 Q
.Evidence of origin of cirques q Coeur d 'Alene region: Dort 2.
Physical geology
Spectacular displacement of Snake River by lava flow: Stearns, 8.
GROUND WATER (See also subheading under counties)
Bibliography and index of publications 0 ground water: Waring, 1.
Bruneau River basin, water-utilization: Iohnson o F •. A., 1;. Newell, T. R. 2 •
Deposits in Washington County, report on: McDivitt 1 . 0
HISTORICAL GEOLOGY (See also subheading Historical Geology under the counties)
Ancient Lake Payette in Idaho: Stearns, 9"
CacheValleyo Tertiary: Adamson 10 0
Continental Tertiary, possible source beds for gas and oil: Felts 8 1.
Ecotones in western North America o Tertiary: Chaneyo 20 30
Effects of late Pleistocene climatic changes in southeastern Idaho:
Williams, J Stewart 4.
0 0
McDonald 1 . 8
Cordilleran region 8 Cambrian:. Deis s 8 10
Lemhi archo mid-Paleozoico south-central Idaho: Slosso 40
Missing lower Paleozoic formation in Hell Ds Canyon: Stearns 50 I
Historical geology
Pleistocene glaciation of the· Seven Devils Mountains: McDonald, 1.
Plutonic history of west-central Idaho: Hamilton, 2.
Gem minerals: Fernquist, 3.
Heavy mineral placers: Stinson, 1.
Pyromorphite, Little Giant mine:. Femquist, 2.
Inclusion in Idaho batholith microscopic study: Wagner, 4.
Ground water
Re·c~.dS 'af~wellsL Barraclough, 1.
Historical geology
Southeastern Snake· River plains and adjacent mountains, post-Laramide:
Bayless, 1.
Ground water
Record"S~ of wells: CrosthwaIte 5; Mower, 1.
Physical geology
Pillar Falls mud flow and Shoshone Falls andesite: Stearns, 6.
Economic geology
Clay deposits: Hubbard 2; Scheid o 7.
Geology of some mineral deposits in Twin Crags area: Good 1. I
Geologic maps
Mineral resources: Hubbard 4. 0
Fusilinid-bearing rocks o Sublett Range: Cheney, 2.
Relationship of "soils" of the Palouse to Columbia River basalt:
Carmichael q 1 0 2.
Physical geology
. Cenozoic weathering: Allen, V. T. 1. I
. Clark Fork district, mineralization: Fairbanks, 10
Coeur d 'Alene district:, Shenon u 3.
Dome district: Anderson, Ao Lo q 230
Geology paragenesis q and reserves: Dunham, 1.
r-- ,
Geologic maps
Blackbird district: Vhay, 1.
Borah Peak quadrangle: Ros s, C. P. q 3.
Leesburg quadrangle: Shockey, 1.
Meyers Cove district: Anderson, A. L~, 9; Cox, 1.
Mineral Hill district: Abbott, 1.
Historical geology
Lima region o Tectonic: Keenmon, 1.
Chlorine-rich biotite: Lee o D. E . , 1.
Gem minerals: Fernquist, 3 .
Paragenesis of tungsten ore Ima mine: Clabaugh S. Eo 1.
Q 0 0
Fusilinid-bearing rocks Sublett Range: -Cheneyo 2.
Deposits near Weiser: Ross CoP. u 5.
Exploration of the Avon mica district: Reed, G. Co 1. Q
Ground water
Minidoka Project, North Side Pumping Division: Crosthwaite, 4.i '. '.
Nace q I, 20
Records of wells and ground water levels: Fader 30 /I
Deposits in calcareous rocks: Abbott 1. /I
Geologic maps
Mineral resources: Hubbard 3. Q
Prebasal t surface, Peck: Peterson, D. W I 10 0
Historical geology
Clarkston stage, Pleistocene: Lupher 3. 0
Coral fauna Trias sic: . Squires, 1 .
-Economic geology
Petroleum exploration: Peace, 10
Ground water
Consumption by water-loving plants in Malad Valley: Mower, 3.
Records of wells and springs: Nace, 7.
Water levels in Malad Valley: . Eakin, 2, 3.
Ground water
Bruneau River Basin: Johnsonu F Ao 1; Littieton u 1; Newell, T R., 2. D I 8
Conodonts: Youngquist.. 3.
Coral fauna: Squires 1. D
Belt series u stromatolites from: Rezak, 1.
Economic geology
Clays industriaLpotential: Sohno 20
Possibilities: Ball 1. Q
Bibliography of western phosphate fi,eld: Harris u R. Ao 1. g
10 120
r-~ ,
Teton Basin area u deposits: Gardner u 1.
Western mining 8 growing industry: . Sweetwood o 10
Western output: Anonymous 0 2.
P.HYSICAL GEOLOGY (See also subheading Physical Ceology under the counties)
Ancient buried soil in- Columbia River lavas 0 Lewiston: Steams 0 4.
Belt series: Ross CoP. 0 7.
Dismal Swamp Elmore County: Armstrong 20
8. Storch, 10
Radioactive mineral placers: Robertson, 1, 2.
Uranium-bearing: Armstrong, 4; Butler I 1.
. Economic geology
Clays industrial potential: Sohn, 2"
Ground water
Michaud Flats Project: Stewart, 1, 3·~.
Possibilities south of Snake River: Crosthwaite; 20 6.
Skull of fossil camelid, American Falls lake bed: 'Hopkins I 1.
Eagle Rock volcanic area: Steams, 12.
Mineral Hill district deposits: Kaiser 1. 8
In the PhOS P. horia formation: DaVidson, Do F 0, 1.. )
aHOSHONEa'OUNTY {~.~.M - ~r/~
Economic geology I
Geologic maps
Kellogg and vicinity quadrangle: Campbell u A. Bo , 10
Mullan and vicinity quadrangle: Griggs 0 20
Murray area: Hosterman 0 10
Pine Creek area: Nelson u 1"
Pottsville quadrangle:, Wallace B 2 .
Smelterville and Vicinity quadrangle: Campbell u A.. B. u 20
South slope of St. Joe Mountains: Wagner u 3.
Twin'Crags quadrangle: Good, 2.
Wallace and vicinity quad:rang Ie: Bowyer u 10
Historical geology
Age determ.ination u Su.nshine mine: Eckelmann i 10
Distribution, pattern of mineralsu Coeur d'Alene district: Mitcham, 2.
Gem minerals: - Fernquist u 3.
Indicator minerals 0 Coeur d 'Alene silver belt: Mitcham u 1.
Isotope geology of some lead ores: Miller u D .. S., 1.
Mineragraphic study of ore u Tamarack mineu Burke: Bulla, 1.
Mineralization and alteration u Hercules mineu Burke: Stringham, 1.
Mineralization u Polaris mine: Willard u 10
Minor elements in pyrrhotite: Fryklund, 40
Sphalerite from Star mine 0 Coeur d 'Alene district: Fryklund 0 5.
Kullerud 0 _ 1
Mesozoic (continued)
Triassic stratigraphy of southeastern Idaho: Kummel u 20
Base of the Cambrian system u north Idaho: Price 10 0
Stewart, 3.
Sections of the Metaline mining district o Pend Oreille County Wash.: 0
Dings u 10
Sedimentation in the 'Cordilleran geosyncline: Warren 10 Q
1""-- I
Belt series in relation to Cambrian system: Ross, C. P., 6;
Ruedemann, 1 0 •
Arrowrock reservoir sedimentation: Seavy 1.
Geologic maps
Horseshoe Creek district: Kiilsgaard 4. g
Historical geology
Southeastern Snake River Plain, post-Laramide: Bayless, 1.
Physical geology
Glacial terraces of upper Snake River: Walker 10 Q
Bibliography and index of literature in United States: Cooper 0 Moo 1.
Deposits in east-central Idaho: Trites 10 Q
In Idaho: Cook 40 60 I
Exploration development mining and milling of; Yellow Pine mine; Cole, 1.
g g
Records of wells Dry Creek area: West, 10
Physical geology
Geological reconnaissance, Cassia Mountain region: Youngquist,S'.
Outcrops of Payette formation f Snake: River near Hagerman: Stearns, 1.
Bibliography and index of literature on in United States: Cooper M., 1.
D 0
Economic. geology
Clays industrial potential: Sohn 20
0 I
Cooper J. R" 1.
0 I ~.
Uranium 'and thorium-bearing minerals, placer deposits: Mackin, 9,
Idaho batholith:· Schmidt o 10 2 ~
Physical geology
Big Creek quadrangle: Leonard, 1.
r--' !
Economic geology
Clays, industrial potential: Sohn 20 Q
Ro s s, CoP
0, 50
, 1